• Published 31st Oct 2016
  • 2,322 Views, 41 Comments

Old Black Charger - retrobrony1987

What happens when a guy and his muscle car end up in Equestria

  • ...

A Way Home

Author's Note:

Welcome back folks, in Ponyville the sound of birds can be heard in the distances... but now the sound of a roaring powerful engine can be heard from a mile a way.

It has been about a week since me and the girls built my car into the General Lee and I was adjusting okay to Equestria, Twilight was gonna be helping me make fuel for the car, we were gonna make separate corn field for making the Bio-fuel, I still had gas in the General only a quarter of a tank, I just had to not use it as much, Discord was no help cause he was never around for me to ask him if he could make gasoline appear from his magic, fact the last time I saw him he was sailing on top of a police car in a pond.

I had found out that Applejack needed my help, because the harvest this year is important for her family, money has been tight in her household, she told me that her annual Apple Family Reunion was happening in a few weeks and she needed all the help she could.

I helped out on the farm as much as I could, with carrying baskets and pruning trees, and cutting them down, it was pretty much a job for me to work for them, I didn't want her to pay for my labor me cause she needed the extra money, I told her in return you could let me stay at the farm and I'll help out as much as I can, I was even building a trailer for to haul apples much easier with those old tires I had on the General, I was going to haul it behind the General for them.

Applejack even made a room in the loft of the barn, there was even a door that lead into the upstairs house hallway part so I could get to the bathroom, it was comfortable sleeping up there little cold at night but nothing that a nice warm blanket to keep me warm.

The thought of how to get home was still buzzing around in my head, Twilight said she was doing everything in her power to figure out how I got here.

It was a beautiful day I was on my way to the school to pick up Applebloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle, it was a nice day to be driving the General and pick up the girls from school, I was giving the General a good workout, I was hopping hills and drifting through curves I pretty much had the back roads of Ponyville memorized, the spell that Twilight put on the General was really helping out, I was putting it to the test of jumping over hills and hitting dips in the road that launched me and the General into the air, I reached town and the ponies waved to me as I drove by, I could say the General Lee was now a part of Ponyville, I stopped in front of the school waiting for the bell to ring.

As I waited for the girls two ponies approached me, it was Lyra and Bon Bon, "Hello there John," Said Lyra, "Wow, I never thought I would get to met the first human in Equestria in person!" She jumped.

"You act as if I'm a famous celebrity." I chuckled.

"Of course, you're friends with Princess Twilight and you are also the one who saved Applejack's life and made quite an entrance at the welcoming ceremony." Said Bon Bon.

"Well, what about The General Lee here, he's more famous than me." I said patting the roof.

"How famous?" Bon Bon asked.

I spent about 10 minutes talking about the show to them.

"You and the girls really did a great job of building it." Lyra complemented.

"Thank you." Just then the school bell rang and all the colts and fillies came out, as soon as the girls saw me they came running.

"Hey John!" Said Applebloom, "You picking us up?"

"Yeah, hop in." I said helping them in through the windows, "Put your seat belts on." I said.

"Wow it's really him!" A squeaky voice said, I turned to see Diamond Tiara, I remember from the show she was kinda a snake in the grass to the girls, but if I remembered correctly she forgave herself for all she did bad.

"I heard he took on a hundred Timber wolves." Said Silverspoon.

"It was actually six, and it wasn't just me fighting them, it was my trusty friend The General Lee." I smiled.

"What else can this thing do?" Diamond asked.

I smiled, "You wanna see something cool?" I asked

"Yeah!" They said in unison.

I slid into the driver seat revved up the engine and did a burnout, a group of young ponies came to watch.


"YEE HAW!" I screamed as I did a peel out down the road.

"YEAH! THAT WAS AWESOME!" Scootaloo cheered.

"So what do want to do today girls?" I asked.

"Lets ride this thing around the fields." Scootaloo suggested.

"Nah, I'm running low on fuel right now so we can't do much driving around till I have a fuel source for the General." I said.

"Then lets go to the farm and go to our clubhouse." Said Applebloom.

"Okay." I said, I drove the girls back to the farm.

Meanwhile behind a pile of bushes... Discord was waiting for the General Lee

We drove by a big pile of bushes and I saw a police light bar, "Oh dang, it's Discord!" I said as we drove by."

