> A teenagers guide to equestria > by Rangefinder Rewinder > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > The arrival > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Ugh.... get off me you ass!" Rex groaned as he tried to shove his dog off his chest. "Come on pugs, you're crushing me." He glared at his pug.  He had named his dog Marcus, but for simplicity's sake he called him pugs most of the time.  "Ughhhhhhhh!" He cried, getting louder and louder until his dog finally got off of him and jumped onto the floor.  "Thank God," he sighed, rolling around in bed, and trying to get back to sleep. After a few moments of unsuccessful attempts, he moaned and rolled onto his side, and saw his dog wagging his tail and looking at him. "You're an ass, you know that?" All the dog did in reply was  to jump up onto the bed and lick his nose, making Rex recoil from the smell, "Eww, Christ pugs, I really need to get you some dental treats," He chuckled and pulled himself out of bed. After a quick shower, He threw on a pair of jean shorts and a plain red t-shirt. "So what's on the agenda today Marcus?" He asked his dog seriously,  looking out of the window to realize the suns just barely coming up. "Dude, I don't ever wake you up this early, you asshole!" Rex grumbled, reaching down and scratching behind his dog’s ears. He stumped into his kitchen and poured Marcus some food in his bowl. Rex watches him in amusement as Marcus quickly starts to eat it; "Slow down pugs, you'll make yourself sick buddy." Marcus keeped eating regardless. Rex pulled up a chair and sat as the table with his morning coffee. He wondered what he should. do today since he has nothing, it being summer vacation and all. An idea popped into his head. "Wanna go for walkies?" He said, glancing down at the pug as his head snaps up and he runs to him headbutting his leg that's hanging down off the chair. "Haha ow! You little ass," he cried getting up and laughing at his dog’s antics. "Now, where did I leave your leash....?" He mused, heading back to his room and rummaging through his stuff, finally finding it. He hooked up Marcus and strolled toward his front door, grabbing his phone on the way. He walked out his front door, locking it on his way out. "So where do you wanna go today pugs?" Rex asked Marcus, walking down his driveway. He chuckled as the dog started pulling him towards a lake. "Well I guess that answers the question!" He continued, trying to keep up with his dog who's tugging him along. "Hey! I'm supposed to be leading you around." He exclaimed,  laughing to himself. Rex looks around and takes a deep breath, enjoying the peace and quiet that only comes when he gets up this early, slightly glad Marcus woke him up today.  He noticed that someone is also up and about, sitting on their porch, When Rex saw who it was, the smile faded from his face and his stomach dropped. "Hey fagboy! Out walking your pathetic little rat dog?" The person yelled, standing up and laughing. This bully, named Steven seemed to have made it his personal job in life to torment and tease Rex when he was at school. Rex ignored him and Steven ran down his driveway. "Oi, little bitch I'm talking to you," he mocked Rex and stood in front of him, blocking his way. "Steven just leave me alone." Rex says, scooting past him able to and  speeding  up his walk pace. As he glanced behind him, he noticed that Steven was still following him. Rex picked up his speed and did everything he could to avoid him. But to no luck, as he's always right there behind him. Rex, getting tired of it, stopped walking. "Steven, I asked you to please leave me alone," He said, turning around to face him. "Oho! What are you going to do about it if I don't? Are you gonna hit me?" Rex clenched his fist, anger rising in him. "You wanna hit me, don't you?” Steven continued, taunting Rex. “Go ahead, I’ll give you a free shot!" He jerked his chin up, waiting. "Come on pussy, hit me!" He hit the ground as a large jolt smashed into his chin, sending waves f pain through his face. When he finally got to his feet, he spied Rex running away towards the lake, Marcus in tow. "You're fucking dead!" He shouted, running after him. ‘I’ll skin your fucking dog!” Rex sprinted for his life towards the lake, but he was running out of breath fast. The lake came into view and he pushed on, despite his chest being on fire from being pushed past his limits. He heard Steven yelling in the distance, but couldn’t comprehend it from how far away he is and the sound of the wind flying past