• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 410 Views, 12 Comments

Sleeping Sparkles - playfulpippapony

My name is Twilight Sparkle. That much I know, the rest is anypony's guess. One minute I'm fighting off a changeling attack and the next I'm in 1973!

  • ...

Worn Out Places

Sure enough Fluttershy was waiting for me when I arrived. She had piece of paper under one wing and a folder under the other. When she spotted me she smiled and waved me over.

"Hey there Twilight, glad to see Rainbow took my advice. Feel any better?" The painkillers had began to work and my head did feel a lot better. I didn't know you could feel pain in a dream, I suppose you can.

"Yes thank you, the pain seems to be going away". She smiles at me again.

"Oh, I'm glad to hear it. Come on, I'm going to take you home". I'm still confused as hell about the whole thing, but I've got a feeling things won't be so bad with Fluttershy around. But that still doesn't mean I want to stay here any longer than necessary. Speaking of staying...

"Um, Fluttershy? Where do I live?" She seemed to be expecting that, she pulled out the piece of paper out from under her wing and gave it to me.

"Spike had your address. I'll take you there, see if you remember anything". Not very likely considering this is a dream. Fluttershy turned to face the desk and called "Thanks Spike!" I look around quickly to see Spike sat at the desk giving Fluttershy a salute and a smile. I smile in spite of myself, he looks just like my Spike. I promise you Spike, I will come home.

We left the building and walked out into the bright light of day. It was so dark inside the building that the light made my eyes hurt, I used my front leg to shield my eyes from the sun. Fluttershy didn't see to mind very much, she must be used to it. After a few seconds my eyes adjusted to the change in brightness, I lowered my hoof and had a look around. It was just like in my books, every detail. Ponies riding crudely built wooden carts, which would one day go on to become the Great Manehatten Taxi Service. Ponies smoking, completely unaware of the health risks. Shops, post offices, banks and many houses lined the streets.

That's when it hit me. I'm in 1973.

Fluttershy must have noticed me staring. "Yes, this is the great city of Manehatten. Full of wonderful ponies, and sadly some not so wonderful ones". She frowned as if remembering something unpleasant. I was about to ask what was wrong when she perked up and smiled again. "Come on, let's get you home". We turn right, the opposite direction I took to get here. At least I don't live in a rubbish tip.

We walk in silence, which under normal circumstances would be fine. But I'm in a coma, which I think we can safely say if far from normal. I decide to find out as much as I can, who knows, maybe I'll find a way home. "So, how long have you lived in Manehatten?"

"I've lived in Manehatted for about 9 years. I moved from Cloudsdale when I was 18, my parents weren't too happy about my choice of city but they supported me the whole way". That's sounds about right, maybe a few differences but not too many.

"How did you end up working for Rainbow, oh I'm sorry, D.C.I Dash". I say her title with a less than cheerful voice, she notices.

Fluttershy chuckles. "Oh Twilight, I know she can be a bit..." She pauses as if looking for the right word. "Harsh. But it's only because she love this city and wants to protect every pony in it. She is quite fun when you get to know her". Pinkie said the same thing, all I can say is I'll believe it when I see it. "I was recruited by the Princess because of my ability to talk to animals. Though I think it was to calm Rainbow down a bit myself". We both laugh at that. I've seen countless times were Fluttershy had to calm down Rainbow because she's worked herself up into a frenzy.

"I was assigned to Rainbow's team after 1 year of training. They knew I was too shy to go out and fight with them so they gave me the role of nurse and communications officer, they invite me along if it's an animal related case or if they need me to go undercover".

"It sounds like they really care about you". More then we do back home. We drag her along even when she tells us in no uncertain terms she does not want to go. The dragon, being a model for Photo Finish, even making the tornado to get the water to Cloudsdale. At least her team don't make her do things she doesn't want to do.

"They do, and I really care about them too. We work as a team here, we all look out for each other". I find that hard to believe considering what I already know about them. "I know you might not believe me now Twilight, but trust me. In a few weeks time you'll see just how lovely they really are". Hopefully I won't be here in a few weeks time, I'll be back home with my girls and Spike.