"Ooh, Ooh, there they are, kew kew kew, I'll get 'em this time HOT PURSUIT!" Giggled Discord pulling out of the bushes with a blaring sirens.

"Oh great, I really don't want to be chased cause I don't want to run my tank dry." I said.

"Alright, now you just pull over now, I'm gonna give ya a ticket for speedin' Yuk kew kew." Discord said over the CB.

I picked up the CB and spoke, "Come on Discord, I low on gas right now and I don't wanna chase." I said.

"Well then, how about I make you a deal, if I don't catch by the time you get to Sweet Apple Acres, I'll full your fuel tank." He offered.

"And if I lose?" I said nervously.

"Oh you have to be my personal servant for a week." He chuckled.

There wasn't no way I'm going to do that, lose and become his maid, "You girls better hold on to somethin', cause I'm gonna have to stand on it now." I said putting the pedal to the floor.

I had the petal to the metal as Discord chased us, He seemed to know how to drive pretty well, How he learned... I don't know, I also wasn't sure how much gas i was using but hopefully it's enough to get to the farm.

"Come on John, faster!" Said Applebloom.

"I got my foot to the floor, kiddo." I said checking my mirrors.

I gave the General all its got, we kicked up dust on the road and made it hard for Discord to see, the girls on the other hand were having the time of their lives.

"Stupid dust, I can't see a dog gone thing." He said turning on the windshield wipers.

We hopped hills and drifted through curves with ease, we even ran through a puddles spraying water back onto Discord causing the windshield to get muddy, Discord started to fall back and a wave of adrenaline jetted through my body, I gave a Burt Reynolds laugh as he we left Discord in the dust.

"YEA HOO!" I cheered.

"YEA HOO!" Cheered Scootaloo.

"WHOO HOO!" Cheered Sweetie Belle.

"YEE HAW!" Screamed Applebloom.

We power slide into the farm watching Discord bringing up the rear with the Patrol car covered in dust.

I climbed out of the window and approached Discords car, "Well, I made it here, so I won."

"Fine." Discord sighed and he gave me my fuel, a large red Jerry can appeared with gasoline in it, I opened it up and smelled it to make sure it was gas and not chocolate milk, it was gas alright, Discord and the Patrol car disappeared in a flash.

I put the gas into the car and it gave me a full tank, there was about a 1/4 left in the can so I put it in the car just in case I run out of fuel somewhere.

I dropped the girls off at their clubhouse and drove back to the barn and I backed the General into the barn to give it a tune up.

I popped the hood on the General reveling the engine, I took the tools off the workbench and took the air cleaner off and cleaned the carburetor, "Hey John, whatcha' doin'?" Asked Applejack who brought me a glass of lemonade.

I took the lemonade and took a sip, "Oh nothing, just givin' the General a tune up." I said putting the glass on the workbench.

"Hey thanks for picking up the girls for me." She thanked.

"Hey, no problem it's what I like to do is help out." I said, I was so nice to Applejack ever since I came to Equestria, I feel strange when ever I'm around her, I like her a lot as a friend but I fell it could be something more, people back home would think it's strange, a man and a pony in love, but she's just like a human being, she talks, she works and even cooks her own food... am I in love with her? I remember when we had the run in with the timber wolves, I threw one off of the General and I held her face and asked her if she was okay, I was worried about her at that moment, but she was tough, even when we ride in the General Lee together she enjoys it, we have a lot of fun together driving around on her off time.

Applejack looked at the engine, "John?, do you think you could tell me a few things about engines?" She asked.

I smiled, "Sure, this here's the carburetor..." I spent a good hour teaching Applejack the basics of engine work, I showed her how to check the oil, check the spark plugs and showed her how to disconnect and reconnect the battery, The original engine in here was a 383 Magnum, I still got it, it's sitting in my grandpa's barn it just needs some new parts for it, he helped my buy the 440 crate motor out of a catalog, and together we built it, we even souped it up to pump out more horsepower, I kept the old engine in case I blew the motor in the General or bought another Mopar, I'm hoping one day I'll save enough money to put a 426 HEMI in it... or if I wanted to give it some ground breaking power a 528 HEMI that pumps out 610 HP that'll really crack asphalt.

"Hello?..." A voice called, I turned around to see Twilight.

"Hey Twilight!" I smiled.

"Hey Twi." Said Applejack.

"Hey, Applejack can I speak to John for a moment?" She asked.

