Temporal Walker

by AcelJean

First published

Another pony saves Equestria from the shadows... He never gets recognized because he travels through time... Know how this little wonderbolt got involved in all of your fictions and how he either helped or help prevented these things from happening!

Travel through time and embark on a journey of mystery and destiny. Know the history of Equestria, and know how time itself works. With the help of a few historical figures, One pony will need to face his destiny in order to save Equestria from its greatest threat yet!


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Ever wondered what happened in the past? What Equestria was like before it became what it is now? I was curious about it like you, once. I ended up knowing everything about it. But it wasn't from any old books! I was given the pleasure of living through everything that happened in my land. Do you want to experience the same adventure that I went through? The point is, I’m here to tell you everything! Let’s begin with a little bit of narration about my past.

A Pegasus, That’s the type of pony I am. A coal coated pony with a brown mane and a lighter streak of brown… Since I was a foal, I’ve dreamt of going to Cloudsdale to be a wonderbolt. Back in those times I lived in Canterlot. You’d never guess but I was one of Princess Twilight’s classmate back then, before she became an alicorn or even moved to ponyville. It was in magic kindergarten. I know… It’s only for unicorns or any other races with horns, but nothing in the school regulations said that pegasi can’t enroll there. Besides, I forced myself in magic kindergarten because there was no other kindergarten in Canterlot besides it… That time at lease.

In those times, every foal has a childhood friend. Of course, I had mine. Her name was Snow Angel. A white unicorn with long bangs and mane with faded blue in the edges as if it was dyed! She sounds a lot like twilight in a lot of ways, but I guess it’s because they’re both significant ponies to me (Twilight beings significant means I have a crush on her! Please don’t hate me!).

Angel, she was something… The first time I met her she just approached me during recess and asked why I wasn’t playing with the other fillies. Obviously because I was different! And then, out of the blue, she asked me if I can be her friend. I said yes, of course. She was a mystery… like the winter snow, filled with so many different meanings…

After graduating in magic kindergarten, most of my classmates went to ‘Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns’. I, on the other hoof, had my sight set for flight camp! As I was leaving, Angel was saddened. It was quite obvious that she wanted me to stay. As much as I’d like to, I had made up my mind. So I simply wrote to Snow Angel every week so that she wouldn’t be so desperate as to do what ‘Vinyl Scratch’ did!

When I arrived at flight camp, there was a welcome ceremony for the new fliers. Sitting on the stands were a few well known ponies. There was Spitfire and Vinyl, Soarin, Fleet foot and lastly, Princess Celestia. There was a lot of new and soon to be well known figures in the ceremony too! Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Guilda… After a week, I made a new friend with… Fluttershy! She’s always so timid and alone, so I decided to hang out with her. She’s often quiet at times but I bet she’s just shy.

2 weeks later, the coach had gave us a test that week. Apparently, Fluttershy didn’t do good… to be honest she was really awful! Even with the coach’s inspiring words and good diction of instruction, she still failed to finish. She was so scared of heights, her wings closed mid-flight! And to tell you, her test was the easiest! Of course, I can understand. The day after that, the coach gave her another shot. She failed of course… and got teased by the other fillies. Out of nowhere, Rainbow Dash appeared! She challenge the bullies to defend her new friends honour. In her own way of course… With a race!

At the race, one of my potion that I was supposed to give to my teacher as gift fell out of my saddle bag because of a hole in the bottom. At the same time, Fluttershy fell as well. The reason is because Rainbow and the bullies accidently hit her when they started. Apparently, my potion hit the ground and break. I realized that it was my butterfly calling potion which Snow Angel and I made for fun (I know, great invention huh?). Because of that, Fluttershy’s fall was broken by a colony of butterflies. I was relieved… I bet something bad would have happen if not for that potion! I wonder, was she just lucky that I dropped that potion? Or was it fate that saved her? I don’t think it’s a mere coincidence though. That was the first by the way…First time I touched history (If it wasn’t for that, it’ll only be the mane 5! Not 6…).

Now that you know a little more about me, I guess we can start here… Hi! My name is Temporal Walker! You can call me Walker. Don’t worry I’m not a zombie, nor am I an Exorcist (That’s from an anime if you don’t know). I’m a pegasus, as I told you… and you won’t believe that I’m also good at magic. (Reader: But, Walker, how can you be good at magic if you’re a Pegasus?) I’m good at potion brewing! But, we’ll get to that later (Wait... You already knew… Didn’t you? I gave quite a lot of clues in those first few paragraphs…). I’ve been everywhere! Or should I say everywhen…eh?!( ^_^ ) no? Ok.

I’ve met Discord, Clover the clever and even Starswirl the bearded! Seen Luna’s banishment, King Sombra's, and even saw Discord turn to stone. But I wouldn’t be travelling these time planes if not for one pony’s help. Oops! No spoilers!

Anyways, I wish to thank you for coming with me on this adventure. If there was one thing I wanted in life, it's that I wanted to share my adventures with someone like you... (It's me talking, not the freakin author!) Well, Let's start...

End of Introduction

(Chapter 1) Uninvited Guest

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Uninvited Guest: Chapter 1


Not a thing you can simply meddle with. There are things to consider if you want to alter the past and turn the future of your enemies into a living hell. You need to consider the well-being of everyone involved. I’ve had my share of this kind of doing… and this is how it happened. Let’s continue the story…

(10 years later)

I successfully became a Wonderbolt! I’m now doing aerial shows, scouting patrols, and a lot of other cool things! I give frequent visits to Angel as well. I spend time with her since I never visited Canterlot when I was still at flight camp and The Academy. My life has been awesome eversince... You could say… I’m now living the dream!


It’s the cold season right now and there is nothing to do except to have fun with your family and friends. I decided to spend the hearts warming celebration with Snow Angel and her mother. If you’re wondering if Fluttershy and I are still friends, we are. I rarely visit her to chat and just catch up... Of course, it’s all due to her new friends. You shouldn’t get stuck with just one friend, right? Anyway, back to reality…

Angel and I went to a play held every hearts warming eve in the Canterlot theatre. The Streets was just filled with decorations and beautiful lights! Kind of like a party but only warmth filled my eyes. Most times, the play is performed by professionals from all across Equestria, specifically manehattan big shots. This time though, Twilight and her friends casted the founders. One of the reasons I chose to attend this year’s Canterlot play was to see Twilight Sparkle perform. If you think about it, it’s not a good idea to take a mare you’re with to see another mare she knows you like. And I think, Angel, is already catching up to my scheme!

