• Published 7th Aug 2016
  • 412 Views, 12 Comments

Sleeping Sparkles - playfulpippapony

My name is Twilight Sparkle. That much I know, the rest is anypony's guess. One minute I'm fighting off a changeling attack and the next I'm in 1973!

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Don't You Say to me Your Sun Don't Shine

I had no idea what time it was. Spike usually wakes me up, unless I'm excited and can't sleep. Since Spike isn't here (sort of) I'll have to get up of my own accord, so I decide it's time for that much deserved lie in. I have saved the world countless times, and I am in a coma. If you can't have a lie in under those circumstances then when can you?

The sheets weren't the most comfortable in the world and the bed may squeak when I move, but there's no dragon waking me up at the crack of dawn and no life threatening thing that needs sorting out. For that I can forgive the less than comfy bed. Even the green curtains were on my side, blocking out the light leaving me in total darkness.

It was late morning when I woke up, too late for breakfast but too early for lunch. I wasn't hungry so I decided to wait for lunch instead of trying to eat the monstrosity known as brunch. It is just wrong to eat one meal instead of two, I could never see what Rarity liked about it.

Speaking of Rarity, Fluttershy had told me she worked at the 'station'. I didn't quite believe it when I heard she worked in forensics, either she works with the victim's clothes or this Rarity doesn't mind prodding dead things. I highly doubt the latter. I'll just have to wait and see.

I got up out of my bed and walked to the sink in the corner. The main room is my living area, bedroom, library and kitchen all in one. In fact the only room that is separate is the bathroom, probably because of health and safety, otherwise I truly believe they would have just shoved it this room next to the kitchen. I open one of my cupboards and levitate out a glass, fill it with water and take a sip. Then I walk over to the table next to the window and take a seat.

It is so boring here, you'd think being in a coma would be exciting wouldn't you? Anything can happen, life, death, pink fluffy pandas! Anything my mind could create. But no! MY mind decided to make me a D.I for some made up work force! I'm not even in charge! Oh but it doesn't stop there, now I have 'short term amnesia' so I have to take two days off 'work' and sit around in this poor excuse for a home!

I slammed a hoof down on the table in frustration causing the near empty glass of water to shake. "Some pony! Wake me up! I'M BORED!" No pony can hear me but I still shout, more out of annoyance that to actually contact the real world. "If you can hear me then I'd really like to wake up now!" I was looking up at the ceiling, as if they were up there and if I concentrated really hard I would see them. After few minutes I realized that they weren't there so I looked back down at the table and let out a sigh.

Then I heard a growl, I was hungry. I let out a little chuckle and got down from my chair. There was no food in the flat, I checked when Fluttershy left yesterday. There was only one other option then, I will have to go out and find something to eat. I went over to my wardrobe to get dressed, if any pony saw me like this they'd call the police on me. It was only now in the light of day and with a good nights rest I realized just how sparse my wardrobe was. Making a mental note to buy more clothes later I shrugged on the leather jacket and pulled on the black trousers. I entered the bathroom, splashed some water on my face and went to grab a brush for my mane. That's odd, I can't find one. I checked the cupboards and the draws, nothing. Oh great, I need to buy one of those too.

Using a damp hoof I smoothed down my mane and tail, when it looked presentable I shook myself to dry off a bit. I had a look at myself in the mirror, I looked alright but Rarity would have a fit if she saw me. I laugh at that, jump down from the tiny step I was on and walked out into the main room. Alright, let's go out and face the world my mind has lovingly created for me while my friends find a way to wake me up. Clothes, check. Wallet, check. Right, lets go.

It was sunny outside, birds chirping and children playing. At least my mind likes me enough to make it a lovely day even if it doesn't like me enough to wake up. It was nothing like Ponyville, just a concrete street flanked by two rows of buildings. Trees growing out of specially placed gaps in to ground and bushes along the edges of buildings were the only plant life I could see. It was a concrete jungle, but it looked nice. In the future they realize plants are good for you and start planting more of them around, but it's not much better than it is now.

"Good morning Miss". Who said that? I looked down to see a young filly looking up at me. She had a pale cream coat and a bright red mane. She had a green sun hat on that shaded her brighter green eyes from the sun, she was wearing a green dress with yellow flowers printed all over it. I was taken back a bit by her greeting, why would she be talking to me? I decide to be polite and talk to her, after all everything is significant in this world.

"Good morning to you too, um, I'm sorry but I don't know your name". Foals should never talk to strangers let alone tell them their name, but this is 1970s Manehatten and this is my coma.

"My name is Candy Cream, what's yours?" I wonder if I should be doing this, after all what is somepony sees us and gets the wrong idea? I look up behind her, no pony is there, maybe she's alone. I look back at her.

