• Published 26th Jun 2017
  • 2,479 Views, 34 Comments

A Gleaming Love - Prismfire Productions

It is the day after Twilight's and Rarity's wedding and the Princess of Friendship has awoken with a hangover. As things become clearer, events were set in motion that have an impact on her, will she and her loved ones adjust?

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Gleaming Reflections

The ride back to the Crystal Empire was mostly silent, with the temperature slowly falling the further they traveled from Canterlot. Soon, the line of snow that seperated the lush green fields of Equestria from the harsh blizzard of the Frozen North welcomed them with a gentle icy breeze. The breeze rapidly intensified into a full blown gale, whipping the snow around the pegasi drawn carriage. Due to being used to the environment, the guards pulling the carriage were able to stay steady in their course for the Empire.

"What is the matter love? You have been dead silent since we left Canterlot, is something troubling you?" Cadance asked in a slightly concerned tone, breaking the heavy silence that had fallen.

"Yeah there is...” Gleaming sighed as she placed her head against the crook of Cadance’s neck. “It is Twilight, she is having a massive guilt trip about this whole incident and I wish there was a was a way to cheer her up. On a similar note, the thing that is troubling me the most is whether or not she can fix this and turn me back to normal."

Cadance took her right wing and used it to pull Gleaming closer. To take it a step further, she began stroking her wife’s back with it, feeling the tension pour out of the unicorn with every stroke. "As for your first point, leave that to me, I got something in mind we could do to put her in better spirits. All that I have to do is adjust our schedules to make the time, which should not be an issue. As for your second point, what about it? Are you doubting her abilities?"

"No...” Gleaming answered with pure shock evident on her face, not only from the implications, but also by having her guard down enough to not expect it to be asked. “That would be a slap in not only her face, but also mine, and make me look like a bad sister to her. I just hope she can fix this Cady, and I hate to keep focusing on it, but I have no idea why I am.”

"You don't realize it but the way you are sounding IS doubting her skills.” Cadance let a bit of aggravation slip into her tone, not enough to make her wife fearful, but enough to get her point across. “Look Gleaming, despite the fact you are currently a mare, you are still the same pony I married and am going to have a foal by. You are still my Shining Armor, but you are just seeing things from the wrong perspective. I suggest you take Twilight's advice and get used to your new body, because there is no telling how long you are going to be like this. As a matter of fact, take the next week off so you can adjust, I will be alright until you come back."

"I can't do that to you my loving wife,” Gleaming said in a flat, but slightly aggrivated tone. “especially since you are pregnant..."

"I am not telling you to take the next week off Princess Gleaming Shield,” Cadance locked in a scorn, her tone made not only Gleaming but also the four pegasi guards gulp. “I am ORDERING YOU to do it! If you refuse, I will personally see fit you are put on an indefinant leave of absense from ALL military activities."

"You wouldn't dare do that to your wife!" Gleaming’s eyes widened and her hoods slammed over her muzzle. The guards exchanged glances and Cadance slightly smiled.

"Well it seems phase two is already out of the way,” Cadance said comforting the shaking mare that was pressed against her. “acceptance, because you just called yourself my wife."

"You used reverse psychology on me?" Gleaming was clearly confused, her head was swimming with thought processes of both genders, but they were trending more like a mare and that alone scared her.

"Perhaps I did... or perhaps I didn't, and your brain has rewired itself to refer to yourself as a mare and female pronouns. As to which it is, is up to you to decide and interpret to be fact or wrong." Cadance said causing Gleaming to deadpan and the lead pony pulling the carriage to start snicker.

"Something funny soldier?" Gleaming asked with a small snarl, clearly not in the mood for such crude actions.

"Nothing at all Princess Gleaming." The soldier said as they landed. He took off for his bunkhouse the moment he was unfastened from the pulling reigns, wanting to avoid trouble as much as possible. When he got to his bunkhouse, he slammed and locked the door, only then realizing he had took off without being properly dismissed. Knowing he was going to get reprimanded and possibly suspended, he did what any other guard would do in the same situation, that being relaxing with the most aged cider they had.

"You know dear,” Gleaming said shaking her head at the guard’s sudden dismissal, choosing to deal w,it’s that later. “I am gonna take that week off to get used to this new body. I mean, I am already answering to "Princess Gleaming Shield", so I might as well go along with it for the time being. I am going to spend the time off with Twi to show there are no hard feelings between us.”

"That is using your head, and you know, you don't make a half bad mare." Cadance said with a slight chuckle while running her hoof through Gleaming’s mane.

"What did you mean by that dear?" Gleaming asked confused to the meaning, but deep down she was enjoying the sensation that the mane rubbing was giving her. For the briefest of moments, all her troubles melted away to the soothing touch and her mind was silently pleading for more.

"Oh Gleaming, you will see what I mean by that eventually. Now if you must excuse me, I have court to hold, enjoy your time off dear." Cadance said as she entered the castle and leaving Gleaming alone in the courtyard. Now having nothing to do, and wanting to make up with Twilight as soon as possible, Gleaming teleported to the enterance of Twi's castle and gently knocked on the door. Luckily for her, Spike was in the lobby cleaning up the aftermath of Trixie’s latest attempt at magic practice.