"Sure Twilight, what's wrong." I asked nervously.

"John can I show you something?" She said.

"Sure." Twilight and I walked down to the river where I first crashed, "This is the spot where I crashed and came her in this world." I said.

"John I found something in the river that you need to see." She said and she pulled out these six amethyst crystals.

"What are these?" I asked.

"I'm not sure," She said looking at them, "But, to my theory it my be how you got here."

I looked at Twilight with hope she was right, "Do you think?"

"I hope so." She said.

"How do they work?" I asked.

"I'm not sure."

I picked one up and looked at it and looked at the others, Twilight used her magic on them as she tried to activate them herself, but nothing, I took them and set them into a circle hoping something would happen.

"Hmm, nothing." I mumbled.

"I just don't understand, what are these?" She pondered.

"I don't know either Twi," I sighed standing up, "I just know that this sent me here some how," I stepped into the circle crystals were in, "We just got to get them t-WHAAA!" I screamed as I fell through the earth and the next thing I new... I was under water.

I swam to the surface and took a breath of air and realized I was in the river where I tried to jump the General... I was home.

I swam to the shore line and stepped out of the water, I turned around and looked out at the river and realized that Twilight must be worried about me, I jumped back into the water and went under a saw another purple flash and something floated right into me, it was Twilight.

I grabbed her and swam to the surface, one we surfaced I looked at her, she look really, really different, she still was animated but in a three dimensional look.

"Twilight! You okay!?" I exclaimed.

Twilight looked at me confused, "What happened, John? Why do you look so different?" She said shaking.

"That's cause we are in my world." I replied.

She checked her surroundings and then looked at her reflection in the water, "What happened to me?"

"I think that the laws of... animation or cross dimensional universe travel, your body has to have a certain form to use in a world?" I said trying to make sure I was right.

"I guess so?" She pondered, "We have to get back through that portal."

"Here you stay here while I see if the portal is open." I said as I jumped back into the water and swam a 6 feet down, I felt the ground surface and it felt solid, I resurfaced, "Nothing!" I yelled to Twilight.

"Maybe it's in a different spot, try a little farther out." She replied, I took another deep breath and went back under, as I searched for the portal I saw one of those amethyst crystals in between a rock, I picked it up and looked at it and wondered it there was more here, I resurfaced for another breath.

"Twilight! look!" I said holding up the crystal,

"It's one of those crystals, how is it here?" She said.

"I think there's another set of them at the bottom! I'll Look!" I called back, I took another deep breath and dove back under, I had found all six of the crystals under the water, I came out of the water and handed them to Twilight.

Twilight set the in the same circle as before, I step threw and the next thing I knew I flew into the air on the other side in Equestria.

"Oof!" I grunted with a thud landing on my back, suddenly a purple flash came and Twilight came out of the portal and landed right on top of me.

"Oof!" She grunted.

"G'ugh" I spat out from her landing right on my stomach.

"Oh, I'm sorry John!" She said hopping off me. "You okay?"

"Yeah," I said standing up, "Reminder, lets put the crystals vertically instead of horizontally."

"Good idea, cause it one heak of a throw when you come through." She said.

On the walk back I had a lot of excitement built up in me cause I found a way back to my world, but I also felt upset that I was going to be leaving, it wasn't like I wouldn't see all of them again, it was Applejack, I really wanted to tell her I like her.

"You okay, John?" Twilight asked, "You seem quiet."

"I'm fine it's just... I-I'm... just that now I found a way home and I would just hate to up and leave the farm in it's dire need of help." I said.

"It's okay, Applejack's got us and will help her out with the harvest." She said cheering me up.

I stopped and Twilight turned to me, "Okay, I need to tell you something Twilight." I said.

"What is it?" She questioned.

"Have you ever... ya know... liked someone that you were afraid you would never see them again and was never able to tell them how much you care about them?" I said in a bit sad tone.

"Yes," Twilight responded with her head down, "You've probably seen my adventure to human world?"

"Yes," I knew exactly what she was talking about, Flash Sentry.

"I meet a boy there and he was so nice to me that I feel in love with him, but we never did get to express our love for each other." She said sadly. "Why?... Do... do you feel this way about... Applejack?" I was too nervous and locked up inside to answer, the only thing I could do is nod. "Oh John." She said sympathetically, "I know it's hard telling somepony you like them."

