The Lone Plum Blossom

by Leoheartxx2

First published

Far away from home, a pony tries to find a place to settle down...until fate lead Him to ponyville..

His most beloved, slain....His most trusted friend, has betray him...His land now besiege but corruption and death....will Jino perform his duty? or will he forsake and do what is right? He now stahds at a crosspath of fate....left to decide what he must abandon do walk the path he chosses.....( Read Chapter1 to the current chapter to familarise...)

Chapter 1- Fate drift in the wind

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" Hey, wake up you sleepyhead......"

" Kirin? Aren't you supposed to be preparing for the Festival of the Blossom? "

" Ya I know, I just want to enjoy this moment while it lasts....I don't get to hang out outside my home too often..." Kirin muttured as she walks next to a pony with a bright silver mane. She then lay her head on his back. A plum blossom flower seems to floats down gently from a neaby tree.

" Hey Kirin....I've got to go soon. I might be away for sometime, maybe a year or two....I guess its....."

" I know....You don't have to lie to me Jino." That word stuns Him as it reached his ears. Jino looks away, trying to hide his emotions from Kirin. Tears starts to build up but he held it back. Jino got up to his hoofs, but was stop by Kirin. " It hurts to know the truth Jino, but trying to confort me with lies won't help me otherwise."

".................but....I....." Jino voice starts to break a little. " I'm sorry" Jino suddedly took off. Kirin gave chase but couldnt keep up. In no time Jino was far ahead for her to catch up. Tears flows from her eyes as she stood watch.

Jino ran as fast as his hoofs could carry him. He did not look back nor did he even slow down. As he kept runing he triped on a rock and fell down. But before he even hit the ground, he felt something touching him.


" errr.....excuse me...p-pardon me..errrr...." Fluttershy tries to wake Jino from asleep on her couch. Blur and tired Jino slowly lifts his still sleepy state head and tries to get a visual of everything around Him.

" Try this tea...its a little hot....if you don't could really help you...because its very refreshing....errr....." Fluttershy tires to offer a cup to Jino. Although she speaks with a low voice Jino could make out what she said. With a smile he reached out his hoofs and accecpt the tea from her. As Jino drank the tea all he could think was when he had such a refreshing tea the last time. Fluttershy hovers back to the kitchen with a chearful smile from her face. Jino sniff the scent of the tea with all his breath. After month of travel across places to places nothing more was he ever glad than the smell of good tea.

" Do you want more tea?? I could get more if you want....if you don't mind...."

" That's nice of you but your hospitality is simply too kind. I must ask you, how is the little cub?? Will he be alright?" Jino speaks as he finish the last drop of tea.

" He's very lucky to have been found by you. Injuries like these could have already kill it a long time ago. I'm surprised this little cub has so much strength....but its asleep right now." Fluttershy returns from the kitchen with more tea. " If you don't mind....i've never seen such pony such as you around here....hmmmm....well not that everypony has such nice mane as yours...."

" I must thank you for such compliment but i need to find a place called "ponyville"...i got lost in these forest and have stumble upon your home." Jino tries to explain his story.

" Ohhh.....Ponyville is just around the of my friends is coming later to fetches her pet dog.....i could introduced you to her.....She's very friendly and a good friend.....if you dont mind..."

" Is ponnyville a big place if you don't mind me asking??"

" Oh, its just a small places. It's also full off really nice ponies.....oh....and many many nice places too...." Fluttershy giggle.

Fluttershy and Jino talked into the evening, from eveything in Ponyville to everypony in it too. Jino breath a sign of relieve. Has he found a nice place to settle down? Would he be able to move on in His life without the life he previously enjoyed?? All those question fills his head, but for now a smile across a face is just what he needed.

Moments later, a small silver bell at the corner of Fluttershy's door rang. She then looked outside the window to see who came. Jiro took a peak from the corner of his eyes. There's seems to be a orange pony with a hat bitting a piece of hay in her mouth waiting outside. Fluttershy greet the fellow pony. A dog suddendly appear out of the blue and started playing sticks with the orange pony.

Chapter 2- Tales from the Past

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" Hey sugercube, how ma winona coming by? "

" Winona will be fine, she just got a few bruises....nothing that I cannot the way Applejack.....can you help me with a little favour??"

" Sure do. Now watcha need me to do for?? " Applejack ask.

Fluttershy wispers into Applejack's ear. After a couple of nods, the two ponies procede into Fluttershy'cottage. Fluttershy introduce Applejack to Jino and soon they started exchanging words. The conversation lasts until the late evening. As Applejack was about to take her leaves, she ask Jino.

" Hay Jino, since you got no place to bunk in how'bout you come back to ma place to stay for de night?? Big Mac ain't in town for at least a couple of weeks, so watcha say partner? " Applejack held her hoofs out , waiting for Jino's approval.
Jino had planed to look for an Inn to stay, but rubbing his coin pouch, hearing only a few clings, he sighed. Reluctantly, he agreed. Thinking back, Jino had been traveling most of the time and hardly sleeps, even walking far into the night from time to time without even a short nap to catch his rest. Just a week ago he nearly fell into a well as he was looking for water to drink. Fatigue and weak, he almost triped over , but was lucky to held on the wall of the well.

" Then we better get mo'ving. It's nearly dark. We sure ain't wanting to get lost heading back to ma place" Applejack tries to lighten Jino's mood with her sence of humour. Jino smiles and nod.


JIno follows Applejack back to where she stays. On the way, Jino stares into the horizon, watching the evening sun slowy setting down. Most of the birds would by then flew back to their nest, preparing to welcome the night. Leaves from the trees gently falls to the ground, some falls into the grass, some land on the dirt road. As Jino minds wonders off, he and Applejack arrives at a large farm, a huge barn in the center and endless amount of apple trees everywhere. Jino could'nt but let his jaw drop.

" I see you'e impressed. This here is Sweet Apples Acres! Home to de'Apples family, and all sort of to try?" Applejack took an red apples from a nearby barrel and gave to Jino. Jino accept the offering from her and sinks his teeth deep into the apple. God! They never tasted so sweet! His eye open wide, and in split moment he devour the apple whole.

"wow!!! Slow down the're partner, Ya don't what to choke on this apple. Com'e here and make ya'self at home." says Applejack as she gesture Jino to enter her home.

" My thousands apologies, it's just that from where i grew up, apples such as these are hard to come by. Even lucky ones are a little rotten."

" Well I'll be damn....ya'a too kind Jino. Do come in partner, I wann'a ya to meet my kin. HEY LITTLE SIS!! Come her'e. I've got a guest I want ya'a to meet!!"

A young filly came in moments later from a nearby room. "Watsup big sis?? Who're you?" The young filly raise her hoofs, points at Jino.

" Mind ya'a manner Applebloom. This her'e is Jino. He'lll be staying with us for cou'ple weeks, since Big Mac is at Appleloosa doing som'e work, I guess he won't mind if he sta'y here. "

" Well come in come in!!" Applebloom hopping slowly into the living room with glee. Jino and Applejack follow closely behind. As Jino lay his stuff on the wooden floor, Applejack noticed a ornamented box, with a piece of silk and a red ribbon tied across in a loop.

" My ther's one mighty fancy box ya'got there?? What's in it?"

" uhhUhh!! I bet it's some fancy music instrument or som'ething!" Applebloom squeal in delight.

" Well, this box is very special to me, and it's a piece of what i might call ' memories' " Jino slowly unwrap the box and putting the silk cloth aside together with the red ribbbon. A long black wooden like stick caught the attention of Applebloom's eye. She slowly walks in, her eyes home into the mysterious black object in Jino's mouth. In a quick twalt, comes out a long shiny metal blade. As Jino slowy wave it around, the steel blade hums in the air, sharp to the ear but somehow intoxicating to the soul. Both Applejack and Applebloom watches in awe. The tips of the blade shows a flower, a Plum Blossom, like those on Jino's Flank.

" I reck'on that thing of ur's have a something to do with ye'er mark? "

"How about I tell you both a little story?? A Tale from the past? " Jino place the blade back into the black cover and into the box.

" I wanan hear!! I wanna hear!!" Applebloom squee in glee. She immediatly scoot over to her older sister's side and look into her eye with those cute teary looks. Applejack look back at her, her eyebrow close in around her eye. Applebloom continue her barage of pleading and smiles. After a moment Applejack gave in. Since the night is still young, Applejack also join to listen.

" It all started when I was a young little filly like everypony a land very far to the east, known as Peach Village. Born there from a proud family a white filly with and extraodinary mane of black and tip of gold. And as tradition goes. random item are placed infront of the new born. The family heirloom, the Katana was chosen along with a family crest." Jino further eleborate the story, making some gesture as he continues.

" Few years later that new born became a strong little filly. But there was a problem. The father of that filly had to go sumwhere for a long time. He made a promise that he will return one day, and upon his return he will teach the young filly the way of the samurai. Before he leaves he kissed the young filly head and gave a big hug."

" Wher'e he had to go? Who was he? What happen now??" question come out of Appleblooms mouth, ever demanding for answers.

" He had to go to War. As a duty calls, he had to leave all behind and protect what he cares most. His family and country. That proud colt was a skilled warrior, well-known for his swordsmenship and sence of Honour. " Jino reaches out and touch Applebloom'head. " But dark rainy day, a messanger came to the young filly's house. What he came to deliver was a box and a patch of letter. As feared by the family, that proud colt was severly wounded. On his death bed, he wrote a letter saying......

