• Published 27th Apr 2016
  • 374 Views, 0 Comments

Temporal Walker - AcelJean

Another pony saves Equestria from the shadows... He never gets recognized because he travels through time... Know how this little wonderbolt got involved in all of your fictions and how he either helped or help prevented these things from happening!

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(Chapter 2) Rewind

Rewind: Chapter 2


I never liked the subject, nor reading facts about it like Angel. I wasn’t a historian, but a Wonderbolt. So, obviously, I don’t care. But right now, I wish I gave more time in reading history than potions. It would have helped me more… given the situation.

The creaking sounds of the train’s wheels gave away a pretty bad sign, which we did not notice. Angel’s magic which made the train move seems to have us in quite the predicament. You could say… Final Destination?

The carts were detached one after the other. The speed was so great that the weightlessness made the run-away train accelerate. The last cart had just detached after the train ran in great speed. I knew I shouldn’t have made her control this train…

We quickly grabbed the nearest thing we could find. Even if I were to simply dash-off this train, the wind would destroy my wings… and with it, make me crash.

“WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” We both screamed.


The last cart kept bouncing along the tracks. I was panicking onto how to stop the train. Maybe we’ve gotten in over our heads here.

I turned to Angel, desperately. “Can’t you simply levitate the cart?! We’re gonna die, Angel!” I cried out.

Angel was holding onto a post. She locked her foreleg like a grappling hook. “Even if I can, we’ll just make the train slip off the track! We’ll die for sure if that happens!” Angel shouted back. Sure… I could relate… After all, not even Trixie can levitate something this big!

Amidst the panic, I spotted a lever near the entrance of the cart. Even if it was the brake, I’ll just slip-off the train before I can pull it into a complete stop…

Angel also saw the lever. Her face was filled with despair. “WHY DON’T YOU HIT THE BRAKES?!” Angel yelled.

The mistreatment and misunderstanding stung. Please think of the consequences before you let your friends do all the hard stuff. “I can’t! I’ll slip-off the train!” I shouted back, explaining. I couldn’t give much detail on why I cannot, because I was too busy saving myself!

Angel went near the lever and took charge. She carefully held onto a post to another. Until she finally reached the front of the cart where the lever is located.

“I’ll do it then!” Angel spoke calmly but loud.

Hurriedly, her horn glowed and an aura of azure wrapped the lever and pulled it. The train stopped in an instant. I just then realized, actually remembered, the law of inertia. That’s how catapults were designed (or was it bows? I don’t recall… Let’s just continue…). Oh crap…

We got shot to the train cart’s front and then…

(Glass breaks)

Ever seen any action movies, read action novels, or had an accident so quick that you didn’t notice you were unconscious? I’m doing that right now, actually (Without the being ‘unconscious’ part).

We hit the glass and broke it to pieces. There were splinters and gashes everywhere in our bodies, but that wasn’t the primary concern here. We were still a thousand feet from the ground, just beside the mountain. Right beneath it was the Canterlot mines. The very same place where ponies get gems and the likes. Outside of it was the lot of spiky terrain, which wouldn’t go well for us because that’s where we were headed.


The great momentum we picked up, threw us into the air.

“Walker!!!” Angel screamed in fear. She was disappearing from my sight by the second, leaving only the echo of her scream for me to trail on.

Angel was a unicorn but a weak one. Which means she cannot lift herself from this kind of height. I needed to catch her or she’ll get flattened by the force of the impact!

I said nothing. I used the speed of the slingshot to get me to save Angel fast! I closed my wings and rode the wind. I waited for the opportune moment to catch her. As I went nearer, I made my timing… so that when she touches my body, I can lock my foreleg around her and grab her.

I managed to reach her. When she bumped my muzzle, I then sealed my foreleg around her. (!!!) “Gotcha!” I shouted in relief.

I was able to save her from certain death. Still, the speed was too great. We weren’t able to resist the velocity of the fall and later on… We crashed onto the trees near the borders of the Everfree Forest, and then fell on the ground. That was a coincidence. Since we were going to Zecora.

(THUD!) My back hits the ground. My wing’s gliding ability, allowed me to break the fall, a little.

“Ow!” I exclaimed in pain.

Somehow, I managed to avoid getting my wings sprained. Luckily enough…

Angel levitated herself before she could hit the ground. Apparently, she was positioned upside-down. Lucky we were near the ground… It would have been difficult for her to levitate herself if we weren’t. That might cause a migraine…

Angel was in great pain. She clearly can’t lift herself for far too long, but she can’t just let go either. That would just sprain her neck. “Can you help me down? I think my head might hit the ground if I let go of myself”, Angel said in a worried voice. Her blood was going up her head. Inside blood that is…

Considering she was rather petrified in her current predicament, I flew up and helped her down… Wishing that we keep our hooves firmly on the ground this time. I grabbed her on the sides and flipped her over. Then made her land safely on the ground. She was only inches away from the ground and yet she still held herself.

