• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 410 Views, 12 Comments

Sleeping Sparkles - playfulpippapony

My name is Twilight Sparkle. That much I know, the rest is anypony's guess. One minute I'm fighting off a changeling attack and the next I'm in 1973!

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Hello Teacher Tell Me What's My Lesson

Seriously! Why do these doors swing like that? Someday it will cause an accident!

Well, I'm here at the 'station' ready for my first day as Rainbow's D.I. Am I nervous? absolutely! What if Rainbow looses her temper and pins me to a filing cabinet again!? Or worse!? What if the girls tease me for never having a date, or they find out I think I'm in a coma and call the men in the white coats!? What if...

"Good morning Twilight". Spike's cheerful greeting snaps me out of my thoughts. He's sat at his desk dressed in his denim jacket and white shirt. The sight calms me down, at least Spike won't be mean to me.

I smile back at him. "Good morning Spike". I walked over to his desk.

"Glad to see you back and ready for work. How are you feeling?" I didn't know if he mean my injury or my nerves. My head felt fine so I decide to ask for some reassurance.

"To be honest, I'm a little nervous". Spike nodded his head in understanding and gave me a reassuring smile.

"I understand, but trust me. The girls aren't that bad once you get to know them, and from what I heard you got on rather well with them at the pub last night". I cringe internally at the memory. Truth be told it wasn't that bad, but it only reinforced my belief that Rainbow is a self obsessed bully. And now I've got to work for her, oh this is not going to go well.

"Yea, you could say that". I looked around the empty room. "Hey Spike, do you know if Rainb... sorry, I mean D.C.I Dash, is here yet?"

"She is, and has been for the past hour and a half. She always gets here long before the others". That didn't calm my nerves at all.

"Are any of the others here yet?" Spike thought for a moment.

"Yes, Rarity and Fluttershy are. Applejack and Pinkie aren't here yet, but they should be soon". It made me feel better knowing Fluttershy was here, however I'm not sure I like the idea of being alone with Rainbow Dash on my first day. Hopefully Pinkie and Applejack will be here soon.

"Thanks Spike. Um, which way was the office again?" He tilted to the door on the right and smiled at me.

"That one just there, you should know where you are after that". This is so different to the last time we had this conversation. Last time Spike was reading a newspaper and just waved me through, now he is talking to me and being supportive. It makes me happy that I've got a friend, but it also makes me miss my Spike even more.

"Thanks, I'll see you later". I walked towards the door.

"Good luck". I let out a chuckle. I'm going to need it.

I open the door and walk into the dark, paper filled room I'd walked into all those days ago. Only this time I was prepared for it, I know my way around (sort of) and I know this is all just a coma induced dream. The lack of ponies is almost comforting, like I can explore without having to hide it. I kept walking until I reached a desk, on top of it was a file surrounded by wrappers and notes on Celestia knows what. Using my magic I picked up the folder and read the title, 'Dr Caballeron'. I have to laugh, it's a file all about a character from a Daring Do book. My mind works in mysterious ways. I put the file back and keep looking around.

It wasn't the cleanest of places. There were food wrappers on desks and on the floor, screwed up notes lay littered around the bins like they had been thrown and missed. It wasn't bad, it was just not as organized as I would like. Then again I would like to be anywhere else other than here right now, so I guess we don't always get what we want now do we?

After a look around I looked over to Rainbow's office. There was a light on and I could make out the shape of a pony inside. I'd been dreading this part, but if this is what my mind has created for me to do I might as well get on with it. I trotted up to the door, took a deep breath and knocked.

"Come in Twilight". The gruff voice said from inside. I opened it and walked in, I kept the door open in case I needed to run or scream for help. You know me, err on the side of caution.

"How did you know it was me?"

"I saw you walking around out there for the past few minutes Sparkles, also Spike phoned me". Oh, she could see me? Oh great. Also, what is a phone?

"Oh, sorry about that". Rainbow put down the paper she'd been reading and looked at me. She had her back hooves crossed on the desk and her front hooves in her lap. She was wearing a grey shirt with buttons down the front and long sleeves, black trousers and a dark grey tie tied loosely under her collar. She looked so serious compared to my Rainbow, it was almost easy to say she was a different pony all together.

"Now that you've stopped gawking at everything we can get down to business". She removed her hooves from the desk and sat staring at me. I felt a bit cocky and decided to say something.

"Well come on then teacher, what's my lesson for today then?" I thought she'd be angry, maybe even just a little annoyed. No, instead she just smirked.

