Shadows of the nightemares from the past.

by Thundering star

First published

A new pony arrives at Ponyville during a winter storm nopony would dear to cross, so why did he?

Edit: With the help of my new editor have the story been chaged at some points, it is advised to look over the story at certain points to make sure you have not missed something large.

The story begins a stormy winter evening, the Mane six is currently at Twilight's home when a pegasus crashes true her window, apperently having tried to cross true the heavy storm, being out cold he is taken care by the elements of Harmony.
The traveler soon joins in on the community, but he tends to keep to himself when not helping others.
He seems allways ready to flee town as soon as possible, but something seems to keep him from leaving, a shared question is why he left his hometown, and who or what is it that apperes to haunt his sleep close to every night.


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Right then, here we go with my very first Pony story.....or story at all!
First thing first, thank you for reading this and all that, all form for helpful grammar correction would be appreciated, give me a hint if something is wrong, but first of all, give me some help as I got no clue of how to write in Applejack accent.
Now that the notes are handled, take a seat, bring some snacks and read on, because now we begin!

Ponyville, a humble little village just a train ride to the grand city of Canterlot, the wasteland town of Appleloosa. While the town would normally be buzzing with life it would not be this evening. No, this evening everypony was inside their houses, covering themselves and their families and friends in blankets while sipping hot chocolate as the wind outside howled and the snow fell thick down from the skies and covered everything in a thick blanket of snow in a matter of seconds.

A specific house, or more of a house made purely out of a fully-grown tree, stood defiant against the howling winds and the large mass of snow that was weighing heavily on the branches. Inside sat six ponies and a baby dragon, all of them doing what the rest of town was; packing themselves in blankets and sipping hot chocolate. One of the group, a purple unicorn read a book, not a story book like one would normally read on a night like this, but a book about different storms and other weather types while telling the others about it, much to their boredom.

"For crying out loud Twilight!" A cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane explained as the unicorn begun explaining the pattern of route which raincloud often took. "We know that storm clouds outside of Ponyville move on their own, and that this is a snowstorm we are facing! What I want to know is why the rest of the weather squad and I were grounded while this storm gives us even more snow to clear during Winter Wrap Up!"

Twilight looked up from the book to look at her friend calmly.
"This is no ordinary storm,” she said. “No weather team in all of Equestria would be able to clear it out. Even to cross it is forbidden, as few have survived being in the outskirt of it for more than a minute."
Rainbow Dash sat down with a snort, not being used to let a storm tell her what to do, not even a big one as this.

"Now, the odd part of The Ice Wolf..." Twilight began before another member of the group, a pink earth pony suddenly began giggling.

"Silly filly, Twilight. It’s a storm with a lot of snow going through Ponyville, not ice sculptures."

"True, Pinkie." Said Twilight, looking at pink earth pony before continuing. "But this is not normal storm; you all have heard how the wind is howling?"
The group nodded as another "howl" from the wind sounded outside the window.

"This storm also comes regularly." she explained to the group before another pegasus with a bright pink mane, brighter than Pinky's, spoke out in a voice almost as silent as a mouse.

"Ehm....I'm sorry for interrupting Twilight, storm has never gone over Ponyville before." Twilight nodded at the friend. "Exactly, it's supposed to pass Ponyville by miles, so why did it hit us directly right now?"

The others mumbled in agreement. In all the years that Ponyville had stood, the storm had never even got close to the town. It just passed by. "That is why I'm looking in this book; to seek the answer to this."
While Twilight began reading again in her book a white unicorn with a fabulous purple mane looked around puzzled for a moment before asking an orange pony with blond mane and a brown Stetson next to her.

"Applejack, have you seen Spike, I can't seem to find him, and I swear that he was right next to me a few seconds ago."
Applejack pointed at the second floor where Spike, a purple little dragon with green spikes, was standing, looking out the window into the harsh blizzard raging outside.

"Spike!" the white unicorn called as the little dragon turned and looked down at the group with a slight confusion in his eyes.

"Hey Twilight!" he called back down, getting her attention out of her book.

"Yes, what is it Spike?" she called back.

"You said that it was not smart to go out in this storm?" he asked, as if he had not listened fully to her.

"Yes, it’s not smart, even a few minutes in there could possibly kill you, although no one has actually been there long enough to actually tell so....why?"
There was a hint of concern in her voice as the dragon pointed at the window.

"Then what is that pegasus doing?"
The whole group was quickly at the window, looking at what Spike was pointing at. True to his word, there was a small pegasus shaped shadow fighting in the wind.

The storm howled into the ears as the pegasus fought tooth and hoof against the wind that threatened to tear his wings off and throw both them, him, and his bags made for pegasi in flight far away. He wished he could land, but he knew that the moment he touched down he would be buried under a ton of snow in a matter of seconds, his aching wings kept flapping as he looked around for a cave or even better, a house where he could seek shelter from the storm.
'No.' he thought inside of his head. 'No rest. Not yet. You have yet to escape.'
So he bit down on his lip and kept on.

"What in tarnation is that pegasus doin'?" Applejack asked in confusion as the group watched the pegasus fighting out there in the snow storm.

"We have to get him!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew out the main door, only to crash with a solid wall of snow covering the doorway.

"Rainbow Dash, are you crazy, even if you managed to dig out then you would only get thrown wildly around by the winds." Twilight said with a cross look, but it soon turned to worry as she looked out the window again at the shadow. "All we can do is sit here and pray to Celestia for the best..."

"Oh oh oh.!" Explained Pinkie Pie suddenly as her tail began twitching, she suddenly jumped up and grabbed the sofa, dragging it to the wall opposite of the window, much to the rest of the crews confusion as she seemed to aim if it was perfectly placed in front of the window and then leaped up to the window, grabbing a hold of the handle to the window and waited.

"Ehm...Pinkie Pie?" Spike asked nervously while eying the partly crazed pony with concern. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for our new guest of course silly, would be rude to give him a hard landing right?" she replied, not taking her eyes of the shadow outside.


The wind was picking up speed, the pegasus was sure of this. He could not fight the storm any longer. The world became even more disorientating as he felt his wings give up and he tumbled through the winds with no control at all. What he
managed to see was that he had a steady course towards a giant tree.

'So...this is how it shall end then.' he thought as he came spiraling closer and closer towards the tree.
When he thought that it was all over, he closed his eyes while bracing for the pain. He suddenly became aware of something. He was no longer in the howling winds and the heavy snowfall, but rather in what seemed like a sofa, on its back, in some sort of room.

'Am I dead? that case then heaven is sure an odd place.'
While laying there he became aware of his lack of will to remain awake. He slowly turned his head so he looked upwards, and what he saw surprised him: there, hovering above him was another pegasus, this one was cyan, and a rainbow colored mane flow from her face, which from the ground gave it a even more stunning look, and a concerned look of her face as she seemed to descend towards him.
With the last of the strength he had he spoke with a low voice as he asked the pegasus above him.

"Are.....y-you an.....angel?" then he slipped into the blackness, voices speaking un-hearable words above him.


The strange pegasus had busted through the window the moment Pinkie Pie opened it, crashing into the sofa. While Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack and the white mare fought to close the open window Rainbow Dash, the yellow mare, and Spike went down to check on the "guest" as Pinkie had called him.

Rainbow Dash was first there, hovering above him before lowering herself down, as she closed in she noticed that the pegasus, a stallion it appeared, looked up to her weakly while speaking so that she barely heard him
"Are.....y-you an.....angel?" he asked weakly before falling out cold.

"D-did he just call you an Angel?" Spike said with a puzzled look while he turned his head from the stallion towards the now blushing Rainbow Dash.

"L-later, right now we got to get him right....give me a hoof here Spike." She stuttered slightly as she, with the help of Spike, got the sofa with its sleeping occupant up right. They placed him in a lying position on it and then removed his saddle bags and placed it next to the chair as Twilight and the others descended down the stairs. Twilight quickly went to examine the pegasus.

"Well, is he all right....will he be all right?" the white mare asked, eying up the stallion in front of them.

