• Published 27th Apr 2016
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Temporal Walker - AcelJean

Another pony saves Equestria from the shadows... He never gets recognized because he travels through time... Know how this little wonderbolt got involved in all of your fictions and how he either helped or help prevented these things from happening!

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(Chapter 7) Problems

Problems: Chapter 7


Problems arises after every minute of every day. These problems either comes from what that pony has done or hasn’t done in that particular day. It’s not my place to judge, let alone say they did any wrong… Even when doing something good, problems still persist! And that’s what I’m experiencing right now… Problems…


After talking with Elder Clover, I approached my friends to inform them of my decision. Although they didn’t seem to take it as something that can benefit anything to us. Me most of all…

“You plan on what now?” Angel repeated in confusion.

“I plan on learning about magic in the institute that Elder Clover is building in the future…” I re-explained. Scratched my forehead and closed my eyes. This is so… ugh!

Twilight wasn’t an exception in thinking this is cannot be a good idea. She looked confused about the thought. When she found her words and approached me, she gave her opinion. Sort of… “Aren’t you supposed to be doing something else? Like maybe get us back home first?” She pointed out sarcastically.

At this point… we basically repeated everything from the second paragraph to the one above this. Let’s skip to the point we start going home… I guess… (Why didn’t I start this chapter there?)

(At the moment we were just about to go home)

We went to the back of the court, a sort of ‘alley’ near the place where the unicorns practice their targeting spells. It was just a few blocks from Clover’s house yet it was still large. As it was supposed to be. We went there to make there to make a time portal back home. This was the only place where Elder Clover allowed us to do it. If we built it somewhere else, somepony might tamper with it and well, you know the rest…

I galloped as if I was tired like heck. “Let’s start making this pentacle…” I complained.

Angel was hovering around her notepad that she always carried. The one I gave her if I assume correctly. “I’m pretty sure we could proceed without it, Walker. Remember, we did it once?” She reminded.

Oh yeah… right. Wait… did we do that? Anyway… “How about you start then? As you can tell, I’m not very good with magic. So even if I did know the spell for the pentacle, I wouldn’t be able to do it!” I kept on complaining.

Angel frowned and groaned at my response as if she didn’t even want to talk. Yet she had a retort. “You could at least ask nicely!”

Angel had then started. Her horn glowed as bright as the sun yet there was no aura. The spell was definitely different from your average spell. I could say that much.

Essence of Angel’s magic was starting to form an aurora that went directly to the ground. It was like her very soul was leaking out of her horn. It was etching the pattern of a pentacle, which is the same one we use to time travel.

After a few more seconds, the spell finished and the pentacle was ready. Angel horn started losing its light. Not in an instant, but slowly over the course of several seconds.

After that little stage show, Angel glared at me. “Can you please ready the time travel potion, Walker?” Angel turned to me and said. Sure enough, it wasn’t sarcastic. I guess that’s a good thing.

I rummaged through my stuff, dug deep into my bags. Apparently I was having a bit of a problem. I had 8 potions all for different purposes ready to go. So I had a hard time looking for the time travel potion. I only had one more and hadn’t labeled it before I even brewed several more!

It took me a while but I found the potion I was looking for. Good for me? “I want to die right now due to my stupidity!” I said in humiliation as I gave Angel the potion.

She looked at it for a few moments and gave me a response. “At least you found it, right?” She said.

I couldn’t boast for what little was left of my pride. Due to the fact of me being a potion expert, you could at least expect me to leave a label! “Forgive me for being blunt, but you’re missing the point!” I pointed out. My ego bursted out for a little bit when I referred to myself. “I’m at least as organized as Twilight when it comes to these things! To think this is what I’m good at but still lacking certain skills!” I added.

Twilight whistled in awkwardness, and then addressed us. “Walker, Angel… Let’s finish up, shall we? We need only spare a few more moments until we’re done”, Twilight reminded.

I turned to Twilight’s and replied. “Be there in a sec.” And then I turned to Angel. “Sorry, but I just feel a bit discourage by such trivial thing as a label to be forgotten…” I told her.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you happen to forget, it’s not a problem! You didn’t do it on purpose!” She cheered.

“Sure…” I said and then proceeded towards the side. “You can throw the bottle now, Angel”, I said in a somber voice.

She threw the potion in the pentacle and then it did all the rest. There was something different though… When the time portal started forming, or rather finished, it lit up red and no other color. I didn’t know if it was something different or something bad, but it was off!

The two on the other hoof, didn’t seem to care. Not that I’m complaining but it just wasn’t right. Either way, we proceeded.

Twilight approached the time portal and headed in. “I’ll be the first to go through, you two follow me when I enter, okay?” Twilight insisted and then continued on.

