• Published 16th May 2017
  • 21,547 Views, 345 Comments

Polyamory - Crimson Prose

Shining Armor is afraid Cadence might be upset that he unknowingly had sex with Chrysalis for several weeks. Instead, she wants to hear all about it. She even has a few other ideas, or mares, she'd like to see him pursue. A lot of impregnation ensues

Comments ( 57 )

I’m honestly curious if adhesive changeling slime bondage occurs somewhere

Wait how does Spike know about Thorax? They shouldn’t have meet yet.

They met earlier due to Chrysalis being allowed to bring her hive into Canterlot. Twilight mentioned earlier that Spike had started hanging around with a changeling and it worried her.

How did I not think of that?

To be fair I swear I’ve only found maybe three stories that used it and they don’t even use struggling against the goop as a kind of foreplay.

why is my tracking folder filled with so much porn that i legitimately read for the story?

To be perfectly honest, I only ever read for the story. I just love reading.

“Great you’re all married,” panted Spike. “Now kiss or fuck or whatever you got the energy left for.”

This is what it’s all been leading up to. This quote here. Amazing... I love a smut that I can die laughing while reading.

amazing sent of Cadance’s


the complement, it


now if only i could post stuff while dead.

D'awwww ~

'dual shafts slide out against her' - slid

All I can think of is this
Twilight: Good news! I'm pregnant
Everypony+Dragon: Yeah!!(Hugging)
Twilight: I am having twins
Shining: (Raises hoof of victory)
Twilight: I am having an Alicorn and a Dragon!
(Everypony stares at Spike)
(Spike wakes up from the dream)
Spike: I am not ready for fatherhood (heavy breathing)
Twilight: not yet! (looking down at him with an evil smile)

Twisted Fate clopfic has some scenes

Who’s the author? Cause several come up with that title

I get that but using such underhanded tactics to undo a promise that they made to themselves and that they put a lot of effort into maintaining still sits poorly with me. Cadance loves them so she should respect the things that are important to them; even if she doesn't agree or doesn't understand. She can of course protest but she shouldn't manipulate them like that.

I understand why you'd think so at this point, but I still don't think it's the manipulation you're thinking of. Maybe I gave the impression that Cadance was going to use her magic on them or something. I also probably gave the impression that the vow was something that is important to Celestia and Luna, and not something they want to break but haven't for fear of society not accepting it. This is something Cadance already knew, but I didn't want to spill all that right at the start.

Honestly, I've always wondered why no one ever tried to do extra chapter like "five years later" or at least "half-a-year later".

Still pondering what to do as a last chapter. Really this is all I planned but people seem to think it needs another chapter.

Chrysalis best Waifu :)

Sexual reward of course. Something for Twilight which means extremely complicated and very much based on logic and patience. You could include something of an arc for Twilight in learning to be more open minded and to use her talents in sexual ways. I don't mean just her magic talents as there is plenty of that already in the many alicorns. I mean her tremendous knowledge and intelligence that she can come up with very solid and sophisticated sexual games that take into account everyone's biology and utilize it to the limit.
As reward they could have a sex session specifically made for her.

Indeed but maybe you should have let Twilight show more signs of it before. It somewhat comes out of nowhere. Maybe have her be very frustrated in the previous chapter and also very uptight.

“Great you’re all married,” panted Spike. “Now kiss or fuck or whatever you got the energy left for.”

Does he still have the royal sisters on his cocks or not? That was kinda unclear.

It was hot but I think some more descriptions would have helped. Like what is Spike seeing exactly and how does Twilight look at the end?

:pinkiehappy: WOW! Nice, took a few days to read it all but a good story full of Cloppy goodness all the same! I hope there is a few more chapters at the very least one more... I'll wait around for the next one if it comes. GG on writing this story, its been a wild ride!:rainbowwild:

The fact that they maintained it for so long proves that it is very valuable.

Well, they perceived as valuable due to the imagined impact of breaking it upon their reputation. Once they realized they were mistaken about there being any impact, the value vanished. It's not easy to explain in the story, but they appreciated her actions.

I realize that in real life her actions would have been horrible, but given that it's a magical land and she is the princess of love, she would have intuitions that a real person could not have. Even if that is clearly not the case in the canon show, it's how it is in this alternate version of Equestria.

I understand your logic completely, it's just not what I intended to convey.

Maybe you could have shown some signs of it before. Of them being frustrated and envious.
Not to mention the fact that they held their promise for so long means it needs to have had a certain value to them otherwise they would have just secretly broken it.

They did secretly break them, with each other. Also they routinely went futa on one another in dreams, but I guess I didn't make that as obvious as I could have, so I tweaked it to make it more so and had it mentioned earlier in Luna's chapter. I also had Luna specifically mention how Celestia's dreams betray her increasing desire to ignore the vows.

Even before though, with Luna at least it was very apparent. Cadance was well-aware of Luna's tendency to perv on her guards, and when in Luna's POV it was made very clear that she didn't like the vows and only kept them up for fear of what society might think of her.

Yes but it was mainly Celestia that seemed to take her vow seriously.

Great story. I really enjoyed reading it. Sequel please

I think though the one that needs foreshadowing more is Twilight. I do kind of like the arc you have for her but it kind of comes out of nowhere. Building it up more will make it have a stronger impact. Also when she does give in to it you should also do something that's fairly charistaristic of Twilight. I think that would be a sex game that is incredibly complicated and elaborate. Maybe she has been having fantasies about it for a very long time.

You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile.

You know if you think about it, the Borg must be some serious freaks after assimilating half the galaxy's fetishes.

Y'know, it almost makes it less fun when the trigger warnings get to be that detailed. It almost tells the story by itself! I suppose the effort is appreciated.

There's still a decent chance I read this.

This is some nuclear grade comedy fetish porn. Amazing :rainbowkiss:

While I appreciate your efforts to let people know what they're getting into, your monstrous list of chapter-by-chapter fetishes/themes is...intimidating. To say the least.

Now I await for scandalized Rarity when she finds out that not only was there another royal wedding but the bastardized irreverence in which it was conducted.

Good shit man, A+

I made a cover for this story because I just do that for any story I put on my kindle
here it is if anyone wants it.


use as you wish.

Oh that's nice, thanks. It's been a while since someone randomly made me a cover.

This was gold!! Even when I wasn't in the horny mood for the weekend I was still desperately curious to see what happens next bravo.

I did try to give it a slight plot between sexiness so glad that works a little.

You know, it really is true. We as people have no idea just how much we mean to other people. There is the belief that we aren't important. That we don't do anything important in life. That we make no difference.

The truth is, that it is not true. People do things all the time that make a difference in someones life. It's simply that you never find out about it. Wether it's going out of your way to be nice to a customer, or writing a funny porn story about hasbro products. You do make a difference.

I was having a very bad day, before I got to this story and the story made my day much better.

To all who read this. Never think you don't make a difference.

“So I will dictate a few things, including when your purple princess pussy gets pounded.“ - Crimson Prose

I appreciate that I made someone happy, so I hope you keep being happy!
Remember kids: Even the more horrifying and edgy of stories can be written with the intent to make someone happy. Not that this is one of those stories, just sayin'.

I'm glad you decided against that too many authors write vile and unholy rape fics just to get there kicks it sickens me

Awkwardly sweeps her extreme stories account under the rug :rainbowderp:

I love worldbuilding. Thanks, Crimmy!

now that's ironic

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