him as he ran. Beside him, Marcus struggles to keep up with him, tongue lolling out and panting away. He finally got to the lake and panicked, looking around for a place to hide. Too late, the wind is knocked out of him as Rex was tackled from behind into the lake’s warm water, bringing his dog with him. Steven relentlessly tried to choke Rex under the water, but he couldn’t  get a firm grip and Rex kept slipping from his grasp. Rex clutched Marcus close to him and kept trying to swim away from Steven  Suddenly he hears an alien voice in his head. {Go deeper Rex} Rex didn’t question it and swam deeper into the lake, heading for the bottom. {Keep going, you're almost safe} the voice echoed, louder than before and still Rex kept swimming to the bottom, still clutching Marcus tightly. He hit the bottom, straining for breath, but for some reason he was able to keep pushing. Rex’s fading and his chest was burning, but on he went sliding  through the ground. Everything faded to black and he passed out, water streaming into his mouth. Rex suddenly hits open air, and his body waked up, as he gulps down air as fast as he could. The only sound filling the air was of him trying to get as much of it into his lungs as he could.  After a few moments of intense breathing, he finally calmed down and looked around at his surroundings. The first thing Rex noticed was that he was on the ground near the lake.  "H-huh? What happened?" He exclaimed, looking around  and seeing a forest surrounding the lake. "S-Steven?!?" He yelled, but only heard the peaceful sounds of the wind blowing and birds chirping. Suddenly, he heard abrupt thuds coming towards him from behind. As he turned around, he saw Marcus jumping onto him, and he fell back with the dog landing on top of him. "Oh God dammit Marcus.....where in the hell are we?" Rex whispered, looking at the pug. Marcus just tilted his head and looked at him. Rex snorted. "Well you're a big help," he says pushing him off,  then standing up. "Hello!?!?" He yelled into the distance, but there was no answer. He looked back down at his canine companion. "Well....at least you're here with me Marcus." The dog wagged his curly tail at him in response. "Guess we should probably try to find out where the hell we are." Rex told said aloud, still glancing around. He slowly walked into the forest,  Marcus following in behind. Rex continued walking for several moments, pushing past the trees and leaves that block him. He paused at a simple dirt path amidst the trees and cautiously followed it, getting more and more confused as he went while Marcus snorts and followed him.  Several more minutes passed and he eventually beheld an opening in the forest slightly ahead of him. "Finally! A way out!" Rex ran towards the break, and bursted out of the forestry. He came upon a small village in the distance with the dirt path leading to it. "Maybe we should ask where we are, and for directions back home, what do you think Marcus?" Marcus barked and wagged his tail in response. "I thought you'd agree." Rex chuckled, reaching down and petting him as they started walking towards the town. Rex kept to the path as he got closer and closer to the village. As he neared the place, he noticed things moving around inside the area of the village, and they're all walking on four legs. "What the hell?" He softly exclaimed, stopping and watching them walk around. Shaking his head after a while, he carried on, disbelieving what his eyes witnessed. He continued walking until he was almost inside the town, seeing the things that were moving. "Multi colored....horses?" He crouched, inched closer and hid in a bush, dragging in Marcus with him; He spread the bushes, giving him a view of the horses, "what's going on here pugs?" He whispered, looking down at the pug who just snorted in response. "Go scope out the area," he whispered to his dog, who trptted out of the bush into the streets.  Marcus walked along the street and looked at the ponies walking past him as they carried on in their daily lives. Marcus kept jogging, before noticing a very tall tree in the middle of the town. He picked up his pace and ran to the tree.  