• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 373 Views, 0 Comments

Temporal Walker - AcelJean

Another pony saves Equestria from the shadows... He never gets recognized because he travels through time... Know how this little wonderbolt got involved in all of your fictions and how he either helped or help prevented these things from happening!

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(Chapter 6) Rewritten

Rewritten: Chapter 6


The word has a lot of different meaning but there’s only one goal, to waiver your own welfare for the sake of others. But… What connection does that have to do with the chapter’s title? Nothing of course! I just feel like wallowing in the sense. Anyways, enough 4th wall breaks! It does have something to do with the chapter’s content. But I guess you already know it, don’t you? Yep. The ones who made these sacrifices were the princesses. It’s only natural that somepony would stood up to a tyrant. But it takes a great deal of courage. Neither one of the princesses had them… But they sacrificed their life in order to deal with the fear. Of course they lived in the end but still!

Okay, where am I? Writing the novel? I knew that. Wait… Oh! Now I remember. I was with Snow Angel. It was already dark at that time. I just woke up too! So this means I’m still feeling under the weather. And sleeping while the sun is going down is not a good feeling! Don’t ask me why, because that’s a belief. I turned to her and looked at her face more closely. I was trying to memorize it in mind so that I will never forget her face. “I’m okay now…” I claimed.

I could hardly control myself, I just kept asking her a question after another. “Where were you, Angel? I lost both you and Twilight in Thrall’s house. I thought you were…”

“Dead?” She anticipated that I will say.


She shook her head and pulled out an apple from her saddlebag. “Take that”, she said. “This might take a while to explain”, Angel claimed.

I sat down just above my sheets and started listening.

“After you went ahead, Twilight and I were left behind. We were unconscious just a few steps from the basement’s exit. I woke up, everything was wrecked. I found Thrall to be dead too. After that, I woke up Twilight and brought her directly to the nearest town I could find. Dodge Junction was the nearest place I came across. So we went and rest there for the night.

“Twilight was worried about how you were doing, and then I told her… ‘Walker’s fine. I bet he’s already at Zecora’s cottage!’ She was reassured, we got our rest, and had set-off first thing in the morning. When we got to ponyville after about 3 hours on the train, we were greeted by Spike. He told us that you already went ahead to Zecora’s. We took some necessities from the library and then took off to catch up with you. But when we got there, the cottage was empty. There was no potion, nothing cooking in the cauldron, and no Zecora. The only thing we that caught our attention was the potion used for time travel that was left in one of Zecora’s cabinets. Strangely enough, it was already complete. Nothing else was needed for the potion.

“After taking the potion with us, we headed straight for Canterlot. We went to the pentacle to go back in time and voila! We’re here with you!” Angel told me. “After landing in this time plane, we went looking for Princess Celestia and Luna”, she added.

That’s good news at least… But wait. “Did you have any luck finding the princesses?” I asked her.

She simply chortled and said to me, “You tell me. You’re the observer here, what do you think?”

I pointed out the obvious. “If there are 2 more beds which was not intentionally made for us, then… they’re here”, I observed. “You already found them…” I thought out loud.

She nodded in my answer. “Correct! And that’s why you’re so good at class”, she commented. “They’re already heading for the elements of harmony. Twilight went ahead with them”, she claimed. And that was the time Twilight went out of the bushes herself. We heard a soft rustling from the opposite side of the forest. Angel was a bit startled but she didn’t let herself get affected by it.

“Twilight? Aren’t you supposed to be with Princess Celestia and Luna?” Angel inquired. Apparently, things aren’t going according to plan. I feel ya, Angel. That happened to me not a few hours ago…

She had cuts and bruise all over her body that probably came from the natural surroundings. “Well… I took my eye off them for a second, and then they were gone!” She explained. Twilight was rubbing her wounds and trying to better them through the use of her own magic. It wasn’t that helpful but it was indeed better than before. “I tried to look for them but then I got lost, and… you know how the rest turned out”, she said disappointingly.

I took out a hooferchief from my saddlebags that was sitting at the opposite side of the campfire and gave it to Twilight. “Here”, I offered. “Don’t worry, we’ll probably find them. I know where the elements are…” I assured her.