Angel’s horn stopped glowing. She was being careful not to let go until she got her hoof on the ground. “Thanks, Walker”, Angel said in a voice like silk.

I wish we had never taken that train. What do they call ‘Fear of Trains’ again? For now I’ll just call it train phobia. I now have, train phobia.

(Later, near the outskirts of Ponyville)

We’ve decided to gather some intel in Ponyville first. We went to the Golden Oak Library to find clues on why the zebras attacked Canterlot. Luckily, Ponyville is still intact. If you didn’t know it, Ponies and Zebras had a huge feud in ancient times. Years ago, they suddenly stopped all fighting and made a truce with pony kind. That was where I was hoping to get my answers. That one lead could tell me what happened.

As we stepped near, a voice comes from inside the library… Angered and grumpy. “Who is it?” The mysterious voice asked.

It was a mare… with a familiar voice. How’d she even notice there were ponies in her front door? I tried to level with the mood. “My name is Temporal Walker, and the mare beside me is Snow Angel…” I answered.

After I finished introducing, both doors, top and bottom started to move. The door opened and a lavender unicorn came out, it was Twilight. But I thought she was still at Canterlot?

“Walker? Angel?” her face was filled with apathy.

Angel was as shocked as I was. Knowing that she was supposed to be in Canterlot surprised us. “Twilight?! How did you get here so fast?” Angel asked in shock.

Twilight scratched her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I never left home. Well, not since the zebras attacked manehattan anyway” she barbed out.

The realization suddenly stung. Oh Celestia no… history has been changed?! How is that even possible?!

Angel whispered to me. “I bet this was because of that…” She obviously thought the same thing I did.

I hate to accept it, but it’s true. All these things happen after the other, what’s happening? I can’t keep up!

Amidst the loss of my thoughts, Angel kept her mind calm. “Can you help us, Twilight?” Angel asked.

Twilight was rather busy and kept dotting on her books, her eyes weren’t looking at us at all. “On what? I got bigger problems in the ministry to deal with already…” she complained.

Angel stood up and tried to be brave. “We want to know why this war started… What’s the cause of all of it?!” she inquired without hesitation.

I can’t even differ whose voice is who. Assuming they’re actually the same, of course.

Twilight had a stunned look on her face. As if the history we were asking was imperative to be known by everypony in Equestria. “Wait, YOU DON’T KNOW??? Well, it’s only because of the world summit! A century ago, zebras were known to hate the land of Equestria for some reason. As every pony know, that summit did nothing but anger them more!” Twilight said in a reveling voice. “If that summit had been a success, Equestria wouldn’t have to deal with all… THIS!” she added.

So, to sum it all up, this all happened because of that summit. If Time Turner did alter the past, he could have been the reason why the summit ended up a failure, and worst. A simple alteration could lead to a cascade of effects down the road.

Something crossed my mind. It just slipped out of my mouth. “Twilight, do you know any spells, or any way to get to the past?” I asked.

She then turned her gaze towards me. “Well, yeah but, it will only last for a few moments… You wouldn’t do much with the amount of time given”, Twilight answered. “I know what you’re planning, but it’s a lost cause, Walker. Many unicorns in the ministry tried to create, recreate, and come up with a way to do what you thought of. I’m sorry, but forget it…” she said in regret.

(THUD!) She then slammed the door. Well she was a big help… All she helped us with is giving that info.

“What do we do now? We know the cause… but we can’t do anything about it!” Angel barked in anger.

The wind blew relentlessly. I sensed something similar, but it was only despair. The air turned towards the library, a storm was brewing. I felt the same sensation before. That was the time when…

A thunder struck my ears. “I’ll teach you how to get back to the past…” a voice spoke from a far.

The voice was relentlessly trying to get into my long-term memory to take back a familiar. It bursted out telling me this pony is somepony I know… From a long time ago. A black unicorn then came out behind the golden oak library. It was- !!!

“TIME TURNER!” I shouted in anger.

I then rushed towards him to clobber the pony but-“Don’t!” Angel stopped me, as second before I could touch him.

She grabbed my foreleg with her magic and pulled it back to her side, making me back up in the process. She likely wants to tell me something.

Angel’s horn then seized glowing. Her eyes were filled with despair. “He might be the cause of this but only he knows how to fix it!” Angel clarified.

I was stunned in the thought of her processing that in her head that fast. She sure knows how to think ahead of time. Her brainstorming abilities rivals even that of Twilight. (Yes… Brainstorming isn’t just done with groups of ponies)

Time Turner chuckled quietly. “Smart girl…” he blurted out.