"You really are a book worm aren't you? Ok Sparkles, you want a lesson? I'll give you the hardest lesson of your life". I gulped, that didn't sound good. She stood up from her chair and grabbed a file off the top of a filing cabinet. Even though it was high up she didn't fly to get it, I wonder why? Come to think of it, I've never seen this Rainbow fly.

She tossed the file onto the desk and opened it to a photo of a changeling. The image brought with it a flash back of the fight, me being kicked, Rainbow shouting a warning before I was knocked out. I feel a bit dizzy. That's when I heard Rainbow speak again.

"What do you know about these things then D.I Sparkle?" This had to be a clue, didn't it? Of all the creatures she could have picked she chose a changeling. It must be a clue.

"It's a changeling. They have the ability to change their appearance to blend in. A changeling hive has one Queen and usually thousands of changeling soldiers. They feed on love and it is their Queen's duty to find it". Rainbow looked satisfied with the answer and closed up the folder. She put it back on the filing cabinet and pulled down another.

"What do you know about this species?" She opened the folder to a photo of a parasprite. I couldn't help but smile at the memory of Pinkie rounding them up with music.

I got a bit cocky again, in hindsight that might not have been a good idea. "That, D.C.I Dash, is a parasprite. They eat anything they can find and reproduce at an average rate of five parasprites an hour. The only way to stop them is by playing music". Rainbow looked less then impressed.


I nodded. "Yes, they prefer polka but anything will do". Rainbow had a look that said 'really? You expect me to believe that?' Suddenly I regret being so confident.

"Is this a joke to you Sparkles?"

"What!? No! I'm serious, I've seen it with my own eyes". She didn't look convinced. This must be before they discovered that parasprites like music. No wonder she doesn't believe me, I didn't believe Pinkie.

"Ok, the next time we get a parasprite swarm I'll lend you my tuba". She said deadpan. Rainbow swept up the folder and put it way where it came from, I briefly wonder if she has them organized or if they're like the rest of the station. "And for Pete's sake shut the bloody door! I'm not going to kill you you know".

Embarrassed not only by the fact she'd noticed but also her use of language I hastily shut the door. "Now, according to the Princess you know a lot about Equestrian history". I smiled in-spite of myself, I know more that just 'a lot' about Equestrian history. This should be a snap.

"Yes I do, I've studied it for years". Rainbow rolled her eyes.

"Yea yea, I get it, you're an egg head". She says it like it's a fact and not a mean nickname. "Anyway, what do you know about Discord?" That took me by surprise.

"Um, you mean the statue in the Royal Garden?" She nodded. "I know he is the embodiment of chaos and disharmony". I took a deep, calming breath. "He is a draconiquis, they are so rare that Discord is the only one to have ever come into contact with ponies. He was cruel to the ponies of Equestria so the Princesses used the Elements of Harmony to turn him to stone. He is now held prisoner in the Royal Garden in Canterlot, that is until he finds a way to break free".

Rainbow snorted. "Yea, like that's ever gonna happen". I suppress a smirk, if only she knew. "Well you seem to know your stuff Sparkles". I smiled widely at the praise, which was caught by Rainbow. "But don't think I won't be testing you later".

"I wouldn't expect anything else, ma'am". I say the last word with as much sarcasm as I can.

"That's Gov to you". She sat back in her chair, put her front hooves on the desks do leaned forward. Her mane hung slightly over one eye like it had in the pub. "For the past few days while you've been out enjoying yourself we've been trying to track down a changeling spy". A changeling!? "One of our scouts spotted two identical ponies in the same area, they believe there could be an invasion coming". Gulp...

"How do you know they weren't just twins?"

"We looked the pony up, they have no siblings and non of their family look similar enough to be mistaken for a twin". She opened a draw in her desk and pulled out yet another file and threw it on the desk so I could see. There was a photo paper clipped to the front of a grey pegasus with unfocused yellow eyes. "Name's Ditzy Do, we interviewed her about the case. She was so clumsy her parents should have called her Derpy instead of Ditzy". I know her, she lives in Ponyville. She's the pony who dropped a piano on me! Rainbow's right, they should have called her Derpy.

"She confirmed it was her at the market that day, she had been waiting for a friend called Time Turner. We asked him about the case too, he told us it was true. Besides, I doubt for one minute the Ditzy is capable of doing anything illegal". Rainbow gave a wiry smile and a low chuckle.

"What makes you say that?" She looked up at me, the smile gone but there was a look in her eyes that said she was still smiling inside.