She rubbed the hooferchief on every part of her face that had cuts from the branches. And then Twilight expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, Walker. I’m sorry, I couldn’t be of any help!” She regrettably cried out.

I shook my head and disagreed. “That’s not true Twi! You guys found the princess, that’s a very big help!” I said to her. “In fact, I was having a hard time thinking how I’m going to be able to find them”, I commented on the thought.

“Yes. But I lost them!” she kept bellyaching.

Angel poured water on the burning campfire and it turned off. “No use in crying over spilled milk, Twilight. Let’s just find them. Walker did say he knows where they’re headed…” Angel told her and then handed her saddlebags.

I swear, I feel like Angel’s been acting very squirrely lately. She just seems so cold blooded all the time! Kind of like when Time Turner killed… Thrall. Bad memories, really.

“I suppose so”, Twilight said and then took her bags from Angel. Twilight started a spell going to heal the splinters and cuts she got from the surrounding plant life. Her magic enveloped her whole body and then glowed for quite a while. We were heading for the tree of harmony while she was doing it.

(Moments later, deep in the forest)

“Exactly where did you see them last?” Angel asked in impatience. We were probably going around in circles for the last couple minutes. It seems my friend already lost traction of her sanity.

We were at a swamp like part of the forest. The trees were thick and full of algae. The only appealing thing about the place was the amount of clear water it had beneath our hooves. I could swear I know this place. How is that possible? Anyway… The place’s visibility was about as thick as a fog! We could hardly see anything nor smell anything good other than major stench coming from the water itself.

Twilight poked her muzzle a few times and closed her eyes, thinking hardly for the question laid on her. And then her horn started glowing, she was hovering it all over the place. I couldn’t help but ask, “Uhm… Twilight, what are you doing?”

She kept moving around the place. “I’m trying to track where I was earlier. That way, we might know where to start looking…” She answered even while she was busy.

If you’re going to ask ‘why don’t you know where to go, Walker?’ Then think it over! When I was headed for the tree of harmony, I had a map written by Elder Clover herself that shows the location of the elements! Alas, for some reason, I lost it after being knocked out by Angel. Again.

Suddenly, Twilight’s horn flashed erratically. “Here! They’ve gone through here!” She pointed out and they hastily went on ahead. Typical of them to leave me here. All alone. Again. Enough said… “Hey guys, wait up!” I shouted and ran towards the direction they went.

It was more eye wrenching ahead. I was tearing down because of the inability to see anything! If we hadn’t had Twilight’s spell this time, we might be more lost than her. I was able to catch up with the two after digging through the thick sea of fog. I noticed because I heard their voices and Twilight’s horn sparkling. I went to the direction of the sound after hearing it. Interestingly enough, after heading in that direction, I heard it change places and now it was now in the opposite direction. I know this… It’s that phenomena where you thought you heard it in a certain direction, but it was actually in the opposite- you know what I mean!

“Walker! Where are you? I hope you didn’t get lost!” Angel cried through the mist.

I shouted back in disappointment on what she said. “I am NOT lost! I’m right behind you, Angel!”

And then, as if leveling with our hardship, the fog lifted because of a strong wind that came from the direction we were now headed. The sky was clear, and so was our vision of a large crevice echoing below us. It wasn’t made by accident from the earth’s formation, but rather I think it was made by ponies! It had stairs leading downwards from the top. I was shocked to see Twilight suddenly collapsed though. And then I remembered one don’ts on Time Turner’s list. ‘Don’t let Twilight see the crevice leading to the elements of harmony! Everything has its own time to be revealed…’ Darn it, Time Turner! You couldn’t have wrote me that as the first item in this list? You’re such an idiot!

I rushed over to their position and inquired Angel about the details. “What happened to her?” I asked.

“She overused her magic earlier and now so… she’s exhausted”, Angel answered.

I exhaled in relief. I thought for sure something wrong had happened! “Go on ahead, Walker. You need to find the princesses. I’ll stay with Twilight”, She insisted. Well, couldn’t argue with that because it’s the whole reason we’re here!

I fluttered my wings to take off. “Be careful, Angel”, I reminded and then dashed towards the cave located inside the crevice.

