• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,297 Views, 13 Comments

A teenagers guide to equestria - Rangefinder Rewinder

A shy socially awkward human finds his way into equestria(

  • ...

Mid day musings

Author's Note:

This is written from rex's perspective, thanks for reading!

I groan leaning up, finally waking from my long nap."my headaches gone finally." I say thinking aloud. I turn sitting on the edge of the bed, letting my feet dangle. I slowly stand up and stretch. "I'm gonna get fucking cabin fever if I stay in this room any longer, wait..... Shit I'm already going insane and talking to myself... Wait i always do that. Note to self, stop being a weird fuck." I walk to the door and swing the door open, peering out into the hallway, and down the stairs. "Twilight!" I yell, making it echoe through the house.

"What?" I hear her reply, from somewhere downstairs.

"Uh, hi." I say, bolting down the stairs.

"Um hello?" She says, peaking out from behind a bookshelf.

"Sorry I'm just kind of.... Bored " I say, sighing.

"Well, you could read a book." She says, gesturing to the shelves of books.

"Oh! I have something to ask you, was it their goal to make the most fire hazardous house ever when they made this?" I say.

"What do you mean?" She says, tilting her head in confusion.

"first of all this is a house inside of a tree, second there is a library in said tree." I say, gesturing to the whole house.

"I suppose that is a fire hazard, but nothing has happened so far."

"Well it's only a matter of time before it does happen, one stray lightning bolt and poof, a massive fire."

"You're right, after I send you home, ill set a protection spell over the tree." She says, smiling.

"Good, now back to the more important issue. I'm bored out of my fucking mind."

"Language please!" She says, glaring at me.

"Well sorrrrry princess." I say, snickering.

"I'm not a princess?" She says, confused.

"Way to ruin a joke." I say, crossing my arms, staring at her.

"That was a joke?"

"Just nevermind it's already ruined, leave it alone." I say, glaring at her.

"Ok then" she says going back, behind the bookshelf.

"So.....?" I say peaking behind the bookshelf, seeing her levitating multiple bookd as her eyes scan through the pages.

"So?" She says, looking at me.

"How exactly are you doing that? With the books?"

"You mean making them levitate?" I nod, " I'm using my magic" she says, with a tone, like it should be common knowledge.

"You have magic?" I say tapping on the bookshelves.

"Um...yes? Does your world not have magic?" She says, glancing at me.

"No, well atleast not real magic like this. Magic in my world is mostly just illusions and eye tricks." I say sighing.

"Ohh I see" she says, closing the books she was reading through. "Well, at the moment I can't find anything on a strong enough spell to send you home. I'm sure ill find something eventually...." She says hanging her head down.

A frown spreads across my face "well...it'll be fine, I trust you."

She looks up with a small smile"yeah... Ill keep looking later."

"Thank you twilight" I say, cracking a small smile.

"You don't seem to hurried to go back home, why is that?" She says, looking at me.

"Well honestly, there isn't much for me to go back to.... I'd tell you the whole story but I wouldnt want to depress you" I say, looking away from her.

"Oh um.... Sorry for asking. "She says, frowning again.

"Don't be it's fine" I say, partiality lying.

"Anyway.... I was thinking, I'd like to know more about you and where you come from." She says, as a glimmer of curiosity shines in her eyes.

"Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt, sure"

"Oh good now please come this way." She says, walking past me and into a room I haven't been into before.

I follow her and see her sitting at a table with a note pad and a quill, I sit across from her. "So what would you like to know?" I say putting on a toothy smile.

"Well first of all how old are you?" She says, dipping the quil in some ink, ready to write.

"I am sixteen, turning seventeen in a few months." I say, looking around the room as she writes what I said down.

"Ok good now is rex your whole name or?"

"My full name is Rex Andrew Waterson." I say, looking back to her as she writes that down as well.

"Interesting, now would you mind describing your world?" It takes me a minute to finally be able to give her an honest answer.

"Well.....to describe it in one word. Corrupted"

"How so?" She asks, writing the word corrupted down.

"For one, it has had many wars over petty things." She writes it down "where I come from rulers or leaders are choosen by the people every four years. The maximum number of years a person can serve is eight years before a new person must be chosen. More than one time the person that was chosen was.....not a very good choice, to say the least." I say, as she writes down every word I say.

"That's enough for now, thank you rex." She says, putting her quill down.

"Its the least I could do, especially with how nice you've been to me." I say, smiling at her.

"Well I still appreciate it." She says, standing up.

"So, with that out of the way. What is there to do?" I say, looking out of a nearby window.

"you could read a book, like I said earlier." She says, walking back into the library section of the house.

"I'd rather not." I say, walking after her.

"You could go meet some of the ponies around town." She says, gesturing to the door.

"Judging from the reactions I got when we were walking here, I don't think they'd be interested in meeting me." I say, frowning a little.