Noticing a door, he scratched at the door for a few seconds until he heard a female voice from the other side. "I'm coming!" He sat and waited for a few moments, till the door opened and a purple unicorn stepped out "hello?" She called, looking around before looking down and noticing Marcus. "Oh, well hello there!" She says, lying down, getting on eye level with the do. "Who left you here? Are you one of Fluttershy's pets?" Marcu just tilted his head, staring at her and wagging his tail. Suddenly the dog softly headbutted her and barked. "Ow...." She cried. sitting up. Marcus barked again and started walking back in the direction he came "Wait come back!" the lilac pony exclaimed, stretching her hoof toward him but he kept walking. With a sigh, she got to her hooves and followed him as the pug kept walking back to the bush where his master hid. "Where are you leading me?" She curiously asked when Marcus stopped in front of the bush. The dog stepped into it and barked. "What? What's inside there?" the unicorn asked, stepping in the bush, she cried out as she tripped and she fell out the other side, before landing on… something squishy and soft? She looked down and saw Rex underneath her and they both started screaming in surprise and confusion. Rex forcefully shoved her off of him and getting to his feet ran back into the direction of the forest screaming. Twilight slowly got up, regaining her composure and looked down at the dog who had sat and watched the whole scene unfold.   "Was that your owner?" She slowly asks to which Marcus replied with a bark and a wag of his tail. "I’ll take that as a yes....I guess?" Twilight winced as she rubbed the side of her head, trying to think of what to do. With a loud sigh, she plopped onto the ground and stared at the forest, which she assumes the strange creature she saw ran into. "Well, he...she? Whatever it is is probably gonna be in danger if it keeps running deeper into the Everfree forest." Twilight said. She gasped as an idea came to her. “I’ll get the girls, maybe they can help!" She announced, jumping to her hooves and galloping off to Sweet Apple Acres, going as fast as she can, Marcus following close behind. > A formal greeting and a place to stay > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Twilight gallops down the dirt path leading to sweet apple acres and its not long before she sees the orchard and the red barn come into view, as she pushes on and keeps going until she's at the barn panting and out of breath, "APPLEJACK" she yells with what air she can get in her lungs, and its not long before she hears hoovesteps from inside the barn as the door to the barn slightly opens as applejacks head pops out slightly. "What's wrong sugarcube?" She says stepping out of the barn adorned with her signature hat, "is it an emergency?" She looks down at Marcus who's just standing behind twilight without a care in the world just looking like he's happy to be there, "did some of fluttershys critters get out again?" She asks the exhausted unicorn, who's been trying to regain her breath this entire time. "I.....saw......a...strange creature" she says between pants, looking like she's about to faint "I....fell ontop....of it...." She says slowly regaining her breath, "it ran...into the everfree.....it could be in danger...need help" she says sitting down. Marcus nuzzles up beside her and sits next to her, "and this...is its pet....I think I don't know....it led me to it" she says laying flat on the ground as marcus gets up and starts licking her face making her scrunch her nose, "Ew.....". "Gosh sugarcube did you run all the way here?" Applejack asks looking down at her friend; Twilight replies with a simple nod not wishing to speak for awhile, "is it that much of an emergency?" She nods again "hold on....." She says walking away and into the house. Coming back minutes later with a full glass of water putting it on the ground next to twilights face, she looks at it and raises her head slightly off the ground as her horn starts glowing as the glass is enveloped in a lavender glow as it lifts off the ground and to her mouth as she starts downing the glass, "slow down twilight you'll choke!" She says tipping the glass where she couldn't drink it as fast. Twilight finishes the glass and slowly sits up, finally having regained her breath, "thank you..." She says standing up putting the glass down on the ground, which Marcus sniffs and knocks over, "as I was trying to say this dog led me to some strange creature which I uh....accidentally fell on top of, and I think I scared it because it started screaming so I started screaming, then it pushed me off and got up and ran into the everfree, and if we don't find it soon it will get hurt or maybe worse..." She says looking down at the dog, "and I came to you because I don't think I can do this alone...". Applejack smiles at her friend, "then lets get a move on but