• Published 31st Oct 2016
  • 2,325 Views, 41 Comments

Old Black Charger - retrobrony1987

What happens when a guy and his muscle car end up in Equestria

  • ...

Nicole visit's Equestria

I had just finished putting my things in the trunk of the General and made a double check to make sure I had everything I needed, I grabbed a 5 gallon gas can that was filled with fuel and put it in there as well.

I went back inside the house and found Twilight with Nicole in her room showing her collection of My Little Pony figures to Twilight, "And this is my little diorama of you library, Twilight." She said presenting her old Golden Oaks Library it to Twilight.

Twilight smiled in awe as she saw the creativeness she had, "Wow, sweetie that is amazing!" She said.

I figured she was occupied at the moment, I went to my room and got a quick change of clothes and grabbed my sport duffle bag and put some clothes in it, if I wanted to show Applejack the show I would have to take my small TV with a DVD player built in, I grabbed the TV and the Dukes of Hazzard Series and some of my favorite Burt Reynolds movies such as Smokey and the Bandit, Cannonball Run, Hooper and Stroker Ace,I took my things I was gonna take with me out to the General and put em in the trunk.

I went back inside and saw my sister and Twilight taking, they were talking about Equestria, "I wish I could see Equestria too, I would love to meet the other ponies and Applebloom." She said with hope.

I knew she was gonna ask about that sooner or later, I opened the door, "Well guess what kiddo, you're the luckiest little girl in the entire world right now, cause... you get to come with us for the day and see it."

Nicole's eye's went as wide as the Cutie Mark Crusaders eye's, "ARE YOU SERIOUS! REALLY?!" She jumped, Me and Twilight nodded, Nicole jumped up and gave a big hug, "YAY!!! I GET TO SEE EQUESTRIA!" She cheered.

"Sweetie, there's one thing you have to know," Twilight approached, "You must not tell any one about the show, okay?"

"What do you mean, Twilight, why can't I tell anyone about the show?" She asked.

I knelled down, "Sweetie when I told Twilight the truth about the show, it was really difficult for her to absorb, she wasn't sure of how to understand it till I told her how much the show means to a lot of people here," I said, "Now we must Pinkie swear to not tell anyone about the show," I stuck out my pinkie and looped it with hers.

"Cross are hearts, Hope to fly, Stick a cupcake in our eye!" We said in unison.

We walked out to the garage with Nicole on Twilight's back, "How are we gonna get to Equestria?" She asked.

"Magic." I smirked.

I made a double check to make sure I had the things I needed, I help Nicole into the front seat and Twilight used her teleport magic into the back seat and started up the General.

"John don't you need to open the garage door?" She asked nervously.

"Nope." My little sister covered her eye's as I drove forward, and with a bright purple flash we were back in Applejack's barn, I pulled up further so that we were out of the barn so she could see the beauty of Equestria, I looked over and saw Nicole covering her eye's and balled up, "It's okay sweetie," I said softly stroking her hair, "We're here."

Nicole pulled down her hands and saw herself completely cartooned and then looked out the window and saw Equestria, She let out a soft long gasp. "We're... we're..." She was in a loss for words.

"Yes sweetie, we're in Equestria." I said comforting.

Nicole looked like she wasn't wasting time she tried climbing out of the window and was having trouble, "Here sweetie let me help you." Twilight insisted as she teleported herself out of the backseat and in front of the passenger side door, and with a glow of her horn she levitated my little sister out of the window, it was really cute how she smiled when she was in Twilight magic aurora.

"Thank you Twilight." I said as she help her out of the car.

"Yeah! thank you." Nicole said as she hugged Twilight.

"Sure thing sweetie." She replied returning the hug.

I climbed out of the General and looked around for Applejack, but she was no where to be seen, she must be out somewhere in the orchard. "Twilight, could you watch her while I go and look for Applejack?" I asked.

"Of course." She nodded.