We were walking towards the theatre when I felt an aura of unpleasantness showering me from behind… Angel. Her face was looked as if its her day today (You know what I mean). Levelling with her anger and disappointment, I spoke in a calm and understanding voice. “Something wrong?” I asked her. Fairly being obvious.

She had fire in her eyes, the type of which somepony who’s willing to kill you. A lot of ponies kept going inside while we were still standing like idiots outside. This is the kind of scene where you’ll see a colt getting scolded by her mother. Well, in this case… A colt getting scolded by his best friend.

Her face looks glum. She doesn’t even look happy to be here. “I still prefer hanging-out… IN MY HOUSE!” Angel pouted.

I knew it! (Sighs) I only want to watch the traditional play because Twilight is one of the cast (Even though it’s supposed to be traditional!). She probably knew that already. Still, on that thought, I kept my cool.

I assumed a pose of royalty from olden times, setting myself in the play’s theme. “Tis traditional to watch the play every Hearts warming eve! We must!” I said in a British accent. (Yep... Tis was horrible like thy life).

She looked at me with eyes like helium, she clearly knows I’m making excuses. She brushed me off and looked away. “Whatever”, Angel didn’t care.

“Hmm… Oh, Right!” I suddenly realized. “I remember I have a present for you, Angel”, I told her.

The aura coming off of her changed in an instant. She suddenly had a glimmer in her eyes. (Sighs) Bottomless greed… Angel moved towards me. “What is it?” she asked.

I swear, she’s like everypony else, well at least it made her change her attitude a little bit. You know how your friends, families, etc. expects something from you every year, this time of year? Well, she’s not family but she does give me the problems they do every time I give them gifts!

“It’s… uh-err… A secret!” I stuttered.

Wonderful, Walker! Can’t you be any more obvious?! It’s a dead giveaway to stutter!

She closed her eyes and nodded. “Alright…” she said.

WHAT?! She actually bought it!? Eh… I guess it’s normal to keep the present a secret. Hey! Don’t think I have nothing, cuz I do! I’m not faking it just so she’d keep calm! I brought a white ribbon for her and left it at her house beside the flagpole. If you ask me, it looks perfect for her! White and all… I wonder if it’s just me or it’s due to my fetish in making mares look cute. Well, most mares at least.

After that stupid interlude of our boring lives, Angel then invited me to enter the theatre. “Let’s head inside. I think I see Spike at the front entrance”, she added.

I don’t know, but I suddenly thought… If there’s a front entrance, shouldn’t there be a back entrance? Alright! I’ll stop talking. And I think I’ll stop these ridiculous jokes. (Like hell I could!)

We then proceeded inside. As Angel said, Spike was at the entrance, showing his friends to good seats. Each one had a good view of the play. One was at the balcony and some others were in the front, I was hoping to be one of them. Lucky ponies…

The hall way was filled with decorations so beautiful you won’t see them in your typical building even if it is deliberately dressed to be festive. Each light had a different color. There’s green, red, yellow, white like the snow, and gold.

We then went to spike’s direction to greet him. Before we could even grab his attention, Spike had already gaze towards our direction and immediately recognized us. “Walker!” Spike shouted.

Angel approached Spike to say hi. She gave a friendly smile like Fluttershy. “Hello, Spike! Good to see you!” Angel greeted.

Spike was wearing an olden purple hat, used in times before the princesses’ reign. Usually seen worn by earth ponies. Probably being used for the play… Is Spike one of the cast? I don’t recall any dragons there…

Spike took a few seconds to notice that Angel was addressing him. His face was stunned, as if he never expected to see her. “-and Snow Angel too!” He added.

Angel kept up the friendly face despite the lack of formalities. “How are you, Spike?” Angel asked with eyes twitching.

Spike scratched his belly. “I’m good… Well, not better than you two, look at the both of you!” Spike beheld.

Angel suddenly blushed. I was about to as well, had it not crossed my mind the hall is already flooding with ponies!

“If you’re looking for seats, you’re in luck! The Cutie Mark Crusaders have some extra seats up at front. Just talk to them and… tell them you’re my friend”, Spike added and then pointed at the very front row.

Spike, we are your friends… We don’t hangout as often as friends should do, but we still are.

He seems pretty proud of himself, huh? That’s narcissistic… Well then… since Spike mentioned the Cutie Mark Crusaders, I should tell you about my cutie mark. As well as Snow Angel's. I’m a blank flank… Apparently. You’ll know soon why.

Now, as for Snow Angel… If you first saw her, you'd think she's a blank flank. Why you ask? Because her cutie mark only appears in the presence of the winter snow (Like now). It sort of glows every time there’s snow around and when there isn’t, it hides itself as if wearing an invisibility cloak. It doesn’t disappear but with its colors, it looks like it. And whenever its night time, that’s when I usually see it, you know being white and all. Oh! We’re getting off topic! Angel’s cutie mark is an angel’s halo at the presence of snow and snow drops when it’s not, like the bubbles cutie mark that Derpy Hooves has except snow, you get the idea. Anyways, back to reality.

The two were continuing with their talk. While I contemplated on cutie marks. “Thanks, Spike! We appreciate it!” Angel told him.

Spike went red. “AW-PSHAW! It’s nothing…” he was blushing, yet still trying to be modest. He’s failing miserably, but he's still look cute doing so... (He'd probably be pissed if he heard me say that.)

Following his instructions, we went to the front. The hall was flooded with ponies. The only way to the front was the red carpet. Of course, it would be humiliating to gallop to the front with only the two of us (It’s as if we’re getting married or something!). So we decided to make our way through the unrelenting sea of ponies.

(At the front)

After shoving through that nightmare, we’ve arrived at the front row. And just in time for the play! As the curtain rises, you can see a baby dragon narrating the play, It’s Spike. That explains the weird get-up at the front entrance.

Spike spoke to everyone with a strange… but not so British accent. He narrated like a professional up on that stage, as if he wasn’t a baby at all.

While Spike was narrating, Angel shot-out a question. “Say, Walker, How did you know Spike? He was born after Twilight passed her entrance exam for Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns. So… Wondering… How’d you two know each other?” she was filled with curiosity.

I haven’t thought of it for a long time but I do remember. I remember… but vaguely.

I turned to Angel and answered. “I met him when they went to clouds dale for the ‘Best Young Flyer Competition’. I was one of the Wonderbolt in charge to see the event… Never thought Rainbow Dash would go so low though…” I was lost in thoughts.