"I’m not sure, he is very cold so we've got to get him heated up, or else he might freeze to death, Fluttershy get some blankets for him fast, Spike, get some hot chocolate here fast!"
Spike made a small salute with a "At Once!" before hurrying off to the kitchen, while the yellow mare began gathering up blankets and brought them to Twilight, who wrapped them around the guest with the help of the others.

"Now what?" questioned Rainbow Dash, clearly worried as Spike returned with the hot chocolate.
The mug was covered in a purple glow as Twilight lifted it up with her magic and bri it up to the stallions lips, letting a little of the hot brew slip slightly down his throat before removing the cup.

"The only thing we can do now is wait....and hope." she placed the cup down as they gathered around while talking to each other as the storm kept blowing.

Right then, thank you all for read, as mentioned, all kind of help is needed...i didn’t give any kind of info about our mysterious guest at the moment to cloud this all into a mysterious cloud......that and I’m currently working on some last things about.....mainly his name.....
Anyway, rate and comment on how this was, and we shall see if this is something that shall float, or sink faster than Spikes last dessert..... Until next time.

Chapter one: First contact

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personal notes: I’ve come down to a decision: I’m am going to finish this story, I can't promise that the updates will come at specific times, a new one could arrive today, or next month, but I swear that I shall finish this.
On an extra note, I had written a good portion when it all just vanished....and I had to start all over again....If you are out there.... Wipe that darn grin of your face Trollestia!
But enough chit-chat, let’s begin this story.

"Rainbow Dash, cut that out.” Twilight said. “He is not going to wake up faster by you hanging over him like that."
She let out a sigh as Rainbow Dash landed on the end of the couch where the mysterious colt was currently resting, only to take off and hang over him once again.

"Common, Twilight, I'm not going to kill him once he wakes up...I just want to make sure he's breathing. Beside, what's the worst that could happen?"
As on cue, the eyes of the colt sprung open and he rose up so quick it surprised Rainbow Dash. However, what surprised her even more was when their lips met for a second.

"And that answers your question sugar cube." Applejack said. She could not help but to chuckle at the sight of Rainbow Dash, who had fallen on her back, drying her lips as if somepony had spat on them or something.
Twilight let out another sigh as Rainbow Dash got on her hooves again.

"Well at least our guest is awake at last."
Twilight turned only to see the shocked expression of the colt, his eyes wide open, mouth slightly agape, his face flushing slightly red, and his wings spread out, but apparently not currently there as Fluttershy was waving a hoof in front of his face without getting any kind of respond.

"Lights on, but nopony home." Pinkie Pie let out a slight giggle of the looks on the face of the colt as Rainbow Dash trotted over angrily.

"Now what?” Rainbow asked, “I’m not going to wait for some answers while his brain catches up with his body."

Twilight looked towards the rest of her friends.
"Any suggestions?" She asked.
Pinkie Pie quickly threw her hoof up, waving it like she was a student back at school.

"Me me me me, pick me, pick me, oh pretty please with sugar on top!"
Twilight looked rather confused for a moment before picking up the roll as a teacher.

"Ok Pinkie, what do you suggest we do?"

"Well since it was because Dashie kissed him..."

"Hey, I did NOT kiss him; he was the one who kissed me." Rainbow Dash protested.

"Oh darling don't be shy,” the white mare said, “I have not met one mare who would die for making a colt dumbstruck like that with just a kiss."
She let out a chuckle before she had to duck for a flying book that Rainbow Dash had thrown at her, but it was stopped by a small field of purple magic that encased it and stoped it before it hit the wal, before placing it back on the book shelf that it was taken from.

Twilight let out a sigh and turned to face Pinkie Pie again. "You were saying?"
"Well, as I was saying, since it was Dashie's kiss that made him like this, why don't we let her kiss him again, just like in those stories only with the princess being the one waking up the prince with a kiss?"

Even before Pinkie was finished, Rainbow Dash had shot up to the top of the room, as if to distance herself from the party crazy friend of hers.
"Hay no will I kiss him! I barely even know him!"
Twilight quickly took the word before any more madness could happen.

"Even if Rainbow would accept the task to do so-"
"Which I wouldn't in a million years." Rainbow interrupted once again, only to have a Pinkie Pie appear seemingly nowhere and drag her down to the floor.

"As I said." Twilight continued. "Even if she would agree, I'm not sure that it would work."
Pinkie Pie looked downed for a moment with a small "Awwww...." before Rainbow Dash bucked her off and stood back up. However, she stumble as Pinkie appeared behind her again, this time balancing a glass jar on her head.

”How about this, will this work?" she questioned as Twilight inspected the jar and its content; a familiar rainbow colored liquid.
"Pinkie, where did you get this?" Twilight asked curiosly with a tad hint of a worried tone in it as Pinkie took a spoon and took a large portion of the liquid rainbow.
"I have my ways." she giggled as she turned towards the still dumbstruck colt with the spoon.
"Okay, Mister, here comes the pony train." Pinkie said as she shoved the whole spoon into the colts mouth, almost feeding it to him as well.

At first nothing seemed to happen, and the others had to stop Pinkie from feeding the colt the whole jar of liquid rainbow. Then, something happened. The colts face suddenly went into a large change of color, going through all the colors of the rainbow, all the while his expression changed according to the color, as the face turned blue his face showed a chilling look, even a small layer of ice appered, then it changed to green, as he suddently threw a hoof over his mouth as if to avoid emptying his stomach's content on the floor, but it was soon replaced by a look as if his whole body was burning on the inside, his mane looking like it was burning, until he suddenly flew high into the air, hit the roof and landed face first into the floor away from the couch.

"Owwww.....sweet Celestia that hurt..." The colt mumbled as he stood up on shaking hooves. "And why does it feels like I just ate a load of burning coal?" he questioned as he began looking around.
Now that he was not covered in blankets the group of friends could get a proper look on their newly arrived guest.
He had emerald green eyes, a backwards combed mane that had a streak of dark brown-red on the outer half while the inner was scarlet red. His coat bore a brown-green color with a cutie mark of a pair of flight goggles strapped over a helmet with a lightning on the side.

"Hold on, where am I, who are you?" he suddenly asked, looking upon the group with a slightly frightened look.
Twilight stepped forward.

"Calm down okay, you're safe now. You're in Ponyville, and you kind of crashed into where I live."
The colt looked around, eyeing every bookcase.

"Huh, looks more like a library than a house if you ask me." the colt said.
Rainbow Dash, despite her anger at the colt, let out a snicker.

"Yea, she is kind of an egghead so this is the perfect place for her."
The colt’s eyes fasten themselves on Rainbow Dash and a slightly puzzled look appeared on his face.

"You look familiar, have we meet before?" he asked with a curious tne in his voice.Rainbow Dash just shook her head.

"Nope, but just before you fainted, I was hovering over you to see if you were all right." she explained.

"And you thought she was an angel." All eyes were suddenly set on Spike, Rainbow Dash's filled with anger.

"I told you not to say that!" she shouted.

Applejack let out a slight chuckle.
"Why, it’s not as embarrassin' when you kissed him."

"For the last time; I did not kiss him, he kissed me!" she pointed an accusing hoof towards the colt who face-hoofed.

"Oh sweet Celestia” the colt said. “Not exactly a good first impression I’m leaving here....wait, what?"
He suddenly looked up again and placed his eyes on Spike.

"A dragon....a living, breathing dragon?!"
Spike looked confused for a moment.

"Yeah, so what?"
The colt looked even more confused.

"Why is there a dragon here....should he not be....I don't know, with other dragons or something?"

"He is my assistant." Twilight said.
Spike seemed to beam with pride, until the colt spoke again.

"Right....and you are...?"
Before Twilight could reply Rainbow Dash stepped forward, annoyance written all over her face.

"Oh no, we answered your questions, now you answer ours. Tell us your name first, and then we can tell you ours."
The colt scratched the back of his head.

"Well....if you insist. My name is Feather Bolt. Now that I’ve told you mine, how about the names of my saviors?"
There was an odd tone that he put on the last word for some reason, but Twilight shrugged it off.

"Very well, my name is Twilight Sparkle. The dragon is Spike..."
Spike took a bow like he was an actor.

"The white unicorn over there is Rarity..."
Rarity gave Bolt a small wink which caused his face to turn almost as red as his mane.

