• Published 26th Jul 2016
  • 1,086 Views, 71 Comments

Death Note: Alight Equestria - DeviousNights

"No matter how smart you are, you alone cannot change the world". This is contrary to the beliefs of Maj. Nightmare Moonlit, who plans to do just that with a mysterious black notebook.

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Prime Minister Necalli

The Griffon Kingdom is a large, skyborn kingdom set 20,000 feet in the air, aboard many clouds. The Griffon Kingdom was home to Griffons and the occasional Pegasus of all shapes and sizes. It was, however, frowned upon if a pegasus were to enter the ground of the Griffon Kingdom expecting to be able to settle there.

The Griffons, though very technologically advanced, were primitive in their thinking style, having the idea made up in their mind that the Griffon Kingdom was sacred ground that only those of their own specimen should be able to transgress. As such, Griffons were rarely known to have interactions with ponies, wolves, or any other ground based species for that matter. They generally shown to keep to themselves, make their own technology, and not offer any sorts of political trades unless necessary, or an emergency situation was called by the Summit committee.

This was one of those situations.

The hustle and bustle of the Prime Ministers office in the Griffon Kingdom was very unnatural. Unde any other circumstance, the Prime Minister was basically just a figurehead used to keep all of the Griffons under the impression that everything was under control and that there was nothing to worry about politics wise. The Prime Minister himself, is considered the highest appointed office that any one Griffon can hold, however it is not actually stated that that is the highest office. It is simply recognised as such by other nations, and the Griffons, at most times not needing to communicate with other species, went along with it.

Put into simpler terms, Prime Minister Necalli had no experience.

Prime Minister Necalli can be described as being a very courteous, caring Griffon. This is what attracted his attention to politics. It was a if he was a naturally born leader, with all the skills to make things happen pre-built in to his personality. His strengths relied on using peoples emotions to turn them his way in making things happen. He is part of the reason that the Griffons are so much more technologically advanced than the ponies are. However, this does not mean Necalli himself was without fault. He had committed his fair share of crimes, including accidentally murdering a Griffon using a notebook.

Necalli came across the notebook a couple of days before the scheduled rendezvous for the Summit of world leaders. The notebook was lying very hidden under a layer of clouds that griffons had been walking over all day, so it was semi buried. He took it home, read over the rules, and, just like his Alicorn counterpart, tested it out just to see if it worked. It should be beyond question that it did, in fact, work. so well, in fact, that even the immediate family of the Griffon killed were also either killed or severely injured in some way. Necalli, however, did not mean for it to go this far.

This, is why Necalli sat in his large red chair, scooted closely up to his desk, with his claws clenched into his temples and his head held down. His red fur slipped upwards out of his claws, looking like weeds that are trying to escape the confines of pavement, and springing outwards towards the light that they so crave. It was apparent that a situation such as this one was not very prevalent in the life of the Prime Minister, and that the fact that it was all hitting him like a bus into a wall was nothing more than another reason for Necalli to feel all but comforted with his decisions.

Necalli shifted his head upwards, bags clear under his eyes and his eyes themselves seeming to take on a darker shade of blue than they normally would. His face practically gleamed with fatigue and restlessness, his uneasy shifting and shaking simply amplifying the emotions he was feeling at the time.

A knock at the door snapped Necalli out of his depressed stupor for the slit second that it took for him to dash towards the door and open it, knocking over his desk lamp in the process, making the room almost completely dark aside from the area closest to the floor, which was illuminated, just barely, by the impeding light source. The door opening also provided a bit of white light to creep into the room, clashing harshly with the orange like tent of Necalli's desk lamp.

A male, muscular griffon, about double the size of Necalli was standing ominously at the door, his physical appearance in itself being enough to scare off the most sensible of ponies and griffons. However, his gruff appearance was met with a soft smile from Necalli, Necalli almost instantly extending his left claw in an attempt to execute a handshake with the new figure. The figure's serious expression faltered for a moment before regaining its own composure, and meeting the greeting claw of Necalli halfway, Necalli shaking it very vigorously. The manner in which he shook the claw was almost childlike in nature, and seemed that the two were at the very least acquainted in some way before this meeting in particular.

Necalli moved himself backwards into the room, picking up the small desk lamp with his claw and gently setting it back in its original spot on his desk, the room now returning to its normal orange tint. The atmosphere in the room had maintained itself for the most part, a sadness of sorts still hanging in the air.

The two spoke for a moment before the guest excused himself into the hallway in order to answer a call on his earset. As the large figure disappeared behind the gloomy, particularly uninviting door, Necalli arose from his original positioning to walk up to a bookcase that was standing in the southwestern-most corner of his room, shuffling around a couple books to reveal a safe that was hidden fairly well within the confines of books that no one would ever touch anyways. He input a short, yet complex code, the safe opening with no trouble at all. Necalli took out a bag that must have contained a moderate amount of bits, and set it onto his desk. He also took out, from the confinement of the safe, a grayscale toned notebook, with the words 'Death Note' written out on it.

Slipping the Death Note under his bottom desk compartment, he moved the bag of bits in front of him invitingly, and awaiting the return of the guest into his room.

The intimidating griffon slipped himself back into the illuminated room with little subtility, allowing the door to slam behind him, showing irritation at its greatest length. Before Necalli could so much as question what had gotten the agitated griffon so riled up, he had already slammed himself back down into his seat and had sat his left claw onto his head in an attempt to calm down. He had broken out into a sweat, discomfort clearly stricken across his face.

Necalli adjusted himself back into his seat, seeing little point in addressing the issue of what was wrong. Minutes passed, of the two sitting there in an eerily awkward silence, the slam of the door still ringing throughout the otherwise silent room.

Moments later, the larger griffon spoke up, continuing conversation on the previous topic before the two were interrupted by that uninvited buzzing that disrupted the orderly process of their conversation. The two conversed for upwards of twenty minutes, the bag of bits being shifted constantly by Necalli, as if attempting to tempt the visitor with the sum of bits available. The other figure motioned as if the bits were not enough, but after negotiations were complete, the larger griffon took the bits into his claws. As he did he began to stand up, Necalli then walking him back to the doorway.

The two shared another handshake, with different hands this time due to the bag of bits, and went their separate ways.

Necalli sat down at his desk and pulled out the Notebook, opening it up to the first page, which had minimal writing on it. Necalli smirked.

Author's Note:

Been wanting to put this guy in here for the longest, had to build up to it first however