• Published 31st Oct 2016
  • 2,323 Views, 41 Comments

Old Black Charger - retrobrony1987

What happens when a guy and his muscle car end up in Equestria

  • ...

Building a Legend

Celestia's sun was just starting to rise when I woke up, I got up and got dressed and went up stairs to find everypony was still asleep in their beds, I went back down stairs and walked out to see the rising sun... It was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen, Celestia herself rose her sun high in the sky.

I went into the barn and looked at the charger, "Well buddy," I said putting my hand on the hood, "Today's the day we build you into a legend."

About thirty minutes later I heard the sound of a rooster crow outside which was the alarm clock for the Apple family, I just finished putting the Vector wheels into the Goodrich tires and started to raise the car of the ground, I grabbed the floor jack in the trunk but It was going to work on dirt so I found a 2x4 in the corner of the barn and started to raise the car, I got the front of the car high enough to tried to look for a stand to set the front of the car on, cause you should never go under a car with the floor jack holding it up or else the car will fall and seriously injure you or worse.

As I looked for a jack stand I heard Applejack from inside, "Hey John! Ya out there?" She called.

"Yeah, I out here looking for something to set my car on cause I'm changing the tires." I replied.

"Oh I've got these stumps right here for when I change the wheels on the apple cart." She said as she went and found them.

"Perfect!" I said with joy.

"Wanna help me today building the car?" I asked.

"I'm sorry sugarcube I'd love to help Ya'll but me and Big Mac got to get some of these apples picked before the end of the week or else we won't make any money." She said.

I felt sorry for her when she told me she was behind on her farm work and I knew what it was like cause when my grandparents needed help on their farm I would help out in any way I could, "Do you want a hand or anything?" I asked.

"Nah, that's okay I'm pretty sure your legs wouldn't be able to buck a tree." She said.

"You gotta point," I replied, "Just remember if you need me I'll be In here working alright?" I said.

"Sure thing." She said and her and her brother walked off into the orchard.

I took the jack and lifted the car off the ground and stuck the stumps under the car and lowered the car down gently, the car stayed on the stumps pretty sturdy and I took the wheels off, I set the old tires and wheels aside cause they would come in handy later.

I took the electrical air pump and pumped the tires up, then I fitted the wheels onto the car.

I was adjusting the suspension under the rear axle when I heard, "Yo, John, where are you!?" It was Dash.

"Right here!" I said sliding my head out from underneath, "What's up?"

"Nothing just came by to see what happenin" She said.

"Building the car today." I said standing up.

"Cool can I help!?" She asked.

"Of course, but I got to go buy some orange, black, red, white and blue paint first, wanna go?" I asked.

"YEAH!" She said doing a flying back flip.

"Well, help me lower this thing down and lets go." I said.

"We lowered the car down and drove out of the barn to Ponyville, we drove across a bridge and saw the paint store where the owner was painting a sign, I hoped they had paint that would be able to stick to the General.

We stopped just in front of the store, the owner had a smile on his face and greeted me with a welcome, "Welcome to Easel's Paint Shack, how may I help you?"

"Yes, do you have some paint that would stick to metal." I asked

"We sure do, what colors?" He asked.

I gave him the list and he went and got 1 large can of primer gray paint, 1 can of black and 3 small cans of red, white, and blue, I grabbed some spray nozzles and a petal pump for the sprayer and some painters tape.

The orange paint was a problem cause I wanted the matching paint from the original General Lees, 1975 Corvette Flame Red Code 70, a color that was only available for GM models in 1975.

I ran out to the car and got out a metal paint swatch with the color on it, I walked back in and handed the swatch to him.

"Um... Can you dye a color to match this?" I asked Easel, he looked at the swatch and smiled.

"I think I can match that for you, it will take an hour or two but I'll get that color for you sir." He smiled.

Rainbow Dash was helpful enough to pay for the paint cause my currency of money was useless here, I'll have to repay Dash with something later for that.

We put the paint and stuff in the trunk and decided to stop over at Rarity's for the upholstery, We went inside the boutique and was greeted by her.

"John! Rainbow Dash! Welcome!" she smiled.

"Good morning Rarity," I smiled, "I was passing by seeing if you had that upholstery yet?"

"Sorry darling, but leather is kinda hard to come by here in Equestria, but I do have some tan vinyl that I could use." She said.

I took the roll of material and looked at it, it was better then anything. “This could work.” I said, “Do ya think you redo the entire seats?” I asked.

Rarity smiled, "Of course darling, just tell me what you want done and I'll do it." She said.