I then stood up after being pulled by Angel. You wouldn’t want to be caught off guard with this guy around. “What do you want now?” I asked ironically.

Time Turner was smirking. “I want to play with you, Walker. Like before, remember?” He said.

“How can I forget?” I muttered cynically.

He kept on smirking. He never seize to keep me angry. “Anyway, as I said, I want to play with you. I’ll change history, you fix it… In your own way of course… Sound fun?” he asked sarcastically.

“Not the least bit…” I answered.

He then laughed loudly. He keeps pissing me off by the minute. “You’re so fun to play with, don’t you know? To get back to the past, you’ll need to get the information from Zecora. The rest is up to you. Oh! And don’t think I’m playing you for fools, because I am! Mwahahahahah!” He explained and the vanished into thin air.

I was angered by the fact that I let him leave without marking up his eyes with purple pie. “He never stops humiliating me!” I cried and the punched my hoof on the ground.

“He might even be worse than Discord…” Angel added.

Filled with rage, we hurriedly went to Zecora’s hut. I said nothing. However, we were gonna need to pass through the Everfree Forest. This forest was already dangerous before the alteration. What now that the Megaspells hit?

On the way to Zecora’s hut, Angel asked me something. She kept calm, unlike me. I kept rushing and didn’t think of the consequences of my actions.

Angel was deep in thought. “Walker, how come we’re not affected by this alteration?” Angel asked.

I don’t need to think about the answer. All I know, is because Time Turner happened. You don’t need an answer for that.

“It’s obviously his doing…” I replied with common sense.

Angel said nothing. She was leveling with my frustration and anger. Perhaps I should warm up to her a bit… It’s not her fault anyway… Except the fact that she let Time Turner leave without losing a tooth.

Angel stopped and raised her head. “It’s almost morning… we’ve been up all night”, She said.

She then yawned and rubbed her eyes. This suddenly reminded me of yesterday.

I looked at the horizon and saw the sunrise through the clouds, it is morning.

“Yeah…” I agreed.

Officially, this is the longest time I’ve been with Angel. She mostly visits me or I visit her, within a span of 4 hours. The longest one was the sleep over we had 3 years ago. She has been my friend for the longest time.

I suddenly thought… What if I ended up like one of those ponies who fell in love with their best friend? Wouldn’t it be kind of awkward? Since you were fillies, you’ve been together. Up till the time you grow old? Isn’t it kind of sickening to be with the pony your whole life? Why did I even bring this up…? You don’t even want to hear it… I think. Back to reality…

The Everfree trees were darker than they usually were. The tension of something might attack us from nowhere seems to be getting out of hoof. You could hear the howling of dozens of Timberwolves from different directions. I was becoming paranoid on my surroundings even though sunrise was almost upon us. It seems that the tension is getting to Angel as well.

Angel had a worried look on her face. “Maybe we should go back?” Angel was hesitant.

I can understand her. I mean if I were her, I probably would have run-off somewhere and never returned here.

I was trying to be brave. “We can’t give up now! Equestria depends on us!” I encouraged. “Besides, we’re nearer to Zecora’s hut than we are to Ponyville”, I added.

Angel understood the situation. Unlike somethings in life, we can’t simply give up on this one. Twilight and her friends have already been altered by the time distortion. We can’t depend on them now.

Angel looked down and nodded gently. “Alright, but we have to be careful. These woods are more dangerous than they ever were” She said.

On that note, we headed to Zecora’s hut. Before we saw Zecora’s hut, the lot of icky sap went on our eyes from the hanging leaves near the cottage which made us unable to see. We tried taking it off but, it was like a glue. We can take care of this later, top priority first…

Upon arriving, we didn’t expect what we saw. The horror was too much for me and Angel. I didn’t think she’ll handle it, and frankly, I was right. A dozen of impaled Everfree creatures stood watch at Zecora’s very doors like a decoration. Talk about crazy! There was also severed head of ponies at the stakes from a far. It’s as if those ponies were either punished, murdered, tortured, or got picked to be decorations.

In Angel’s shock, I covered her eyes. The way little pip described this things was a bit too gentle…Compared to real life, it was unnerving and rather horrid. I’d rather sleep with a giant spider than see this kind of things! For some reason, I’m not even panicking. Perhaps because it is only altered time? Or have I become cold hearted? Nah! Couldn’t be!

Angel was petrified and was stuttering in every word she said. “W-Walker?”

I tried to calm her. “Don’t worry, Angel. We’ll fix this. Think of it as an illusion!” I was keeping her from seeing with my foreleg, locked my hoof on her eyes and kept it covered. She kept crying in shock.

