• Published 31st Oct 2016
  • 2,322 Views, 41 Comments

Old Black Charger - retrobrony1987

What happens when a guy and his muscle car end up in Equestria

  • ...

Welcome to Ponyville

We all sat down at the table and had pancakes and hash browns best breakfast I've ever had, I still had a lot of things on my mind I was thinking about will I ever get home and what about my little sister she'd be lost with out me, I mostly took care of her and helped her out with her school work... I sure did miss her, would I ever see her again?, after words I helped with the dishes and cleaned up Applejack was grateful for the help.

"Thank ya John." She said.

"It's no problem, I'm a guest in this home and I'm glad to help." I said.

"Ya alright sugarcube?" She asked.

"Just thinking about my little sister." I sighed.

"Ya miss her, don't ya?" She asked, I nodded, "Don't worry you'll see her again as soon as we figure out a way to get you home."

I felt a sigh of relief when she said that cause she was always honest, "So... whats going on for today?" I asked.

"Well don't you remember Rarity asked ya if you would help her pick up a load for her at the train station." She said.

I almost forgot about that, "Oh yeah! We better get to that."

We went to the barn and just as I was about to get into the Charger a small voice called out... it was Applebloom,

"Hey sis can I come too?" She asked.

"I don't know Applebloom, if John doesn't try any of those fancy move and jumps with his car I'd be okay with it." She said looking at me.

I looked at Applebloom she had a puppy dog face that struck my heart, that look reminded me of my little sister Nicole, she would always do that when she wanted to ride in my car, I smiled "Hop in."

"YAY!" she screamed, I opened the door and flipped the seat forward and she got into the backseat.

I got in and turned the key and the engine roared to life, we drove out of the orchard and down the road towards town.

"Wanna listen to some country music from my world?" I asked.

"Sure." They both said.

I pulled out a CD that said "The Best of Kenny Rogers", I put in the player and selected my favorite track.

Applejack and Applebloom both swayed their heads to the music, "Who is this?" Applejack asked.

"This is Kenny Rogers, one of my favorite country singers." I said.

"He has a beautiful voice." Said Applebloom.

As the song went on both the girls enjoyed the music of Kenny Rogers, we drove nice and slowly towards town enjoying every second of this moment, I started to sing a few notes and Applejack stepped in and sang the chorus notes, the song ended and the girls sighed.

"That was the most beautiful song I've ever heard." Said Applejack.

"Me too!" Added Applebloom.

We crest a hill top and saw Ponyville ahead, I was nervous as to bringing a machine like this to a town who would not know what to think of my car.

"Why'd ya stop John?" Applejack asked.

"I don't know Applejack, What if they think my car is a monster, or what if I'm rejected here?" I said nervously looking down, then I felt a Applejack's hoof on my hand I looked at her and she was smiling.

"You have nothin' to worry about folks in Ponyville are really understanding, trust me they'll like you and The General Lee both." She said with a reassuring smile.

Then in a flash of purple Twilight appeared, "Hey John, I'm glad your here!" She said.

"You are?" I asked.

Yes! Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are in town waiting for you!" She said.

"They are!?" I said.

"Of course, we've set up a ceremony for your bravery from yesterday, saving Applejack's life and yourself from the timber wolves." She said.

"REALLY!" I gasped.

"Yes and I've here to help escort you and welcome you to Ponyville." She said.

"What about Rarity's shipment at the train station?" I asked.

"Oh don't worry Spike's got that taken care of."

Meanwhile at the Ponyville train depot...

"Come along now Spike dear." Said Rarity.

"(Grunt) G'ah... Ugh... C-coming Rarity!" Said Spike struggling trying to carry a mountain of boxes.

"Don't dottal now Spike, we have to make it back in time for the ceremony, and I've also got to find the perfect dress to wear since the Princesses are here." She said.

Twilight got into the front seat while Applejack got in back.

"Quick question Twilight." I asked.


"Yesterday after I jumped that river, the car didn't even have a scratch on it... like it was indestructible." I said.

"It is." She said.


"Don't think your the only one in this world who watches TV." She said.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well... Where you're from, I stayed with the human Applejack for a while and human Big Mac is a Dukes of Hazzard fan as well." She said.

This blew my mind I was surprised that Big Mac's human counterpart is a Duke fan as well, "Really!" I said surprised.

"Yep, one day I was curious when the first time I saw a TV and Big Mac turned it on to me and it was on this channel called CMT and the show was on and I watched several episodes of it that day, So when I saw the car and those decals and stuff I kinda figured that you would be building this into the General Lee, so while I was using that reverse spell I put a strength spell on the car to make it ten times stronger than it was."

My mind was totally blown away from this, the only thing I did was grabbed her into a big hug.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyou!" I said repeatedly.

"You're welcome, John!" She said trying to make me let go.

