• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,221 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

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Hikaru followed the rest as they walked through a small corridor that led to a large side door. The sounds of house music could be heard through to the other side.

"DOOR HANDLE!" Screamed Flash mashing his hooves around the handle desperately trying to open the door.
*Clunk* *clunk* *clunk* "COME ON!" *clunk*
Zen sighed and used her magic to open the door.
Flash bolted out and disappeared from sight.
"He gets way too excited for these kind of things...." Said Beam shaking his head.
"You have no idea..." Said Zen with a sigh. "Oh well. Come on, we'll find him eventually."

Hikaru stepped out from the doorway and found himself immersed in an amazing scene.
The space inside seemed to be quite a bit larger than the outside led him to believe. It was literally the size of an entire flight stadium with what seemed to be thousands of ponies everywhere. Dozens of laser lights and strobe lights flashed above creating an ocean of light and color above. Swinging multi-colored spotlights shone through the fog from a fog machine making interesting glow formations around the room. Up towards the front of the massive area was the main stage with a huge screen in the background that showed dazzling images of color and patterns. And right in front of the massive screen was the incredible DJ set up. A giant table with all sorts of DJ equipment all around. Turntables, MIDI controllers, Other audio controllers and a few laptops, all wired up and connected into the massive and powerful sound system that was strung all throughout the tent.

"Dang...." Said Hikaru looking around.
"Wha?" A grey unicorn stallion wearing large glasses with black messy styled hair stopped in front of Hikaru.
"Wha? Um....Hi?"
"Yeah Hi....do I know you...?
"I...don't think so...?"
"You said my name so...."
"What? I said dang."
"Yeah, Im Dang. Paul Dang actually, but ponies usually just call me Dang."
"Oh....sorry, I was just saying..dang...."
"ISN'T THAT ALWAYS!" Screamed Dang as he ran off toward the bar toward the back of the tent.
"Uh...sorry..?" Hikaru looked off in the direction of Paul Dang. He saw a very large bar area that had quite a few workers behind the counter. All along the back wall were rows and rows of fancy bottles of different varieties of drinks, and a select few ponies were mixing cocktails with fancy flourishes and throws to the dozens of customers lined along the counter.
"Oh great.." moaned Sky as she too noticed the bar. "Flash and Zen are going to get completely trashed by the end of tonight with THAT over there."
"I was thinking the exact same thing." Replied Hikaru taking a quick glance around to see if he could spot Flash anywhere. But he was completely lost in the crowd.

Suddenly, in a blur of grey,blue,and black, The very pony they were looking for zoomed up to Hikaru and the rest with a wild smile on his face. "
"Dude...." Began Beam. "Are you on something?"
"IM ON THE UNIVERSE!!!!!!" Screamed Flash at the top of his lungs which resulted in many turned heads in his direction.

Flash grabbed Beam and shoved him out into the dance floor.
"Hey! Wha-"

"Oh Celestia he has completely lost his mind, oh Celestia help me..." Said Zen hiding her face in her hooves.

Hikaru watched as Flash shoved Beam further into the crowd while Beam protested and tried to head back. But Flash blocked his way and the two soon disappeared from sight.

"Hey what's up?"
'"Wha?" Hikaru turned to see that Cobalt had joined them. "Oh hey you're back. Wake up Vinyl?"
"Yes....and she sleep talks. And apparently does things if woken up suddenly. She hoofed me in the face..." Cobalt rubbed the bruise that was starting to form on his jawline."
"Ouch. You alright?"
"Yeah its fine. She was pretty apologetic. Its all good. She is gonna be on in a few minutes by the way. Take note that once Vinyl comes on, the night is gonna get absolutely crazy. This is when they turn down the lights, turn up the lighting effects, turn up the bass, and crank the volume to maximum. This DJ Spiral Hooves is decent, but it is just an opening act and one that is a pretty new DJ. Everything from after this is what's gonna make this night a night to remember."

With what seemed to be perfect timing. DJ Spiral Hooves finished and waved goodbye to the crowd. Ponies cheered for the awesome set and cheered even louder when the light suddenly went dim.

The entire building was completely pitch black minus some glow and light accessories some ponies had on. The crowd quieted down a bit in anticipation.
Suddenly, a bright white spotlight turned on from under the stage and sent its bright beam upward onto the DJ set-up on stage, and there stood Vinyl, looking very ghostly in the white light.

Immediately, the crowd erupted into a huge cheer as Vinyl grabbed a microphone.
Vinyl was greeted by another earth shattering cheer.
'I will never get used to that.' Thought Hikaru as he felt his ears aching from the volume.
"I know that all of you crazy foals are ready to tear this place apart! So I'm gonna make sure that by the end of my set, that every one of you is gonna be so hyped up, so insanely energized, that you could literally pick up this giant structure and flip it over! I BET THATS WHAT YOU ALL WANT RIGHT?

