• Published 4th Sep 2016
  • 418 Views, 5 Comments

To 'Protect' the Sun and Moon - General Tyrus

For one Royal Guard, protecting two Ponies is the only thing that matters to him, and whatever games they want him to play is just apart of the 'work'.

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A Call for Protection

Mithral Edge was very excited, and he had to make sure he looked nice for today. Checking in a mirror, he grinned at himself. Silver mane, Black fur, bright Blue eyes. His cutie-mark was a sight with a sword in it, reminding him of his double talent, archery and swordsponyship. Smiling, he began trotting down the halls.

It was a big day for Edge, even if it was late in the day, he was going to go and sign up for one of the supposedly greatest tasks for a Guard. It involved guarding two very important Ponies in Canterlot, he couldn’t imagine who they were though.

What if it’s the Arch-Mage and his Assistant? The King and Queen? Nah…

He was very excited as he trotted down the halls, smiling brightly, his armor not weighing too much on him, only consisting of a chest piece and nasal helmet. Polished to the point of being like that of a mirror. He thought he’d be a perfect Pony for the job, since he tried to respect his superiors and the King…

It was while he thought about that, that he realised he never really got to see the Queen that much, which was sad. She was beautiful. Her white coat and red mane, which flowed in the wind, made her look majestic. Coughing aloud, getting looks from some stationed guards, he realised he was getting off track.

Trotting quickly, he continued through the halls, taking turns and going up a few flights of stairs, he finally reached the door that lead into a ‘Register Office’.

Letting out a held breath, he knocked on the door twice, and clearing his throat.

“Come in.” he heard a feminine voice say. It was soft, and almost like they were singing. Putting on a warm smile, Edge opened the door and entered.

Closing the door and looking up at the owner of the voice however, brought a sense of shock and surprise to him. The Queen, Thyra, someone he didn’t really expect to see today. His mouth hanging agape as she only smiled at him, sitting behind a desk as she brought a hoof to her mouth, letting out a giggle.

Thyra calmed herself moments later, speaking, “Please, you should close your mouth, you might just catch a fly.” This was enough to snap Edge out of his daze, and he shook his head, nodding quickly thereafter, “Yes ma’am, sorry ma’am.” he said quickly, snapping to attention. This only made Thyra smile more.

“So, I believe you’ve come for the position, yes?” Thyra asked, looking around the room, staring at some paintings on the walls.

Edge nodded quickly, bringing his hoff from his head, “Yes ma’am, i-” “Please do stop calling me ‘ma’am’, it makes me feel old.” she said simply, looking at him, her smile warm and caring. Edge nodded again, taking a breathe as he relaxed, “Yes, I’m here to sign up for the position to guard the… uh… What am I going to be guarding?” he asked, confused now.

Thyra stood, “Follow me please, I have a test for you, Edge.” she said, heading towards a door to the left that Edge hadn’t noticed, and began following her. Once they went through, she closed the door, and in the room was two little ponies, one midnight black and the other a bright white. Thyra smiled warmly at them.

“Girls.” Thyra said, getting there attention from a book they’d been reading. They both suddenly rushed over, clinging to Thyra’s legs, smiling, “Mumma!” the midnight one said, nuzzling Thyra’s leg. Edge smiled, it was all very cute, but he soon began to realise something, “What exact would I be guarding?” he asked again, feeling dread well up within him.

Thyra looked at him, grinning, “My daughters. Luna and Celestia.” she said simply, motioning to them, “You’re the only one who seemed interested in the position, and so, as a test, you’re to watch over them for the next few hours until I’m done with the Royal Court.” she said, her face falling as she got to the end of the sentence. Edge nodded slowly, and watched as Thyra left, leaving two little ponies in his company.

Oh boy.