"Just the two front seats and the back seat, and see if you can put some new foam patting in them too.” I asked.

"Okay, it shall be done by 3:00 prompt." Rarity smiled.

It was 12 o'clock and me and Dash decided to go for a walk around town, I was getting hungry I didn't eat breakfast yet, "Hey Dash, I'm starving."

"Well how about we go to Sugarcube Corner." She said.

I thought I was a good idea, "Okay." I said as we made our way to the bakery.

I stepped into the bakery and the aroma of fresh baked sweets filled the air, it reminded me of the local bakery in my hometown that I would take my little sister Nicole to when she would get done with school and I would pick her up in the Charger and take her there.

"Wow, that smell is the best scent in the world." I sighed.

We sat down and Pinkie bounced out of the kitchen and hopped towards us, "Hey Rainbow, Hey John!" She smiled, "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Came here to eat Pinkie." Dash said.

"Okay what would you like, I would recommend the Banana Ramma Nana Muffins cause they're so bananay or how bout the Wakey Cakey's with chocolate frosting, whipped cream and sprinkles..."

Pinkie was talking way too fast for me to understand, "Hold it!" I said putting my hand up, "How bout' just a plain blueberry muffin, okay?" I asked.

"Okie doki loki!" She said and she disappeared into the kitchen.

"So what do you need to do to finish you car?" Dash asked.

"I need to paint it, put a roll cage in it, install the CB, build a push bar on the front and put the Dixie horn in."

"What's Dixie?" Dash asked, I whistled the first 12 notes of Dixie to her, "Oh cool." She said.

My muffin came and I started to eat it, as I ate it I was thinking about where to get metal pipes for the roll cage and the push bar, maybe there some pipes I could find the hardware store.

"So how's the Trans Am?" I asked.

"AWESOME!" She shouted.

"How come you didn't drive it to the farm?" I asked, "Where is it now?"

"Well, the thing stopped running and the car came to a halt, I don't know why?" She said.

"How long were you driving it?" I asked

"Um... Quite a while." She smiled half way.

"You probably ran out of gas." I said, "Did the car sputter when it stopped?"


"Then it's out of gas." I said, Looks like I'll have to find out how to make fuel here too, maybe Twilight could help with that, she's a science pony and she can, make gas from corn or switch grass and make ethanol,... or moonshine I giggled.

"What's so funny?" Dash asked.

"Oh, nothing." I said.

Another thought came to mind, Twilight said that Pinkie could paint really, really good, I wondered if she could paint the rebel flag on the General.

"Hey Pink-" I was about to call when she was suddenly next to me.

"You rang?" She smiled.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you could paint?" I asked.

"Ooh, what do you want me to paint you, a rainbow, a picture of Twilight's castle, or a picture of Twilight's castle with a rainbow arching over it?" She said hyper

"Um, no, but thank you, I was wondering if you could help me paint this flag on top of the car for me?" I asked.

"Oh that's easy." She smiled.

"Well after I find some pipes for the roll cage and some metal for the brush guard and when Rarity gets done with the interior of the Charger we can all go back to the farm and start painting it up." I said.

"Okay, I got nothing else to do today so I'll can get off early." she squeed.

"Cool." I said, I finished my muffin and stared out the window looking at how beautiful Ponyville was, I wish my little sister was here to see it, she would never want to leave, "Hold the phone, what is this!?" I said staring at a pony pulling a wagon of pipes.

"Hold the what?" Dash said confused.

I got up and ran out the door towards the cart, "Excuse me sir?" I yelled, he looked over at me.

"Yes, how may I help you?" He said.

"I was wondering where you got those pipe, cause I'm looking for some." I said looking in the cart.

"Well I was on my way to recycle it, but if you want to take it off my hooves help yourself." He smiled.

I grabbed some 2" pipes and a flat sheet of metal that was with it which was perfect to build a brush guard, I took a rope and tied it around both ends of the pipes so it would be easy to carry, and decided to head back to Rarity's to see the progress she has gotten done.

On the way there we decided to stop over at Twilight's, the castle was huge, much bigger in real life then it was on TV, I knocked of the door and a purple aurora opened the door, "John! Hello how you doing?" she asked with a smile.

"Doing great." I smiled.

"What's with all the pipes?" She asked.

"It's for the General."

"Oh!, won't you come in." She invited.

Once I walked in I stood in awe, this place was huge on the inside, "TRAIN LEAVING ON TRACK 4 ALL ABOARD!" My voice echoed.

Twilight and Dash giggled at the echo, "What was that!?" Spike said form the other end of the hallway, "Oh hey, John!" Spike smiled as he walked towards me.

