• Published 3rd Jul 2012
  • 676 Views, 5 Comments

Shadows of the nightemares from the past. - Thundering star

A new pony arrives at Ponyville during a winter storm nopony would dear to cross, so why did he?

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Right then, here we go with my very first Pony story.....or story at all!
First thing first, thank you for reading this and all that, all form for helpful grammar correction would be appreciated, give me a hint if something is wrong, but first of all, give me some help as I got no clue of how to write in Applejack accent.
Now that the notes are handled, take a seat, bring some snacks and read on, because now we begin!

Ponyville, a humble little village just a train ride to the grand city of Canterlot, the wasteland town of Appleloosa. While the town would normally be buzzing with life it would not be this evening. No, this evening everypony was inside their houses, covering themselves and their families and friends in blankets while sipping hot chocolate as the wind outside howled and the snow fell thick down from the skies and covered everything in a thick blanket of snow in a matter of seconds.

A specific house, or more of a house made purely out of a fully-grown tree, stood defiant against the howling winds and the large mass of snow that was weighing heavily on the branches. Inside sat six ponies and a baby dragon, all of them doing what the rest of town was; packing themselves in blankets and sipping hot chocolate. One of the group, a purple unicorn read a book, not a story book like one would normally read on a night like this, but a book about different storms and other weather types while telling the others about it, much to their boredom.

"For crying out loud Twilight!" A cyan Pegasus with a rainbow mane explained as the unicorn begun explaining the pattern of route which raincloud often took. "We know that storm clouds outside of Ponyville move on their own, and that this is a snowstorm we are facing! What I want to know is why the rest of the weather squad and I were grounded while this storm gives us even more snow to clear during Winter Wrap Up!"

Twilight looked up from the book to look at her friend calmly.
"This is no ordinary storm,” she said. “No weather team in all of Equestria would be able to clear it out. Even to cross it is forbidden, as few have survived being in the outskirt of it for more than a minute."
Rainbow Dash sat down with a snort, not being used to let a storm tell her what to do, not even a big one as this.

"Now, the odd part of The Ice Wolf..." Twilight began before another member of the group, a pink earth pony suddenly began giggling.

"Silly filly, Twilight. It’s a storm with a lot of snow going through Ponyville, not ice sculptures."

"True, Pinkie." Said Twilight, looking at pink earth pony before continuing. "But this is not normal storm; you all have heard how the wind is howling?"
The group nodded as another "howl" from the wind sounded outside the window.

"This storm also comes regularly." she explained to the group before another pegasus with a bright pink mane, brighter than Pinky's, spoke out in a voice almost as silent as a mouse.

"Ehm....I'm sorry for interrupting Twilight, but....eh....the storm has never gone over Ponyville before." Twilight nodded at the friend. "Exactly, it's supposed to pass Ponyville by miles, so why did it hit us directly right now?"

The others mumbled in agreement. In all the years that Ponyville had stood, the storm had never even got close to the town. It just passed by. "That is why I'm looking in this book; to seek the answer to this."
While Twilight began reading again in her book a white unicorn with a fabulous purple mane looked around puzzled for a moment before asking an orange pony with blond mane and a brown Stetson next to her.

"Applejack, have you seen Spike, I can't seem to find him, and I swear that he was right next to me a few seconds ago."
Applejack pointed at the second floor where Spike, a purple little dragon with green spikes, was standing, looking out the window into the harsh blizzard raging outside.

"Spike!" the white unicorn called as the little dragon turned and looked down at the group with a slight confusion in his eyes.

"Hey Twilight!" he called back down, getting her attention out of her book.

"Yes, what is it Spike?" she called back.

"You said that it was not smart to go out in this storm?" he asked, as if he had not listened fully to her.

"Yes, it’s not smart, even a few minutes in there could possibly kill you, although no one has actually been there long enough to actually tell so....why?"
There was a hint of concern in her voice as the dragon pointed at the window.

"Then what is that pegasus doing?"
The whole group was quickly at the window, looking at what Spike was pointing at. True to his word, there was a small pegasus shaped shadow fighting in the wind.

The storm howled into the ears as the pegasus fought tooth and hoof against the wind that threatened to tear his wings off and throw both them, him, and his bags made for pegasi in flight far away. He wished he could land, but he knew that the moment he touched down he would be buried under a ton of snow in a matter of seconds, his aching wings kept flapping as he looked around for a cave or even better, a house where he could seek shelter from the storm.
'No.' he thought inside of his head. 'No rest. Not yet. You have yet to escape.'
So he bit down on his lip and kept on.