Angel crossed her foreleg. Clearly she wasn’t happy with my comment. “Well that’s just being mean to her!” Angel moped and then looked away. Yep… I regret saying that last sentence.

I giggled and we then continued watching the play and sang a bit of a Heart Warming carol. The song they chose was modern and beautiful yet traditional! It filled up everypony’s hearts with warmth and joy. Then the play was over, we then left the place completely satisfied and filled with… Fatigue.

Outside, we saw the huge fire of friendship. It was like a burning heart but was fire itself. Enveloping the city with its warmth and light as if it was the moon. It was probably made by Celestia. After looking at it for a while, we went on our merry way.

As we were walking back to Angel’s house, we talked for a bit.

“It’s amazing, right? It’s like they’re a natural on stage!” Angel kept on jabbering.

As much as I liked it, I don’t think it deserves that much applause… Especially if it’s only one pony! It makes you look like a try hard fanatic (Sorry, I don’t mean to judge…).

Canterlot was so desolated… In this time and hour at least. The only lights left were the street lamps and some on an old telephone booth. I always wondered how those telephones were made.

Lost to my surroundings because of fatigue, Angel was trying to get my attention.

Angel was clapping her hoof vertically in front of my face. She was trying to wake me up. “Hey! Talk to me, Walker!” Angel bawled.

“HUH?!” I snapped out of my dreaming. “Sorry but, I think I’m about to doze off”, I withhold my enthusiasm.

Angel sat down and me as well. “Now you’re complaining?! I thought you wanted to see the play?” Angel pointed out.

Not that I’m complaining but it’s hard to narrate and talk to her at the same time… (4th wall break)

I tried changing the subject. I wouldn’t want her to know the reason I came to the theatre tonight. “Hey, I heard there’s a party tomorrow! Vinyl Scratch and Neon Lights are there to boot!” I told her.

“-and?” she anticipated as if telling me to get to the point.

I was poking my hoof at the ground. “And so… Do you want to come with me?” I asked her.

She shot-out a question. This will be bad. “Is Twilight going to be there too?”

I knew she’d ask me that… She was onto me since I invited her to watch the performance! Actually no, she's been like this ever since I started to look at Twilight!

I scratched my mane, trying to play dumb. “Pinkie Pie said that she’d invite them but, I’m not sure if they’ll come”, I replied with the half-baked excuse.

Angel then closed her eyes and nodded. “Okay”, she agreed.

I was stunned from her answer. She bought it… Well that’s a relief. “Really? I actually thought you’d say no…” I assumed.

For some reason, she took out a notebook from her saddle pack. The notebook was a present I gave her last year. I took the liberty of getting it from Rarity, so I would have something beautiful enough to give to Angel. I’m glad to know that she’s been cherishing it.

She wrote something on it and was trying to hide it from me. “Don’t look at it!” She yelled.

“Sorry…” I apologized and then eyed somewhere else. To tell the truth, they were dropping from restlessness.

“What time tomorrow?” Angel, still looking at her pad, inquired while writing.

I tried recalling the venue and time. I vaguely remembered because I was tired. “Err... about 5pm”, I answered her.

“5pm… all right!” Angel muttered to herself.

She’s hiding something from me? I wonder what it is…

She hid the notebook back to her saddle pack carefully like levitating a foal to its crib. The way she takes hold of a pony’s belonging is one of the most watchful and caring thing I’ve seen from anypony, anywhere!

She stood up. “Let’s go, Walker. I’m feeling rather hungry…” Angel remarked.

Oh well… After that play is the hearts warming eve dinner. I suppose that’s traditional too.

The wind blew gently as we walked home together. The night was just as peaceful as an ending war. I wish every night was like this actually.

(Next Morning)

Hungry... so... Hungry... I woke up smelling the food and with a stomach more upset than a dog waking up.

Angel was already cooking breakfast before I could even wake up. It means that my food has probably gone cold by now.

I felt a storm coming to the bed room, and I mean it in a metaphor. Like ‘When she scream’s, it’s like a storm or a lion’s roar’ kind of metaphor.

“Walker! Breakfast has been cooked for an hour now, wake up!” she cried out from the living room. My poor ears!

And I was right! Lucky… A bit of icing will do it. It’s fit for selling in sugar cube corner… As a cake that is, not breakfast.

The scent of waffles and eggs envelopes the bed room. She out did herself again. She always cooks like this whenever I’m around. Well, that’s what her mother told me anyway. She said it’s because Angel likes having company other than herself… Or that she just likes me.

I galloped down the stairs and head into the bathroom. After getting myself cleaned up, I went to the table to eat my breakfast. It might be cold, but it’s still delicious.

I've always appreciated any food prepared for me. I wasn’t one of those picky types where I leave fragments on the side of my plate. Or was I picky about eating anything. You wouldn’t know it, but food is more important than a bag of bits. No matter how rich you are, you can’t buy food if nopony is selling it.

Angel stopped trotting for a while and turned her attention to me. “Hangover?” she examined.

“No, just expecting a hot meal”, I answered.

I think what I just said retracted anything I told you earlier about being picky… Shit! I shouldn’t have said that! I might have hurt her feelings!

For some weird reason she didn’t cry or even got angry. Rather, she looked at me with pity. Pity that I can’t even thank people… Well, that totally retracts everything I previously said about being picky and appreciative.

Angel galloped to the kitchen and turned her gaze away from me. “Then you should have woken up a little more early, right?” Angel said cynically.

Oh… that’s why. She blamed me for my- never mind!

“My fault again?” I asked.

Just before Angel could lift a hoof for a retort, a white unicorn with a dash of yellow mane entered the dining room.

“You two fight like an old married couple!" She giggled in amusement. "Next you’ll be arguing as so…” said the white unicorn.

“Mom!” Angel shouted in denial from the kitchen.

It was Misty Blizzard, Angel’s mother. She has a cutie mark of a white cyclone. Unlike Angel, Mrs. Blizzard’s cutie mark was visible at all times (Isn’t everypony like that though?). Angel still lives with her mother even though she can handle herself now… I guess it has something to do with her father’s death. Her father died from a sudden and unexplainable illness… Not really something I talk to her about so lightly.

She then sat down the chair and picked up the Canterlot times newspaper. That’s an old stallion’s doing. (I hope that doesn't sound too stereotypical.)

I dont usually like to be bothered when I'm doing something. Even if that something is to simply greet my elders. But since I'm a guest, I have to put up with it. “Mrs. Blizzard, Good morning! Would you like some breakfast?” I offered.

She swayed her head. “It’s alright, Walker, I already ate”, She declined.

