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Chapter 2

It was cold, a deep winter cold. The feeling had washed over my body. Jolting up my eyes were greeted by pure blackness, a deep black that only loneliness can accompany. I could feel a chill rise in my spine as the heat left my body, only to flee in terror as all feeling had begin to leave.

In the distance a small light could be seen, but it was not any ordinary light. It had a deep purple glow, a glow that would freeze anyone in their tracks. I stood there, held in place as the grip of true terror held true, but then it was uplifted as the light had advanced on my position. As the light grew closer it became clearer and what it was. It was a hole in the fabric of space, a portal or wormhole leading back home. I reached forward to touch it, I could feel the warmth from home coming through. My body had then relaxed and a smile came to my face as I stepped into the light.

When I took that step nothing happened. The deep chill of loneliness had returned and pure blackness was there again to be my only friend. A low whisper could be heard from the distance. "Friend." My ears had perked up upon hearing the word. "Friend.." The words carried concern and general worry in them.

I gasped for air loudly as I awakened from the nightmare, only to be greeted by Princess Luna. "Are thou okay? My friend." I looked at her in confusion from using the wording of her speech and using the term 'friend'. My heart beat slowed down in the calmness she had brought with her, and the concern she held with calmed me more.

"Yes, I-I was just having a nightmare." A small smile could be seen on her face. "So, why are you in my room so late?" asking from curiosity.

"Oh, well I was passing through the hall and I could hear what sounded like you were crying." At this I wiped my hand across my face to feel that I had been crying. My shoulders slumped at this realization and I tried to hide my face with no avail. Luna walked around to the side of the bed so she could try and keep eye contact. "Do you mind if we... I mean, do you mind if I sit next to you?" I just nodded my head and could feel the bed shift as she sat down next to me. It seemed like she should could sense how I was feeling. "I know what you are going through, I've been lonely for a long time. It felt as if I could never be happy again" Her voice had a hint of sadness as it hit my ears. I looked up at her and met her eyes, filled with a soft glaze of internal sadness.

I cleared my throat. "Would you like to talk about it?" I softly spoke the words. Her ears perked up and I could hear a soft sniffle. I hesitantly put a hand on her hoof. "It is never good to keep anything in. If you talk about it it may make you feel better."

"I-if you insist." Her eyes gave a soft gentle look, as if she was beginning to trust me. "For one thousand years I was banished to the moon." She adverted her gaze to the floor as tears began to form in her eyes. "Before my banishment, I had let anger and jealousy take over my body. I then became a nightmare to Equestria, to shroud the land in eternal darkness. Only because the ponies shunned my night and had left me alone." I could see the tears flowing from her eyes and hitting the floor with a soft patter. Listening closely to her words and not interuptting from the amazement of how old she is, I simply sat there. "My sister, Celestia then used powerful magic to seal me in the moon for a thousand years, and when I had returned the anger and jealousy still resided in my heart and soul." Reaching my hand out I lightly touched her shoulder to try to comfort her. From the delicate touch she looked at me from the corner of her eye and gave a small smile that had quickly faded.

"Luna, you don't have to finish." Plainly speaking trying to keep calm. "I see that you have suffered greatly from being alone, and now that I am currently suffering from it now, you wish to pass your tale to me to help me cope with it." I nodded to myself as I put the small pieces of the puzzle together. "Being alone for over a thousand years must have been hard. Us humans don't live nearly that long, and knowing I'm the only human here and possibly not have a chance to go home will be
hard." I turned torward her and gave her a small nudge on her side. "Luna, thank you for sharing me the tale and uh." I cleared my throat and looked into her eyes. "I would like to have you as a friend, my first friend here in this foreign oof." Before I could finish the sentance I was nailed by a massive hug from the princess.

"Oh joyous day!" Her grip grew tighter as my lung bagan to contrict. Finally with enough squirming she loosned her grip and I could gasp for air. "Sorry my friend." I just looked at her with a smile and caught my breath.

"It is fine, just warn me next time." With that said I returned her hug. We we parted we just looked at eachother in a slight awkward silence until I decided to break it. "Soo, umm, you said for one thousand years you were banished to the moon?" From my questions she tensed up and looked away from me. "Exactly how old are you?" At this I heard a small giggle.

"Well, I am roughly two thousand years old, give or take a century. As for my sister she is only a century older than me." Casually speaking and not noticing my reaction.

"How is that possible? Us humans have a life span of eighty five years. How do you live that long?" In total disbelief I begin to think of reasons why but could not conclude any.

"Oh, thats easy. Us alicorns are immortal. Other ponies like unicorns, pegasai, and earth ponies have an average life of sixty years." She smiled at me again, but this time it was more of a mask than an actual smile. Instead of speaking again I decided to hug her again, but tighter, knowing that living for so long could be lonley and watching your friends die can be very heart breaking. Before I had a chance to release my hug I could feel the soft feeling of feathers against my back and a warm wetness on my shoulder.

"Luna, do not cry. I am here for you." I sat there in her embrace trying to comfort her, in the back of my mind I wanted to run, to get away and not believe this whole situation was real. But seeing a being like this, who had emotions like my own, to know how it feels pain and sadness like this I could not bring myself to leave a broken heart alone. I am not a monster.

"I wish I could have met a friend like you sooner." She kept repeating 'I wish' over and over again. I just sat there and let her cry into my shoulder and comfort her. When she began to calm down she smiled at me and thanked me for being there for her, to let her open up and get rid of the bottled up emotions. "You are very nice, and helpful. Somepony would be very lucky to be with you." She wiped her eyes and looked away towards the window. "It's getting late and I should prepare to lower the moon soon."

"Wait, lower the moon? What in the world do you mean?" My face giving a definate look of confusion.

"Me and Celestia are goddesses in this world. I raise and lower the moon and stars in the sky. Celestia raises and lowers the sun. Thats why us alicorns are immortal, we are gods and goddesses." She spread her wings and opend the window. I cool gentle breeze flowed in as she began to beat her wings. "I'm sorry I must leave now. I wish I could stay and talk to you some more." A smile appeared on her face and her gaze softened as her eyes met mine. "You must sleep and get rest. I sleep during the day so I will see you tomorrow evening. Till then, be safe." With that said she flew into the air torwards the direction of a large tower on the opposite end of the castle.

I grabbed my head to help steady my thoughts that ran through my mind. All that I had learned and heard did not make any sense, but one thought kept coming to mind. "Do I feel emotionally attachd to a ..." before my thought could be finished I took off my shirt and decided it was time to sleep, and sleep for a very long time. I layed back down on the bed, when I did a felt a poke in my side. I grabbed what had jabbed my side and saw it was a midnight blue feather. I smiled and put it on the table next to the bed I was given to sleep on. Soon sleep had overtaken my exhausted body and mind, but with a smile on my face. I could get use to this, I thought to myself just before I delved deep into the realm of sleep.

Comments ( 4 )

I would fix the paragraph spacing, assuming that i'm not the only one who can see it.


Yeah, it is hard for me to do that. I'm not a very grammatical or writing oriented person. I can try but I guarantee nothing spectacular in the up and coming chapters


I edited the paragraphing, I'm guessing my writing program I use (notepad) bucked it up. So yeah it should be fixed now, sorry to cause any confusion

I like the way this is shaping up, and I guess you're going to ship Luna with the human:rainbowhuh:

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