• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 675 Views, 5 Comments

Shadows of the nightemares from the past. - Thundering star

A new pony arrives at Ponyville during a winter storm nopony would dear to cross, so why did he?

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Chapter two: Welcome to Ponyville

Let’s just skip all the chit-chat this round and just start the story shall we?

The ponies within Twilight's home sat around the center of the room with Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sitting on the couch, Twilight and Fluttershy sitting in chairs, and Applejack leaned on the couch. They all eyed Feather Bolt sitting on the floor, his eyes shifting around, sometimes looking out the window as if judging if he should brave the storm.
After a long silent, only interrupted by the slight snores from the up stairs where Spike had went to bed, Twilight stood up and cleared her throat.

"So...” she said uncertainly. “Feather Bolt, where are you from?"

Bolt looked up, as if the question had never been asked before in his entire life. He spoke up, his voice being about as quite as Fluttershy's.

"I'm from a far of city called Hoofdon."
Rarity seemed to perk up while Rainbow Dash frowned.

"Hoofdon....never heard of that place before...ever." Rainbow said before Rarity interrupted her.

"Darling, have you never, ever heard of Hoofdon? It’s the second biggest city, right after Canterlot of course. What strikes me is the distance. If one would travel by hoof in one go, one would maybe make it here in about one year, maybe more. How long have you traveling darling?" Rarity eyed up Bolt with a curious look after finishing.

Bolt took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I've been traveling from town to town in between two to three years now. Never really stayed in towns for long and never really been to any big cities..."
There was a silence as thick as mud as the elements realized that their guest had been traveling for a very long time.

"You have been traveling for so long...what kind of profession keeps one on the travel hoof for so long?" Asked Applejack with a questioning face.

Bolt's face seemed to lighten up; he then took out a pair of goggles from one of the saddle bags, the bags appered to be of the larger type that was made for a Pegasus in mid-flight without bothering the wings, but they appered to have seen better days with holes in pockets and missing buttons, he strapped the goggles over his head, as if they should make it more obvious.

"I'm a professional, freelancing, stunt flier. I travel from town to town performing for a living. I've been doing it for a while, so then I thought 'Hey, why not go out and show the world who I am? Maybe even train with someone whose even better?' So I packed up and left city on the Summer Sun Celebration."

Twilight looked up at Bolt after hearing this.
"On Summer Sun Celebration, the one where Nightmare Moon attacked, how did you manage to leave during all that? Or more of...why?"

Bolt seemed unsure as he seemed to scratch the floor with his hoof,
"Ok...I didn't just decide to leave there and then...I....ehm...got into a fight with my parents. It got out of hand and....well...I just used the confusion from when the sun didn't rise and the darkness to leave town....never looked back..."

The others seemed to look on Bolt with some pity, while Applejack had an uncertain look on her face as if she could not decide if she should believe in the Pegasus in front of her.
But before she could come with any sort of question, Pinkie Pie sprung up in front of her, speaking in her normally to-fast-to-really-understand way.

"Do you have your costume, I mean your stunt costume, not any other kind of costume like of a manticore or a hydra? Oh, have you ever seen a hydra before, ever fought them in one of your stunts..."
Before she could continue, Rainbow Dash placed a hoof over her mouth to make her stop speaking before she summed up for Pinkie Pie before she trailed off.

"What she meant was, do you have the uniform for your stunt flying, or is it just those goggles you're wearing there?"
Bolt took a quick look at his goggles, which had clearly seen better days.

"Well...I do have the suit, but the helmet...well....not going to be of much use now..." He said letting out a slightly nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.

"What happened to it then?" asked Twilight as Bolt began to wander through his bag of belongings again. (

"Let’s just put it this way, if my head had been wearing it the moment...then it would not be only the helmet being squashed by a boulder...but my suit is...wait....where is it?"
Bolt was searching through his saddle bags, muttering a few "no, no, no"s before he busted up on his hide hoofs.

The group eyed him curiously as he began looking true the whole area, looking under the couch, behind bookshelves, everywhere.

"Where are they?! they can't just have vanished....unless..."
He then looked out the window into the howling winds and the thick layer of snow, both of which had been lowering in power recently.
"Oh buck me...." Bolt groaned before laying down on the floor with his front hooves over his head.
Fluttershy trotted over to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"There there, what's the matter?" She spoke in her soft voice.
Bolt looked up, a look of defeat on his face.

"Some of my stuff is lost....taken by the storm....including all of my bits....two hundred and twenty....along with my diar-I mean my log book...."
He then placed his hooves over his head again, biting on his lower lips to keep himself from breaking into tears.

