• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 565 Views, 3 Comments

A Sweetie Tail - Pegra

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Chapter Three: A Guys night confession

I've got the snacks, the board, my character sheet, the dice, and the drinks all set and ready to go in the secondary dining room Spike said to himself going through a mental list he had made for the up coming guys night.

After everything he had been through the last few days he need a night to let lose and not dwell on what had been happening, first Rarity had turned him down at Twilight's reception after the weeding and had pushed the point home that this would be the last time she wanted to hear of it.

Then after a few days of moping Sweetie Belle had come to get her studying materials and to check up on him telling him that she had witnessed what had happened at the reception, and then after hearing her tell him that he couldn't help but look at her for who she was now a young attractive mare.

That is what has been bothering him the most he truly cherished his friendship with all his friends and besides pursuing Rarity he had tried not to rock the boat to much.

But now he was looking at a friend whom he had spent nearly as much time as he had with Twilight almost everyday he spent looking after Sweetie Belle as she struggled in her studies often helping her by getting her a book that could help her, or by getting a secret journal that twilight had kept detailing her failures and successes in her early training.

And of course Sweetie Belle was the younger sister of Rarity which made it harder for him to accept that he actually like Sweetie Belle more then a friend, wouldn't it be seen that he was just pushing his unrequited love of Rarity over to Sweetie Belle?

Technically they were around the same age give or take a few years but being around Twilight he had to mature fast in order to do his job right, though he never did really mature enough to get over reading comic books or playing role playing games.

He always thought that if he would love some one it would be some one older but all the older ones in the mane six that were still single were Rarity and Apple Jack, Pinkie Pie was sort of in a relationship and sort of not with Discord or with some other mare's she was just all over the place.

Rarity and Pinkie Pie aside Apple jack only saw him at most as a brother and she never really showed a romantic interest in anyone, besides the mane six there was also Amber.

But the last time they were together they had argued after Amber wanted him to abandoned everything to do with ponies and come to the dragon lands which he refused, and after that they stopped talking.

The only ones he could talk to about this was Twilight who had often enough told him to just give up on Rarity generally concerned she had told him to not get involved with close friends, and of course Big Mac but he has his hoofs full raising his own family.

Discord was a friend but.... Spike didn't want to involve him after all he had seen how much chaos he had caused to get Flutter shy and Dash and then Twilight and Luna together, it was painful to watch, something he didn't want to experience for himself.

So who else could he talk to that would understand what he was going through, maybe he could talk to Flutter Shy or Princess Luna both of them were understanding and they may provide some insight since Luna has similar sister problems towards her sister like between Rarity and Sweetie Belle.

Flutter Shy had a hard time confessing to Rainbow Dash or even admitting openly that she had feelings for her and right now hes having trouble with both dealing with how she may react to him possibly pushing his feeling for Rarity to her and him maybe actually loving Sweetie Belle herself and not just her for her connection to Rarity.

Before he could wonder more on the subject a a knock came at the front door, he speed walked over to the door and opened it to see Big Mac “Hey Big Mac are you ready to dwell into dungeons battling legions of un-dead, monsters and beast of magic.” said Spike with an air of mysteriousness.

“Yuuuup” said Big Mac dragging it out a bit slightly reveling his excitement.

They walked to where the game would be held and when they opened the door unsurprisingly Discord had made himself at home siting long ways in the chair slightly hovering in the air with his neck leaning out over one side and his tail hanging out over the other side.

He was rolling dice using his magic in the air looking bored, until the door had closed then still rolling the dice in the air he looked over at the two of them and locking eyes with Spike he smiled a very spine chilling smile that Spike knew meant that he was up to something. What you never knew until it was to late.

As Spike and Big Mac took their seats Discord said “Well now that were all here let the game begin.”


Surprisingly they actually played Ogres & Oubliettes, Spike as the dungeon master was leading them through a very successful game facing against an evil prince Unicorn who had kidnapped a village of earth ponies.

Finally at the end of their journey Spike in an evil and deep voice said, “Blasted hero's of the Sacred Empire, you have stopped my plans for now, but know this I shall return and I will claim what is rightfully mine.”

He paused and then returning back to his normal voice acting as a narrator to a story said “And so the evil unicorn prince fled back to the dark lands he had came form and the hero's though rejoicing in their victory knew that he would return one day.”

Ending the game Big Mac stretched and groan a bit in his chair, Discord who had coiled himself up like a snake midway through the game begun to unwind and stretch out.

“That was a blast a very nice Tail, Spike.” said Discord laughing at his little joke then placing a talon on his cheek he looked slyly over towards Spike while asking, “Though I do wonder what happened to that dear Princess Shmarity hmm?”

Spike paused in mid motion of putting away character sheets and dice then looked at Discord with a wondering look on his face and asked, “What are you getting at Discord?”

Discord feigning shock at the accusation of him implying anything said defensively, “Why nothing, it juts so happens that the princess so happens to be in every one of your tales and I was genuinely shocked that she wasn't present tonight.”

Bic Mac nodded his head and said, “Yup.” agreeing with Discord.

Spike rolled his eyes before saying back “I just decided that she should take a break and we start with a different story after all not every story focuses on or around the princess.”

Discord smiled that smile again and this time Spike felt he should stop it before it was to late but the thought struck him seconds to late as Discord commented back, “It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that Rarity turned you down at Twilight's wedding reception, wouuuuld it?”