Zecora then emerged from inside her cottage. She looked more like a victim than the murderer. Something about this place doesn’t feel right. Not in the way that it’s more dangerous, rather the opposite actually.

“What is this about? Why are there ponies outside my house?!” She said angrily.

I looked at her with eyes like liquid helium. “I have a question first, what’s all this?!” I bawled. I was worried for Angel, for our safety. So I asked her first about her motives for us. I don’t want to regret this later.

She had no guilt in her eyes. Although, when she looked at Angel, she had a worried look.

“I am sorry you came in the wrong time. What you see is not really a crime”, Zecora uttered.

What the- then what is all this?! You don’t see a head of pony impaled on a stake daily! But she looks like she means no harm to us… I tried to level with the situation.

“What then?” I asked.

Zecora went near Angel and patted her head. “What you see is not true, for I cannot hurt a fly or even you”, she said to Angel. She was trying to avoid my question.

“WHAT-THEN?!” I asked again. I was clarifying the answer I was asking. I didn’t want to hear her stupid rhymes. It only makes my head hurt.

“You are much too impatient my friend. Perhaps you should wait until I end…” She commented. “Did you hit your eyes in the leaves near my home before coming here? If you did, that is the reason you seek, dear”, She answered.

I swear, her rhymes irritates me to the core. It’s contagious you know! I feel like rhyming when I speak as well. But let’s try not to apply that right now… I’m still writing to you the story.

She was trying to calm down Angel who was crying from what she saw. “Nice to know that my security works. I would not have made it, if not for the creature that lurks…” Zecora said. “We must quickly hide! Take her inside” She then rushed us to the cottage.

I took the wallowing Angel to my back and carried her. I tried to crouch a bit because Zecora’s door was too small for the both us. I had to make us fit.

I dropped Angel on the corner with the lot of hay, which seems to be Zecora’s bed. I then turned to Zecora to fire up the questions that piled up since the party.

First things first, I need to know the deal with those décor. “First off, why did you have those illusions in front of your hut?! You nearly traumatized Angel!” I shouted.

She had regret in her eyes. She was as worried about her as I was.

Zecora turned to Angel and started to look around for something. “For protection purposes I brewed those from poison joke. For I am being hunted by both my race and yours.” She said. “I presume that you are not affected by this as well? Time has been altered from here to hell.” She added.

She was trudging on her belongings while talking to me. She was looking for something important… Maybe some brew or something?

“Yes, but why aren’t you affected? We don’t know the reason for our retention though”, I told her. I was intrigue.

After shooting out that question, she finally found what she was looking for. She then presented it to me as her answer.

“Mine is because of this scarf… It was made to save you from space and time alterations… which occurred to us somehow.” Zecora explained.

WTF??? “A scarf? Really? Did you make it? Knowing that there was actually going to be a problem like this?” I asked her. She seemed suspicious. It’s not every day you see a coincidence like that. I mean a freaking scarf to retain your memories if ever a space-time anomaly would occur? The odds are astronomical!

“No, Walker I did not. It was Star Swirl who made this for naught. But as you can see, It wasn’t likely”, She described.

So it was the great Star Swirl’s belonging, huh? I suspect he made this to go with a time spell as well. I wonder what he was thinking when he made these… What can a pony accomplish through changing history? Must be pretty important if this was the case being.

“How did you come by this scarf?” I asked.

Normally, I would avoid shooting out a question like that. But the odds are astronomical. I get a feeling, I’m just being played by Time Turner and her. They must be working together… or so I thought.

“I collect a lot of rare items, Walker. Sadly, I do not remember where I got them after…” She answered.

That didn’t answer my question but hey, I’ll take it.

“A certain pony said, you know how to get back to the past. Is this true?” I asked another question.

She took out two more mufflers and handed them to me.

“Yes, that is true. But the truth must be known first, by you”, she answered.

I wore the scarf and tied another to Angel as well. “What do we need to do?” I inquired.

Zecora then took a flask with a purple brew inside from the shelf behind me. “You need alicorn magic for this. But be warned some side effects may blow you to bits!” She explained and then handed it over to me.

“What do I do with it?” I asked.

“You drink it, to then take hint”, she simply answered.

Wait a minute, hold on… Let me clarify she said, I don’t understand. “After drinking, I can see the past right? Onto what made this come to pass?” I clarified.

“Yes. Without it, you will not be sure to when time plain you may be sent to. After so, come back to me and I will tell you phase two.” She said.

And where the hell can we find an alicorn? I have no clue!

Angel was still recovering. After being awake for the whole night, and seeing those illusions, I’m pretty sure she’s tired. I’m gonna have to do this myself. I don’t know if I can without her though, I’m pretty worried about Angel.

“While I’m looking for an alicorn to turn this potion white, Can you please take care of Angel?” I requested.