When I got there, I found no barrier nor any protective spell of any kind at the entrance. It seems that either there was no barrier to begin with, the princesses took care of it, or I’m permitted by it to pass through. If anything else, I was glad to be able to enter. Deep inside, a tree unlike anything I’ve ever seen was glowing. It had a crystal-like bark, and it seemed that the elements were simply a fruit of this mysterious tree. Underneath it were two alicorns standing with great pride, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And speaking of which, the tree of harmony bared the same mark that looked exactly like the princesses cutie marks! It was simply unbelievable…

While I was observing the surroundings, the two had noticed me standing right at the entrance, blocking it. Although, they didn’t see me as a friendly pony. Princess Luna vanished in a flash and reappeared right behind me and pointed the edge of an illusion sword right at my neck. Oh sweet mother of- This is exactly how Thrall died! I’m not repeating something so sickening! With me being the pony who dies! “Princess Luna, don’t! I’m a friend!” I quickly spat-out.

“Says the pony whom I noticed dealt and manipulates dark magic himself!” she growled.

Dark magic? Is it that potion I just used? The one that turns me to a unicorn? I doubt that it’s forbidden… “Please! I’m no enemy! I went back in time to help you find the elements of harmony!”

And then Princess Celestia spoke. “Just let him go, Luna. This little pegasi seems to ring with truth. No sense in trying to attack him or kill him if he’s not an enemy”, she halted. Thank Celestia I’m okay! Literally!

Luna dropped her magic and I thanked Celestia. “Thank you, Princess!”

“What is your name, little pony?” Luna asked.

I turned around to introduce myself. “Temporal Walker, your highness. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance!”

Princess Celestia galloped to where we are and hovered the elements just beside her. “How did you know where to find us, Walker? The only ones that knows the location of this place is named Twilight Sparkle and Snow Angel. Other than that, nopony else…” She pointed out. Here’s something I know I can answer.

“It’s actually a long story… Elder Clover helped me look for this place while I was confronting Discord. Also, Twilight and Angel are both my friends…” I told them.

Princess Luna, shook her head and closed her eyes in disbelief. “Wait. You’re saying that you’re the time traveler?!”

Wait. How did she know that? The two might have told them… apparently they didn’t seem to believe that mentioning my name was important or they simply forgot. Either way, the princesses knows… great! “Yes?” I answered, unsure.

“And what pray tell, can the time traveler lend that will help us now?” Luna asked sarcastically.

I thought to myself, what can I do to help them now? I mean, they got the elements to defeat Discord and all… I’m just a third party here. We’re not meant to be here nor have any reason to be here at all! So what can I do? And that’s when it hit me. Discord can do whatever he wants to a pony… literally! So that means, they’re defenseless against him when they face him. It’s like a mouse knowing water is a cat’s weakness but can’t actually hurl enough of it to leave them alone… and then they get eaten. But what’s with the metaphors and examples? Let’s get to the point!

I immediately remembered something I read about in one of my books. A unicorn’s essence can protect a certain object from any magic or substance expect water. So it could work like a shield for them… But I only have a bottle full of it! Which means, I need to use it wisely. “Your highness… If I may? Could this help you?” I took out the bottle of the unicorn’s essence.

Alright. If you’re wondering where that came from, It’s extracted from a unicorns horn. A form of condensed and synthesized magic! This is not some sort of juice, product, etc. that you can get only from ‘the rainbow factory’! If you know what I mean… No. It’s not like that… Moving on!

Princess Luna was simply staring at the bottle. Probably wondering what it was or what it does. “I read in a book that a unicorn’s essence can act as some sort of anti-magic armor when you cover the substance with it.” I explained.

Apparently, Princess Celestia and I was having a converging idea. She already knows what I plan to do with it, and thus told me. “You plan to use this as some sort of shield when facing Discord?” She presumed.

I nodded and hovered the bottle towards them. “Yes. And if you would be kind enough to use it, I wouldn’t mind”, I offered.

Princess Luna took the bottle from my hooves and levitated it above her horn to take a closer look. After a few milliseconds, she turned towards me and said, “Thank you.” Which was not something I thought she would say. And with those words, I was redeemed of my usefulness. My existence here was not for naught! It was simple yet helpful.