"I knew her in Flight Camp. She was hopeless, sweet but hopeless". The fact that Rainbow has memories and emotions attached to them was a surprise. I didn't know these ponies my mind had constructed could have such detailed backgrounds. "Anyway, we've got all our scouts out looking for ponies with doppelgängers hanging about". It surprised me even more to hear Rainbow use words like 'doppelgängers'.

"Have they found any?" She nodded her head.

"We've had two sightings. One was a mare called Bon Bon and the other was a stallion called Coco Crusoe. Both have been visited and both have confirmed that they were there when the changeling was spotted. Bon Bon had been out having lunch with her best friend Lyra and Coco was out buying a smoothie with his mare friend".

"Have you found any links between the ponies?" She looked up at me and shook her head.

"Apart from them all being boring as hell we haven't spotted any links". The lack of adventure was clearly bothering her, she looked bored and tired.

Before I could ask anything else I heard the door to the office open and somepony walking in. I looked over my shoulder and looked through the window of the office, it was Pinkie. She walked up to her desk and sat down, her desk was out of my line of vision so I turned back to Rainbow.

She let out a sigh. "Go talk to D.C Pie, she has more information on the case". She waved her hoof in the the direction of the door clearly indicating for me to leave. I opened the door and was just about to walk out of her office when I heard her say "Oh, and go see Fluttershy when you've got a minute. She'll put you on the phone system". I still didn't really know what a phone was but I nodded to show I would go see her. I had a quick look back only to find she was already reading another file. I shut the door behind me, the noise caught Pinkie's attention.

"Oh, good morning Twilight".

"Good morning Pinkie, um, D.C.I Dash said you had some information on a possible changeling spy that I should know about?" She smiled and pulled out another file from the stack on her desk.

"Here you go". I expected more than just a file, but I suppose it is probably easier just to read about it than get Pinkie to explain it to me.

I took it with my magic. "Thanks".

"You're welcome boss". That was unexpected. Did she just call me boss? "How's the Gov?" It took me a second to realize she mean Rainbow Dash.

"She seems restless, like she's bored or something". Pinkie let out a short laugh.

"Yea, that sounds about right. This case hasn't got nearly enough action to keep her entertained". Pinkie shoved a hoof into the top pocket of her jacket and pulled out a stick of gum similar to the one in my pocket, she unwrapped it and put it in her mouth. She chewed it for a few seconds, then she blew a large bubble. It popped, she dragged it back into her mouth and continued to chew.

Getting the sense that our conversation was finished I walked away from her desk. I scanned the room, there are at least fifteen desks if not more, which one is mine? I looked over my shoulder at Pinkie. "Um, Pinkie? Which desk is mine?"

Her reply was slightly muffled since she still had the gum in her mouth. "That one over there". She pointed behind her to a desk that was a bit to close too Rainbow's office for my liking. It was clear, no files, no wrappers, not even an empty mug. There was only a box which I heard Rainbow once call a phone. I smile sheepishly, I suppose it was kinda obvious wasn't it?

"Thanks". I trotted over and placed the file on the desk. I sat down on the sad looking wooden chair, it wasn't very comfortable but at least it wasn't one of those stools we had in magic kindergarten (they were awful!). I opened the file to the first page, it was just information on changelings, nothing I didn't already know. The next page caught my attention. It was a sheet of blank card with notes and photos paper clipped to it. There was a photo of Ditzy, a photo of a cream mare which I recognized as Bon Bon and a polaroid of a brown stallion with the name Coco Crusoe written in black pen at the bottom. There was a note with times and locations written on it.

'Ditzy Do- market place/ 12:58 pm

Bon Bon- The Coffee Cove/ 1:23 pm

Coco Crusoe- The Groovy Smoothie/ 5:47 pm'

The was another list that had their reason for being there and who they were with.

'Ditzy Do- Meeting a friend, a stallion named Time Turner. They were going to look around and get some muffins afterwards.

Bon Bon- Having lunch with a friend, a mare named Lyra Heartstrings. They went to the Coffee Cove cafe. They were going to go for a walk in the park afterwards.

Coco Crusoe- Buying a smoothie for his mare friend, a mare named Shoe Shine. They were going to the cinema afterwards.

All stories have been confirmed and we have evidence to support each one.'

The notes were hastily scribbled down and torn off a note pad. I read each one again, and again, and again until I knew them inside and out. It helped that I knew these ponies in the real world, like I know Ditzy and Time Turner really are close friends. I also know that Lyra and Bon Bon are a bit closer that 'just friends', in fact I've seen them cuddling and cooing over each other in Ponyville all the time. I don't know Coco as much as the others but I see him at Hayburger sometimes, and he does occasionally bring Shoe Shine with him. Each are plausible stories that mind has created for each of them.