Angel went in after Twilight seconds later. Before I could follow though, I was interrupted. Elder Clover strolled in to bid us farewell.

She was hovering a piece of parchment. “I guess I should be glad that I made it in time…” Clover said. “I forgot to give you this”, she hovered in front of me.

I took the parchment the Elder was levitating. It was some sort of map which had a mark of several areas in Equestria. One was stand out, because it had an X marked in it. All the ones left were circles.

“Thank you, Clover. But what is it?” I inquired.

She grabbed it and laid it on the ground. “It’s a map of the academy I plan on building several moons from now. All the circled ones however are the sight of earth ponies and pegasi villages”, she answered and then folded the parchment and returned it to me. “And uh… Purity Spring and Fireheart blaze left me message. They told me to tell you ‘see you soon, we’ll meet again quicker than you think. Even quicker for you’.” She added. I imagine she meant me time traveling there…

The time portal was still open, I went to stand near it and waved back at her to say good bye. “See you soon as well, Elder!” I bid farewell, and continued to follow my friends who went in before me.

After entering the portal, I was met by a sudden cold breeze… My coat was filled with the feeling of frostbite. I tried to endure it and continued to press on.

(Several minutes after entering the portal)

It was cold when I went through the portal, but it was scorching after I came out.

The ground was dry, lava filled the dents on the ground. There was fire everywhere, and every cloud in the sky is changed to smoke… I saw no water, no grass, no trees, and no nothing. The air was definitely dense than the usual. This was definitely not our time.

I looked around hoping to find Twilight and Angel, but there was no pony around. I knew this because I was calling out to them with all might. “How am I expected to search for them in a place like this? This just became another problem…” I told myself.

From the looks of it, it felt like we’re inside an active volcano. But apparently, the sky stretches as far as the normal one does, so I don’t think this is even remotely close to the underground, or something like that.

I began wondering if there was any living creature within that timeline. “Is anypony there?” I bellowed and then right after, something passed from behind me. “What was that?!” I turned quickly but found no sign of life.

Just then something cooed from behind me. It felt like I was glued in the ground and I was shaking like there was an earthquake. I turned around only to find a phoenix. It was trying to get my attention.

“Hello there… who are you?” I asked but didn’t seem to be able to answer my question. Probably because it can’t speak…

So I tried asking a different question, one of which the creature could probably answer. “Have you seen anypony else around here?” This time, it nodded. “Oh thank Celestia!” I exclaimed.

“Do you know where I can find them?” I asked.

The phoenix pointed its wings eastwards of my current direction. I found a spire towering from a far, which looked very intimidating if you asked me. “Is that the place they went?” I turned to it and asked.

It was a little confused how to answer the question in a way I could understand. But then it simply nodded. Darn! I wish Fluttershy was here.

“Thanks!” I was grateful for its help. It then flew towards me and sat on my back. “Did you want to come along?” I asked again.

It simply cooed in response. “Heh. I’ll take that as a yes then”, I said to myself and started galloping towards the towering spire in a travelling fashion.

(Several hours passed)

The trek was not a quick one but I got there alright. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was like a dark fortress… It towered way up in the sky until I couldn’t see it any longer. It probably higher than the center mountain in Equestria. Just to my luck, there we’re two guards at the front entrance. And to my surprise… They were… alicorns? Just what the heck is going on here?!

I went into hiding amongst the rubble. It was high enough to hide several ponies so I wouldn’t have any problem. I couldn’t help but feel like there was something off about the place. We apparently made our trip back to our time the wrong way. Which set us back here… or to this place.

The two guard quickly saluted, there was a caravan coming from a far in a quick speed but not fast enough to break the sound barrier. I was either horrified or awestruck from what I saw. A moving skeleton of a unicorn… two of them, pulling the wagon. My mind first brought up Angel and Twilight, which got me thinking they got killed. But my companion at the moment told me that they headed this way, which happened before I got here so I don’t think it’s them. False alarm.

I was more surprised of the fact that they could travel that fast even though they don’t have wings!

The guard spoke to the pony inside the caravan. “Welcome back, your highness”, he greeted.

Apparently it was a royalty of some kind. “Are our new friends treated nicely?” the pony asked. It sounded like a mare.

The guard nodded. “Yes, your highness. We didn’t even bother locking them up”, he answered and then gave a grin.

“Great. Just make sure to do the same for our eavesdropping friend here…” She stated.

“Eavesdropping wha-? Oh… shit! It’s me she’s talking about! I better run!” I panicked. Before I could act though, the other guard was already on my back. He caught my feathery companion and bashed me on the head, knocking me unconscious.

(Sometime later)

I woke up, feeling dazed. My head was spinning like a top. My vision was blurry but I kept calm. Maybe it was due to the thought of having to help my friends. Miracles do happen sometimes when you have determination.