"Yeah." I sighed, "But I've seen so much of Applejack's life on TV and learned so much more about her in person, It's just like my life, I basically had to fend for myself cause my parents both work long full time jobs, and seeing her with Applebloom made me realize that how I was there for my little sister too, we both share a similar taste in country music and have a bit of a thrill for riding around in the General Lee, so there's a couple things we have in common, she's even honest like me sometimes, and a hard worker, and even a caring... pony, someone who understands and listens, that's the real reason why I like her so much." I sat on the ground feeling like some person just let out his feelings and no one cared.

Twilight put a hoof on my shoulder and gave me a hug, "Applejack will understand." She said comforting.

"Thank you Twilight." I said returning the hug.

"You know you don't have to go home, you can still stay in Equestria or use the portal from your world to this world any time you want." She suggested.

"You really think so?" I said with hope.

"Of course, you set up one portal here and the other at your home and you can come her any time you want!" She smiled.

"Yeah," I smiled big, "It's like going to your next door neighbors, only cross dimensional." We continued to walk back to the farm.

We made it back to the farm, Applejack had a wagon loaded with apples ready for shipment soon, I wasn't ready to tell her I love her just yet, I just want to tell her that I'll be gone for a little while.

"Howdy there Twi, Hey John!" She waved.

"Hey!" I smiled, "Applejack I need to talk to you." We walked into the barn, I turned to Applejack, "Guess what, we've found a way for me to get home." I sounded like a fool just saying that.

Applejack looked at me with happiness and sadness, "You... found a way home?" she said with a bit of sadness in her voice.

"Yeah, we found these crystals at the bottom of the river and they can send John back to his world!" Twilight said.

I could tell that Applejack was a bit upset that I was leaving, I did want to do what Twilight did to Flash was just up and leave her, I made up my mind.

"Twilight, I don't want to leave." I said as Twilight looked at me with shock and confusion.

"What! Why?" She asked.

"I want to stay and help here on the farm." I said.

"But John, I thought you wanted to go home?" Applejack said, "Don't you want to see your family?"

"Oh I can still go see them and come back here." I said.

"What?" Applejack asked.

"These crystals can teleport form this world to my world any time I want." I explained.

"You really want to stay here and help out around the farm?" She asked, I nodded. "If that's your decision then your more then welcome to stay." She said reassuringly.

I kneeled down and hugged Applejack, "But I do have to go home first." I said, Twilight and Applejack raised their eyebrows, "I need to get a few things and check in with my family and tell them what I'm doing."

"Okay, cause your family is probably worried about ya'." She said.

"Yeah, my mother is probably close to calling the national guard to come look for me." I joked.

I set the crystals on the inside frame of the barn to make it big enough for the General to get through, I set them up in a rectangle, "Okay now I need to go through first and make another portal big enough for the General." I said.

I stepped through the portal and landed on the ground again with a thud, "Ugh, gotta make those entry's more safer." I stood up and took the crystals and found two tree parallel to each other and put them on the tree in a shape big enough for the General.

I got them set up and stepped back through, I grabbed my keys and was just about to get in the General Lee when, "Can I come too?" I turned to see Twilight, she wanted to go with me again to the real world.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to see more of your world and learn about the... you know." She said meaning she really wanted to see the fandom of My Little Pony.

"Are you sure?" I asked, Twilight gave a reassuringly and stern nod. "Okay, hop in."

"How long ya' gonna be gone fer'?" Applejack asked.

"About two hours top's." I said sliding in the window, I started the General and looked over at Twilight, "You ready?" I asked, she nodded, I put it in drive and drove forward, and with a purple flash we were back in my world.

We drove to my hometown, I told Twilight to stay low so to not be seen, "Welcome to Covington, Georgia, Twilight!" as we drove through the town square.

"Wow!" She said peeking up from the front seat.

"You know this was the filming location for the first 5 episodes of the Dukes Of Hazzard, when I was 6 years old I never knew this area was famous for being in numerous movies and TV shows." I said, "And when my uncle introduced me to the show I was hooked on it for life."

On the way people where taking pictures of the General as I drove by, Twilight did her best to stay out of sight.

We got to my house I pulled into the driveway and saw my moms car in the driveway, "Oh boy, let's just hope she understands."

"What are you going to tell her?" Twilight asked.

"I don't know, I'll just have to make something up like I always do." I frowned.