I walked through the orchard looking for Applejack and found her bucking a tree for apples, I noticed that she is very coordinated when she bucked the trees and the apples fell right into the baskets.

"Hey Applejack!" I called.

Applejack turned to me and smiled, "Hey you're back!" She replied.

"Want some help?" I asked walking up to one of the baskets.

"Sure." She replied.

I picked up one of the baskets and we began to walk back to the barn, "I brought a guest with me." I said.

"Who?" She asked.

"My little sister." I smiled.

"Really!?" She smiled, "Is she gonna be staying long?" She asked.

"Um... I brought her here to show her this world of magic and enchantment, she always wanted to see a world like this." I said as we walked back to the farm, I just hope my sister can keep it to herself no to tell anyone or pony that this is a TV show.

We made it back to the barn to find Twilight and Nicole next to the General waiting for me, "We're back!" I called, my sister turned her head and it looked like she was trying to hold back her excitement and walked over towards us, "Applejack I would like for you to meet my sister, Nicole." I said.

Applejack trotted gently towards her, "Howdy there sugarcube, your brother has told me lot about ya'." She said.

"Really?" She asked.

"Of course ever since he's been here, he always talks about you and your family." She replied.

"I know he really cares about me and our family." My sister replied.

"Wanna meet Applejack's sister, kiddo?" I asked.

Nicole gave a small smile, "Yeah." She smiled.

We walked through the orchard towards the CMC clubhouse where they were making plans on helping their friends get their cutie marks.

"Hey girls!" Applejack called up to their window, Applebloom poked her head out, "Yes Applejack?" She called.

"Come down here, there's someone I'd like you to meet." I said, I watched the three come out of the clubhouse and down the ramp, "Girl's, I'd like you to meet my little sister, Nicole." I introduced.

"Hi!" She smiled.

"Hello!" The said in unison as the trotted up to her, "It's so good to finally meet you." Applebloom said. The girls started to talk and they decided to show her their clubhouse.

"I've got to get back to my castle, I have to write some notes about what I've seen in your world." She said.

"Okay Twi, see ya'" Applejack waved.

"See ya' Later Twilight." I called.

I looked back up at the tree house hearing how much fun the girls were having up there, "I think she's in good hooves now with the girls." I said, "Would you like to see some of the stuff I brought back from my world?" I asked Applejack.

"Sure." She replied.

Me and Applejack walked back to the barn where I opened the trunk to the General and took out some things, I took out a box of tools and my duffle bag and then I took out my Mcculloch Eager Beaver chainsaw.

"What in tarnation is that?!" Applejack yelped.

"It's a chainsaw." I said, "It's used for cutting wood at a faster pace."

"Really?" She awed, "Do ya' think it could cut up firewood and cut some dead branches down?" She asked.

"Of course," I replied, "That's exactly what it does."

"Really? Then let see it can cut through that big ol' log." She bet me.

I smirked as I pulled the cord, the saw buzzed to life as I walked over to the log and lowered the blade onto it, it was like slicing warm butter and with in 15 seconds the cut log fell to the ground, I shut the saw of and turned to see Applejack's expression of awe.

"Boy Howdy!" She cheered, "That thing can cut wood faster then me or Big Mac."

I took the saw into the barn and set it on the work bench "Yeah, me and my grandpa went camping in the mountains one time and we needed a chainsaw and we bought this at a used hardware store and we cleaned it up and put a new bar and chain on it and made it run like brand new." I said sitting down on a hay bale.

"Wow, working on things and making em' run like new must be a thing you and your grandpa must be good at?" She said.

"Yeah, my grandpa taught me a lot of things about working on motors and how to be a independent do it yourself kinda guy." I said.

"He sounds like a good person." She complemented.

"He is." I smiled.

"You must really care for him." She added.

"I do," I sighed thinking about him and... Kevin, I started to let out a sad sniff.

"You okay sugarcube?" She asked.

"Yeah, it's... just that ...after... Kevin... passed away, I pretty much was his second hand around his house." I said a bit depressed.