I turned to my right, in which case found nopony. I turned to my left and saw a familiar one… Same coat as the one I always see, black with a purple mane. He was reading a book which title was ’75 everyday spells’. I could make it out because it was popular in most of the major cities in Equestria for several years.

I was sure that I was inside the spire, but the room I was in made me believe otherwise. The dark fortress, from the outside, was made up of obsidian and black bricks. The inside, however, looked as if it was made of tiles and quartz. It was more advance architecture than the modern ones in manehattan. Advance in the way of building design, at least.

Leveling with my condition, the pony beside me stopped reading. He then directed his attention to me. “You awake, dude?” he asked.

Somehow, that statement made me think of his inconsiderate behavior. I stood up and simply sat on the bed. “That’s an understatement you jerk! You could have at least help me!” I answered in anger.

He brought my bag up to the desk which was just beside me. “If I were to help you, where do you think that would leave me? You’re in way over your head you know. I’m not being inconsiderate but the fact that you’re here states that you failed to follow instructions… Am I right?” He inquired.

“Yep”, I answered in a deadpan.

He took out my some papers with a map and notes. “You’re supposed to draw the pentacle. And then simply put the crystal orb that I gave you in it”, He explained.

He started being serious. “This is the destroyed time… It’s where every pony in existence now came from. This is the place where time originates… Don’t make me explain because I won’t be able to answer. It’s a mystery to me too”, he kept explaining.

Destroyed time? “So what are you doing here?” I asked him. He’s just full of mystery as ever I see.

He turned his face away from me. “It’s a bit complicated… Let’s just say I was one of them and let’s leave it at that for now… You’ll have better understanding of what’s really happening here later, cousin”, He answered.

“Time Turner… You’re very selfish right from the start! What’s your reason for being ‘one of them’ if you are even?!” I barked at him.

His face turned gloomy. “Trying to save a friend… I fear it’s hopeless for her though. But it’s not for your friends, Walker!” He told me. “When you can walk after several minutes, meet your friends and get out of here! Their at the 2nd floor’s private chambers”, he said and then walked out.

Without a word, he didn’t even wait for me to finish. “Time Turner wait- Moron!”

(After several minutes)

I was able to rest up and was ready to get going. I kind of wonder how I can get out of here though.

I took my bags, and the items Time Turner left at the desk out earlier. I strapped them beside my wings with a belt I found inside one of the cabinets. I did that because the guard TORE my strap earlier. “Where am I supposed to go now?” I told myself.

I was surprised, my feathered friend was just outside the room perched on a stand right next to the door. Either he got away, or simply stayed there. To an end of which both leads to it staying with me.

“Hey, you’re okay!” I said. “I should really give you a name… how about Philomena?” I suggested. It then cooed loudly, even started pecking my forehead. “If it makes you that violent, Philomena it is!” I stated.

Philomena then glided and perched on my back. We continued on…

The place was so much different from the outside. It was even more beautiful than the castle back in Canterlot. It had gems stones set on every stone in the wall, more chandeliers and white ceilings. The hall’s floor was solid gold too!

We suddenly found ourselves on an intersection in the halls. Philomena, again, pointed eastwards of my direction. Does this bird live here?

I turned towards that direction and found an odd looking contraption. It was like a pulley, but there was no one pulling it. Most of its parts were concealed behind the metals. And the amount of weight it can carry looked like it was able to lift a ton! More than, even.

I stepped into the contraption. There were several odd looking crystal which looked more like glass, which was glowing. There were numbers too. I think these are buttons.

“Let’s see here… what the heck is this?!” I asked.

Philomena cooed, she pointed at the crystal with the number two etched on it. “Number 2?” I asked Philomena just to be certain. She kept pointing at it anyway. “Oh! 2nd floor! This must be some kind of elevation device that can take you higher just by a click of these labels! This is awesome stuff…” I said to myself.

I touched the label and it clicked. The door suddenly closed and then I started moving up. To this fashion, I was practically clueless. Not a single thing in this place makes so much sense!

The elevating contraption was howling in a way like how a blacksmith makes a sword. Sounds of train horns can be heard from below the contraption as well. Weird. After that, the door that suddenly closed when I clicked the button earlier opened, but now I was in a different floor.

We found ourselves in front of a pegasi landing pad, or port for the pegasi. “It’s like a port only… an ‘air’ port”, I stated.

Philomena slapped my face with her wings. “Sorry for the bad pun… Let’s just get going”, I said to her and then kept walking.

When I arrived at the private chambers, there were several doors in the hall, each labeled above it differently. I tried opening every door but all were locked. Until one of them opened up on its own by coincidence.

Creaking sounds were coming from the door, two rooms away from me. Two mares were conversing from behind.