Angel’s face looked upset, actually, very upset. As if for some reason… angry to her mother.

“Do you have plans today you two?” Angel’s mother asked.

“Actually, yes! We’re going to the party in the Canterlot rock hall today, and was hoping you’d give Angel authorization to do so?” I asked.

She looks so strict with eyes like a devil. It’ll be hard to-

“Alright”, she agreed.

Wait… WHAT?! Often times she gives me the answer no. But today, she didn’t? Why is that? What is the world coming to?

Angel finished with the dishes and went to the living room. “Thanks, Mom! We’ll be back around midnight”, Angel said.

Somehow, I get a feeling something bad will happen tonight. (That’s definitely not a 4th wall break clue!)

After a few hours, we left late in the afternoon. We didn’t bring anything else because it was just a party. Unless you count bits as something.

(Late Afternoon)

5 o’clock, just as I heard. We arrived at the Canterlot rock hall where the get-together will be held. But it wasn’t what we anticipated it would be.

The place was empty, and it looks as if a storm had struck the place. What’s going on? The place was filled with trash, graffiti, and a lot of icky liquid on the ground. Whatever happened here, I wouldn’t want to know. (It looks as if somepony partied here already…)

We looked around. “There’s no one here. Where do you think the others are, Walker?” Angel worriedly asked.

I gulped and then drew heavy breathe and then exhaled. “Honestly, I don’t have a clue, Angel”, I replied.

(THUD!) Something fell over and hit the ground.

I turned my gaze into the direction of the noise “What was that?!” I exclaimed. Maybe I should get a closer look.

On that thought, I went near the stage. The place was still darkened like a cave. I can’t picture a thing at all! Luckily, a unicorn is with me.

On common sense I turned to Angel. “Angel, do you know any light spells? Can you illuminate the place for me?” I asked her.

“Well, I’m not Twilight. But I can do that much at lease” She whispered to herself.

Angel’s horn glowed in an aura of azure and then into the color of the celestial sun. The room was filled with light in a matter of seconds. My vision had been cleaner.

I continued with my search. “Thank you”, I said to her.

There was a paper at the stage. It was being swept by the wind from outside. I tried grasping it with my hoof.

I stomped my hoof into the ground with great speed. “Got it!” I roared in triumph.

“What’s that, Walker?” Angel asked

I read…

“To whoever reads this,

I wanted a bigger venue for the party so I decided to or if we get a chance to change locations. I was hoping to invite that party animal too, Pinkie Pie! That way, we can have an even better party! If I do, you can proceed to the Canterlot hills. We’ll have a greater party than I planned earlier! After the party, Octy and I was hoping to go on a brief hiatus for a while…

Don’t forget to come to the party before we leave for manehattan! Wub ya!

Vinyl Scratch...

P.S – Neon said, that if you read this letter, please clean the place up… He said it was one of the reasons we had to look for another place… Thanks in advance!”

I looked around the place and saw the lot of trash and used tables from earlier. THE HAY?! We’re supposed to clean this up?! How did it even become like this if no one used it?!

Angel galloped towards me and took the paper. “So they changed venue, huh?” Angel asked rhetorically.

“Yep”, I nodded.

I took the paper from Angel. I saw there was another note at the back but I wasn’t sure.

I then turned it over. There was another note at the back of the paper! This time, it looks different.


“Time Turner?!” I yelled in shock.

I was petrified by the coincidence. I actually knew the pony from a few years back.

The writing on the paper was horrible as heck, as if the pony never knew how to write! Now to get to the part where we talk about this guy. Time Turner was my 17th cousin 5 times removed and so on and so forth. He was a real pain in the flank when I visited for the family reunion a few years back. A dark unicorn with a blue mane. The total nightmare if you ask me! In my opinion, he’s the son of nightmare moon. More talented than Twilight when it comes to magic, he can do anything! Even turn your worst fears against you! And he’s kinda been my rival ever since. If you count enemies as ‘rivals’ that is…

Angel took the paper again and pointed out the name written on it. “Who’s that?” Angel asked.

“You don’t want to know, trust me”, I told her. “Anyway, we have to clean up the place… That vinyl! Don’t throw your responsibility to others!” I barked in resentment.

Angel began cleaning the place using her horn. “Get used to it, Walker. I don’t mind at all, neither should you, right?” Angel said.

I nodded. “I guess…” I agreed with Angel. Although, you’re a unicorn and I’m just a Pegasus! That means, I’ll either use my mouth or my wings if I can.

“Let’s clean up, come on!” Angel encouraged.

On that note, we started cleaning. As inspiring as Angel was, I find what Neon and Vinyl did… Aggravating. As well as humorous, for some reason.

After cleaning, we headed for Canterlot hills, the place the letter mentioned where the venue was moved. There we’re a lot of ponies outside. They were waiting patiently to get inside the place. Everypony was pushing one another, it was really smothering to be in the crowd.

The doors were then opened by a white unicorn with a blue mane and a dash of azure. Greeting everypony she sees come in. Then they finally let everypony inside. We went in with the others. Among the crowd of ponies, I see pony as black as the night sky. I suspect it’s Time Turner… What did he meant by that note anyway?

A loud music was coming from inside the entrance. The party has already started.

Angel was pushing me. “Come on! We got to get good places!” Angel hurriedly said.

“Maybe you can slow down? I’m suffocating here!” I complained, trying to get some space.

The party lasted until midnight. As Vinyl said, Pinkie was there… She even helped them with their intermission, ‘Pony Rock Anthem’. What a weird name for a score. Angel and I had fun with Twilight and the others, as if they were friends for a while.

For a prologue that was way too long, I know. But you really can’t call it anything else. Here is where the story truly starts… Maybe it was coincidence that it happened. But one thing’s for sure. I wasn’t happy about it!

A booming voice interrupts the whole of Canterlot. It was coming from outside, though we felt it near our ears. Actually, no... we heard it inside our minds!


That’s pretty dumb… But that stunt work, if you want to know.

After the voice stopped, everypony was in panic in just a matter of seconds. Vinyl and Neon suddenly vanished from the turn tables. They weren’t cowards, so I suspect something happened to them. That’s what I believed anyway.

Angel turned towards me. “Megaspells? Isn’t that from the novel of-?” I interrupted Angel. Come on, Angel. Time to start panicking…

“We need to get out of here!” I panicked. Ironic isn’t it?

Without a moment of hesitation, I acted. I took Angel’s hoof and hurriedly went outside. Now I’m being serious!