"Who's Kevin?" She asked.

"My uncle, my grandpa's only son." I said sadly.

"Oh, that's sad." She comforted.

"Yeah, he was the one that got me going on the Dukes of Hazzard and it was his favorite show when he was a kid, he loved them old shows and them trucker movies, he even used the name Snowman from the movie Smokey and the Bandit as his CB handle when he drove a semi truck, he was everything to the family, till ...he passed away at 33." I said with a sniffle.

Applejack gasped, "My word so young, what happened?" She asked.

"Well, he was bit over weight and he had an enlarged heart and he smoked cigarettes and was a truck driver, and one night in January he started coughing really bad and it turned out he had caught pneumonia which is an infection that you get in your lungs, and he went into a coma and... (Sniff) ... He died two d-days later while we were all at the hospital." I cried.

"Oh sugarcube come here!" She comforted me into a hug.

Applejack's warm embraces comforted me so much that I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her back, "Thank you, that makes me feel a lot better, it was so tragic after he passed, my family was sad, including my grandma, after he passed... my grandma lost a part of her life that she would never get back... and about 7 years later... (Sniff) she... joined him." I said shedding another tear.

Applejack hugged me again to comfort my sorrow loss that I was feeling.

"I know right now that my Uncle Kevin is driving his big rig on that long highway in the sky and my Grandma is riding shotgun in the front seat with him." I sniffed looking up at the sky knowing they've been watching over me.

"I know what it's like to lose someone close to you... I've been through it as well when... my folks passed." She sniffed.

I returned the hug and stroked her mane in comfort, that was another thing we had in common, we've both experienced tragedy in our lives, I wanted to tell her how much I had feelings for her but now really wasn't the time.

I stood up and walked back over to the car pulled out my bow and arrow which was my Uncle's and now I owned it and take good care of it. "This was Uncle's and I took up archery a while ago and... I'm okay, but I still need practice for a good target." I said putting it on the side of the workbench.

The next thing I took out was the TV, "What's that?" Applejack asked.

"It's called a TV." I said.

'Tee-vee?" She said.

"Yeah, it's what people use to stay entertained in their homes instead of books." I said.

"Oh, is this the thing you watch the Duke's of Hazzard on?" She asked.

"Yep." I replied. "Maybe later I can set it up in the living room and we can watch a couple episodes I brought with me." I showed her the DVD box set.

"Okay." She answered.

"Hey John!" A childish voice called, I turned to see Nicole and the CMC's "Is it alright if Nicole stay's for supper?" Applebloom asked.

"Um... I don't know, Dad might come home soon and wonder where you are." I said.

"What if we go back and write a note saying that I went to a friends house for dinner and... SPENT THE NIGHT!" Nicole smiled with hope.

"Well.......?" I tried to think but there it was, the puppy dog face both Nicole and Applebloom were giving me, I couldn't say no. "(Sigh) Alright." Suddenly I was tackled into a hug.

"YAY!!!" She cried.

"Okay, but if you're gonna spend the night we have to at least do more then leave a note, okay sweetie?" I said.

"Mmhm." She nodded.

"Alright, I'll be right back I gonna go call Mom and tell her what were doing, Okay?" I said, she nodded again.

I walked back through the portal and wound up back in the garage, I stepped outside and grabbed my phone out and called my mom.

After three rings, "Hello?"

"He mom it's me, um, just to let you know that I dropped Nicole off at her friend Katie's, Alright?" I said.

"Okay, is she getting a ride home later?" She replied.

"Uh, no she say's she's gonna spend the night with her and come home tomorrow." I informed.

"Is she going with her to school tomorrow?" She asked.

My mind kinda stopped for a second, "Uh... Yeah I would think so, I mean they do go to school together." I replied.

"Okay, thank you sweetie for letting me know and I'll tell your father as soon as I get off the phone with you." She said.

"Alright Mom I see ya!" I said.

"Hey! have a good time working at the orchard and make some good money." She replied.