" My child, I fear that this time i will not be able to return before you. I am sorry that I have to break the promises we made. This war has taken a lot from me, but it has never waver me from whats important. You, my only child....I pass this blade to you now, as it will no longer served me in death. I pray that it may help you. Remember me by my child....I shall leave you now, just as the season of the Plum Blossom waits for no pony...although I will no longer see your face, but always remember that if you are lonely, close your eyes and wield the blade into the sky and smile. Honour before Self my child....remember this, always....."

.........along with a letter, the box containg the family heirloom, the blade that will change the life of one filly forever. His eyes flows with tears, unable to hold it back. Sadness filled the atmosphere as his hearts ache and denial." Jino further pour out the content of his stories, but stop. Seems like somepony fell asleep.

" My my....their's goes ma sweet Applebloom. Asleep like an angel. Well, its already late....better gi't some sleep. Ya can have the room further do'wn the hall. I'll put here little filly to bed" Applejack yawn, as she picks up the already asleep Applebloom to her bed. Jino does the same and picks his stuff and head to the room further down the hall. As he enter the room he lay his stuff on the floor and jump into bed.

" Honour before self.....hmmmm.....its been too long dad....and i thought my journey was to leave my past behind. That old colt....*small laugh*....." Jino lay his tired head on the bed, and doze off....but his smiles seems to stay.......

Chapter 3- A place to belong

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It was already nearly noon when Jino woke up from his sleep. Rubbing his eye, he try to clear his vision. " I guess I overslept. Silly me, better get my lazy ass up." He took a deep breath then decends from the bed. As he gets ready for the day, Applejack walks into the room and greets Jino.

" Howd'y Jino. I see ya'de dead sleeper type...hehehe....i rec'kon ya hungry now so common join me fo'r sum grub."

" Sure thing....I guess....." Jino grin as he feels his empty stomach rumble to no end. Moments later Jino finds himself infront of a large array of food. Apple pie, apple tart. apple brickets, apple toast......ENDLESS!. Jino's mouth starts to droll, thinking to himself, God!! Have I found Heaven? The aroma was simply intoxicating, and with every sniff , his stomach rumble, demanding that it be given food at once! It was too good to hold back. As Jino bites down, he could't help but feeling something wrong. As his eyes wonder at every angle, Applejack ask him whats wrong. Uncertain Jino held close to the blade he carries along all the time.

" WATCH OUT!!!!" a voice screem as a bright blue colour pegasus came crashing in from the main door. It knock the table, flipping all the food that was on it, sending it flying towards Jino. As Applejack and Applebloom duck for cover. Jino stood still, close his eyes and draw his blade. In quick succescion he dice and slices all the foods that was flying towards him, droping on the floor.

" WAT THE HAY!? RAINBOW DASH!!!" Applejack scorn at the blue pegasus still recovering from her crash. Applebloom got out from the chair she took as shelter earlier. She looks at Jino with an mixture of expression of awe and admiration. " DO THAT AGAIN!! DO THAT AGAIN!!! THAT WAS INCREDIBLY AWSOME!!!" Applebloom squeel in delight.

" I don't think I want to do that again, damn cloud......" Rainbow Dash stood up, triping a little as she hasn't really recover from the crash.

" Not you Dash....what I men't to say was Jino here!" Applebloom replies

"Jino? Who's he? " Rainbow Dash looks around trying find Jino. She spots Jino with the corner of her eyes.

" The's some mad skill's ya'a got the'r Jino. But I do appriciate that so'me pony here he'lp ma git rid of 'this he're mess...ain't that right Dashie?? "

" Alright need to get all cranky about it...."

" Hey Jino, i rec'kon ya wait in the living room. I wanna ya meet ma' friends. Thy might offer' ya some help getting use to things around here" Applejack commented as she clean the mess on the floor. Jino nod in agreement and sat on the couch while waiting for them.


After a few minute, a few more ponies show up outside of Applejack's door. Applejack came up to greet them all and show them inside. After a few exchange of words and greetings, She brought them all to meet Jino, who was waiting in the living room.

" OK all. I wan ya'all to meet her'e Jino." Applejack starts off first as an introduction. Jino stood up and greet the other pony likewise.

A purple unicorn came up and shake hoofs with Jino 1st. " Hi , My name is Twilight Sparkle. Pleased to meet you. "

" The name's Rarity " a white unicorn speaks up, placing her hoofs at her chest, her posture Lady-like.

" AND I'M PINKY PIE!!! BUT YOU CAN CALL ME PINKY!!! " a pink colour pony speaks with a exceptionaly cute voice, shacking Jino's hoof rapidly.

" And I'm Rainbow Dash!! The most AWwwsome pony in Ponyville!!! Ohh Yeah!!" speaks the rainbow colour mane pegasus.

" Dash, show's some manners to he'er Jino. By the way, where's Fluttersh......" Applejack stop as she heard a knock on her door. A familiar looking pegasus let herself in.

" Ohh my....i'm late aren't I? " Fluttershy speaks in her signature low tone.

" nah Don't cha worry Shy, ya'r just in time. Come here, ya friends are waiting for ya in the living room." Fluttershy slowy walks in. Jino greet Fluttershy, blushing a little as he look at her. However Rainbow Dash spots it and scoot by Jino's side and wisper into his ears. " You like her don't cha???" Dash laughs a little as she backs away from Jino.

" AhEM!! " Applejack tries to clear her voice. " As ha'was saying...Jino here is bunki'n here for now, but he want to find a place to settle on'he own. I hope all of ya'be kind enugh to do just that. Ya know' helping em' to get a job or sumthing?"

All the other ponies looks at each other and noded. Later they discussed among themselves and come out with 1 conclusion. " Hey Jino, how about you come follow us to town? I'm sure we can help you settle your worries in no time!" Twilight smiles at Jino, trying to offer her assurence. Speachless, Jino just nod his head in agreement. " Then it's settle. I promise you that all will go well!! "


After a an hour or so , Jino and the others reach Ponyville. Jino stood in awe as he watches the town. Everything was better than he expected. The whole place was clean, well build, and has very little to complain about. The pony everywhere were nice and polite. Could this be it? Could he have finally found a place where he can call home? A place to belong? Jino's heart feels ever lighter that now he could hope for the best. Soon they all reach to a building somewhere in the middle of town. A signboard across says " Sugercube Corner"

" This is Sugarcube Corner!! Where everypony favourite CUPCAKES are made!!!" Pinky Pie scream in delight. As Jino bring himself in, he couldnt help but be amazed. Pinky Pie hurried to the kitchen and brought out a new batch of freshly backed cupcakes. " Here's 1 for you and for you, and you!!" Pinky said as she pass a cupcake for each of them and Jino too. Jino bites down on the corner of the cupcake, tasting it, but however was perplex and spit it out. The other ponies watchs in confusion.

" Is there something wrong??" Twilight ask

" I meant no disrespect, but I think I'm not used to food like this. It's just too much sweet to me...." Jino reply as he gulp down a cup of water to wash down the taste. Undetered, Pinky brought out another treats, this time it's chocolate cake. But again, the sweet taste cause Jino to reject further pastry of any sort.

" Well that's a bummer. You can't work here because you can't stand eating stuff that is too sweet...hmmmmm" Twilight rubs her head as she tries to figure out an idea. " Well not to worry....i'm sure we will figure something out...eventually...."

Jino sigh. Well, its just 1 place. I'm sure there's bound to be more possibilities. Don't give up yet...there is still hope. " How about you try to make yourself usefull at my Carosel Boutique. I might need a assistance to help me complete my work." Rarity walks beside Jino to cheer him up. But sadly once again, Jino can't do much, except making more mess. As Jino wasn't used to use all those needle, pins, string or any sort, Rarity simply could not use Jino.

"........*sigh*.......looks like another dead end. " Twilight sigh as she facehoof in utter dismare. " How about Magic??"

Jino stares at Twilight. Placing his hoofs across his mare, revealing no horns in sight. " about you Fluttershy? You work with animals all day, maybe he could assist you? " Twilight ask.

".....I really don't know Twilight....Caring for animals are more hard work than expected.....but if Jino wouldnt's okay i guess...." Fluttershy commented. Jino breaths in deep, refusing to give up. The group later follow Fluttershy into her cottage, where animals off all sort could aquire healing if needed. Angel, the favourite pet rabbit of hers comes out from one corner of the room and leaped onto her mane.

" Ohhh hi's my sweet little bunny rabbit?? " Fluttershy gesture the rest to enter her home and relax awhile. Jino was somehow looking about, searching for something.

"'s the little wolf cub doing now?? I mean...the injuries...." Jino voices stumble as he ask. Dammit Jino...she's another pegasus...not Kir.....ARRRR!! Remember your purpose!!!

" Oh...he's okay now. Although he might not be able to walk or run because the bone is really broken....give him a week or two and he will be all fine...." She said as she carries a tray with tea for her friends to enjoy. Jino picks up the cup and took a deep sniff, enjoying every moment of it. Warm scent of home...*sigh*....they never used to make tea like this.

" Hey Jino.....why are you so shy when Fluttershy is around?? " Dash suddenly throw in the question right after Fluttershy went back to the kitchen. The other ponies also seems to notice it too, and they all looked at Jino, their faces full of equally disturbing smiles and intentions. Dear Lord...Why Now? Jino could't tell them how he feels about her. His eyes moves rapidly around trying to cut the topic.

" It's complicated...errr.....errrr.....I meant.....arrr...." Jino's voice starts to stumble as he tries desperatly to cover up. As the atmosphere intensify, Fluttershy returns from the kitchen. Phewww....saved!!

" How about we do a little roleplay?? Angel here will pretend she is sick and we will observe how or what you do...." Fluttershy gave her suggestion , letting Angel on the ground , pretending to be sick. *cough cough*....