As we stepped outside, the streets were in chaos. A dark pink smoke swirled above the city of Canterlot.

“Is this a joke?!” I jetted. My mind was hazy from exhaustion, I couldn’t keep up with everything that was going on. I forgot I slept for only 5 hours.

We needed to get some answers. But we don’t know where to find the answers for all this. All I know is that it was- TIME TURNER!

Without thinking, I rushed to where I was supposed to be. We hurried to the train station, in hopes of getting to ponyville. I ran quickly and Angel was trying to keep up. The pressure was getting to her.

“Where are we going?! W-what is going on?!” Angel franticly questioned me while running towards the train station.

“We need to see Zecora! I need some info onto why this is happening! She’s a zebra right?” I answered.

I thought that a zebra might know something about what’s happening because they were the cause of it. Not that I blame them, this change in the course of history was done by time turner.

Angel kept trotting. She trusted me completely and was with me even though the city was in siege. “Was that Time Turner?” Angel asked.

“I think so…” I replied hesitantly. I wasn’t too sure of that answer.

We arrived at the station without noticing. We got there faster than expected. The train was still intact, but no one was inside… Nor was there anypony there to run it. And as if the whole train was very old and crooked.

I turned to Angel. “Can you make it run?” I asked. The train needed some assistance from a unicorn in order to run.

“Yes, but it’ll be a rough ride” She answered. I wonder what she meant by that…

Without a second thought, I rushed. “Then we have no time to lose!” We hurriedly boarded the train.

Angel started the engine and the train began running. I just wish we get there in time…

To be continued…
End of Chapter 1

(Chapter 2) Rewind

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Rewind: Chapter 2


I never liked the subject, nor reading facts about it like Angel. I wasn’t a historian, but a Wonderbolt. So, obviously, I don’t care. But right now, I wish I gave more time in reading history than potions. It would have helped me more… given the situation.

The creaking sounds of the train’s wheels gave away a pretty bad sign, which we did not notice. Angel’s magic which made the train move seems to have us in quite the predicament. You could say… Final Destination?

The carts were detached one after the other. The speed was so great that the weightlessness made the run-away train accelerate. The last cart had just detached after the train ran in great speed. I knew I shouldn’t have made her control this train…

We quickly grabbed the nearest thing we could find. Even if I were to simply dash-off this train, the wind would destroy my wings… and with it, make me crash.

“WAHHHHHHHHHHHH!” We both screamed.


The last cart kept bouncing along the tracks. I was panicking onto how to stop the train. Maybe we’ve gotten in over our heads here.

I turned to Angel, desperately. “Can’t you simply levitate the cart?! We’re gonna die, Angel!” I cried out.

Angel was holding onto a post. She locked her foreleg like a grappling hook. “Even if I can, we’ll just make the train slip off the track! We’ll die for sure if that happens!” Angel shouted back. Sure… I could relate… After all, not even Trixie can levitate something this big!

Amidst the panic, I spotted a lever near the entrance of the cart. Even if it was the brake, I’ll just slip-off the train before I can pull it into a complete stop…

Angel also saw the lever. Her face was filled with despair. “WHY DON’T YOU HIT THE BRAKES?!” Angel yelled.

The mistreatment and misunderstanding stung. Please think of the consequences before you let your friends do all the hard stuff. “I can’t! I’ll slip-off the train!” I shouted back, explaining. I couldn’t give much detail on why I cannot, because I was too busy saving myself!

Angel went near the lever and took charge. She carefully held onto a post to another. Until she finally reached the front of the cart where the lever is located.

“I’ll do it then!” Angel spoke calmly but loud.

Hurriedly, her horn glowed and an aura of azure wrapped the lever and pulled it. The train stopped in an instant. I just then realized, actually remembered, the law of inertia. That’s how catapults were designed (or was it bows? I don’t recall… Let’s just continue…). Oh crap…

We got shot to the train cart’s front and then…

(Glass breaks)

Ever seen any action movies, read action novels, or had an accident so quick that you didn’t notice you were unconscious? I’m doing that right now, actually (Without the being ‘unconscious’ part).

We hit the glass and broke it to pieces. There were splinters and gashes everywhere in our bodies, but that wasn’t the primary concern here. We were still a thousand feet from the ground, just beside the mountain. Right beneath it was the Canterlot mines. The very same place where ponies get gems and the likes. Outside of it was the lot of spiky terrain, which wouldn’t go well for us because that’s where we were headed.


The great momentum we picked up, threw us into the air.

“Walker!!!” Angel screamed in fear. She was disappearing from my sight by the second, leaving only the echo of her scream for me to trail on.

Angel was a unicorn but a weak one. Which means she cannot lift herself from this kind of height. I needed to catch her or she’ll get flattened by the force of the impact!

I said nothing. I used the speed of the slingshot to get me to save Angel fast! I closed my wings and rode the wind. I waited for the opportune moment to catch her. As I went nearer, I made my timing… so that when she touches my body, I can lock my foreleg around her and grab her.

I managed to reach her. When she bumped my muzzle, I then sealed my foreleg around her. (!!!) “Gotcha!” I shouted in relief.

I was able to save her from certain death. Still, the speed was too great. We weren’t able to resist the velocity of the fall and later on… We crashed onto the trees near the borders of the Everfree Forest, and then fell on the ground. That was a coincidence. Since we were going to Zecora.

(THUD!) My back hits the ground. My wing’s gliding ability, allowed me to break the fall, a little.

“Ow!” I exclaimed in pain.

Somehow, I managed to avoid getting my wings sprained. Luckily enough…

Angel levitated herself before she could hit the ground. Apparently, she was positioned upside-down. Lucky we were near the ground… It would have been difficult for her to levitate herself if we weren’t. That might cause a migraine…

Angel was in great pain. She clearly can’t lift herself for far too long, but she can’t just let go either. That would just sprain her neck. “Can you help me down? I think my head might hit the ground if I let go of myself”, Angel said in a worried voice. Her blood was going up her head. Inside blood that is…

Considering she was rather petrified in her current predicament, I flew up and helped her down… Wishing that we keep our hooves firmly on the ground this time. I grabbed her on the sides and flipped her over. Then made her land safely on the ground. She was only inches away from the ground and yet she still held herself.

Angel’s horn stopped glowing. She was being careful not to let go until she got her hoof on the ground. “Thanks, Walker”, Angel said in a voice like silk.

I wish we had never taken that train. What do they call ‘Fear of Trains’ again? For now I’ll just call it train phobia. I now have, train phobia.

