• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 562 Views, 3 Comments

A Sweetie Tail - Pegra

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Chapter Two: Lets face it head on

“Add in a Griffin's feather and cast the transmute spell.” said Sweetie Belle reading quietly aloud to herself in her room inside of Rarity's boutique, she found that reading out loud to herself no matter the volume of her voice helped her concentrate on her studies and lessons easier and being in her own room helped her even more.

It has been two days since she last talked to Spike and when she had felt what could possibly be love for her dragon friend. She hadn't really thought about it lately besides the strange erotic dreams shes had the last few nights and the few day dreams of him and her raising a foal together.

Though in her day dream the foal was in a bundle and being cradled by Spike, and she thought it had a dragons tail, green like Spikes under belly, Sweetie Belle shook her head to ride herself of those thoughts and decided to focus on the task at had.

Finishing a transmute spell to change an assortment of materials into a gem but not just any gem into a ruby by combining them and then using a spell Twilight taught her she should be able to turn it into a richly colored ruby.

Or worse case it could imploded and turn her desk into nothing but ashes which has happened before when she first attempted the spell in front of Twilight a year ago, since then shes been studying and building up to this spell and now she was finally ready.

That is as long as the thoughts of her and Spike becoming a couple, having sex, or even having a foal remains in the back of her mind, and hopefully it would since Rarity had bought this desk for her a few years ago she'd hate to ruin it.

She begins to build the spell in layers slowly in order to not make a mistake, getting better as she became more comfortable practicing until it was as natural as breathing.

She manages to just finish the complex arranging of the spell, and had just cast it when her bedroom door slams open scattering papers she had laying on a night stand next to her bed, and nearly causing her to lose her concentration and lose the desired affects of the spell.

In walked Apple Bloom and Scootaloo “Hey Sweetie Belle were back form our trip seeing Apple Bloom's family.” said Scootaloo

Fallowing behind her as they entered the room was Apple Bloom who looked around at all the papers on the floor or still floating down to the floor said to Sweetie Belle “A few of um weren't to keen on our relationship, I reckon most of them were fine but we decided to skedaddle before we over stayed our welcome.”

“Was Bab's one of those few that weren't comfortable with your decision?” ask Sweetie Belle generally concerned for her friends, who had become lovers a few years back after helping one particular stallion realizes what his own feeling had meant and discovering their own feeling's in the process.

Scootaloo lower her head a bit and pinned her ears back then said “Well she didn't approve of it or understand it all that much but she didn't full out denounce our love like some of the others.”

“If anything she was at least willing to keep an open mind about it, unlike some of the others, to be fair Apple Jack did warn us before hand and even Granny Smith was willing to accept it as long as we were happy.” said Apple Bloom

Sweetie Belle sighed “Well at least a few accepted your decision, if not fully supporting it...” she said trailing off as she begun to wonder about asking her friends about what had been going through her mind for the last few days.

“What's on your mind Sweetie Belle y'all looking a bit antsy, something bothering ya?” asked Apple Bloom as she walked over to Sweetie Belle's side and sat down next to her.

Scootaloo joined them and sat on her other side draping a wing on her side “Is it something with your magical studies or did something happen while we were gone?”

Sweetie Belle looked back and forth between her two best friends she finally got the courage to deiced and talk to them about and confirm if this was love or not after all who would know her better besides herself then the two ponies she had nearly spent every day with since they were blank flanks.

“Something did happen but lets talk about this somewhere its private and maybe get something to eat on the way I haven't left my room since last night.” she said with a small smile towards the end.


“And that's what happened while you were gone the last few days, I honestly have no idea if I really am in love or not or if its something else, if its not love then I'm worried as to why I felt relived after he was turned down by Rarity.” said Sweetie Belle.

They had stopped by Sugar Cube Corner on the way getting some cakes and cupcakes, also stopping by a new restaurant to get a to go order of food before heading to Scootaloo home in the Cloud District of Ponyville, Sweetie Belle using magic to transport herself and Apple Bloom up and casting a spell to enable them to walk on clouds had helped to set a table and get drinks before she begun to recount the last few days.

And that's were they are now after explaining it all Sweetie Belle took a sip form her cup of coffee, a highly sought after imported drink form a far off southern kingdom, luckily being Twilight's student and friend she and the others managed to get a steady supply as often bags were sent to all the princess as good will gifts.

Apple Bloom was in the middle of eating and Scootaloo just finishing the last piece of her cupcake begun the questions. “So you have no idea if its love or not? But didn't you tell us that you found some stallions attractive before?” she asked Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle nodded then said “yes but it wasn't anything like this its sort of hard to explain it felt like I was hot and warm but at some times it felt like my chest was heavy and painful, before when it was just an attraction it was just a warm feeling like walking under a hot summers day.”

