• Published 4th Sep 2016
  • 418 Views, 5 Comments

To 'Protect' the Sun and Moon - General Tyrus

For one Royal Guard, protecting two Ponies is the only thing that matters to him, and whatever games they want him to play is just apart of the 'work'.

  • ...

Flying & Fire

Edge was sitting outside of Luna and Celestia’s room, leaning against the wall as he looked over his helmet, looking at himself in the reflection, “I need to be a lot more careful with what I say to the queen…” He’d mutter, wiping at a scuff with his fetlock, grimacing at it.

He’d continue with this for a little while, before hearing a voice in the room, “Mither Edge?” It was Luna, and he couldn’t help but smile, standing up, and putting on his helmet, before heading inside, grinning as Luna rushed him, wrapping her little legs around his own, “You back!” She’d say, giggling happily, causing Edge to smile at her, ruffling her mane, “I never left Luna, I was just outside.” He explained, sitting down in front of her, after closing the door.

Luna giggled and eventually laughed an adorable little laughter, then stood, trotting to her toy box, openning it, beginning to rummage through, Edge trotting over to see what she was doing.

She turned, and held out a plushie doll to Edge, and his eyes widened, “It’s you!” Luna said happily, waving it around, causing Edge to laugh, “Oh my goodness! It is!” He’d say, scooping her up into a hug, “Did you have this made?” He asked, to which she nodded, “I asked mumma.” Luna would say, nuzzling his chest, “Mumma was happy I wanted it!” She’d say, grinning at him, Edge smiling back.

Luna would stumble away, and pull out more of the dolls, smiling, “Wanna play?” She’d ask, to which edge nodded, sitting next to her, beginning to play with the dolls.


A little while later, Edge could hear the door to the room open, and a squeal. Before he could fully turn around, he could feel Celestia slam into his side, hugging him tightly, “Edgy! You’re here!” She said, squealing with delight. Edge just smiled and laughed, rubbing her head, “Where have you been Cell?” He’d ask, to which she answered, “Mom wanted me to see the court today, and sit in on it.” Edge just nodded, and held one of the plushies to her, which she took.

Luna grinned at them, “Are we pwayin’ castle again?” she’d ask, grinning widely, beaming at Edge, who just grinned, “I suppose we could!” He’d say, scooping Luna up into his forelegs, nuzzling her forehead, causing her to giggle madly.

“Mind if I join in?” Thyra would say, just behind Edge, who promptly jumped in place, holding Luna to his chest as he whirled around, “No!” He’d yell, startled, before realizing who it was, “Oh.. I’m sorry Ma- Thyra… You could play too.” He’d say, slumping down, setting down Luna, who was dazed by all the sudden movement.

Thyra let out a light giggle, covering her mouth with a hoof, then would sigh, picking out the doll that looked like her, smiling at it, before Luna would say, “Mither Fluffybutt saved you!” She cheered, holding out the doll of Mr Fluffybutt. Thyra bit her lip, then laughed, ruffling Luna’s mane, “My hero!” She’d say, giggling at her daughter, who squealed in delight at her mother’s affection.

Edge would watch them, smiling as he had the thought of having a family, “Seems nice…” He’d mutter, causing Thyra to look at him, smiling warmly, “It is nice Ser Edge… I imagine you’d make a fine parent.”

Edge was a bit stunned, “How did you..?” She giggled again, and he felt his chest tighten, “I’m the Queen, Edge, I know a great many things… Magic helps too.” She’d say, laughing gently.

Edge would give a nervous chuckle, “Right, magic.” He’d say, rubbing the back of his head when he felt a tug on his tail, turning to see Celestia beaming at him, “PLay with me! Mommy can play with Luna…” She’d say, looking at the other two ponies in question, seeming upset. Edge would scoop her up, “We could go for a fly!” He’d say, then hear a cough behind him.

“I honestly wouldn’t be comfortable with that Edge, they haven’t learnt to properly fly yet.” Thyra would state, looking worried, but this gave Edge an idea, “Oh! Why don’t we teach you two to fly!” He’d say excited, getting squeals from both Luna and Celestia, “Yes!” Luna said, flailing her hooves at him.

Thyra would smile, nodding, “I wouldn’t mind that, I imagine it’d be a good bonding experience.” She’d say, making Edge feel like he’d done something great, “Thank you, Thyra.” He’d say, bowing his head.

“And maybe later Me, the girls, and you could have a bubble bath.” She’d say, and he could feel his hurt tighten in the most painful of manners, “Oh… You… Remembered that.” He’d mutter, and she laughed lightly, “I imagine that you could run a hot bubble bath.” Please stop, I like living. He’d think to himself, squirming in place, Celestia puffing out her cheeks, annoyed.


They found themselves in the courtyard, where they were under watch by a few Royal guards, one of which was Thyra’s personal Guard, Tyrus. He would a large Pegasus, unnaturally so, but he was loyal, and Thyra trusted him.

Luna and Celestia were running around, laughing happily as Edge began to think of how to do this, when Thyra nudged his side with a hoof, giving him a start, “Edge, I imagine that you could lift them with you magic, and let them see how gravity feels on them?” She’d suggest, which lead Edge to wondering why she hadn’t thought them to properly fly yet, not that he voiced this concern.

Edge would nod, smiling, “That is a good idea.” He’d say, looking at the two foals, smiling warmly as they chased each other, chuckling quietly.

Luna would giggle, rushing to Edge, “Are we fwyin’ soon?!” She’d ask, pressing her hooves on his chest, causing him to laugh, and ruffle her mane, “Of course we are, just play a little longer while I get ready.”

