• Published 14th Dec 2016
  • 436 Views, 6 Comments

Before The Party - TheEveryDaySparkle

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Chapter 4: Who Am I?-Part 1

The dream was one of terror. In it, Pinkamena stood alone, in an intense, pitch black darkness that possessed an almost bottomless degree of void.

She could see nothing within it's depths, nothing other than more black, for it was not simply a mere descent into darkness.

No, it was a constant, unchanging and sinister black that served only to intensify her fear and confusion.

She walked around for a while, but nothing changed. The vast black was endless in front of her eyes. It seemed like she would be walking forever.

Then, she heard it. Laughter. Joyful, cheerful, and happy laughter. It was almost cute. It in fact would have been, if not for the fact that she still could not see anything at all.

That fact alone made it creepy as opposed what it would have, and should have, been.

Pinkamena found herself shivering as a strange and unfamiliar chill came over her, making her hold her arms close to herself and rub them.

She continued walking for a while. Then she noticed it. The laughter...was getting closer.

Each time she heard it, it was a little closer than it had been before, and it seemed to be coming towards her.

She sat down and prayed, hoping beyond hope that all this was was a bad dream and that nothing bad would actually happen to her.

Of course, she knew it was a dream, but the past few minutes had scared her into doubting that belief.

The laughter continued to get closer and closer and was now only a few feet away from her.

She was now visibly shaking, the cold and her fear sending a chill up her spine so cold, she felt like she would freeze into a Popsicle at any moment.

She heard the laughter again. It was right in front of her now. She looked up from her knees, which she had been looking at and breathing on in an attempt to both hide herself from whatever sinister thing was out to get her, and to warm herself up at least a little bit.

When she looked up there was nothing there. For a moment, she relaxed, helped along by the fact that the freezing cold she had felt only moments ago was now completely gone.

She stood back up, only to nearly jump out of her skin when she heard a rip from behind her. She turned around slowly, hoping beyond hope that whatever was there would not hurt or kill her. When she turned around, she saw A mirror image of herself. She breathed a sigh of relief and stared at it, to to see what it would do. Then it happened. As she continued staring, the image grew more grotesque and twisted. Her perfectly peach skinned face showed scars and blood everywhere. Her hair was wild and puffy, shooting out in all directions. She was forced to watch as her usually smiling face, went from happy to sad, to crying and then back again. But what it returned to was not her typical smile. In it's place was a dangerously wide, and altogether bone chilling smile that touched her ears and seemed to go even further beyond. Her eyes were bloodshot and were darting in several odd directions. Her right eye twitched uncontrollably.

She looked down, watching in horror as this darker, more sinister version of herself, slipped out of the tear she had made in the dream. Shesaw her clothes. The exact same ones she had been wearing for school the previous day. The top was covered in blood, as was the fate of her jeans and sneakers. Pinkamena stepped backwards, trying to get away from the horrid thing that was before her. She quickened her pace, trying to gain distance. That didn't seem to work, as the creature simply sped up as well. She broke into a run, and so did the creature.

In her blind fear, she tripped over something, and fell on all fours. Her heart pounded in her chest as she tried to catch her breath, but she couldn't take time to rest. She stood up and turned around, ready to face this fear of hers, only to have whatever courage she thought she possessed drain right out of her at the exact moment she locked eyes with her crazed reflection.

The creature tilted it's head to the side, but it didn't stop there. It kept going until a snapping sound could be heard, and now its head was turned sideways. Pinkamena stood frozen in fear. She couldn't move an inch, and the next thing she saw, made it even worse. The figure held a knife, which it raised above its head, poised for the finishing blow. The figure brought the knife down into her chest.

She only had seconds to scream when she was pulled out of her dream with a "Here's Pinkie!" from the strange being.

She woke up sweating profusely, scared out of her mind and clutching her chest tightly.

Her parents were there and were standing near her bed, looking at her with concerned eyes.

"What's wrong, Pinkamena dear?" said "Cup" Cake. "You were screaming in your sleep."

Upon seeing her parents, Pinkamena calmed down a bit. "I-it's nothing mom. I'm fine. I promise."

"You sure?" said "Carrot" Cake. He wore a worried expression that had obviously been on his face for quite some time, for he still wore it even now that his daughter had awakened.

Pinkamena thought for a moment. She didn't want to worry her parents. Especially after all this. She said, "Yes, I'm sure. I'm fine, dad."

The two parents cried and hugged her. She hugged them back tightly. What was that thing? Why did it look like her? And what did it want? These were the questions that ran through her mind as she placated her grieving family. One thing was for sure. Something was wrong. Very, very, wrong...

Comments ( 2 )

This has been reviewed by the Reviewer's Cafe.

Perfectly Insane

I know this isn't likely, but I really really hope you decide to continue this one day. I am obsessed with the idea of Pinkamena, and love the idea of an alcoholic Pinkie Pie. This story is very interesting to me, and I do hope to see it updated one day.

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