"The pink earth pony over there is Pinkie Pie-"
Before Twilight could continue, Pinkie Pie sprung out in front of Bolt, sending him rearing backwards onto his back.

"Hi, I’m Pinkie Pie, but my friends call me just Pinkie, or Pinkie Pie. Do you like parties? I love parties. I would have thrown you a party since you are new and all, but I can't because of the storm and all. How about I throw you a party when the storm is over? What do you say?"
All Feather Bolt could do was nod, to which Pinkie Pie began jumping with glee and was off like a lightning to Celestian knows where, or how.

"Don't mind her; she's just happy to see a new face around here." Applejack said reaching out a hoof to Bolt, which was graciously accepted, hauled him up, and began shaking his hand mightily after he had gotten up.
"I’m Applejack, by the way. Proud member of the Apple family."

When she let go of his hoof, it was still shaking mightily, until Spike grabbed a hold of it which caused the shacking to finally die down.

"Common, Fluttershy." Twilight said as she pushed the slightly nervous, yellow pegasus in front of Bolt.

"This is Fluttershy.” Twilight said. “As her name implies she's shy. Shyer than a scared bunny in fact."
Fluttershy just looked down on the floor, not able to speak.
"And the cyan 'angel' over there..." continued Applejack with a slight snicker while Rainbow Dash shot her angry looks before turning her gaze at Bolt, who could feel nervous sweat pour down his neck.

"I’m Rainbow Dash, best flier in all of Equestria." she said coldly before turning and flying to the couch. (

"Don't feel bad Bolt,” Applejack said chuckling as she placed a hoof around Bolt's shoulder, “we just made a might few jokes to many about the two of you."
Bolt quickly stepped away looking on the group.

"Wait, wait....aren't you....the Elements of Harmony?" he asked, his tone clearly getting more and more nervous.
They all nodded at him, slightly confused by this question. Had he not heard of them before?

"And you’re....Princess Celestia’s student?" Bolt questioned again pointing towards Twilight, who nodded with a slightly puzzled look on her face.

"Aw come on!” Rainbow exclaimed as she looked coldly at Bolt. “You heard about the egghead being the Princess's student, but you didn't hear about me?"
Bolt swallowed hard.

"Well....I-I'm glad for all the assistance and all that, but I truly do not want to bother you any longer..." He said as he quickly grabbed his saddle bags by the couch and was in front of the door in a matter of blinks.

"So I'll be going then, thank you all once again."
Twilight was about to protest, but was stopped by a slightly giggling Rainbow Dash whose grin got even bigger as Bolt open the door and bolted out...right into the wall of snow that had covered the entrance. Rainbow Dash burst out in complete laughter.

"Sorry, Bolt, but the storm is still ragin' out there” Applejack said as she dragged Bolt out of the wall of snow and closed the door behind them.

“Ah guess you are stuck here with us until it calms then."
"Just great..." Mumbled Bolt as they gathered around the middle of the room with their seats.

"Why don't you tell us about yourself then Bolt?" Asked Twilight as they made themselves comfortable.

" where you come from and why you came here, cause you're obviously not from around here." Spike said.
Bolt grumbled slightly, but sat down and begun to tell them about himself.
I know I based Bolts look on my avatars look, but hey, I originally planned for it to be used in the story, then I thought "Buck it." and used it as my avatar aswell.
Anyway, any replies and likes would be great, hope you liked it and so on, until next time

Edit: I've got myself a editor, which is much needed now that I've looked over my work, Grano Onis, thank you so much for this.

Chapter two: Welcome to Ponyville

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Let’s just skip all the chit-chat this round and just start the story shall we?

The ponies within Twilight's home sat around the center of the room with Pinkie, Rarity and Rainbow Dash sitting on the couch, Twilight and Fluttershy sitting in chairs, and Applejack leaned on the couch. They all eyed Feather Bolt sitting on the floor, his eyes shifting around, sometimes looking out the window as if judging if he should brave the storm.
After a long silent, only interrupted by the slight snores from the up stairs where Spike had went to bed, Twilight stood up and cleared her throat.

"So...” she said uncertainly. “Feather Bolt, where are you from?"

Bolt looked up, as if the question had never been asked before in his entire life. He spoke up, his voice being about as quite as Fluttershy's.

"I'm from a far of city called Hoofdon."
Rarity seemed to perk up while Rainbow Dash frowned.

"Hoofdon....never heard of that place before...ever." Rainbow said before Rarity interrupted her.

"Darling, have you never, ever heard of Hoofdon? It’s the second biggest city, right after Canterlot of course. What strikes me is the distance. If one would travel by hoof in one go, one would maybe make it here in about one year, maybe more. How long have you traveling darling?" Rarity eyed up Bolt with a curious look after finishing.

Bolt took a deep breath before speaking again.
"I've been traveling from town to town in between two to three years now. Never really stayed in towns for long and never really been to any big cities..."
There was a silence as thick as mud as the elements realized that their guest had been traveling for a very long time.

"You have been traveling for so long...what kind of profession keeps one on the travel hoof for so long?" Asked Applejack with a questioning face.

Bolt's face seemed to lighten up; he then took out a pair of goggles from one of the saddle bags, the bags appered to be of the larger type that was made for a Pegasus in mid-flight without bothering the wings, but they appered to have seen better days with holes in pockets and missing buttons, he strapped the goggles over his head, as if they should make it more obvious.

"I'm a professional, freelancing, stunt flier. I travel from town to town performing for a living. I've been doing it for a while, so then I thought 'Hey, why not go out and show the world who I am? Maybe even train with someone whose even better?' So I packed up and left city on the Summer Sun Celebration."

Twilight looked up at Bolt after hearing this.
"On Summer Sun Celebration, the one where Nightmare Moon attacked, how did you manage to leave during all that? Or more of...why?"

Bolt seemed unsure as he seemed to scratch the floor with his hoof,
"Ok...I didn't just decide to leave there and into a fight with my parents. It got out of hand and....well...I just used the confusion from when the sun didn't rise and the darkness to leave town....never looked back..."

The others seemed to look on Bolt with some pity, while Applejack had an uncertain look on her face as if she could not decide if she should believe in the Pegasus in front of her.
But before she could come with any sort of question, Pinkie Pie sprung up in front of her, speaking in her normally to-fast-to-really-understand way.

"Do you have your costume, I mean your stunt costume, not any other kind of costume like of a manticore or a hydra? Oh, have you ever seen a hydra before, ever fought them in one of your stunts..."
Before she could continue, Rainbow Dash placed a hoof over her mouth to make her stop speaking before she summed up for Pinkie Pie before she trailed off.

"What she meant was, do you have the uniform for your stunt flying, or is it just those goggles you're wearing there?"
Bolt took a quick look at his goggles, which had clearly seen better days.

"Well...I do have the suit, but the helmet...well....not going to be of much use now..." He said letting out a slightly nervous chuckle as he scratched the back of his head.

"What happened to it then?" asked Twilight as Bolt began to wander through his bag of belongings again. (

"Let’s just put it this way, if my head had been wearing it the moment...then it would not be only the helmet being squashed by a boulder...but my suit is...wait....where is it?"
Bolt was searching through his saddle bags, muttering a few "no, no, no"s before he busted up on his hide hoofs.

The group eyed him curiously as he began looking true the whole area, looking under the couch, behind bookshelves, everywhere.

"Where are they?! they can't just have vanished....unless..."
He then looked out the window into the howling winds and the thick layer of snow, both of which had been lowering in power recently.
"Oh buck me...." Bolt groaned before laying down on the floor with his front hooves over his head.
Fluttershy trotted over to him and placed a hoof on his shoulder.

"There there, what's the matter?" She spoke in her soft voice.
Bolt looked up, a look of defeat on his face.

"Some of my stuff is lost....taken by the storm....including all of my bits....two hundred and twenty....along with my diar-I mean my log book...."
He then placed his hooves over his head again, biting on his lower lips to keep himself from breaking into tears.

"That's a lot of bits..." Applejack whistled in a lowered tone, “But is the diary of yours really so important to you?"
Bolt looked up, a single tear having breached out.

" was the only thing I had left from my home. That and my goggles. That’s a lot of memories that are dear to me there..."
He then looked out into the storm which gradually began to vanish while he let out a sigh.
"And now it’s all gone..."