" about some carrots? Sup? Pills? " Jino tries to convince Angel to eat but he wouldn't budge. After a few minutes it seems hopeless. " Well this is hopeless..." Rainbow Dash add. Refusing to give up, Jino try something else. He took a deep breath, then he sings......

"Come on now little one's....strong of heart and soul you will be.....but hush now it's time for you to know.... little one' will make me proud......hmmmm...hmmmmmm" Jino sings with his heart, trying hard to get the ryme right. Although it's a little scratchy, but it seems the animal around Fluttershy's cottage starts to gather near, settling down to listen. The other ponies were stun in amazement as Jino continue to sings, their jaw drop wide open. Jino noticed the comotion around him and stop.

"eerrr......was I too loud? hahaha? " Jino rubs his still confuse head.

" Loud? That was amazing!!! I didn't know you could sing that good...." Fluttershy hovers to Jino and hold his face. Jino face immediatly turn steaming red, eyes spining. " ohhh....I'm so sorry" she said as she let go of Jino's face. Dear Lord, this is going to be the longest day of my life........

Chapter 4- A new promise

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" Hey Jino, if you're not busy or anything...maybe can I tell you something...."

" ohhhh it's you Fluttershy...errr.....what can i do you for? "

" There's something I need to's really hard to say......about know...."

" Speak up Fluttershy....I can't really hear you when you mumble with you tiny voice. " Jino taunt.

" Close your eyes......."

" Why? " Jino closes his eyes, suspecting nothing

...........................* Kiss*.........................................


EARLIER TODAY..................

" Ha'y Jino!!! Remember tonigh't we'er having a party at Pinkie's so don't ya be late." Applejack remind Jino as he steps out of the door.

" Must I really go? I'm not really the party type stallion ya know? " Jino commented

"Nahh, Ya be' fine. Pinky always throw a party to every new pony that's new here....and ya no't an exception.." she smug

" Well if you insists.....I'll be on my way."

Although Jino may have found a part to help around with the animal, he still need a job at least. For now all he could do is doing small favours around Ponyville. A little part time job here and there will set him a steady flow of income, and probably in the future, he might be able to buy a house to stay for good. Fortunatly there'a a new cafe opening soon, and was promised by the employer a new job as a waiter as soon it opens. Jino imagine himself for once out of his usual outfits and in a black waiter suit and laugh. As he slowly make his way to Ponyville he notice a perculiar cloud tailing him.

" hmmm....what a bright day to have a stroll....I wonder what I should do now......hmmmmm" Jino says loudly, suspecting that Rainbow Dash is behind the cloud. Then he sprits into a nearby cluster of trees. And as suspected, the cloud follows. Jino dash along the thick trees , trying to shake the tailing cloud but to no avail. After a few minute, Jino comes into a clearing and stop. The cloud does likewise.

" You know Dash, if you want to tail somepony he should do a better job, like not being too obious..." and as suspected, a blue pony with a multicolour mane pops out of the cloud.

" Oh hi there Jino, I wasn't tailing you...i mean i was sleeping in the clouds..." she grins. Jino shacks his head in disbelieve.

" What do you want? and make it fast, I got some errands to do and I don't get paid to lay around doing nothing." Jino's tone deepens, serious expression spreds across his face.

" You know Jino, i could reeealy help you.... * /)^3^(\ *......."

" Help me on???......"

" I don't know.....maybe somepony name....Fluttershy? "

Not this again. That if she had nothing better to do. *facehoof*

" ...................seriously Dash? " Jino sigh. " Mind your own business......"

Rainbow Dash burst out laughing on her little cloud. Taking the opportunity, Jino quickly runs off while she's too busy laughing. Seriously, one day Dash really gonna get on his nerve. Putting the issue behind, Jino continue his way to Ponyville. Taking a patch of paper from his small pouch, he gave himself a moment to read the content.

" Well says here I'm suppose to gather some ink and scrolls from a store and deliver it to Twilight's place by noon....hmmm....better get working " Jino place back the small patchment of paper and continue towards the store.

As the day strikes noon, Jino finnaly reaches the library, where Twilight stays. Gently laying down the heavy sacks of ink and scrolls , Jino knocks on the door, still panting from all those weight. As the door opens, what greeted him wasn't the same purple unicorn he recongnised, but a young purple lizard with purple scales.

" You must be the stalion eveypony is talking about. I was told you will be delivering our requested supplies of ink and scrolls. "

" and your're a.........lizard? " Jino couldn't help but ask that creature.

" I'm a dragon....thank you very much...and the names Spike." he explain , looking a little mad.

" A thousand apologies, I meant no such insults." Jino express his guilt.

" nahh, no worries. I'm not mad, besides I think Twilight wants to see you, commom in...." Spike gesture Jino to enter the library. Jino follows that small little dragon into the library. The spaces inside seems to look bigger than when anypony look from outside. Books of all sort, some as big as an anvil, is lay neatly on bookselves built into the tree. A familiar pony at one corner writing some document.

" Hi Jino. I see my orders for fresh ink and patchment has arrived, and just in time too..." as she points at a barrel at the back of the room, filled with rolls and rolls of patchment. For an egghead, she sure writes a

As Twilight returns to her room, Jino lets his curiosity loose, looking at everybooks and scrolls that are in the library. Jino eyes wonders around, looking at the title of the books. Atlhough most of them are quite interesting, he can't stay here for long, as he still have work to do. Spike later returns to Jino with a purple pouch, inside containing a few gold bits.

It was nearly evening when Jino finished his task. All thats left is to deliver this sack of bird feed to Flutershy's house. On his way out of town he notice Fluttershy along the way. Since his last destination would be her cottage, he might as well also have some chat with her. But as he walks closer he sees two mysterious colt tailing her. Jino's sences tell him to follow those unknown ponies.

Soon enough that 2 unknown ponies catch up to Fluttershy, confronting her. Jino keeps his distance, tryinng to avoid detection. The 2 unknown pony seems to be demanding something from Fluttershy. Seeing her terified, Jino comes out from hiding and confront those two.

" What seems to be the problem here? " eyes sharpen, Jino was in a position ready for whatever might happen.

" Ya, why don't you mind your own thing little guy...." one of them was surprisingly huge, a stallion. Grabing a slab of stone from the ground he threw it at Jino. Jino just calmy catchs it with his hoofs.

" Common about this....You let the lady there go.....AND I might just let you leave this place with your head still attached to your neck....." Jino tries to discourage them.

" You?? Punniy pony come HERE YOU!! " one of them lunge at Jino in anger. Jino just shift to the side, letting the brute crashing to the wall. Jino lets the brute charge at him again , but to no avail.

" Hey there something on your face....." Jino taunts them. In an instance Jino turn around and gave the stallion a kick to the face. The kick was so hard,it nearly sounds like a shotgun just went off, the stallion flew back a couple of feet. A clear hoof mark was embeded into the face. " It was pain!!! "

The other stallion drew out a small pocket knife, but was immediatly disarmed by Jino with a swift kick.

" I wouldn't do that if I want my head still intact " Jino already drew out his blade pointing at his neck, the cold steel hums in the air,like the cries for blood. The stallion's feet was shacking in fear. " You have 5 seconds to leaves this place and you better do it fast because in another 3 seconds I won't hesitate to cut you down " Jino stares at them with the corner of his eyes, his blade ready to taste blood. In no time at all the 2 stallion ran as fast as their injured pride could carry them.
Jino puts back his blade and confronted Fluttershy.

" I assume that those 2 know you somehow? " Jino ask as helps up Fluttershy back to her hoofs.

" Thanks a lot Jino. I really don't know what to do there. Those 2 were always picking on me, cos you know....weak..." Fluttershy digs her hoofs into the ground in complete fustration. " Guess i owe you 1 there...."

" Well I doubt those 2 will be back any time soon. the way, why don't we chat a little on the way to your place, my last delivery says that you're expecting a sacks of bird feed by this evening...hehehe " Jino slides the sack on his back and stroll together with Fluttershy back to her cottage. Fluttershy lean towards Jino's side. Jino's face once again turn steaming red.



It's only been 8pm and the party at Pinky's are already at full bloom. The atmosphere are simply lively. Indeed it's true what they pony throws a better party than Pinky. Jino arrives a little late, probably just nervous. Foods of all asortment lies on the table, ranging from cupcakes to apples and sandwitches. Although the party was meant for Jino, most of the time he spent drinking away from the punch. He didn't really participated in the game, he just enjoys it watching his new found friends being happy. As the party goes on into the night, time passes fast and it was already late.

As the party close to an end, Applejack beckons Jino to rest for the night while she stay on with the others to clean up the mess. A little drunk , he heads back to the barn. Then he hears a voice calling him. Looking back he saw Fluttershy.

" Hey Jino....if you don't mind...could you....i mean....if I could follow you.....hmm....i just don't like walking back alone..."

" Sure, why not...." Jino smile.

The night seems long tonight. The moon rose high into the night, accompanied by little clouds and the gentle night wind. Simply beautiful. As Jino and Fluttershy reaches the edge of Ponyville, she stops awhile.

" About this was really nice of you....what you did there..." Flutttershy tries to starts a conversation.

" It was nothing really...I just did what anypony would do....."

" You know Jino....there is something i really wanted to tell you..." her voices starts to breaks " Can you promise me something...."

" I've made many promises in my life....and I'm certain to keep it a promise." Jino smug

" There's something I need to's really hard to say......about know...."

" Speak up Fluttershy....I can't really hear you when you mumble with you tiny voice. " Jino taunt.