Zecora simply nodded and I took off at high speed. The sun wasn’t even touching my eyes. Clouds block it from every direction, as if it was scheduled to rain forever (Without the rain though).

I couldn’t spot any signs of life. The jays that usually fill the skies and trees, were nowhere to be found. Wallowing on the scenery, I was still thinking where to find an alicorn. Princess Luna is overseeing everypony right now, and Princess Celestia is not on my ‘I know where’ list. While Princess Cadence, is seeing the Crystal Empire. And even if I do know where they are, their probably dead.

While I was deep in thought, I saw a light shimmer from Ponyville, near the Golden Oak Library. Some kind of distress signal? I shouldn’t even get close to it but, I didn’t think about it. I immediately flew back to Ponyville to track the source of the signal.

When I got near I wasn’t too surprised by what I saw. It would seem I’m being played for a fool here… The pony who was sending out the flashes of light was Time Turner. I kept my speed high and landed as if I was creating a shock wave.

Time Turner was smirking. “Are you trying to waste time, Walker? You won’t find an alicorn who is alive anymore…” He said.

I think he clearly knows what I’m planning. Then again, he was the one who told me to go to Zecora for the information on how to get back in time. I bet this was all a set-up.

I had the thought but never believed it. “So they’re all dead? All three of them?” I asked him.

Time Turner looked serious. His eyes were never like this before. "Yes… And if you asked me, you’ve wasted bloody time. If no alicorn is alive, an equally powerful unicorn will suffice”, He answered. That only pissed me off.

I tried thinking of possible unicorns, but the only one I thought would fit the standards was Star Swirl the bearded. As all of you know, he’s probably dead. Died of old aged and all… “But there is no such pony currently living in Equestria that matches the princess’s power! Are you really making me look like a fool?!” I asked rhetorically.

Time Turner kept laughing harder and harder. He never gives a damn, does he? “Can’t you think of nopony, Walker? Star Swirl, Starlight Glimmer, or even… Twilight Sparkle?” he told as if he was mocking me. Nope, he clearly is mocking me… I have no doubt to that. Wait what did he just say? Twilight can be a substitute? Her magic is formidable, but I don’t think it can match for an alicorn’s just yet.

“What? Stop thinking and start with the program! You lazy, Wonderbolt!” he mocked.

Sorry but I can’t think straight. Not unless you’re there, at lease. He’s like a kryptonite, you know! He’s so degrading, even if the only thing you saw is his face!

“Then I’ll have to ask you to stand aside, Turner…” I informed him. He was in front of the library’s door. You won’t be able to get in unless he moves-over.

Timer Turner said nothing. He galloped away to my right direction, as if he gave me the liberty to do so. But before he vanished, he turned to me.

“I need you to keep this, Walker. Just in case you make it to that day… I hope you manage to follow the bread crumbs” he threw a weird crystal orb to me. And then turned away again. “Don’t disappoint me….” He added then vanished.

What was that about? First he makes me do this scavenger hunt and then now he sounds like a worried idiot?! Don’t agitate me!

The wind was blowing harder and harder, as a deserted land would do. The place was lifeless than earlier. It must have hit this place really hard, the alteration. Speaking of which, what is the date today anyway?

I went to the door and knocked it. “Twilight, are you there?” I called for her.

Interestingly enough, she wasn’t answering. Not usually the type of feedback you get from her.

I kept calling for her but there was no response. The only thing that was responding was the wind. It was pushing me every time I call her name. I went inside the library to check if somepony was there. I touched the door to open it but it simply unlocked and swayed before I even grabbed it. I think it was already open before I got here.

Inside, the place was dark and musty. And I won’t lie, it was scary! If only I had Angel with me, lighting the place up would be an easy task. I have my potions with me for emergency. But it won’t help me with this problem because there is no potion which lights up a dark place. I’m pretty limited because of my lack of knowledge. I’m sure there is a potion like that… I just haven’t found it, that’s all.

My eyes got fixed into the darkness and has adapted to it. Apparently it was starting to fall. Shit! I remember I haven’t had sleep since yesterday! My body couldn’t help it and simply hits the ground. (THUD!) I couldn’t feel my hoof nor my eyes. I drowned in darkness before I could even notice it.

The thought was unnerving. If I simply doze off a place that I’m not sure if I’m safe, I might as well give myself up as a sacrifice to whoever is in power in Equestria. It’s not a very good habit if you think about it. Not that it usually happens; this is the first time actually.

I managed to wake up after dropping on the floor. But I didn’t expect to be in the place I’d be next, I was in a bed. I looked around the place and saw wooden decorations and walls. I was probably still at the Golden Oak library. But who put me into this bed? Must have been a unicorn because I never felt anypony lifting me up. Twilight… Where are you?

