• Published 22nd Dec 2016
  • 567 Views, 0 Comments

The Zombie Apocolypse Prank - CAPTAIN YOSHI HD

Shining Armor pranks his grandpa into thinking there's a zombie apocolypse.

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The Zombie Apocolypse Prank

Shining Armor dashed into his grandfather, Black Hole's house. "Grandpa!", the grandson said.

"What the hell is going on here, man?", the old stallion asked.

"There's something going on outside, I don't know what it is.", Shining said.

"What do you mean?", Black Hole asked as he gets off his chair near the table. "Is Nightmare Moon back?"

"No, she's back.", Shining said. "I need this bat." He picks up the bat near his grandfather's closet.

"What do you need the bat for?", Black Hole asked.

"Look outside and see what.", Shining said. "There's Ebola zombies out there."

"There's nothing to freak out for.", Black Hole said. "There's no such thing as zombies." He went over to his window and looked out, there was a group of people turned into Ebola zombies. He screamed and backed away from his window. "Holy crap, there are zombies!"

"That's what I was trying to tell you.", Shining said. "Are your doors locked?"

"Yeah.", Black Hole said. "What are we going to do? And when and how did this happen?"

"It happened this afternoon, someone must've gotten sick from an Ebola virus and caused that person to start biting another person and turns into a zombie and now their out there getting people and biting them.", Shining said. "I heard it on the news."

"Looks like we need to get some weapons.", Black Hole said.

The back door opened, Shining Armor's mother, Twilight Velvet walked in, she had blood all over her dress and face. "IT'S YOUR MOM!", Black Hole screamed.

"Down this hallway!", Shining cried.

They both ran down the hallway that leads to Black Hole's laundry room. The bloody mother reached for Black Hole started touching his whole body. Black Hole screamed as he was release from her grasp. Then, the woman caught Shining. Black Hole ran passed them.

Shining whispered to his mom. "Go outside."

"We have to get out of here!", Black Hole cried.

"Grandpa, get in the bedroom.", Shining said.

The bloody lady went outside. Black Hole looked at his arm. "Did she bite me?", he asked.

"No, I think you're fine.", Shining said. "What do we do?"

"I don't know, we have to get to the van.", Black Hole said. They both looked out the window. "I think we're trapped. We have to get to the van."

The zombies were walking all over the Black Hole's yard. "Look at them, they're walking all over."

They ran to the back door. Black Hole turned the handle to open the door, but, it was stuck. "The door's stuck.", he said. "How do we get out now?"

"They're not at the front door.", Shining said. "We can make it to the van."

Black hole picked up his bat. "Looks like it's time for me to bash a head.", he said.

"Here, let me take the bat.", Shining said. "I'll take the bat, you start up the car."

"I NEED THAT BAT, I NEED PROTECTION, SHINING, I NEED GOD DAMN PROTECTION!", Black Hole screamed. He turned to the window, seeing the zombies walk around his yard. "I hit that dragon in the head."

"That must be Spike.", Shining said. "But, I don't want you hurting him, he's a sweet little dragon."

"There's no time for conversation, lets get out of here!", Black Hole said.

They ran out the door. Spike was standing near the staircase, trying to grab Shining with his bloody claws. He reached to the car and sat in the front seat.

"IT'S TWILIGHT!", Black Hole screamed.

"It's Twilight, get in here,", Shining yelled.

Black Hole got in his car in the driver's seat and locked the door. He looked all over the inside of his car for his car keys. "Where are my keys?", he asked.

"I don't see them.", Shining said.

"They're not on me, they must be in the house.", Black Hole said. "Oh my god, Shining."

The zombies were all over his car. Black Hole honked his horn. "Go away.", he said.

The trunk door opened, the zombies were crawling in. "Oh god.", Shining said.

"I can't get out of here, Shining!", Black Hole cried.

One of the zombies opened the door for the back seat and crawled in. "OH NO, SHINING!", Black Hole cried.

"GRANDPA!", Shining cried.

The zombies started to smoother Black Hole. They both screamed, then Shining started laughing and so did the zombies. "Grandpa!", he said. "Grandpa!"

Black Hole kept screaming. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!", he screamed. "HELP!" He stopped screaming and looked at his grandson.

"Grandpa, it's a prank.", Shining laughed. The zombies were fake the whole time. The mane 6, the CMC, Spike, and other people were covered in fake blood, they laughed at Black Hole's scared face.

Black Hole coughed. "Shining.", he mumbled.

Shining put his hand in his pocket and revealed his grandfather's keys. "I got your keys.", he said. He threw them to Black Hole. "You still want to escape?"

Black Hole turned the others and yelled at them. "I HATE ALL OF YOU!"

"Whoa, Dude, chill.", Rainbow Dash said.

Shining turned out the car and winked at Spike. He jumped out the car.

"GET OUT OF MY WAY!", Black Hole screamed.

The others surrounded him as the old man walked out his car and walked to the front of it, trying to tell it was a joke the whole time, but, he wouldn't believe them. "W HERE'S MY SHOTGUN, I'LL SHOOT YOU ALL WITH IT!", he screamed.

"Hey, calm down, Darling.", Rarity said. "There's no need to get upset about it."

Black Hole leaned over his car to catch his breath, he lifted his head a little to glare at his grandson. "I'm going to kill your ass with a hammer.", he threatened.

The others started to surround him again while Shining ran up the stair case of his grandfather's front porch. He turned and saw the door open, Caramel was walking out. "Oh god, you scared me.", Shining said.

"Did we get him?", Caramel asked.

"Yeah.", Shining said. "It was a really good joke."

"GOTCHA!", the gang laughed.

"Hey, watch what you all are saying and this is the only tang top I own, so someone's going to buy me a new one.", Cloudkicker said.

"What did you say?", Black Hole asked.

"Did you hear what I said?", Cloudkicker asked. "I need a new tang top." Her tang top was stained with fake blood. "Did I stutter when I tried to get you?"

"He doesn't know, you tell him.", Shining said.

"Well, better hit the hay.", Cloudkicker said as she ran out Black Hole's yard.

"How are you feeling, Grandpa?", Shining asked.

"Like I'm about to beat your ass.", Black Hole said.

Shining ran in his grandfather's house and locked the door.

Black Hole ran to a window and banged on it. "I got your ass, you hear me?!", Black Hole yelled from outside. "You are mine! You are mine! C'mon, I'll put your fist right up your butt!"

He looked back at the people covered in fake blood and looked back at his grandson through the window. "They got Ebola!", he said.

Shining opens the door and spoke to his grandfather. "You know what, lets pretend that none of this ever happened.", he suggested.

"Yeah.", Black Hole said. "Great idea."

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