first...." She walks back into the barn and grabs her lasso and saddle bags tucking the lasso into the bags, "ok all set!....but wait how are we gonna find this critter the everfree is massive it could be anywhere, and we might not even be able to find it before night falls..." She says frowning, "and I already don't like goin' in that forest in day time let alone night time". Twilight frowns and looks at the ground, "I did not think about that....but I'm sure there's a way we just have to think" she says rubbing her head, trying to get an idea, meanwhile Marcus just looks at the two mares talking back and forth and barks softly then starts walking towards the everfree, twilight notices this immediately, "hey where are you going come back here!" She says running after him. Applejack follows close behind her, "where do you reckon he's goin?" She trots next to twilight, "maybe it'll lead us to that critter you've been talking about......we should follow him and see where it leads us". "Honestly that's the only thing we can do, so go on boy lead us to your owner" twilight says as they follow Marcus into the everfree, walking amidst the trees and bushes, Marcus pays no attention to anything but finding rex, "how much longer boy?". Her question is only met with the sound of snores in the distance as marcus picks up his speed going toward the sound of the snores, disappearing into some bushes as the sound appears to be right behind it, covering the girls view, they decide to step inside it the first thing they see is the 'creature' twilight saw, face down on a log with his foot caught on a vine. "I think its sleeping..." Twilight says stepping cautiously towards it, getting closer, "I think it knocked itself out..." She says picking it up carefully with her magic, making sure not to bump it as marcus wags his tail and barks happily, "so I was right assuming he's your owner?" She says to Marcus, who responds with another bark and faster wagging of his tail. Applejack looks cautiously at the 'creature', "what in tarnation is it?" She says getting a closer look at rexs face, "its funny lookin" she then notices a massive bruise on his forehead, "it must have hit its head pretty darn hard, we should get it back to town fast" twilight nods and picks up her pace, keeping rex very still and away from any objects that could harm him, fearing for this creature feeling like she is the one who caused this. It doesn't take long for them to reach sweet apple acres again, as soon as they see the barn twilight starts sprinting, reaching it in only a few minutes as she bolts inside the barn and sits rex down on the floor, leaning him up against a bale of hay sitting down infront of his unconscious body, looking at every detail of his body, "its so.....strange" she says picking is arms and legs up, studying them as marcus crawls into his lap and snuggles into him, "awe.....he really cares about his owner doesn't he?". Rex starts moving slightly, wiggling his fingers and slumping his head to the other direction, "ughhhh my head....." He says as his eyes slowly open, still dizzy from his injury in the forest, as he looks up the first thing he sees is applejack and twilights widened eyes staring at him, "heh pretty horses" he says unable to think clearly as he grabs twilight and pulls her close to him, and starts petting her mane soliciting a small blush from twilight as she can't even think of what she should do. Applejack looks at the situation unfolding infront of her as a strange creature pets one of her best friends, she cant help but laugh slightly which twilight notices and gives her a death glare, which only makes her laugh more. Twilight finally decides to use her magic and restrains rexs arms and gets out of his grasp, standing far away from him, "thanks aj" she says glaring at her friend who only gives a sheepish grin, "well anyway......you appear to be able to speak so...my name is twilight sparkle, it is nice to meet you, and what is your name?" She asks rex. Rex looks at her confused, "horses can talk now?" He says rubbing his head, "I hit my head hard" still rubbing his head, he attempts to get up but is stoped by Marcus, "ugh.....well......my name is rex miss magical talking horse"he says convinced this is a delusion, or that he's still dreaming from when he hit his head in the forest. Twilight looks at him smiling thinking she's making progress, "well its nice to meet you rex....now I have to ask.....what are you? And where are you from?" She asks while applejack just sits quietly