“Another cup of tea, Ser Edge?” Celestia asked, holding a plastic kettle, toward him and his tea cup. He was wearing a cape, and pretty snazzy hat, “Yes, I’d love some.” Edge said, smiling as she poured him some more air tea. Taking a sip, he grinned, “Just as delicious as the first one!” he said, making her beam with happiness, her cheeks puffing up as she grinned.

Luna was playing by herself near by, using books to build what Edge could only assume was some kind of castle. Standing, Edge set down his cup, “I must excuse myself.” he said, slowly trotting over to Luna and sat down outside the castle. Luna slowly looked up at him, and smiling brightly, “Hello!” she said, then grabbed another book, stacking it atop another.

Edge reached over, rubbing Luna’s head, making her giggle as she flailed her hooves at his. This is far better than guarding some doors. He thought, pulling his hoof away, beginning to help her stack.

“What’ca doin’?” he heard Celestia ask from behind, and turned around, smiling at her, “Building a castle, wanna help?” Edge asked, and Celestia nodded quickly, her hair whipping about as she did so.

And so they all began building the castle, which was looking surprisingly cool, at least Edge thought so.

Luna had began playing with some plush dolls, most of which looked like Lunar and Solar guards, she even had two plushies of her parents. Edge watched, smiling, as Luna made it look like the King and Lunar guards were protecting Thyra from the Solar guards. Edge laughed, causing Luna to look up at him, “Wanna play?” she asked, holding a soldier out to him. Edge nodded, taking the plush, “You’re Captain Fluffybutt!” she said, grinning, and Edge could only smile.


Chaos, it was all that Fluffy could think of the scene around him, ponies fighting each other, massive rocks flying through the air and slamming into the castle walls, knocking them down, a torrent of Solar ponies flowing through.

Realising that staying there was pointless, he took a small group of Lunar guards with him around and into one of the towers, heading to the top, hoping to get a better view of the battle.

Once at the top, he and his men gasped, seeing the evil Giant, Celestia, her evil grin beaming as she broke through one of the castle walls, her army flooding through. Fluffy knew they needed to get to the throne room, to protect the King and Queen.

Fluffy and his men jumped from the tower, falling a great distance before landing, dust being kicked up from the impact.

An ambush! Solar ponies rushed at them, and his men fought them back, buying Fluffy time to retreat.


“Why did he leave his ponies behind?” Celestia asked, cutting into the fun. Edge smiled, ruffling her mane, “He didn’t leave them, they saved him and allowed him to get to the throne room.” “Oh…” Celestia thought, thinking that was very noble of the ponies.


Fluffy continued to gallop, rushing into the throne room, where he could see the King fling himself at a Solar pony, tackling the pony down and pummeling him.

Rushing over, he help dispatch of the vile pony and smiled at the king, who grinned back, “It’s good to see you Fluffybutt! We’re under attack!” the King said, his voice cracking for some reason.

The queen rushed over, “Oh thank goodness, Fluffybutt, I was so scared you’d been hurt!” she said quickly, sounding like a child, but Fluffy thought nothing of it, saluting as he looking at the sorry group of soldiers about.

Some were sitting down, others slumped against the walls, not even looking like they knew a battle was raging, others were laying down, just blinking every now and then, looking bored.

Suddenly, the throne room shook, and the ceiling fell away, causing rubble to fall in, and nearly land on the Queen, but Fluffy quickly leapt at her, knocking himself and her aout of the way.

Standing, and looking around, he couldn’t see much do to the dust and had to wait for it the clear, but he could hear the childish screams of the Solar ponies, they were coming to fight!

“Ponies! To arms!” he yelled, and the soldiers began rushing about, ready for the fight now, suddenly filled with life, that would soon be taken away.

Suddenly, Solar ponies charged through the dust, rushing at him, his new men, and the queen.

“For Equestria!” both Edge and Luna yelled, laughing as the levitated the plushies at the other ones, but Celestia only stood there, “Why are you two Equestria? I want to be Equestria!” she said, stomping a hoof down, looking at Edge, who only frowned, “But… You’re attacking us?” he asked/said, confused.

