• Published 20th Jun 2017
  • 397 Views, 11 Comments

Calm Before the Storm - KingYakko5991

Two best friends are just hanging out n stuff when a storm comes along and they have to spend the night together. Stuff happens.

  • ...

The Storm

It was just an average Friday evening. Lightning and Flare were spending like they usually would, at Lightning's house eating some pizza and then playing Portal 2 Co-Op on Lightning's Xbox 360. "Hey! You did that on purpose!" Lightning said. They were doing a particular chamber where Lightning was navigating a maze and Flare was controlling when and where the blocks moved, also managing to crush his character in the process.

"Hmhm. Maybe I did." Flare teased. However, Lightning soon got his revenge in a later chamber where he shot a portal underneath Flare as she was gesturing, sending her into a pile of goo. "Hey, no fair!" Flare said.

"All is fair in love and war, my dear friend." Lightning said.

"You really aren't getting tired of that, are you?" GLaDOS, from the game, chirped in.

"Oh, be quiet GLaDOS. It's fun!" Lightning joked, knowing that she would never possibly be able to hear him. Flare just rolled her eyes at Lightning's ridiculousness. After quite some time of goofing around, sarcastic comments from both GLaDOS and the two friends, and some actual playing of the game, Lightning and Flare decided to call it a night. "Alright," Lightning said. "I'll see you tomorrow or something." Flare opened the door and was quite surprised to see that it was pouring outside.

"I mean... it's not that bad... right?" She asked. Just then, lightning, like actual lightning that occurs during a storm, flashed right outside. "Um, yeah I'm not walking home in that..." Flare said, despite the fact that she actually lived relatively close by.

"Like I was just going to let you?" Lightning teased, closing the door. They then proceeded to go back to his room.

"So, what now?" Flare asked, sitting down on Lightning's bed.

"How about a movie?" Lightning suggested.

"Sounds good to me. What do you have in mind?"

"Star Wars, of course! Do you want to watch a specific one?"

"Doesn't really matter to me, I like them all. You choose."

"Alright. I'll pick The Empire Strikes Back then."

"Good choice! I love that one!"

"Me too..." And it was at that moment that they had caught each other's gaze, and kept it there for a moment or two. They both knew of each other's love for Star Wars, and this wasn't the first time they had looked at each other for an extended period of time. However, this time it just felt... different. Not in a bad way, though. They had seen a twinkle in each other's eye, one they had never seen before, and they felt something, a spark that they'd never felt before... Just then, lightning struck, illuminating the sky, followed shortly by thunder, and they were both brought out of their trance. Lightning put the movie in, and then sat on his bed next to Flare. Throughout the movie, Lightning couldn't get his mind off of the fact that he and Flare had caught each other's gaze, and how it felt so different this time around. He liked her, like, really liked her, but wasn't sure if she felt the same. Nevertheless, that moment, along with the fact that Flare was resting her head on his shoulder a bit, gave him the courage to tell her, hoping that she felt the same...

Closer to the end of the movie, when the Han, Leia, Chewbacca, and 3PO were on the cloud city Bespin, Lightning decided it was time to try to tell her how he felt. "Hey Flare?" He started.

"Yes Lightning?"

"There's uh... there's something I want to tell you, that I've been meaning to tell you for a little while now."

"And what's that?"

"Well... um... Well you see I kinda-" just then, lightning flashed once more, followed by thunder, which startled both of them once again. Flare had jumped a little, right into Lightning's arms. They had both completely forgotten about the storm until that moment. Feeling the warmth and comfort from Lightning, Flare tried to get deeper into his embrace, to which he did not object. In fact, he hugged Flare tighter, and they stayed like that for a minute, completely ignoring the fact that they were watching a movie. They then looked into each other's eyes once again, realizing just how close they were to each other and began blushing slightly. They saw that same twinkle as before, and they felt that exact same feeling from earlier, that exact same spark. With their faces not even and mere inch from each other, they slowly closed the gap and their lips met, for their first ever kiss. It was the sweetest moment they have ever experienced, and they'll most likely cherish it forever. This kiss was far better than either of them had imagined in even their wildest fantasies. They briefly broke apart, not letting go of each other.

"I love you." Flare said. Noticing what was happening on screen, Lighting smiled and chuckled softly.

"I know." He said, as Han Solo said the same words on screen. This earned a giggle from Flare, which was the most adorable thing Lightning had ever heard from her. And with that, they leaned in for a second, far more passionate kiss. Much to their surprise, this second one was far superior to the first. With every passing moment, they fell deeper in love with each other. After what seemed an eternity, they broke apart, needing to breathe and all. "Ya know Flare," Lightning teased, "Next time you want to spend the night at my house to make out with me on my bed, you don't have to use a storm as an excuse."

"I'll keep that in mind." Flare remarked jokingly. And with that, she went back into Lightning's embrace, this one much warmer and loving than the one before. And they stayed like that, for the rest of the movie. But slowly, it began to fade away. The storm began to fade way. Everything seemingly faded away from existence, except for Lightning and Flare, and the loving embrace that they shared...

Author's Note:

Yes, I am obsessed with night time. Yes, I am obsessed with rain. yes, I am obsessed with Star Wars and Portal 2. Deal with it. Anyway, all obsessions aside, I hope you enjoyed this short little story that I wrote, just for the hell of it. I also didn't realize that you needed at least 1k words... This was originally 918. lol XD And yes, this is dedicated to the amazing, lovely, and wonderful fluffysam, who I love dearly, even if we're not technically dating anymore. :heart: Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed and please, do leave a comment down below! :twilightsmile:

Comments ( 11 )

And here I was
Hoping u knew I liked ROTS best XD


lol I thought you said your favorite was Attack of the Clones? xD


Both are my fav

I liked it :)

I'm glad to hear that. :twilightsmile:

Aww how cute

You're welcome

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