"That's a lot of bits..." Applejack whistled in a lowered tone, “But is the diary of yours really so important to you?"
Bolt looked up, a single tear having breached out.

"It....it was the only thing I had left from my home. That and my goggles. That’s a lot of memories that are dear to me there..."
He then looked out into the storm which gradually began to vanish while he let out a sigh.
"And now it’s all gone..."

They all looked saddened at him, except Pinkie Pie, who was inspecting a book that appeared to be out of place, lying on its spine on one of the shelves.
"Twilight, I didn't realize you had these kinds of books." she said.

Twilight shook herself out of her pitying of Bolt to look at what Pinkie was referring to.
"Ugh...I've told Spike not to place the books like that, it makes the library look like a mess..."
She covered the book in her usual purple glow before bringing it down to her face. ”It’s even in the wrong section, its placed under G while it clearly should stand under F for 'Feather Bolt's log bo-'"
Before she could finish, Bolt raced up from where he stood, and thrown himself and grabbed the book from Twilight grasp, hugging the book as if it was a long lost family member or something.

"My diary, I thought I'd never see you again!" he said as he kissed the book plenty of times before he remembered he was in company of others.
He hastily stood up and cleared his throat, blushing in embarrassment as the others gave him a slightly puzzled look, except Rainbow Dash who was currently gasping for breath on the floor.

"Thank you Pinkie for finding my di...ehm...log book...it means a lot for me." Bolt smiled to Pinkie, who seemed to beam at this.

"As for the bits....I guess I just have to earn some until I can get someone who is good with a sewing machine to make me a new one....you know of anywhere I can get some work, or if there are someone who can make clothes around here that I can ask for help. It would be splendid."

Rarity cleared her throat, getting Bolts attention before she spoke.
“Well, as it may happen, I am the proud owner of the fabulous boutique here in Ponyville. It would just be a dishonor not to design you a suit for your shows, as for the money....it's fully free of charge."

Bolt's jaw hit the floor by this.

"Free of charges...oh nononono...not a chance, I've never taken anything for free. I'll pay. If you can make it as good as I believe you can, I'll even double the payment!"

This time it was Rainbow Dash's jaw who fell.
"You're going to pay, even when she offers it free of charge! The hay is wrong with you? The storm knock a few bolts loose in your head or something?" she shouted.

Bolt looked up calmly at Rainbow Dash.

"My mother always told me that I should never accept any kind of gift without some sort of payment. A simple 'Thank you' won't do for the suit if she would accept to do so."

Rarity looked like she was debating with herself whether or not to accept the offer, but quickly shook her head and returned the offer.
"Twenty five percent of the original price."

"Seventy five." Bolt argued.

"Sixty five!" replied Rarity, to which Bolt reached out with a hoof as he replied to her offer.

"Fifty percent and I'll tell everypony that you where the one making the fabulous suit, last offer..."
Bolt's final offer seemed to please Rarity as she extended her own hoof and shook Bolt's, who seemed to look rather pleased until he suddenly collapsed onto the floor.

"What just happen?" Demanded a worried Applejack as Fluttershy quickly flew over to Bolt to check his pulse and breath, the latter of which was soon replaced by a slight snoring noise.

"Huh, I guess the Rainbow juice didn't last for long." Pinkie said with a grin as Twilight lifted the sleeping Pegasus up with her magic and placed him on the couch.
That done, she let out a yawn.

"I think we all should follow his example and get us some sleep. The storm seems to be lightening up, but I suggest you all sleep here until tomorrow." she explained.

Nopony argued as Twilight conjured forth a few sleeping-bags upstairs (much to Raritys discomfort) for the others to sleep in, one to herself aswell, with some slight strain, while letting Bolt sleep on the cuch downstairs to let the colt have some privacy.

"What about Bolt?" Fluttershy asked as she and the others crawled into separate bags.

"He'll be fine, he just needs some rest is all." Assured Twilight as she blew out the last of the candles and went into her own bag, sleeping soundly soon with her friends around her.

The only sound that was heard that night was the slowly dying wind outside.....and groaning and mumbling from a colt that tossed and turned on the couch, mumbling into the dark.

"No....I swear...I didn't do it...I'd never hurt her....no...No please...no...."
Well, now I finally finished one evening....and it only took me two chapeters and one intro to do so, anyways R&R please.
And you are also welcome to come with suggestions and tips aswell, allwasy nice to read such....I hope.

Edit: Another fixed up chapeter by my favorite editor, much appreciated Grano Onis, thanks for the heads up my friend.