• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 410 Views, 12 Comments

Sleeping Sparkles - playfulpippapony

My name is Twilight Sparkle. That much I know, the rest is anypony's guess. One minute I'm fighting off a changeling attack and the next I'm in 1973!

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It's a Clue To The Answer We All Chase

"Right you lot, listen up! D.I Sparkle Butt over here has come up with a plan to find that changeling spy". Rainbow announced to the group of ponies gathered around her, me and a black board. There were some I didn't recognize and some who I knew of but couldn't place, the girls were here too sat at the front. I decided to let the name 'Sparkle Butt' go for the time being, I had more important things to worry about. Like getting home.

After I told Rainbow my plan she rounded up the others in the 'station' to tell them too. It took about five minutes and before I knew it I was surrounded by a group of ponies I hardly knew all looking to me for answers.

"D.I Sparkle will now tell you the plan". She moved out of the way leaving me to explain. I gulped, I wasn't used to talking in front of ponies, especially ones I didn't know.

Determined to not show my stage fright I nodded at Rainbow and began explaining the plan. "As you all know changelings feed on love. Now I've noticed that all three ponies who were spotted with a double nearby were with their loved ones. Now, since all three times were around couples it's safe to assume that they are feeding". Applejack raised a hoof. "Yes Applejack?"

"How does telling us stuff we already know help us catch the spy, boss?" I pretended not to hear how she said my title with as much sarcasm as possible.

"Well..." I though for a moment. "D.C Jack, this is how we're going to catch our spy. Two of you will go undercover as a couple, pretend you're so madly in love that nothing could keep you apart. Play it up so a changeling could smell it a mile away. Then we wait and see if we spot any doubles, unusual behavior, anything that might indicate a changeling is present. When we find them and we are sure they are a changeling D.C.I Dash and her team will run in and catch them. Any questions?" There were a few.

"D.C Pie?"

"Who will be going under cover?" Every pony lowered their hooves, turns out they were all going to ask the same thing.

Luckily for me Rainbow stepped in at that moment. "We are looking for volunteers, however if no pony steps up I will be forced to pull two names from a hat, regardless of their gender". The threat made several ponies gulp in fear, I got the feeling Rainbow did this a lot. "Any of you wanna volunteer?" The way she said it made it sound like they didn't have much choice.

Eventually a dark blue stallion at the back raised his hoof. "I'll do it, as long as the mare I'm paired with is hot". A few of the other stallions snorted. Personally I fail to see what was funny, the idea of a stallion being that shallow was unheard of were I'm from. Or should I say when I'm from. Rainbow must have agreed because she rolled her eyes and smacked a hoof to her face.

"Right, Night Sky is going to be the part of the pair. Any pony else wanna volunteer?" The male pegasus who had offered to go undercover was smiling confidently and showing off to the mares in a very sexist manner. It was embarrassing. "I know the idea of being in the same room as Night Sky, let alone on a date with him, is enough to make a mare sick but we still need another pony for the mission". A howl of laughter came from the crowd, even I chuckled. Night Sky was sat at the back pouting and looking very indigent, serves him right.

I decided to try talking some pony into it. "I know this may not be your idea of a great day at work, but if it helps to stop an invasion then isn't it all worth it?". That's when I spotted a green mare with a pink and orange mane. She was dressed in an old police uniform, white shirt, black jacket and trousers and a badge. In fact she was dressed the same way Astro Star had been when we met. "Um, how about you, Miss...?"

She looked startled, like it was odd that I'd even spoken to her. "Um, P.C Sunny Days, Ma'am". Night Sky, Sunny Days? Wow, my mind is just great at original names isn't it?

"How about you P.C Days? Do you know about the case?" She nodded. "Would you be willing to do this, I know Night Sky isn't the most gentlemanly of ponies..."

"I'M RIGHT HERE YOU KNOW!?" He yelled from the back, I ignored him.

"Would you do it?" She thought for a moment, meanwhile another stallion at the back called out...

"You're trusting a plod?" Rainbow walked over to him and looked him right in the face.

"Would you rather it was you D.C Tree Tracker?" The look of panic in his eyes as he hastily apologized almost made it worth it.

While I was watching the D.C stumble over his words I heard Sunny Skies mumble something.

