• Published 17th Jun 2012
  • 1,380 Views, 8 Comments

The Real Story - Batgirl639

The real reason Luna transformed into Nightmare Moon and the real reason she was sent to the moon.

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The Real Story

The Real Story

Deep in what is now known as the Everfree Forest used to be a castle that housed the royal pony sisters: Celestia and Luna. Luna- who loved the night that she created- Only left the castle when the sun was safely below the horizon and darkness flooded the sky. Celestia didn’t mind being out at night even though she preferred the warmth of the sun. Nevertheless, she usually slept through the night along with all the other ponies. This annoyed Luna, but she never said anything about.
One night, after Luna rose the biggest and most beautiful harvest moon she had ever risen, she went to find her sister to see what she thought of it. Luna found her sister in bed fast asleep.
“CELESTIA! THIS IS ENOUGH!” she shouted as she stomped her hoof. Celestia barely opened her eyes. When she saw Luna standing in front of her, she closed them again.
“Get up! Thou don’t need sleep!” Luna yelled. Celestia rolled her eyes as she got out of her bed.
“Okay, Luna, what’s this all about?” Celestia asked.
“We have let it slide long enough. Each night thou ignore my moon and it is getting on our nerves!” Luna complained.
“Luna, no offense, but I’ve seen the moon. It looks the same every night. Sure, maybe sometimes we only see half of it, but it’s still just a big, grey rock that sits in the sky,” Celestia said.
“At least you can look at the moon. If any pony tries to look at your sun, thou eyes will be melted! What do you mean the moon always looks the same? Behold! My beautiful moon!” Luna used her magic to open the curtains on a window revealing the biggest, orange moon that had ever been in the sky. Celestia gasped.
“Well... I need to sleep sometime. Why not at night when it’s too dark to see anything?” Celestia asked.
“Though does not need sleep. We are immortal. That means we won’t die and we won’t get tired,” Luna said.
“Immortal just means we don’t die. It has nothing to do with sleep,” said Celestia.
“We do not sleep. We have never slept. We stay awake all night and day. Our lack of sleep has never affected us in any way,” Luna said.
“Luna, you’re doing that thing again. When you talk about yourself you say I; not we,” Celestia said.
“I think you are just grouchy because you’re tired!” Celestia said bitterly.
“Thou thinkst thou are perfect! Thou thinkst thou are better than us!” Luna said.
“I have a better attitude than you,” Celestia said.
“Thou is not perfect! Thou is fool if thou think'st thou are!” Luna cried with a little jump.
“I never said I was perfect. Nopony is perfect. You are definitely far from perfect yourself!” Celestia said. That gave Luna an idea. Without another word she ran from Celestia’s room to her own room.
Luna’s room was way different than Celestia’s. Celestia’s had a nice fireplace, a comfortable bed, and a desk that had quills and parchment on it so she could write letters when she needed to. Luna’s room was messy because she never spent any time cleaning it. Luna spent all her time studying old books of spells. Her room was filled with bookshelves that were filled with ancient spell books. There was also a cauldron, shelves stocked with jars that had organs from different creatures in them, and a bed. Many of Luna’s spell books were filled with spells Celestia outlawed.
Luna wanted to make a spell that would make one perfect by taking out every flaw one had and destroying it.
Luna dug through her spell books for hours. She decided to combine the spells that made somepony nice with spells that made somepony forget their bad habits so she could making a new spell. A spell that made somepony perfect. She also added a few spells of her own.
When Luna finished making her make-thou-perfect spell, she needn’t somepony to test it on. First she thought of Celestia. Then, she realized that if the spell worked, Celestia really would be better than Luna, so that idea was out. Luna looked out her window and saw some bats flying around.
“Bats are already so perfect,” Luna said. “The only thing this spell would do to this almost perfect animal is take away rabies and make their poop not toxic. If we tested on them, we would have to touch their poop which is disgusting.”
Luna wondered who else she could test her new spell on. As, she was about to go outside, she passed a mirror. She looked at her reflection.
“We suppose we could test it on us,” she said. She shot the spell at the mirror which reflected the spell make so it hit Luna.
Have you ever noticed that mirrors make things backwards? If you hold up your right hand, the reflection in the mirror is holding up their left hand. Or if you hold words up to a mirror it will reverse them. Mirrors do what mirrors do. That’s exactly what the mirror Luna shot her spell at did. As soon as the mirror touched the spell it made it the opposite.
When the spell hit Luna, she felt herself being transformed. “It’s working! It’s making me perfect!” she said excitedly. She was way off.
Luna was transformed into the wicked mare of darkness: Nightmare Moon. When Luna saw what she had become, she realized the mirror gave the spell the opposite effect. She wasn’t in control of herself. The real Luna was imprisoned deep within Nightmare Moon. Luna had no control of what Nightmare Moon did.
Princess Celestia woke up when she heard the sound of evil, chaotic, laughter.
“Luna!” she shouted in annoyance. She got out of her bed so she could go tell her sister to be quiet. She found her sister in her bedroom laughing like a maniac in that way villains always did.
“Luna?! What are you doing?” Celestia asked. When Nightmare Moon turned to look at Celestia, Celestia realized it wasn’t Luna. But, it did kind of look like Luna. Celestia told herself it was Luna and she was just gave herself one of those scary makeovers again.
“Luna, be quiet. I’m trying to sleep,” Celestia said.
Celestia went up to her room and put a spell on her room making it sound proof after Luna refused to be quiet.
The next morning, Celestia got up to see the moon was still in the sky.
“Luna! You were supposed to lower the moon already!” she said to her sister.
“But it is such a big, beautiful, orange moon. Can it just stay in the sky just a little longer?” Nightmare Moon asked.
“No!” Celestia said. She was still holding a grudge on Luna from last night.
“Well, just wait until my camera batteries charge,” Nightmare Moon said.
“No, Luna!” Celestia shouted.
“Whatever you say, Trollestia,” Nightmare Moon giggled.
That made Celestia furious. She angrily cast a spell on Nightmare Moon sending her to the moon.

