• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,218 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

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Hikaru woke up the next day a bit before the sun had risen completely.
A hint of orange mixed in with the blue of the dawn was just showing over the horizon. 'Wow, waking up early, that's a first.' thought Hikaru to himself.

Today was the day. He had it all planned out in his head. He would sneak back into town and to the house, and gather the things he needed to bring from his room. While he was doing this, Sky would gather her things from her place, and they would meet outside of town near the everfree forest before sundown.

There was something on Hikarus mind that was bothering him though. He was very happy that Sky would be going with him on this journey. But he started thinking about the kite shop. She loved the kite shop, and she helped out allot for her uncle who ran the store. If she left, could he handle the business? And wouldn't he be mad that she just got up and left? It sure didn't seem right to him.

He looked over to Sky who was still asleep.
"I should ask her about that." He said aloud.
He looked out the barn doors and noticed the sun was rising over the horizon and slowly but surely, the entire land was being lit up by Celestias Sun.

'Oh I should probably try to find food.' Thought Hikaru. He remembered passing by a pretty large apple orchard along the way to the barn. It would be right over the hill.
'They shouldn't mind if I just took 2.' He thought. 'Its not like its a huge loss to their business.'
This was somewhat true, for as far as Hikaru could see, he saw nothing but acres and acres of apple trees.
He quickly ran up to a tree, and making sure nopony was looking, he swatted two apples off the tree and started to run back to the barn.
Suddenly, he heard a low growl behind him that made him freeze in place.
Hikaru slowly turned to see the source of the growl.
His found himself looking down at a dog, who was apparently very angry with Hikaru taking the fruit from the tree.
"Oh...um....hehe...hi! Umm...Good boy...?"
"Ahhh! Um....."
Hikaru spotted a twig on the ground.
"Um...stick? you want the stick? GO GET IT!"
Hikaru grabbed the stick and tossed it past the dog.
The dog stayed where he was, eyes fixed on Hikaru.
The dog slowly walked toward Hikaru.
"N-n-no! Stay back! BACK!"
The dog continued to move toward him.
"S-s-s-stay back!" Yelled Hikaru backing away.


Sky woke up and was surprised to find that Hikaru was nowhere in the barn.
'Where is he?' She thought to herself.
She wandered outside and looks for any sign of him.
"Oh no! He-he actually left...without me...."
She didn't want to believe it, but given the circumstances, it sure seemed so.
"He wouldn't leave without me....he couldn't...he wouldn't......"
Suddenly, a distant sound caught her attention.
"What is that? It sounds like.....screaming?"


Hikaru was running as fast as he could with the dog right on his heels the entire time.
"NOOOO!!!!!" He screamed desperately trying to escape from the angry dog.
If only he could get into the barn and shut the door, he would be safe!
The barn was just over the hill. He HAD to get there!


Sky looked out toward the hill and finally saw the source of the screaming.
It was HIKARU! And a dog?
"NOOOO!!!!!!" Screamed Hikaru.
"Hikaru?" Yelled Sky, unsure of what to do.
"SKYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!' Yelled Hikaru running by the barn with the dog still right on his tail.

Sky didn't know what to do. She felt very confused.
"What's going on!" She screamed.

"Sky!!!!" Screamed Hikaru running in random shapes around the open field to the side of the barn. "Get in the barn! NOW! And close the barn door half way! GO!"
Sky ran into the barn and did as Hikaru had said.

Hikaru dashed around the barn and then quickly dodged the dog and headed back in the other direction. The dog was confused for a second but quickly got in path to pursue Hikaru. But it was too late. Hikaru jumped through the 1/2 open barn door and slammed the door shut.

Hikaru collapsed onto the floor breathing heavily.
Outside, the dog was very angry and was barking non-stop.

Hikaru looked up at Sky who was standing there looking very confused.
"What was THAT about?" She questioned sternly.
"Hehe...." Laughed Hikaru nervously.
He placed the apples down on the ground.