letting twilight ask her questions, "I've never seen anything like you before and I don't know of anywhere you could have come from so....." She says going silent waiting for an answer. Rex looks at her as he starts petting Marcus, "I'm a human.....from earth? This is earth isn't it?....."he says starting to worry this is real and not just a delusion, or a dream. Twilight frowns"no.....? This is equestria....and there aren't any other....humans here you're the only one" she says glancing at applejack, who's just watching everything happen, hearing this only makes rexs heart drop, but he keeps acting calm trying to convince himself this isn't real. "Oh....ok....so can I wake up now or can you poof out of existence?" he says pushing Marcus out of his lap, standing up. Applejack finally speaks up,"uh hun...this ain't no dream....this is real.....". "A-are you kidding me?! This has to be!" He says raising his voice, making the girls shrink down from his volume. "Its....real...." Twilight speaks up "I'm sorry if you're lost or...confused....but I might be able to help you get home maybe...but...you'll have to be here for...a little bit" twilight says, trying to calm him down, and her words do give him some comfort. "....well as long as I can get home with my dog....I guess it'll be fine...where am I going to be staying?" He says, while twilight thinks of a place where he can stay. "Well....I do have an extra room in my house...you could stay there" twilight says, putting on a comforting smile. Rex nods "yeah sure lets go..." He says, walking out of the barn with Marcus, waiting for twilight, who comes out a few minutes later, leaving applejack behind, she starts walking toward ponyville, as rex and Marcus follow closely behind her . Rex doesn't say anything along the walk, just looks straight ahead and continues walking, "so....I'm gonna assume you're a male?" She finally speaks up halfway to Ponyville looking back at rex, he just nods in response as they go back to silence for the rest of the walk. As they get onto the streets rex notices all of the ponies on the street staring at him and avoiding getting near him, he just sighs and keeps walking as they reach twilights treehouse. Twilight opens the door and they all walk inside and stand at the bottom of the stairs, "the guest room is just up the stairs on the right...." Rex puts on a fake smile and nods, walking up the stairs going to the room, which is mostly empty with a window and a twin sized bed. Rex sighs and closes the door making sure Marcus got in with him, "well pugs....today has been weird but hopefully it'll all get fixed soon" he says, laying on the bed wanting to just go to sleep, he feels Marcus jump on the bed and snuggle up next to his face, "good boy...."he says rubbing the dogs back, eventually going off to dreamland. > Meeting rarity(revised) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rex silently stirs from his slumber,leaning up In his bed. "God I feel like Shit..." He says rubbing the sides of his head. His head has been killing him, ever since he started walking to the tree house. He shakes his head, hoping it would go away. He slowly turns, and sits on the edge of the bed. Marcus silently snores under the covers. Rex smiles, thinking of lazy nights back home with marcus sleeping peacefully next to him, as rex watchs whatever he can find on tv, or YouTube if he couldn't find anything on tv. But thinking of home, only makes him wish he was already there. Rex gets up and walks to the window, he opens it and sees one mare walking down the street.He leans out of the window, taking a deep breath."Well atleast the air is clean." He starts tapping his foot against the wall, a habit he developed over the years. "Why is everything in this place so damn colorful? It looks like a four year olds dream." He says accidentally ramming his toe into the wall, he bites his lip instantly feeling the jolts of pain go through his body. He can barely hold in the storm of insults, he looks at the mare in the street who's still just walking." Hey you!" He yells at her as she looks around looking for the sound of the voice, she finally sees rex. "M-me?" She says confused and scared. "Yes you!!" Rex yells back in response. "W-what?" She says timidly. "Fuck you and everything you live for" He says before slamming shut the window, walking back to the bed. He sighs and falls back on the bed, looking up at the ceiling. He looks at Marcus who's still sleeping peacefully where he was before, rex shakes his head at how the dog can