"Hey Spike." I said.

"John, last night I wrote to my Canterlot high friend Sunset Shimmer about you, but she hasn't gotten back to me yet." When Twilight said that I got very nervous, I had to tell her the truth about me and Equestria.

"Um... Twilight."

"Yes John?"

"Can I talk to you in private." I said a bit sadly.

"Sure." She said a bit worried.

We went into her library where we both sat down on a couch, I was extremely scared of telling her this.

"Twilight, I need to tell you something I hope you would understand."

"Whats wrong?" She tilted her head.

"I'm not from Canterlot high."

"What do you mean?" She said.

I took Twilight's hoof and held it, "You must promise me you'll never tell anybody about this okay!?" She nodded in nervousness, "Twilight,... I'm from a world where this world is a hit television show called My Little Pony; Friendship Is Magic," Twilight just stared at me, it looked like I broke her brain.

"W-w-w-w-wh-a-a-what!?" She shuddered.

"It's true Twilight." I responded, I told her everything about the show, how I knew her friends and about the mirror portal and the fandom, her reactions were really lost she kept looking at the floor and it looked like she was about to have a heart attack, I comforted her and told her to relax.

"I don't understand, why would somepony write stuff about us!?" She shook. "Are our lives a lie?"

"No Twilight there not." I said reassuringly.

"Then why me and my friends? why not just Princess Celestia?"

"Twilight, you and your friends and your adventures and lives bring a lot of joy to people, they love you guys!" I said.

Twilight looked up and smiled. "Really!?"

"Yeah!" I smiled, "Millions of people love you girls, including my little sister she adores you, you be surprised at how many of your fans would kill to be in the position I am in, I'm probably the luckiest guy in the entire universe." Twilight smiled she felt more relaxed at the thought of her and her friends making people happy from their adventures.

"But how did you end up here?" She asked.

"That... I don't know Twilight, but I intend to find out how and why I'm here." I said, "But the more important thing right now Twilight, you must promise me Twilight, that you'll never, ever tell anypony this, especially Princess Celestia, or Pinkie Pie cause she'll make a huge deal of this in a heart beat."

"I promise John, cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye." She promised, "It's good to know that they can learn from our lives."

"Yeah." I sighed, "How about you come with us and help me build a roll cage for the car."

Twilight smiled, "Okay." She nodded, "John, even though you don't know how you got here, I will do everything I can to get you back home."

I smiled at Twilight, "Thank you, please, I don't know what my family would do if they lost me." We exited the library and left her castle to go pick up the car cause it was close to three.

We approached Rarity's boutique and I saw the new upholstery in the car, It was amazing, she sewed the seats up and polished the dash panel, "Well darling is that how you wanted it?" She asked.

I hoped in the car and sat in the front seat and felt the new comfortable vinyl seats, "mmmmm!” I hummed in comfort, “It's perfect!" I said jumping out give her a hug.

“You’re welcome, John.” She replied.

“I don’t know how I’m gonna repay you, Rarity?” I said.

“Don’t worry about a thing, darling,” she replied, “You saved Applejack’s life, that’s about as much of a payment that I’ll take.”

That was so thoughtful of her to do that for me, but would still have to do something for her just for the work.

Me, Twilight, and Dash put the pipes in the trunk and got in the car and picked up Pinkie we headed over to the paint store and picked up the paint.

Easel was right out with the paint waiting for me, I checked the match of the paint with the swatch, it matched to the perfect shade, I put the paint in the trunk and we headed back to the farm to build this car into a legend.

We got to the farm and parked the car in the barn and got everything ready to go, I showed Twilight how I wanted the brush guard to be build, I took a marker and drew out the outline for her to cut out the piece with her magic,I took some old newspapers and the painters tape and covered the pieces I didn't want painted and the glass, then I poured the primer paint into the sprayer and sprayed a coat of primer on, while that was drying Twilight had finished the brush guard, she did an excellent job it was the way I wanted it, we welded the brush guard to the front of the car, we were getting good, next was the roll cage we took the pipes and made dimensions on it to cut it, we took each pipe in the car one at a time, with Twilight's magic she welded the pieces together.

"That's perfect, that will keep the roof from caving in on me, in case I roll over." I said, "Okay next is the doors."

"Doors?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah we're gonna weld them shut." I added.


"Well you weld the doors shut on a racing car for safety purposes." I said.

"How do you get in?" She asked.

"Climb through the windows." I smiled.

"Oookaayy" Twilight said unsure about that.

