• Published 12th May 2017
  • 487 Views, 27 Comments

A Night to Remember - KingYakko5991

Flare and Lightning have had quite a long relationship together. It's about time things advance a little...

  • ...

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?

I’m not really much of a morning pony, and on any other day I wouldn’t be waking up at the crack of dawn for any reason. But today isn’t any other day. And this isn’t just any reason. I slowly get out of bed, trying not to wake the sleeping mare next to me. Not just any mare, but the most beautiful mare in all of Equestria. She’s a dark blue pegasus with turquoise eyes and a red mane and tail. I kiss her on the forehead, grab my saddle bags, and then head out. It’s a beautiful morning in Ponyville. The sun is shining, there’s a few clouds here and there, and it’s nice and warm out. A beautiful spring day. I say hello to few familiar ponies as I head on over to a jewelry store. Today is my 3 year anniversary with Flare. It has been a pleasant, enjoyable, and amazing 3 years and I’ve decided that tonight is the night I ask her to marry me. I only hope that she feels the same way and will say yes…

I walk into the jewelry store not really sure what to expect. I’ve been to a jewelry store only one other time, and it’s not even the same one.That was last year when I bought Flare a pair of earrings. This is a pretty nice place I’ve wandered into. It has a nice, polished wooden floor, lots of stuff on display without it being extremely overwhelming. Everything is all shiny and clean and neat and professional looking, basically what you’d expect from a jewelry store. A good one anyway. I spend a decent amount of time looking for the perfect ring. The one time I’m a perfectionist. Any other time, it wouldn’t matter, but this is for Flare. Eventually, I come across a beautiful hoof ring. I think she’ll love it. It has a golden base with a diamond that’s been tinted a nice turquoise color. I quickly buy it, delicately put in in my bags, and then head home.


When I get home, I place my saddlebags on a couch in my living room. I have to go over to the Carousel Boutique to get my suit tailored anyway, so I can just take them with me then and I can be absolutely sure she won’t accidentally come across the ring or something like that. I go into the kitchen and take out some stuff so I can make breakfast.

“Good morning Lightning,” says that soft familiar voice I love so much.

“Good morning Flare. Happy anniversary!” I say trying not to know over a bowl of pancake batter.

“Happy anniversary,” she says kissing me on the cheek. “What? No breakfast in bed this time?” She asks jokingly. “Do you not love me that much anymore?”

“Well you see, what happened was-”

“I’m just messing with you Lightning.”

“I know.”

“I love you Lightning.”

“I love you too.”


After breakfast was eaten, there isn’t much to do. We really just sat on my couch and just relaxed and kissed a lot and stuff like that. Then, I remember I have to get my suit tailored. “Oh yeah! I uh, have to go real quick Flare. I need to get my suit tailored for tonight.”

“Oh, really? What’s tonight.”

“You know. We’re having dinner at our favorite diner in Canterlot. Remember? We made the reservation not too long ago...” I say as I get off the couch and grab my stuff, saddle bags included.

“Oh, that’s right! I kinda forgot about that.” Flare replied.

“Don’t worry. It’s alright. See you when I get back.”

“Don’t take too long.” I give her a quick kiss and then I leave. As I head on over to the Carousel Boutique, I get that nervous feeling again. I love Flare dearly and so much, and I know that she loves me, but what if she isn’t ready to marry me? It’s always such a dreadful feeling to have those types of thoughts. I’d hope she want to. I think she will. No, I’m sure she will. That’s better. Makes me feel better too. “Hey Rarity!” I say as I walk in.

“Hi, darling!” She says. “How can I help you today?”

“Well, today is my 3 year anniversary with Flare,and I kinda need to get my suit tailored.”

“OOHH! How marvelous! Happy anniversary to you two! I’ll get to it right away and I’ll let you know when I’m done.”

“Thanks Rarity. I guess I’ll wait outside or something.” I give her my suit and then go sit on a bench right outside. I love the outdoors. Especially if it’s such a nice day like today. I take out the ring and look at it again. It is very beautiful. I think I picked the perfect one for Flare. I seriously hope she-


“Hehe. Hi Pinkie. It’s been great so far.”

“Oooohhhh! What’s that you’ve got? *gasp* Are you gonna ask her to MARRY you? I’m so happy for you Lightning!” She says as she crushes me in a Pinkie Pie hug.

“Thanks Pinkie.” But then, she suddenly releases me, a look of concern on her face for some reason.

“What’s wrong Lightning?” She asks, with concern very clear in her voice. Um what? Did she like, magically detect something in my voice or something? Well, that’s Pinkie Pie for you.

“I don’t know.” I say. “I guess it’s just that… well… I’m kinda nervous that Flare won’t say yes.”

“Awww, don’t be like that Lightning. I know she’ll say yes. She loves a lot. Maybe even more than you realise...” She’s right. Flare does love me a lot and I’m sure she’ll say yes.

“Thanks Pinkie. I guess I just needed to hear that from somepony else.”

“Anytime Lightning.” Then Pinkie gives me another, less murderous hug. Right at that moment, Rarity comes out.

“I’m dooonnne!” She says. That was fast. But hey, I suppose that’s what Rarity is good at.

“Thanks Rarity.” I replied, thankful that she sorted my suit out at such short notice.

“Anytime Lightning. Oohh! What’s that? Are you going to ask Flare to marry you?” I find it quite amusing that she has basically the exact same reaction as Pinkie…

“Yup. Sure am!”

“Well, good luck! Not that you’ll need it, of course.” She says, giving me a wink. I put both the suit and ring neatly back into my saddle bags.