"I wonder who that could be at this hour...” Spike thought to himself as he put down the broom and dustpan, silently thankful for the brief break from cleaning what remained of the evil dust bunnies Trixie made. “Twi nor Rarity have any appointments today, and Twilight is going to be going to bed once Luna gets back from her errand..."

Spike made his way over to the door and opened it, and when he did he had to do a double take, there was a pony that looked like Shining Armour but was clearly a mare. Not wanting to be rude, he quickly cleared his throat to be as professional as possible. "May I help you ma'm, you lost?"

"No Spike I am not,” Gleaming replied in a soft whisper. “I was just wondering is Twilight availible? If she is, tell her that her sister Gleaming Shield wants to have a talk."

"Uh... hang on a second..." Spike replied as he shut the door and started towards the study, his mind trying to register what just transpired. "Twi doesn't have a sister... not one that I know of anyway..."

"What is it Spike?” Twilight asked in an annoyed, tired tone after he entered. “I told you not to bother me since I am busy with a private personal matter, this better be important."

Spike gulped, he did not have to be a changeling to sense the undertoned threat in her voice, he could see it in her eyes. "Some mare at the front door wants to see you, she is claiming to be your sister, but I know good and well you don't have one so I shut the door and came to tell you."

"You didn't read Princess Cadance's memo about my brother... did you..." Twilight snapped the quill she was using in half, making Spike nearly jump out of his scales. Rising up, she slowly made her way towards him, a dark shadow seemed to be around her. “And to top it off you left her outside, instead of at least letting her into the parlor..”

"I did...”Spike whimpered, “but I thought Cadance was just-"

"Just... what... Spike..." Twi said cutting him off, and he could tell by the tone of her voice she was not happy with him at the moment. "A joke? A prank? No, it was all fact, now go let my sister in and bring her here. Your punishment is simple, pack your nightsack, because you are going to spend the night in the middle of Everfree Forest alone. After seeing what my BSBFF wants I am going to go take a nap... and you better have all I asked completed in 12 minutes or else, and your time starts now." With that, Spike ran out the study and brought Gleaming to Twilight. As soon as he did, he shut the door and ran to go get his nightsack ready.

"Hey Twily,” Gleaming asked after her’s and Twilight’s little meeting ritual, slightly modified to fit Gleaming’s new gender, “what's gotten into Spike?"

"Oh nothing much BSBFF,” Twilight answered in a normal tone, no trace of how she acted towards Spike being evident. “just prepping for his punishment for being rude to you and taking Cadance's memo as a joke. Anyways, why are you here and not with her? You still have a kingdom to run after all."

"About that...” Gleaming shuffled a hoof, then sighed in defeat knowing what she was doing was for the best. “She gave me the week off to adjust to my new body, I figured that I'd spend it with you, helping in anyway I could to show I am not mad sis."

"I appreciate that Gleaming,” Twilight replied giving her older sister a small nuzzle, a yawn escaping in the process. “I really do, and I am sorry but I can't think of a way to fix you at the moment. I have read all my books and nothing seems to stand out, I have been casting spell after spell since I got back from Canterlot, and I am exausted."

"Thanks Twily, but right now you need to sleep.” Knowing the castle layout by heart, Gleaming scooped her younger sibling onto her back and started walking towards the bedroom. “Come on, I'll put you to bed, keep in mind that is what you are supposed to be doing anyway. Luna is here to help, and I will help her while you rest, speaking of which where is she?"

"Running an errand for me,” Another yawn, this one longer and louder, interrupted her speech. “had her run to get something from Zecora, to use in a spell. That way I can try and fix you big sister, although I am running out of ideas."

"Don't worry about it right now," Gleaming said as they walked into the bedroom and Twi got into bed. "right now just focus on trying to get some sleep."

"I'll try, and thanks again for not hating me for this..." Twi said with one last yawn as she started to drift off to sleep.

"I could never hate you Twilight,” Gleaming leaned down and kissed Twilight on the forehead, then curled up to hold the lavender mare. “you are my sister and I love you."

"I love you too sis... I love you too..." With that, Twilight was out like a light, leaving Gleaming to her thoughts in the dark and silent room.

"Maybe my wife was onto something,” Suddenly feeling drained, Gleaming started to doze off herself. “it feels easier talking to Twilight now, maybe this might actually benefit us in the long haul..."

A few hours later, Princess Luna quietly tiphoofed down the halls of the castle. Reaching her destination, she used her magic to open the door to Twilight’s room and the sight made her smile. Gleaming was acting like a big spoon to Twilight, who had her right wing over Gleaming’s right forehoof. Hearing both of them lightly snore, and the fact they hadn’t moved, Luna knew they were peacefully dreaming.

A sister’s embrace is sometimes all that is needed in the darkest of times...” Luna thought as she closed the door and headed back down the hall, reflecting on all the times Celestia had done the same for her when she needed her mind at ease.

Author's Note:

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