"you'll never know unless you try" she says, walking up the stairs.

"Wait, where are you going?" I say, standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"To sleep, you can do what you want. Just consider actually interacting with some of the ponies." I hear her say, from somewhere upstairs.

I sigh and look at the door "fine...." I say, walking to the door.

I slowly twist the knob, swinging open the door. Light floods into the room, I take a deep breath and step out. The first things I see are random ponies, going about their business. Or carrying on conversations with ponies along the way.

I start walking, with no real destination in mind. As I walk I can't help but notice, ponies are once again avoiding me. Giving me stares. Like I'm some monster. I'm used to this, never was very popular in school. I continue walking, looking at the huts and buildings as I go. Quaint, is one word I could use to describe it. I see unicorns like twilight and rarity, and sometimes I see a Pegasus.

I suddenly hear the sound of flapping wings coming towards me, "watch out!" Is all I hear, before I'm rammed full speed in the stomach by a Pegasus. I'm sent into the ground, after being drilled in the stomach by a pony skull. Unimaginable pain, shoots through my body. While I'm on the ground I feel pressure being lifted off my stomach. "I'm so so so sorry!" I hear a feminine voice say from above me as I writhe in pain on the ground.

All I can manage to say is "fuck everything, kill me now, fuck life." As I squirm, grasping my aching stomach.

"Um hello?" I hear the voice say again, before being poked on my arm.

I feel heat near my face, I open my eyes and all I can see are massive crossed amber eyes. "Oh thank goodness....I thought I killed you." She says, sighing in relief.

She's just a few inches from my face. "I-I'm fine." I say backing up away from her, before I feel my hand touch paper. Picking up what I touched, I see it's a letter.

The mare takes the letter out of my hand and puts it in a satchel, that hangs by her side. "Thanks, sorry for flying into you.... I uh got blinded by the sun" she says, with a nervous slightly forced laugh.

"It's fine...." I say, picking myself up off the ground.

"Wow mister you're tall." She says, looking up and down my body. I didn't think of myself as tall, only being 5'8 but I guess to this little pony I would be pretty tall.

"Well I'm not exactly a pony." I say, staring down at the grey Pegasus.

"Speaking of which, what are you?" She says, tapping my shoes.

"It'd be too hard to explain right now, so just call me rex." I say, moving my foot out of her reach.

"Ok......rex, my names ditzy doo. Even though most ponies call me derpy, I have no idea why though. It's nice to meet you." She says, smiling.

"It's nice to meet you too ditzy" I say, smiling back.

"Well, I have to get back to work. I only had one delivery left." She says, about to take off.

"Okay ditzy, see you around I guess." I say, going back to walking as I hear her fly off towards her last delivery.

I keep walking along the side of the street, not wanting to draw more attention than I already am to myself. Keeping my eyes on the ground, getting sick of the stares. Eventually I look up, to see another unicorn walking in my direction. I assume it's a female. She has some sort of pouch floating beside her face as she walks. Another pony walks behind her, a bit too close.

I let my eyes go back to the ground."This place is so fucking weird" I say, before hearing a scream. I look up and see the mare on the ground, with the other pony barreling towards me. Just as it's about to pass me I stick my leg out infront of it. It trips on it and is sent flying towards skidding its face on the ground. Calmly I walk up to it and snag the pouch out from under it. Looking back at the mare who's just picking herself off the ground, I sigh and walk towards her with the pouch in hand.

"I think this belongs to you?" I say, looking down at her. She stands there, fear still in her eyes from what just happened.

"I-I.....thank you" she says, quietly taking the pouch out of my grasp.

"Just be more careful, ok?" I say, walking past her still with no goal in mind.

"Hey wait up!!" I hear a voice yell, turning around I see a mint green unicorn running towards me at full speed.

She trots up to me and pokes my knee."I saw what you did back there."

"Uhm okay?" I say, visibly confused.

"That was pretty sweet, what you did. My names Lyra, Lyra heartstrings." She says, holding out her hoof.

I slowly grasp her hoof, shaking it I notice her eyes are intently focused on my hands."rex....nice to meet you?"

I pull my hand back, resting it on my side. "So did you want something, or?"

She shrugs. "I just wanted to tell you, what you did back there was really friggin swe-" she says, before her eyes widen. As her gaze goes behind me. "Look out!" She says, pointing her hoof behind me. I turn and look behind me. There's nothing there.....suddenly my head is surrounded by a golden glow, I feel force being applied to my head. Everything goes dark.

Comments ( 7 )

Is he dead!?


7378327 lol it sounded like his head got crushed. I legit almost shouted "no leave Rex alone!"

7292670 It's not his fault that your illiterate...

Looking back at this story, I realize this was the first one that read on this website, I only wish it would continue. But thank you nonetheless.

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