• Published 26th Jun 2012
  • 2,093 Views, 13 Comments

Everything You Ever Dreamed - GAPDashie

Dash spends a restless night reflecting on her life...and what she could have done differently.

  • ...

Everything You Ever Dreamed

Princess Luna stood alone in the watchtower of Canterlot Castle. She breathed deeply of the night air, shivering slightly as she did. September had not yet gone, yet the light breeze carried a bit of a nip. Noting the position of the moon, the alicorn stretched gratefully. Just a couple hours more, and her sister would be up to raise the sun and relieve her. Turning away, Luna surveyed the castle grounds stretching out below her.

To the casual observer, the castle would appear to be nothing more than a hodgepodge of whimsically colored geometric shapes, thrown together at random into some semblance of a structure. Scratch that, Luna smiled to herself. That's exactly what it is. Past the large drawbridge, the grounds opened up to accomodate the watchtower that Luna currently occupied, as well as the main structure, with several other smaller towers branching from its corners. Another gracefully arched bridge offered passage to the main door over a small stream, that was fed by a large, intricately gilded fountain beside it. Its small waterfall sparkled and glistened in the moonlight; its soothing hiss was the only sound to break the stillness of the night.

The castle itself appeared to be a two-story affair; the main throne room and audience hall occupied most of the first floor, while the second floor contained both princesses' private chambers, where no doubt Celestia still slept peacefully. However, another floor lay just beneath the ground's surface, an area where neither princess liked to go ... or so much as think about if they could help it.

Just below the first floor were the castle dungeons. They had obviously been erected in a much more lawless time, long gone by; thanks to the peace and tranquility created by the Elements of Harmony, the cells were very seldom used, and most had fallen into a state of neglect and disrepair. In fact, the castle's only prisoner did not occupy a cell at all. At the far end of the chamber, a heavy oaken and metal door stood, sealed with both bars and magic, indicating a completely separate excavation. Though that seal had not been broken for nearly a decade, Luna could still picture that statue as vividly as the day she and her sister had locked it inside.

A large stone draconequus, eyes wide in shock, mouth frozen open in a permanent scream ... or was it a laugh? The princess could never be sure. That creature could find the humor in absolutely anything, even his own demise.

Luna shuddered and turned back to the moon, trying to put thoughts of the insane villian out of her mind.

Deep within the bowels of the castle, a demonic red glow began to flicker.

Alone in her cloud home some miles away, a rainbow-maned pegasus started to twitch fitfully in her sleep.


Harmony has a weakness.

All of its parts must function in their intended way for it to work.

Break a single link of a chain, and it becomes useless.

A single sour note can be heard above the pure ones of an entire ensemble.

In time, a speck of mold will destroy an entire loaf of bread.

Discord grinned behind his stone mask, the plan coming together in his twisted mind.

Harmony has a weakness.

He was ready to exploit it.


"Raaainbooow ... " The voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.

Rainbow Dash started. She let the rough rope fall from her mouth, looking around wildly. "Who's there?"

"Raaainbooow ... " The sultry, persuasive voice was almost intoxicating, yet even in that single word, Dash could sense a dark, deceptive undertone. The pegasus' hackles rose instinctively, and her eyes narrowed.

"I ain't scared of you!" Dash challenged, taking a defensive stance, forehooves lashing the air in front of her. She wheeled this way and that, straining her eyes in the growing fog, trying to catch a glimpse of her foe. "Show yourself!"

The voice didn't seem phased. "We've been eagerly awaiting the arrival of the best flyer in Equestria."

Rainbow lowered her guard a touch, raising an eyebrow. "Who?"

A light chuckle echoed through the mists. "Why ... you, of course."

Dash was completely caught off guard. "Really?" Her voice cracked. Rainbow grimaced almost imperceptibly; it seemed to be happening more and more as of late. She tried again. "I mean ... oh yeah. Me." A sudden thought flashed through her mind. "Say, uh, you wouldn't mind telling the Wonderbolts that, would ya? 'Cause I've been trying to get into that group for, like, ever." She silently cursed. Nice going, Rainbow. Look at you, blurting your deepest dreams to a cloud of smoke.

If the mysterious creature noticed the look on Dash's face, it didn't show it. "No, Rainbow Dash." The pegasus began to reproachfully berate herself once more, but was interrupted. "We want you to join us ... "

We?, Dash mused briefly.

Her unspoken question was answered as multiple sets of hoofbeats rang through the night, and three uniformed pegasi materialized before Rainbow Dash. They were identically clad, their indigo manes and tails standing in stark contrast to their flight suits, which were black with a violet lightning bolt pattern. The reflective yellow lenses of their flight goggles were cut into semicircles, lending the group a sinister appearance.

