• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 410 Views, 12 Comments

Sleeping Sparkles - playfulpippapony

My name is Twilight Sparkle. That much I know, the rest is anypony's guess. One minute I'm fighting off a changeling attack and the next I'm in 1973!

  • ...

Let's Work Together

When we got to Fluttershy's office she cleaned my cuts and put a plaster over a particularly bad one on my front hoof. Turns out I didn't get badly hurt in the fall, just a few scraped and bruises (which you won't be able to see anyway because of my purple coat). I felt fine, although the adrenaline had long since worn off leaving me tired. Once Fluttershy was finished I stood up from my chair.

"Thanks Fluttershy. Now, I probably should go back to..." I didn't know where I was meant to go. I didn't want to see Rainbow and the changeling has been caught, so what's left to do?

"Actually Twilight, I was hoping I could talk to you about something". It wasn't a question.

"Um, ok. What did you want to talk about?" She let out a sigh then looked at me, she had that 'I'm going to tell you something and you're not going to like it' look.

"Twilight, I know you and the Gov don't get along". I rolled my eyes. "But, you should at least try to be civil. I know Rainbow can be harsh sometimes, but it's only because she's so passionate about her job and her team. I understand not every pony gets along, trust me, I know". She had that sad far off look again, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared. "But I don't think you're even giving her a chance".

"Fluttershy, I know that you want me and Rainbow to get along, but she's just to rude and mean".

"No Twilight, she's not". Her stern voice surprised me. "Rainbow is a wonderful and kind pony who only wants what's best for her team and this city. I don't know what things were like in Ponyville, but here enemy threats are a big deal, so we need to be tough. I know you two didn't get off on the right hoof, but don't let that tarnish your view of her". Once I was sure she had finished speaking I spoke up.

"But what about when she pinned me up against a filing cabinet?" She looked puzzled.

"What made her do that?"

"Well I, well that is to say I...." Now that I thought about it, I was asking for trouble. I blame the fact I'm in a coma, but still....

"Yes Twilight?" I let out a sigh.

"Ok, maybe I did provoke her. I was just so scared". Fluttershy nodded and gave a sympathetic smile.

"I know Twilight, it couldn't have been easy for you. Still, that doesn't justify your actions".

I looked down at the floor. "No, I guess you're right".

"But it's ok, you've recovered now. So Twilight? Could you and Rainbow put your differences aside for a while and try to get along?" I looked up into her eyes and nodded. She breathed a sigh of relief. "Good, now come on". She started walking towards the door.

"Where are we going?"

"To see the Gov".

"WHAT!" I stood up, panicked. She can't be serious can she!?

"You two need to apologize for what has happened so you can put it behind you". I must have looked as frightened as I feel because she continued. "It's ok, I'll be with you the whole time". I really didn't want to do this, but I agree that it's the best thing to do. Even if this is a coma, and even if I am going to wake up soon, it still would be wise to get along with somepony who I'm going to be stuck with until then. I nod and reluctantly follow her out of the room.

We walked in silence until we reached the office. Applejack and Pinkie were at their desks tossing a ball of paper to each other, Applejack caught it when she spotted us walk in. "Well, look who finally decided to show up. We're have you been then?". I didn't know what her problem with me was, I've done nothing to cause her to dislike me.

"Now Applejack, you know the first case can be difficult. Twilight and I were just checking up on Royal Pin". Applejack rolled her eyes and started to fiddle with the ball of paper in her hooves. "Do either of you know where the Gov is?"

"That would be here". I looked up to see Rainbow standing in the doorway of her office, I couldn't help but feel scared at what's about to happen. "What did you want P.C Shy?" I felt Fluttershy nudge me forward so me and Rainbow were facing each other with about a meter between us.

"Twilight had something she wanted to say". I had Fluttershy behind me, Applejack and Pinkie on either side of me and Rainbow in front of me, suddenly I felt caged in.

"Is that so?" I nodded. "Well go on then, spit it out". I gulped. I didn't want the others to know about our arguments, Applejack already didn't like me and I'd hate to see what she would be like if she found out I didn't get along with her 'Gov'.

"Um, could we possibly talk in your office?" They all looked surprised, all except Rainbow.

"Wouldn't you rather talk out here, where there are witnesses?" She sounded annoyed, I don't blame her.

I let out a sigh. "No, I trust you enough not to kill me". It was meant to be a joke, she wasn't laughing.

"Ok Sparkles". She sounded suspicious, again I don't blame her. She walked back into her office and I followed. Just before I entered I turned back to see Fluttershy giving me a reassuring smile, she gave a small nod signaling for me to go in. I turned back to the office and walked in.

To my surprise Rainbow hadn't sat down at her desk like I had expected her to, instead she was standing by the desk and looking at me. I closed the door in hopes that she would see it as a sign of peace, I have studied how to act in diplomatic meetings, maybe those skills will help here?

"Well D.I Sparkle, now that we're alone what was it you wanted to say?" I let out a long calming breath and looked into her eyes.

"I wanted to apologize for my behavior. I was rude and impolite". Her expression hadn't changed but her eyes widened a little bit. When she didn't say anything I continued. "The way I spoke to you on my first day was unacceptable, I was scared and confused, but that doesn't justify my actions". Rainbow looked to her desk for a few seconds before turning back to me.

"So, you aren't going to insult my intelligence, or run away when you don't agree with me, or leave my door open so you have an escape route?" When she said it like that it made me feel guilty.

"Only if you promise not to push me against filing cabinets, be more understanding and treat me with more respect". She thought about that for a moment.

"Ok Sparkles". She stuck a hoof out. "Truce?" I shook it.

"Truce". I lowered my hoof. Ok, now that that's over with what do I do now?

"And Sparkles?"


"Fluttershy made you do this didn't she?" I could see a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips.

"Yes, yes she did". Rainbow let out a short laugh, it made me smile. I never thought I'd see her like this, smiling and laughing.

"Go figures. Forget Element of Kindness, she should be called the Element of Medaling". We both laughed. It's true, Fluttershy should be the Element of...

Wait! Did she just call her the Element of Kindness? Is that a thing here? Or is this another clue?

"Element of Kindness?" She stopped giggling and smiled at me.

"Yea, I gave her that nickname back in Flight School". So they did know each other before coming here, that explains why Fluttershy talks about Rainbow so fondly.

"Did you have a nickname?" I needed to know if the others had their assigned elements in this world too.

"No, just her. Even now I don't have one".

"Why's that?" She shrugged.

"Suppose they just didn't think of one I'd like". I can understand that, I can only imagine what she'd do to a pony who gave her a nickname she didn't like.

"How about the Element of Loyalty? You know, because you're so loyal to your team and the city?" Rainbow looked at me, she seemed surprised. Then she smiled a rather smug smile.

"Loyalty hu? I like it, it suites me". She looked at me and smiled, I couldn't help but smile too. "You know, you're not so bad Sparkles". Was that a compliment!? Well, that was unexpected.

"Neither are you. So, am I forgiven?" She pretended to think about it for a minute before smirking and saying "Yea, I suppose so". Then her smile disappeared but I could see in her eyes she was still smiling. "Don't think this means we're friends now".

I let out a small laugh. "Perish the thought". She started chuckling too.

"Good. Now Sparkles, do you know how to get this changeling to fess up?" I didn't, because of their ability to change shape ponies haven't been able to study very well.

"No". Then I had an idea. "But I think I know somepony who might".

Author's Note:

This doesn't mean Twilight and Rainbow are going to be all 'nicey nicey' from now on, they'll still disagree on things. Also, the next episode of MLP is all about a changeling 'spy', I wonder how similar it will be to this story?

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