She then started trotting towards the exit, where a certain unicorn was waiting for her. Snow Angel… While exiting the cave, I was greeted by the princess. “You did a fair share to Equestria’s well-being, Walker. No matter what other ponies might think of you, remember that you helped save it! That’s all that matters”, Princess Celestia bequeathed to me. Nothing could make me happier right now then to know that my efforts are appreciated.

As I walk towards the exit, I noticed Twilight was missing. Apparently, Time Turner wasn’t joking about doing these things! I trotted towards Angel and asked, “Where’s Twilight?”

She looked at the two princesses and waved as they galloped their way outside. “I took her back to our camp. That way, she’ll get some rest. I came back as quick as I could soon after”, Angel explained.

Well, I didn’t expect that to be her plan of action. But it was indeed a whole lot better than leaving her alone there or carrying her down here without any idea how to bring her back up… You get the idea.

“We will need to get back as soon as possible! Every second Discord is let loose, another pony is forced to suffer!” Princess Celestia told us.

All three of us nodded simultaneously in agreement. And that was the time… that happened.


Princess Luna was the quickest to act, after a sudden strike at us. She immediately shielded us from the attack. We heard a wild giggle from above the gorge. Apparently, I already knew this pony who attacked us. And if you can guess it, you may be right.

“Is that… Time Turner?” Angel analyzed. She looked awfully closed to the figure standing above us and it was… indeed… Time Turner. Well, I saw that coming at least.

Princess Luna had apparently sustained heavy damage. It looks like she’s gonna be useless in this fight. If there is going to be one… that’s a little obvious.

“You’re lucky to avoid that… this next one will end your life!” Time Turner shouted in rage. What’s his problem?!

He then conjured up several fireballs beside him and started hurling it towards us. This isn’t even a joke anymore! I need to get serious! “Darn it, Turner!”

I took out the potion I had in my saddlebag for emergency purposes and splashed it broken at the floor! Before we knew, he stopped his endless barrage.

He looked around, clueless to his surroundings. “What the-? Where are you, WALKER!” He shouted in despair.

Angel was shielding us with Princess Celestia supporting her. She turned towards me and asked, “What. Did. you. Do?” She asked surprised and confused. Wow! I know she’s amazing but… I never knew she would see that I was the one who was responsible for this while panicking!

I showed her another bottle which had the same size, color, smell, and effect as the one I threw to the ground. “That right there is an invisibility potion! It renders ponies unaffected by it, blind to our presence… In other words, he doesn’t see us!” I explained.

Angel lowered her shield and sat quietly with a stunned eye. “And here I was gonna yell ‘Don’t use that potion!’ when it was only that… You worried me…” She said, staring at me.

I stood up, and pulled Angel up right after. “Let’s go. We have bigger matters to deal with…” I told them and both nodded.

We carried the wounded Luna and took her back with us. Angel and Princess Celestia went ahead with Princess Luna, while I stayed at the back by several meters to avoid getting attacked again. The potion I used on us would give us invisible coats for about an hour… After that, we’re in danger again. We have enough time to escape that Time Turner and get back to Discord! We can’t linger here for far too long. Nor can we waste any more time for anything else!

(Back at camp)

Several meters from the campsite, Angel suddenly stopped. “Angel, we’re almost there. Are you tired?” I asked.

The terror in her eyes was relentless. “Twilight’s not there…” She claimed, out of breathe.

“WHAT?!” Twilight’s gone?! What the hay!? TIME TURNER!!!

Angel walked towards the camp, and confirmed that there was nopony there. Her eyes were filled with regret… as were mine. He is gonna pay for this! He’s gone too far this time! “I bet Time Turner knew Twilight was here and took her by force. She’s far too weak to be walking on her own after all!” Angel guessed. I agree.

“He has… But don’t worry she’s fine…” A familiar voice said.

Far from the bushes, that voice told us and went out to show himself. It was Time Turner, although he looked different now than he did earlier. “Where’s Twilight? I can sense you’re not the Time Turner who attacked us earlier… But you still need to answer that one question!” I said to him.