" Close your eyes......."

" Why? " Jino closes his eyes, suspecting nothing

...........................* Kiss*.........................................

Chapter 5- Honor and Betrayal

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A week have passed since that night. All of Ponyville already knows that Fluttershy changed, or at least now more open rather than her usual shyness. To Jino, it was a new beginning. As he lays lazily underneth a tree, he daydream away in his past memories. he wished she could be here to see the looks on her face. Jino still could clearly remembers the kiss he got from Fluttershy. It was warm, but soft at the end, as if filled with passion. He smiles, unable to hold it in his head.

" Ha see som'epony really ove'r he own head ra'ght now..." Applejack appears from nowhere, laughing at Jino.

" We're only making out....nothing serious....really! "

" nah don't cha worry partner! I'm ma know that...As far as ha can tell, ya earn my trust...she told all of us what ya' did that day..that very brave of ya...."

Jino rubs his head, his face reds from her compliment. " I reck'on ya head back, storms building up....." Applejack gesture to Jino as she stares to the sky. She's right. Dark storm clouds are building up, probably by the pegasus pony ready to make rain. " RACE YA BACK TO THE BARN!!!....Last 1 back is a ROTTEN APPLE!!! " Before Jino could even voice out, Applejack took off already. Typical....not being a bad sports, Jino ran after Applejack.

As Jino was catching up with Applejack, he notice something on the dirtroad as he pass a crossroad. Another pony, probably injured, as it was walking, no...limping slowly. The wind already began to howl loudly, indicating the approach of a heavy storm. Without thinking twice, Jino gallop over to help the injured pony. But as he close in he notice something odd about that pony. He was wearing a rather torn cape, but the pattern seems familiar. Jino's mind is twitching, desperatly tryinng to remember when or where he had seen it before, But the falling raindrops detere him to do otherwise. All he can do now is to assist him to a place of safety.

Moments later Jino manage to reach back to the farm in time despite carrying the injured pony on his back. As Jino enter the Applejack's home, he voice out loudy for Applejack to bring some dry towels and warm water. He lay the helpless pony on the floor, trying to clean all the dirt of him aswell as trying to get a proper visual on his face. Applejack walks up to Jino with a bucket warm water and dry towel, still puzzed on why Jino needed it. Then she sees the injured pony.

" he okay? " Applejack voice out as she walks to the otherside of the injured pony. Jino shacks his head.

" Seems like he's pretty beat up. " Jino comment as he looks at the bruises and cuts that are all over the body. As he further cleans the dirt on the injured pony, he remembers the torn cape on his back. Curious he takes it off.

" Applejack, could you tend to his wound for a while, i need to check on something...." Jino says as he held the torn cape in his mouth. Applejack dip the towel into the bucket and she continue to wipe the dirt of the face. He wasn't unconcious, rather in a very difficult state. Probably explains the bruises and the wounds.

As day turns to night, the storm rages on. Winds howls aloud, and the rain pours hard. Jino returns from his room with the cape in his mouth. Before Applejack ask Jino anything she notice there's something different. An expression never seen before by her. Anger? Rage? Jino eye were like a beast, and something was indeed wrong. Jino's eye, it wasn't normal, his left eye was blood red, and the right was blue. As Applejack recall, Jino's pupil was a bright red, not like this. Something is indeed not right. Afraid to speak up, she just observe Jino from afar.

A fews hours later, the mysterious pony finnaly got his sences back. He moves his arms around, trying to see the extend of his injuries. Confuse and weary, he looks around...having only to be taken by surprise a blade place dangerously close to his neck.

" JINO!! What DA' HAY!!! What Are YA'DOIN!? " Applejack immediatly confronts Jino but keeps her distance.

Jino stares down that mysterious pony, his blade poise to taste blood. His eyes. It burns with fury and hate. Jino breathing hasten, his eyes looked at Applejack. Chills runs down her spine, as if the intend to murder were pressence in his blood eye. The tension in the air is almost unbearable.

" Akno no I'sina'm mo de santum!! ( Who are you?! and Why are you here? SPEAK!! ) " Jino utter words not understood by Applejack.

" So that's how you treat someone that did so much for you in the past? " Those words stuns Jino as it reaches his ears. He lowers his blades and somehow the colour of his eyes revert back to its original colour. Than Jino got up and hugs that mysterious pony. " It's been too long, Master's been too long " . Tears flows down the side of his cheek, as he hugs the pony closer.

" MASTER?!? " Applejack were dumbfound by the sound of that word.


As the night goes on and the rain continues to pour, Jino , Applejack and Kira settle down to chat. Applebloom seems to notice the commotion earlier, and join them. A couple of warm applecider tea sits on the table, waiting to be drink.

" It's been to long , Jino. Ever since you were banished, things didn't really went well for all of us. But I came to deliver more news. " Master Kira sips a little applecider from the cup infront of him. " Somehow along the few month after you left, something happen..."

" Then tell me master, no more holding back , please..."

" I am sure you remember Irou? Seems like he went a little overboard...."

"After he took my place in the Council of 7? "

"............yes. " Kira sigh loudly. " Corruption and now the law that rules above all else....seems like Honor just died in the hearts of many. When Irou replace you as mentor in the Council of Seven, he bend the other 6 high Council to his will and change everything...."

" Council of 7?? What the hay is that? " Applejack interupt.

" The Council of 7 is basically another form of goverment. But instead of politics, we involved ourself to protect our fellow ponies and serving our apointed ruler to the death. When the Great War comes to an end, all the 7 states in our land agread on a peace treaty and form our great nation. The Council of 7 are composed of 7 ponies that represent each states. The members of the council are often subjected to many hard and terrible task before anyone of them is demed worthy to receive the post.....and i was their Grandmaster that taught them all the skills...." Master Kira continue to sip his drink.

" Since my father was a close friend to Master Kira, he took me in after his death, and taught me everything he know. Since then my life was nothing but training day and night. "

"......hahaha. I could still remember the day you got your cutie mark. I was never prouder to see that particular mark on your flank, Jino. " Master Kira say as he points at Jino's flank. A clear bright mark of a Plum Blossom. " Honor before self....your father would have been proud if he saw you save Kirin with his own eyes...How you save the Emperor's daughter was simple heroic even if it was reckless. You defeat a group of assasins single-handedly and earn the Emperor's blessings later that same day. The way you fight was nothing compare in training and the other ponies i train. I can tell when somepony fight with his heart and soul, the buring desire to protect. HAHAHAH!!!! " Master Kira suddendly burst out laughing.

" It was a proud moments in my life. Back to the story....what happen when I was gone? " The expression on Master Kira suddendly change. He took a moment to take a deep breath.

" Irou broke our most sacred rule, shatter what was once our our honor is forever disavoved. He.....corrupt the Council of 7 and took the Emperor as prisoner. Now he sits upon the throne rulling us all." Master Kira face was cleary bitter. " I was with the Emperor that night, and i was taken by surprised. Badly injured and the Emperor captured, my only option left was you, Jino. Somepony must redeem us of this great betrayal. "

"....Irou......What have you done...." Jino's expression change again. The same blood eye and the blue returns.

" While I make my escape...Irou chase me but.....i manage to but just barely...if it weren't for" His voice starts to break. The tension in the air thicken. Jino's heart beats even harder.

" She was killed in the bid to aid my escape.....i'm sorry...Jino...i'm truly sorry...."

".....noo...nooOO......NNOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! " Jino burst out in rage. Tears flow from eyes as he scream aloud. His heart now filled with noting more than hate. Pure hatered. As if the storm that rage outside resonate with his fit of anger. Loud and furious. Jino storms out of the barn despite the storm. Applejack gets up to stop Jino but was stopped by Master Kira.

" Leave him be...Give him some space. Time will tell when he's ready....."

Chapter 6- A Fitting Title

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The very next morning Applejack went to Ponyville and gather everypony she could and form several search party to look for Jino. He didn't return after he storm our during the night. Master Kira had requested from Twlight to bring him to see the current ruler of Equestria, Priencess Celestia. Reluntantly, she agree as he had an urgent message to bring to her. Worried, Applejack could'nt ease herself, she fear that Jino might have or could have done something he might regret. Needless the case, he must be found. As morning turns to noon, Applejack grew more weary.

" Why did you let him ran out into the storm!! We have been seaching nearly everywhere and he's still nowhere to be found." Rainbow Dash complain.

" HA like to see ya try stoping him when he's pissing off!! Ha tell ya, ha rather be bucking at a manticore than Jino!! That look in his eye's ain't normal ha tell ya." Applejack stomp the ground, angry at Rainbow Dash.

" about we use a little help." Fluttershy interupt. She brought forth a small wolf cub and gently lay it on the ground. It's the cub that Jino saved a few weeks ago. " Since we haven't search the everfree forest, he might really help a lot....this rare shadow cub has a scent for smell ten times stronger than a normal might aid us to find Jino." The cub sniffs around on the ground. Moments later it points it's nose towards Everfree Forest.

"...good boy...lead the way...." Fluttershy smiles as she pats the head of the cub.

The small cubs takes lead. Fluttershy kept close to the cub, follow suits by Applejack and Rainbow Dash into the dence forest. As they travel farther into the forest, Applejack kept wishing that Jino would be found soon. Everfree forest is home to many deadly and mysterious creature. Keeping her focus, she brush aside what she might come to face. Jino must be found!

As day turns to dawn, the cub finnaly lead the group into a small clearing, but something was out of place. Countless fallen tress lays across the clearing.

" Wow...what happen here?" Rainbow Dash comment.

