• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,218 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

  • ...

Letting Go


Hikaru and Sky headed to the outer edge of Ponyville where they would split up and go their own ways until their meet up in a few hours.
Hikaru reminded himself of something he had been wondering about earlier.

"Hey Sky?" He asked.
"Hm?" Sky looked up. "What's up?"
"I was wondering about something..." Began Hikaru "I just.....I don't know....I'm really happy you're going with me and all. But...what about you're uncles kite shop? It doesn't seem right for you to just ditch him entirely like this...."
Sky laughed sarcastically. "He wouldn't care. He hardly even knows I'm around half the time. Believe me Hikaru. I am NOT needed there. He only keeps me around to do little things while he goes to gamble with his friends. Don't get me wrong, I love working there, and I do care about my uncle. But I see this as an opportunity to get out and do something different for once. Something kind of adventurous you know?
I haven't really gotten the opportunity to do anything like this before. That reason plus the fact that you need someone around you to make sure you don't kill yourself all the time."
Sky Laughed.

"Its just.." Began Hikaru again. "That...Well...ok look. I can leave. My Dad hates me, I don't know anypony close enough that I would be missed. I got nothing to lose. But you....you have so many ponies around you that know you well and you talk to and see all the time. Its like, why would you give that up?"
Sky didn't say anything for a second. It seemed she didn't know the answer to this herself.
"I don't really know." She replied. "I just feel like....its what I should do."

Hikaru and Sky reached the edge of Ponyville and went their separate ways. Sky heading right into Ponyville, and Hikaru snaeking around the back alleys to get to his house.

Sky walked into Ponyville and headed toward the kite store which had her living space upstairs.
"Hi Sky!" Called a young Pony who had bought a kite from the shop in the past.
Sky waved and continued on to the store.
'Why am I so ok with leaving all the behind...' She thought to herself. 'I do still like Ponyville...'
She heard some adults laughing and recognized one of the voices as her uncle.
Sure enough, across the street was her uncle and his friends laughing it up at the coffee shop.
'So typical." Thought Sky. 'I bet he didn't even lock up the store did he.'
Sky walked down the street up to the front of the store and checked the door.
The door opened.
"Ha!" She laughed, and walked into the store.
Passing by the endless rows of kites, Sky recalled memories of growing up in the store. All the ponies she had met, the fun times she had. Lots of memories within the walls of the store.
But she had to focus.
Sky quickly moved past the kites and to the back of the store to the stairs that led to her room.
She quickly ran upstairs and grabbed her saddle bag from the closet.
'I better not bring too much....' She thought. 'Then again, we have no idea where we are going, so maybe I should bring more.....no that will just be a burden...'
Sky started to realize the craziness of what she was doing. Leaving a home and friends, all to run off to somewhere with no idea what would await her there? Why was she doing this?
She couldn't think of a completely logical reason why, other than the fact that she cared allot for Hikaru and wanted to make sure he was ok.
Sky sighed.
"I am such a good friend.....too good for my own good."
Sky finished packing and then noticed her writing materials on the desk.
She stared at them for a second, then walked over, grabbed the pen, a sheet of paper, and started writing.

Sky's uncle Current walked into the store.
'I could have sworn I saw Sky walk in...' He thought.
"Sky?" He called. "You in here?"
No answer.
'Maybe she went to her room? Haha, that girl, can't even watch the store.'
He walked up the stairs to the room. He was surprised to find the door open.
He walked in.
"Sky? You in here? Wha- whats this?"
Current spied what appeared to be a letter on Sky's bed.
He walked over and read the letter.

Dear Uncle.

I know you are probably wondering where in the hay I am by now.
I decided that it was time for me to go out and experience more in life, try to find new things, new experiences. Just to get myself out there.
I am leaving with a friend and we are going to go on this journey together to wherever life will take us I guess.
I didnt' tell you cause I know you wouldn't have let me go. Which by the way, would be for selfish reasons I know. Face it uncle, you only cared that I was around so that I could do all the work so you could go off and hang out with your friends. You never hardly did anything for me, hardly even noticed I was around most of the time. And you never once in my whole life ever told me you were happy with me. The words I heard all the time coming out of your mouth was "Sky, you're late opening the store," Or "You should be able to sell more than that." Well I'm not doing it anymore. I know you shouldn't have any issue finding somepony else to hire for all the work you are too lazy to do yourself.
Im sorry if I sound like a total jerk right now. But I won't lie about how I feel. I'm just sorry this is how it ended up being.
So I hope the business stays successful. And Ill be back one day, Ill come and visit someday. For now though, I know that this is what I have to do.




Hikaru was hiding behind a large dumpster as he watched some ponies who worked at the styling salon walk by. Hikaru has gotten his mane done a few times there so he didn't want to be recognized.
The 3 ponies walked by heading towards a popular coffee shop and went inside.
Hikaru peeked out from behind the dumpster to check to see if anypony else was heading his way, then quickly dashed across the street toward his house.
He knew that Storm would not be home as he was working at the hotel.

Hikaru went to the back of the house and quickly went through the back door.
'I'm gonna miss this place...' Thought Hikaru as he quickly ran to his room.
He gathered the things he needed, (Which included his music player of course) and quickly stuffed them in his bag. Not being the organizing type, he randomly grabbed the things he wanted and smashed them into the bag until the bag was overflowing with random items.

"Hmmm" Said Hikaru to himself. "Maybe I don't need sooo much."
He removed some of the items he figured he wouldn't need. "I guess I don't need these records.." He said tossing them aside. "I doubt Ill have the opportunity to use them, and I obviously can't bring my turntables." Along with the records, he tossed aside many other items that really didn't make any sense to bring. Mane dye, Old vintage film camera, paint brushes, empty picture frame, color changing bird ornament, frisbee, can of spray paint, recipe book, and a harp.
"Where in the hay did I even get this harp from?" Said Hikaru aloud. "I don't even remember ever getting this. Argh whatever." Hikaru's bag was now much more reasonably packed, and much much lighter as well.

Hikaru started to head out the door but then stopped.
Looking around the room, Hikaru remembered all the memories he had growing up in this room. Lots had happened, and it felt a big odd to be leaving the place he knew so well. But he knew that this was what he had to do, and nopony was going to stop him.

'Ill miss all of this.' Thought Hikaru. 'But it time to move on...'

And with that, Hikaru left the room and went out the back door to sneak back out of Ponyville.