"I will Mom, thank you, I love you, Goodbye!" I said.

"Okay, bye hon' I love you too, bye!" And she hung up.

After putting my phone away I walked back through the portal and was back in the barn, I walked outside to see Nicole with the girls waiting with smiles on their faces.

"Well?" She asked impatiently.

"She said, okay." I replied.

"YAY!!!" They screamed.

Later that day we invited everyone to the farm to meet my little sister, Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash who was pulling the black Trans Am behind her cause it was out of gas and had been sitting below her cloud home, she looked out of breath from pulling, then it hit me that she was a Pegasus and she wasn't as strong as an earth pony.

"Oh geez, Rainbow Dash you didn't have to pull the Trans Am here, if you would have told me I would've towed it with the General." I said.

"Oh..." She said with wide eyes, "I didn't really think of that."

"Here lets put some gas in the tank and get it filled." I offered.

"Yeah, but I think you should take care the Trans Am now." She said.

All I did was stare at her, "What!!!" I said with a small smile, "You haven't even seen Smokey and the Bandit yet, and you're tired of driving it around."

"It's not that, its just I don't have a place to keep it like how you do with the General." She said.

"Oh... you want me to keep it in the barn for safe keeping I see." I figured.

"Yeah, and anytime I want to drive it I'll come by and take it for a spin." She said

"We should race sometime." I said.

"Totally!" She replied with challenge.

I turned to see Pinkie talking to Nicole asking here what her favorite desserts were and what kind of party favors she likes, Fluttershy was admiring how sweet and cute she was, even Rarity admired her denim coverall skirt. "I do say sweetie, I've never seen denim fashioned in a way like that before." She said.

"Really, my mommy got these for me at Kmart." She replied.

"What's a Kay-mart?" Rarity asked.

"It's a store." She replied.

"Well I've never heard of it, I would really like to see it someday." She said.

"Well I don't know, I don't think they would allow ponies in a store where I'm from." She replied.

"Oh, really?" Rarity inquired, "Your world must really have some strange rules."

"Yeah, it does." She said.

"So since were all here how about we have a little party..."

"OOH, A WELCOME TO EQUESTRIA PARTY?!" Pinkie jumped blowing off her party cannon.

"Ummmm... Okay." I replied.

Later that day we had a small little party with the girls and I was in the living room hooking up the TV to the wall, thankfully the house had electricity, the TV worked and I decided to get everypony in the living room to watch the first Dukes of Hazzard episode "The One Armed Bandits".

"Soooooooo... What is this thing called again?" Dash asked looking at the disc.

"It's called a DVD." I replied.

"And this has a movie inside it?" She asked.

"Of course." I said taking the disc and putting it in the player, once the disc was in the main title screen appeared and I selected episode 1 "One Armed Bandits".

The episode opened up with the episode previews, giving the girls a tasted of what they were in for, then the opening credits rolled

"Wow, that was cool!" Dash exclaimed.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet." I added.

"Welcome to Hazzard County."

"WOW!" Dash exclaimed as she saw the General Lee in the show jump a hill and blew the dixie horn.

The girls watched as the Balladeer introduced the Duke boys, Bo and Luke Duke as they chased the sheriffs car.

"You drive like my fannie whips apple butter?" Applejack said trying to figure out the southern contents of that meaning. "That Cooter reminds me of my cousin Hayseed Turnuip Truck." She added.

The next scene was where they introduced Sheriff Roscoe and Boss Hogg as he was having breakfast of coffee and raw liver (Yuck!), well at least he don't dunk it, "I can tell I don't like them already." Applebloom grunted.

Later we meet Uncle Jesse and notice how much he's like Granny Smith. "Boy that Jesse Duke sure is handsome." The girls snickered at what she said.

"Awe, that very sweet how Bo has a crush on that girl Jill." Fluttershy.said

Next scene was introducing Daisy, as she was serving beer to a bunch of rowdy drunks, when she was in that fight Applejack said, "Boy howdy, she sure knows how to fight." she as she watched her knock a beer glass into Bo's face.