"Twilight, my name is Twilight Sparkle". She beamed at me and I suddenly feel less wary of talking to her. "Um, Candy Cream? Where are your parents?" She is still smiling so she can't be lost or anything.

"My daddy is at work and my mummy is over there talking to auntie Tea Leaf". She points to her left, I look to see who's there. Candy is pointing to a mare with a pale green coat and a striking red mane like hers, the mare had blue eyes and is wearing a similar dress to Candy's but in red. Yea, she looks like she could be Candy's mother. She is talking to an equally green mare with a yellow mane and wearing an apron over her clothes, that must be Tea Leaf.

Smiling I turn back to Candy Cream who looks back at me seconds later. She's quite sweet, but that still begs the question, why is she talking to me? "If your mummy is over there, then why are you talking to me? Not that I don't like your company". I add that bit at the end in case I hurt her feelings.

"You seemed lonely".

"I did?"

"Yea, like you didn't belong. So I thought I'd come and cheer you up!" She so full of fun and happiness, Pinkie would have loved her. "Did it work?" She seemed so desperate to know the answer.

"You know what? I think it did". I smile widely at her. I'm not very good with children since I'm the youngest in my family, the only foals I see regularly is Applebloom and her friends and even then I don't spend much time with them. Luckily for me Candy seems to like me despite my lack of parental instincts.

"Great! I'm glad you're happy now". The innocent way she talks is such a nice change from the rest of this world. In fact between being kicked in the head, pushed up against a filing cabinet and my little room Candy is the only truly nice thing that's happened since I arrived. So yes, she has cheered me up.

"Candy! Candy it's time to go". I looked back over to where Candy Cream had told me her mother was, sure enough the green mare was calling over to her daughter. I looked back to Candy.

"I'd better go. It was nice talking to you Twilight".

"It was nice talking to you too Candy. Go on, better not leave your mother waiting". She nodded and ran off to her mother. She gave her a hug and walked off in the opposite direction I was going. Nice girl, I wonder if I'll see her again? Maybe she's like Police Constable Astro Star, a kind face to come into my life and leave without trace. After all, they're not real.

A few minutes late I spotted a cafe, the sign outside read 'The Coffee Cove'. Like everything around here it was small and fairly dark inside, but I was too hungry to care. There were tables and chairs everywhere, about half of which were taken by ponies sipping cups of coffee and tea. The wallpaper was a deep red and the carpet was dark brown all adding to the darkness of the room. There was a counter with a glass display case with cakes and other treats inside and a black board with different types of drinks written on it in chalk.

I ordered a slice of carrot cake and a cup of mint tea. As I walked to a table and sat down I had a thought. I wonder if these calories count? It's silly to think they do, after all this is just my subconscious creating the illusion of food. Still...

In the end I decide to throw all caution to the wind and eat my cake. It was rather good, for a construct of my imagination. It was then I realized just how real everything seemed. The touch, the taste, the sights, the sounds. Everything was so real. I rubbed a hoof along my table, it was so realistic. There were even little doodles scratched into the wood, the letters 'L.H + B.B' were scratched onto the table with a heart around them. I wonder briefly if ponies can fall in love here, or whether it is all just an illusion of life and free will.

I heard a bell chime as somepony walked through the door. I looked up and was surprised by who I saw. It was Spike dressed in a little denim jacket and black trousers, he looked so cute and grown up. He might not be my Spike but I still feel happy to see him. He seemed a little bit taller than my Spike, not much taller but if he was standing next to a pony he would be at eye level with them. I hadn't noticed when I first saw him because he was behind a desk, speaking of which why is he here?

He walked up to the counter and ordered something. I decided to say hello. "Hey, Spike!" He turned to face me and smiled. Not the reaction I thought I'd get since the last time we met I freaked him out with a hug, maybe he's forgiven me.

"Oh, hello there". He paused trying to remember something. "Twilight?" I nod. "What are you doing here?"

"I was hungry, there's nothing in my flat so I thought I'd explore. Why are you here?" He gave the pony on the till some money and turned to face me.

"The girls up at the station wanted some lunch so they sent me out to get some. How's your head?"

"Oh, it's fine thank you. How did you know about that?" Sure, I looked hideous when I arrived, but I never told Spike about what supposedly happened.

"Fluttershy told me about it. Look, I'm sorry if I acted a bit odd when we first met. I didn't know what had happened to you. Can we, you know, be friends?" How could I say no to my favorite dragon?

"Of course! And I'm sorry too, I shouldn't have acted that way, even if I had been kicked in the head". We both let out a chuckle. "Friends?" I stuck out a hoof.

"Friends". He shook it. Just then the pony serving came back with six cups and lots of wrapped up pieces of cake and food. Spike tried to pick up the mountain of lunch, he didn't stand a chance. Toppling over slightly from the weight Spike staggered away from the counter, he only made it five steps before he fell. With a sigh I used my magic to catch everything before it hit the floor.