“-We need to find - to be able to get back to our – Maybe if we go downstairs there’s an exit!” One of them said.

“How do we do that? There are no stairs - ere! Let’s just look in the – rooms first!” The other one suggested.

The voices sounded similar. “Looks like we just found the girls, Philomena!” I claimed.

I trotted towards them, and I didn’t like what happened next. “Hey guys! You’re -”

“Guard!” Twilight said.

“Guard!” Angel said.

They startlingly shouted. Their horns lit up and then they continuously shot out magic bolts on us. “Crap!” I shouted and started running back to look for cover. Philomena kept dancing in the air. All the while dodging the attacks. “Hey! It’s Temporal Walker! Are you trying to kill your own friend?!” I shouted loudly. The barrage then stopped. They were basically drained.

“W-w-aalker?!” Angel said, trying to catch her breath.

“This is an unexpected surprise, how’d you managed to find us?” Twilight asked.

Philomena then landed on my back and sat. “I had help from my friend here…” I answered. Philomena then cooed, feeling proud of herself.

“A phoenix?”

“A phoenix?”

“Yep. Her name is Philomena… She’ll be coming with us from now”, I told them while I was petting the bird.

“Philome…na? Am I hearing this correctly?” Twilight paused.

She seemed pretty anxious about the bird. “Yes. Something wrong?” I asked.

“N O T H I N G”, she said in a very slow, yet loud tone.

Angel suddenly giggled. Surely she knows the reason why Twilight’s like this. “Don’t look at me!” Angel said.

(Sigh) My friends are the worst liars ever!

Getting back to the matter at hoof, we had to get out of there, and fast! “Hurry draw the pentacle Twilight! I do not want to be stuck here for longer than I have to!” I told her.

She then started burning through the golden floor and etched a pentacle. I heard footsteps of guard closing in on us from every direction. I placed the crystal orb in the middle of the pentacle before any guard spotted us. “There! Work!” I said hastily.

“There they are! Don’t let them escape!” Several guard spotted us and called on more to come.

Finally, the time portal opened up. “Get in guys!” I told them in hurry. Philomena quickly dived through. Angel and Twilight went in and followed. After that, it was my turn.

I started trotting as quickly as possible towards the portal. “I’ll be taking this crystal ball!” I claimed and then grabbed it. Just before the portal closed, I managed to get through.

(Back in our own time)

It wasn’t like any time travel before. Now I was awake. And it didn’t took too long either. But apparently, problems still persist.

Angel turned to me, she was had a shocked look in her face. “Uh… Walker… We have a problem”, She said.

I approached and saw Twilight… Down… She was dizzy and wobbly even as she was sitting. She wasn’t dead, but she felt like dead. “Twilight?”

At first, I figured it was just a side effect of the time traveling. But then, I thought that, if I didn’t even feel anything, it would be very surprising at the least if she even got sick!

“Philomena? What are you doing here? Walker? Angel? Where am I?” Twilight kept asking one question at a time.

“Twilight, I-” I interrupted Angel.

It felt off so I decided to handle it. “Don’t. Let me…” I told her.

Twilight looked like she had a migraine but other than that she looked fine. Unless… “Twilight, do you remember what happened after we took you outside to chillax with me and Angel?” I asked casually.

“Wha-?!Walker!” Angel was frantic.

“Shush you! I’ll handle this!” I quieted her down.

Twilight was trying to think hard. “No… what happened? I can’t remember anything”, Twilight responded.

“As I thought”, I murmured. “Twilight, you hit yourself with a rock. You were transfiguring it for me as a present but ended up too much for you. The spell backfired and a pebble hit you right in the forehead. Then you were knocked unconscious…” I said. She seemed to have taken what I said seriously.

It seems she had lost all the memory she had of the past. Just like that… I better do something in the meantime to calm her down a bit. Or at least help her in some way. “We’ll take you home, Twilight. Just be sure not to topple over”, I said to her then helped her up.

“Okay…” She tiredly answer.

Both Angel and I assisted her in getting home, carrying her in my back while Angel helped with the weight with her magic. We didn’t have to go through town because we were near the edge of ponyville, and it would simply cause panic. When we got there, we took Twilight back to her bed. Spike was curious as heck as to what happened to Twilight. I understand that at the least… We sat in the kitchen, started explaining in it full detail as much as we could.

(Several minutes later)

“So that’s what happened. She can’t remember anything though…” Spike told himself.

“We’re still a bit curious why Twilight ended up forgetting everything we did!” I claimed. Furious and angry.

“I think I could shed some light in this situation!” A familiar voice said from outside the front door.

Well would you look at that. “Mister Mystery has arrived”.

Angel stood up and opened the front door, the look on her eyes says it all. She still doesn’t trust him. “Time Turner, mind explaining us now what’s happening to Equestria? This looks like it’s a whole lot bigger than a simple ‘Timeline fixing’ job”, I inquired.

