• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 676 Views, 5 Comments

Shadows of the nightemares from the past. - Thundering star

A new pony arrives at Ponyville during a winter storm nopony would dear to cross, so why did he?

  • ...

Chapter one: First contact

personal notes: I’ve come down to a decision: I’m am going to finish this story, I can't promise that the updates will come at specific times, a new one could arrive today, or next month, but I swear that I shall finish this.
On an extra note, I had written a good portion when it all just vanished....and I had to start all over again....If you are out there.... Wipe that darn grin of your face Trollestia!
But enough chit-chat, let’s begin this story.

"Rainbow Dash, cut that out.” Twilight said. “He is not going to wake up faster by you hanging over him like that."
She let out a sigh as Rainbow Dash landed on the end of the couch where the mysterious colt was currently resting, only to take off and hang over him once again.

"Common, Twilight, I'm not going to kill him once he wakes up...I just want to make sure he's breathing. Beside, what's the worst that could happen?"
As on cue, the eyes of the colt sprung open and he rose up so quick it surprised Rainbow Dash. However, what surprised her even more was when their lips met for a second.

"And that answers your question sugar cube." Applejack said. She could not help but to chuckle at the sight of Rainbow Dash, who had fallen on her back, drying her lips as if somepony had spat on them or something.
Twilight let out another sigh as Rainbow Dash got on her hooves again.

"Well at least our guest is awake at last."
Twilight turned only to see the shocked expression of the colt, his eyes wide open, mouth slightly agape, his face flushing slightly red, and his wings spread out, but apparently not currently there as Fluttershy was waving a hoof in front of his face without getting any kind of respond.

"Lights on, but nopony home." Pinkie Pie let out a slight giggle of the looks on the face of the colt as Rainbow Dash trotted over angrily.

"Now what?” Rainbow asked, “I’m not going to wait for some answers while his brain catches up with his body."

Twilight looked towards the rest of her friends.
"Any suggestions?" She asked.
Pinkie Pie quickly threw her hoof up, waving it like she was a student back at school.

"Me me me me, pick me, pick me, oh pretty please with sugar on top!"
Twilight looked rather confused for a moment before picking up the roll as a teacher.

"Ok Pinkie, what do you suggest we do?"

"Well since it was because Dashie kissed him..."

"Hey, I did NOT kiss him; he was the one who kissed me." Rainbow Dash protested.

"Oh darling don't be shy,” the white mare said, “I have not met one mare who would die for making a colt dumbstruck like that with just a kiss."
She let out a chuckle before she had to duck for a flying book that Rainbow Dash had thrown at her, but it was stopped by a small field of purple magic that encased it and stoped it before it hit the wal, before placing it back on the book shelf that it was taken from.

Twilight let out a sigh and turned to face Pinkie Pie again. "You were saying?"
"Well, as I was saying, since it was Dashie's kiss that made him like this, why don't we let her kiss him again, just like in those stories only with the princess being the one waking up the prince with a kiss?"

Even before Pinkie was finished, Rainbow Dash had shot up to the top of the room, as if to distance herself from the party crazy friend of hers.
"Hay no will I kiss him! I barely even know him!"
Twilight quickly took the word before any more madness could happen.

"Even if Rainbow would accept the task to do so-"
"Which I wouldn't in a million years." Rainbow interrupted once again, only to have a Pinkie Pie appear seemingly nowhere and drag her down to the floor.

"As I said." Twilight continued. "Even if she would agree, I'm not sure that it would work."
Pinkie Pie looked downed for a moment with a small "Awwww...." before Rainbow Dash bucked her off and stood back up. However, she stumble as Pinkie appeared behind her again, this time balancing a glass jar on her head.

”How about this, will this work?" she questioned as Twilight inspected the jar and its content; a familiar rainbow colored liquid.
"Pinkie, where did you get this?" Twilight asked curiosly with a tad hint of a worried tone in it as Pinkie took a spoon and took a large portion of the liquid rainbow.
"I have my ways." she giggled as she turned towards the still dumbstruck colt with the spoon.
"Okay, Mister, here comes the pony train." Pinkie said as she shoved the whole spoon into the colts mouth, almost feeding it to him as well.

At first nothing seemed to happen, and the others had to stop Pinkie from feeding the colt the whole jar of liquid rainbow. Then, something happened. The colts face suddenly went into a large change of color, going through all the colors of the rainbow, all the while his expression changed according to the color, as the face turned blue his face showed a chilling look, even a small layer of ice appered, then it changed to green, as he suddently threw a hoof over his mouth as if to avoid emptying his stomach's content on the floor, but it was soon replaced by a look as if his whole body was burning on the inside, his mane looking like it was burning, until he suddenly flew high into the air, hit the roof and landed face first into the floor away from the couch.

"Owwww.....sweet Celestia that hurt..." The colt mumbled as he stood up on shaking hooves. "And why does it feels like I just ate a load of burning coal?" he questioned as he began looking around.
Now that he was not covered in blankets the group of friends could get a proper look on their newly arrived guest.
He had emerald green eyes, a backwards combed mane that had a streak of dark brown-red on the outer half while the inner was scarlet red. His coat bore a brown-green color with a cutie mark of a pair of flight goggles strapped over a helmet with a lightning on the side.

"Hold on, where am I, who are you?" he suddenly asked, looking upon the group with a slightly frightened look.
Twilight stepped forward.

"Calm down okay, you're safe now. You're in Ponyville, and you kind of crashed into where I live."
The colt looked around, eyeing every bookcase.

