• Published 29th Jul 2011
  • 4,218 Views, 50 Comments

Hikarus Freedom - 20percentcooler

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Hikaru was silent and wanted to say something, but too many emotions were rushing through him at the moment. He ended up just siting there on the ground looking down, mane covering his eyes.

Sky decided to break the awkward silence which seemed to be dragging on for what felt like an eternity.

"You know..." She began. "We should probably head back to Ponyville. You can't stay here, its getting pretty late...and very cold...."

"Im not going back." Said Hikaru quickly. "I know what's gonna happen. Ill go back and everypony will be afraid of me. I know my Dads going to have been spreading this story around town. And he probably will have me charged with assault or something."

"Now cmon now..." Said Sky laying down next to Hikaru. "He wouldn't do that would he?"

Hikaru looked over at her.
"Believe me. He would."

Sky looked off past the barn doors and up into the night sky. She thought about Storm, and how he treated Hikaru. She recalled the times in the past when Storm seemed to not care about Hikaru whatsoever. The more she thought about, the angrier she got. 'How can somepony treat his own son like he does? What kind of parent is that?'

Hikaru sighed.
"Look, Sky, I really appreciate you coming to find me. I can't think of any other pony I would have wanted to see right now more than you. But I really can't go back. Its not gonna happen. Ill probably sneak into town and get some stuff, then maybe head to Manehattan. I hear great things about that place. I think it might be good for me."

Sky couldn't believe what she was hearing. Hikaru? Run away? But at the same time, she couldn't blame him. Given the situation, she might have done the same.
She looked over to Him. His eyes were filled with sadness and fear, but also determination. He wanted out of Ponyville. And nothing was going to stop him.

"You should go home Sky." Said Hikaru. "Ill still see you around. Ill come back sometimes to visit you. You'll know where to find me I promise."

Sky thought about Hikarus words for a second. She didn't like what Hikaru was doing one bit. Going off alone like that. Would she ever see him again?
An idea suddenly struck her, and she knew what she had to do.

"Im going with you."

Hikaru looked over to Sky with a surprised look.


He shook his head.

"Sky....you can't go with me...cmon now..."

"No Hikaru!" Said Sky getting up and sounding a bit stern. "Im sorry but I'm going with you. I'm not going to let you just go off like this by yourself. You are gonna need somepony to look after y-"

"WHAT!" Yelled Hikaru. "I Dont need somepony to LOOK after me! Im fine on my own!"

"OH REALLY!" Yelled back Sky. "So that time you decided to got your mane caught in a tree when you tried to climb it and we didn't find you for a day? You didn't need a friend looking after you then?"

"Aug!" Groaned Hikaru. "That was just one time! And I was found, I was totally ok on my ow-"

"AND!" Interrupted Sky. "What about the time you decided to try baking garlic bread when you had no baking experience at all? Its a good thing somepony happened to be walking by and smelled the smoke when they did, I mean REALLY, leaving the oven ON while you go off to work for 2 HOURS?"

"I THOUGHT THAT WAS HOW LONG IT TAKES!" Yelled Hikaru. "And so what, 2 incidences. That doesn't mean I-"

"Last year!" Interrupted Sky. "The bear?"
"yeah but-"
"The cliff"
"No but!"
"The lightning"
"Yeah but you don't underst-"
"The balloon."
He sighed and lied back down.

"I know there have been a ton of things that I have done which were pretty stupid, and having a friend there to guide me would have been great. But I really don't want to drag you along for this. Its just not a good idea. I messed up, I gotta pay the price, not you. You don't deserve that...It would be unfair and cruel for me to do that to you. And...I care about you too much to let you do that. And really, you don't have to worry about me, I think I have some good judgement in me you know..."

"Its not just that though...." Said Sky quietly.

"What?" Asked Hikaru, curious as to what else Sky meant.

"Well...." She began, looking down onto the ground. "You are my best friend, and you always have been....Its just....I...I don't want to be without you...."

Hikaru could have sworn that he saw a tear roll down the side of her face as she spoke.

He realized that she cared for him just as much as he cared for her. It was actually quite obvious.

Hikaru wrapped a hoof around Sky and sighed.

"Argh Sky.....Why do you have to be so good at convincing me to do stuff...thats just not fair you know....not fair at all..."
Sky chuckled and didn't say anything.
"Well..." Began Hikaru.
" I guess you better grab your stuff you wanna bring as well...you know, you are gonna need it..."
"HAH!" Said Sky loudly. "Ill get my stuff tomorrow."
"Haha, awesome." Said Hikaru ruffling Skys mane. "Well you should be getting home. Its getting really really REALLLY late."
"Oh no you don't." Said Sky. "Im not risking you trying to leave without me.I know thats the sort of thing you would try to do. Im staying here."
"HEH...but...no...you....argh....fine..." Said Hikaru. "but.." He looked over and saw a large tablecloth or some kind. He went and got it and pulled it over Sky. "Im not gonna have you freezing to death though."
"This is a tablecloth." Said Sky.
"IS IT SO WRONG THAT I TRY TO BE CARING FOR A SECOND IYAAAAA" Yelled Hikaru falling down onto the ground backwards.
Sky laughed and went over to hug her friend. "Im kidding Hikaru! Sheesh! Calm down! Take a chill pill will ya?
Hikaru sighed. "Sorry.."
Sky ruffled his mane in the same way he had done with hers, and looked up into his eyes.
"Its ok, and...thanks."
"You know..." Said Sky. "If you're gonna be away from your Dad completely now. I guess that means you don't need his permission to go to Nocturnal Oasis..right?"
Hikaru's eyes opened wide. "Thats right! Oh wow I forgot! Yes! Hah, no overload of work horse-apples to deal with now. I am going for sure! We are going for sure! Right?"
"Of course!" Said Sky happily.
"Ahhh" Sighed Hikaru. "This will be awesome."
Sky laughed and rolled into the tablecloth blanket to get some sleep.
Hikaru smiled and held his friend close. 'Everythings gonna work out.' he thought to himself.
'I just gotta keep praying for the best, and keep faith that this is all gonna be just fine.'
Hikaru looked up at the night sky through the open window of the barn. The night sky sparkling with stars, and the faint light flowing into the barn by the light of the moon both had an effect on Hikaru, is he slowly drifted off to sleep.
Tomorrow, would be an interesting day.