"Just tell her that you have a job at a farm and you have a place to live and will be home after the harvest." She suggested.

"I'll try that, I just hope it works." I said lifting myself out of the driver side, "Um, could you hide in the garage if my mom come out to see the car?" I told her.

"Okay." She said as she used her magic and teleported herself inside the garage, we had two garages one connected to the house and the garage the in the backyard was the one I used to do my work in.

I walked in the backdoor to see my mother on the couch on her phone, "I have to call you back Mr Wright," She said hanging up the phone, "There you are! Where have you been!?" She exclaimed.

"I've been busy... working." I said.

"You know we were worried about you we were just about to call the police." She said in a stern voice. "Why haven't you called or told us where you were?

"I meant to call but I... left my phone here, and I meet someone to help me with my Charger and we built it into the General Lee." My mother looked out the back window and saw the car.

"Wow!" She gasped, "That's what you've been doing?"

"That and I found a job."

"A job, where?" She asked.

"Um... just some farm outta town, I've been working in an apple orchard." I said trying to be truthful.

"Oh, well that good you got a job and you got your car finished." She said.

"Yeah it's sort of a surprise, also I'm living at the farm till the harvest is finished, and I came back here to get a few things." I said.

"How long?" She asked.

"Just few more weeks till the harvest and then I'll come back home." I said.

My mother hugged me, "I'm proud of you for being responsible for doing something like this, I have to go and meet a guy about work so could you wait for your sister to come home, she really missed you."

"Sure, tell dad what I'm doing and tell him I love him too." I said to her.

"I will sweetie, bye, I'll see you soon." She said, I waved bye to her as walking out the door.

I walked out to the garage and saw Twilight reading a Mopar magazine, "Wow, machinery like this must be really powerful!?"

"Would you like to see the show?" I asked, Twilight was a bit nervous as she sat on the couch, I went to Netflix and found the show, "Ready?" I asked, she nodded.

After about watching five episodes she was smiling with pride, "This is amazing, I never though we could make show like this be so good."

"You ain't seen nothing yet!" I said, I heard the sound of a door hitch unlocking... it was Nicole!

"Quick hide!" I told Twilight.

The back door opened and my little sister Nicole came running in and gave me a big hug, "Johnny! I missed you!" She cried in my arms.

"I missed you too sweetie!" I said shedding a tear.

"When I saw you car out front, I knew you be home." She sniffled holding me tighter.

"Nicole, I want you too meet somebody, or somepony I should say." I smiled as I broke the hug.

"Somepony?" She tilted her head.

"It's okay, you can come in here now." I said into the kitchen.

I watched as Twilight peeked her head out of the doorway and smiled at her, I looked to see Nicole's eye's grow and her mouth opened, "This can't be real, I must be dreaming?"

"It's not a dream Nicole, it's real!" I said.

Twilight approached her, "Hello, Nicole, I'm a friend of your older brother." She greeted, she extended her hoof and Nicole reached up and touched Twilight's hoof, Twilight smiled at her, "It's okay sweetie, there's nothing to be afraid of." She said in a calm voice, Nicole suddenly hugged Twilight.

"You are real!" She whimpered, "How are you here?" She asked, "And how do you know my brother?"

Me and Twilight spent about the next 20 minutes telling her the whole story of how I was found in Equestria and how I saved Applejack and how we built the General Lee.

"Wow!" She sighed.

I had a good idea floating around in my head, "Hey Twilight, why don't you show her some magic while I... uh... go out to the garage." I mumbled.

"Okay." She replied.

I went outside and opened my garage door, I grabbed one of my large tool boxes and put it in the trunk, then I reached up in the rafters of the garage and pulled down my Martin Warthog bow and arrow set, I wanted to show Applejack my archery skills and also from protection from other things... like timber wolves... if it ever happens again, I eyeballed my ammo box of m80 firecrackers figured it would be fun to tie them to the bows and light 'em off, I'll have to be REALLY cautious of handling those.

I grabbed a couple odds and ends for my stay, I grabbed my second CB Radio for CB fun figured if Discord can use a CB why not Applejack and the others, I could give them CB handle's, that'd be cool.

I took the crystals out of my pocket and put them on the garage door frame in a rectangle for the trip back, a thought came to my mind... I had to show Nicole Equestria, this would mean the whole universe to her to see it.