sleep through so much. He leans up and looks at the door to the room, contemplating if he should look around."fuck it." He whispers getting up, walking to the door. He puts his hand on the handle, about to open it when he hears voices coming from outside. "Thank you again for coming, it is rather urgent." He hears the familiar voice of twilight sparkle. "Oh its absolutely fine darling, I was planning on coming over today anyway." He hears a slightly posh voice that he's never heard before. "What is it that you wanted to tell me?" He hears the posh voice say. "Well......me and applejack found a.....strange thing in the woods, it looked injured so we brought it to applejacks barn." He hears twilight say. "Oh my is it okay?" He hears the posh voice say. "Yes...I think so atleast, he's staying in the guest room. He's asleep at the moment." He hears twilight say. "He?" He hears the posh voice say. "Yes....it's a male, it also can speak." Twilight says. "Hmm, may I see him?" The posh voice says. "Well....only for a moment, but be quiet." Twilight says, followed by loud hoovesteps coming up the stairs. Rex bolts to his bed and under the covers, pretending to be asleep. He hears the door silently creak open, as he hears silent knocks against the wooden floor coming towards him. "This is it?" He hears the posh voice say right behind him, as his back is against the door. "Yes that's it." He hears twilight say. "Poor thing...what's his name?" She says stroking rex's cheek with her hoof, sending shivers down his body. "Rex I believe." He hears twilight say. "He has a very strange name." He hears the posh voice say. "Hey my name isn't that strange..." Rex says suddenly turning over, making the mare jump. He finally gets a look at this unknown mare, she has a snow white coat and a wavey dark purple mane. The mare sits on the floor surprised, "oh....uh, hey." rex says looking down at her. "Um......hello." the mare says back,"twilight says your name is rex?" She says standing back up, now eye to eye with rex. "That is correct, and your name is?" Rex says staring into the middle of her giant eyes, wanting to make a comment on how she looks like a giant marshmallow. "Rarity, it's a pleasure to meet you rex." She says smiling. "The pleasure is mine." Rex replys. "You're so polite as well!" Rarity says giggling a little. "I aim to please." Rex says laughing a little. "You'll fit in perfectly" rarity says turning back to twilight. "Well hopefully I'll only be in here for a few days." Rex says hoping that twilight can actually send him home. "If you happen to be staying longer than that, don't be afraid to ask me for anything you need. Especially if it has to do with your wardrobe." She says walking past twilight. "Yes rarity is the local fashionista, she makes the best clothes ive ever seen." Twilight says walking over to rex. "Well...sorry for bothering you, you may go back to sleep if you wish while I start preparing the spell." She says with a sigh, walking out of the room shutting the door, bathing the room in silence. Rex sighs and lays back down his head still aching, he closes his eyes. Trying not to think about his current situation, his mind floods with thoughts of home,making him shiver. Still putting his mind at rest, he's sleeping within minutes. > Mid day musings > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- I groan leaning up, finally waking from my long nap."my headaches gone finally." I say thinking aloud. I turn sitting on the edge of the bed, letting my feet dangle. I slowly stand up and stretch. "I'm gonna get fucking cabin fever if I stay in this room any longer, wait..... Shit I'm already going insane and talking to myself... Wait i always do that. Note to self, stop being a weird fuck." I walk to the door and swing the door open, peering out into the hallway, and down the stairs. "Twilight!" I yell, making it echoe through the house. "What?" I hear her reply, from somewhere downstairs. "Uh, hi." I say, bolting down the stairs. "Um hello?" She says, peaking out from behind a bookshelf. "Sorry I'm just kind of.... Bored " I say, sighing. "Well, you could read a book." She says, gesturing to the shelves of books. "Oh! I have something to ask you, was it their goal to make the most fire hazardous house ever when they made this?" I say. "What do you mean?" She says, tilting her head in confusion. "first of all this is a house inside of a tree, second there is a library in said tree." I say, gesturing to the whole house. "I suppose that is a fire hazard, but nothing has