With a sigh I closed the folder. I might as well see Fluttershy, perhaps I'll have better luck figuring this case out later. I got up from my chair and left in pursuit of the communications office. Spike had said Fluttershy was already in, I can only assume she's in her office.

The corridor was still plastered in posters like it was when I first arrived, only there were some different ones. More missing pony posters, a few posters for upcoming events and some rather disgusting pin ups of mares in bikinis. One poster caught my eye, it was a wanted poster with a black and white photo of a mare. That wasn't why it caught my eye, the reason I noticed it was because it had a large line through it in red pen and the word 'murder' scribbled across the bottom. It made me somewhat nervous to see it. I knew ponies were murdered, of course I did! But seeing it like this made it all seem so real, kind of ironic don't you think?

I finally made it to Fluttershy's office and knocked on the door. "Come in". I opened the door to find her sitting at her desk, she looked up and smiled. "Oh, good morning Twilight. I didn't know you'd arrived yet".

"I've only been here for about twenty minutes. D.C.I Dash was just telling me about the case with the changeling spy". She nodded.

"I know, it's just awful isn't it? So, why did you come to see me? Not that I'm not glad to see you or anything". She had got up from her desk and was walking towards me.

"D.C.I Dash said I had to come down here so you could put me on some sort of phone system?" It came out more like a question than an answer. Fluttershy smiled.

"Ok, follow me. I'll get you set up"

"Thanks". Then she let out a chuckle.

"And Twilight, you don't have to keep calling her D.C.I Dash. In fact she prefers it if you call her Gov". I still don't like to think of her as my boss at all, I just call her D.C.I Dash because she is nothing like my Rainbow Dash, and it helps me to keep the two separate. Besides, I'm not going to be here long enough to worry about what to call my 'boss'.

"Whatever". I mumble under my breath, she still hears it. She lets out another chuckle but doesn't say anything else. She led me into another room, the one she had been in when I first met her. It was sort of small, but big enough to easily hold two ponies. One of the walls was covered in blinking lights and dials, I'd never seen anything like it. Was this what controlled the phones?

"Um, Fluttershy?". She looked over her shoulder at me. "What is a phone?" She gave me a sympathetic smile and turned to face me.

"Oh Twilight, your memory hasn't fully come back yet has it?" For the sake of simplicity I just shake my head, no point trying to explain the truth again. "A phone is a device that uses our individual magical signature to contact other members of the force. Each pony has a unique magic, we use that to contact each other when they aren't nearby". She turned to the wall of flashing lights.

"We use this to register every pony's magical signature into the system". Then she walked over to a box, which I now know is called a 'phone', on the desk. "Then we use these to call them. The phone knows who you are and all you have to do is think about the pony you want to call. Any questions?" I have hundreds, but they can wait.

"How do I register?"

"It's simple, come over here and I'll show you". We walked over to the wall, Fluttershy pointed to a pad that was sticking out of the wall slightly. "Just put your hoof on there". With some minor hesitation I did as I was told. I didn't feel anything, no shock or pain, that was a relief.

"Now what?" Fluttershy pushed a button on the wall and the pad vibrated slightly under my hoof.

"Now you just talk".

"About what?"

"Anything, just so the machine can identify your voice". Unsure what to say I decide to go with the obvious.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle, I am 25 years old and have a star for a cutie mark". What else can I say? Anything else might make me look like a nutcase. "I, um, I have an older brother who is captain of the Royal Guard, um, I am a D.I?" Luckily for me the machine beeped and the pad stopped vibrating. Fluttershy switched it off.

"Ok you can take your hoof off now". I did as she said and shook it a bit for no real reason. "That's it, you are now on the system". Well that was easy. "Would you like to try phoning some pony?" I nodded, might as well see how this phone-thing works. "Ok, let's try ringing Spike. I highly doubt the other girls would want to be disturbed for a test run".

We walked over to the phone on her desk, I looked at with apprehension. "Go on, pick it up. It won't bite". I picked up the top bit like I'd seen Rainbow do on my first day and held it to my ear. "Now just think about Spike". I tried thinking about Spike, but all I could see was my Spike. My library, my friends. I noticed the phone wasn't working. "Don't worry, it may take some practice but you'll get the hang of it".

I tried again, I thought about when I met Spike in the cafe. Helping him carry every pony's lunch, hugging him on my first day. Suddenly the phone started glowing purple and I could hear Spike's voice coming from the thing next to my ear. "Yes, who is this?" I turned to Fluttershy who motioned for me to speak and gave me an encouraging smile.