Again, massive amounts of cheering.

"ALRIGHT! I LOVE IT! Im gonna start us out with some crayyyyyyyyyons crazy dub aight? And we'll just see where we go. Sound legit?"


"Alright! ARE YOU READY?"



Louder cheers.


The light suddenly went out.

"Woah what?" Hikaru was confused. "What just happened?"

Suddenly, a slow ambient track started playing with some occasional heavy beats.
Bright lights and lasers flashed with each beat creating an interesting effect of alternating bright color lights, and pitch black darkness.

"I had a way then losing it all on my own
I had a heart then but the queen has been overthrown
And I'm not sleeping now the dark is too hard to beat
And I'm not keeping now the strength I need to push me"

"Oh I know this!" Said Sky suddenly. "Its called "Lights". Wow this is awesome, Vinyl really changed this up!"

"Lights....Fitting." Said Hikaru jokingly as he was dazzled by the light show surrounding him.

The song escalated into a bass rush and paused as the lights once again went dim.

Once again, much more cheering.

When suddenly...


The bass dropped like a bomb and the entire room was suddenly vibrating to heavy bass and amazing wobble.

"OH MY GOSH!" Yelled Hikaru suddenly becoming quite excited as the lights and lasers madly flashed all around, and ponies on the floor seemed to be thrashing around like mad with the intense bass. Hikaru could feel his whole body shaking. He had never experienced anything like this before and it seemed as if the entire thing was causing him to feel a bit lightheaded.

"Hey um..Sky?"
""Im gonna go sit down over there."
"Sure...you alright?"
"Yeah! Im fine, just gonna rest for a second."
"Alright, Ill be here!"

Hikaru rested on one of the couches that was on the side of the dance floor.
'Why do I feel like this? It doesn't make sense, I am starting to feel kind of sick. What's happening to me?'

Hikaru sat there until the end of Vinyls set. He wanted to get up and get into the crowd but he just wasn't feeling himself.

As Vinyl left the stage and the stagehoofs swapped out some sound equipment, Sky went over to Hikaru to check up on him.

"Hey Hikaru? You alright?"
"I don't even know..." He moaned leaning back on the couch. "I feel faint for some reason."
"You might be dehydrated actually." Sky said noticing that his eyes were red. "When is the last time you drank something?"
"Umm..." Hikaru tried to remember but realized that he couldn't. It must have been quite a while and with all the walking and being in the hot building, it seemed to make sense that it could be the reason for his feeling of sickness.
"Ill get you some water, be right back." Sky ran over to the bar.
'Wow....I guess I should have drunken something at that denneighs we went to.' He thought as he watched Sky asking a bartender for water. 'Gotta be more careful about that.'
Sky soon returned with a tall glass of water with ice. "Oh thanks so much Sky..." Said Hikaru gratefully taking the water and drinking down the entire glass.
"Hopefully you start to feel better in a bit." Said Sky
"Yeah it feels really refreshing, I'm already starting to feel allot better. Thank you."
Sky smiled and hugged him. "I don't want to see you die dude."

The crowd suddenly started screaming once again, and Hikaru looked up onto the stage and noticed a new pony had emerged in front of the turntables.
"Wait...." He said. "Thats the pony..."
"HELLO PONIES OF EQUESTRIA! My name is Ferry Coltsten and I flew out from the Neighterlands to be here with you all and I have to say, from what I have seen, YOU ALL ARE AMAZING!"

Everypony erupted into a loud cheer.

"So lets cut the chit chat and get this thing started! YEAH!"

In a flash, Ferry dropped a beat and immediately started mixing a fast paced trance track.

"Its THE Ferry Coltsten!" Shouted Hikaru. "We gotta get up closer! Come on Sky!"
"Wha?" Sky said as Hikaru pulled her up and onto the floor. "Are you sure you're feeling ok? Maybe you should rest a bit more?"
"Im already feeling better don't worry!" Shouted Hikaru over the loud music. "Come on!"

The two soon arrived near the foot of the stage where Ferry had his equipment all set up. It was an amazing sight up close. Working the equipment with flow and expertise, Ferry made it look easy, even though Hikaru knew that what he was doing was all very complex.

As Ferrys set continued on, Hikaru let himself get lost in the experience, feeling totally separated from any worry or care. Just him, good friends, incredible music, LIVE. Was this heaven? It sure felt like it.

The night went on and the group of 7 were having the time of their lives.