happened so far." "Well it's only a matter of time before it does happen, one stray lightning bolt and poof, a massive fire." "You're right, after I send you home, ill set a protection spell over the tree." She says, smiling. "Good, now back to the more important issue. I'm bored out of my fucking mind." "Language please!" She says, glaring at me. "Well sorrrrry princess." I say, snickering. "I'm not a princess?" She says, confused. "Way to ruin a joke." I say, crossing my arms, staring at her. "That was a joke?" "Just nevermind it's already ruined, leave it alone." I say, glaring at her. "Ok then" she says going back, behind the bookshelf. "So.....?" I say peaking behind the bookshelf, seeing her levitating multiple bookd as her eyes scan through the pages. "So?" She says, looking at me. "How exactly are you doing that? With the books?" "You mean making them levitate?" I nod, " I'm using my magic" she says, with a tone, like it should be common knowledge. "You have magic?" I say tapping on the bookshelves. "Um...yes? Does your world not have magic?" She says, glancing at me. "No, well atleast not real magic like this. Magic in my world is mostly just illusions and eye tricks." I say sighing. "Ohh I see" she says, closing the books she was reading through. "Well, at the moment I can't find anything on a strong enough spell to send you home. I'm sure ill find something eventually...." She says hanging her head down. A frown spreads across my face "well...it'll be fine, I trust you." She looks up with a small smile"yeah... Ill keep looking later." "Thank you twilight" I say, cracking a small smile. "You don't seem to hurried to go back home, why is that?" She says, looking at me. "Well honestly, there isn't much for me to go back to.... I'd tell you the whole story but I wouldnt want to depress you" I say, looking away from her. "Oh um.... Sorry for asking. "She says, frowning again. "Don't be it's fine" I say, partiality lying. "Anyway.... I was thinking, I'd like to know more about you and where you come from." She says, as a glimmer of curiosity shines in her eyes. "Well I suppose it wouldn't hurt, sure" "Oh good now please come this way." She says, walking past me and into a room I haven't been into before. I follow her and see her sitting at a table with a note pad and a quill, I sit across from her. "So what would you like to know?" I say putting on a toothy smile. "Well first of all how old are you?" She says, dipping the quil in some ink, ready to write. "I am sixteen, turning seventeen in a few months." I say, looking around the room as she writes what I said down. "Ok good now is rex your whole name or?" "My full name is Rex Andrew Waterson." I say, looking back to her as she writes that down as well. "Interesting, now would you mind describing your world?" It takes me a minute to finally be able to give her an honest answer. "Well.....to describe it in one word. Corrupted" "How so?" She asks, writing the word corrupted down. "For one, it has had many wars over petty things." She writes it down "where I come from rulers or leaders are choosen by the people every four years. The maximum number of years a person can serve is eight years before a new person must be chosen. More than one time the person that was chosen was.....not a very good choice, to say the least." I say, as she writes down every word I say. "That's enough for now, thank you rex." She says, putting her quill down. "Its the least I could do, especially with how nice you've been to me." I say, smiling at her. "Well I still appreciate it." She says, standing up. "So, with that out of the way. What is there to do?" I say, looking out of a nearby window. "you could read a book, like I said earlier." She says, walking back into the library section of the house. "I'd rather not." I say, walking after her. "You could go meet some of the ponies around town." She says, gesturing to the door. "Judging from the reactions I got when we were walking here, I don't think they'd be interested in meeting me." I say, frowning a little. "you'll never know unless you try" she says, walking up the stairs. "Wait, where are you going?" I say, standing at the bottom of the stairs. "To sleep, you can do what you want. Just consider actually interacting with some of the ponies." I hear her say, from somewhere upstairs. I sigh and look at the door "fine...." I say, walking to the door. I slowly twist the knob, swinging open the door. Light floods into the room, I take a deep breath and step out. The first things I see are random