• Published 28th Apr 2017
  • 558 Views, 4 Comments

The Hunters - Deachir

Earth has been invaded by monsters from another dimension and a small group of fighters travel to another dimension to escape. Little do they know that equestria will soon have the same fate

  • ...

The Hunt

Author's Note:

I changed this chapter, and recommend rereading.

"So here we are." Shining armour said as we entered the everfree forest. I could hear the worry in his voice.

"You scared?" I asked him as we started walking.

"Anypony in the right mind would be scared of what we are hunting." He said

"Good thing I am not a pony then, right?" I asked sarcastically.

"You are insane," he said.

"So I've been told."

We had stopped at a crossroad with two paths, and I crouched down and started to examine a set of wolf-like footprints. Four sets were moving toward the right path. "These look like some large wolves, about four of them moving that way," I said pointing to the path.

"What about these?" Ruby asked

I looked up to see her about ten feet from me surrounded by the twins. "Looks right to me. But those are human tracks beside them... I think" Hellen said and I moved to where they were.

These footprints had two distinct shapes, one wolf and one like a lizard. Beside them were human tracks but around each track were small holes that looked like they tied sticks around there legs. The human tracks stopped about four steps out.

"They are Devlark and human, but the human tracks end here," I said moving to the end of the trail. "The Devlark trail continues so we can still follow that for now." I looked up at shining armour "it's your call."

"You know what you are doing so if you think it is best to follow them then let's get moving." He said with confidence.

"let's go," I said as I started walking. "Ruby, do you think you could get a view from above to see what's up ahead?" I asked

"Sure thing," she said as she took off and flew ahead of us.

After a few minutes we came out into a large opening and in the centre was the Devlark we have been tracking. We all ducked into bushes as silently as we could, and I could see Ruby perched in a tree her eyes wide. The Devlark didn't seem to know we were there and it was just standing there. Ruby and I locked eyes, and I gave her a small nod. She drew out her bow and an arrow and aimed. As she pulled the bowstring back something hit her out of the tree.

She caught herself halfway down and hovered there for a second. Everyone else changed at the Devlark while I stayed still and kept an eye on the trees where Ruby was. I saw a dark figure move quickly toward Ruby.

"Ruby move!" I yelled, but it was too late. The figure jumped from the trees at Ruby. It was a humanoid creature that was all black that had large red gashes through its body. On the end of each arm was a long black blade rather than a hand.

It landed on Ruby and drove its left blade into her wing. She yelled in pain as she plunged to the ground.

"Ruby!" Silver yelled, and I turn to see him swatted aside by the Devlark he was currently fighting.

I drew my swords and started to run to Ruby as the black creature raised it's other blade to deliver a killing blow.

"Four!" I heard someone yell as they came out of the bushes behind the creature and hit it in the back with a giant war hammer. It was a human wearing heavy armour which seemed familiar. The hit sent the beast flying ten feet, and it hit the ground limp. Just then I heard the Devlark roar, and I turned to see an axe buried in the side of its head. With a large thud, it hit the ground dead.

"That, my friends, is how you kill a Devlark!" Another human came out of the bushes. This one I recognise as Jim the newest recruit to alpha squad meaning the other one was William, the second in command.

"Shining armour check on silver," I said

"I take it that means they are friends of yours." He said running to silver shard. I ran to Ruby to find her in a puddle of blood, and her left-wing two feet away in a similar puddle. "I need medical supplies now!" I yelled to no one in particular.

"Here," Will said as he pulled a bag off his back and dug out a first aid kit.

Anne ran to my side, and I heard her gasp in shock. "Here I am the medic of the team let me do this." She said slowly as she sat next to me.

I stood and looked at Will. He had taken his helmet off to reveal his blond hair. "Long time no see," he said.

"Do you have a camp close by. We need to get somewhere safe."

"Ya we can leave when she is ready," he said motioning to Ruby.

"I can't do anymore without proper equipment," Anne said. She had wrapped the wing joint in bandages "I can't save the wing" she said, disappointment clear in her voice.

"Then let's go" shining had appeared beside me an aura around his horn and silver shard, who was floating next to him. A similar aura wrapped around Ruby as she started floating as well.

"Lead the way," I said to Will and with a smile he turned, and we all went off into the woods.

"so it cant be fixed," Ruby asked from a small bed in the centre of the medical tent. She had been starring at the stub where her wing used to be. The medical tent was small, but it fits me, Anna, Shining Armour, Silver and Ruby.
"no." Anna said with a sigh "even with the medical experience I have I've never worked with wings before. I'm sorry".
"Twilight might know how to fix it, but I don't know" Shining said.
"then we need to get back to Canterlot," I said as I turn to leave.
"Sam your bleeding!" Anna yelled. She was right. The cut in my chest reopened, and I could feel the blood soaking my shirt.
"there are more important matters at hand," I say in a flat voice "we need to get out of this forest."
"no, we need to help you" Anna argued.
"I can make it to the town," I say
"No! sit down!" she yelled
"there is no point in arguing" is said in a pained voice as I sit down.

"no, you can't go!" Rainbow yelled. She was the only thing between the train and Fluttershy.
"yes, I am. Something went wrong, and I can help," Fluttershy said in a stern voice, shifting uncomfortably from her saddlebag.
"how do you know something is wrong?"
"He didn't send the letter."
"What?" Rainbow now had a dumbfounded look on her face.
"It doesn't matter I'm going" Fluttershy stepped around her friend onto the train and left for Ponyville.

"there," Anna said. She had my chest stitched and wrapped in bandages. "no heavy activity."
"well let's move," I said as I get up and leave the tent.
outside the tent will, Jim, Hellen and Sasha were sitting by a fire.
"it's about mid-afternoon," I say to the group "we should have enough time to get to Ponyville."
"why waste time? Let 's go" Will said as he stands and puts out the fire.
We all get to packing up the camp which takes about 15 minutes and start our way back.

"did anyone hear that?" I ask the group
there was a scream that seemed familiar.
"Ya," Shining said
"Then wait here, ill take a look," I say and start moving to the sound.
I hear another scream as I come up to some bushes and look through to see Fluttershy at a dead end a few feet from me. Two devlark trapped her at a dead end. The closest raises its tail with the blade facing directly at Fluttershy. I could feel my whole body jump as I run forward and block the tail with one of my newly drawn swords. I took the other and swung it just above the blade and cut it off. The beast yelled in pain.
"Run!" I yelled as the other devlark lunged at me.
I sidestepped it and heard the bushes behind me as Fluttershy ran.
"just you and me now," I say with a grin on my face.
The first devlark lunged at me with both paws ready to go for the kill. I stabbed with both swords, one at each leg, feeling the blades cut flesh. The second stabbed at me with its tail, and I jumped back leaving my swords behind and drawing Rubys bow off my back. I took it after her incident so she would stay out of a fight. I pulled it back and buried an arrow in the remaining devlarks left shoulder. It roared as it lunged at me. I rolled to the side and grabbed the severed tail of the first and got ready for the next attack. It prepared for another lung as the hollow sound of a horn sounded close by. It growled once more and disappeared into the woods.
"What the hell," I ask myself.
"Sam! Thank god you are ok." I turn to see Sasha behind me.
"Where are the others?" I ask her.
"This way follow me."

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