Flash was madly dancing and flailing excitedly all around the dance floor. Much to the dismay of Zen who was content with hanging around Neko as they socialized with others. Beam kept trying to get away from Flash who was trying to hook him up with random Mares but every time he got away, Flash somehow would find him and pull him back. Cobalt disappeared every so often and wouldn't say where he had gone for some reason. Hikaru and Sky ventured onto the floor a few times but for the most part were happy just sitting to the side and taking in the show.

Hikaru was drinking another glass of water when he looked over toward the entrance and noticed a few familiar faces walk in.
He jumped up immediately and ran over.
"Laser!" He shouted as he ran over.
Laser, along with the other three Hikaru had met at the last rave he had gone to had just arrived in time for Aly and Filly's set.

"Hey Hikaru! Nice to see you here!"
"I was wondering where you guys were, I thought that maybe you guys got lost or something."
"Ah no we don't get lost! OW!" Flashfire elbowed Laser in the side. "Hehe....ok maybe I got us a bit off track. But hey we're here now! Its all good! Right guys?"
"You led us to a thrift store." Muttered Tech Hoof.
"Oh well cmon, who doesn't love a good thrift store right?"
The three glared at him.
"Oh whatever, hey, Hikaru, you been working on that stuff I was showing you? Figure out some cool moves?"
"Yeah actually! I can show you later, I brought a few new uncracked sets with me."
"Awesome!' Shouted Laser. "I have a feeling that once Aly and Filly get started, we'll all be feelin it and flowin with it. Can't wait for that!"

They didn't have to wait long, cause Aly And Filly's set started up just then.
"Oh here we go!" Shouted Rush Beat.

Aly and Filly had a very distinctive sound that anypony could easily tell. And the tracks that they were spinning and mixing were absolute magic. It was only a matter of minutes before Laser and his group, along with many other ponies who had come to also share in the glowstick and other lighted rave elements had gone into full swing. Hikaru was a bit nervous at first to join in as he felt that he was a total amateur. But Laser dragged him in and after a few minutes of feeling awkward, Hikaru found himself lost in the music and flowing with the sound.

Hikaru closed his eyes for a second and for a bit, it seemed that everything faded away. He started thinking back. Thinking back about everything that had happened. He had gone through so much these past few weeks. He had gone through many hardships, and many trials, But looking back now, he realized, that it was all worth it. When he really thought about it, this whole journey had changed him. He was no longer the shy timid anti-social teenage earth pony from the past. He was now an adult. He made his own choices, made his own living, and actually had more than one friend now! Although Sky was obviously the best friend he could ever have.
He had learned allot about himself. And learned allot about his friends as well. He had gained new interest, new plans. He felt as if he had a real purpose now. Like he knew what he was doing in life. And as he swung the glowsticks in unique patterns, he felt complete freedom. Not a care in the world. He was free. Free to be who he wanted to be. Nothing holding him back. It was everything he could have wanted, and even more. 'Im somepony now.' He thought to himself. 'Hikaru...yeah.'

"WHA?" Hikaru snapped out of his trance to see that Laser was shaking him.

"Dude! Did you even notice?"
"What? What did I miss? I kinda zoned out there for a bit."
Laser laughed. "You may want to check yourself out in that mirror over there bro."
"The mirror?" Hikaru was confused. "Why?"
"Just do it dude!" Laughed Flashfire. "I think you might be happy about this."

Hikaru walked over the the mirror and looked. "Well...its me.....Woah, my mane is getting flat. I gotta gatsby it again."
"Turn sideways." Said Laser.
Hikaru turned sideways and looked.
"Its still me. Me and my self and I, ya know...I'm not sure what you-"
Hikaru suddenly froze and did a double take. What was this? 'Wait no.... Is it...?'
There it was. On Hikaru's flank, were two glowsticks side by side glowing a bright neon green. But these weren't actual glowsticks, for they were part of his body. Yes indeed. Hikaru had been so lost in his trance that he didn't even notice it appearing. But there t was.

Hikaru, had found his special talent.

"Its....that....I.....NO WAY!"

"That is an EPIC cutie mark I gotta say!." Said Laser hoofing back Hikarus glowstrings that he had dropped on the floor.

"I can't believe it...." Hikaru was still in shock. "This.....oh my gosh....I gotta show Sky! Oh gosh I kinda ditched her when I saw you guys, Ill go find her oh my gosh this is awesome!"

Laser laughed as Hikaru dashed off looking for Sky.
"Guess thats a big highlight in anyponies life."

Hikaru rushed through the crowd looking for Sky.
"Ugh where is she? Oh! There's Flash!"
Hikaru rushed up to Flash who seemed a bit drunk and was trying to hook up Beam with a yellow pegasus mare.
"I really don't know this guy...I really don't...." Beam said feeling completely embarrassed.
"I think he's insane..." Observed the mare. "Like...Im not kidding I think he needs help."