Next scene was in the junkyard, reminds me of the time me and my friends went off roading and I drove my car down some old dirt trails and kicked up a lot off dust.

We watched the episode and I could tell the others liked it some much their eyes were glued to the screen.

I had to explain a couple of thing in the show about the real life, such as saying Grace, and the fun of automobiles and some southern culture meanings and Moonshine.

I kinda had to cover Spike's eye's just for fun during the truck hijacking scene cause of Daisy's lack of clothes, Rarity also added, "My goodness, she's almost naked, and does she have to wear that in front of those stallions like that?"

"This. show. is. AWESOME!" Dash exclaimed as she watched the parking lot chase.

Later in the show they introduced Enos and he's crush for Daisy, "Awe, Enos is so sweet to Daisy.” Fluttershy said softly.

"That girl Jill doesn't realize how much Bo loves her." Applejack said, that kind of got me, cause it was the same thing between me and Applejack, I still didn't know how to approach her.

"Ooh, that jailbreak look like fun, especially if has balloons." Pinkie giggled, mentioning the blow up Daisy doll.

"Now girls you are gonna see one of the greatest car chase in this show." I said as the car chase began, It stared off as LEE 1 jumped over Roscoe's 74 Dodge Monaco, "That General Lee was the first one to make a jump on camera, after that it was repainted and used for another episode and then sold to a junkyard and sat for 30 years in a junkyard, till one day a guy saw the car and bought it, saved it and restored it to is original beauty." I told them.

The chase went on till it ended at the orphanage with the big party for Roscoe and it got him re-elected as Sheriff and the show ended with the General Lee taking off down the road.

"Well...?" I asked the girls?

"That show was great!" Applebloom said.

"I loved it!" Scootaloo jumped.

"That is the best tv show ever!!!" Dash shouted.

"The style's of there clothing is unusual." Rarity added.

"Well this show was made in 1978, and that how people dressed." I explained.

"Big Mac did you like it?" I asked.

"Yup." He replied.

The rest of the girls had a mix of positive respones, it was also getting late and the others had to get back to their homes, My lttle sister went upstairs with the Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle and got ready for bed.

I was tired myself so I walked upstairs and walked passed Appleblooms room and heard laughter, I opened the door to see them jumping on the bed, "Okay girls it's time for bed, my sister has school in the morning." I said as the stopped jumping and I smiled as they got snuggled together in bed, "Alright, sleep tight you girls." I said as I turned off the lights.

I walked down the hall towards the loft to the barn and passed by Applejack's room, "G'night John." She said.

I turned to her to see her taking off her hat and putting it on her bed post, "G'night Applejack." I said, I was just about to walk away till I stopped and stepped back into her doorway, "Applejack?" I asked.

"Yeah?" She asked looking at me.

"I... Uh..." I was frozen in place, I couldn't even think of a way to began of what I had to say, I've never really talked girls back home, I wasn't an outcast in school it was cause I was too shy and nice to people, plus I was always busy doing odd jobs around town.

"What?" Applejack said with wonder.

"Nothing." I smiled, as I left her doorway and out to the barn loft, as I stepped outside I sat on my cot feeling terrible, "Ugh, whats wrong with me." I grumbled, "Why can't I talk to girls especially someone who's like me, honest, gosh... Maybe if I get a goodnight sleep it will help." I sighed, I took my shirt off and pants and put my sleeping shorts cause it was little warm but cool that night and lied down and began to fall asleep, hopefully soon I can get the courage to tell her how I feel about her.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the long wait folks, I'll try to keep writing chapters.

I'd like to thank My Uncle Kevin for turning me on to the Dukes of Hazzard, and my family misses him so much. Rest In Peace, Kevin "Snowman" Leroy Wheeler.

Also Rest In Peace, Burt Reynolds aka "The Bandit" My uncle's favorite movie.