• Published 26th Jul 2012
  • 1,743 Views, 33 Comments

Elements of Protection: Respect; Emotionless freak - Outlaw

An experiment gone wrong wanders around in Ponyville.

  • ...

Party everyday

Party everyday

Pinkie was running down the streets of Ponyville, heading towards Sugarcube Corner to fix up Bloodbeast:
"w.t.p.p.(welcome to Ponyville party)".
She couldn't belive that she had forgotten to fix a party to her crush.
Who known what would happened if she forgot?
Maybe he would be an outcast and not have any friends.
Not like he would acctualy care or anything, he was emotionless and all but it was against Pinkies nature to leave a pony without a true welcome.
She ran indoors and up to her room, meanwhile she thought of one thing:
How was she going to get him?
It would be lots of hard work, maybe a broken bone and a lot of crazy stuff on the way.
"But what if it won't be enough?" A simple thought slipped into her mind.
She imediatly removed that thought and made a phone-call to the mayor.
"This is the mayor, how can I help?" She heard the mayor say.

"Hiya, it's Pinkie Pie and I need to rent a place for..." Pinkie speeded out before she was cut off.

"Let me guess, another w.t.p.p.?
Already booked and ready for you"
Pinkie Pie ran down towards the basement, right before the mayor hanged up, and started to search for a certain box.
She found it under her box for the summersun-celebration party.
It was the box of extreme crisis situations, in her case, her crush-box

It was evening and Bloodbeast was flying with Rainbow Dash around in the clouds, she was instructing him in cloud-duty.
He needed a job and as a pegasus, this was in his blood.
It had been 2 days since he got a permission to stay in Ponyville.
He was relifed for this and also worried to a certain memory:

Bloodbeast examinated his fathers body, it was a clean cut and the head was rolling away from the body.
"I'll probably get the hang of this later on" he thought to himself, before he noticed... it.
By the hand of his father, there was a switch that was pressed in.
He didn't get enough time to worry about it before the door was slashed in by chainsaw-armed unicorn.
The unicorn stared at him with anger in his eyes, before he noticed the dead body on his side.

"You-you have killed him!"

"Indeed, not even a worthy challenge."
Bloodbeast didn't have much time to react after that before the unicorn charged at him with his chainsaw-arms.
He easily dodged him, by jumping over his head and kicked him into the wall, and looked at the unicorn.
It was wearing a battle-armor, had a black coat and a blue mane plus a very muscular body.

The unicorn made another charge and got stuck in Bloodbeasts trap.
Bloodbeast jumped up on his back, kicked him into the bomb and then jumped up to the roof, slid into the ventilation before the bomb detonated.
He could hear the unicorn scream, half in pain and half in rage.

Bloodbeast had a brother, who was looking to kill him in revenge for the boss.
Since that the closest to a damage from the blast, that he recived, was a twisted leg;
Bloodbeast had suspected that his brother had made it aswell.
And if he was alive then...
"Hey, are you even listening?" Rainbow Dash asked as she waved her hand infront of his face.
"Oh, sorry Rainbow Dash." he said as he came back to the world." I just had a wierd daydream."
Rainbow Dash looked at him with an glare that could melt ice, if it wasn't for Bloodbeast dissability.
"I said..." She started but thought that she needed to throw something at him.
"Nevermind, I need to speak with you about something else"

"Sure, what is it?" Bloodbeast replied calmly.

Rainbow Dash took a deep breath before she began to talk:

"In case you haven't seen it, my friend Pinkie Pie has a crush on you."

"I've seen it." He replied without a care, catching the cyan mare off-guard.
"Well, what do you think of her?" She asked him, expecting an honest answer from this pony.
"She's different, also a good kisser." He replied, causing Rainbow Dash to laugh.
"Yeah I heard about the cotton candy thing." She said between her giggles, but then turning on a serious note" Look, Pinkie is my friend so I'll let her cut loose but if you do ONE thing that breaks her heart then I'll make sure that you'll Get bucked to the moon by my damn self."
Rainbow Dash was hoovering right in front of his face as she hoped that he had shocked him a bit.
But he just looked her into the eyes, calm as ever and just said plain and simple.
"You know that you're threatening an assassin?"
Now Rainbow Dash had gotten mad, this guy needed a lecture in the style of awsomeness.
"Yes I know, honestly enough, I don't give a buck about it. If you can't be there for a friend then you're just a horrible pony, JUST LIKE YOU! And even If it was you who were in her shoes, then I would still help you, BECAUSE THAT'S WHAT FRIENDS DOES!!!
You need to stop treating all like shit, or else I'll kill you!"
With those words, she left Bloodbeast at the cloud center.
He was in a state of impression, not shocked or scared, just impressed of her courage to insult him.
He knew about her, she was hotheaded but still the element of loyality.
She had shown courage enough to insult him for the sake of her friend.
Bloodbeast found it very impressive of her.
"I'll give it to her, she truly is the element of loyality." he said in his mind.
Before he could react, a bottle popped out of nowhere infront of his face.
He didn't catch it on the way up, so he snatched it on its way down.
As he catched it, he noticed that it had a note at the bottom of it.
Hi BB!
I need some help from a strong stallion down here at Sugarcube corner.
But I decided to ask you instead:p.
In all seriousness though, I need some help down here, show up as soon as possible please.
Pinkie Pie