"Flash!" Shouted Hikaru. "Have you seen Sky anywhere?"
"SKYYYYYY" Shouted Flash. "I know Sky. Sky is cool. Sky knows Zen you know. Oh I love Zen..."
"Ugh..." Flash wasn't going to be of any help.

Hikaru ventured deeper into the crowd.
"Oh! There!" Hikaru saw her with Neko and Zen towards the right side of the dance floor. He headed over.
He suddenly noticed that a green unicorn stallion was talking to Sky. "I wonder who that is..." He got closer to listen in.

"Cmon....You know you want to."
"Nah bro, Im sorry but Im just here hanging out with some friends."
"Tell me your name then? Cmon at least you can tell me that."
"Ugh fine, Im Sky."
"Sky....nice name. But really, I saw you from over there, I think you're something special you know. Why don't you dance with me for a while, maybe later we can see where it leads heh?"
"Dude no..."
"Come here I dont bite..."
The stallion put a hoof around Sky.

Something was rising up inside Hikaru. He suddenly felt very angry. He didn't even know this Stallion but some feeling was rising up, and it was making him feel intense rage.

"Hooves off bro." Said Sky swatting his hooves off of her. "Just leave us alone alright?" Said Neko pulling Sky over.
"Ah I see, playing hard to get! No worries. I know your type.
"My type?" Asked Sky in an annoyed tone.
"Yep, play all hard to get, but I know what you are really like. Wait till after this thing is all over, We'll see how crazy you get."
"Not a chance." Said Sky shaking her head.
"Oh don't even try to tell me that. I know what's going on in your head right now. You little foal."

That was it. Hikaru couldn't take it anymore. All his senses seemed to lock onto that Stallion like there was nothing else in the world. Hikaru's eyes filled with fire and he charged at the stallion in front of him. The stallion didn't even notice Hikaru as he had his back turned to him.
Hikaru jumped and crashed into the green stallion with pure rage.
The stallion didn't have time to finish the sentence before he found a hard hoof smashing into his face.
"YOU SHUT UP!" Screamed Hikaru as he angrily landed blow after blow into the stallions face. "DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT! I WILL KILL YOU!" He continued barraging the stallions face over and over with as much force as he could find within him.
"HIKARU STOP!" Shouted Sky. But Hikaru couldn't hear it. His anger blocked everything out. It was just him, and the stallion.
Hikaru didn't care where he was hitting him or how sever of an injury he might cause. He was totally willing to kill this pony if he chose to do so.
How many times had he hit him now? It must have been over 30. He didn't care.
"YOU WILL NEVER SPEAK OF HER LIKE THAT! NEVER!" He channeled all of his strength into one huge blow that landed right in the stallions mouth with a loud crack.
"Hikaru stop it dude!" Screamed Laser as he pulled Hikaru off the stallion with the assistance of Tech Hoof and Cobalt.
Hikaru could only see the stallion before him. Everything else in the world was blocked out. He still had his eyes set on him and he wanted to kill him. It was as if nothing else even mattered.
He suddenly felt a splash of cold water on his face and he was stunned awake.
"Yah! Wha...." Neko had splashed a cup of water onto him.
Hikaru looked around. A crowd had gathered to see what was going on.
Hikaru then noticed a pain in his two front hooves. He looked down at them and was shocked at the sight.
Both hooves were covered in blood, and lots of it. Did he cut himself? He then realized that the blood wasn't his own. He looked at the stallion.
The green stallion was lying on his side on the floor breathing heavily in a pool of blood that was streaming from his mouth, his nose, a few gashes in his face, and under his eyes. There was a few teeth scattered around and ripped out hair from his mane. His horn had also had a large piece chipped off. Hikaru had completely destroyed him.

"I ...did that...." Hikaru couldn't believe it.
The stallion coughed and spurted out a huge gush of blood onto the floor. "He needs to be taken to a hospital right away!" Yelled a white pegasus mare. "Way ahead of you!" Yelled two stallions rushing over. Apparently the event had medical staff on hoof incase something was to happen.

Hikaru stared at the bleeding stallion of the floor in front of him who seemed barely alive.

He looked up at Sky who had a look of shock and horror on her face.
"No..." Said Hikaru.

He started to feel hot tears streaming down the side of his face. He couldn't look at anypony, maybe never again.
"I ruined my life..." He whispered to himself.
"I failed. Again....Thats all I ever do! Buck this I'm nothing! "
Hikaru turned and ran. He ran toward the exit, rushing past ponies who were still partying and hadn't noticed what had just happened. He crashed through the door and ran outside away from the event tent.
He ran over the top of a hill and collapsed by the small lake on the other side.

His tears were now freely flowing making it impossible for him to see.
"I messed everything up..."

He shut his eyes tight and hid his face in his hooves.

"I'm a failure...."