He had a look in his eyes. He was ready to tell the whole story, but was practically having a hard time deciding how to tell it to us. “Alright. I’ll tell you everything other than my involvement, deal?” He said to me.

He already knew what I was after the most. I suppose I can’t let the opportunity slip by though. “You know how to bargain, cousin. Deal”, I agreed.

He took out his diary. The cover of the book itself was odd, and the mechanics how it works are differed. I couldn’t really understand it. “I have to start from the very beginning first. Feel free to use the bathroom now, this is gonna be a long story!” He said and then began.

“The course of the world was different from what it is now. If we let everything do its thing, you could be certain we’ll end up at the bottom of the abyss!

“Mercenaries from all over time we’re gathered to the destroyed timeline, to work with a certain pony. That pony, needless to say, was said to control everything from behind the scenes. Discord’s appearance, King Sombra’s dark magic… all of this wouldn’t happen without them. They did this to eradicate other timelines. With the ultimate goal to fix the destroyed time. Which in turn will simply reset every other timeline to the way it was… although, no life would exist…

“It wasn’t that simple of course. Mercenaries tend to refuse, creating panic which results to retaliation. So the pony behind it all ‘influenced them’ to be much more open to suggestion. I think I don’t need to explain when I say… mind control. The organizations name which is pulling the strings is ‘Orpheus’.

“When they come into play, you’ll be certain a never ending series of events will never cease to exist! Their goal is to destroy time in more ways than one… Wreaking havoc, and then going back in time to do it all over again. It upsets the balance of the space-time continuum.

“Don’t even think of trying to stop them. Doing so would be unwise… Their monsters from the outside through their very souls. I couldn’t even believe so many Alicorn existed!

“I joined up for my own reasons. I was played at by the… that certain pony. So I quitted… The pony you fought was me from the past, Walker. That kind of skill only comes from a pony with a purpose. That purpose will remain hidden though. As far as you noticed the pony in charge of the Orpheus is so skilled that she’s practically unbeatable! If you ever face her in combat though, don’t kill her. You’ll have a reason why if you face her.”

Hmm… this all sounds sketchy. I think we’re missing a few clues for this. I don’t think we can jump to conclusion with other things. “Why would they try to restore the destroyed time?” I asked.

“I don’t know but I think I may have a theory… That timeline is and in all facts, the future of Equestria. Our home world. She’s destroying the probabilities of it happening by destroying other timelines.

“For you see, these timelines are simply alternate universe’s. If you destroy the probabilities of this happening in a particular timeline, it won’t happen to other timelines”, he explained.

As of now, my theories are self-contradictory. I still wanted to share it. “But what if the probability of it happening is the fact that she’s destroying other time lines?” I suggested.

Time Turner scratched his horn. “As of the moment. I’m not sure what’s what anymore. I’ll just go with the flow from here on out! You’ll understand that it’s better that way than understanding these things”, he said. “Now about Twilight…” He added.

(A few hours later)

Time Turner came up with a way to solve the problem with Twilight’s memories. He told us that whenever she gets to travel to different timelines, her memory of the past, goes back to normal. The side effect in itself is questionable… It feels like the author is playing with me. The problem is, how are we going to convince her to come with us every time we go time traveling? It’s a real problem if you ask me!

We were upstairs at Twilight’s bed. Trying to fix her ‘memory’ problem.

I turned to Time Turner, he was holding something very peculiar. “What’s that for?” I asked.

“This is something called a stigma”, he answered.

A wha-? “A stigma? What the heck is that for?” I questioned.

Time Turner held the stigma in his hoof and set it on Twilight’s body. It the melted and went inside her coat. “This helps you call your friend when the need arises. She’ll be dreaming within this time for the moment until you get her to cross timelines. And when she crosses, she’ll return to normal… memories and all”, he explained.

I was confused, but that didn’t sound good, especial for dear old Twilight. “So it control’s her?” I inquired.

“Aren’t you listening? She comes to your aid when the need arises! She won’t remember anything afterwards. You’ll be interacting with a different Twilight in this timeline. Don’t worry about her noticing anything strange when she comes back here though, I got Spike to cover for you. And certain spell to slow down time here so you can get back earlier”, He explained. He only made it more… indirect.

Okay… my head’s spinning like a top, but I think I get it. “So, how would we call her? And can we not call her?” I asked.

“You just need to open up your time portal and she’ll be there. It’s a simple censor. And yes you’re allowed not to. Just tell her to stay here, and she’ll go back where she came from”, He answered.

He makes it sound like Twilight’s a machine. If I remember correctly, it’s his fault this all happened, right?

“Is something wrong, Walker?” Angel turned to me and asked.