" ... the Shadowbolts," the pegasus in the center finished. She was slightly smaller than the two males that flanked her, but clearly appeared to be the leader. Rainbow Dash cocked her head in confusion.

"We are the greatest aerial team in the Everfree Forest," the pegasus continued confidently, "and soon ... we will be the greatest in all of Equestria! But first ... ", she intoned, thrusting her muzzle inches from Dash's own, " ... we need a captain."

A huge grin split Rainbow's face as understanding dawned upon her. Yes!

The Shadowbolt performed laps around the cyan weatherpony, deviously stroking her ego with every pass.

"The most magnificent ... "


" ... swiftest ... "

"Yes ... "

" ... bravest flyer in all the land."

"Yes ... heh, it's all true." Dash was positively drunk from the praise. She sucked it in, feeling it warm her entire body like a drug.

"We need ... "

Magenta eyes glowing, Dash stood in suspense, like a charge ready to explode, waiting for the final word that she was dying to hear.

The Shadowbolt whispered it into Rainbow's ear.


The ecstatic pegasus shot into the air. "Whoo-hoo! Sign me up!" Her head cleared from the release of tension, and she suddenly remembered what she was supposed to be doing. She fluttered back to the stone anchor at the edge of the chasm, reaching for the forgotten rope. "Just let me tie this bridge real quick, and then we have a deal ... "


Three ghostly forms filled her vision as she looked up in shock.

"It's them ... "

" ... or us."

Rainbow Dash rolled over in her bed, an expression of mental anguish growing on her face as she whimpered in her sleep.

Dash staggered backward as if she had been shot, staring at the other pegasus incredulously. Emotions flickered across her face at lightning speed, and she glanced through the fog across the chasm. Five pairs of puzzled eyes returned her stare, and Twilight Sparkle's voice faintly reached her ears.

"Rainbow! What's taking so long?"

Looking away, Dash could only stare at the ground, wanting more than anything to reply, but finding herself unable to. Snarling slightly, the Shadowbolt turned. Her eyes burned behind her goggles, and the fog seemed to intensify, masking all sight and sound of Rainbow's friends, effectively cutting off communication.

Rainbow Dash stood alone, in a sea of mist, with an impossible decision to make.

The fate of Equestria was pitted against everything she had ever dreamed.


Dash grit her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut. She opened them again, staring into the Shadowbolt's face.


The grey-winged pegasus smiled triumphantly.

Rainbow Dash gazed back steadily. "All my life I've dreamed of a chance like this."

She blinked in resolution and stepped closer.

"I choose you."

Wait, what?

Dash thrashed once, her cloud covers tangling around her. What the hay was she doing?

All three Shadowbolts smiled thinly. Their smiles would have seemed malicious to anypony watching, yet to Rainbow Dash they were true smiles of welcome as the floodgates of her life were thrown wide open.

"Excellent ... Captain Dash. Come with us, and we will begin."

Rainbow Dash's hooves balled into fists as she began to toss more violently. No! Lost in her nightmare, she watched herself walking away with the Shadowbolts through the dissipating fog, deep into the night.

A night that was soon to become permanent.


"Gah, no!"

A shivering, sweating pegasus launched up out of bed, blinking furiously and holding back tears.

The red light beneath Canterlot Castle intensified briefly, and a low chuckle seemed to rumble throughout the dungeons. Excellent.

The angry crimson glare faded to a dull glow. The spirit allowed its target a period of peace before its next attack.

Managing to calm herself down as her anxiety started to recede, Rainbow Dash fell into slumber once again. There was scarce an hour left before dawn.


The wailing tones of an air raid siren blared over the PA system of the Cloudiseum. That was her signal. Just out of view, near the exit of the performers' waiting area, Rainbow Dash stretched her wings and jumped in place a few times, working every last bit of tension out of her muscles. She licked her lips, awaiting her cue. Her heart pounded in excitement, threatening to explode through the breast of her newly fabricated Wonderbolts flight suit.

She reached up, pulling her flight goggles down over her eyes. She was ready.

"And now, fillies and gentlecolts, introducing our newest member ... "

Spitfire's voice reverberated through the stadium as she yelled into a headset tucked inside her flight mask.

Rainbow Dash flexed her wings one last time and grinned, savoring the moment.

" ... Rainbow Dash!"

Dash shot out into the center of the arena, a rainbow streak trailing behind her, Celestia's sun warm on her wings after the comparative coolness of the cloud tunnel. She was greeted by a huge roar as the gritty opening power chords of "Indestructible" began to play over the sound system. Circling the arena, she swept low over the crowd, smiling widely, fist raised in greeting. Hundreds of other pegasi returned the gesture as the rainbow blur passed over them.