Spike felt a lump in his stomach form as Discord said that not because he knew but because he didn't want to many ponies knowing that he was turned down yet again, and looking at Big Mac he saw shock and then he saw pity in his stallions friends eyes.

Pity from a pony that had a family and a successful romance unlike him.

“Ya doin alright?” asked Big Mac concerned and after hearing the tone of in his voice Spike realized it wasn't pity in his friends eye it was concern, when he looked back to Discord he still saw that anger inducing smile of mischief but in his eyes he also saw concern.

Spike took a deep breath before saying “I'm fine, I had some time to think and I decided to finally give up on chasing after Rarity.”

Discord raised an eyebrow and as he slid his arm around Spikes shoulder he said, “Is that all that's on your mind or perhaps you have your sights set on some pony else?”

Spike didn't see any malevolent meaning behind his question but not for the first time or the last he wondered how Discord found out these things.

“I do have some pony that I'm interested in, but it may be inappropriate to pursue it so I'm not so sure I should go through with it.” Spike said

“Who's ya pinin after?” asked Big Mac

“Yes yes yes, whom are you interested in?” asked Discord

Spike looked at Discord with an accusing look on his face as he said, “Discord, I'm pretty sure you already know you've been hinting at it all night after all.”

“Well what can I say but yes I do know for a fact who it is, but poor Big Mac has no idea, and if you can't trust us your best friends then who can you trust?” asked Discord

“Big Mac yes but your one of my best friend's to?” asked Spike.

“Well who else do you constantly hang around with, play games with, read comic books, and go out on the town with besides Big Mac, Doughnut Joe? Mr. Cake? Snips & Snails? No, I am the only other best friend you have.” said Discord as he paced upside down on the ceiling as he talked wearing a old detective style hat.

“Holy Celestia how did this happen?” Spike wondered out loud as he placed his head in his talons and shook it slightly back and forth completely in disbelief that Discord was in fact one of his best friends, and it really pained him to admit it.

“Ah but you don't actually hate the idea of me as a best friend after all I'm quite helpful to my friends.” Discord said patting Spike on the back.

“Well, now that we got that worked out who's the some pony ya interested in Spike?” asked Bic Mac

Spike clutched the edge of his chair digging his talons into them slightly as he muttered out the name of the some pony he has been having feelings for lately but he purposely said it so low that no one could hear it he could hardly hear it himself.

“What ya say?” asked Big Mac

“I said ..... lle.” Muttering again over all but the last part of Sweetie Belle's name.

“Come again? Did you say Vynail?” asked Discord purposely saying the wrong ponies name and smiling wickedly for it.

Embarrassed and flustered Spike dug his claws into the chairs arm and stood half way up getting closer to Discord and as he said slightly discharging a few small tongues of flames, “I didn't say Vynail I said Sweetie Belle.”

And as he said her name out loud and realized that he had been goaded into yelling out his confession loud enough that it was now echoing around Twilight's castle as if repeating for ever.

Discord laughed at how his plan had worked out flawlessly, Big Mac had is mouth slightly gaped open and was piecing it all together, truthfully he had been like this since Discord said Vynail but before he could ask Spike if it was true he had blurted out the truth and now he was just recovering form this.

“Now now Spike you just needed a little push is all don't be to mad it was to help you, now that your talking about it aren't you a bit more relived and no longer brooding over it and you feel like a weight has been lifted off of your shoulders right?” said Discord.

In fact as soon as it was out in the open he had felt relived more then he had for awhile possibly since he had decided to give up on Rarity. But he wasn't going to let Discord know that.

Big Mac finally recovering nodded and said, “So hows this inappropriate? I figure that y'all can have a happy relationship together ya the same age and all and ya seam to get along as well as a pig and mud do.”

“I mean isn't it? It's Rarity's little sister isn't like I'm pushing my feelings of Rarity over to Sweetie Belle?” asked Spike in a worried and nervous tone.

“Well I reckon if ya like Sweetie Belle for Sweetie Belle then how is that pushin ya feelings from Rarity on over to her? Ya like her for her don't cha?” said Big Mac

“Well yeah I do like Sweetie Belle for herself.” said Spike

“Then by all means you should definitely go and fall in love.” said Discord to Spike shrunken down and walking on the table eating some fruits and snacks Spike had placed out before and during the game.

“Yeah your right I should, I like Sweetie Belle because she is her own pony and because shes fun to be around, has a fun personality and above all else is kind and helpful to everyone.... and she's very beautiful as well.” Spike said slightly embarrassed admitting she is beautiful.

As Discord laugh Big Mac remembered something he had heard in town a while ago he had intended to ask Apple Bloom if the rumor was true but he forgot until now, “Hey ya Spike I may be wrong but aint Sweetie Bell and that Button Mash fella goin out?”

Suddenly the room was deathly quite as all three of them stopped midway of what they were doing, Discord chewing up a tart was a bit wide eyed, Spike who was in the middle of stretching after feeling relived about finally having it all in the open was now stuck mid stretch and his eyes were to side open, and Big Mac as he was saying his last comment had his hoof held up and pointed towards Ponyville with his mouth slightly open.

Spike still shocked simply said “Huh.” trying to think about it over and over in his head and sure enough he remembered Rarity saying something along those lines as well years ago though at the time he was still interested in her and got lost in thoughts about the two of them dating and didn't remember what she had said about it, could it be true?