He gave me bottle of what seems to be potion of deadly poison. It was emptied up… “He tried to make Twilight drink that but I manage to change the recipe a little bit. However, you will have a hard time with this new problem…” He explained.

I put down the flask and asked. “Where is she? And what sort of problem is this? Why didn’t you just save her?!” I pointed out.

He then started explaining. It was a good thing I was listening because this was gonna be important! “A pony who already went back in time, cannot meet or see another one of himself in the same time plane… Another time traveling version of himself at least. It might cause a disturbance in the fabric of time! I only went back with an incomplete version of Starswirl’s time spell because I knew one of your friends is in trouble! You’ll just have to live with that problem…” he explained. Time Turner then stopped for a few seconds to breathe and then continued. “Keep going straight… You’ll find Twilight abandoned and sleeping. Just make sure you use an invisibility spell on yourselves before approaching her. I didn’t tell you that it’s safe! And, Walker…” He addressed me.


“See you back at home! Cousin!” He then started glowing and vanished.

The princesses were confused after everything, but I think it’s only natural. Apparently, Angel couldn’t hold her thoughts and asked me. “What just happened?” She said in a very confused way.

I then started explaining everything I knew about it. “That Time Turner was the one from the future. Our own time… And the one here… Well… Let’s just say we need to be careful of him. The original Time Turner won’t comeback to time ever! So you’ll need to remember that if we meet him here, he’s as good as dead to us!”

Scratching her head, she gave a slight comment. “I’m not sure I followed you there, Walker”, She complained.

I gave an obvious sigh and turned towards the direction Time Turner told us. “Just trust me, okay? Now let’s go get Twilight!” I said to Angel as I moved forward.

The other two didn’t say a word and simply followed. The same goes for Angel after I made that final statement. So we left the camp without even resting and searched for Twilight. We couldn’t leave Princess Luna behind either it’s because not only is she weakened and unable to defend herself, she also has half of the elements of harmony! 3 to be exact…

Princess Celestia was worrying about the group because we have two weakened ponies. Other than that, were dandy! “Are you alright, my sister?” Celestia asked her.

“I will be fine! But we need to hurry! Every second we waste, Discord puts another village in the hands of destruction!” She replied.

Truth be told, he doesn’t destroy things. He simply corrupts them and- Darn it! She’s right! No time to lose! I turned to the princesses and said, “We should split up then! We’ll find our friend, while you stop Discord!” And then I took the unicorn essence out of my saddlebags and threw it to Celestia. “Take that with you, Princess! And please… Be careful!” I added.

She and Luna then took off, while Angel remained with me. It was the best plan I could come up with. And though they didn’t permanently defeat him, I think it was destined for Twilight and her friends to confront them many moons ago from the present time.

“Are you sure that was a good idea, Walker? Twilight maybe ahead already”, Angel told me.

Good thing Angel told me that, because I would never had remember what Time Turner said! “Sure… Which reminds me”, I mumbled. I then took out the last of my invisibility potions for me and Angel. This time, it was a potion we needed to drink. “Here. Drink it, not break it. As you said, Twilight might be up ahead right?” I added. I can see the deadbeat pun she was making with her face. It was telling me to stop.


(A few minutes later)

As we approached, a shadow of a unicorn was looming over us. Angel and I didn’t say a word, we already knew it was Twilight. Now, taking in the fact that we’re invisible and were just attacked, we might need to be cautious about this one. Not that there’s anything more dangerous than earlier.

I felt Angel approach me gently. She then whispered in my ear. “We should really hurry up now, Walker”, she was nagging.

“Yeah, yeah, I know! But it’s better safe than sorry!”

So, I took a pebble being very careful not to make any noise behind the bushes and threw it all the way to the opposite direction.

Twilight heard and went towards the noise’s direction. “What was that? Angel? Walker? Are you there?” She was calling out.

“I guess now it’s obvious that the pony before us is the Twilight we know…” Angel whispered sarcastically.

“Alright, Alright!”

As I approached, I felt my coat being wrapped inside a magical aura. The next thing I knew I was petrified. “Who’s there?!” Twilight gasped. She was definitely quick on her hooves. Her reaction was quicker than before… I wonder what happened.