" Ha recko'n it aint't the storm. Look at this..." Applejack points at one of the fallen trees. The base of the trunk is smmoth rather than a messy splintter. It's been cut. " Ha noe in my life if ther'e one stallion could buck down a tree, heck it ain't impossible if it's Big Mac......"

" But isn't Big Mac in Applelossa?"

" Yup....I recko'n it only be......"

".......Jino? " Fluttershy interupt with an worried expression, holding her hoves close

" I fear the worst......he's close...let's git moving....."

The girls start looking everywhere for any possible sign of Jino. The cub even had hard time trying to sniff Jino's scent. The undergrowth and rotting vegetation is just too much for the cub to pick his scent. Few moment later, the cub sent a few bark. His nose points at an large brown mysterious figure. It's not Jino, but it appears injured. Soft cry reaches Fluttershy's ear as she hovers near to examine it. As she close in, her face was filled with a terrifled expression as she stares at a couple sets of eyes. It's a Hydra. Keeping her best not to scream, she place her hoves at her mouth, desperatly trying not to let out a single noise.

" Girls....*slowly backs away*.....we might have a little problem here....." Fluttershy lands of her hoves and slowly back away. The Hydra's body a full of scares. Seems recent. It's eye roams around aimlessly but one set seem to lock on to Fluttershy. It stares motionless, not blinking or moving at all. Slowly but carefully, she takes her steps pace by pace, trying to avoid stepping on anything.

* tree branch snap*

" RUN!!!!!" Rainbow Dash Scream aloud as the lumbering Hydra got up and roar. Each steps rock the ground beneath the giant, scaring any small criter that might be hiding nearby. The loud roar echos across the forest. Terrified, Fluttershy quickly took off. Her wings unable to take flight, too frighten to even fly. Rainbow Dash and Applejack has already set some distance between themselves and the Hydra but not Fluttershy. She darts around the trees and undergrowth, desperatly trying to lose the chasing Hydra. Her pace quicken as each steps was a run for her life.

Unfortunatly, one of her hoof got trap between a roots. Unable to dodge, Fluttershy took on the full force of the vicious claws of the Hydra. Her fraglie body slams against the tree, blood spilts from her mouth the moment she land particially concious from the blow.

" FLUTTERSHY!!!" Rainbow Dash scream as she watch in horror. The Hydra raise its claws again, ready to end the hopeless pink pegasus. Rainbow Dash dash to Fluttershy' aid but only to take on the claws of the Hydra's claw. She flew a couple of feet across the undergrowth and crash into the puddle. Injured, Fluttershy tries to crawl her way out, but watchs in dismare as the Hydra closes in on her. It's claw already raise, ready to end her life. Fluttershy close her eyes, tears flow down her side , knowing her impending doom is at hand.

" LEAVE HER ALONE!!! " A mysterious voices echoes from nowhere. A mysterious grey stallion dart out from nowhere, a flashing metal blade in it's mouth. A few quick step he leaps towards one of the Hydra's head.

* Sound of metal humming in the air *

A loud scream of pain echos through the forest, as one of the Hydra's head is cut clean from it's neck. The mysterious stallion land infront of Fluttershy, the blade in his mouth covered in Hydra's blood. His eye glows white and the body seem to be shrouded in a soft purple aura. The blade, still humming, like a cry for blood. Fluttershy partically open her eye, only to see a familiar pony, a Plum Blossom cutie mark on his flank.

" ...Jino..*cough* came..." Fluttershy speaks with a weak broken voices. Blood still covers her mouth, her injuries severe. Applejack rush towards the injured pegasus, holding her in her hoofs. Rainbow Dash seems to be fine despite her injuries.

Terrified, the Hydra retreat with haste, leaving it's severed head behind. Rainbow Dash slowly skips her way to Applejack, her wings broken after she was swpied by the Hydra.

" Hang in the're sugarcube....ya gonna be fine...just rest easy....." Applejack desperatly tries to keep Fluttershy awake.

" get to" Rainbow Dash voices out, despite her pain. She approaches Jino. Waving her hoofs she tries to shack Jino from a trance-like state. His eyes still glows white and body envelop in a purple aura. The blade in his mouth still drips blood from the Hydra.

" Hey Jino...snap out of it.....wake up dammit...."


No answers. But moments later Jino's body levitate a few feet into the air. A small burst of aura surrounds him, then disappear, Jino drops to the ground , unconcious. His body and mane are a mess, cuts and bruises scater across his body. He must have faught the Hydra sometime earlier, that explains the countless battle-scare that was on the Hydra.

" Com'e on Rainbow Dash...can you manage mor'e weight? " Applejack place the injured pink pegasus on her back, obiously too injured to walk by her own. She signal to Rainbow Dash at Jino. " Ha can't carry two weight by ma self,...we need to find help soon....."

" I'll try......" Rainbow Dash tries to pull Jino by his messy mane, but her injuries proves too much. She let out a scream of pain. " Sorry Applejack.....guess i was too careless....."

" Ha don't worry....all we need now is get help.....can ya still fly? "

" Let me try...." Rainbow Dash flaps her wings. Despite her injuries, she can manage to fly, even it pain her. ".....seem like I can manage....You wait here with them.....i'll go find help...."

" Be quick...ha don't know how long sh'y here will go...." Applejack waves as Rainbow Dash flew towards Ponyville, hoping she could find help on the way. Looking down at Fluttershy, she tries to wipe the blood from her mouth, keeping her awake as long as she could. Then she set her eyes on Jino. His body lays on the dry ground nearby.

" Damn Jino....ya save us all again....guess ha' really a hero under those shy personality of ya's....*small laugh*....ya gonna go far partne'r.....gonna go far......." Applejack lets a small laugh escape her mouth. Hero. A funny word. Only fitting now to Jino. Come on Rainbow Dash.....hurry up..............

Chapter 7- Jino's Dark Past

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"......where am I? " Jino woke up from his sleep, his head still hurts like hell. Rubbing his eye, he tries to get the hang of his surroundings. His arm covered with bandages, head too. As he get up, a sharp pain shoots up his back, he lets out a small scream.

" wow don't ya git up say's ya goona need ye rest...ya's in the Hospital now...." Applejack appears from the corner of the room, a basket of apples in her mouth.

"....damn....where am I? What happen? " Jino rubs his head, still clueless.

" You mean you DON'T remember anything? " Rainbow Dash in another corner of the room, her body riden with bandages and one of her wings in a white case. " The fight at everfree forest? The Hydra? NOTHING?"

" All I remember was running out into the night...I was so mad that mind was in utter dismare..." Jino sigh. Holding his head with his hoofs, trying to dig up whatever memories that he might remember. " The moment I heard the news about was devastated....I simply cannot bear the truth...."

" I understand your pain my student, I too grive over your loses....." Master Kira suddendly appear, together with others, Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Twilight. " But dark time has yet to pass, Jino...."

" I understand Master....but this scars now run deep....only retribution is now fitting...this will not go unheard...." Jino tone was deep. Silence fills the room once he finish his words. " Wait...if all of you are here? where's Fluttershy? "

Applejack took her hat off. With her eyes close she open the veils behind her, revealing yellow pegasus on a bed. Her mane messy and bandages covers her body. Her eyes close, dry blood still stain her mouth.

" Nooooo....what have happen...what has...." Applejack rest her hoof on Jino, preventing him to get out of his bed.

"wow there Jino, rest easy....Shy's here is in good hands now....thanks to ya..ha and Dash here....without you we might be long gone..."

" Certainly a true hero if you ask me...." Rarity comment

" You were like so awsome!! How you suddendly appear from nowhere and Slice and Dice that Hydra...Dude that is so COOL!!! " Rainbow Dash gesture in wildly.

" Quite the heroism don't you think Jino? Saving Applejack , Dashie and Fluttershy all at the same time....impressive...." Twilight rest her hoof on the end of his bed.

" But why do I not remember all this...I don't remember at all..." Jino place his hoof over his head again. Desperatly trying to scratch even a little bit of memory of past events. Twlight steps closer to Jino. Her horns glows in a purple magic. As she close in to make contact with Jino, Applejack raise her hoofs, signaling her to stop.

" Ha abou't i just tell it to a good ol'd fashion story tellin'g......" The rest of the pony gather themselves around Applejack as she pour out every single bit of Jino's heroism. Every part was like a epic tale, like the bedtime stories told to young filly. Everypony was engrossed in the story, time flew unnotice. However after Applejack finishs her story telling, Jino was rather sadden, not a smile at all.

"........You all...really think I did all of those? " Jino ask. He raise his head looking into the empty cyling.

" What's wrong Jino? what you did was very heroic..." Jino slams down on the side table, siliencing Twilight immediatly. Everypony in the room was caught by surprise to Jino's sudden reaction.

".....I'm sorry....I wasn't....please all of you....I need some time alone...." Everypony slowly leaves the room. Master Kira stay back. As the door closes behind them, Jino was speaking to Master Kira in their own language. No way anypony could understand them, they back away from the door and wait outside. As evening turns to night, Applejack grew more weary. What is going on now? Question riddle everypony's head. It's been already 5 straight hours since they left Jino alone. Feeling uneasy, she gently knock on the door.

" Everythin'g allrigh't in ther'e? " She knock again. No answer. She raise her hoofs once more, but the door open. It's Master Kira.

" All of you please come in...Jino has something to say...something you all must know off...." Master Kira beckon everypony to enter. Jino stares at Fluttershy, whom still asleep. Turning his head about when all the rest finally enters the room.

" What is it that you want us to know? We're all ears...." Twlight breaks the silience that was in the room. Everypony nod their head's in agremment.

