• Published 28th Apr 2017
  • 559 Views, 4 Comments

The Hunters - Deachir

Earth has been invaded by monsters from another dimension and a small group of fighters travel to another dimension to escape. Little do they know that equestria will soon have the same fate

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The Beginning

Author's Note:

So yea this is the first thing I have ever written outside of school, and I hope you enjoy. I know it is short but other chapters will come. Please leave a comment on ways for me to improve and thanks for reading.

"Is it just me or are these things multiplying?" said Cody as we ran down a dark hallway.

Cody was a blond, mid-teens boy who was about 5'4 inches and currently running down a narrow hall for his life. He was wearing a black pair of jeans and a black sweatshirt with the hood up. In his right hand was a shortbow with a quiver on his side.

Beside him was a very tired looking Mike. Mike was 2 inches taller than Cody but was quite a bit bigger than Cody. He was wearing a leather jacket and jogging pants. At his side was his trusted axe and shield that did almost nothing to protect him.

"Na they aren't multiplayer. If anything they are PvP." Mike said

"that's not what I said, and you know it!"

"Would you two shut up for once!" I yelled as loud as I could.

I am only 18 but don't let my age fool you. When I was 16, I graduated from combat school with the top score in archery, swordplay, battle strategy and weapon construction. I also hold the last confirmed kill with a bow while dispatched in the military. I wear a grey hoodie and blue jeans as well as a black ball cap. I always have my twin short swords at my side, currently in my hands, and my longbow on my back.

"It is not like you ever stop Sam," Cody said sarcastically.

"Sam is right we can't afford to give away our position any more than we have to," Mike said flatly to Cody.

"Party pooper."

"Dirt sniffer."

"Mother fu..."

"Shut up!" I yelled at them.

"Fine sheesh," they said in unison

We turned a corner and see our destination 20 feet in front of us. A small door that leads to a machine called "The Far Seeker". It is a dimensional teleportation device the Germans were working on but stopped when the aliens arrived. As we started to move to the door, We could hear people screaming as the Devlark killed anyone unlucky enough to get seen by them.

As we walked in the door, we were meet by Anna, Hellen, Sasha and Sean. Anna and Hellen were twins. Both wore a pair of blue jeans and a purple sweater. The twins had long brown hair Anna's in a large braid and Hellen's in a bun. Anna wore an orange shirt and used a long sword whereas Hellen used a set of daggers and wore a black shirt. Sasha who was currently working on fixing the machine was wearing a pair of black shorts and a white shirt that you could see her pink bra through. She had short hair just at shoulder length that was a lovely red colour. Her weapon of choice was a mace she called "love crusher". Sean was a large boy who wore an orange pair of shorts and orange t-shirt. His weapon was a large stick since he broke his war hammer.

"Where have you idiots been?" Sean asked angrily.

"Well we have been to hell and back so far want to join!" Mike yelled back
A massive bang echoed through the room as everyone looked at Sasha to see her with a dumbfounded look on her face.

"I can fix it," she said as she went back to work

"How long," I asked walking up next to her

" five minutes at most but I can't say for sure where we will..."

She was cut off by the sound of metal slicing flesh. I turned to where the sound came from to see Sean with a broad blade like a scimitar sticking out from his chest. The blade retracted as his bloody body fell to the floor. Three large Aliens walks through the door. They all walked on all fours and had the head of a wolf and eyes as black as pitch. Their front legs look to be bear legs where their back legs look a lot like something reptilian. A long tail with a blade on the end of it was retreating to the first monster.

"Well shit" I heard Sasha say to herself.

It took about 3 seconds before I had my bow ready. Looking up I saw Mike and Cody fighting the left one and the twins fighting the right one. The one in the centre started to charge at me as I drew back my bow and fired. The arrow flew at the beast and buried its self in the Devlark's right shoulder.

It howled in pain, and I took the opportunity to try and fire another at its head, but I was not so lucky. In my haste, I pulled the bow back to far, and the string snapped leaving a gash across my right eye. When I looked up after realising what had happened, I saw that Mike and Cody had finished their Devlark off and were now helping the twins. The Devlark that I shot charged at me once again.

"thanks for the help guys," I say sarcastically to my self as I draw my swords

I had to block its tail with my sword, and while I could, I swung. It quickly stepped out of range of my sword and slashed its tail again. We were into a give and take before to long. This exchange lasted about 15 seconds until the Devlark got a good hit on my left leg. I heard myself scream in pain then a searing pain went through my chest.