They all looked saddened at him, except Pinkie Pie, who was inspecting a book that appeared to be out of place, lying on its spine on one of the shelves.
"Twilight, I didn't realize you had these kinds of books." she said.

Twilight shook herself out of her pitying of Bolt to look at what Pinkie was referring to.
"Ugh...I've told Spike not to place the books like that, it makes the library look like a mess..."
She covered the book in her usual purple glow before bringing it down to her face. ”It’s even in the wrong section, its placed under G while it clearly should stand under F for 'Feather Bolt's log bo-'"
Before she could finish, Bolt raced up from where he stood, and thrown himself and grabbed the book from Twilight grasp, hugging the book as if it was a long lost family member or something.

"My diary, I thought I'd never see you again!" he said as he kissed the book plenty of times before he remembered he was in company of others.
He hastily stood up and cleared his throat, blushing in embarrassment as the others gave him a slightly puzzled look, except Rainbow Dash who was currently gasping for breath on the floor.

"Thank you Pinkie for finding my di...ehm...log means a lot for me." Bolt smiled to Pinkie, who seemed to beam at this.

"As for the bits....I guess I just have to earn some until I can get someone who is good with a sewing machine to make me a new know of anywhere I can get some work, or if there are someone who can make clothes around here that I can ask for help. It would be splendid."

Rarity cleared her throat, getting Bolts attention before she spoke.
“Well, as it may happen, I am the proud owner of the fabulous boutique here in Ponyville. It would just be a dishonor not to design you a suit for your shows, as for the's fully free of charge."

Bolt's jaw hit the floor by this.

"Free of charges...oh nononono...not a chance, I've never taken anything for free. I'll pay. If you can make it as good as I believe you can, I'll even double the payment!"

This time it was Rainbow Dash's jaw who fell.
"You're going to pay, even when she offers it free of charge! The hay is wrong with you? The storm knock a few bolts loose in your head or something?" she shouted.

Bolt looked up calmly at Rainbow Dash.

"My mother always told me that I should never accept any kind of gift without some sort of payment. A simple 'Thank you' won't do for the suit if she would accept to do so."

Rarity looked like she was debating with herself whether or not to accept the offer, but quickly shook her head and returned the offer.
"Twenty five percent of the original price."

"Seventy five." Bolt argued.

"Sixty five!" replied Rarity, to which Bolt reached out with a hoof as he replied to her offer.

"Fifty percent and I'll tell everypony that you where the one making the fabulous suit, last offer..."
Bolt's final offer seemed to please Rarity as she extended her own hoof and shook Bolt's, who seemed to look rather pleased until he suddenly collapsed onto the floor.

"What just happen?" Demanded a worried Applejack as Fluttershy quickly flew over to Bolt to check his pulse and breath, the latter of which was soon replaced by a slight snoring noise.

"Huh, I guess the Rainbow juice didn't last for long." Pinkie said with a grin as Twilight lifted the sleeping Pegasus up with her magic and placed him on the couch.
That done, she let out a yawn.

"I think we all should follow his example and get us some sleep. The storm seems to be lightening up, but I suggest you all sleep here until tomorrow." she explained.

Nopony argued as Twilight conjured forth a few sleeping-bags upstairs (much to Raritys discomfort) for the others to sleep in, one to herself aswell, with some slight strain, while letting Bolt sleep on the cuch downstairs to let the colt have some privacy.

"What about Bolt?" Fluttershy asked as she and the others crawled into separate bags.

"He'll be fine, he just needs some rest is all." Assured Twilight as she blew out the last of the candles and went into her own bag, sleeping soundly soon with her friends around her.

The only sound that was heard that night was the slowly dying wind outside.....and groaning and mumbling from a colt that tossed and turned on the couch, mumbling into the dark.

"No....I swear...I didn't do it...I'd never hurt"
Well, now I finally finished one evening....and it only took me two chapeters and one intro to do so, anyways R&R please.
And you are also welcome to come with suggestions and tips aswell, allwasy nice to read such....I hope.

Edit: Another fixed up chapeter by my favorite editor, much appreciated Grano Onis, thanks for the heads up my friend.

Chapter three: Winter wrap up

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The winter snow lay thick over Ponyville. Fillies, colts, mares and stallions strove through the large masses of snow as they made their way to perform the tasks they were assigned to do for this year's Winter Wrap Up. There was a lot to do this year too. A lot of the extra snow had to be cleared out of the way before most of any other jobs could begun, thus Twilight, the event planner for Winter Wrap Up in Ponyville, was forced to remove many pones from their normal jobs to work with the snow cleaning team, which was currently causing problem for her.

"What’s the matter Twilight?” Spike asked as he rode on Twilight's back down the temporary road created by shoveled away snow. “That's got to be the eighth groan in a matter of ten minutes."

"It's nothing Spike. It’s just that because of all this snow, most of the other teams been cut down to almost nothing, which gives us less time to finish this all up. One of them is the team that is supposed to get the southern birds home..."

Spike got a puzzled look as he brought forth the list of the Winter Wrap Up teams.
"But last time I checked we had at least one pony there. Shouldn't that pony be able to....”
A look of understanding dawned on Spike's face as he finished looking up on the team again. “Oh..."

"Yeah, that is the problem. We need to have another pony to help keep Ditzy from getting lost again..." finished Twilight as Rainbow Dash floated down in front of them.

"Why not let me go?” Rainbow said as the group stopped up to inspect the roof clearing group. “I could really use a good flight to get rid of all this snow moving."

"Rainbow, you know just as well as I that your talents are needed here. Plus you would most likely end up flying away from the group of birds while racing one of them..." Twilight said.

"Yeah, just like last year.." Spike said with a snicker.

"Aww come on!” Rainbow complained. “That eagle totally challenged me! You expect me to not accept?"
Twilight just shook her head before they headed on deeper into town, following the paths dug up.

"The fact remains, Rainbow, you're needed here. What we need is a pony that currently doesn't have any task. Unfortunately, there are currently no other ponies else that are-" (Twilight stopped mid-sentence when another set of Pegasus wings joined them in front of the group.

"No pony else that can what?" asked Feather Bolt as he tilted his head on one side with a slight grin on his side.

"Bolt, of course! Why didn't you ask him, Twilight. Or put him on any of the other jobs, for that matter?" asked Spike.

"Well, I didn't want to bother him about it since he is not technically a citizen of Ponyville." replied Twilight with a slightly nervous smile as Bolt dropped down on the path in front of them.

"I would not have minded. Really, I like to help." he said with a confident smile.

Twilight and Rainbow Dash exchanged looks.
"Well....all right then. You are to help gather the southern birds and return them to Ponyville. You are also to help the other pegasus who is going to fly with you on keep the right course, as she has had the habit the route."
Bolt smiled even more and rubbed his hooves together eagerly.

"Easy deal! Just tell me where I can find her and I'll..."
He didn't get any further didn't as he was suddenly buried under a large pile of snow.

”Sorry!" said three filly heads that had appeared from the top of the roof, one orange pegasus, one snow white unicorn and one cream yellow earth pony.
"We thought it was a wagon group down there." explained the unicorn.
Bolt's head appered out of the snow pile, shacking off some of the snow on the top of his head before dragging himself up.

"Are you okay mister?" asked the earth filly as Bolt finished dragging himself out of the pile of snow.

"Yeah, I'm all right. Just got caught slightly off guard, that’s all." he replied as he turned to Twilight.

"As I was about to say, where do I find her, and who is it?"

Twilight seemed to look unsure for a moment. "Well..."


Bolt walked up behind a gray pegasus with a saddle over her flank, looking around as if seeing if there was anypony else around.

"Ehm” Bolt said to get the gray pegasus's attention. “Hey, I'm looking for a Miss Do?"
The grey Pegasus turned around, showing a set of off-set golden eyes and a light yellow mane.

"That's me! I'm Ditzy Do." she said smiling as she took Bolts hoof and shook it wildly. ”Pleasure to meet you Mr....ehm....what’s your name?"
Bolt had to grab a hold of the hoof after Ditzy had let go to stop the shaking.

