• Published 30th Nov 2011
  • 1,697 Views, 12 Comments

The Lone Plum Blossom - Leoheartxx2

Far away from home, a pony tries to find a place to settle down...until fate lead Him to ponyville..

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Chapter 8- The Meaning of Love

It's been 3 days since Fluttershy and Jino been admited into the Royal Cantelot Hospital. Although Jino has recovered considerably, he isn't allow to leave the Hospital yet. Fluttershy has already awoken from he sleep a day ago. Unknown to Jino, she has heard everything Jino told to the others. She was asleep but somehow sub-concious, leaving hers ears open to listen to everytale Jino told about. Kirin ....the name was in her head for sometime now. She wonders what she was like. To have been loved and to love another. A scent of envy ignite in her heart, but she knew it was foolish of her doing so.The pegasus that makes Jino who he is, she must be a angel in disquise.

Still too injured, Fluttershy was brought to the Garden on a wheelchair. The nurses advice her fellow friend to keep her company as they clean her room. Daily routine requires the Hospital to live up to it's standards. Rainbow Dash stays behind to look after Fluttershy. Applejack have to return back to her farm as the seasons approaches. Even Rarity and Pinkie Pie have their own work to do. Twilight wanted to stay but was later summon by Priencess Celestia together with Master Kira to meet her for an important meeting.

It's already late afternoon that day. Rainbow Dash pushes Fluttershy on her wheelchair and position her under a large shady tree so that she could let the birds to communicate with Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash pushes a piece of cloud from nowhere and decide to take a nap on it. Jino, who was observing them from afar, decided to join Fluttershy under the big shady tree.

"Nice day isn't it....." Jino starts off. Fluttershy didn't turn her head, she just nod and smile. The birds continue to dance around Fluttershy. " How is your injuries? "

" I'm ok....thanks to you Jino. Guess I really owe you a lot..." Most of her body is still cover in bandages.

"You don't really have to thank me Shy...despite my efford...I really wish I did it in another way....." Jino rest himself beside Fluttershy. A small little bird gently floats down and rest itself on Jino's head then bury itself comfortably in his dark gold mane. " There's something you should know....something that....."

" I already know all about it Jino, every single tale.....I kinda....was a little awake....I heard it all...." Fluttershy place her hoofs at Jino mouth. "...ummm...But I'm still kinda confuse about something. How did you use....you know....magic? "

Jino immediatly recall the part when he batle the Hydra. Applejack mention than Jino's body was envelop in a soft purple aura and his eyes were glowing intensly. All of that disappeare after the Hydra has retreated.

" well...it's kind of a long story Fluttershy. Pegasus naturally has the ability to fly and to stand on clouds. Unicorns are blessed magic, hence their horns when they perform any uses of magic. But Earth pony are without the gift of flight or magic, but we are naturally stronger than most ponies alike. But in my case I was an " exception". "

" You mean....."

" I am of the few earth pony that can tap into the raw power of our " Soul" or simple to say...our inner strength. But it's nothing like magic. This " Soul" power are often more powerfull than magic conjure by Unicorns. This untap raw energy usually power it's user to maximise the body natural ability......errr....am I explaing too fast? " Jino pause a moment seeing that Fluttershy look confuse with her eyes derping on opposite direction. He lets out a small laugh, teasing her.

" You mean......"

" My strength and agility increase ten fold. I also become more aware to my surroundings. My sences can see and pick out even the slightest movement or sound. Even my 6th sence sharpen to a degree that I can glance a mere vision of the future events. But taping into our " Soul " requires a lot....it takes....purpose. "

" Purpose? "

" Have you ever made a promise Fluttershy? A very special type of promise..." Fluttershy glance into the open space awhile. She shacks her head.Jino lets out a small laugh. He closes his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When he open his eyes again, his pupil changes colour, left eye red and right eye blue.

" To Love is To Protect...To Protect is not To Betray....that was a promise I hold on to Kirin since the day I was banished."

Kirin....that name ignite the little fire of envy in her heart. Why am I feeling this way? I'm suppose to be happy for him instead. How foolish of me.

" But...ummm...isn't she...." Before Fluttershy finishes her sentences she stop utturing another word.