Trying hard not admit I was scared, I answered. “It’s just me, Twilight… Temporal Walker and Snow Angel”.

“Walker, you say?” She contemplated in a doubting voice. “If you are Walker, then why are you hiding yourself?” She followed up.

She was levitating me higher up. I couldn’t even open my wings! “I took an invisibility potion to hide from our hunter! Please let go, I feel uncomfortable!”

All traces of magic faded from my coat and I fell to the ground head first. I might be a pegasus, but in a height with a disabled wing might just be anypony’s fear.

“What happened while I was out?” Twilight asked.

“I carried you all the way back to the campsite to rest after you fainted. We got attacked by a different version of Time Turner but rest assured, Princess Luna saved us” Angel walked in and explained.

“You’re invisible too? What happened to me?! Why was I here?!” Twilight was a little frantic.

“Time Turner took you and made you drink a deadly vial of poison. Apparently, we were saved in a way that’s too much to explain right now. The only problem was the side effect…” I answered.

“What side effect?”

Well this is the one question I was afraid of. “We’re… not quite sure yet. But don’t worry, we’ll try solving this problem”, I assured her.

She gave me contemplating frown. At the very same time the invisibility potion’s effect wore off. “Okay… I’ll place my trust in you for this, Walker. I feel like I owe you”, She told me.


Angel started walking away. Angel turned to us said, “We should get moving, shouldn’t we? Princess Celestia and Princess Luna might need our help”.

We trotted out of the forest and went straight to where Celestia and Luna would be.

(Several minutes later)

Apparently there was a very inconvenient field preventing us from getting to where the princesses should be. And I bet you could guess what the cause of that was…

We kept walking until we hit our heads to an invisible wall, hurting ourselves in the process. “What the hell was?!” I babied my head while complaining.
“I think it’s some king of force field”, Twilight observed. She tried touching it with her hooves but nothing happened.

Angel gazed at me, her eyes had a touch of anger. “I bet this was time turner… If not, it was Discord”, she pointed out.

Well… I know they’re a little irritating but I don’t think we can be sure of that just yet, right?


We heard a sudden sound from someplace near.

“What was that?” Angel asked.

I observed the direction of the sound. “I think it came from inside the force field”, I answered.

“Are they fighting head to head?!” Twilight frantically asked.

“I don’t think so… If that was the case, we should have heard more than just one thud”, I assured.

And then a maniacal laugh broke from inside the portal. “You’re a smart one, Walker. It was I who made that sound, and I’m here to interfere in what you’re supposedly doing!” Said a familiar voice.

Time Turner?! “Are you the one who made this barrier?!”

“(Laugh’s out loud) obviously! It’s to prevent you from ever helping Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! And to make things worse for you… I’ll be heading to where they are right now to collect the Elements…” He answered. Time Turner than galloped away to steal the Elements.

Angel turned to me with a worried look on her face. “What do we do, Walker? This force field is preventing us from entering and-”

“I KNOW!” I shouted, interrupting her in the process. “Just let me think of a solution for- THAT’S IT!” I claimed loudly as the idea popped in my head.

I took out the last potion I had brewed before giving the most important ingredient to Princess Celestia.

“Is that what I think it?” Twilight observed.

“Yes… It’s the altering potion I used when I confronted Discord. I brewed one more before anything else just to be safe”, I answered.

Angel still had a worried look. “How is that going to help us?”

Twilight tapped Angel’s flank to get her attention. “Angel, don’t you see? A very unstable unicorn magic will only mean unimaginable power! If we can somehow channel that power to attack the barrier…”

“…Then it will break! That’s true!” Angel added to Twilight’s trail of thought.

I opened up the bottle and turned to them both. “Are you guys sure you’re ready? I don’t want to end up hurting you…” I asked.

“We trust you, Walker…” Angel said.
“Just leave the rest to us!”

Hurriedly, I drank the potion and began emitting a strange glow. The way my horns grew this time was a bit different if I remember correctly…Wait, that’s not true is it? It’s the same thing as before… Subtle light particles began compiling in my forehead creating and materializing a horn. As this was happening my wings we’re simply ‘evaporating’ like a puff of cloud! As my horn began to sync with the magic inside me, a sort of shrieking can be heard… A sharp sound. And it simply stopped once my horn was complete.