"I'm Bolt. Feather Bolt. But you can just call me Bolt. Much easier to remember." Bolt smiled friendly, but his eyes seemed to switch where they were looking, back and forth, back and forth again.

" okay Bolt, do I got something on my face?" Ditzy asked worried.

"’s know what, never mind, let's just be on our way to gather the southern birds shall we?"
He began flapping his wings, Ditzy following after him.

"So you are new around town?" Ditzy asked as they flew.

Bolt nodded slightly.
"Yeah, I arrived during that winter storm a few days ago. Ended up crashing into the town’s library where the famed Elements of Harmony were gathered."

Ditzy suddenly seemed a little saddened.
"Oh, I see..."

Bolt noticed this, his brows frowning slightly.
"Was there something I said that was wrong? Oh dear..."

"Well eh...enough about me thought; tell me a little about yourself, what kind of work do you do around town?"
Ditzy seemed to perk up slightly.

"I am...well...just the postmare around here. I deliver the mail and sometimes I help with some larger deliveries at a moving company."

"Really? Well, do you like the job, easy to do and so on?" Bolt smirked.
"Perhaps I can save myself from what I said wrong back there." he thought hopefully.
However, those hopes where shattered as Ditzy appeared down again.

"It should be, but I just end up messing it up by dropping deliveries on other ponies. I'm not so bad with the letters, but during deliveries....ponies often end up hurt."

"Oh't know what to say..." was all Bolt managed to get out.
"Smooth you idiot," Bolt berated himself. "Why did she have to end up with me? I am about as good with ponies as with Hydras."

"You...don't have to say anything.....I-I know that you think I'm...that I'm stupid...I saw how you looked at my eyes..."
"Brilliant, Doctor Bolt, master of jerks. You already hurt one pony's feeling."

They had stopped flying as Ditzy began to sob slightly.
"Ah nonono, don't do that, common....I didn’t look.....well I did, but I didn't think you were stupid." he defended.

"Didn't think?!" shoot Ditzy back. “So you think now I am?"

"Bloody good job, Bolt, you big, stupid dolt...."

", I mean that you are not stupid. I never thought you were, and I don't think so now. I looked because....well...”
Ditzy looked at Bolt, a small spark of dislike in her eyes, which had managed to focus both on him, much to his displeasure as it gave him the feeling of double scolding.

"Because?" She demanded.

Bolt let out a sigh.
"Look Ditzy, I am not good at talking with ponies. I've used most of my time traveling alone, not talking a lot with other ponies. So you are not the stupid one. That job is mine."

Ditzy seemed to calm down at this, so Bolt figured it was safe to go on.

"As for why I looked like that, no offense, but I could not fully decide which eye to focus my attention on without being rude, but it looks like I failed worse than I have ever done before..."

Ditzy's eyes seemed to lose the disliking look in them.
"It's didn't mean it...."

Bolt looked at her, this time focusing on one place to not appear rude.
“Thank you Ditzy, now, let's get those birds, I think we have wasted enough time on this."

Ditzy perked up and nodded.
"Yes, let's go!" she exclaimed as she flew off. Shortly after, she turned around with a slightly nervous grin on her face.
"Ehm....which way is south again?"

Bolt was about to reply, but then realized that he didn't know either.
"Oh, buck... the one task I'm supposed to do this Winter Wrap Up....and I mess it up big time....I'm normally so focused and able to tell the direction, but get me the least of distracted and it’s a miracle that I don't end up hitting the ground..." he said, placing the hoof over his face.

"I brought the map for the directions, but I managed to leave the compass behind in belief that the sun would be enough, but I forgot one drastic thing..."

Ditzy looked on him confused.
"And what was that?" she asked.

Bolt pointed to the cloud covered skies. "I forgot the bucking clouds are covering the sun!" he said as he face hoofed again and brought out the map.

"Let’s try and see if we can find out where we are. Hopefully it won't be to hard."
Ditzy flew up next to him, eyeing the map with both her eyes on different spots on the map.
'Freaky, but hopefully effective...' Bolt thought as he looked around the area, and then back on the southern parts of the map.

About the same time


Applejack was working hard to remove the last of the snow from a large field before they could begin planting thee seeds, but while she trotted there, her mind was far away, this new arrival, Bolt, the moment he had told her and her friends why he had left, that was the moment she knew he was lying, and deep down she flet distrust towards him.

"why couldn't he tell us the truth....why lie to us like that?" she mumbeled as she keept her snowplow moving, pushing the snow away for the others to plant the earth behinde her.

As she keept on wandering she wondered why the others seemed to trust him, Twilight had even sent him out to gather the southern birds, he had barely arrived a few night ago, and she allready trust him to do that task properly.

Because her plow of thoughts didn't she see where she was going and ended up bumping into someone with the snowplow.

"Oh....Am, so sorry!" Applejack unfastend herself to the plow to see who she had hit, but was slightly suprised and calmed down when seeing it was Pinkie Pie, who was giggeling slightly on the ground.

"No worries Applejack, but what are you doing out here anyway, the fields are over there." she pointed a hoof towards the hills where the other of her team was, looking towards her with a mixture of worry and confusion.

"But what the hay are you doing here then?" was Applejack reply, until she realised something, the ground she had been standing on was not ground, but thick ice, she had been wandering out on the ice without noticing, which was slowly drifting apart, leaving the two of them stuck out on the lake.

" am Ah supposed to get back to land?"

Pinkie grinned playfully before walking over the water apperently like it was land.
"Like this silly." she replied as she grinned again.

Applejack looked after Pinkie Pie with a slightly confused look before placing a hoof carefully to see if Pinkie acually was right, but the water was much deeper than Pinkie had been showing, her hoof just could not reach the bottom no matter what she did, she could not even see the bottom at all.

"How the hay did she do that?!" was all on Applejack mind as she looked towards the others back on land, all apperently snikcering or chuckeling.

"Stop with that and get some rope before the ice melts, or ah'll make ya all get this plow up!" she shouted at them, which made them all act as they had not noticed her before now, and some of them gallopet off to get a rope or something, before Twilight appered with Spike on her back taking notes.

"Twi, could i get some help over here!"

Twilight looked at Applejack before letting out a sigh.
"Applejack, the ice don't need to clear up for snow, get back here before the ice seperaters come." replied Twilight as she was about to turn and walk away.

"Twilight, wait, they have allready been here, I'm stuck!" Twilight turned and took a second look, adn true enough, Applejack was on a single iceland, which was holding both her and the plow up from the water.

"How can it handle the weight?" wondered Twilight as she called over a pegasus.
"Could you get Applejack and the plow back to land again, there are still seeds to be planted and we can't loose another plow..." The pegasus salutet and flew out to Applejack with a rope given to him by one of the returning ponies, while Applejack realised that the ice was beginning to break.

"But what am ah supposed to tie the rope to?" shouted Applejack as the rope was dropped infront of her. "The ice is way to slippery to hold on to!"
Applejack looked around for something to bind the rope to fast, but there was nothing here, then she had an idea, she went to the opposite of the ice piece, planting her hooves on the side, shivering by the cold water that leaped over them as she did so.

She bit down on the rope before shouting true her theets. "Ahm seth...go!" the pegasus wasted no time and hauled Applejack towards the shore, the cold water chilling her hooves alot.

Soon they reached the shore, but the ice didn't go slow enough to avoid Applejack getting throwen forrward as the hauling pegasus didn't stop, carrying Applejack until she hit a area not cleared for snow.

"You allright Applejack?" asked a worried Spike as Twilight stepped up and pulled the slightly confused Applejack from the snow, letting her catch some breath before questioning her.

"What happend, why did you walk out on the ice like that?" Applejack just stood up before shacking her head.

"Ah was jus' lost in mah thoughts, thats all." She was not lying, she just didn't say what she was thinking of, she knew she should not think such of Bolt, but she had the feeling of him not being who he said he was.

Twilight let out a sigh before turning around and looking over the snow plow.
"Well, you are allright atleast, so is the plow, you wish to finish up your work?"

Applejack nodded before walking up to the plow, fastening herself up again.
"Ah've allready wasted enought time that could have been used tah clear up this snow, I should not waste more, thank ya fer helping me." she nodded before trotting off, this time fully focused on her job as Twilight and Spike trotted of in the other direction.