" What I am about to tell you.....the things I have done in my past....things....that I'm not proud of..." Silience fills the rooms once more. " I have walked down many lonely path in my life.....until I met Irou...."

" But isn't tat Iro'u guy bad or sumthin'g? " Applejack interupt.

" He IS no doubt.....but he is also once my BROTHER....This is the tale of my dark past....the black memories that I came to hate so much......"


The day that my care and my protective custody was entrust to Master Kira, I was alone that time. With no friends or even a siblings...the blade that my Father passed down to me upon His death was my only companion. No matter how many time I look at the blade , I can't help but feeling unsecure. My training with Master Kira starts the very next day. I thought the heavy and relentless training would help me focus. But alas it still hunts me every night. A year later pass, The Great War has finnaly ended. Weeks later Master Kira was appointed to recruit and train 7 pony of any kind to be the newly form Council of 7, a creed of warrior pony dedicated to protect and serve the Emperor and the ponykind. From 7 states across the land one pony is send as a representative. I was among them, chosen by Master Kira. The other 6 was a well mixed of pony of many background. Some are pegasus, some are unicorns. But I manage to befriend one of the unicorn, and his name was Irou. Mane of white and dark red body, we share many things in common. From our time of great lose to happy moments.

He too also lost his Father in The Great War. We told each other stories day and night. From embarasing experience to secreats. He was like a friend, no.....a brother to me. As the years pass, we grew closer. Althought I also have befrriend the other chosen five, Irou was the closest to me. Even Master Kira saw how close our bond was.

One day, a group of Royal Guards came to Master Kira as he was doing his usual training with us. In a golden scroll they deliver the message. We as the Council of 7 are to perform our 1st ever duty, to protect a priencess....or to be more accurate the Emperor's daughter, Kirin. After receiving the mission, Master Kira prep us for our oncoming mission. With many at stakes, we prepare ourselves the best we could, knowing that many dangers ahead could kill us. The next day we depart from Master Kira's training place and to the Royal Castle. Although we are younger than an average army pony, but it's our skills that set the difference. Train to be the elite fighting force, we are the bane of many things.....even assasination attempt on Royal Blood.

Even after The Great war has endded, there are still some group of Ponies that aren't satisfly. In order to stir up more trouble, they often find the aids of assasins to do their dirty work. Assasination to sabotage, they were the many reason why the Council of 7 was form. During the mission we had to stop for rest after a straight 3 hours walk. Unknown to us we were entering an ambush. Although it was much of an attack than a distraction, they manage to pull the other 6 councils to persure them, leaving me and a couple of Royal Guards behind to protect the Priencess. After that a second group came in and ambush us. The Royal Guards weren't much of a match but I was not. Master Kira has taught me much. As I raise my blade I did not hesitate, and so I cut them all down. It was the same moment the other 6 came back. After some checks and quick patch up we were on our way.

After we reach our final destination, we were all caught by surprise as The Emperor personally came to greet us. I was called to the Emperor's side, to receive his blessing for I have save his daughter from an assasination attempt. That moment was the greatest day in my life. As I receive the Emperor's Honour, my cutie mark appear. The signature Plum Blossom on my flank. The Emperor said that he knew my Father, and he would have been proud. But my cutie mark wasn't the only thing that I obtain. Out from the carraige that we were protecting the Priencess finally show herself. She was beautiful. A bright pink mane and white body, she capture my heart. It was like an angel. From that day onwards I felt love.
Kirin ...her name stuck in my head. Despite my shy nature I manage to befriend her. She was like the perfect pony for me...

Months later I actually went out on a date with her. It was during the Plum Blossom Festival, the day we welcome Spring. When I meet her outside the Castle, she was wearing a traditional Kimono. Under the bright moonlight, my heart was locked in her beauty. It was perfect. Me alone, spending time with her....Kirin was everything I hope she would be. That night was the longest night in my life. As we the night comes to an end, i personaly walk her back to her castle. Right before she left, she ask me to close my eyes. Then she gave me a kiss. She held my head with both hoofs, her warm lips meets mine for the longest time I could remember. Greatest. Night. Ever!!!

However there was someone wasn't too happy with my time with Kirin. Apparently Irou wasn't too happy. He too also fell in love with Kirin, and now his heart was full on envy. A miscevious plans is underway. After the Plum Blossom Festival, Irou started to act differently. Time and time again he constantly tries to avoid me for some reason. Maybe I was too blind too notice. Needless the case, I never saw it coming. A week later I was appointed as the Mentor of the Council of 7, as Master Kira has reach of age for the new geneeration to uphold the duty. Again Irou wasn't too happy, although he hides his disappointment with a cheer when I came to see him 1st. A month have passed after I took my place as the mentor of the Council of 7. We do our daily duty. As long as the Royal's have a request, we were there to answer it. Be in hard or easy, we comply without hesitation.

But one night I was awoken by the noise of somepony knocking at my door. Unaware, it was the Royal Guards. As I opens the door , I was immediatly seized and chain by the Royal Guard. Without a chances to even speak, they threw a bag over my head, and with a sharp pain to my neck, I pass out. I was later awoken, but neck and my hoofs are chain towardsthe wall behind me. I was in prison. Furious I immedaitely scream out towards the Guards that were guarding my cell. They refuse to listen. Why am I in prison while I have done nothing wrong. Question riddle my head as long I'm stuck in there. As the morning sun rose, my eye met the glaring light through the bared window. It's been nearly 5 hours that I'm stuck in this prison. But my hope rises again, as a familiar face enters to find me. Kirin. Upon her oders the guards release me from the chains. Before I even open my mouth, Master Kira enters the cells, his looks immediatly tells me that there is something wrong.

Master Kira and I remain in the cells, but Kirin stayed outside. Apparently I was accused of insubornation to the Royal Court and the service to The Emperor. The court has order an arrest on me. Kirin overheard this and beg her father, The Emperor to look into this accusation. But with overwelming proofs from an hidden souces, even The Emperor cannot denial the Law. The only way to save myself from disavowed, it's to do a self-imposed banishment. But when I ask who accused me of such thing, I wish I had'nt ask. Irou. The name that I was so familiar with. The pony that I once concider to be my brother. Why does he do such thing? I broke down to my knees. I was completly shattered by the statement. The time we use to have, and our memories. Master Kira got down and pull me back up. He slap me across my face, preventing me from sheading tears. Master Kira later ensure me that he will get to the bottom of this. All I could do now is prepare, for the long journey ahead.I return home soon after and got all my stuff, including the blade.

Irou, he was the last thing to expect. He was there during my dark and lonely times. We became close friends, and even a brotherhood fodge in trust. When I had no one to look upon during my time of despair, Irou was there. But now....all those nothing but a scar that runs deeps in my soul. This betrayal will not go unanswered.


Chapter 8- The Meaning of Love

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It's been 3 days since Fluttershy and Jino been admited into the Royal Cantelot Hospital. Although Jino has recovered considerably, he isn't allow to leave the Hospital yet. Fluttershy has already awoken from he sleep a day ago. Unknown to Jino, she has heard everything Jino told to the others. She was asleep but somehow sub-concious, leaving hers ears open to listen to everytale Jino told about. Kirin ....the name was in her head for sometime now. She wonders what she was like. To have been loved and to love another. A scent of envy ignite in her heart, but she knew it was foolish of her doing so.The pegasus that makes Jino who he is, she must be a angel in disquise.

Still too injured, Fluttershy was brought to the Garden on a wheelchair. The nurses advice her fellow friend to keep her company as they clean her room. Daily routine requires the Hospital to live up to it's standards. Rainbow Dash stays behind to look after Fluttershy. Applejack have to return back to her farm as the seasons approaches. Even Rarity and Pinkie Pie have their own work to do. Twilight wanted to stay but was later summon by Priencess Celestia together with Master Kira to meet her for an important meeting.

It's already late afternoon that day. Rainbow Dash pushes Fluttershy on her wheelchair and position her under a large shady tree so that she could let the birds to communicate with Fluttershy. Rainbow Dash pushes a piece of cloud from nowhere and decide to take a nap on it. Jino, who was observing them from afar, decided to join Fluttershy under the big shady tree.

"Nice day isn't it....." Jino starts off. Fluttershy didn't turn her head, she just nod and smile. The birds continue to dance around Fluttershy. " How is your injuries? "

" I'm ok....thanks to you Jino. Guess I really owe you a lot..." Most of her body is still cover in bandages.

"You don't really have to thank me Shy...despite my efford...I really wish I did it in another way....." Jino rest himself beside Fluttershy. A small little bird gently floats down and rest itself on Jino's head then bury itself comfortably in his dark gold mane. " There's something you should know....something that....."

" I already know all about it Jino, every single tale.....I kinda....was a little awake....I heard it all...." Fluttershy place her hoofs at Jino mouth. "...ummm...But I'm still kinda confuse about something. How did you know....magic? "

Jino immediatly recall the part when he batle the Hydra. Applejack mention than Jino's body was envelop in a soft purple aura and his eyes were glowing intensly. All of that disappeare after the Hydra has retreated.

"'s kind of a long story Fluttershy. Pegasus naturally has the ability to fly and to stand on clouds. Unicorns are blessed magic, hence their horns when they perform any uses of magic. But Earth pony are without the gift of flight or magic, but we are naturally stronger than most ponies alike. But in my case I was an " exception". "

" You mean....."

" I am of the few earth pony that can tap into the raw power of our " Soul" or simple to say...our inner strength. But it's nothing like magic. This " Soul" power are often more powerfull than magic conjure by Unicorns. This untap raw energy usually power it's user to maximise the body natural I explaing too fast? " Jino pause a moment seeing that Fluttershy look confuse with her eyes derping on opposite direction. He lets out a small laugh, teasing her.