She completed her lap around the stands and joined the other Wonderbolts in the center of the arena, hoofbumping Rapidfire with a slightly competitive grin. Joined by Spitfire and Soarin, they blasted straight up as one, leaving quadruple parallel air trails behind them, Rainbow Dash's own multicolored beam contrasting sharply with Spitfire's bright orange flaming wake. The crowd strained their eyes upward.

At the height of their climb, the four pegasi broke apart on an unspoken signal, branching out into a cloverleaf pattern, making four separate vertical Immelman turns, and rejoining again in the center just inches apart, now nosediving straight downward. The team had already performed most of their more reserved tricks, and Spitfire wanted to introduce Dash in style.

Four air trails became one as the pegasi shot earthward, close enough to touch, yet never so much as brushing feathers. Four pairs of hooves stretched stiffly ahead as a mach cone began to form. Dash glanced at Spitfire, flying in formation across from her. Catching her idol's eye, Rainbow winked. Now.

The three veteran members moved to the outside and began to corkscrew, drilling through the air; the mach cone doubled in size, crackling and hissing with energy. At a shout from Dash, they separated, spinning gracefully away in ever-increasing concentric spirals. They were just in time to avoid the shockwave as their massive cone exploded in a glorious display of rainbow fireworks. The crowd was stunned speechless for just a moment, then roared in approval, chanting Dash's name wildly. Rainbow Dash burst from the aftermath in a vivid trail of colors, swooping over the crowd once more, barrel rolling over and over as her trail helixed behind her. She absorbed the applause, feeling it warming her numb body, a smile spreading uncontrolled over her face as she waved in acknowledgement. This ... is what I was born to do.

As she slowed her pace and glided lower to acknowledge the crowd one last time, her attention was caught by something at the edge of her vision. She turned to glance at one of the cloud boxes, and her eyes widened behind her goggles.

Five familiar ponies were watching her with a mix of awe and sorrow.

Dash could only stare, her mouth hanging open as her eyes began to well.

After everything ... after I deserted them ... even after what I said to them ... they're still there for me.

What have I done?

A large pillar behind the stands loomed in Dash's path.

She didn't even try to avoid it.

"Rainbow!" Twilight's cry rang out an instant before Dash was jarred by the impact.


"Rainbow! Dash! You okay?"

Dash snapped her eyes open as the early light of morning flooded her bedroom. Untangling the ruined covers from around her, she wiped her eyes with one hoof, realizing that she had been crying in her sleep.

Sitting up in bed, she glanced at the window. A familiar blond mailmare was peering in at her worriedly, her odd eyes widened even more than usual in concern. "Sorry, Dash, I know it's early. But I happened to peek in and saw you moaning and thrashing around like crazy. You sure you're all right?"

Dash ran a hoof through her disheveled mane, taking a deep breath. "Yeah. Yeah, I'm cool, Derpy. Just ... just a nightmare."

Derpy turned away. Glancing back one last time, she nodded in affirmation and took off, carrying on with her early morning delivery schedule.

Dash groaned. No point in trying to sleep in this morning. She rose slowly from her cloud mattress and stumbled wearily into the bathroom, dousing her face with the coldest water she could stand. Raising her head, she looked blearily at her water-slicked reflection in the mirror.

A nightmare, she had said.

Deep down, she wasn't so sure.

Her eyes flicked down to her flank, her brightly hued cutie mark standing starkly against her cyan coat.

How could it be a nightmare when it felt so right?

Brow furrowed, she stepped out of her bathroom and over to her closet. Brushing her Gala dress aside, she reached deep into the darkest corner of the space and pulled out a rough, locked wooden box. Setting it on top of her fluffy cloud dresser, she opened the top drawer and produced a tarnished brass key. Hoof shaking slightly, Dash worked the lock and threw back the lid.

A folded letter lay on top, the date on the postmark from nearly ten years prior. The page itself was slightly yellowing after so many years, but the Wonderbolt symbol on the outside as vivid as the day Dash had received it. Rainbow had it memorized by heart, but she removed the letter from its envelope and opened it anyway. Today she needed to see the words for herself.

Dear Ms. Rainbow Dash,

After your spectacular achievement at last year's Best Young Flier's competition, and after long deliberation, it is my honor to extend to you this formal invitation to join our prestigious ranks as the Wonderbolts' newest member.

I realize this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; however, as I am aware of your current position, as well as your status as the Element of Loyalty, please allow me to offer this chance with a word of warning.

No doubt you understand that this decision cannot be made lightly. Becoming a Wonderbolt is a tremendous privilege, but also an immense responsibility. Realize that you must be prepared to devote your life to this responsibility, just as I have. You must be ready to sacrifice everything ... including those you hold dearest to you.

We ask that you weigh your options carefully. Feel free to respond when you have made your decision.



Rainbow read through the short letter twice. She had never replied.

Could she have turned away from everything she loved ... to go after everything she dreamed?

Was it too late?