"You really think she's allright Twilight?" Asked Spike as they neared the town square to check up on the rest."I mean, she is one of the few who would just end up on the ice like that."

Twilight nodded with him.
"Yeah, I just hope it won't happen again, we still got alot to do, and we can't afford loosing another plow like the once Pinkie lost."

Spike thought back for a moment before muttering more to himself than to Twilight.
"I still don't get how she managed to send ten plows into the lake like that..."


Somewhere else


"Gah! Nothing seems to fit....there’s no mountain on the map, but right there, there is one!" he shouted, pointing at a big hill, pointing out of the forest.

Ditzy keep looking on the map. One eye at least. The other seemed to look at said mountain.
“That is because we are not on this part of the map. We're right here." she said placing a hoof on the eastern part of the map, where a small mountain was drawn.

Bolt face hoofed again.

"I can't believe it....I can NOT....BELEIVE.....THIS!" he shouted. "East instead of south, how the Buck did I manage that.....ARGH!"

Ditzy took the map as Bolt kept on groaning and cursing, looking at other landmarks in the area.
"Calm down, Bolt. I think I can point out the right way from here."

Bolt stopped in his tracks and flew up to her.
"Really, which way?"

Ditzy pointed in one direction. "That way I think."

Bolt looked on the map, then at the direction Ditzy was pointing, then at Ditzy.
"How did you manage to get lost the last times you went out?" he asked curiously.

Ditzy looked to the ground far below them embarrass.
"Eh....well...first time was when someone placed a magnet in my bag, making the compass useless without me knowing, and second time mistook the north arrow from the southern one...."

Bolt just nodded before rolling the map up.
"All right then, we have already wasted enough time on Chit-chat. We should head out if we are to make it back with the birds before the day is over."

Ditzy took a pocket watch out of her saddle and opened it. A distressed look appeared on her face.
“Oh no! We won't make it unless we can fly about as fast as Rainbow Dash!" she said.

Bolt took in the surroundings and found a small open area with a tree-branch sticking out into the open.
"I got it. It’s about as crazy as fighting a manticore, but it might just work, come along."

Ditzy had a confused look on her face as she saw Bolt dropping down to the branch to do what looked like "aiming" it before beginning to bend the strong branch.

"What are you doing?" she asked as she lowered down to him.

"Using this branch as a catapult. We might be able to launch our selves to our destination...with a bit of careful aiming and a lot of luck that is."

Ditzy seemed to look at the branch with one eye, while the other keep on Bolt, her mind realising his plan.

"This is just like those plans of the Doctor..." she said smiling before she began helping Bolt pushing the branch further back, careful not to break it.

"Doctor who?" asked Bolt when they got the branch in position and turned to face forward.

"Just...The Doctor, should meet him once." she said as Bolt made the final adjustments.
"Maybe later yes, but for now..."

They both folded their wings, letting the sprain on the branch send them flying sky high and far southwards while Bolt screamed on the top of his lungs.


The end of the day

Twilight was trotting back and forth infront of the library, her friends all gathered up and watching her as she keept trotting, exept Applejack who seemed to just look into nothing in deep thoughts.
Everything had been going so well. Now all that keep the spring from being on time this year was the birds, which were currently missing along with the ones who was supposed to pick them up.

"I told you to let me go and get them." complained Rainbow Dash as Twilight kept trotting.

"Darling, please stop worrying. I'm sure that Bolt will get back even with Derpy along him." assured Rarity.

Twilight slowed down into a stop.
"What about you Applejack? You've been awfully quiet for a while now." Twilight asked, turning the subject over towards something else to get her mind off of the current predicament.

Applejack snapped out of her train of thoughts and looked up at Twilight. Though the least tired pony of the group, even she had been very out of breath after all the work.
"I don't know....I just can't seem to trust him....after that he told about leaving because of a fight with his parents....I could tell, clear as day that he was lying."

The others looked puzzled at Applejack as she told this.
"Why would he lie to us about that?" Fluttershy asked as she looked up at the sky, the cloud free and darkening sky.

"Don't know....but one thing is for certain, he..." Applejack was interrupted by something; the sound of many flapping wings.
They looked up to see a large group of birds arriving, Ditzy flying down to the group with a smile on her face.

"Sorry we're late. Had a bit of a detour on our way back."
She smiled as her eyes looked over the gang, one by one.....while the other just looked behind her.

"Where is Bolt? Twilight asked.
She was swiftly answered by something sounding like a woodpecker that was working on a tree with a lot of 'ow’, 'stop it' and 'cut it out!' to accompany it

Bolt landed in front of them with a Woodpecker sitting on the top of his head, pecking like crazy on it.
"Here-ow-I just having a-stop it-problem with this-for the love of Celestia, could someone get this woodpecker off me!"

Fluttershy flew up to the woodpecker.
“Excuse me mister, but eh...that is my friend's head you are pecking on. Could you perhaps, to your new home?"

The woodpecker looked at Fluttershy for a moment, gave Bolt a few extra pecks, and flew off.
"Finally!” Bolt exclaimed. “That thing has been going non-stop since we picked it up."

Rainbow Dash could not hold down a snicker.
"He must have mistaken your thick skull from a piece of wood." she said before falling over in laughter.

Twilight stepped up. "Don't mind her; I'm just glad you managed to help Derpy here guiding the birds home."
Bolt got a confused look on his face. "Derpy....who’s Derpy"

Ditzy cleared her throat to get his attention.
"It's eh.....kind of my nickname....Derpy Hooves..."

Bolt just nodded before turning to Twilight.
"Actually....Ditzy here managed to get us on the right course after I managed to get us’s her you should be thanking..."

They all looked surprised at Ditzy as she smiled sheepishly.
"Aw come-on, if it had not been for your idea to launch us like that with that branch, then we would never had been able to make it in time."

"Well it’s thanks to you for managing to gather up those birds that flew off when we arrived. I didn't even notice that last one that almost flew away from the group if you had not seen it."

"Well you were the one who took on to having that Woodpecker on your head instead of me when it attacked." replied Ditzy, grinning slightly.

"Aw come on, what are.....friends.....for..."
Bolt almost seemed to stop speaking, his eyes seemed to dull down, loosing its gleam slightly.

"If you don't mind...I'll be...heading for bed now....the eh....woodpecker gave me slight the headache..." he muttered as he turned towards the library's and walked off, leaving a few confused mares behind.

”What was that all about?" asked Pinkie as they watched him enter the library.

"Don't know, but I intend to find out..." declared Applejack as she began to go after him.
Twilight, however, held out a hoof in front of her.

”Applejack, maybe the reason he lied about leaving home is because he does not wish to speak about it. Maybe he had no friends back there...."

Applejack let out a slight snort, but let it be.
"Beside," she continued before yawing slightly. “This has been the most tiring Winter Wrap Up ever. I think we all have deserved some sleep. Good night everypony.”

They all said good night before leaving to their respective homes, Applejack shooting out an angry glare and snort at the library as she did so.


It was very late as Twilight was woken up by a sound from the first floor. She lit up her horn slightly to give her enough light to see by without waking Spike, or her guest downstairs.

As she entered the main room, she saw Bolt rolling around in his sleep, mumbling nonsense out loud.
"No....I didn't......I'd never....she' no"

She quickly realised that he was having a terrible nightmare apparently, she turned off the light on her horn as she walked closer to him, only to jump back as he shot upright.

"I didn't kill her!" He shouted.
Twilight quickly hide behind the chair as Bolt sat up on the couch that he was using as a bed.

Twilight held her breath as she waited for Bolt to fall back asleep. A gasp from Bolt sent shivers down her spine as her mind sent thoughts of that he had seen her or something

How had Bolt seen her? She was behind the chair. The only thing behind her was the window, not a mirror or something that could reflect her.
The window!
She looked ahead where she realized that a shadow, her shadow, created by the full moon shinning through the window, was on the ground.

There was commotion and then a thud that surprised Twilight. She peaked over the chair and saw that Bolt had tumbled over the back of the couch opposite of where she was, giving her some cover as she teleported herself to her room.