Bloodbeast was looking at Sugarcube Corners with suspicious eyes, all of the windows were dark and showed no sign of activity in the bakery.
He had ideas of what this could mean, either it was a trap for skinning him down in a torture-chamber, a trap by his brother to kill him;
Bloodbeast wasn't sure but if he was going to find out, he had to be careful.
"Well, here goes nothing" he sighed and put the chain in his pocket, causing his arms to turn into blades again.
He slowly walked up the stairs, he could hear low mumble inside of the building so he kept the blades out.
Bloodbeast opened the door and walked into the entrance.
The room was dark and the air was thin, he didn't like the feeling at all, it was a great set-up for an ambush.
"SURPRISE!!!" Everyone in the room screamed as the light suddenly went on, causing Bloodbeast to take up a defensive position.
Bloodbeast was confused;
the room was filled with decoration, sweets and speakers.
On a banner, there was a sign that said:"W.T.P.P. BB".
Suddenly, he found himself infront of Pinkie Pie who was wearing a blue top and a couple of coat-tight jeans.
"Hiya, welcome to your "Welcome to Ponyville party", I fixed it up for you.
Do you like it? Do you? Do you? Do you?"

"I don't understand, what is this?" Bloodbeast asked dumbfounded, not having a clue as what was going on.

"Well it's a tradition that we all gather together and welcome the newcomer all the time, DUH!" The pink pony said, switching around between bouncing around in the room and invading his privat space.
"Welcome? but I'm a killer that shouldn't exist, why would you even bother?" Still dumbfounded, he asked the pink pony.
"Hey, don't be like that, you have been extremely helpful and this is our way to repay you." The whole room nodded to Pinkie Pie response.
"Come on, let's dance!" Before Bloodbeast could react, he was dragged out to the dancefloor by Pinkie Pie, accidentally dropping the chain at the entrance.(insert "Pump it" here for some background music)
As the beat began to turn up in the speakers, everyone began to dance and have fun.
Bloodbeast was clueless of what he was supposed to do, he had never been at a club or even at a dancefloor, so he began to shake his body to the beat.
Infront of him, Pinkie Pie was cutting lose and dancing like crazy.
Bloodbeast could see her pink mane bubble up and down as she danced and her...
"What was that Bloodbeast?" He asked himself before he was dragged away again towards the center where everyone had formed a ring.
One by one, they jumped into the ring and danced their best.
Applejack showed that she knew how to shake that flank that she carried, Spike showed some shuffling and even Big Mac showed that he knew some smooth moves.
Bloodbeast was impressed of their moves, acctualy enough to give it a shot himself.
As the speakers began to fill in the second verse, he snuck in from the ring and laid down at the center.
Everyone looked at him, before he began to raise up and down to the beat, before jumping on to his head and spinned around in incredibly speed. As the crowd began to cheer with him, he went down to the floor and began to spin on his back, before he made a jump to land in his usual pose, two hooves on the ground and an emotionless look on his face.
He snuck out of the circle before he found out that Pinkie had replaced him on the dancefloor.
She was seducing the crowd by some slow movements on her body but Bloodbeast could see that she had her eyes on him.
He looked until she left the dancefloor, then he headed towards the drinks.

"Enjoying yourself?" Bloodbeast heard a familiar voice say as he sat in the sofa.
To his guess, it was Pinkie Pie again.
"A bit, it's very nice ponies around here."
"And there's still much to see, you haven't seen everything yet." She said, with music and flashing lights bombing the place.

"That pretty much is true"
Slowly but still forceful, she moved closer to him while she had a seducive smile on her face.
"You know what kind of couch this usually is called?"
Bloodbeast noticed that she was moving closer, she had something on her mind.
Pinkie shoved him down on his back and climbed over to meet him face to face.
She whispered in his ear:
The M.O.C., the make-out couch
Bloodbeast felt a trace of that well known cotton-candy as Pinkies lips moved closer.
"Now again?" He thought, this wasn't looking good.
She closed in to purse their lips together, just before...
A muscular unicorn walked straight into the room with every eyes turned towards him, especially Bloodbeast.
"Oh no"

"Who is that freak?"
Bloodbeast jumped out of the couch and struggled to move forward in the massive crowd.
Meanwhile the Unicorn moved up towards the closest pony, a butteryellow pegasus, Fluttershy.
"Where is he?!!"

"I-I-I don't know, he was here..."
The unicorn took a grip around her throat and let his other arm transform into a chainsaw.
"Don't lie to me, WHERE IS HE?!!"
Before she could answer, Bloodbeast punched the unicorn in the face, causing him to drop Fluttershy and fly into the wall.
Fluttershy looked scared at the unicorn and then ran back to her friends.