"John, do you think if I told someone about the... you know, will they think I'm crazy?" She asked concerned.

"Well that is if they believe it's true, but just try to think of it as a good thing, young boys and girls learn from your lives and your adventures." I said, "Just live your life as it is and remember how many people are learning from you."

"So it's like I'm a teacher?" She asked, I nodded, "That makes it even better." She said giving me a hug knowing that everything is alright.

We finished the doors and now it was time for the orange paint, I filled the sprayer with the paint and sprayed it on the car, after two coats of orange we were ready for the 01, the flag and the name, that's where Pinkie came in.

"Okay this is what the flag looks like, do you thing you could paint that on there?" I said.

"Easy peasy lemon squeezy!" She squeed.

"Okay," I said looking away and started to get the door ready for the 01, "Let me know if you need..."


"WHAT!?" I jumped up and saw the flag finished in just 20 seconds, I was shocked, "HOW THE... HOW DID... HOW DID YOU GET THAT DONE SO FAST!?"

"It was easy (Squee)"

I was amazed at how fast she could paint, I let her do the name on the roof the 01 and the checker and rebel flag on the back between the back window and the trunk lid.

I put the trim on and installed the final pieces, Twilight and Dash where outside and it was time to unveil the car, but not yet I wanted all the girls here to see this.

"Dash!" I called from the door.

"Is it ready!?" She said anxiously.

"Not yet, go get Applejack, Big Mac, Rarity, Fluttershy, Spike, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Applebloom so they could see this." I said.

"Got it!" She said and she zoomed off.

About 15 minutes later after I polished the car and got it looking shiny everypony was out front.

"Pinkie open the doors." I said revving up the engine, as Pinkie opened the doors the GENERAL LEE rolled out of the barn.


Mouth were agape, smiles were huge and a loud, "THAT. IS. AWESOME!" came from Rainbow Dash.

"Wow look at the cool paint job." Scootaloo cheered.

"Looks like my work paid off, Darling." Rarity said.

"Wow it even looks better in real life then on TV." Twilight said.

"Boy, you sure did a nice job building this car into somethin' special." Applejack smiled as she walked around the car.

"Eeyup." Said Big Mac.

"Hey don't give me all the credit, you all helped too, and I thank you guy's from the bottom of my heart for helping me do this." I smiled.

They all smiled from the compliment, I knew that they were good friends.

"Who wants to go for a ride!?" I yelled.

"We do!" The Cutie Mark Crusaders said in unison.

"Me too!" Said Dash.

"Alright hop in." I said helping the girls through the windows and into the back seat, Dash flew inside the car without trouble, I revved up the engine and did a peel out.

"YEEEEEEHAAAWW!" We whooped as we did donuts in the dirt and took off down the dirt road doing hill hops, I was the happiest I've ever been in my whole life, the girls were having a blast, we jumped a creek and I hit the Dixie horn as we jumped.

"Man this feel so great to give the General Lee a good run." I said.

"This thing is fast." Scootaloo screamed.

"Yeah!" Dash cheered, “It can do amazing things!”

“It’s not just the car, it’s also who’s behind the wheel!” I said.

Suddenly I heard a siren, I looked in the rear view mirror and saw a 77 Dodge Monaco Police Car, It was a Hazzard County Police Car, and Discord was driving it.

"Alright you Duke boy, just pull over now cause I'm gonna give ya ticket for speedin' kew kew kew!" He said imitating Roscoe over the CB.

I picked up the CB, "Oh yeah, well you have to catch us first." I laughed.

"D'ooh HOT PURSUIT, I love it I love it, Gee kew kew." Discord laughed.

"Buckle up girls and hold on!" I said putting the pedal to the floor.

The General sprinted through the country side with the engine roaring, and a siren in pursuit, the General drifted through curves with ease, we turn of the road and rode through a field, I saw a small pond that had a jumping mound and I headed for it.

"John what are you doing?" Sweetie Belle screamed.

"Hang on!" I yelled, and the General soared into the air and over the pond.


The General landed with a thud, "THAT WAS AWESOME!" Dash screamed.

We looked back and saw Discord crashing into the pond.

"WHOA!" I screamed.

"Should we help him?" Applebloom asked.

"Nah, he looked alright." Said Dash who was looking back at Discord who was on top of the police car that was sunken cursing us, We all laughed and headed back to Sweet Apple Acres, it had been a fun and eventful day for us day for us I built my car, got into my first car chase and jumped a pond in the newly built General Lee, what better way to end the day.

Author's Note:

This was my imagination of how the ponies saw the finished General Lee.