I shook my head. “Nothing. I just feel sorry for Twilight”, I said. “I mean, if you had this kind of problem. Would you undergo this sort of thing just to help me?” I added.

Angel hits my head with her notebook like a soft tap. “Of course I would! Why would you think I’ll abandon you? I’d risk my life for you, because we’re friends!” She answered.

“That statement was a bit overboard, don’t you think?” Time Turner said.

“Not really…”

After several more minutes, we took off from the library and went straight for Canterlot. We gathered necessities for my new quest (sort of…) at the market and hurried to catch the last train for the day. Along the way we saw Fluttershy returning from a trip.

(At the station)

Angel went to the booth to get our tickets for the train while Time Turner and I waited at the platform. Our current objective is ‘training in magic’. Only place for that is the academy Clover is making.

“Don’t you think it’s a little silly?” Time Turner asked.

“What is?” I inquired.

“Well… You’ll be learning all about magic. Even though you never actually controlled this power, their willing to teach you”, he said. “Just a reminder that this place is for professionals only. Am I right to assume?”

“Yep. It’s for the best of the best. A school of the elite”, I commented.

Our conversion was cut short, Angel already returned from buying at the time. Not that it’s going to be that long though.

Angel turned her gaze at both of us. Confused and dismayed. “What? Did I do something?”

“Yes”, He said.

“Yes” I said.

(At the train)

After boarding the train, we went straight to the car where the rooms were located. It was already pass the afternoon when we boarded the train. This means it would take us overnight just to get to Canterlot.

Angel went to her own car while Time Turner and I went to our separate one. We laid down our bags on the seats beside the windows.

As I was fixing up my potion bag, I thought I’d ask him something I was curious about. “Hey, dude, do you know what the academy’s called?”

He was lying on his back on one the opposite seat. He turned his gaze to me and answered, “Starswirl’s Academy, I think it was called. It’s a secret to everypony… Only a few dozen ponies were hoofpicked to be students. Its existence never even appeared in books.” How come you know it then?!

His answer got me thinking. “Why? They seem so cut-offed from Equestria…” I commented.

“Just ask Clover when you get there, she’ll answer all your questions”, He suggested. Well, that’s also a plan. I guess it wouldn’t hurt me for a tour.

After finishing up my work, I went out of our car and started galloping around. I was getting tired of sitting around waiting to get there. There were a couple of meals prepared in the mid-car so I went there. To my surprise, Angel was there. I’m saying this because she never leaves her car whenever we’re on a trip. And I was also betting on the reason we handled the last train we rode carelessly.

I approached and took a plate. I grabbed some hay-fries and some cucumber sandwiches and then went to where Angel was to grab some water.

She looked as if she was looking for somepony. And then she noticed I was out and about and turned to me. “Careful. If the train suddenly stopped, that food will stuff your face on its own”, Angel warned me.

I gave a small smile. “I’ll be sure to catch it then!” I replied. Have to admit, that thought is not dumb at all.

After Angel finished gathering her meal, she levitated something that resembled some coins rapped in a garment which was tied at the tips. “Here’s a present for you, Walker. Be sure not to eat all of it in one go…” She said, gave me her present, and then ran back to her car like a humiliated dog.

I opened the present. Inside were 4 pieces of chocolate cookies, which looked rather delicious if I say so myself! But I was left in a comma of confusion. So I went back to Time Turner if he had any idea what it was for. I doubt Angel would simply give me cookies just because she wants to! We don’t even have time for that right now.

Time Turner turned to the car door. “Cookies, huh? I bet it’s because its hearts and hooves day…” He replied.

“Hearts and hooves? What does that holiday have to do with me?” I asked.

He seemed pretty pissed about the way I answered. “Sweet Celestia! You’re so clueless! She likes you!” He shouted.

When he uttered those words, my cheeks were wrapped in the prettiest shade of red. “Angel… Likes… Me?” I said in a slow yet monosyllabic phrase.

Time Turner shook his head in humiliation. “I bet you didn’t even notice this…How long has she been a gruff?” He asked. He had that ‘I SHIP IT!’ face while asking too.

I thought back to my past, wondering the first days we were together and remembered the day she changed all of a sudden. “I think it was about 3 years since we first met. That was 5 years ago, she just started hating me like she was my own mother or something! Always angry too” I explained.

His expression was blank. “Wow. She endured that long? Maybe doesn’t need any help after all… But you sure need it!” He shouted at my face pointing his hooves right up my nose.

I raised my hoof trying to stop him from getting too angry. “Whoa! Dude! Calm down! I just didn’t know that she’s… you know…”

He turned his gaze towards the window. “Bah! Take care of your own problem, cousin! She’s your mare…”

Embarrassed, I was being denial. “M-M-my wh-wha-what?!?!” I kept stuttering.

