• Published 5th Jan 2017
  • 563 Views, 3 Comments

A Sweetie Tail - Pegra

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Chapter one: What is this I feel? Could it be...

The long familiar sound of the Ponyville school house's bell rang loud and clear across the town, it was midday and Sweetie Belle was anxious about what she had in mind for today, she was going to check up on Spike today and see how he's doing after being turned down by her older sister Rarity.

That was three days ago at princess Luna and Twilight's wedding just after the ceremony as everyone was leaving, he had waited until rarity was alone and then had come out to confess his feelings for her. Sweetie Belle had happened to see them from other side of were the ceremony was being held she had watched as they had talked Spike obviously ready to bear it all and then the aftermath as her sister turned him down.

Afterwards as she watched him leave she had vowed to check up on him after he's had time to come to terms and sort out his feelings, despite worrying for her friend she has was struggling to figure feelings out as well, such as why she had felt relived when Rarity had turned him down.

Why had she felt that way, she wanted nothing but for her friend to be happy and yet she couldn't help but feel relived about the events. But why? Why did she feel relived that one of her closest friends got his heart broken?

None of those close enough to her were in Ponyville at the moment, Rarity was in Manehatten delivering her new line personally and ensuring everything is running perfectly.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were out visiting some of Apple Blooms cousins, and Twilight whom has been teaching her magic for years now, and has become a close confident, is with Luna some were in or around the Crystal Empire for their honeymoon.

So shes left here by herself to sort out the feelings she has and what they could mean and failing to understand it and it didn't help that all this anxiety was building up and she cant relive some of it until Silver Spoon takes her shift at the boutique.

With her increased fame Rarity had taken to hiring help Sweetie Belle helped when ever she could since things have calmed down a bit with CMC business she been helping out here more when not learning magic from Twilight.

Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara were one of the few Ponyville locals that Rarity had hired but they to had taken some vacation time a week ago but today Silver Spoon was supposed to be back, and she's late.

The front door burst open startling Sweetie Belle as Silver Spoon breathing a bit heavily rushed in and trotted over to her side. “I am so sorry I'm late we missed our first train and had to wait for the next one Pipsqueak's meeting took longer then we thought.” said Sliver Spoon.

“Its not easy being the wife of the mayor of Ponyville huh?” Sweetie Belle said

Silver Spoon sighed then said “Totally even a vacation turns out to be a business trip, but we did managed to get some alone time after the first few days we even got to see a few sights before he got dragged into a meeting.”

Sweetie Belle laughed awkwardly then started to head towards the door saying as she did “ I'll leave the store in your care then, I need to go pick up some material that Twilight assigned to me.”

Silver Spoon only smiled a nearly to corny smile and waved her out, once the door was closed behind her Sweetie Belle had wondered what that smile was about, nearly every pony she had been around when she was a filly gave her that near exact smile when she said she was going to Twilight's and she had no idea what it was about.

She tried to forget about what it all meant and instead decided to take in the scenery since she was a filly Ponyville had grown, just slightly, new homes popped up and business's as well Twilight's accession to being a princess had brought in various ponies for wanting to simply be near the new Princess and slowly as her popularity grew so did Ponyville.

Like the addition of Twilight's own royal guards and the addition of their own barracks, she even got her own squad of wonder bolt's lead by Rainbow Dash and even now both were under going expansion since Luna's guards would be joining their ranks along with the Dream Walkers.

She passed by the open market were she saw Big Mac and Marble Pie with their young filly Mica who in shape, mane style, and personality are very similar to her mother but inherited her fathers red coat, with orange eyes.

After passing other familiar faces she ended up outside of Twilight's castle , the guards allowed her to pass with out stopping her, Twilight had a garden built on the sides and in the back of her castle allowing many of the animals that Flutter Shy watched over and took care of to reside in the garden some were exotic animals from other lands gifts from foreign dignitaries visiting Equestria.

Even Peewee the Phoenix, that spike rescued and adopted then returned back to his parents, and its mate along with several other Phoenix's had come to live in Twilight's garden.

As she passed by a statue Sweetie Belle noticed that the eyes fallowed her and then the familiar slightly evil and slightly maniacal laugh of the only pony or rather Draconequus, that she could rarely deal with had to appear just at that time.

“Well if it isn't the the infamous Cutie Mark Crusader Sweetie Belle, still having trouble sorting out everything or are you just here to see a Friend. Said Discord as he appeared out of the statue mixing up a cider cocktail and hovering in the air in front of Sweetie Belle.

“H-how... What do you mean by Friend I'm here to see Spike and collect some materials Twilight wanted me to look over before she got back.” Sweetie Belle said confused and slightly jolted not even wondering how Discord knew what she was thinking.

He seamed to recently always have a knack for that often getting involved in crucial decisions like when Rainbow and Flutter Shy became a couple or when Luna and Twilight were dating behind the scenes, Rarity even thinks he had something to do with Big Mac and Marble getting married but there was never any proof.

Discord drank form a straw he had placed in his cocktail while she was talking and thinking to herself then he continued on by saying. “Why I mean just what I mean couldn't you here me?”

He turned around with his back to her before saying. “Why is it that you and your sister have the hardest problems with just being honest with yourself it often makes everything just to easy but then again seeing you struggle to find the answer instead of simply being told is also quite fun, in a way manner of speaking that is.”