I started the car and drove down the hill, as we came down the hill I saw the town square filled with ponies and a big stage for me.

"JOHN LOOK OUT FOR THAT WAGON!!!" Twilight screamed.

I turned my head and saw a wagon full of hay that broke a wheel... I couldn't react in time..., Suddenly the driver side of the car was up in the air and the whole world was on an angle... WE WERE ON TWO WHEELS!

"WHOA!" I screamed. trying to hold the General steady as we two wheeled into town making quite an entrance. a bunch of ponies moved out of the way trying not to get in the way.

"Set this thing down!" Applejack screamed, I tuned the wheel to the right and with a thud the car was back on all four tires, I stop just in front of the stage.

I suddenly heard the sound of cheering and applause, I stepped out of the car and saw the entire town of Ponyville cheering at me from my stunt, I turned my head and saw Princess Celestia with a smile on her face, and I looked at Princess Luna who waved at me, the applause died down and Princess Celestia spoke.

"My fellow Ponies, It is a honorary day for this young human, for being the first human in Esquestria and also having the very first machine like this here as well," She said, "That was quite a entrance that you've made, now I know what my sister was talking about."

I smiled, "Thank you." I said.

"For your bravery from yesterday of saving Applejack's life we would like to offer this golden metal of bravery to you." And with her magic the metal levitated over my head around my neck.

"Would you like to give a speech?" Celestia asked.

I never gave a speech before so I walked up onto the stage and spoke, "Thank you all for being so nice to me and accepting my presents here in Equestria, and also I would like to say... What the heak?" And every pony looked at me weird, then a strange figure was approaching down the road... it was a brown 1969 Porsche 911, how is this possible? I wondered, everpony darted out of the way and the car crashed into a bush.

"OH NO!" Was the only thing I said.

One of the Princess's guards approached it, "What are you crazy!? who do you think you are!"

"DUN DUN DAHAHAHUN!" Out of the car came Discord wearing an orange cape and a mask that said "CHAOS" on it, "I AM CAPTAIN CHAOS!"

"And this is my faithful companion Kato!" And he held Fluttershy's bunny Angel who didn't look to happy wearing a mask. "Say hello Kato!" The guard just looked at Discord sternly, "Been a guard long?" He asked.

All I could do was laugh. "AHAHAHAHA! THAT IS FUNNY! THAT IS FUNNY!" I said.

"Discord! what are you doing here?" Yelled Twilight.

"Well when I heard that there was a human in Equestria, I figured I might as well show up in style." He said, changing into Boss Hogg's white suit.

"Let me guess you watch TV too?" Said Twilight.

"Of course my dear, I can't be the master of chaos if I don't watch it." He said, "So this is the famous John, I've heard so much about, and this must be your car as well too, huh."

"Yep that probably the fastest machine in Equestria now." I said.

"Well then, you'll have to be careful of that or else justice will protect and serve." He said changing into Sheriff Buford T Justice, and I laughed again.

"Tell me you can conjure up any car?" I asked.

"You mean like this?" and with a snap of his fingers a Black 1977 Pontiac Trans Am with gold trim appeared, it was the Bandit Trans Am.

"Ooh, Nice choice of car Discord." I said.

"Whoa!" Gasped Rainbow Dash. "That, Is, Awesome!" And she jumped into the front seat.

"You can keep that Dash." Discord said, "I got about a million of others I can get, Well I go to be going now cause I've got a three headed Venus fly trap I have to feed, if I leave him home alone too long he tends to eat the couch." and with a snap of his fingers he disappeared.

That was nice of Discord for giving a car to Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was hopping around in her own car, I popped the hood to see what it had underneath, there was a 6.6 liter (400 cubic inch) 4 BBL V8 with a Turbo Hydra-matic engine in it, "Wow this is amazing, John! will you show me how to drive this." She asked.


"Wait!" Said Pinkie "Before you do that we got to have a PARTY!" she screamed and she blew off her party cannon, I guess drivers ed comes later cause I never turn down a party, and the rest of the day all we did was party.

Afterwords me and Rainbow Dash drove around in the Trans Am giving it a good run through the countryside, it was a little hard for Dash to drive at first but she got the hang of it, I taught her how to do a burnout and how to powerslide around corners... she was a natural at it.

As night came around I was back at the farm laying on the hood of my car staring at the stars, "Maybe I can stay here for a while, but I'll have to at least try and find a way home somehow." I sighed.

I went back inside Applejack's home and laid on the couch with Winona and went to sleep.

Author's Note:

Well it looks like there's a new toy for Dash to play with, I chose that Kenny Rogers song cause of the movie 'Six Pack' with him and the song in it, and the Captain Chaos thing came to me from watching Cannonball Run last week. you all stay tune for my next chapter ya hear!