"Sorry, what was that?"

"I said I'll do it". I gave her a huge smile which she returned.

"Right, now we've got our pair let's get this undercover underway!" Rainbow shouted as she was walking back to the front. "Night Sky and Sunny Days you'll go with D.I Sparkle, she'll tell you your cover stories and fish out some civilian clothes from lost and found. As for the rest of you, I want all P.Cs to go home and change into something casual. Your going to stay in the background and look for the spy. The rest of you go back to your jobs, be prepared for a call out if things get messy. As for you girls..." She looked at Pinkie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Rarity. "You're with me". When no pony moved she shouted "MOVE! MOVE! MOVE!"

The crowd rushed to their designated places. I was left with P.C Days and P.C Sky. I can't quite figure out why they had no problem with a male P.C but didn't like it when I chose a female one. Oh well, I won't be here long enough to care if this undercover goes as planned. Just then Night Sky started talking to Sunny.

"Hey hot stuff". He winked at her causing her to look away. She was clearly uncomfortable with his flirting, and quite frankly so was I.

"P.C Sky, please stop flirting with your colleague".

"I'm just trying to get into character, after all we are meant to be in love". I got a little bit angry at that.

"Yes! Love, not lust". The look of surprise on both of their faces was enough to calm me down. "Now, if I have your full attention, let's begin. You both met at the local park, she was feeding ducks and you were walking your dog". They looked like they were following the story so far. "Suddenly your dog accidentally got loose and knocked Sunny into the pond. You dived and rescued her and it was love at first sight. Can you remember that?" They both nodded.

"Yes Ma'am". They said in unison.

"Good, now follow me. I've got to make you look like two normal ponies just out on a date and not two police ponies out on patrol". I managed three steps before I realized that I had no idea where lost and found was. Slightly embarrassed I turned back to the two P.Cs behind me. With a nervous chuckle I asked "Um, do either of you know where lost and found is?" Sunny smiled at me while Night Sky rolled his eyes and muttered something about 'mares being in charge'.

"Yes ma'am, follow me". Sunny walked in front and me and P.C Sky followed. She lead us behind Rainbow's office and out of a door into a corridor. The corridor was just a section of the office separated by a wooden wall that didn't quite touch the ceiling, there were windows in the wall so you could still see into the office. "Here we are". P.C Days was standing outside a door, I smiled at her and pushed it open.

It was dark inside, I stumbled around a bit looking for something I could use as undercover clothes for the two P.Cs. I heard Night Sky sigh and a click, suddenly the lights in the room came on. In embarrassment and frustration I smacked a hoof to my face.

"And this is why mares shouldn't be in charge". Honestly, I would really like to punch P.C Sky for his sexist behavior, but I figured that when I wake up he will disappear, that seems like a suitable punishment. I looked back to see Sunny Days scowling at him, at least she's on my side.

"Right, let's find you two some civilian clothes". I started rifling through boxes, I found watched, wallets, jewelry and even some books. I pulled out a golden necklace with a little golden bird charm on the end, there was a gemstone were the bird's eye should be. I handed it to Sunny with my magic. "Here, it's a start". She looked at it and beamed.

"Oh, it's beautiful". P.C Sky gave a mock gag and groaned.

"What is it with mares and jewelry? Show them something sparkly and they go all gooey!" I glared at him as I rifled through the box. Suddenly I saw something that made me smirk. I pulled out a similar necklace with a heart on it and chucked it at him.

"And this is for you P.C Sky".


"Pretend it's a gift from P.C Days".

"You can't be serious! Jewelry is for mares!" He pointed to Sunny Days.

"I'll have you know P.C Sky that I know many stallions who wear jewelry. Also, I am your superior officer, and if you don't do as I say I will have you suspended". He looked at me, shocked and his mouth hanging open. I just smiled sweetly. "Go on, try it on. I'll try not to go all gooey on you". I turned back to the boxes to try and hide my smirk, now that felt good.

A few minutes later I found a pale blue shirt and jeans for Night Sky and a beautiful red summer dress for Sunny Days. I left them to get changed while I went to check on the others. I walked over to my desk and picked up the phone, what better time to practice than now right? I held the bit to my ear and thought about Rainbow Dash. No! I thought about D.C.I Dash, not my Rainbow. A few seconds later the phone started glowing light blue like her coat colour.