Hearing that she and her sister had the same problem she instantly became curious, “What problems do I and my sister have exactly.” she asked Discord but a smile that was anything but innocent was all she got before he begun to slowly disappear.

“Now what kind of friend would I be if I just gave you the answers you're smart you'll figure it out on your own, but why not simply asks your heart if your really curious you just have to listen to the beats.” again he laughed and disappeared fully.

“W-Wait Discord answer my question and how am I supposed to ask my heart what does that even mean?” she asked the air Discord long gone by now.

As she headed towards the main entrance to the castle she was pondering what Discord said, what did she and Rarity have in common about not being honest with themselves, how can she asks or listen to her heart, and how does he always find these things out!

Frustrated she was lost in thought and didn't notice the door open or here Spike call her name the first few times rather she felt him touching the base of her neck close to her back.

Felling him touch her she snapped back into reality, “What did you say Spike I'm sorry I was lost in thought.” she said slightly embarrassed.

Spike cleared his throat then repeated, “I said, good afternoon Sweetie Belle are you here to pick up the materials Twilight wanted you to look over while she was gone?”

“That's right I'm here for those.” she said as Spike stepped inside and she fallowed after him walking past him as he shut the door behind her, “But I'm also here to check up on you.”

Spike looks at her with a confused look on his face, “Why would you need to check up on me? I'm fine.”

Sweetie Belle lead the way to the library where the materials are stored at then she continued on with Spike walking behind her, “Ah well you see the other night I happen to see you walking away sort of down, and was wondering if my sister and you talked since she trotted over form your direction.”

She heard the slightly saddened tone in Spikes voice when he replied back to her, “Oh so you saw that then huh?”

“No no no I didn't see anything but you walking back looking down and Rarity heading towards me from your direction that's all I saw.” She lied talking back to Spike.

“Well actually I confessed again to Rarity and again she turned me down I was feeling pretty down before but now I think its for the best now I can move on to something else.” Spike said a brighter tune entering his voice towards the end of his reply.

“That's good, I was worried about you.” said Sweetie Belle.

Before Spike could reply Sweetie Belle decided to change the topic surprised just a bit about the giddiness stirring up inside of her, “So what else is new?” she asked Spike.

“Well I had another growth spurt before Twilight left and she made me a special amulet that makes me my previous size when I wear it so I can fit into the castle still.” Spike said.

Sweetie Belle turned her head around back towards him and for a second she could have sworn he was looking her over before meeting her eyes, slightly embarrassed and just ever so slightly happy, she turned back to face forward then said “R-really how much bigger did you get?”

“Well... big enough to destroy a table in the main hall and hit my head on the ceiling standing up.” embarrassed as Sweetie Belle laugh's a little bit he gets a bit defensive as he continues to explain, “I had to walk all of my claws until I found Twilight and she managed to cast a temporary spell to shrink me down until she made and enchanted the amulet.”

Reaching the library she opened the door magically and stepped off to one side as Spike entered after her, he lead's the way to a table with four books, a bag of various objects, and several scrolls tide up in a bunch, Spike turns back towards her and she notices that he does indeed have an amulet around his neck hanging low on his chest, the chain that held it around his neck was made of gold but instead of an gem for the amulet it was a type of purple stone that seamed to glow which she realized was the actual magic working.

Then she started to look even closer at Spike looking him over but she was brought back when he coughed to gain her attention, she blushes and Spike points over to an extra saddle bag leaning against the wall, “You can borrow that since you didn't bring your own I just got finished repairing it for Twilight she wanted to have a few spares around just in case.” Spike says

“Thanks, I had some stuff on my mind earlier and forgot my bag back at Rarity's.” she said as she uses magic to bring the bag over filling it with the materials, and then placing it on her back.

“Twilight and Luna will be back in another week if you need any help I can send her a message or look through the check list she left behind.” Spike said as he held up an ominously thick looking scroll one of Twilight's notorious check list.

“Ok, Thanks for your help Spike, what are you going to be up to while shes gone?” asked Sweetie Belle as she and he headed back to the main entrance.

Spike walking evenly with her now scratched the side of his head and replied, “Well Luna had some things brought down form Canterlot and she wanted me to start unpacking them in her and Twilight's room, then I have to go shopping before they get back and restock the supplies, in between then I'm going to be cleaning the rooms and making sure the gardens just the way Twilight likes it.”

Then Spike rubs his claws together and smiles a bit as he says “But of course the night before she gets back I'm having a guys night with Discord and Big Mac, were going to have a blast.”

Sweetie Belle recalled about when Rarity told her about Guys night when they were playing Ogres & Oubliettes, sometimes Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash would join them despite it being guys only rules.

Once at the main entrance Sweetie Belle walks just outside of the door and turns her head back looking at Spike one more time, he smiles at her and and holds a claw up then say's “I'll be here if you need anything, see ya later Sweetie Belle.”

She blushes a bit hearing him say her name, her ears pinned back and tapping her hoof on the stairs she looks down unable to look him in the eye, “Y-Y-Yeah I'll be around if I need anything I mean I'll see you later Spike thanks fro your help.” she said as she smiles sweetly at him and quickly trot's off back to the boutique.

She may have just figured out what Discord meant by listening to her heart beats, she can't believe it, shes had attractions to other ponies before, stallions here and there when ever she goes out on business or trips with Rarity.

It can't be can it? After all she's never been in love before.