• Published 10th Jun 2016
  • 1,296 Views, 13 Comments

A teenagers guide to equestria - Rangefinder Rewinder

A shy socially awkward human finds his way into equestria(

  • ...

A formal greeting and a place to stay

Twilight gallops down the dirt path leading to sweet apple acres and its not long before she sees the orchard and the red barn come into view, as she pushes on and keeps going until she's at the barn panting and out of breath, "APPLEJACK" she yells with what air she can get in her lungs, and its not long before she hears hoovesteps from inside the barn as the door to the barn slightly opens as applejacks head pops out slightly.

"What's wrong sugarcube?" She says stepping out of the barn adorned with her signature hat, "is it an emergency?" She looks down at Marcus who's just standing behind twilight without a care in the world just looking like he's happy to be there, "did some of fluttershys critters get out again?" She asks the exhausted unicorn, who's been trying to regain her breath this entire time.

"I.....saw......a...strange creature" she says between pants, looking like she's about to faint "I....fell ontop....of it...." She says slowly regaining her breath, "it ran...into the everfree.....it could be in danger...need help" she says sitting down.

Marcus nuzzles up beside her and sits next to her, "and this...is its pet....I think I don't know....it led me to it" she says laying flat on the ground as marcus gets up and starts licking her face making her scrunch her nose, "Ew.....".

"Gosh sugarcube did you run all the way here?" Applejack asks looking down at her friend; Twilight replies with a simple nod not wishing to speak for awhile, "is it that much of an emergency?" She nods again "hold on....." She says walking away and into the house.

Coming back minutes later with a full glass of water putting it on the ground next to twilights face, she looks at it and raises her head slightly off the ground as her horn starts glowing as the glass is enveloped in a lavender glow as it lifts off the ground and to her mouth as she starts downing the glass, "slow down twilight you'll choke!" She says tipping the glass where she couldn't drink it as fast.

Twilight finishes the glass and slowly sits up, finally having regained her breath, "thank you..." She says standing up putting the glass down on the ground, which Marcus sniffs and knocks over, "as I was trying to say this dog led me to some strange creature which I uh....accidentally fell on top of, and I think I scared it because it started screaming so I started screaming, then it pushed me off and got up and ran into the everfree, and if we don't find it soon it will get hurt or maybe worse..." She says looking down at the dog, "and I came to you because I don't think I can do this alone...".

Applejack smiles at her friend, "then lets get a move on but first...." She walks back into the barn and grabs her lasso and saddle bags tucking the lasso into the bags, "ok all set!....but wait how are we gonna find this critter the everfree is massive it could be anywhere, and we might not even be able to find it before night falls..." She says frowning, "and I already don't like goin' in that forest in day time let alone night time".

Twilight frowns and looks at the ground, "I did not think about that....but I'm sure there's a way we just have to think" she says rubbing her head, trying to get an idea, meanwhile Marcus just looks at the two mares talking back and forth and barks softly then starts walking towards the everfree, twilight notices this immediately, "hey where are you going come back here!" She says running after him.

Applejack follows close behind her, "where do you reckon he's goin?" She trots next to twilight, "maybe it'll lead us to that critter you've been talking about......we should follow him and see where it leads us".

"Honestly that's the only thing we can do, so go on boy lead us to your owner" twilight says as they follow Marcus into the everfree, walking amidst the trees and bushes, Marcus pays no attention to anything but finding rex, "how much longer boy?".

Her question is only met with the sound of snores in the distance as marcus picks up his speed going toward the sound of the snores, disappearing into some bushes as the sound appears to be right behind it, covering the girls view, they decide to step inside it the first thing they see is the 'creature' twilight saw, face down on a log with his foot caught on a vine.

"I think its sleeping..." Twilight says stepping cautiously towards it, getting closer, "I think it knocked itself out..." She says picking it up carefully with her magic, making sure not to bump it as marcus wags his tail and barks happily, "so I was right assuming he's your owner?" She says to Marcus, who responds with another bark and faster wagging of his tail.

Applejack looks cautiously at the 'creature', "what in tarnation is it?" She says getting a closer look at rexs face, "its funny lookin" she then notices a massive bruise on his forehead, "it must have hit its head pretty darn hard, we should get it back to town fast" twilight nods and picks up her pace, keeping rex very still and away from any objects that could harm him, fearing for this creature feeling like she is the one who caused this.