"Um, hey Spike, it's Twilight".

"Twilight? Since when were you on the system?"

"Actually Fluttershy just set me up, your sort of my test call".

"Oh, well I'm honored. So how's your first day going?"

"Quite well, D.C.I Dash gave me a brief lesson on mythical creatures. Nothing too bad I suppose".

"That's good, glad to hear your doing alright. Well I'd better go, tell Fluttershy I said hi".

"Ok, see you later Spike". I put the thing back on top of the box and it stopped glowing. That was surprisingly easy, and efficient. When I wake up I'm going to have to tell the girls about these.

"See, I told you it would be easy". I turned to face Fluttershy.

"Yea, you were right". I looked back at the phone over my shoulder. "And that's it? I can contact any pony at any time?" She nodded.

"As long as you know of them and you don't call them at unforgivable times. I remember some pony once phoned the Gov in the middle of the night, I heard they got cell cleaning duty for a month". She cringed at the memory. I could only imagine Rainbow's distain at being woken up at such an ungodly hour.

"Um, Twilight? If you don't have anywhere else you have to be would you mind I gave you a check up. You know, just to make sure you're recovering well".

"That would be great". She smiled and started walking out of the room, I followed her out.

"Ok, I mean I'm sure you're fine, but it doesn't hurt to be sure does it?" I shook my head.

"No it doesn't". We reached her desk and she proceeded to look me over. She shone the light in my eye, made me roll my head and recited to alphabet to see if my memory had been badly effected in the 'fight'.

When it was done she smiled at me. "You seem to be fine, nothing but minor memory loss. The bruise is fading quickly and you seem to be fit for work". Just then the phone in the other room rang. She waved over to a chair by the wall. "Sorry Twilight, I need to get that. If you could sit there I'll go see who it is". I did as I was told and sat in down in the uncomfortable chair. Fluttershy walked into the room and shut the door.

While I waited I flicked through the folder Pinkie had given me about the case. I knew these ponies in the real world, that must be come kind of clue right? Let's see we've got a pair of friends at the market, two more than friends at a cafe, and a stallion and his mare friend going out for a smoothie.

Oh this is hopeless. They're all just ponies spending time with the ones they love!

Wait! Love! That's it! They're all spending time with the ones they love! And changelings feed on love! It makes perfect sense! I made the connection!

And if I can do that maybe I can find a way home!

Confident and determined I got up from my seat and ran out of the office just as Fluttershy was coming back in. "Twilight! Where are you going?"

"I found the answer! I've got to go tell Rainbow Dash!" I didn't hear what she said next, I was already in the main room. Applejack had arrived and she and Pinkie were chatting.

I burst into Rainbow's office, in my excitement I forgot to knock but I don't care right now. She looked up from the file she'd been reading and glared at me.

"Don't you know it's rude to barge in on a pony like that?"

"I found it!" She looked annoyed and puzzled.

"Found what Sparkles?"

"The connection, I found what all three ponies have in common". She looked interested in what I had to say.

"Well spit it out then".

I took a deep breath. "Each of the ponies that were spotted with a copy nearby was spending time with a loved one. Ditzy was waiting for her friend, Bon Bon was having lunch with her closest friend ever and Coco was with his mare friend". Rainbow nodded along. "And what do all changelings feed on?" Rainbow's eyes widened in realization.

"They feed on love!"

"Exactly! The changeling, or maybe changelings, are looking for pairs or groups of ponies with a strong emotional connection. Don't you see, it's not an invasion they're just feeding". Rainbow stood on her hind legs and propped herself up with her front hooves on the desk.

"Even if that's true Sparkles, I still want those pests out of my city". As much as I would like to disagree and say they're not hurting anypony Rainbow is right. The longer they are in the city the more likely they'll be an invasion, and if I can get rid of them then maybe I can get home.

"How do you intend to find them?" She sighed and sat back in her chair, her hooves still on the desk.

"Well you're the egg head around here, you tell me". I thought for a moment. What is the best way to find a changeling? Last time I just knew because Cadence wasn't acting like herself, but this time I won't have that luxury. I could tell Rainbow was getting impatient.

"Come on Sparkles! You found the pattern was love, now find us a way to catch them". Love! That's it.

I looked her in the eye with determination. "Ok, this is what we're going to do".

Author's Note:

The phone system is sort of based on the Cutie Map. Each pony has a unique magic that can be used to find them or contact them.

Also if you haven't already figured it out yet each chapter is named after a song or lyric from the Life on Mars or Ashes to Ashes soundtrack. Turns out it's harder than I thought it would be to find fitting titles in music.