Celestia looked around, and looked at the queen plushy, Luna’s favorite, and magiced it from Luna’s grasp, causing Edge to stand, “Celestia.” he said firmly, but Celestia shook her head, Luna sniffling as she watched Celestia.

“I want to be Equestria!” she yelled, getting loud, using her magic to pull on the plushy’s head, causing Edge to use his magic, yanking it from Celestia, giving it back to Luna, who hugged it tightly. Celestia slumped down, letting out a choked sob, “I’m not the bad ponies…” she said, and Edge trotted to her, hugging her, “I know you’re not.” he said, Celestia hugging him back.

“Wanna keep playing?” Edge asked, to which Celestia nodded, “But I wanna be Equestrian.” she said, staring at him with big puppy dog eyes, puffing out her cheeks. Edge nodded.

“Okay, I have an idea.” he said simply.


As the battle in the Throne room raged on, the ground shook, and through the roof, the ponies could see three giants, the Evil Lord Edge, the Vile Celestia, and the Royal Luna, ready to fight against each other. However, the Evil Lord Edge was far bigger than the both of them, and so, they decided to team up.

Luna swept around the side, crushing ponies beneath her hooves as she rushed to try and tackle the massive monster, Celestia circling to the other side, doing the same.

The Evil Lord Edge, having clearly seen this coming, jumped as soon as the got close to them, causing them to slam into each other, Luna’s horn cutting Celestia’s cheek.


Edge was trying his hardest to calm down Celestia, petting her mane, kissed her cheek, hugged her, nothing would work. Even Luna was crying, sad at the fact she’d hurt her sister.

Eventually, Celestia calmed to only quiet sobs, Luna hugging her tightly, nuzzling her neck. Edge thought it was cute, and went to grab a bandaid. Once he came back, Celestia was hugging the King plush, sobbing quietly. It hurt Edge to see he like that, so he trotted over, sitting beside her.

“Hey.” he said, getting her attention. He scrunched up his face, sticking out his tongue, causing her to giggle, looking away. Luna trotted over, a smile on her face, the Queen plush on her back, wearing a tiny cowpony hat.

Smiled at his work, Edge put the bandaid on Celestia cheek, rubbing it gently with a hoof. Celestia looked up at him, “Can you read us a bedtime story?” she asked, grinning. Edge looked to a clock, noticing it was ELEVEN PM?! It got late quick! Edge smiled at them, nodding, “Of course.”

Leading the two to there bed, Edge looked around for a book, however, noticed at the bookshelf was oddly empty, then quickly remember where they all went. Sighing, he figured he’d just make up a story.

Once Luna and Celestia were nice and tucked in, Edge sat beside the bed, clearing his throat.

“Once upon a time, in the magical land of Equestria.” he began, smiling as the two paid great attention.


Whispering… Someone was whispering.

Edge slowly opened his eyes, realising he must have fallen asleep, considering he was slumped against Luna and Celestia’s bed. They were still neatly tucked in, snoring gently, but the whispering was still there, and Edge looked around, noticing it was still dark out.

Still hearing the whisper, he kept looking around, noticing that the door to the bedroom was open, and slowly began to stand. However, before he could trot to it, he heard Luna speak, “Edge… I had a nightmare.” he turned to her, “Awww, I’m sorry Luna.” he said, going over, giving her a kiss on the forehead, getting a giggle in response.

Edge smiled, going to turn again, “Can you sleep with us?” she asked suddenly, making him pause. He also noticed the whispering stopped. Thinking about it, he sighed, “Sure Luna.” he said, slowly getting into the bed and laying down between them. Feeling Luna snuggle up beside him, he let out a sigh, closing his eyes. Way better than guarding a door.

Author's Note:

I decided to write this because I was feeling stressed, and wanted something to help me relax.

Anyway, let me know about errors in the comments, and enjoy reading.

Good day.