Luna would gallop back to Celestia, while Edge thought of a way to go about this plan, and eventually decided to go with Thyra’s plan. Trotting to the Foal, smiling as they suddenly bumped into each other, trying to sit in front of him, “Are you to ready for me to teach you how to fly?!” He’d ask, grinning as they squealed in excitement, but then Luna asked, “But you has no wings!”

Edge hadn’t thought about it, he’d only been thinking of ways to having fun with them, and sat down, stumped. Thyra laughed behind him, “He’ll levitate you both, and I shall guide you both through it!” She said, happy about spending time with her children.

Edge nodded, standing back up as Luna and Celestia prepared themselves. He’d begin by slowly taking hold on Luna carefully in his magic, slowly lifting her first, bringing her close, booping his snout to her’s, causing her to giggle.

Thyra would watch him, smiling warmly as she thought of the way he cared for her children, and could only feel happiness at how happy they were with him. Thyra couldn’t help but think of how things would be if she’d been a regular pony, who had meet with him instead of King Thane. Shaking her head, she blushed, giggling quietly to herself, smiling at the thought.

“Alright, so what you need to do sweety, is start to gently flap your wings, not too fast.” Thyra would say, smiling at Luna, who nodded, and started to do as stated.

Celestia sat down beside Edge as she looked on in awe, finding the fact he was levitating another pony amazing.

Edge started to notice it was getting slightly easier to lift Luna as she flapped her wings, and so he began to loosen his magic grasp, which didn’t seem to affect Luna. She seemed to get more excited, giggling happily, “Fwying!” She cried out, causing Thyra and Edge to smile, Celestia giggling aloud.

Edge could feel happiness in him, the thought of being able to teach a foal, and a princess at that, it made him feel like he was worth something more than another soldier.

Edge loosened his grip further, and his eyes widened when Luna shot free from his grasp all together, whizzing around, “YAY!!!” She yelled, very much excited, before ramming into Thyra who grunted and let out a laugh, hugging Luna tightly, “Oh my goodness! You did wonderful Luna!” She said, nuzzling Luna’s forehead, Luna beaming proudly.

Celestia huffed, “I wanna fly too!” She said in a rather annoyed tone, getting a chuckle from Edge, “Then you need to ask politely, Cell.” He’d say, rubbing her head, Celestia flailing her forelegs at his hooves, giggling.

Edge proceeded to do the same thing with Celestia, levitated her, and both he and Thyra led her through the motions, and soon enough, she was flying, sort of. SHe didn’t seem to have the hang of balance, and she continued to flop onto the group after only a few feet.

“I can’t fly right?!” She asked, before suddenly shrieking, startling Luna, Thyra, and Edge, who approached quickly, “Celestia! You need to not get so upset-” “Why can’t I fly?!” She screamed at him, her horn lighting up suddenly, a blaze of fire coming from it, hurtling towards Edge, who froze, watching as it got closer to him.

He could hear the yelling, and it confused him, it wasn’t that strong, but it had startled him greatly. When his vision returned, he could see both Luna and Celestia sobbing, holding onto his forelegs, “I- I- I’m sorry Edge! I *hic* It wasn’t on propose!” Celestia choked out between sobs, Luna sniffling loudly now as she nuzzled his cheek.

It was now that he realized he’d been knocked onto his back, and Thyra was currently standing above him, her horn glowing as he felt warmth in his chest.

“What… It didn’t hurt that bad Celestia…” Edge said weakly, wincing as he chuckled. Thyra winced as he laughed, “Stop moving, it seems that you went unconscious for a few moments.” She’d mutter, doing work on something he couldn’t see.

Edge coughed, and then laughed, “I’m fine, I’m just glad that the girls are alright.” he’d rub Celestia’s cheek with a hoof, “You need to be more careful, Celly.” He’d say, looking up at see Thyra smile, “I think you should be okay now.” She’d say, helping him to stand up.

Edge slowly got up, feeling pain in his chest now, “Oh gods… What happened anyway… I only saw the fireball…” He’d say, rubbing his chest, when he felt the lack of fur, and the scar like flesh instead.

Looking down, the was a large scar on his chest now, and visible blood trails rubbing from it that’d soaked his fur, “Oh… Oh no, Celestia, I’m… I’m fine now, I’m sorry that it happened.” He said, pulling her into a close and warm hug, nuzzling her cheek, Celestia sniffling quietly against him as he rocked back and forth.

Thyra took Luna into her arms, kissing her cheek, “Edge is fine Luna, see.” She’d say, motioning to him, and Luna sniffled, “But… But he hurt!” She’d say, crying more.

Edge felt like someone had punched him, and he tried to make the two cheer up, “Hey, why don’t we all just go lay down in bed, snuggle up and read a book?” He’d say, getting nods from Luna and Celestia, both who struggled to stop their sniffles. Thyra nodded, smiling, “Oh good, I suppose that’d be good if what just happened.” She agreed.

They all made their way back to the bedroom for Celly and Luna, where Edge slowly climbed onto the bed, laying down as Luna and Celly climbed on after him, snuggling up to him on either side. He smiled, and levitated over one of the books, Thyra watching as she sat beside the bed, levitating a brush he used to fix Luna and Celestia’s manes.

“Once upon a time, the the Old Gryphon Territories, there were beings known as the Varl.” He’d begin, smiling as the two had calmed down, and paid great attention to him. It made him smile, “They were known as great warriors, and just as tall as they were great.”

Author's Note:

Let me know of any problems, and just leave questions and tips.
Have a nice day!

Comments ( 2 )

Excellent story keep up the good work.

Thank you very much

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