ponies, going about their business. Or carrying on conversations with ponies along the way. I start walking, with no real destination in mind. As I walk I can't help but notice, ponies are once again avoiding me. Giving me stares. Like I'm some monster. I'm used to this, never was very popular in school. I continue walking, looking at the huts and buildings as I go. Quaint, is one word I could use to describe it. I see unicorns like twilight and rarity, and sometimes I see a Pegasus. I suddenly hear the sound of flapping wings coming towards me, "watch out!" Is all I hear, before I'm rammed full speed in the stomach by a Pegasus. I'm sent into the ground, after being drilled in the stomach by a pony skull. Unimaginable pain, shoots through my body. While I'm on the ground I feel pressure being lifted off my stomach. "I'm so so so sorry!" I hear a feminine voice say from above me as I writhe in pain on the ground. All I can manage to say is "fuck everything, kill me now, fuck life." As I squirm, grasping my aching stomach. "Um hello?" I hear the voice say again, before being poked on my arm. I feel heat near my face, I open my eyes and all I can see are massive crossed amber eyes. "Oh thank goodness....I thought I killed you." She says, sighing in relief. She's just a few inches from my face. "I-I'm fine." I say backing up away from her, before I feel my hand touch paper. Picking up what I touched, I see it's a letter. The mare takes the letter out of my hand and puts it in a satchel, that hangs by her side. "Thanks, sorry for flying into you.... I uh got blinded by the sun" she says, with a nervous slightly forced laugh. "It's fine...." I say, picking myself up off the ground. "Wow mister you're tall." She says, looking up and down my body. I didn't think of myself as tall, only being 5'8 but I guess to this little pony I would be pretty tall. "Well I'm not exactly a pony." I say, staring down at the grey Pegasus. "Speaking of which, what are you?" She says, tapping my shoes. "It'd be too hard to explain right now, so just call me rex." I say, moving my foot out of her reach. "Ok......rex, my names ditzy doo. Even though most ponies call me derpy, I have no idea why though. It's nice to meet you." She says, smiling. "It's nice to meet you too ditzy" I say, smiling back. "Well, I have to get back to work. I only had one delivery left." She says, about to take off. "Okay ditzy, see you around I guess." I say, going back to walking as I hear her fly off towards her last delivery. I keep walking along the side of the street, not wanting to draw more attention than I already am to myself. Keeping my eyes on the ground, getting sick of the stares. Eventually I look up, to see another unicorn walking in my direction. I assume it's a female. She has some sort of pouch floating beside her face as she walks. Another pony walks behind her, a bit too close. I let my eyes go back to the ground."This place is so fucking weird" I say, before hearing a scream. I look up and see the mare on the ground, with the other pony barreling towards me. Just as it's about to pass me I stick my leg out infront of it. It trips on it and is sent flying towards skidding its face on the ground. Calmly I walk up to it and snag the pouch out from under it. Looking back at the mare who's just picking herself off the ground, I sigh and walk towards her with the pouch in hand. "I think this belongs to you?" I say, looking down at her. She stands there, fear still in her eyes from what just happened. "I-I.....thank you" she says, quietly taking the pouch out of my grasp. "Just be more careful, ok?" I say, walking past her still with no goal in mind. "Hey wait up!!" I hear a voice yell, turning around I see a mint green unicorn running towards me at full speed. She trots up to me and pokes my knee."I saw what you did back there." "Uhm okay?" I say, visibly confused. "That was pretty sweet, what you did. My names Lyra, Lyra heartstrings." She says, holding out her hoof. I slowly grasp her hoof, shaking it I notice her eyes are intently focused on my hands."rex....nice to meet you?" I pull my hand back, resting it on my side. "So did you want something, or?" She shrugs. "I just wanted to tell you, what you did back there was really friggin swe-" she says, before her eyes widen. As her gaze goes behind me. "Look out!" She says, pointing her hoof behind me. I turn and look behind me. There's nothing there.....suddenly my head is surrounded by a golden glow, I feel force being applied to my head. Everything goes dark.