Speak of the devil, Twilight then entered the room. Problem solved, she saved me the trouble of looking for her, again… She was wearing a coat. Not her lavender coat, a clothing hooded coat. Probably hiding from somepony, but who?

Twilight looked at me with worry. “Are you okay? I assumed you didn’t sleep since yesterday”, Twilight pointed out.

Well she knows how others feel. You should be a judged, or maybe a psychologist. “Yeah… I was going to look for you but then I blacked out. I felt like my life was in danger when I fell asleep”, I told her.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t any help earlier, Walker. I know you’re doing everything you can to return his world to normal… I took me a while to do it as well”, she told me. What the heck is she saying? I don’t understand.

“Can you clear up your vague expressions? I don’t understand what you mean…” I clarified.

Twilight went near me and said, “This coat is magical. It returns the memories altered by time. I had it in my possession for some time now… I can’t even do my duty to protect Equestria.”

I have no idea where she’s going with this. Probably the effect of just waking up… Hangover. But I did understand one thing. She has the same item as Zecora which protects her from space-time alterations. I wonder what happens if you took it off though… maybe you go back to being altered.

The realization just came to me. I had two things I was carrying on the way here, an orb and a potion. I don’t have a saddle bag with me so I was just carrying both things with my hoof.

I turned to Twilight and asked her about my belongings. “Twilight, where are the items I brought with me here?” I was rather worried that I might have lost the potion. The ball, I don’t care… It was given to me by Time Turner so… It’s completely the opposite of having a sentimental value.

She pointed the orb beside the bed. “There’s your crystal ball. While the potion…” she stopped. She then took out a flask from her cloak and handed it to me. “I’ve already messed around with it. I hope you can forgive me…” she added. Twilight was regretful.

The potion she gave me was white. It was different from the one I brought in earlier. That saves me the trouble of getting her to complete it. I just hope this thing works.

Knowing that my task was complete, I said, “It’s alright… You saved me the trouble of getting this done. I needed this potion white anyway”, I thanked her.

She looked a bit confused. I imagine this conversation isn’t making sense to either of us… any of us.

Due to Twilight’s curiosity, she questioned me of my motives. “What do you mean? I even helped you? Can you explain what it is you are actually doing here, Walker? I know it’s because of the alteration of space-time. But, what does that potion have to do with it?” she asked faster than a bullet.

She’s more interrogative than Angel. Relax Twilight. You’re not even my special somepony…yet. “I need this potion to show me what the cause of this alteration is. When I do, Zecora is gonna help me get back to the past”, I explained.

Twilight was looking at me, glum. She obviously wants to say something. I bet she understood it though. “Can I come? I want to see Zecora too” She inquired.

I simply nodded. She smiled and thanked me, her face was filled with joy. “Thanks, Walker! I promise to help you as best as I can!” She told me.

I wish that promise is kept till it’s fulfilled. I don’t want any false promises, I hate those kind of things.

On that note, we left the library. Twilight packed a few books in her saddle pack and some extra quills, parchments, and inks too. Bookworm…

On the way, I kept my consciousness awake. I was stumbling for quite a few times because of fatigue.

“Are you ok? Or are you still a little hazy?” Twilight was concerned.

To tell the truth, I don’t deserve this. Not the things happening around me, that’s already obvious… I meant Twilight. As you know, I got a bit of crush on Twilight. I was hiding the excitement of being able to speak to her. I really don’t know why I like her… Colt’s instincts, you know… Twilight speaking to me? That’s one thing. But Twilight actually concerned about me?! THAT’S A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF AWESOM-! (Clears throat) Err… moving on…

I answered rather tired. “Yeah I’m okay… Let’s keep moving”, I tried to stand on my own hoof. I don’t want to be a burden. Besides, I’m trying to get some points from Twilight, you know what I mean.

I leaned on a tree full of algae. Conveniently enough, I brewed some potions before we left the Golden Oak Library. I took a potion which could restore my strength. A little…

Just before I drink it, “Don’t!” Twilight stopped me. What now? Can’t she see I’m already in pain?

She then explained her reasons. “The side effects of drinking a temporary strength potion will greatly affect your condition after a few days! You won’t be able to move for a minimum of a week!”

I don’t read much books, but I have known about that. And obviously, I don’t care. I need to save Equestria first before I can rest! Before I will rest… So…

“It’s a restoration potion, Twilight”, I told her. I lied… I lied to her because she will never let me use a thing like this. Much like Angel…

“Fine… but be careful”, She insisted. She bought it. I think she believes me as much and as fast as Angel does.