Still lost in thought, Dash turned back to the box. Two more items lay in the bottom, side by side. Rainbow pulled them out together.

One, a pair of genuine Wonderbolts flight goggles. They had been a gift from Soarin after the Best Young Flier's competition so many years ago.

The other, a heavy, ornate golden necklace, a single crimson lightning bolt shimmering at its center. Preserved by powerful magic, it had not tarnished, despite its age.

Dash set them down together on the dresser. Picking up the flight goggles in both hooves, she stared at their tinted lenses for a moment. Slowly, she pulled them down past her ears and over her eyes. Through a slightly yellow haze, she raised her head and contemplated herself in the large oval mirror standing on the dresser top.

This felt so ... natural ... like they were a part of her.

It's them or us.

... once-in-a-lifetime opportunity ...

As the pegasus stood staring dazedly at her reflection, a blind haze of regret suddenly overtook her.

Her right hoof clenched, and then lashed out. Shards of the broken mirror littered the dresser and the cloud floor around it.

The loud crash snapped Dash out of her trance. She blinked in shock, beginning to comprehend the stinging pain as her hoof oozed blood from a deep gash.

What am I doing?

This isn't me.

Rainbow slowly pulled the goggles from her face, putting them down gently amidst the shattered remains of the mirror. Scooping up the jeweled necklace, the Element of Loyalty held it experimentally against her throat, reaching behind her neck to fasten the clasp. She stepped across the room into the growing light, watching deep red darts of radiance dancing and sparkling across the walls. At that moment, anypony watching would have seen a bit of intensity return to the colors of Dash's mane.

Staring out the window, the weatherpony sighed in relief. She was sure again of who she was.

She was Rainbow Dash, fastest flyer in Equestria.

And Element of Loyalty.

She began to reach for the clasp of her necklace, then hesitated. Leaving it fastened, she turned resolutely to the door and stepped out onto the stairwell, slowly beginning to descend. Dash was never big on superstition or good-luck charms, but today ... she decided that it couldn't hurt.

Whatever was happening to her ... she was ready to give it the fight of its life.


A single beam of morning light darted through the one window in the ceiling of the dungeon, lancing across the room to strike the wooden door. The intense red glow had faded, yet another grim chuckle echoed through the darkness.

Discord reflected upon the past night, upon his revelation.

Loyalty ...

He had always sensed something unique about that particular element, yet he could never quite put his finger on it ... that is, until just a few hours ago.

Discord reflected upon his short-lived escapades nearly a decade before, when for a time he had managed to turn the Elements of Harmony against each other. Most of them had been simply a reversal of polarity, much like a two-way switch ... Applejack could be made either honest or dishonest, much like Pinkie Pie could be made to either laugh or cry. Turning them against their Element was all well and good, but Discord was looking for more. He wanted control.

The one they called Rainbow Dash, though ...

Loyalty was a fickle thing, Discord mused. It could be manipulated. It differed from the other elements in one thing ... it had a target.

So what if this target could be changed? What if Dash were loyal to something else?

Discord had unwittingly used this exact strategy to turn Rainbow initially. He had simply offered another target, and ensured that Dash couldn't save both. The embodiment of chaos laughed maniacally at his own accidental brilliance. Rainbow Dash would have broken her loyalty regardless of the choice she made.

It had worked once. Who's to say it wouldn't work again?

And with enough pressure, who's to say that Dash wouldn't shift her loyalty ... permanently?

All Discord needed was the right bait ... and he knew exactly what to use.

A sigh came from the statue as the red light in its chest dimmed and finally winked out entirely.

He'd wait. He'd try again.

Discord was confident he could wear Rainbow Dash down.

He had all the time in the world.

Comments ( 13 )

wow! good thing I have read it. This smells like a five star story and a factor box story. Congrats with the fist fave. You have eared it


Thanks mate. Glad to hear you enjoyed it, I just kind of threw this one together in a day. :derpytongue2:

813884 and FIRST POST

I like it so far. Interesting story.

Really cool, i hope your planning on a sequel or something, because I want to see how this turns out.


The suspense...THE SUSPENSE!!



Excellent story, very well written, and the whole concept is great. (Even more so since i read that you threw this together in a day)

So much suspense to leave us on, i hope you write the next part!

Really liked it. Hoping for a sequel.


Wow. You write Rainbow's character better than anybody else on this site. :fluttercry: Gorgeous story, man.

Thanks. I do fight a bit of a failure complex, and after Sonic Rainboom, I pretty much latched on to Dash right away. Part of the reason that I find her so easy to write is just because she's... well, me.

Fantastic story! It's very well written and I greatly enjoyed reading it. Keep up the great work.

Wow, with a couple of alterations, this could be something that happened between seasons 1 and 2. Yep, that’s what I’m going with.

Awesome story!

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