" Dead...yes she is....but it's time I move forward. It's only worse to think of myself and rot in my past. I'm sure of it..." Jino held back his emotions. Tears wants to flow from his eyes but he held it back with all his will. " My purpose until then was to protect her. Although I was banish, I didin't let go of that promise. I held it close....but I guess....maybe I wasn't meant for love yet....."

Jino's words stuns her. For some reason she wanted to slap Jino for uttering such thing. Not meant for love? She held her hoofs close to her chest.

" When Kirin was gone, I taught I lost the 'purpose'....the pain too much to bear, I ran to everfree forest to calm myself down a little. I stayed there hidden under a empty broken hut since then. But when I heard you scream when you got hit by the Hydra, something in me 'awoken'...."

" Awoken?..." Fluttershy look at Jino with a raise eyebrow.

" I felt an intence surge of energy...no....emotions...a mix of fear, hope and courage....but after that my mind went blank... "

" Fear? What do you fear?"

".........I.....don't know how to put it...ummm...its hard to say...." Jino voice breaks a little. He looks into Fluttershy's eye, his right hoof on her soft cheeks. " But all I know is this....." Jino lips meets Fluttershy's forehead. His hoofs embrace the injured pegasus. Her warmth, her heart beating. " I cannot lose you..."

The litte fire of envy in Fluttershy's heart is snuff out in an instance. Tears builds up between her eyes, ready to flow. Jino wipe the tears that were clustering at her eyes.

"Come on now Shy, please don't cry...." Jino comments as he finish wiping the tears from her eyes. " Come let me put you in your room. I think it's time the nurses are done cleaning it." Jino slowly position her wheelchair and gently push her back. Nice going Jino, You just had to make her cry...*facehoof*

Love.It was never easy. At least now I found a new one. I can once hope again. Kirin...although I will never see you again my fair maiden, but I will always remember you. And I will still hold on that promise. I will still return, at least 1 more time....and as long I still breath, Irou will pay for his crimes....in every worst way imginable.

It was already night time. As the sky is brightly lighten by a sliver moon, Jino sits alone in the garden. The blade he always carry around is unshealth from it's protective cover. The blade is risen high, his eyes were close and mind fully focus.

Father....It's been a long time I seek you for your help. But you did say when I was ever in doubt, I should raise my blade and just think. I'm not sure how....but I think my heart have fallen to a new pony. *laugh a little*. But I fear that I might have to leave her, the same way i left Kirin. I need to fix what Irou has done to our country. But I too also fear I might not return. What if I cannot keep the promise I did for Fluttershy?....*sigh*.......I pray to you Father, for your help...

" Thinking bou't ha father again ha rec'kon? " Applejack suddendly appear from nowhere. " The're here nurse told me I could find ya he're....so what's on ya mind? "

Applejack came as soon as possible after she was done havesting the apples from her farm. She was suppose to take Rainbow Dash shift looking after Fluttershy for the night. Guess she really is 1 heck of a strong pony, doing the harvest and back to Cantelot and not even breaking a sweat.

" I really don't know Applejack. When I 1st came to Ponnyville, I wanted to start a new life, away from the life I left before I was banished from my homeland."

" But then you found Shy he're...."

" Now I fear I might have to leave her....I taught that I might just live a regular life for 2 or 3 years and then return back to my place and finish what I left unfinish......but now......*sigh*....I fell in love....I fell for Fluttershy..."

" Ha understand Jino....Ha under'stand....but sometime ya just have to look deep...into ya heart's....Jino ya the most loyal pony I ever came across in ma life...Honour...that's what make ya who ya are...and I recko'n not other pony does it better than you Jino."

" Thanks a lot Applejack. I became a close friend to me since you let me stay at your farm. I will never forget your deed. You makes things better all the time....and I thank you for that."

" awww Ha' don't mention it. It's what I am. The most loyal friend anypony could have. And ha can be't on it."

Jino lets out a small laugh, teasing Applejack. Applejack follow suit and laugh with Jino. It was probably the next best thing could happen for Jino. To have travel afar, and was fortunated enough to find friends like Applejack and her fellow friends. Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie , Rainbow Dash....and of course Fluttershy. Guess in this crossroad of fates....some path are just worth living at its fullest.