There was no pain from the magic surging within, twisting my entire being. Unlike last time, not a single explosion happened, nor did it hurt when my wings we’re taken from me… I did however, started to send out electrical sparks from my horn and it was pushing me towards the ground. The pain was unbearable, the only thing I could do was resist fainting. Because if I for some reason blackout, this potion I used would be useless for I can’t send off any magic while unconscious!

I heard the mares shouting towards me. “Walker, Hang on!” I heard one of them said. Not sure who though… You can’t blame me because I can’t hear anything you know!

Suddenly, the out of control surges began gravitating towards the barrier. It was slowly breaking it like it was just an egg. When the shell cracked though, Twilight was kind enough to coat me with a protective barrier. This allowed me to remain in my form now, without getting anyone hurt from the over the top surges.

“Whew!” Twilight sighed in relief. “That’s that then!” She said.

I sat for a minute due to all the work. Angel was not happy at the least.

“What are you guys doing?! We need to catch Time Turner now!” Angel barked at us.

Twilight stood up. “She’s right. If we want to help, the least we could do is hurry this up!” She added to what Angel said.

Give me a break! At least you guys can didn’t get drained… I’m practically a dried apple here!

I said nothing, even though I had a lot of complaints. I simply stood up and nodded to both of them at once. We then started chasing after our rogue Time Turner.

(A few minutes later)

We were getting closer to where the princesses are, when a certain pony stood up to stop us.

“We finally caught up to you, Time Turner!” Angel said.

Does she have some kind of grudge with this guy? I doubt it…

Before I could lift a hoof or say anything, he sent a force wave towards our direction. (Wang!) The surge of power echoed while the force wave evaporated. To our luck, Twilight was able to produce a shield in time to save our hides.

Time Turner began cracking his neck and legs while emitting a strong aura from his horn. “It seems with her around, this would be a little hard to finish!” He muttered to himself.

He levitated several water particles from the nearby trees and produced ice spears out of them. He started raining it down towards us each. We dodge every single one but was grazed nonetheless!

“Show me what you got, Twilight Sparkle!” He provoked.

She then formed several aural swords to match with his attacks. 4 of them acted as her shield, while 6 of them kept chasing after Time Turner. They didn’t last long though because he simply dispelled them in seconds! This fight is kind of worrying…

“Twilight, don’t give up!” Angel cheered on.

I turned towards Angel, while keeping my guard up. “Can’t we help her maybe?”

“If we were somehow trained in combat, I didn’t even know Twilight knew some much technique! None of that matters though because Time Turner looks unbelievable strong!” She told me.

Yep. This little devil mastered every spell in the entire universe! (Well… a bit of an exaggeration I think but… Nonetheless!)

“I don’t think even my magic surges can stop this guy!” I commented. Yep, we’re doomed.

Twilight’s eyes were filled with despair and at the same time, determination. She was eager to stop Time Turner. Her horn began emitting a strong aura. Magical surges were pouring out little by little. Her field of magic had increased, and so was her ability to levitate anything. The out pour which she’s causing now, allowed her to channel her remaining energy to one strike. She began pulling out every tree and stone in the surrounding area and rained in towards Time Turner. This time though Time Turner was unable to dispel her magic because it was simply levitation. As a result, he was caught like a mouse in a trap.

“I may not be able to best you, but I can certainly stop you!” Twilight said and then walked away.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop us with Twilight around. He then produced a spark and then vanished. The lasting I remember was he glared at all of us and that was about it. Teleported someplace else maybe…

We continued to press forward. But before we knew it, there was a rainbow archway forming it the sky. This probably signaled Discord’s defeat.

We galloped towards them with all haste but the fight was definitely over. Discord was turned to stone, right in front of us and we won… Could swear this isn’t the last time we’ll see him though! We’ll be seeing more of Discord in the future. (With the exception of him getting free from imprisonment himself, because that’s likely to have already happened. Remember… We started during the Hearts Warming?)

“So it’s over already?” Twilight said in disappointment.

I turned to her and asked. “You sound disappointed. Is there something wrong?”