“Then, why did Celestia say she used the Elements of Harmony to send Nightmare Moon to the moon?” Dinky Doo asked. Discord shrugged.
“Are you lying?” she asked.
“No, I’m not lying! I know that’s what really happened because I was spying on Celestia! She probably lied because it made her look better saying she defeated a villain instead of getting revenge on her sister!” Discord said.
“Why did she want revenge?” Dinky asked. Discord looked annoyed.
“Ugh! Forget it!” Discord shouted. He snapped his fingers and disappeared from the room.
Then, Derpy Hooves came in.
“Mommy! Discord was telling me about what really happened to Luna when she turned into Nightmare Moon!” Dinky exclaimed.
“Dinky, Discord is still in his stone prison,” Derpy said.
“No! He was really here!” Dinky insisted.
“If you say so,” said Derpy.

The End

Comments ( 8 )

made me lol

All because of a silly argument? No wonder she regretted it after all those years.

:rainbowlaugh: awesomely cutesy funny. if that makes sense.

Almost. You seem to forget that they were foals back then (see Luna's size) Celestia didn't want to share the toychest.:rainbowderp:

This was hilarious. I enjoyed every sentence. :rainbowlaugh:

But, if the mirror theory was true, then wouldn't Twi's spell in the finale of S2 have been non-lethal, as being able to get reflected in the caves and create a scorch mark on the floor next to her? :applejackunsure:

Or is Discord messing things up again. :ajbemused:

And why is there a random space at the beginning? :rainbowhuh:

Oh, and there should be a comedy tag somewhere in there.

766512 Good points. Sometimes, I'm told it's best not to think about it too much. :pinkiesmile:


so true 765319
so true

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