(Later that night)

The moon was towering over us, high above the sky… Yet I couldn’t sleep and it was already pass 3 am. I wish Princess Luna could simply lull me to sleep! I had a lot in my mind, one of them topping up the others. My problem with Angel.

I couldn’t help but think about her, yet I didn’t know what to feel towards her. Maybe I could simply pretend to be ignorant as usual? No! I couldn’t do that to my best friend! But that’s just it, she’s my friend! I can’t let her feel that way towards me, not anymore anyway.

Unable to sleep, I went out to the mid-car to get a drink. I was caught-off guard when I saw Angel wandering the train. Moonlight hitting her coat like the wind, revealing her face. I hid behind one of the curtains, and closed the window’s blind that was beside me.

Feeling out of place, I started to think questionably. “What am I even doing out here?!” I whispered angrily to myself.

After several minutes, she went back to her car. I went out of hiding and proceeded to get some water. Apparently, my timing was bad. She wasn’t finish…

She approached near me, yet I was unable to feel her presence. “Walker?” She said, as all the hair in my coat and mane stand.

I turned and then laughed nervously. “A-Angel! What are you doing out here?!” I asked as if I knew nothing.

“I couldn’t sleep. I’m frankly more excited than you to see the academy!” She answered, looking out the window.

All my nervousness went away, and I was more confused than ever. “Really? I thought it was because of…”

Interrupting me, she began to follow. “Because of what?” She asked.

“Nothing!” I denied.

After another hour of talking like complete idiots, we went back to our cars and went to rest.

(The next morning)

Outside our transport lied our home town, which we haven’t seen in quite some time. Especially since I didn’t even went back to the headquarters after leaving. The sun was up for about 2 hours now, which makes it 8 am. We proceeded to check on Angel’s house first. And mine if we had time.

Ponies were busy as usual. Still early, yet all of them preparing their shops for customers who might pass by.

On the way, we saw a familiar face, Moon Dancer. Usually not up and about during the day. I guess, during this time of the morning was an exception. “Hi Moon Dancer! It’s been a long time!” I greeted in a friendly manner.

Sadly, she didn’t look too interested to chat. She was reading a book, and wasn’t turning her gaze anywhere else. “Hey”, she replied in a condescending tone.

She kept walking in the opposite direction, and was gone from our sights before I could speak another word. “Okay… Bye!” Angel shouted to her.

“Uh-huh”, she blatantly said.

Time Turner turned his gaze from me to her. “What’s her problem?” He asked.

I was trying to be considerate while telling him the truth at the same time. “She’s uh… been angry with a friend, ever since she left from town. Never talked to anypony since”, I explained.

Although, I think he already knew. “Let me guess, Twilight?” He commented.

Angel and I turned our eyes towards each other. “That’s… correct…”

Considerate enough, he held himself back. “Don’t worry, I won’t pry”, he said and kept on walking.

(At Angel’s house)

Outside, you can see a mailbox full of letters from friends. Beside it said ‘Misty Blizzard and Snow Angel’ both the home owners of the establishment. The door’s knob and knocker was old fashioned.

We knocked on the door, fully expecting a voice say ‘come in!’ didn’t happen. The door opened and… Her mother was… furious. Let’s just leave it at that. Angel has been gone for quite some time now. I would imagine her mother worrying like heck!

Like a steam, she started. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Misty Blizzard kept barking.

“Uh… Mom? We have 2 guess… I’ll explain it to you, don’t worry?” Angel was pointing out, embarrassed by her mother’s reaction.

Noticing our new companion, Mrs. Blizzard tried to be polite. “Oh! You’re a friend of these two? Come in please!” She was speaking to Time Turner.

“Cousin, Ma’am. And I’ve only been acquainted with Snow Angel for about a day or two”, he said.

“Where were you foals?! I’ve been worried sick! And Walker! Your mother is also looking for you!” Mrs. Blizzard pointed out. Crap…

As if he knew what he was doing, Time Turner tried to reason with her. “They were invited to my school to study there for a couple of months. Maybe about 3? We stopped by hoping to get some supplies before we hit the road. And to get permission from you”, Time Turner explained. Shit! That was so close!

“Hmm… Sounds reasonable enough. However, this young lady couldn’t help but not tell me about any of this!” She pointed her hoof towards Angel.

She laughed nervously. “I was only trying to be considerate of my friends… ” She reasoned.

“I think we need to have a long talk, Snow Angel”, her mother said.

So, giving them privacy, Time Turner and I decided to go out. We went out to eat and check on some other things. We managed to find a nice little restaurant which served the best sweets in the city. It had the name ‘Sweet Tea’ in its sign. My cousin seemed to enjoy the idea of eating in such a fine establishment. So we went inside and ordered about 2 or 3 meals each. After eating, we left a tip and left the building more than satisfied.