"What all this commotion?" asked Spike as he appeared on the top of the stairs, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.
Bolt quickly sat up, looking distressed at the spot where he could have swore he saw the shadow of a unicorn.
Twilight stepped out beside Spike, trying to look like she just woke up as well.

" all right there Bolt?"
Bolt stood up again, shaking his head slightly.

"J-just a bad dream....t-t-that’s all, sorry for waking you up." he said quietly before sitting down on the couch again.

"Well don't make such much noise next time okay?" Spike said over his shoulder grumpily heading back to his basket and blanket.

Twilight looked at Bolt with concern before he gave her a smile that most likely was meant to reassure her that he was fine. It didn't. Something wasn't right here

"All right then.....good night then Bolt...." Twilight said as she followed her assistant back to their room.
Her mind raced with over a hundred questions.

"Why did he act like that when he saw my shadow? What was he dreaming? Who was this mysterious mare that he was accused for murdering in his dream?

These questions kept going as she laid down in her bed, trying to fall asleep, questions pestering her until she finally fell asleep.

All while Bolt dried a sweat of his head. " was just a dream.” He thought to himself. “He could not have followed me through the storm, right? He could not possibly have been so driven by hatred and evil that he would do something as stupid as that. this was most likely shadow of the nightmares of the past...My past.


Once again thanks towards my new editor, and to you aduience for reading.

Chapter four: preperation

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On the outskirts of Ponyville, on a small hill overviewing the small town sat Feather Bolt. In front of him was a open book in which he was flipping back and forth among pages, sometimes one forward, sometimes a few back and then a few forward. All the while he was mumbling under his breath, nodding, or shaking his head.

"Let’s see....maybe 'Wind whistler' to begin with.....nah, it fits more during the middle of the show when I've got the body working....let's see....maybe-"

"Bolt! Feather Bolt! Where are you?"

Bolt looked up from the book in front of him, his ears perking up as he heard Twilight's voice not far from him and closing.

"There you are." said Twilight as she trotted up to him.

"What are you doing out here? Rarity needs you at her boutique for your new suit."

Bolt turned the book in front of him, showing it held a lot of diagrams and drawings of different kinds of stunts and performances.

"Just selecting the stunts I should use for my first show in Ponyville. Can't believe I'm already about to go back in the air. Been quite a while so I thought I should start easy to begin with." Bolt said grinning as Twilight shook her head.

"The show is today, and you choose what you are supposed for it just now?"

It was clear that Twilight could not believe what Bolt was telling her. It had been less than two weeks since Bolt had arrived during the winter storm. Shortly after helping out with Winter Wrap Up two days later, he said that he should try and set up a stunt show for Ponyville. When Rainbow Dash had asked why, he said that he "just suddenly wish to do so" and that he "didn’t wish to bother Twilight by living on her couch."

"What did you expect? I've used most of the time preparing the area to do so. It is not as easy as it might sound, even with you, your friends, and some help from the other resident of Ponyville, which I'm still very grateful for. Beside, choosing the stunts is rather easy. Could choose them the last second before entering the stage." Bolt said as he stood up and kept his grin as Twilight let out a sigh a sigh.

"Which you are pretty much doing right now." Twilight said. "You better have the plan for the show by now."

Twilight looked at the book on the ground. It held many drawings and such of a Pegasus in motion with arrows and some text under to assist anypony else in the use of these stunts. The page the book was open to, however, held a very interesting one. Twilight was slightly un-easy about it though due to the skull written beside the title of the stunt.

"What's the 'Dropping Blackness'?" she asked with a tone that told that her curiosity had lead her away from her current concern.

Bolt looked down on what she was speaking of, his grin changing into a more casual looking smile as he explained.

"Ah, yes, that is my personal favourite. It's a rather easy one to begin with, but it’s still pretty sweet when you get to the drop part."

"Isn't dropping from the sky a rather easy thing to do as you can see the ground and decide when to open your wings?"

Bolt nodded.

"Then why is there a skull drawn on the side of it?" She asked, pointing at the drawn skull next to the title.

"It is because I'm not just simply dropping. I'm flying to a specific height, really need to know the height, take a blindfold, tie it over my eyes, and then drop from the sky. That is what the interesting part is; I do the drop in complete blackness from my point of view."

Bolts smile didn't leave his face during his explanation.

Twilight's curious gleam in her eyes, however, had changed into one of disbelieve.

"With a blindfold!?" shouted Twilight in shock. "How the hay are you supposed to know how far from the ground you are!? Please tell me the blindfold has some small holes so that you can at least get a small look of the ground?"

Bolt just shook his head, his grin fading slightly by the look on Twilight's face.

"I've done this stunt here hundreds of times, Twilight. There is nothing to worry about. I know which height I shall drop from, therefore I also know when to fold out my wings." His voice held a certain tone, with a small scope of arrogance on the side.

Twilight shock her head in disbelif.

"You said it yourself; it's been a while since you last flew. Shouldn't you do the smart thing and start it a little slowly in the beginning?"

Bolt just shrugged at this.

"Maybe, but if I only do the easy ones, the show will surely be boring, and I can't let there be anyone yawning in my shows. Not going to happen." explained Bolt as he slaped the book shut and placed it in his saddlebag.

"Now if you can pardon me Twilight, I do believe Rarity is ready with my new flight suit set up. See you at the show."

As he trotted towards the town's only boutique, he heard Twilight's last attempts of reasoning.

"Just be careful, I don't think anypony else would like you getting smashed to the ground!"

Town square

Applejack trotted away from Rarity’s boutique after having picked up her sister and the rest of the cutie mark crusaders to take them to the stunt show that Bolt had insisted on doing, they had all asked him why, but he just shrugged and came with the same answer every time they asked, but he didn’t fool her, she knew he was hiding something, from the moment he had arrived had she felt the secrets he was hiding.

“Hurry up sis, or we may miss the show starting.” urged Apple Bloom as the three fillies raced on, leaving Applejack trotting far behind in thoughts.

A familiar streak of the brown-green Pegasus flying towards the boutique just annoyed Applejack even more, her sister and her friends were worried about missing the big show of his, and he had apparently yet to show up there.

She made a promise to herself as turned away from her friend’s boutique to catch up with the three crusaders: she was going to find out what he was hiding, no pony would just pack up and leave their family just because of a little fight, and never return, and why was it that he sounded so nervous about them the first time he meet them?

Rarity's boutique.

The sound of the front door of the boutique opening caused a fashion obsessed unicorn to turn her head to see who it was.

"Ah Bolt, wonderful that you could make it here darling." Rarity smiled as Bolt entered the room, nodding his head as he closed the door and placed his saddle bags next to it.

"Of course. Not a chance that I would do a flight show without a proper suit to do it in. Where is it?" he asked as he looked around.

The boutique looking quite good; there were dresses hanging in their places, rolls of different fabrics resting in one corner, out of the way of customers, and there was even a little stage for small fashion shows.

"Ah yes, they are right behind the scene. Try them on and let me know which one you like." Explained Rarity happily as she pointed with a hoof towards the stage.

Bolt's look was priceless as he quickly caught up to Rarity’s plan.

"Whoa, whoa there. You’re telling me that you got several suits for me, and that I'm going to try them on as if this was a fashion show?"

Rarity only nodded as she pushed Bolt towards the stage. "Why yes of course, we have to make sure it looks splendid on you darling." She threw him in behind the curtain.

"Now get busy, you have a show to shine like a star in."

Outside of Ponyville

Spike looked out from the commentary box where he and Pinkie Pie was going to sit and comment on the show, which was now nearing its start, worried. No one had seen the star of the show yet, and the large area where ponies were sitting was quickly getting filled with both stallions, mares, colts, and fillies, all eager to see this new addition to Ponyville.

"Hey Pinkie...." He asked the pink pony next to him nervously. "Have you seen Bolt anywhere. The show's about to begin soon, and we have yet to see the program for it."

Pinkie turned towards her fellow commentator, her smile not leaving her face.

"He's probably going to show up at the last second with an super duper pretty suit and all, and it's all going to be like 'whoa, that is just and super duper pretty suit he is wearing' and then it will be like-" She was quickly interrupted by a slightly annoyed Spike who held her mouth again so she would stop.
"Yeah, you're probably right. I mean it is Rarity who is designing the suit." He said as he let out a love filled sigh as he began day-dreaming of the pony of his sweetest dreams.