Apple Bloom raised a hoof and pointed to Sweetie Belle's chest and asked “How much did it hurt, exactly?”

Sweetie Belle placed a hoof over her heart and pressed it tight as she looked down as if gazing into her self, “It was very painful but that was only when I was away form his side when I was around him it was all fluttery like a butterfly.” she said.

Scootaloo looked over to Apple Bloom who looked back at her and both of them nodded before Apple Bloom talked again. “When you saw ya sister turn him down at the weddin did ya happen to feel a might bit relived?”

“Relived?” asked Sweetie Belle confused looking back and forth between them both.

“Yeah did you feel like something heavy was off of your back?” asked Scootaloo.

“Come ta think of it haven't ya always been looking after Spike?” asked Apple Bloom think back over the past few years.

Sweetie Belle thought back to it as well and as she did she discovered that the feeling she had felt had always been their just under the surface sometimes it would burst forth but other times it was always hidden, bound up behind a feeling of friendship until recently that is after Rarity had turned him down for the last time.

“I guess its always been there I just always kept it hidden and tried to convince myself with friendship.” Sweetie Belle said to her best friends.

“So, exactly how long have ya been in love with Spike?” asked Apple Bloom

Thinking back on it how long had she been feeling like that towards Spike, she thought back to when Twilight first came to Ponyville but that was to far back she had barely seen him and known him.

She looked further ahead but nothing she remembered starting to feel friendship towards him and then.... The wedding in Canterlot for Princess Cadance and Shining Armor when they danced as Twilight sang her song for the newly wed couple.

She and he had danced together awhile, having fun and laughing with one another, until he went to Twilight's side when she bid Cadance and Shining farewell, after that she went to be with Apple Bloom and Scootaloo.

“It was at Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's wedding in Canterlot, we were dancing and having fun and it was after that, that the feeling of friendship bloomed into love.” said Sweetie Belle with a look of remembrance and nostalgic.

“Ohhhhhh, I remember that.” said Scootaloo as she smiled “Yeah we were all excited and memorized as Cadance and Shining were dancing, then Pinkie Pie and DJ Pon-3 changed the music and Twilight sang her Love is in bloom song, that became really popular after she became a princess.”

“Yeah I love that song I got an original bootleg took me a lot of bargain to get that bootleg.” said Apple Bloom caught up in the moment.

Sweetie Belle looking a bit annoyed coughed and both mares turned their heads to look at her and they scrambled to get back on topic.

“Any who, that was a magical night I reckon in more ways then one.” said Apple Bloom.

“Yeah, and after that dance you fell in love with Spike right?” asked Scootaloo.

“Well I guess it started out as a crush more then Love but after that we started to spend more time around our sisters and the others, I got to see other sides of Spike and I wanted nothing more then to make hi happy so I convinced myself that it would be better to help Spike with his relationship rather then pursue one with him myself.” Sweetie Belle said.

“Why didn't ya just go after him yourself?” asked Apple Bloom

“You saw how infatuated with my sister he was, and then with Amber, I just felt like I could never compete with my sister let alone another dragon.” Sweetie Belle said as she paced about the room.

“Well we could have helped ya and I bet ya sister would have helped you out as well she does care about you in her own way after all, ya just need to be more confident and aggressive.” Said Apple Bloom.

“Its your time Sweetie Belle, find your happiness well support you all the way, but you need to start laying the ground work before Rarity returns and before he can change his mind.” said Scootaloo

Sweetie Belle thought about it for a moment and then nodded to herself coming to a decision. “Your right its time I stop making excuses and start to pursue my own future.... But how do I do that?” she asked her friends.

Scootaloo and Apple Bloom looked at one another and smiled then looked back to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom said to her “We may have an idea for that, here's what we do....”

“Well well well, looks like its time for another helpful push form a friendly Draconequus.” Discord said after blinking several times and floating up from the chair in which he had been seated at in his home in the chaos dimension.

“But of course dear little Sweetie Belle has her little friends to help her, and my what a good thin it is that Spike has such a good friend as me.” he said to himself rubbing his mismatched clawed hands together.

“Ah how I missed these times, the trills of seeing the results as the pillars holding up their old world comes crumbling down and the excitement of a new building being built upon the ruins of the old. Its time to play match maker yet again.”

“And what better chaos is there but the chaos of a budding relationship, oh I'm such a good friend.” Discord said as he laughed and disappeared form the chaos realm leaving for a very special meeting tonight, causing chaos wasn't the only fun he had planned for tonight.

After all it was guy's night.