"Shit Samuel is hurt!" I heard someone yell

"This is foxtrot we are moving in the portal, Samuel is injured I repeat Samuel is injured!" I heard Cody yelling to his com.

"Foxtrot this is Alpha team move with extreme caution, over!"
I could hear fighting then I felt someone dragging me. After a few seconds there was a flash of blue then everything went black.

"What do you think it is?" a voice asked in the darkness. It seemed very feminine and was more of a squeak.

"I don't know. It does not look like anything from the everfree," another voice said. This voice sounded older and calmer than the first.

"Do you think it is an animal of some sort?" asked the first.

"We have been over this Fluttershy, would an animal be wearing clothes and carrying weapons?"

"You are right. But then what is it?" The so-called Fluttershy asked.

"I don't know, but I sent a letter to the princesses for help."

I heard hollow thudding on the hardwood as I passed out for the second time.

The pain in my chest was excruciating as I awoke a second time. Through tired eyes, I was staring at the ceiling. It had wooden supports with what seemed to be a dirt roof. After a few seconds, I tried to sit up, and my chest disagreed with this idea. It took about ten minutes to get up, and I took in my surroundings.

I was in a small bedroom with a nightstand at about waist height on the left of the bed, a closet on the opposite wall, the window was on the wall to my left and the door right across from that. The door was slightly ajar, and a beam of yellow light came through it. After a second look around the room I saw my bag against the wall under the window, but I cant see my swords anywhere.

I got out of bed, crouched down and pulled a small dagger from my boot. I always felt it necessary to keep a weapon with me at all times. I crept to the door as silently as I could in my state and found those voices talking in the next room.

"Twilight what do you think will happen to it when it gets up?" the one named Fluttershy asked. I was starting to get annoyed by them calling me "it."

"I am hoping it is friendly and we can reason with it."

"But if we can't?"

"I am trying to be optimistic."

"Okay... but what if it can't be controlled and we have to..." I could hear Fluttershy's voice crack and she started crying

"Hay it won't come to that" you could hear the concern in twilights voice.

"Did you hear that?" Fluttershy asked instantly stopping her crying.

I had stepped on a creaky board, and it made a loud and very noticeable sound.

"Hel...Hello?" I hear twilight ask.

I glanced through the door, and two horse-like creatures were sitting on a couch were staring back. The first one was a purple colour with a head of magenta hair with two different pink strips in it. She, going by the voices, had a horn on her forehead and wings folded at her sides. The second one was visibly terrified. She was a buttercream yellow color with pink hair. She did not have a horn, but she did have a pair of wings folded at her side. It was clear they can see me, but I just sat there starring them.

"see it is just as scared as we are" I heard the purple one, who I assumed was twilight, whisper to the other.

"He," I said just above a whisper. What this resulted in was a stunned look from both of them.

"You can talk?" Twilight said after regaining her composure.

"Yes last I checked"

"What do you mean "he"?"

"I am a he, not it."

"Oh sorry about that" twilight was now nervously fluffing her wings.

I did not realize it at first, but I was now standing in the doorway of the room

"I'm sorry, let me introduce myself. I am Twi... princess Twilight Sparkle, and this is Fluttershy" at the mention of her name Fluttershy hid behind her hair.

"My name is Samuel Alexander, but everyone calls me Sam."

"It is nice to meet you Sam...can I ask what you are?"

"I am a human from a place called earth" this received a blank stare from twilight. "As far as I know it is a different dimension."

"That would make sense," Twilight said

After a moment of silence, I look over to the two and ask "Why did you help me" Twilight seemed lost for words at this, but Fluttershy looked me in the eyes

"You looked like you needed it. Also, the wound on your chest will take only three days to heal with Twilights magic."

"Thanks... Fluttershy was is?"

"Um yes" she replied

"How about we all get a good nights rest and we can talk about this tomorrow?" Twilight suggested, and we all agreed.

Fluttershy went up the stairs to the left of me supposedly to her room as twilight grabbed a pillow and blanket from the table in the centre of the room.

"Take the bed in the other room princess I can sleep on the couch" I offered

"No thank you, you need the rest more than me."

"All due respect princess..."

"Twilight, please, not princess."

"Ok, all do respect twilight, but I have been asleep for awhile now, so I don't need the bed."

"But you are injured and need to heal" she has thought about this a bit more than I have.

"You sure?" I ask

"Yes, I am sure. Good night... Sam was it?" She asked curling up on the couch

"Yes and good night" and with that, I went to the other room and climbed into bed.