Rarity's boutique

Rarity was waiting outside of the stage, waiting on her creation to be relived for her.

"Now please hurry up darling. You've got fans waiting. Now show me the suits." she smiled brightly, with a slight hint of a snicker in her voice.

"No. Not going to happen. Sorry to say it Rarity, but these suits....are you even sure these are the right ones?" Came a voice from behind the curtain before a head poked out. "I mean some of these looks like they are for mare and not stunt flyers like me."

Rarity gasped and played the look of shock on her face. "Darling, who of us here are the fashionist, hmmm?"

Her horn glowed slightly and a flash emitted from behind the curtain where Bolt's head was poking out, causing him to turn and gasp.

"Now show me." She demanded as her horn glowed again.

Bolt was dragged out in front of the stage, causing him to hit the floor of it face first. He stood up and his face turned red as he saw that she had placed the clothes on him, and these was not what he had hoped them to be.

The one he was currently wearing was a deep purple suit, with green emeralds on the chest and a red sapphire on the head piece, which looked pretty much like a tiara.

"Ugh, what was i thinking, mixing emeralds with a sapphire like that? Terrible, simply terrible!" Exclaimed Rarity as Bolt studied the suit.

"I must agree....beside, this is not a stunt suit this is-" he was cut out short by a bright flash catching him off guard.

"Hey, what was-" But he was cut off once again by Rarity forcing him back behind the curtain, causing him to crash in the back before another flash told him that Rarity had changed clothes on him again.

That and the feeling of changed fabric.

He was dragged out again and Rarity inspected her work.

" we're getting somewhere darling. Feel how that suit breathes?"

"It may breathe.....but i can barely do so..." Bolt gasped for breath, his face turning a slight shade of blue.

This time had Rarity put him in a black and really, really thight full body suit made out of something he believed felt like rubber.

"Oh don't complain like that, we all have to suffer for fashion, now can you turn a little please?"

Bolt tried to move, but the thight suit had his limbs locked very hard. "I can't, this won't didn't even place holes for my wings to get through..."
He tried to unfurl his wings to underline his point, but was cut off by another flash, this time behind him.

"What was that?!" he demanded as he tried to at least turn him neck, but ended up falling to the side.

Rarity grinned and had to suppress a giggle before she put on her serious face again, her horn glowing as she hauled the non-moving Pegasus behind the stage again with her magic.

"Very well if you must insist...." There was another flash and a loud yelp of surprise as Bolt was dragged out again, he looked confused around before looking on the new suit again, his eyes widening in pure horror.

"Oh no, Oh nononononononono, NO, not going to happen, ever!" he almost yelled as he looked himself over.

This time he was dressed in a light blue dress with a pink bow on his head.

"Rarity, please tell me you are joking...." he turned and faced her, only to be meet with another flash, coming from a cyan Pegasus holding a camera while almost falling down from where she was flying out of laughter, while Rarity did her best to hold back a fit of giggles.

"Looking good pretty boy, you are soooo going to get attention at the show today." snickered Rainbow Dash as she landed beside Rarity who grabbed hold of her to avoid collapsing.

"Nnnngh...I'm so sorry darling, but Rainbow Dash here convinced me in doing it. It just sounded so....pffft....amusing.." she let out a small fit of giggles before she noticed Bolt’s face turning red. If it was of embarrassment or anger, either of the mares were not sure.

"You think this is funny....sweet Celestia... I've got a show to attend to in..." He looked at the clock on the wall and his eyes widened once again in shock. "..NOW!" he explained in pure terror a he was about to rush out, only to be halted by Rainbow Dash who flew in front of him with her hooves outstretched.

"Calm down, Bolt, we were only joking, and I don't think Rarity would like you to get her dress dirty...or that you would like to be seen wearing it."

There was a flash of light again and Bolt found himself out of the dress.

"Thank you." he muttered as Rarity took forth a last piece of clothing.

It had a deep blue colour with a V-shape on each hoof in a bright scarlet red, a white helmet floated over to Bolt as he inspected it. Ironically enough, it held his helmet-and-goggle cutie mark on both sides.

"Nicely work Rarity" He said as he placed the helmet over his head.

It fit perfectly.

Bolt prodded the suit tryingly, only to get blinded by a great flash as Rarity suited him once again. He looked over himself before feeling Rarity strapping something around his neck, he turned around as far as his neck would allow, seeing that Rarity had placed a cape to it. It held the same colour as the suit, seemed to be able to stretch over half his wings when they were unfurled fully, but not able to be in the way while he was flying.

"Now this, darling, is a small daring attempt here, would you not say? Imagine it flickering as you fly over the audience, and don't worry about it getting caught in something." She gave a slight tug to demonstrate as the cape fell off him and hung in the fashionist hoof before she strapped it on him again.

"Sweet. I think you’ve over done yourself here... but will it survive getting dirty?" questioned Bolt as he took forth his goggles from the saddlebags, strapping them over the helmet.

"While I am not really used to making clothes that will risk getting vey.....ugh.....dirty and muddy.....the choice of fabric here was chosen fully for that....and to look fabulous as well. Dirt and mud won't be able to set on it. Stains will never appear, and even sweat will just roll off. Just don't fly over anypony, dear."

Bolt let out a slight chuckle before he turned towards Rainbow, who flashed him again with the camera with a slightly sheepish smile on her face.

"Now, Rainbow Dash, what will it take for you to get rid of those....ehm...other photos of this without anyone knowing about them?"

Rainbow Dash got a slightly devious grin on her face, which only aided in Bolt's concern about his reputation.

"Oh not much, maybe a race against me. You win, you get the photos. I win, I get to do whatever I wish with these."

Her grin widened as she spoke "You think you got the guts to do so?" she question Bolt as she stepped up closer.

"How about tomorrow through White Tail woods?" Bolt replied rather straight forward, which confused Rainbow Dash slightly.

"You sure you've got the guts for this? I mean you are challenging the fastest flyer in all of Equestria to a race here."

"Oh I think I've got the guts for it." was the reply, a slight chilling tone to it.

"Oh yeah?" Rainbow Dash chuckled. "Prove it that you got the guts then!" she demanded, only to see Bolt place his hooves on each side of her head and plant a kiss right on her mouth.

He let go and stepped back.

"Is that guts enough for you?" he asked with a slightly mocking tone in his voice.

Which quickly disappeared as his wings flew up against his will.

"Traitors." he muttered as he turned around and saw a giggling and blushing Rarity who quickly caught herself and cleared her throat.

"Why Bolt, while it is wonderful of you to show your feelings towards Rainbow Dash here-"
"Hey!" Interrupted Bolt. "She wanted to see if I had guts, i showed her I had the guts to challenge her."

Rarity just smiled before continuing.

"I must remind you of the main reason you are wearing that suit. The flight show you put together today?"

Bolt almost threw himself out the doorway before she could finish, putting his wings to the top gear as he flew towards the area outside of Ponyville where the flight show was.

Rarity just chuckled as she closed the door and faced Rainbow Dash, who was standing with a dumbstruck look on her face. It was strangely a lot like the one Bolt had the first time he woke up in the library.

"Oooh Rainbow...." She sang as she waved a hoof in front of her face.

"You better hurry up if you wish to see your dream colt fly." She said smugly, a teasing giggle following up on it.

"He is not my dream colt, you hear me? He was the one who kissed me!"
Rarity just giggled again before rolling her eyes.

"Whatever you say darling, but don't forget. I want at least one copy of every picture you got of him."

Rainbow Dash just shrugged.

"Yeah I know. I still don't get why you would want them. Specially that rubber suit one. It didn't look like something anyone would want."

She began to fly towards the exit when a familiar saddlebag floated in front of her face.

"And, Rainbow Dash, be a darling and bring his bags with you. He forgot them completely in his haste."

Rainbow dash just shrugged again before the saddles were placed and flew of, followed by Rarity as she closed the Boutique and trotted towards the flight show, giggling slightly like a school filly to herself.

Author’s notes: Sorry about the delay folks, been a busy time for me recently, so once again, thanks are sent towards my editor: Grano Onis.