"Huh, looks more like a library than a house if you ask me." the colt said.
Rainbow Dash, despite her anger at the colt, let out a snicker.

"Yea, she is kind of an egghead so this is the perfect place for her."
The colt’s eyes fasten themselves on Rainbow Dash and a slightly puzzled look appeared on his face.

"You look familiar, have we meet before?" he asked with a curious tne in his voice.Rainbow Dash just shook her head.

"Nope, but just before you fainted, I was hovering over you to see if you were all right." she explained.

"And you thought she was an angel." All eyes were suddenly set on Spike, Rainbow Dash's filled with anger.

"I told you not to say that!" she shouted.

Applejack let out a slight chuckle.
"Why, it’s not as embarrassin' when you kissed him."

"For the last time; I did not kiss him, he kissed me!" she pointed an accusing hoof towards the colt who face-hoofed.

"Oh sweet Celestia” the colt said. “Not exactly a good first impression I’m leaving here....wait, what?"
He suddenly looked up again and placed his eyes on Spike.

"A dragon....a living, breathing dragon?!"
Spike looked confused for a moment.

"Yeah, so what?"
The colt looked even more confused.

"Why is there a dragon here....should he not be....I don't know, with other dragons or something?"

"He is my assistant." Twilight said.
Spike seemed to beam with pride, until the colt spoke again.

"Right....and you are...?"
Before Twilight could reply Rainbow Dash stepped forward, annoyance written all over her face.

"Oh no, we answered your questions, now you answer ours. Tell us your name first, and then we can tell you ours."
The colt scratched the back of his head.

"Well....if you insist. My name is Feather Bolt. Now that I’ve told you mine, how about the names of my saviors?"
There was an odd tone that he put on the last word for some reason, but Twilight shrugged it off.

"Very well, my name is Twilight Sparkle. The dragon is Spike..."
Spike took a bow like he was an actor.

"The white unicorn over there is Rarity..."
Rarity gave Bolt a small wink which caused his face to turn almost as red as his mane.

"The pink earth pony over there is Pinkie Pie-"
Before Twilight could continue, Pinkie Pie sprung out in front of Bolt, sending him rearing backwards onto his back.

"Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, but my friends call me just Pinkie, or Pinkie Pie. Do you like parties? I love parties. I would have thrown you a party since you are new and all, but I can't because of the storm and all. How about I throw you a party when the storm is over? What do you say?"
All Feather Bolt could do was nod, to which Pinkie Pie began jumping with glee and was off like a lightning to Celestian knows where, or how.

"Don't mind her; she's just happy to see a new face around here." Applejack said reaching out a hoof to Bolt, which was graciously accepted, hauled him up, and began shaking his hand mightily after he had gotten up.
"I’m Applejack, by the way. Proud member of the Apple family."

When she let go of his hoof, it was still shaking mightily, until Spike grabbed a hold of it which caused the shacking to finally die down.

"Common, Fluttershy." Twilight said as she pushed the slightly nervous, yellow pegasus in front of Bolt.

"This is Fluttershy.” Twilight said. “As her name implies she's shy. Shyer than a scared bunny in fact."
Fluttershy just looked down on the floor, not able to speak.
"And the cyan 'angel' over there..." continued Applejack with a slight snicker while Rainbow Dash shot her angry looks before turning her gaze at Bolt, who could feel nervous sweat pour down his neck.

"I’m Rainbow Dash, best flier in all of Equestria." she said coldly before turning and flying to the couch. (

"Don't feel bad Bolt,” Applejack said chuckling as she placed a hoof around Bolt's shoulder, “we just made a might few jokes to many about the two of you."
Bolt quickly stepped away looking on the group.

"Wait, wait....aren't you....the Elements of Harmony?" he asked, his tone clearly getting more and more nervous.
They all nodded at him, slightly confused by this question. Had he not heard of them before?

"And you’re....Princess Celestia’s student?" Bolt questioned again pointing towards Twilight, who nodded with a slightly puzzled look on her face.

"Aw come on!” Rainbow exclaimed as she looked coldly at Bolt. “You heard about the egghead being the Princess's student, but you didn't hear about me?"
Bolt swallowed hard.

"Well....I-I'm glad for all the assistance and all that, but I truly do not want to bother you any longer..." He said as he quickly grabbed his saddle bags by the couch and was in front of the door in a matter of blinks.

"So I'll be going then, thank you all once again."
Twilight was about to protest, but was stopped by a slightly giggling Rainbow Dash whose grin got even bigger as Bolt open the door and bolted out...right into the wall of snow that had covered the entrance. Rainbow Dash burst out in complete laughter.

"Sorry, Bolt, but the storm is still ragin' out there” Applejack said as she dragged Bolt out of the wall of snow and closed the door behind them.

“Ah guess you are stuck here with us until it calms then."
"Just great..." Mumbled Bolt as they gathered around the middle of the room with their seats.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself then Bolt?" Asked Twilight as they made themselves comfortable.

"Yeah...like where you come from and why you came here, cause you're obviously not from around here." Spike said.
Bolt grumbled slightly, but sat down and begun to tell them about himself.
I know I based Bolts look on my avatars look, but hey, I originally planned for it to be used in the story, then I thought "Buck it." and used it as my avatar aswell.
Anyway, any replies and likes would be great, hope you liked it and so on, until next time

Edit: I've got myself a editor, which is much needed now that I've looked over my work, Grano Onis, thank you so much for this.