" You mean......"

" My strength and agility increase ten fold. I also become more aware to my surroundings. My sences can see and pick out even the slightest movement or sound. Even my 6th sence sharpen to a degree that I can glance a mere vision of the future events. But taping into our " Soul " requires a takes....purpose. "

" Purpose? "

" Have you ever made a promise Fluttershy? A very special type of promise..." Fluttershy glance into the open space awhile. She shacks her head.Jino lets out a small laugh. He closes his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. When he open his eyes again, his pupil changes colour, left eye red and right eye blue.

" To Love is To Protect...To Protect is not To Betray....that was a promise I hold on to Kirin since the day I was banished."

Kirin....that name ignite the little fire of envy in her heart. Why am I feeling this way? I'm suppose to be happy for him instead. How foolish of me.

" But...ummm...isn't she...." Before Fluttershy finishes her sentences she stop utturing another word.

" Dead...yes she is....but it's time I move forward. It's only worse to think of myself and rot in my past. I'm sure of it..." Jino held back his emotions. Tears wants to flow from his eyes but he held it back with all his will. " My purpose until then was to protect her. Although I was banish, I didin't let go of that promise. I held it close....but I guess....maybe I wasn't meant for love yet....."

Jino's words stuns her. For some reason she wanted to slap Jino for uttering such thing. Not meant for love? She held her hoofs close to her chest.

" When Kirin was gone, I taught I lost the 'purpose'....the pain too much to bear, I ran to everfree forest to calm myself down a little. I stayed there hidden under a empty broken hut since then. But when I heard you scream when you got hit by the Hydra, something in me 'awoken'...."

" Awoken?..." Fluttershy look at Jino with a raise eyebrow.

" I felt an intence surge of mix of fear, hope and courage....but after that my mind went blank... "

" Fear? What do you fear?"

".........I.....don't know how to put it...ummm...its hard to say...." Jino voice breaks a little. He looks into Fluttershy's eye, his right hoof on her soft cheeks. " But all I know is this....." Jino lips meets Fluttershy's forehead. His hoofs embrace the injured pegasus. Her warmth, her heart beating. " I cannot lose you..."

The litte fire of envy in Fluttershy's heart is snuff out in an instance. Tears builds up between her eyes, ready to flow. Jino wipe the tears that were clustering at her eyes.

"Come on now Shy, please don't cry...." Jino comments as he finish wiping the tears from her eyes. " Come let me put you in your room. I think it's time the nurses are done cleaning it." Jino slowly position her wheelchair and gently push her back. Nice going Jino, You just had to make her cry...*facehoof*

Love.It was never easy. At least now I found a new one. I can once hope again. Kirin...although I will never see you again my fair maiden, but I will always remember you. And I will still hold on that promise. I will still return, at least 1 more time....and as long I still breath, Irou will pay for his every worst way imginable.

It was already night time. As the sky is brightly lighten by a sliver moon, Jino sits alone in the garden. The blade he always carry around is unshealth from it's protective cover. The blade is risen high, his eyes were close and mind fully focus.

Father....It's been a long time I seek you for your help. But you did say when I was ever in doubt, I should raise my blade and just think. I'm not sure how....but I think my heart have fallen to a new pony. *laugh a little*. But I fear that I might have to leave her, the same way i left Kirin. I need to fix what Irou has done to our country. But I too also fear I might not return. What if I cannot keep the promise I did for Fluttershy?....*sigh*.......I pray to you Father, for your help...

" Thinking bou't ha father again ha rec'kon? " Applejack suddendly appear from nowhere. " The're here nurse told me I could find ya he' what's on ya mind? "

Applejack came as soon as possible after she was done havesting the apples from her farm. She was suppose to take Rainbow Dash shift looking after Fluttershy for the night. Guess she really is 1 heck of a strong pony, doing the harvest and back to Cantelot and not even breaking a sweat.

" I really don't know Applejack. When I 1st came to Ponnyville, I wanted to start a new life, away from the life I left before I was banished from my homeland."

" But then you found Shy he're...."

" Now I fear I might have to leave her....I taught that I might just live a regular life for 2 or 3 years and then return back to my place and finish what I left unfinish......but now......*sigh*....I fell in love....I fell for Fluttershy..."

" Ha understand Jino....Ha under'stand....but sometime ya just have to look deep...into ya heart's....Jino ya the most loyal pony I ever came across in ma life...Honour...that's what make ya who ya are...and I recko'n not other pony does it better than you Jino."

" Thanks a lot Applejack. I became a close friend to me since you let me stay at your farm. I will never forget your deed. You makes things better all the time....and I thank you for that."

" awww Ha' don't mention it. It's what I am. The most loyal friend anypony could have. And ha can be't on it."

Jino lets out a small laugh, teasing Applejack. Applejack follow suit and laugh with Jino. It was probably the next best thing could happen for Jino. To have travel afar, and was fortunated enough to find friends like Applejack and her fellow friends. Rarity, Twilight, Pinkie Pie , Rainbow Dash....and of course Fluttershy. Guess in this crossroad of fates....some path are just worth living at its fullest.

Chapter 9- Grim Future

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The next day Jino was later released from the Hospital due to and emergency appointment at the Cantelot Castle. Upon arrival at the Gates, Jino meet up with Twilight Sparkle. She told Jino to follow her to meet Priencess Celestia, whom she is already waiting. Minutes later they enter a large Hall, fully decorated and funished. A large timber table in the middle of the room, engraved on it was a large sun symbol in shining gold and amber. A large group of Alicorns surrounds the table. Some wears distinguised amour and cape, but 1 alicorn, white mane and a crown on her head, was the center of attention.

" Priencess Celestia....It is an Honour...." Jino bows down as a sign of respect.

" Now now...there's is no need for such greetings. After what you have done so much for my fellow ponies and to my faithfull student Twilight. I heard you single-hoof save not 1, not 2 but 3 of my ponies from the Hydra, if I'm not mistaken? "

" It is indeed me...but I do strongly believe that Your Higness did not summon me on such introduction...."

The atmospher in the room suddendly dies. There's a awkward silience. Priencess Celestia gesture the Royal Guard to leave the room, leaving Jino, Master Kira , Twilight and a couple of Alicorns in the room.

" Master Kira had told me a lot of things about you, your tale and your misfortune....and your betrayal. " Priencess Celestia expression change drascically. " However...when you came to my land to start anew, you have also brought...."

" There will be war...." Master Kira interupt. " I am truly sorry I did not discuse with you but It had to be done....."

Jino stayed silient. Master Kira slowly walk up to him and places his hoofs on Jino's shoulder. Jino was cleary disappointed although he wouldn't blame it on anypony. He hid his emotions, trying to stay clam.

" Dear Master Kira, You had travel so far and hard to look for me. You came bringing news, both good and tragic....but please, no more secreats. " Jino's eyes changes. A sign that he meant it.

" I was nearly on the verge on discovering the conspiracy that got you banished in the 1st place. However after some deep findings, seems like Irou had another plans. In regard of the council of 7, you were the only pony in the way as you are the mentor, and also the most skilled and loyal to the Royal Court. Irou sees you as an treats to his plans to overthrowing the Emperor , so he slowly corrupt a few of the Council of 7 to his will and frame you. When your are gone, his plans proceded without any problems. "

" And on the night you went to the Emperor to consult this matter, it was also the same night whan Irou puts his plans to work. Irou knew that only you still belive in me and that I would never betray anypony at all. " Jino stoms his hoof on the floor. The floor cracks a little. " And after he took the Emperor hostage, he act "God-like" and decided to rule the land with an iron-hoof. but he wasn't satisfy. He wanted more than what he had. And so he decided to wage war to all neighbouring land....and Equestria was on the list....isn't that right Priencess Celestia? "

Everypony were dumbfound. Jino having only to know so little, manage to figure out this many detail.

" And so I have come to a decision. I will send Cantelots's most formidable Royal Guards to assist you and all it's armies to assist you in th....."

"NO!!!......THIS IS MY WAR!!!....AND MINE TO WAGE ALONE!!!" Jino shouted.

Once again Jino's emotions got to him. The bitteness, the hate....the scars that were inflited on him runs ever deep. There was no way he could let it go.

" JINO!!! CALM YOURSELF!!! " Master Kira scorn. Jino look away for a moment before he regain his composure. " I know you are mad and all but....." Jino shoves his hoofs at Master Kira, siliencing his at once.

" Princess Celestia, could you bring your best warrios and generals to the open yard infront? "

" Care to please explain this action Jino? " Princess Celestia question Jino's intention.

" You'll see soon enough."

An couple of minutes later a large number of Ponies, some Royal Guards while some are Generals gather outside. Jino together with Master Kira stood in the center. Jino stares into everyone of the ponies that were here, his hoof tight around his blades that hang ever so close to his side. Princess Celestia watches from afar.

" THOSE WHO HAVE ANY KNOWLEDGE OF SELF-DEFENCE SKILL OF ANY SORT PLEASE STEP FORWARD!!! AND ALSO THOSE WHO HAVE A POWERFULL KNOWLEDGE IN MAGIC PLEASE STEP FORWARD!!!! " Jino scream aloud. His voice echos across the yard. Moments later, everypony in the yard did the same.

" Good...I may not know your names or your strength. But I ask you of this....IF YOUR HAVE NOTHING TO LOSE, NOTHING TO REGRET AND ABSOUTLY NOTHING TO FEAR....stay...if not please step out."