(Later, near the outskirts of Ponyville)

We’ve decided to gather some intel in Ponyville first. We went to the Golden Oak Library to find clues on why the zebras attacked Canterlot. Luckily, Ponyville is still intact. If you didn’t know it, Ponies and Zebras had a huge feud in ancient times. Years ago, they suddenly stopped all fighting and made a truce with pony kind. That was where I was hoping to get my answers. That one lead could tell me what happened.

As we stepped near, a voice comes from inside the library… Angered and grumpy. “Who is it?” The mysterious voice asked.

It was a mare… with a familiar voice. How’d she even notice there were ponies in her front door? I tried to level with the mood. “My name is Temporal Walker, and the mare beside me is Snow Angel…” I answered.

After I finished introducing, both doors, top and bottom started to move. The door opened and a lavender unicorn came out, it was Twilight. But I thought she was still at Canterlot?

“Walker? Angel?” her face was filled with apathy.

Angel was as shocked as I was. Knowing that she was supposed to be in Canterlot surprised us. “Twilight?! How did you get here so fast?” Angel asked in shock.

Twilight scratched her head. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I never left home. Well, not since the zebras attacked manehattan anyway” she barbed out.

The realization suddenly stung. Oh Celestia no… history has been changed?! How is that even possible?!

Angel whispered to me. “I bet this was because of that…” She obviously thought the same thing I did.

I hate to accept it, but it’s true. All these things happen after the other, what’s happening? I can’t keep up!

Amidst the loss of my thoughts, Angel kept her mind calm. “Can you help us, Twilight?” Angel asked.

Twilight was rather busy and kept dotting on her books, her eyes weren’t looking at us at all. “On what? I got bigger problems in the ministry to deal with already…” she complained.

Angel stood up and tried to be brave. “We want to know why this war started… What’s the cause of all of it?!” she inquired without hesitation.

I can’t even differ whose voice is who. Assuming they’re actually the same, of course.

Twilight had a stunned look on her face. As if the history we were asking was imperative to be known by everypony in Equestria. “Wait, YOU DON’T KNOW??? Well, it’s only because of the world summit! A century ago, zebras were known to hate the land of Equestria for some reason. As every pony know, that summit did nothing but anger them more!” Twilight said in a reveling voice. “If that summit had been a success, Equestria wouldn’t have to deal with all… THIS!” she added.

So, to sum it all up, this all happened because of that summit. If Time Turner did alter the past, he could have been the reason why the summit ended up a failure, and worst. A simple alteration could lead to a cascade of effects down the road.

Something crossed my mind. It just slipped out of my mouth. “Twilight, do you know any spells, or any way to get to the past?” I asked.

She then turned her gaze towards me. “Well, yeah but, it will only last for a few moments… You wouldn’t do much with the amount of time given”, Twilight answered. “I know what you’re planning, but it’s a lost cause, Walker. Many unicorns in the ministry tried to create, recreate, and come up with a way to do what you thought of. I’m sorry, but forget it…” she said in regret.

(THUD!) She then slammed the door. Well she was a big help… All she helped us with is giving that info.

“What do we do now? We know the cause… but we can’t do anything about it!” Angel barked in anger.

The wind blew relentlessly. I sensed something similar, but it was only despair. The air turned towards the library, a storm was brewing. I felt the same sensation before. That was the time when…

A thunder struck my ears. “I’ll teach you how to get back to the past…” a voice spoke from a far.

The voice was relentlessly trying to get into my long-term memory to take back a familiar. It bursted out telling me this pony is somepony I know… From a long time ago. A black unicorn then came out behind the golden oak library. It was- !!!

“TIME TURNER!” I shouted in anger.

I then rushed towards him to clobber the pony but-“Don’t!” Angel stopped me, as second before I could touch him.

She grabbed my foreleg with her magic and pulled it back to her side, making me back up in the process. She likely wants to tell me something.

Angel’s horn then seized glowing. Her eyes were filled with despair. “He might be the cause of this but only he knows how to fix it!” Angel clarified.

I was stunned in the thought of her processing that in her head that fast. She sure knows how to think ahead of time. Her brainstorming abilities rivals even that of Twilight. (Yes… Brainstorming isn’t just done with groups of ponies)

Time Turner chuckled quietly. “Smart girl…” he blurted out.

I then stood up after being pulled by Angel. You wouldn’t want to be caught off guard with this guy around. “What do you want now?” I asked ironically.

Time Turner was smirking. “I want to play with you, Walker. Like before, remember?” He said.

“How can I forget?” I muttered cynically.

He kept on smirking. He never seize to keep me angry. “Anyway, as I said, I want to play with you. I’ll change history, you fix it… In your own way of course… Sound fun?” he asked sarcastically.

“Not the least bit…” I answered.

He then laughed loudly. He keeps pissing me off by the minute. “You’re so fun to play with, don’t you know? To get back to the past, you’ll need to get the information from Zecora. The rest is up to you. Oh! And don’t think I’m playing you for fools, because I am! Mwahahahahah!” He explained and the vanished into thin air.

I was angered by the fact that I let him leave without marking up his eyes with purple pie. “He never stops humiliating me!” I cried and the punched my hoof on the ground.

“He might even be worse than Discord…” Angel added.

Filled with rage, we hurriedly went to Zecora’s hut. I said nothing. However, we were gonna need to pass through the Everfree Forest. This forest was already dangerous before the alteration. What now that the Megaspells hit?

On the way to Zecora’s hut, Angel asked me something. She kept calm, unlike me. I kept rushing and didn’t think of the consequences of my actions.

Angel was deep in thought. “Walker, how come we’re not affected by this alteration?” Angel asked.

I don’t need to think about the answer. All I know, is because Time Turner happened. You don’t need an answer for that.

“It’s obviously his doing…” I replied with common sense.

Angel said nothing. She was leveling with my frustration and anger. Perhaps I should warm up to her a bit… It’s not her fault anyway… Except the fact that she let Time Turner leave without losing a tooth.

Angel stopped and raised her head. “It’s almost morning… we’ve been up all night”, She said.

She then yawned and rubbed her eyes. This suddenly reminded me of yesterday.

I looked at the horizon and saw the sunrise through the clouds, it is morning.

“Yeah…” I agreed.

Officially, this is the longest time I’ve been with Angel. She mostly visits me or I visit her, within a span of 4 hours. The longest one was the sleep over we had 3 years ago. She has been my friend for the longest time.

