• Published 30th Nov 2011
  • 1,697 Views, 12 Comments

The Lone Plum Blossom - Leoheartxx2

Far away from home, a pony tries to find a place to settle down...until fate lead Him to ponyville..

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Chapter 1- Fate drift in the wind

" Hey, wake up you sleepyhead......"

" Kirin? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the Festival of the Blossom? "

" Ya I know, I just want to enjoy this moment while it lasts....I don't get to hang out outside my home too often..." Kirin muttured as she walks next to a pony with a bright silver mane. She then lay her head on his back. A plum blossom flower seems to floats down gently from a neaby tree.

" Hey Kirin....I've got to go soon. I might be away for sometime, maybe a year or two....I guess its....."

" I know....You don't have to lie to me Jino." That word stuns Him as it reached his ears. Jino looks away, trying to hide his emotions from Kirin. Tears starts to build up but he held it back. Jino got up to his hoofs, but was stop by Kirin. " It hurts to know the truth Jino, but trying to confort me with lies won't help me otherwise."

".................but....I....." Jino voice starts to break a little. " I'm sorry" Jino suddedly took off. Kirin gave chase but couldnt keep up. In no time Jino was far ahead for her to catch up. Tears flows from her eyes as she stood watch.

Jino ran as fast as his hoofs could carry him. He did not look back nor did he even slow down. As he kept runing he triped on a rock and fell down. But before he even hit the ground, he felt something touching him.


" errr.....excuse me...p-pardon me..errrr...." Fluttershy tries to wake Jino from asleep on her couch. Blur and tired Jino slowly lifts his still sleepy state head and tries to get a visual of everything around Him.

" Try this tea...its a little hot....if you don't mind...it could really help you...because its very refreshing....errr....." Fluttershy tires to offer a cup to Jino. Although she speaks with a low voice Jino could make out what she said. With a smile he reached out his hoofs and accecpt the tea from her. As Jino drank the tea all he could think was when he had such a refreshing tea the last time. Fluttershy hovers back to the kitchen with a chearful smile from her face. Jino sniff the scent of the tea with all his breath. After month of travel across places to places nothing more was he ever glad than the smell of good tea.

" Do you want more tea?? I could get more if you want....if you don't mind...."

" That's nice of you but your hospitality is simply too kind. I must ask you, how is the little cub?? Will he be alright?" Jino speaks as he finish the last drop of tea.

" He's very lucky to have been found by you. Injuries like these could have already kill it a long time ago. I'm surprised this little cub has so much strength....but its asleep right now." Fluttershy returns from the kitchen with more tea. " If you don't mind....i've never seen such pony such as you around here....hmmmm....well not that everypony has such nice mane as yours...."

" I must thank you for such compliment but i need to find a place called "ponyville"...i got lost in these forest and have stumble upon your home." Jino tries to explain his story.

" Ohhh.....Ponyville is just around the corner....one of my friends is coming later to fetches her pet dog.....i could introduced you to her.....She's very friendly and a good friend.....if you dont mind..."

" Is ponnyville a big place if you don't mind me asking??"

" Oh, its just a small places. It's also full off really nice ponies.....oh....and many many nice places too...." Fluttershy giggle.

Fluttershy and Jino talked into the evening, from eveything in Ponyville to everypony in it too. Jino breath a sign of relieve. Has he found a nice place to settle down? Would he be able to move on in His life without the life he previously enjoyed?? All those question fills his head, but for now a smile across a face is just what he needed.

Moments later, a small silver bell at the corner of Fluttershy's door rang. She then looked outside the window to see who came. Jiro took a peak from the corner of his eyes. There's seems to be a orange pony with a hat bitting a piece of hay in her mouth waiting outside. Fluttershy greet the fellow pony. A dog suddendly appear out of the blue and started playing sticks with the orange pony.