"HEY, WHAT'S YOUR DEAL PUNK?" Rainbow Dash screamed as she began to charge towards the unicorn, but Bloodbeast put up and arm and stopped her.

"He's mine."

"WHAT? He's... got bucking... chainsaws for arms..."
Rainbow made a horrible conclusion to the similarity.
"This is family buissnies." the Earthpony said as he charged towards Bloodbeast.
"You are not a relative of mine, just because we were created together doesn't make us family."
Bloodbeast jumped up and made various slashes towards the unicorn.
"I will kill you tonight;
it's a word that I , Chain, swore as I crawled out of the building."
Chain easily parried and made a slash with his chainsaw-arm that would decapicate any unicorn or earth-pony.
Luckily, Bloodbeast was a pegasus and could easily rise up enough to avoid the deadly blow.
He dived down to slice Chains head of, which was parried by putting his chainsaw in the way of the blade.
Bloodbeast could feel a slightly amount of pain and quickly jumped back to a table.
He could only rest for a bit, before Chain made a heavy slash to cut him in half.
Bloodbeast jumped out of the way and left the table to be cut in half, before he jumped back and dropp-kicked Chain in the face.
Chain rose up and looked at Bloodbeast with disbelief.
"Why do you even bother to protect these worthless ponies?
They know who you are and what you do, they fear you"
Bloodbeast eyed around in the room, everything was broken and all of the ponies were watching them in fear, except from Rainbow Dash who looked like she was about to help him any second.
He saw the terror that he had created, he was a Celestia damn murderer.
Hell, even the kids was scared of him but there was something in the eyes of everypony.
A small glint of...respect.

"You're...right..., they fear me."

"Yes and I'll be doing them...."

"But they respect me, and that's all I care for."


"I can't give them friendship, that's because I would be a terrible friend.
I couldn't feel happy for a friend, I couldn't feel sad for a friend so all I can give them is respect.
If they're ready to take in a pony, that they fear, to be a part of their town then THAT'S WORTH A DAMN LOAD OF RESPECT".
Before anyone could react, a giant flash shook the area.
As they all shielded their eyes, Bloodbeast rose up to the center.
A golden glove formed around his hand as his eyes glowed in red.
Slowly, a pattern began to form around the glove, a pattern of red blood.

"What's happening?" Chain screamed as he began to look towards the center.
Only to meet a face of a silver-grey coat and bloodshot eyes, not like late night porn or something like that, more like the eyes of a demon, it was like staring into the eyes of death himself.
Also that was right, he couldn't react before Bloodbeast had cut him up like sushi.
Bloodbeast made a roar as he began to stab the pieces of flesh.
The kids began to cry and hide behind their mother.

"Hey, that's enough" Rainbow Dash said as she went up to him.
"He's dead"
But it wasn't enough, Bloodbeast wasn't pleased with one victim.
He turned around and tried to stab Rainbow Dash in the chest.
She barely dodged it by jumping to the left, only to meet a series of slashes.
She jumped, dodged and flew to avoid his furious attacks.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" She screamed towards him, fear and anger in her voice as she flew up to the roof.
Bloodbeast prepared to take of into the air and kill his victim, luckily he was stopped as a a purple aurora surrounded him.
"Bloodbeast, what's wrong with you?" Twilight asked calmly as she observed him struggle with aggression, spitting at ponies in the crowd and trying to break free from his prison, that's when she found out what it was.
"His chain is missing..."

"What?" Everypony asked dumbfounded.

"Applejack, do you remember from the letter?
"If I'm disconnected from it a long time then I get a bloodlust and start to kill"?" She asked her friend as she struggled to keep Bloodbeast in control.
"That's right we need to find it" Applejack responded after that her memory clicked in.
They all searched for it but they simply couldn't find it, that was until Pinkie Pie found it by looking in other ponies pockets, that was wierd.
"I FOUND IT!!!" She screamed and ran up to Twilight, who took the chain and walked towards a furious Bloodbeast.
He was struggling but it was pointless, Twilights aurora was too strong.
She placed the chain around his neck and the demonic eyes began to fade.
He fell to the floor and fainted, the crowd was surrounding him.
Everypony was looking at his body, except from Twilight who was inspecting the golden glove.
"Get him to a hospital, I need to look for something"

A/N: I have to fix this story before I go on to fix anything else but I need some characters for the upcoming stories so if you want then send me a PM with some information about your OC+ who you want me to ship him/her with.
I will give you cred for your OC and use it as a main character for one story in my series.
Slightly add a genderbent character for your information, I might throw in a part in the finals with some "On a cross and arrow" character.
Taken shippings:
Rainbow Dash, story coming up (Own OC)
Pinkie Pie, this story(Own OC)
Applejack, story coming up(BronyGC's OC)
Twilight, story coming up(