I suddenly thought… What if I ended up like one of those ponies who fell in love with their best friend? Wouldn’t it be kind of awkward? Since you were fillies, you’ve been together. Up till the time you grow old? Isn’t it kind of sickening to be with the pony your whole life? Why did I even bring this up…? You don’t even want to hear it… I think. Back to reality…

The Everfree trees were darker than they usually were. The tension of something might attack us from nowhere seems to be getting out of hoof. You could hear the howling of dozens of Timberwolves from different directions. I was becoming paranoid on my surroundings even though sunrise was almost upon us. It seems that the tension is getting to Angel as well.

Angel had a worried look on her face. “Maybe we should go back?” Angel was hesitant.

I can understand her. I mean if I were her, I probably would have run-off somewhere and never returned here.

I was trying to be brave. “We can’t give up now! Equestria depends on us!” I encouraged. “Besides, we’re nearer to Zecora’s hut than we are to Ponyville”, I added.

Angel understood the situation. Unlike somethings in life, we can’t simply give up on this one. Twilight and her friends have already been altered by the time distortion. We can’t depend on them now.

Angel looked down and nodded gently. “Alright, but we have to be careful. These woods are more dangerous than they ever were” She said.

On that note, we headed to Zecora’s hut. Before we saw Zecora’s hut, the lot of icky sap went on our eyes from the hanging leaves near the cottage which made us unable to see. We tried taking it off but, it was like a glue. We can take care of this later, top priority first…

Upon arriving, we didn’t expect what we saw. The horror was too much for me and Angel. I didn’t think she’ll handle it, and frankly, I was right. A dozen of impaled Everfree creatures stood watch at Zecora’s very doors like a decoration. Talk about crazy! There was also severed head of ponies at the stakes from a far. It’s as if those ponies were either punished, murdered, tortured, or got picked to be decorations.

In Angel’s shock, I covered her eyes. The way little pip described this things was a bit too gentle…Compared to real life, it was unnerving and rather horrid. I’d rather sleep with a giant spider than see this kind of things! For some reason, I’m not even panicking. Perhaps because it is only altered time? Or have I become cold hearted? Nah! Couldn’t be!

Angel was petrified and was stuttering in every word she said. “W-Walker?”

I tried to calm her. “Don’t worry, Angel. We’ll fix this. Think of it as an illusion!” I was keeping her from seeing with my foreleg, locked my hoof on her eyes and kept it covered. She kept crying in shock.

Zecora then emerged from inside her cottage. She looked more like a victim than the murderer. Something about this place doesn’t feel right. Not in the way that it’s more dangerous, rather the opposite actually.

“What is this about? Why are there ponies outside my house?!” She said angrily.

I looked at her with eyes like liquid helium. “I have a question first, what’s all this?!” I bawled. I was worried for Angel, for our safety. So I asked her first about her motives for us. I don’t want to regret this later.

She had no guilt in her eyes. Although, when she looked at Angel, she had a worried look.

“I am sorry you came in the wrong time. What you see is not really a crime”, Zecora uttered.

What the- then what is all this?! You don’t see a head of pony impaled on a stake daily! But she looks like she means no harm to us… I tried to level with the situation.

“What then?” I asked.

Zecora went near Angel and patted her head. “What you see is not true, for I cannot hurt a fly or even you”, she said to Angel. She was trying to avoid my question.

“WHAT-THEN?!” I asked again. I was clarifying the answer I was asking. I didn’t want to hear her stupid rhymes. It only makes my head hurt.

“You are much too impatient my friend. Perhaps you should wait until I end…” She commented. “Did you hit your eyes in the leaves near my home before coming here? If you did, that is the reason you seek, dear”, She answered.

I swear, her rhymes irritates me to the core. It’s contagious you know! I feel like rhyming when I speak as well. But let’s try not to apply that right now… I’m still writing to you the story.

She was trying to calm down Angel who was crying from what she saw. “Nice to know that my security works. I would not have made it, if not for the creature that lurks…” Zecora said. “We must quickly hide! Take her inside” She then rushed us to the cottage.

I took the wallowing Angel to my back and carried her. I tried to crouch a bit because Zecora’s door was too small for the both us. I had to make us fit.

I dropped Angel on the corner with the lot of hay, which seems to be Zecora’s bed. I then turned to Zecora to fire up the questions that piled up since the party.

First things first, I need to know the deal with those décor. “First off, why did you have those illusions in front of your hut?! You nearly traumatized Angel!” I shouted.

She had regret in her eyes. She was as worried about her as I was.

Zecora turned to Angel and started to look around for something. “For protection purposes I brewed those from poison joke. For I am being hunted by both my race and yours.” She said. “I presume that you are not affected by this as well? Time has been altered from here to hell.” She added.

She was trudging on her belongings while talking to me. She was looking for something important… Maybe some brew or something?

“Yes, but why aren’t you affected? We don’t know the reason for our retention though”, I told her. I was intrigue.

After shooting out that question, she finally found what she was looking for. She then presented it to me as her answer.

“Mine is because of this scarf… It was made to save you from space and time alterations… which occurred to us somehow.” Zecora explained.

WTF??? “A scarf? Really? Did you make it? Knowing that there was actually going to be a problem like this?” I asked her. She seemed suspicious. It’s not every day you see a coincidence like that. I mean a freaking scarf to retain your memories if ever a space-time anomaly would occur? The odds are astronomical!

“No, Walker I did not. It was Star Swirl who made this for naught. But as you can see, It wasn’t likely”, She described.

So it was the great Star Swirl’s belonging, huh? I suspect he made this to go with a time spell as well. I wonder what he was thinking when he made these… What can a pony accomplish through changing history? Must be pretty important if this was the case being.

“How did you come by this scarf?” I asked.

Normally, I would avoid shooting out a question like that. But the odds are astronomical. I get a feeling, I’m just being played by Time Turner and her. They must be working together… or so I thought.

“I collect a lot of rare items, Walker. Sadly, I do not remember where I got them after…” She answered.

That didn’t answer my question but hey, I’ll take it.

“A certain pony said, you know how to get back to the past. Is this true?” I asked another question.

She took out two more mufflers and handed them to me.

“Yes, that is true. But the truth must be known first, by you”, she answered.

I wore the scarf and tied another to Angel as well. “What do we need to do?” I inquired.

Zecora then took a flask with a purple brew inside from the shelf behind me. “You need alicorn magic for this. But be warned some side effects may blow you to bits!” She explained and then handed it over to me.

“What do I do with it?” I asked.

“You drink it, to then take hint”, she simply answered.

Wait a minute, hold on… Let me clarify she said, I don’t understand. “After drinking, I can see the past right? Onto what made this come to pass?” I clarified.