(Later the afternoon)

After eating, we went to visit my house, where my mother was waiting. She wasn’t ‘as’ paranoid as Mrs. Blizzard... at the least.

I knocked on the door, greeting me was a mare with a white coat and gray mane. My mother, Dusk Trotter. When I first met Angel, my mother was the first pony that went through my mind. At least that’s what I remember now.

With a cheerful smile, she greeted. “I’m so glad you’re back, son! We wanted to look for you, but we heard everything from Spitfire. We didn’t bother!” My mother said. I’m assuming she meant Angel’s mom and her, otherwise she just meant the royal ‘we’.

I laughed nervously, thinking of the kind of things Spitfire said to my mother. “Thanks, I guess…” I replied. And a thought hits my mind in a flash. “Wait a minute, she believed everything I said to her?!” I asked my mother.

She looked as if she was confused. “What do you mean? She said you had to patrol the borders for several days because of the recent reports of changeling activities”, she explained.

Spitfire, lied to my mother?! Why would she do that? I turned to the only pony who could know the answer. He just winked at me and left it at that.

So, I played along. “Yeah! I didn’t want to worry you, so I thought she’d lie to you”, I reasoned.

She had given me a graceful smile. “No need for that!” She said. She then took out a gift box from behind the coach. “Take this. It’s from a ‘friend’ of yours”, she pointed out.

“Who?” I asked.

She simply giggled. “You already know the answer to that, son!” she teased me.

We then left to pick up Snow Angel from her house. To think my mother wouldn’t be much of a problem. She didn’t worry too much, which is a huge help to our current situation. I still have a time limit to fulfill to Spitfire or else I’m out.

(At Angel’s house)

As we were heading in, we found ourselves being confronted by Misty Blizzard.

“Walker!” She shouted at me. I felt like my neck was on a noose.


“I leave you in charge of Angel until you return!” Misty Blizzard told me.

I felt a torn leave my chest. I turned to Angel. “What all this about?” I asked her.

“She’s a bit worried I might do something that might worry her. So she wanted some pony to oversee my action”, she explained.

“That’s it? Well then, don’t worry Mrs. Blizzard! As long as I’m around, I’ll watch, serve, and protect her! Pinkie promise!” I said in words true and sincere.

She nodded, and simply waved us off. Angel was all set to go, so walked out the building. We headed straight for the palace labyrinth.

(On the way)

“That was a tiring day, don’t you think, Walker?” Time Turner pointed out.

I shook my head. “I was really looking forward to more galloping around town. I don’t usually stay cooped up in just a few establishment whenever I’m here”, I replied.

“To each his own it seems”, He commented.

Angel looked a little… off, for some reason. I approached her as we walked and asked her about it. “What’s wrong?”

She had a dismissive look on her face. “It’s nothing!” And then turned gloomy all of a sudden. “Did you find my mother… irritating or something?” She asked us.

With synchronization, Time Turner and I both shook our heads. Knowing our silly timing, we smiled at each other. “We think your mother is lovely and caring. I’m sure Time Turner would agree, right?”

He simply nodded in response. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of her, acting that way or not. If you love her, it doesn’t really matter”, Time Turner said.

Angel started hitting her own horn with her hoof. “I such an idiot!” She said in humiliation. Pride is everything to friends. I imagine I know how she feel right now. I heard even a friend of Twilight’s had the same problem not too long ago.

“I’ll get over it”, she said as she straightened her face. “Let’s get going!”

After a few more minutes of walking, we’ve arrive at the pentacle. Seeing it again made me think of the first time we time traveled, which wasn’t that long ago to be blunt.

I took out the potion we needed to use. “I wish this time, we don’t wonder off someplace we don’t know!”

I swung my hoof and flung the potion. When it had hit the ground, it broke to pieces like a crumbling hollow-block. Creating a noise of several glass breaking. “Reminds me so much the first time you did it, Angel”, I commented.

The rift begins to open, a magnificent castle loomed in the portal’s image. It had a banner of a white unicorn stallion whose beard was longer than his mane. I took the first step in, and the other’s followed.

(Several minutes later)

We found ourselves right back where we came from. There was still the pentacle in the middle of the labyrinth. Although, it did felt a little off…

I turned towards Time Turner to ask where we were. It didn’t felt like Canterlot, but it was the same place. “Where are we?” I asked.

He turned his gaze up the mountain. “Canterlot. Technically speaking, the past of Canterlot… This was the place mentioned to be the entrance to the academy”, he explained.

As if leveling with the current situation, a friend came to greet us. Approaching from one of the paths.

“It’s been a long time, Temporal Walker…”

To be continued…

End of Chapter 7