• Published 15th Mar 2017
  • 12,265 Views, 1,641 Comments

Paradise - ThePhoton

Just think a year and some change ago things were business as usual, now though I can barely remember what it was like to not have fight everyday just to survive. Its been a long year and a hard winter hopefully I can get a break sometime soon.

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Comments ( 42 )

You'll have to see if Hank survives first.

Only gay babies dislike this comment.

“They’re gonna have to glue you back together!” Hank mocked over his shoulder reaching for yet another bomb as the ground started to pitch up in one of the many washboard like hills that were scattered around the landscape.

“IN HELL!” He finished getting a loud combined howl from the Shucks still chasing him in response. They were not happy with him.

I love the TF2 quote you did from Meet The Demoman in this chapter.

Still reading, homie. Been looking forward to new chapters for years now. Keep 'er goin', your writing has improved a lot over time!

need more story pls, this is more addicting then cocaine i cant stop pls help. ahhhhhh

This whole story is amazing and amazingly written! Good job my friend!

Does Hank ever bring any MREs or any advanced med with him? That bacteria is probably able to help him matabolize nutriets better.
Keep going dude, this is one of the best pieces of literature Ive ever read. 10/10

I'm seriously enjoying every action packed second of violence you write. You have a gift when it comes to writing violence in motion, especially with all the environmental details.

I've always wondered exactly how many of the views per chapter were people reopening it to continue reading compared to how many are unique view counts.

Either way, I really do appreciate your story telling and sceneries. Not many stories showcase the Everfree forest being this truly massive biome that gets worse the farther in you go. It's pretty unique and interesting.

Sorry to say, but for every frog missing from the end of this chapter compared to the previous, i hit the thumb down icon once, luckily for you you had an even amount of frogs last time so all it takes for the like to return is atleast 1 frog next chapter ( or a good chapter) to fix. And as always, it seems this story is now cancelled ( atleast until a new chapter comes out)

Dopóki będziesz pisać ja będę czytać. Nieważne czy tą czy inną historię choć oczywiście mam nadzieję że dasz radę i dokończysz to arcydzieło

I have found this to be one of my favorite stories. I get a energy rush of dopamine when I see an update! I look forward to where this story goes, how the characters grow, and the twist and turns along the way. Great job keep it up!

This was quite the packed chapter, both with emotions and action and did I fucking enjoy it! Hope to see more, also damnit sisters it’s hank of course he’s crazy, all thought I suppose y’all don’t know the extent of his crazy yet.

Anyways awesome chapter and once more eager for more!

Me encantó me quedaré está que está historia termine

Me encanta, me quedaré asta que está historia tenga la etiqueta terminado

Best single piece of literature ive read in 3 months. Also i guess we have confirmation that Celestia is into Hank and they will totally fuck if the man survives his glorified suicide note of making an entire species extinct

Amazing! can't wait for more!

Still enjoying each chapter. It does seem like you are playing the long game however. If I am interpreting your closing comment correctly, this might be getting hard for you. If you feel that this needs to wind down, I do have some points that i think need to be addressed.

1ST. End the shucks. End them with death from above. A few pegasus pulling chariots with unicorns throwing fire spells will do nicely. Forests are very flammable.
2ND. Why did his phone suddenly start to work? What supernatural butt-fuckery is trying to mess with him?
3RD and last but not least. Some very important ponies clearly want him, dude needs to settle down and live life.

Imma be completely honest. I love reading this. I've been following it forever and can't wait for the ending!

I'm only a small person in this community we call home but I hope my words mean something. Thanks for writing this!

Still reading the updates for this story, even if I never comment. :twilightsmile:

I LOVEING your story and I hope u keep going with this story and I wish u all the Luck and strength to passenitly continue your Story's.!!!😊

I LOVEING your story and I hope u keep going with this story and I wish u all the Luck and strength to passenitly continue your Story's.!!!