I drank the potion after that note. Even though I know it’s not safe and was fine with it. I was still afraid of drenching all of it down my throat. I felt my body went numb. This early? The side effects must be pretty bad… Well, no sacrifice, no victory.

After that, Twilight pulled me up with her hoof, not horn. Maybe she was being fair. Whatever… A unicorn is different from a Pegasi. You should know the difference, especially with Earth ponies.

“Thanks”, I turned to her, grateful for her assistance.

And with that, we took off. Twilight being herself is pretty much a worry some pony to be with. You won’t understand anything she says when it comes to science. To be honest though, she’d be a big help if the time comes.

Trudging over to the hut, we saw a lot of wrecked trees on the way. There were debris all over the place and the leaves all burned to dust. Something terrible happened here. I fear it might be-Angel!

After that really terrible thinking of the circumstances, I rushed to the cottage. Twilight was shocked to see me run-off without any warning so she decided to go after me. Then again, who wouldn’t?

Chasing after me, Twilight questioned my rash decision. “Walker, where are you going?!” she yelled, breathing heavily.

I didn’t answer. I know she’ll keep running anyway. I had to act fast.

When we got there, Twilight had hit her eyes in one of the sap or rather, set-up… that Zecora made for intruders. Not again…

“Twilight, close your eyes!” I shouted.

She immediately closed her eyes as I instructed. I managed to prevent another pony from getting traumatized. I went to her direction and rubbed her eyes. The sap was really icky. To tell the truth, I don’t know how to get this off without water.

“What’s the matter, Walker? I won’t be able to take this off you do it by yourself! You’ll just hurt my eyes!” She complained.

Can it, Twilight! I don’t want another pony to get petrified by this sight! Anyway back to the topic. After getting that thing off her eyes, we went near the cottage.

“What the-?!” Twilight gasped in shock.

The cottage was a wreck. And the cauldron looked as if it blew up! The roof was gone and the walls crumbled. I was getting more paranoid by the second.

Dazed by the sight, I stuttered. Not on spouting my thoughts with my mouth but rather my mind stuttered. “What happened here?! Angel…” I spouted in worry.

I’m pretty sure if you saw what I’m seeing right now, you’d probably be worried about Angel and Zecora too.

“Raiders…” Twilight made an observation. This sucks! Just my luck that my friends got caught by raiders! Wait, raiders? Wouldn’t it be slavers? Since they were taken? Or were they? No time to think about it!

I was trying really hard to process what to do in this kind of situation. “What do we do now? They have Angel! I need to save her!” I shouted at Twilight in complete panic.

She looked at me intensely. As if she was telling me to calm down and pay close attention.

“We can’t lose ourselves to a bunch of blown debris! Keep calm and stay straight. Our friends need us!” She reassured me. She’s right about that. I need to think straight. If I don’t, I might end up losing Angel…My best filly friend…

I straightened up myself and turned to Twilight. “Do you know how we can find her?” I asked. Twilight might be a bookworm, but she knows the wasteland well. This version of her at lease. If she took that coat off, I wonder what will happen to her. Wait a minute, didn’t I just made the same thought a while ago?

“It’s easy… They’re in Fillydelphia. That’s normally where they’d take them…” she answered.

That faraway?! I don’t even know how to get there! Worst part is, I don’t even know the place at all!

While I was thinking of ways to get there, something was moving around the bushes.

“What was that?” I asked Twilight.

The thing was creeping nearer and nearer. Twilight’s horn started glowing.

“If you don’t stop, I-I’ll shoot!” she warned while assuming a battle stance. This mare is really creepy to be with. I wonder what she’ll shoot out of that horn of hers. Elements? A beam? Let’s not wait to know…

“W-Walker…” a voice groans from the behind the trees.

Wait, was that?! “Angel?!” I spouted. I know that voice anywhere I go. Especially if you know two ponies who have the same voice.

Angel then went popped out of the bushes and Twilight stayed her horn. I knew it was her.

Angel was gasping and breathing heavily. She had scratches and splinters in her body more badly than before I left her. She then then crumbled right in front of us. “Angel!” I shouted in shock.

If anyway, I’m glad to see her safe. “Where’s Zecora?” I asked.

Angel had a stunned look on her face. As if she wanted to hide everything she saw. “Dead…” She claimed.

“W-What?! What happened?!” I asked.

Angel wasn’t looking at me. She simply closed her eyes and turned away. I was guilty. What she saw was probably more traumatizing than the last one we did.

“Let’s not ask her too much. She must be in shock”, Twilight told me.

I nodded and carried her on my back. Angel passed out again. But, it didn’t looked like she had passed out and fallen asleep again. More like… the body was unconscious, but her eyes were wide open. Petrified… She was in shock.

“Let’s head back to the library. Let her rest first, then we can ask her what happened”, Twilight suggested.