"Perhaps I can help you with that?" He looked both surprised and grateful at the offer. With a nod he stood up and walked over to me, I gave him a cup and a bag that I think had a sandwich in it. I stood up, pushed my chair back under the table and followed Spike out of the cafe.

"Thanks Twilight, the girls never offer to help". That surprised me.

"Not even Fluttershy?" He seemed to think about that for a moment.

"Well ok, she does, but she doesn't come with me. The team need her there in case they get a call". That makes sense I suppose, even if I don't know how those things (what did Rainbow call them? Phones) work. Still, Spike shouldn't be sent out on his own to get lunch for every pony.

"I'm sorry about that".

"Oh, don't be. I don't mind, really. It's my job, sort of, and I'm lucky I'm in the force at all. I wouldn't trade this job for the world". He seemed serious about that, he was even smiling. That's when I realized something, Spike is the only dragon I saw in the 'station'. Come to think about it, I don't remember reading about any pony and dragon relationships in the 1970s. There were some back when Starswirl the Bearded was around, but they became increasingly rare over the years.

"What made you decide to be in the force?"

"You really want to know?" I nod. "Wow, no pony has ever asked me before".

"Really? I'd thought that would be the first thing ponies would ask you". He shook his head.

"No, no pony really talks to me very much. That's fine though, I don't mind really".

"Well I'm asking now, and I'd love to know the answer". He smiled at me, he almost seemed confused but happy at my question.

"Well, ok. As you know the Princess set up the Elements of Justice after she had to banish her sister to the moon". I nod, I remember Rainbow telling me this yesterday. "These ponies were selected for their ability to keep Equestria safe from magical threats. For centuries the force was just made up of ponies, with one or two zebras. One day the Princess decided to add more creatures to the force, but she didn't know which creatures to add".

"One day she was given a gift from Saddle Arabia, a dragons egg. She nurtured it and cared for it knowing that when it hatched the dragon would become part of her team. And she was right! When it hatched she looked after the rather handsome purple dragon that came out and when he was old enough he joined the Elements of Justice. I've been working for them for about two years now".

I couldn't quite believe the story Spike had told me. It was similar to the story of how me and Spike met, but only this time it was Celestia and Spike.

"Wow". It was all I could say.

"I know right, the Princess herself picked me to defend Equestria". He was acting like his old cocky self again, it brought a smile to my face and a chuckle from my lips. Then I realized what Spike had just said...

"Wait! If you were raised by the Princess why are you just on the desk? And why does no pony offer to help you? It's clear they respect the Princess so why don't they treat you..." I pause looking for the right word. "Better?"

I didn't expect the response I got, Spike started laughing. "Oh Twilight! You really know nothing about us do you? Of course they they treat me with respect. It's just they've never had a dragon on the team before, they don't really know what to do with me. Like I said before, I don't mind that at all. Also, I don't want special treatment just because I'm the Princess's pet". Wow, he's really mature about this, but that doesn't mean it's right.

That's when we arrive at the 'station'. "Thanks for your help Twilight".

"It's fine, really. Do you want me to bring it in with you?"

"If it's not too much trouble".

"Not at all". We walked in through the double doors, they swung open dramatically (I think it was designed that way). Fluttershy was sat at Spike's desk reading a file similar to the one she gave me yesterday, when she heard the door open she looked up and smiled when she saw it was us.

"Oh, hello there Twilight. What are you doing here?"

I motioned to Spike with my head. "I was just helping Spike carry every pony's lunch. I just happen to be in the same cafe and offered to help. How are you?" She got down from the chair she was sat on and walked out from behind the desk towards us.

"I'm fine, thank you. Do you feel any better?" You know what? I do, I do feel better. Ever since I've accepted I'm in a coma and I know my friends are going to wake me up I have felt a lot better. Obviously I can't tell her that so I simply say...

"Yes, I do. Thanks to you that is". Fluttershy blushed a bit at my thanks, good to know somethings stay the same when ever you are. "Hey Spike, where do these go?" I moved the food and drinks in my magic to show him what I'm talking about.

"Right through here, but it's ok I'll take them from here".

"Are you sure? I didn't mind talking them through".

"It's ok, really".

"I'll help". Fluttershy offered. Element of kindness through and through.

"Thanks Fluttershy". Accepting defeat I hand over the food and smile at Spike who is still struggling with half of the lunch order. I turn to leave when I hear Fluttershy call out...

"Twilight, are you still on for the pub tonight?" I had almost forgotten about it, good thing she reminded me.

"Sure, I can't wait"

"Ok, I'll come over and get you at seven ok?" I nod and leave the 'station'. As much as I'd like to stay and chat with them I have something very important to do.

I need to go shopping.