"Yes?" She sounded busy.

"It's Twilight".

"Well I know that! What do you want?" I cleared my throat.

"I've just found P.C Sky and P.C Days some clothes, they're changing right now. I was wondering how things were going on your team?"

"Things are going fine Sparkles. The girls are ready and prepared to catch that spy, the P.Cs are returning from home dressed for the undercover and Spike just got me a sandwich. We're all ready and waiting on you". I briefly wondered why Spike got her a sandwich but decided not to ask.

"Alright, where should I take P.C Sky and P.C days?"

"Bring them around the back to where the carts are parked, we'll be waiting there".

"Ok, we will be there in about ten minutes".

"Make that five Sparkles". Suddenly the phone stopped glowing and I could no longer hear Rainbow's voice. She ended the call, with out saying goodbye. That's it, she is rude x2! I let out a sigh and retuned to the lost and found room. I waited about thirty seconds when P.C Days poked her head around the door.


"Yes Sunny?"

"We're ready now".

"Ok, come on out and let me see then". She smiled and turned over her shoulder to talk to P.C Sky.

"Come on out P.C Sky".


This was getting ridiculous, I've only got five minutes to get them 'around back' and I don't even know how to get there! "P.C Sky, come out here now or I'll get D.C.I Dash to come and drag you out". There was some grumbling but eventually he and Sunny left the room.

P.C Days looked lovely in her red cotton dress, the necklace I found was resting around her neck and her mane hung loosely around her face. P.C Sky looked good too, the blue shirt and jeans definitely made him look like a normal civilian. The necklace I'd forced him to wear was around his neck but he had tried to hide it with the collar of the shirt, it didn't work. He had brushed his white mane and tail and looked somewhat respectable, if I didn't know how much of a pig he really was that is.

"You two look great, now I've had orders from D.C.I Dash to take you around the back to where they keep the carts. Since this is my first day I still don't know how to get there, P.C Sky can you take us there?" He looked a bit surprised that I'd asked for his help but I gave him a look that said 'if you make one more remark about mares in work I will kick your flank'.

"Yes ma'am". We walked in silence until we went though a door that led us outside. The bright light hurt but not as much as the first time I left the station. I could see Rainbow barking orders at other ponies and most of them running around trying to organize themselves. I turned to my two P.Cs. "Thank you P.C Sky. Now follow me". We trotted over to Rainbow, she had her back to us so she didn't see us approaching.

I caught the end of an order. "Pinkie! Go check on the C team". I say Pinkie run over to a group of ponies to the right. I was about to speak when Rainbow said "Nice of you to finally show up Sparkles". She turned around to face us.

"How did you know we were here?"

"I could hear you coming over. Now, you two ready to go undercover?" The two P.Cs nodded. "Good! D.I Sparkle here will be keeping an eye on you at all times to help if there are any problems. You got that Sparkle Butt?" She jabbed a hoof at my chest, I really wish she wouldn't do that.


"Yes what?" I let out a long sigh.

"Yes D.C.I Dash". She rolled her eyes and went back to barking orders.

"Every pony gather round, we're almost ready to start". Me and the two P.Cs stood next to Rainbow on one of the large steps from the door to the ground. The ponies in front of me separated into two groups with ponies in civilian clothes on one side and the girls on the other (minus Fluttershy).

"P.Cs you're the C team. You will be dotted around the area, look of any suspicious activity". They nodded. Rainbow turned to me. "D.I Sparkle, P.C Sky and P.C Days, you are the B team. You two will act like a couple to draw the changeling out, Sparkles, you will make sure they're ok".

I nodded. "And what does that make you?" Rainbow pulled out a pair of sunglasses from a pocket on her coat and put them on.

"I'm the A team". I rolled my eyes.

This was going to be a long day.

Author's Note:

The part about the A Team is based off of the first episode of Ashes to Ashes. Also, I know mares outnumber stallions in Equestria, but I really wanted Twilight to have to deal with sexist behavior. Finally, the characters Sunny Days, Night Sky and Tree Tracker were all OCs I created, if they resemble anypony in the show that was not intentional (Tree Tracker is actually a stallion I created for another fanfic I want to write).