She scratched her head and laughed nervously. “Well… I-I was hoping to seal Discord for good this time… you know? So we won’t have to deal with him in the future”, She explained.

That was a very good reason, but… “I don’t think you’re supposed to mess with the timeline, Twilight. Even if it is for good intentions”, I told her.

“Whatever do you mean?” Princess Luna approached and asked.

“Nothing!” Twilight answered.
“Nothing!” I answered.

“You fillies seem awfully shy about a certain something…” Princess Celestia said from a far.

I laughed nervously. “It was nothing your highness… Just a minor detail!”

Angel took out a notepad and wrote something in it pretty fast and shoved it back directly to where took it. She then approached us in a seemingly royal fashion. Showing off or serious? You decide reader…

“I think we have several things to worry about than what they just said”, Angel said to the princesses.

“My apologies, Snow Angel. I didn’t mean to pry… What was it that you said needed our attention?” Celestia asked.

Angel moved a little bit to the right and showed the princesses the damages Discord caused. “The ponies of Equestria have little capability of surviving another attack from forces of darkness…” Angel explained. “Would you please help these misguided ponies rebuild their land? And tend to it once it is?” She then asked.

She was trying to convince them to stay in order for Equestria to finally receive a proper care. I was very surprised on what Angel just said that day.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approached Snow Angel slowly. They then turned to the setting sun which was now being controlled by the princesses. “We would be honored to rule these lands!” They answered to Snow Angel.

So… for several minutes, we just stood there watching the first sunset and moonrise from the alicorn sisters. A very momentous occasion in Equestrian history.

(A few hours later)

We went back to the unicorn village after that and headed directly to Elder Clover’s house. Every pony whom we passed by bowed down to the alicorn princesses. The respect they gave was unlike anything they’ve ever done. This was the first time they lowered their heads in a long time. Not even princess platinum’s presence is acknowledge here.

We knocked on the door of the Elder’s house, fully expecting her to be surprised but- “Welcome, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna”, Elder Clover said. She was prepared for their arrival apparently…

They talked for a bit, without our presence but after that, they were deemed ruler of the lands. I’ve headed inside to be able to talk to the elder as well.

“May I come in, Elder Clover?” I pardoned.

“You may, Walker.”

I sat down near the fire place because it was too cold outside.

“I would simply like to report my progress in the quest you’ve given me earlier…” I told her.

She sighed in disappointment. “Didn’t I say to address me as Clover, Walker? It won’t kill you to try, you know…” She pointed out. I completely forgot. “You don’t need to report anything to me, Walker. But I do think you’re here for another reason, I take it?” She added.

I took out one of my time traveling potions. “We need to brew some more of these… But I don’t have enough ingredients”, I showed her.

She giggled at the sight of the flask. “I don’t think that’s what I meant, Walker”, She pointed out. “What I meant was your magic! You still can’t control it, can you?”

I nodded in answer. “It still drains my magic until I’m as dry as a rock. I feel like I need to find a way to better control it somehow…” I pointed out.

She took several books from her shelves trying to search for something that could help me. Right about then, a blueprint fell out of the pages.

“This is it! I found an answer to your problem, Temporal Walker!” She shouted in excitement.

“Really?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes! Come here!” She said and dragged me to the middle of the room where the blueprints were. “I plan in creating an academy somewhere… secretive. It would teach other ponies to master the magic flowing through within them. How pegasi could better control their wings… learning of advance and modern spell casting… that sort of stuff! If you would somehow like to, we could provide free access to all the facilities and training you might actually need once its complete!” She explained.

Well… it sounds tempting, but time consuming at the same time. I don’t think I could waste time in this academy.

“All you need to do is time travel here, whenever you like!” She said and smiled at me.

“Thank you for the offer, Clover. I’ll try to take it in consideration… But for now, I’d like to rest a bit!” I thanked her and stood up and started trotting towards the door.

After that conversation I had with Elder Clover, it got me thinking of the boons such a place would grant me. I’d hate to take down that offer after she bothered showing her plans to me to… So I decided to take her on her offer! I’d just like to go back to our own time first before I start writing homework…

To be continued…
End of Chapter 6