The same responce. All the ponies stay. None move. Jino look at all of them closely. He wraps his hoofs with a roll of white cloth and takes a deep breath. His eyes change again. The ponies in the yard were surprise, but they kept there composure.

" Now all of you....step forward....AND TAKE ME DOWN!!!! " Jino plunge his blade into the ground and rush towards the group of ponies infront of him.Without hesitation he lift his hoof and gave a swift punch to the nearest pony. In an instant he flew a few feets back, slaming agasint the wall. A loud shotgun-like sound echos the yard.


The others hesitate awhile, then a pegasus and an earth pony charges towards Jino. A swift kick send them both the far end of the yard.

" Well?? what are you all waiting for?! If 2 can't even take me down I SUGGEST ALL OF YOU DO IT ALL AT ONCE! "

In an instance all the ponies gank up on Jino.As they pile up on Jino, it all seems helpless. But as if fueled by some mysterious power, a large flash burst from the pilling, Jino now levetating, purple aura envelop him and his eyes glows bright. An unatural sound echos across the yard.

" You see now Celestia, you may have an army, you may have battle-ready generals but do they have any experiences in an ACTUAL WAR? "

Princess Celestia was dumbfound. Equestrial had never engaged itself to war or expension of the kingdom. All was peacefull and tranquill.

" War never lay it's hands of destruction and death on this land. But it was war that makes me what I am and what I am capable of doing. It's harsh and brutal teaching has made me what I am....if you won't mind I would like to ask you a very personal question..."

The massive purple aura that envelop his body decepitate into thin air and his eyes back to normal.

" How far would you go to save the one you love? and will you KILL to save another life??"

Princess Celestial was indeed a little angry. But all she could do what sigh. She gesture the the ponies in the yard and her generals to return back to their post. She flew down and face Jino personaly. In all manner of ways she was cleary upset. All of the sudden she raise her hoofs and slap Jino across his face.

" I may never experience war in my life, nor have will do such the ruler of Equestrial I will uphold my duty and protect all my fellow ponies, be it unicorn , pegasus or earth pony. I may never shade blood on this hoofs but when time comes I will do otherwise..."

Jino hold his cheeks, still sore from the slap given by Princess Celestia. He lets out a smile. For a slap it's quite painfull.Guess she's not a pushover even though she's the violent type.

" Then by this day I will have no more argument about this matter. By LAW and ORDER , I Princess Celestia , will entrust the fate and future of Equestria in your hoofs, Jino. I pray that you will not fail us or war will be the next chapter in this land..."

Princess Celestia bow her horns to Jino, taping gently on his left and right shoulder. A soft sensation runs down Jino's body, her magic now flows gently in him. Jino picks up his blade and unsheaths it. He plunge it to the ground and swore.

" And from this day forth I promise that war will not set it's hands in this land as long I live. And by all that is intrust to me, I will protect everypony in this land to my last breath..."

A wide smile spread over Princess Celestia's face. Although she may not know the true nature of war, but at least she now can rest assured. Jino now knows. His road will once again be long and hard.

" Well Master Kira, guess It's back to my old duty......"

" Forgive me Jino...maybe I should have realise my own foolishness....." Master Kira sigh

" It's too late for apologies now....what's done is done....but know this....You have always been my most trustworthy teacher...and things you did for me I will not forget or will I forsaken....."

"......and I've never been prouder. " Tears runs down Master Kira cheeks. Jino hug him as to ease his pain.

" Time to heal back what has been back what has been destroyed....and repair what has been broken.....

Final Chapter- The last Goodbye

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A week have passed since Jino and Master Kira returned to Ponyville. Although Jino now carries a heavy burden that now weight heavy on him, he did not frow nor show regret. Feeling restless, he went to the town bridge at the edge of town and sat there by himself. As he stares into the water, he can't but help remembering those long gone past he left behind. These few days really got him, sleepless and tired he continue to mesmerise himself by looking into the reflected image in the river .Unknown to him, Fluttershy was observing him from afar.

"There's no need to hide Fluttershy...I know your there..." Jino continues to stare at his reflection in the river.

" it true....that..." Fluttershy slowly trots toward Jino and started speaking but she could'nt pour out her question. She was afraid of something.

" You know what Fluttershy.....ever since I met you...I never really knew how much I change...come to think of it...i kinda forgot what I was really like.....the different side of me....." Jino let out a sigh, but he eyes still lock onto the water below, his reflection sway to the water.

" Jino....the time at the hospital...did you really meant it?" Fluttershy finnaly usher herself to speak.

That day. Yes. Jino mentioned that one particular sentences even he cannot forget. He had promised Fluttershy that he would never leave her side. But promises are sometime meant to be broken. For the greater good or for lost cause. Jino could'nt bring himself to face Fluttershy. His heart weight heavy, too reluctant to see the probably sadden face of that beautiful mare.

Fluttershy stood close to Jino's side. Her face appears on the reflection from the water below the bridge. Sigh. So much had happen, but so little time to cherish them all. They say there is no greater woe than to remember the good and happy times. Memories. Enough said. I wished you were here by my side now. I'm so confuse.

" All I ever wanted...was a simple life, with nothing more than to spent my life and all my time with the ones I treasure the most. But fate was not that kind of a mistress." Jino sigh

" Jino....what ever you do, is always enough for me. But....."

" Fluttershy, do you remember that night of my welcoming party? We stood at this same bridge, under the moonlight? " Jino's face starts to blush a little. It was the night of his life. The kiss from the fair pink mane maiden that change his life.Perhaps it was too soon, but somewhere in his heart he wish he could go back in time and do it again.

"Ya....*giggle* " Fluttershy blush a little, but still let out a smile. It was an unforgetable night.

Jino finnaly usher himself to lift his head and look at Fluttershy. Her smiles, lighten the dark clouds that hangs over his head. Her eyes, were like an angel's. Beauty beyond all measures.

" Hey Fluttershy....if you're not busy or anything? You wanna hang out? I mean like...I'm kinda free and all."

" Ummm...sure Jino " She smiles with a wide grin.That angelic smile,how could anypony not fall for that. Jino smiles back and nod in agreement.


Jino spent another week in Ponyville. But as if time was without mercy, it was already over. Jino stares into the empty cyling on his bed. His eyes fixed a little cobweb at the corner of the room. His mind was empty, but his heart was deeply burden. It might be true it was his mistake to have let Fluttershy take his heart, but he never regret it for doing so. As he slowly turn his head to the side, he notice a very familiar flower on the edge of the window. A plum blossom.

" It's time...." Jino slowly gets up from his bed and starts packing his stuff. He packs everything, leaving only the blade he carries all the time. A quick pull, the blade hums once more in the air as he swings it around. But as it return back to it's protective cover, tears suddndly builds up in Jino's eyes. Unable to hold it all back, a drop of tears drops on the floor, breaking the silience in the room. Even the hardest of stallion will still cry, Jino was not an exception. Jino double checks everything incase he left something behind.

" Guess it's time ha? " Applejack appears behind him, her hat lowers.

" Seem like it. I'm gonna miss this place and everypony, especially you Applejack..." Jino finnaly packs his things and turn to face Applejack.

" Awww shots...Ya din't have to say that. No matter what ye do ha' will always rememeber ya by...."

" Thanks Applejack. That mean a lot to me...." Jino gave her one long hugs.

" Don'tcha forget bou't us here..."

" Wouldn't dream about it."

Jino and Applejack both took their time walking towards town, where Jino was suppose to meet his escorts. They talk and talk till they finnaly reaches his destination. A row of royal guards gives way for Jino as he walks towards a chariot. As he loads his stuff into the back, he stop to look around. Applejack and her friends were there too to bid him goodbye on journey. It will be long, and no doubt hard. But what must be done had to be done. Right before he depart, he gave everypony one last hugs, before he board the chariot. But he notice Fluttershy wasn't amognst them. As much as he want to see her for the last time, he's already running late of his departure time.

Soon the chariot takes flight, with a pair of the royal guards pulling it. Jino peaks outside 1 last time at ponyville. Tears builds as he starts to feel the feeling of missing the place. A deep sigh, he hinders that emotions off his head. Then he catches sight of something tailing behind. As he looks closer, a sigh of relief fills his heart. It's Fluttershy. Jino gesture the guards to lower the chariot for a moment. Relunctenly, they decent to the ground. As soon as it touches ground, Jino leaps out with haste, only to be tackle hug by fluttershy, her eyes building with tears.

" Como now Fluttershy.....I know it's hard for you, but it is also the same for me...." Jino embrace her in his arms.

" But Jino....when will you come back? Why can't you just stay here? " Her voice breaks a little, her tears starts to wet Jino's mane.

Fluttershy knew that this day would come. She looked into Jino's eyes and he immediately knew. She would do everything just to be with him. She would leave her friends, the animals, just for him. But he didnt want to make the same mistake again.

"I must go," he turned away. Not wanting the stare to soften his heart.

"Do you really... cant you... if you dont mind... ya know... stay here,"

"My country awaits me," Jino gazed at the sunset. It was beautiful. Celestia was probably knowing this would happen. Damn her. He broke his gazed to see a sobbing fluttershy, crying on the floor. He placed his hoof on her chin and lifted her head so her eyes meet his.

"Fluttershy my dear. Do not fret. One day i shall return. And i promise you. I will return after it's all done. I've always been true to my promises, and I plan to leave it that way."
and with that they kissed. For the longest moment of his life Jino felt the warm lips of hers, her arms tighten around him.But in the end, even she know that she has to let him go. Jino wipes her tears aways, looking into her innocent eyes once more.

Such is the way, of the lone plum blossom....................