It doesn't take long for them to reach sweet apple acres again, as soon as they see the barn twilight starts sprinting, reaching it in only a few minutes as she bolts inside the barn and sits rex down on the floor, leaning him up against a bale of hay sitting down infront of his unconscious body, looking at every detail of his body, "its so.....strange" she says picking is arms and legs up, studying them as marcus crawls into his lap and snuggles into him, "awe.....he really cares about his owner doesn't he?".

Rex starts moving slightly, wiggling his fingers and slumping his head to the other direction, "ughhhh my head....." He says as his eyes slowly open, still dizzy from his injury in the forest, as he looks up the first thing he sees is applejack and twilights widened eyes staring at him, "heh pretty horses" he says unable to think clearly as he grabs twilight and pulls her close to him, and starts petting her mane soliciting a small blush from twilight as she can't even think of what she should do.

Applejack looks at the situation unfolding infront of her as a strange creature pets one of her best friends, she cant help but laugh slightly which twilight notices and gives her a death glare, which only makes her laugh more.

Twilight finally decides to use her magic and restrains rexs arms and gets out of his grasp, standing far away from him, "thanks aj" she says glaring at her friend who only gives a sheepish grin, "well anyway......you appear to be able to speak so...my name is twilight sparkle, it is nice to meet you, and what is your name?" She asks rex.

Rex looks at her confused, "horses can talk now?" He says rubbing his head, "I hit my head hard" still rubbing his head, he attempts to get up but is stoped by Marcus, "ugh.....well......my name is rex miss magical talking horse"he says convinced this is a delusion, or that he's still dreaming from when he hit his head in the forest.

Twilight looks at him smiling thinking she's making progress, "well its nice to meet you rex....now I have to ask.....what are you? And where are you from?" She asks while applejack just sits quietly letting twilight ask her questions, "I've never seen anything like you before and I don't know of anywhere you could have come from so....." She says going silent waiting for an answer.

Rex looks at her as he starts petting Marcus, "I'm a human.....from earth? This is earth isn't it?....."he says starting to worry this is real and not just a delusion, or a dream.

Twilight frowns"no.....? This is equestria....and there aren't any other....humans here you're the only one" she says glancing at applejack, who's just watching everything happen, hearing this only makes rexs heart drop, but he keeps acting calm trying to convince himself this isn't real.

"Oh....ok....so can I wake up now or can you poof out of existence?" he says pushing Marcus out of his lap, standing up.

Applejack finally speaks up,"uh hun...this ain't no dream....this is real.....".

"A-are you kidding me?! This has to be!" He says raising his voice, making the girls shrink down from his volume.

"Its....real...." Twilight speaks up "I'm sorry if you're lost or...confused....but I might be able to help you get home maybe...but...you'll have to be here for...a little bit" twilight says, trying to calm him down, and her words do give him some comfort.

"....well as long as I can get home with my dog....I guess it'll be fine...where am I going to be staying?" He says, while twilight thinks of a place where he can stay.

"Well....I do have an extra room in my house...you could stay there" twilight says, putting on a comforting smile.

Rex nods "yeah sure lets go..." He says, walking out of the barn with Marcus, waiting for twilight, who comes out a few minutes later, leaving applejack behind, she starts walking toward ponyville, as rex and Marcus follow closely behind her .

Rex doesn't say anything along the walk, just looks straight ahead and continues walking, "so....I'm gonna assume you're a male?" She finally speaks up halfway to Ponyville looking back at rex, he just nods in response as they go back to silence for the rest of the walk.

As they get onto the streets rex notices all of the ponies on the street staring at him and avoiding getting near him, he just sighs and keeps walking as they reach twilights treehouse.

Twilight opens the door and they all walk inside and stand at the bottom of the stairs, "the guest room is just up the stairs on the right...." Rex puts on a fake smile and nods, walking up the stairs going to the room, which is mostly empty with a window and a twin sized bed.

Rex sighs and closes the door making sure Marcus got in with him, "well pugs....today has been weird but hopefully it'll all get fixed soon" he says, laying on the bed wanting to just go to sleep, he feels Marcus jump on the bed and snuggle up next to his face, "good boy...."he says rubbing the dogs back, eventually going off to dreamland.