I'm a serial lurker who doesn't comment on shit. I've been following this for years though, and it's always great when it's at the top of the update list.
Keep it up man, doing gods work

I don't comment often enough and I figured I'd sound off so you know I'm reading.
Just wanted to say that you're not wasting any effort on the non action oriented scenes because those are my favorite parts of the story.
You flesh out your characters very well and they never do anything out of character.
The dinner chapter was probably my favorite so far just seeing Hank interact with others positively fills me with joy.
That and him pissing off Frenchies is the best thing.

I always drop everything I'm doing just to read this story as soon as I see an update

Hell yeah another chapter!

The story so far has been a RIDE, I await every day for a new chapter posted just to see what chaos and hilarity you unleash

After reading about the mother wolf and cubs it left me wondering about the inital assertion that shucks are unnatural, but since Hank mentally reinforced it i suppose it's all ok. I agree that while an ecosystem could evolve a creature this agressive and intelligent it is not possible to sustain such a large congregation of them without a societal infastructure. the meat piles found earlier could be a very primitive form of one, but still not a long term practice that could work. the shucks would have to literally take up animal husbandry to maintain this level of population generationally.

Can't wait for the next one

So Tia likes is rough and hank effectively proposed by that uppercut :rainbowlaugh:

I didn’t see any grammatical or punctuation errors on my read through and you had it set up in a way that was easy to visualize so yeah. GREAT job on this chapter!!!

I do not envy Hank on the hunger pangs he is going to have recovering from bombs, burns, and blackouts through the river.

Piling over each other just as he had seen the infected do in New York over the television as they broadcasted the last of the military getting overrun in Yonkers Hank’s reminiscence was cut short when the improvised satchel charge finally gave up the ghost and finished its tour of duty.

WWZ book moment

First of all, 560 people reading. Secondly, THAT was an awesome chapter! The chase and the canyon walls and roof coming down actually got my blood pumping to a degree. That's not to mention the realism here. Someone falling from that height would feel near blinding fear, and you captured that perfectly.
Even with all the abuse, Hank continues on. There is an evil entity to destroy, and only he is strong enough to do so. Guns > friendship all day!!

Helluva chapter!!!

I'm glad someone caught that. However that does not mean the zombos from this universe I have created are like WWZ book or movie zombies. I will be expanding the Hank lore and the apocalypse setting eventually, and will go into more detail about the infected then.

And I'm happy you found the chase exciting, cause not to jerk myself off too hard, I think it's some of my best work ever.

It does, glad you're here and reading.

Besides basic trauma aid and some simple field surgery instruments like artery clamps, decompression needle, nasal airway, chest seals blah blah blah, that's all Hank really has for medical. Just a little above basic Ifak really.

As for MREs, yes, indeed.

Is the bacteria colony that's in him provide him with any additional buffs? So far we got healing factor, advanced metabolism, disease and poison resistance, strengthening and sensory overdrive. Anything else I'm missing?
Will Hank be able to upgrade the bacteria's resilience?
Also, is hank making his own bullets? I'd imagine he'd have a backup slingshot or something? For when he runs dry.

I guess the one hidden thing that I haven't mentioned is that as of right now and as long as he keeps getting enough food it is impossible for him to atrophy muscle or bone density.

Meaning that even though he's on a lessened gravity world his muscles and bones won't start to weaken like what happens to astronauts. It also means that any muscle he gains, which is a significant amount since the bacteria greatly promotes muscle growth, he won't loose.

This is as long as he can keep up with his crazy need for intake, the moment he can't, he'll start to loose muscle at a accelerated rate as the bacteria feeds itself.

So Hank is gonna have to eat more of his fallen enemies? sweet.

Drunk as shot and this story slappin at 2am

Good stuff so far. Hank has a lot of that hillbilly charm in him. If I had to guess I'd say he's from Appalachia, or something like that. Guessing about 17-18 years old currently, though that's hard to say for sure with the fluctuating length of the apocalypse.
You were mentioning difficulties with point of view, this might help: https://blog.reedsy.com/guide/point-of-view/
Keep it up!

Keep up the good work hope you continue writing and having fun

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