"That reminds me, have you met Rarity yet?" So Rarity does work on the team! I knew it!


"Oh you'll love her, she's very friendly. She's in charge of forensics". Rarity? Dealing with dead things? No, forensics must mean something else here. Rarity would never touch something dead with a ten meter pole. She probably just deals with the clothes and objects found on the victims. Right?

We'd been walking for about five minutes when Fluttershy announced we had arrived. So I live near the station, thank you subconscious! It was a block of flats, not surprising since I'm in 1970s Manehatten. Fluttershy opened the door and walked inside, she held it open for me. Once inside I noticed how dull the building really was. Great, I work in a dull place and now I live in a dull place. What could be better?

"Up hereTwilight". I looked up to see Fluttershy already climbing up the stairs. I let out a sigh and follow her up. Luckily I only live on the first floor, not too high up at least. "Here we are, room 2". She pulled out a key she'd been wearing around her neck which I had only just noticed and used it to open the door. "After you". Well, let's see what my mind has created for me to call home for Celestia knows how long. I walked inside and Fluttershy followed. Well, it's not what I'd call homely but it will do. Maybe.

There's a bed with a metal frame with white sheets and pillows, the carpet was a muddy brown. There's a window on the wall furthest from me with large green curtains, at least it will be brighter in here than the 'station'. There are small wooden book shelves around the room, each with a pathetic number of books on. In total there are about five books in my room, I'll need to change that. There was a door on the other side on my bed (we'd just walked through the door on the other side) which I can only assume leads to the bathroom. All in all this room was minimalistic at best.

It's nothing like the Golden Oak Library, I miss it. I let out a sigh. "Oh come on, it's not that bad is it?" Fluttershy, you have no idea. Five books!? Who has only five books? Obviously I do. I walk around and run a hoof along the bed and the shelves, they were dusty. Very dusty. Using my magic I picked up one of the books, the title was 'The Rules and Law of Manehatten'. This could be helpful I guess. I picked up another, 'The History of the Princesses'. I don't think there's anything in that one I don't already know, but I might skim read it later just in case.

"It may not be a castle, but with some new sheets and a good dusting this could be a really nice place to live". I turn back to Fluttershy and smile.

"You really think so?"

"I know so. I used to live in a flat like this for a few years. It may not have been perfect but I made it my home". That could not have been more appropriate. This place may not be perfect, but as long as I'm in a coma I might as well make it my home. Just until I get back.

"Oh, I almost forgot". She pulled the folder she'd been carrying out from under her wing. "I brought this for you to read. It's a short overview of the history of the team. There's nothing about us in there but it does tell you about why the Princess set up the Elements of Justice and some of the great ponies who served her". I take it in my magic and look at it, I'll read it when she's gone. "I thought it might help you to remember". I look up at her and smile. She really has no idea does she? But it's sweet that she cares, even if it's a lost cause.

"Thanks Fluttershy, I'll read it later". I put it down on the bed.

"You're welcome, I hope it helps". I nod, I hope it does too.

With one final look around the room I turn to face Fluttershy. "How long did you say I had to rest for?"

"Ideally a week, but there is no way Rainbow would let you have that long off. So I'd say about two days". That doesn't seem to bad, it gives me enough time to learn about this place and to find a way home. "I'd better get back to the station, they'll give me hell if I get time off work and they don't". Her tone was light hearted and fun, I think she's just joking.

"Ok, I'll see you in two days then?"

"Actually, me and the girls are going to the pub tomorrow night after work. Would you like to join us?" She sounds like her shy self again, it's nice to have that familiarity.

"I'd love to". She beamed at me again, she's is so easily pleased.

"Great! I'll come over around 7 o'clock and take you there". I've never seen Fluttershy so genuinely excited over something non animal related.

"Ok, I'll see you then".

"Great. Well, I'd best get going. It was nice meeting you Twilight". She was just walking out of the door when I had an idea.

"Hey Fluttershy?" She poked her head back in through the door. "Do you know where the nearest book store is?"

Author's Note:

If any of you are wondering why Twilight says station like this, 'station', it's because she doesn't believe it's real. It's like when Alex uses quotation marks to describe things in A2A.