“No!” Angel shouted from my back.

She reacted? And to think she was in shock? That was fast recovery… No, not really. “Why Angel? You’re hurt aren’t you?” I asked sarcastically.

“Yes, but, that’s not important right now! I won’t let Zecora’s sacrifice be for naught!” She answered.

She’s so mature isn’t she? No, not really… (I should stop using that last phrase huh?)

“Look, I know she did her best to protect you, but we don’t know how to time travel, Angel!” I clarified to her. I bet she knows that already, just reminding her.

Angel went down and stood up on her own. Talk about carrying your own weight! Wait, no… I’m also like that huh? “I know!” Angel yelled to me.

What a way to get somepony’s attention. “How did you-”, I paused.

“Zecora taught me. Look, let’s just head back to Canterlot now!” She claimed.

Wait what?! Canterlot? Why are we going there? How are we getting there? The only way in is through the train system. Sure I could fly there but what about these two?

“Where at?” Twilight asked. Come on Twilight, can’t you ask why first?

Angel turned to Twilight and showed her a map. Where did she get that?

“Right there!” Angel pointed out.

Hello? Can I join this conversation? These two really are selfish.

“Be ready! I’m gonna teleport us to the location right now!” Twilight warned us.

“Wait what!? Why are we-?” Before I could say anything, everything around me vanished. I think I’m gonna be sick.

I suddenly found myself at front of the Canterlot castle. Twilight had teleport us from Zecora’s hut to here in just a few seconds! If you knew how unpleasant teleportation is, you’d never want to do it. I feel like I want to vomit…

“Next time maybe you should hear my opinion? I’m not one to love teleporting you know!” I complained to Twilight.

“Sorry, but Angel said we need to get here quickly” she apologized.

I turned around and found myself at front of the palace labyrinth as well. The same place where Twilight and her friends entered to find the elements of harmony. You know that right? It was as scary as the day Discord broke free.

“Why here Angel?” I asked.

She looked serious. It’s like I don’t even know her anymore. Where’s the timid little filly I always knew?

“Time Turner left a pentacle drawing at the middle of the labyrinth which can help us to time travel”, she answered.

Him again? How did you even know that? “Okay so, how did you know that?” I asked her. She’s more mysterious than the other three.

“You’ll know soon enough.” An instant reply. Perhaps I’m being over paranoid. Either she’s playing tough or she’s acting tough!

We went inside the labyrinth and got separated, obviously. After a while we managed to get to the middle without any other incident. In the middle of the maze was an odd glowing pentacle which was painted at the ground. But, why is it glowing?

“Walker, do you have the potion?” Angel asked. Looking like she was in a hurry.

That’s it, this has gone far enough! “Not so fast!” Angel tried snatching the potion from my hoof. “I want to know what’s happening first!” I yelled. The way she’s acting is really screwy! I need to know why she’s like this.

“Ever since I left you with Zecora, you’ve been acting really weird! Care to explain why? And how did you know there was a pentacle here if Time Turner was the one who drew it?!” I shot-out multiple questions in one breath.

Angel was tearing up. Her tears were like a river, and she was hiding it from me. She turned away but I could still see her.

“Sorry Walker…” Angel said regretfully.



Twilight tackled me from the right side and took the flask. The pain was excruciating! She then threw it at the pentacle which made it run some kind of spell. Damn bitch was a traitor!

Ever seen Twilight time travel with Starlight? Well it was like the same scene. Only, it looked like a portal. Beyond the portal, you could see hundreds of ponies in the same room. Is that the world summit? Whatever! I need to get up!

I stood up and stared back at Angel and Twilight. “What’s with all of this Twilight? Angel?” I questioned.

A time portal above the portal then started to appear. It had the same sound as a grandfather clock. What’s happening?

The two stared at me and started retaliating. Crap… They were headed towards me and tried to hold me down.

“Hurry Angel! Throw him into the portal!” Twilight shouted while preventing me from escaping. Like hell I would escape!

Angel was crying while doing it. She grabbed my back hooves and dragged me towards the portal hoof first. I felt lightning suddenly surged from my back legs as I was entering the portal. It wasn’t the end of it, I was also sucked into the time portal above me. It felt like I was inside one the machines of the rainbow factory. Then, everything disappeared. I feel like crap, honestly… Maybe I should remember to not trust anypony from now on. Bastards…

To be continued…
End of Chapter 2

Author's Note:

(Fun Fact!)
This story was actually made the same time Season 5 Episode 25 & 26 aired. Apparently, the fanfiction became canon because of this. I had the same idea as the Josh Haber or whoever thought of the time travel in the episode. Because of that, it looked as if I just copied the whole idea. But I didn’t… Amazing right? Coincidence? I think so… whatever…