Back in ponyville, Iris was behind the front counter of the hotel answering phone calls, welcoming guest, the usual.
Storm had started working again after getting his injury taken care of at the hospital.
Needless to say, he was very angry with Hikaru and decided that he would press charges on him once he was found.
Iris found this absolutely ridiculous but she didn't dare question Storm face to face as it would probably lead to her being fired.

She heard Storm leaving his office and walking toward the lobby so she quickly made herself look busy.
Storm did not like seeing any of his employees not working, and he would often yell at anypony he caught who was not actively doing something.

Iris glanced over at the clock and noticed it was 10 after 1.
"Oh wow, I should take my lunch break now, I only have 1 to 1:30..."

Iris decided to get a sandwich at the restaurant around the corner. They always had great food, and at a good price. And with the salary Iris was making, she needed to take every chance she could to save money.

Iris walked out of the hotel and down the street.

'I wonder where Hikaru is now...' Thought Iris to herself. 'I hope he's alright..'


"You STOLE them!"
"No I didn't!"
"Then what do YOU call it?"
"I don't know...."
Sky was quite upset at Hikaru for his actions. Actions that Hikaru saw no problem with.
"Their has to be over 5 millions apples in that orchard Sky!" Said Hikaru loudly. "Its not like they are gonna miss them, or cause a huge blow to their sales. Cmon now. Its not a big deal!"
"ITS STEALING, HOW IS THAT NOT WRONG TO YOU!" Sky was growing quite angry with Hikaru.
"AUGH SKY!" Hikaru was getting frustrated. "It won't be missed, and really, what else is out here for means of food? I say its ok due to survival!"
"We could have gone and grabbed something when we went into town very easily." Said Sky softly. "What you did was unnecessary."

Hikaru was angry with Sky. 'How can she think like this?' He thought. 'I just risked getting caught to bring back some food and instead of being grateful, she YELLS at me?'

Sky was equally angry with Hikaru. 'Really?' She thought to herself. 'How can he think that what he did was ok? stealing is STEALING, no matter the quantity! Ugh, and now he's actually MAD at me? For wanting him to do what's right? Really?"

Both Hikaru and Sky didn't say anything for quite a while.

Hikaru thought about what Sky was saying for a bit.
'She is wrong......I mean cmon...' He thought to himself looking down at the floor.

A bird flew onto the windowsill at the top of the barn.
Hikaru watched it for a second, admiring its unique purple and white coloration.
The bird then flew away from sight.

Hikaru sighed. 'Maybe she did have a point......I don't know....I was just doing what needed to be done though....Ugh, I don't want her to be upset with me...'

Sky was on the other side of the room, also looking down toward the floor.

'Ugh...I hate seeing him mad like this...' Thought sky to herself. 'but really...what he did was totally stupid...'
She glanced over at Hikaru, who instead of looking angry as he did a second ago, looked a bit sad as he looked down on the ground.
Sky sighed.
'Well....he was trying to look out for me...which is nice.....maybe I shouldn't have yelled at him like that....'

"Hikaru..?" Said sky softly.
"Hm?" Hikaru looked up.
"Look....maybe...I shouldn't have yelled like that..."
"No Sky." Interrupted Hikaru. "I think I needed that, for me...to realize...well...maybe I shouldn't have taken those apples..."
"I do appreciate you thinking of looking out for me though." Began Sky. "I guess I just wasn't thinking about that..."

Both were silent for a bit.

"Im sorry..." Hikaru finally broke the silence.
"I am sorry..." Replied Sky quietly.

"Well....." Began Hikaru. "I think its about time we start heading back to Ponyville...gotta gather all of our stuff and whatnot."
"Yeah true" Replied Sky walking over the the barn doors and opening them a bit.
She saw no sign of the dog that had chased Hikaru so she opened the doors fully.

"We better get going then."