"What in tarnation is that pegasus doin'?" Applejack asked in confusion as the group watched the pegasus fighting out there in the snow storm.

"We have to get him!" Rainbow Dash yelled as she flew out the main door, only to crash with a solid wall of snow covering the doorway.

"Rainbow Dash, are you crazy, even if you managed to dig out then you would only get thrown wildly around by the winds." Twilight said with a cross look, but it soon turned to worry as she looked out the window again at the shadow. "All we can do is sit here and pray to Celestia for the best..."

"Oh oh oh.!" Explained Pinkie Pie suddenly as her tail began twitching, she suddenly jumped up and grabbed the sofa, dragging it to the wall opposite of the window, much to the rest of the crews confusion as she seemed to aim if it was perfectly placed in front of the window and then leaped up to the window, grabbing a hold of the handle to the window and waited.

"Ehm...Pinkie Pie?" Spike asked nervously while eying the partly crazed pony with concern. "What are you doing?"

"Waiting for our new guest of course silly, would be rude to give him a hard landing right?" she replied, not taking her eyes of the shadow outside.


The wind was picking up speed, the pegasus was sure of this. He could not fight the storm any longer. The world became even more disorientating as he felt his wings give up and he tumbled through the winds with no control at all. What he
managed to see was that he had a steady course towards a giant tree.

'So...this is how it shall end then.' he thought as he came spiraling closer and closer towards the tree.
When he thought that it was all over, he closed his eyes while bracing for the pain. He suddenly became aware of something. He was no longer in the howling winds and the heavy snowfall, but rather in what seemed like a sofa, on its back, in some sort of room.

'Am I dead?...in that case then heaven is sure an odd place.'
While laying there he became aware of his lack of will to remain awake. He slowly turned his head so he looked upwards, and what he saw surprised him: there, hovering above him was another pegasus, this one was cyan, and a rainbow colored mane flow from her face, which from the ground gave it a even more stunning look, and a concerned look of her face as she seemed to descend towards him.
With the last of the strength he had he spoke with a low voice as he asked the pegasus above him.

"Are.....y-you an.....angel?" then he slipped into the blackness, voices speaking un-hearable words above him.


The strange pegasus had busted through the window the moment Pinkie Pie opened it, crashing into the sofa. While Pinkie, Twilight, Applejack and the white mare fought to close the open window Rainbow Dash, the yellow mare, and Spike went down to check on the "guest" as Pinkie had called him.

Rainbow Dash was first there, hovering above him before lowering herself down, as she closed in she noticed that the pegasus, a stallion it appeared, looked up to her weakly while speaking so that she barely heard him
"Are.....y-you an.....angel?" he asked weakly before falling out cold.

"D-did he just call you an Angel?" Spike said with a puzzled look while he turned his head from the stallion towards the now blushing Rainbow Dash.

"L-later, right now we got to get him right....give me a hoof here Spike." She stuttered slightly as she, with the help of Spike, got the sofa with its sleeping occupant up right. They placed him in a lying position on it and then removed his saddle bags and placed it next to the chair as Twilight and the others descended down the stairs. Twilight quickly went to examine the pegasus.

"Well, is he all right....will he be all right?" the white mare asked, eying up the stallion in front of them.

"I’m not sure, he is very cold so we've got to get him heated up, or else he might freeze to death, Fluttershy get some blankets for him fast, Spike, get some hot chocolate here fast!"
Spike made a small salute with a "At Once!" before hurrying off to the kitchen, while the yellow mare began gathering up blankets and brought them to Twilight, who wrapped them around the guest with the help of the others.

"Now what?" questioned Rainbow Dash, clearly worried as Spike returned with the hot chocolate.
The mug was covered in a purple glow as Twilight lifted it up with her magic and bri it up to the stallions lips, letting a little of the hot brew slip slightly down his throat before removing the cup.

"The only thing we can do now is wait....and hope." she placed the cup down as they gathered around while talking to each other as the storm kept blowing.

Right then, thank you all for read, as mentioned, all kind of help is needed...i didn’t give any kind of info about our mysterious guest at the moment to cloud this all into a mysterious cloud......that and I’m currently working on some last things about.....mainly his name.....
Anyway, rate and comment on how this was, and we shall see if this is something that shall float, or sink faster than Spikes last dessert..... Until next time.