“Thanks again. Both of you.” With that, I head back home, and Pinkie and Rarity start having a conversation about whatever, I’m not really sure what. I make my way back home with a new feeling of confidence. Now I’m sure Flare will say yes…


It’s the evening now and I’m all ready and just waiting around for Flare to finish getting ready to go. I take one last look at the ring before putting it in my suit pocket. It’s just a typical suit. You know, one that’s black and white and a red tie. All I need are some cool shades and I’d look like I belong with the Stallions in Black. Before long, Flare comes downstairs in her stunning dress. Even if I’ve seen it a million times, it still looks just as amazing. It’s relatively long, turquoise dress with darker blue accents. She has her hair in a French braid, which looks great. She also has a teal flower in her hair. “Wow.” I say. “You’re looking beautiful in blue!”

“Thanks. You don’t look to bad yourself!” Oh, Flare. You always know how to bring a smile to my face. “You already to go?”

“Sure am!” And with that, we head out. The sun is still up, and if my timing is still any good, we should be able to have dinner and then just have enough time to watch the sunset together. Although, it looks like it’ll probably rain… But that’s not too big of an issue. On the train ride to Canterlot, we just sit and enjoy each other’s presence. You don’t always need to have an insanely amazing conversation to enjoy being with somepony. Just being there with is all you really need sometimes. When the train ride is over, we head over to the diner and get seated at this table next to a window closer to the back. You can really see half the diner from here. Flare and I just order our usual and then have a casual conversation as we wait for our food. I feel a bit nervous about this, but honestly, who wouldn’t? This is a life changing thing that I’m about to do, it would forever affect my future. Who wouldn’t be nervous about doing something like that? Eventually our food comes and we eat. I’m not really the type to talk much while I’m eating because, well food is such a delightful thing. But after we finish we sit in silence for a little bit. I guess it’s now or never. Boy, I’m really getting nervous now… What so I even say? “Flare, I love you. Like, really. A lot. You mean all of Equestria to me.” Not the best, I’ll admit but better than nothing. “You mean so much to me and you’ve made the happiest pony alive. It’s been an amazing three years, and I just love you.”

“Awww, Lightning. I love you too.”

“I know. And, well, I have something for you. Close your eyes.” She closes her eyes and I get up and go over to her side of the table. I kneel down to propose and take out the box with the ring in it. “Okay, you can open your eyes now.” She does so and turns to look at me, and the second she does she gasps and her eyes start to swell up with tears. With tears of joy forming in my own, I say the words. “Flare, will you marry me?” She quickly nods her head and says “Yes!” I put the ring on her hoof and then she immediately hugs me and then we kiss. This is actually happening. I can’t believe it. This is actually happening right now! When we break the kiss, we look into each other’s eyes. “I love you Lightning.”

“I know, Flare.”


After we go back home and get out of our fancy clothing, as I like to call it, we head over to our favorite park and sit on the bench. The bench where we had confessed our love for each other and had officially become a couple. This has basically become a tradition, us coming to this park and this very bench every year. I wrap my right wing around her and she holds me tightly with her front hooves. I remember that day so well, like it was just a recent memory. It feels so long ago, yet so close at the same time. I remember, how we were sitting on this very bench that we’re on now. How she told me she was in love with me, and I told her the feeling was mutual. How she then tackle hugged me, and we went tumbling down the hill. And how we had kissed when we reached the bottom just as it had started to rain, just like how it’s starting to rain now as a matter of fact. “Remember our first kiss?” She asks me.

“Of course I do. I’ll never forget that moment for as long as I live.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.” And with that we kissed once more, in the rain as the sun was setting. Can you really get much more of a perfect scene than that? The rain, the setting sun, the just engaged couple kissing in the rain under the setting sun… I’m glad I chose today. It couldn’t have gone any better. And now, both our lives are about to become a million times better. We break the kiss and look into each other’s eyes.


“Yes Flare?”

“You know, I’ve thought of the most adorable foal names...” Wait what?

Author's Note:

Wew! That's all done now. I know, I'm the best with words, but hey, it's better than nothing! Anyway, Happy birthday to you Fluffy, I love you! I hope you enjoyed this lil story that I put together and yes, this is "The Project." XD So uhm yeah. Words. N stuff.
Fluffy I challenge you to make a sequel/prequel XD

Comments ( 26 )

*after reading edit*
now I know why you were asking me hair styles and flowers lol

Fluffy I challenge you to make a sequel/prequel XD

u owe me something if I get that out before our six months ;P
it'd prolly be sequel

Wait...wait a minute...waitwaitwaitWaitWaitWAITWAITWAAAAAAAAAAIIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*kills bug*
Phew. sorry. Bug on the computer. All creepy crawly and stuff. Now...what were we talking about?
*reads story*
Hold on.

u owe me something if I get that out before our six months ;P

Isn't it six months of pregnancy before a baby is...?

8158546 No XD

6 month dating anniversary XD

8158134 Not entirely what I meant by that but alright XD

8158705 oh? then what did you mean?

8158714 Just make a prequel/sequel. Not that it had to be out before our 6 months :derpytongue2:

8158736 Then do it if you want and I'll give you whatever it is I'd owe you XD

Ehh... Tbh, I don't care. You two can keep loving each other, you don't have to listen. (I just read this story xD)

I mean, what's the worst that could happen?


You're just now saying something about this? :derpytongue2:

yes because i'm writing the worst that could happen


My brain is thinking either ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)



:moustache: My lips are sealed

May I kiss those sealed lips? :trollestia::moustache::moustache:

:duck: What do you think?

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