“Yes. Without it, you will not be sure to when time plain you may be sent to. After so, come back to me and I will tell you phase two.” She said.

And where the hell can we find an alicorn? I have no clue!

Angel was still recovering. After being awake for the whole night, and seeing those illusions, I’m pretty sure she’s tired. I’m gonna have to do this myself. I don’t know if I can without her though, I’m pretty worried about Angel.

“While I’m looking for an alicorn to turn this potion white, Can you please take care of Angel?” I requested.

Zecora simply nodded and I took off at high speed. The sun wasn’t even touching my eyes. Clouds block it from every direction, as if it was scheduled to rain forever (Without the rain though).

I couldn’t spot any signs of life. The jays that usually fill the skies and trees, were nowhere to be found. Wallowing on the scenery, I was still thinking where to find an alicorn. Princess Luna is overseeing everypony right now, and Princess Celestia is not on my ‘I know where’ list. While Princess Cadence, is seeing the Crystal Empire. And even if I do know where they are, their probably dead.

While I was deep in thought, I saw a light shimmer from Ponyville, near the Golden Oak Library. Some kind of distress signal? I shouldn’t even get close to it but, I didn’t think about it. I immediately flew back to Ponyville to track the source of the signal.

When I got near I wasn’t too surprised by what I saw. It would seem I’m being played for a fool here… The pony who was sending out the flashes of light was Time Turner. I kept my speed high and landed as if I was creating a shock wave.

Time Turner was smirking. “Are you trying to waste time, Walker? You won’t find an alicorn who is alive anymore…” He said.

I think he clearly knows what I’m planning. Then again, he was the one who told me to go to Zecora for the information on how to get back in time. I bet this was all a set-up.

I had the thought but never believed it. “So they’re all dead? All three of them?” I asked him.

Time Turner looked serious. His eyes were never like this before. "Yes… And if you asked me, you’ve wasted bloody time. If no alicorn is alive, an equally powerful unicorn will suffice”, He answered. That only pissed me off.

I tried thinking of possible unicorns, but the only one I thought would fit the standards was Star Swirl the bearded. As all of you know, he’s probably dead. Died of old aged and all… “But there is no such pony currently living in Equestria that matches the princess’s power! Are you really making me look like a fool?!” I asked rhetorically.

Time Turner kept laughing harder and harder. He never gives a damn, does he? “Can’t you think of nopony, Walker? Star Swirl, Starlight Glimmer, or even… Twilight Sparkle?” he told as if he was mocking me. Nope, he clearly is mocking me… I have no doubt to that. Wait what did he just say? Twilight can be a substitute? Her magic is formidable, but I don’t think it can match for an alicorn’s just yet.

“What? Stop thinking and start with the program! You lazy, Wonderbolt!” he mocked.

Sorry but I can’t think straight. Not unless you’re there, at lease. He’s like a kryptonite, you know! He’s so degrading, even if the only thing you saw is his face!

“Then I’ll have to ask you to stand aside, Turner…” I informed him. He was in front of the library’s door. You won’t be able to get in unless he moves-over.

Timer Turner said nothing. He galloped away to my right direction, as if he gave me the liberty to do so. But before he vanished, he turned to me.

“I need you to keep this, Walker. Just in case you make it to that day… I hope you manage to follow the bread crumbs” he threw a weird crystal orb to me. And then turned away again. “Don’t disappoint me….” He added then vanished.

What was that about? First he makes me do this scavenger hunt and then now he sounds like a worried idiot?! Don’t agitate me!

The wind was blowing harder and harder, as a deserted land would do. The place was lifeless than earlier. It must have hit this place really hard, the alteration. Speaking of which, what is the date today anyway?

I went to the door and knocked it. “Twilight, are you there?” I called for her.

Interestingly enough, she wasn’t answering. Not usually the type of feedback you get from her.

I kept calling for her but there was no response. The only thing that was responding was the wind. It was pushing me every time I call her name. I went inside the library to check if somepony was there. I touched the door to open it but it simply unlocked and swayed before I even grabbed it. I think it was already open before I got here.

Inside, the place was dark and musty. And I won’t lie, it was scary! If only I had Angel with me, lighting the place up would be an easy task. I have my potions with me for emergency. But it won’t help me with this problem because there is no potion which lights up a dark place. I’m pretty limited because of my lack of knowledge. I’m sure there is a potion like that… I just haven’t found it, that’s all.

My eyes got fixed into the darkness and has adapted to it. Apparently it was starting to fall. Shit! I remember I haven’t had sleep since yesterday! My body couldn’t help it and simply hits the ground. (THUD!) I couldn’t feel my hoof nor my eyes. I drowned in darkness before I could even notice it.

The thought was unnerving. If I simply doze off a place that I’m not sure if I’m safe, I might as well give myself up as a sacrifice to whoever is in power in Equestria. It’s not a very good habit if you think about it. Not that it usually happens; this is the first time actually.

I managed to wake up after dropping on the floor. But I didn’t expect to be in the place I’d be next, I was in a bed. I looked around the place and saw wooden decorations and walls. I was probably still at the Golden Oak library. But who put me into this bed? Must have been a unicorn because I never felt anypony lifting me up. Twilight… Where are you?

Speak of the devil, Twilight then entered the room. Problem solved, she saved me the trouble of looking for her, again… She was wearing a coat. Not her lavender coat, a clothing hooded coat. Probably hiding from somepony, but who?

Twilight looked at me with worry. “Are you okay? I assumed you didn’t sleep since yesterday”, Twilight pointed out.

Well she knows how others feel. You should be a judged, or maybe a psychologist. “Yeah… I was going to look for you but then I blacked out. I felt like my life was in danger when I fell asleep”, I told her.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t any help earlier, Walker. I know you’re doing everything you can to return his world to normal… I took me a while to do it as well”, she told me. What the heck is she saying? I don’t understand.

“Can you clear up your vague expressions? I don’t understand what you mean…” I clarified.

Twilight went near me and said, “This coat is magical. It returns the memories altered by time. I had it in my possession for some time now… I can’t even do my duty to protect Equestria.”

I have no idea where she’s going with this. Probably the effect of just waking up… Hangover. But I did understand one thing. She has the same item as Zecora which protects her from space-time alterations. I wonder what happens if you took it off though… maybe you go back to being altered.

The realization just came to me. I had two things I was carrying on the way here, an orb and a potion. I don’t have a saddle bag with me so I was just carrying both things with my hoof.

I turned to Twilight and asked her about my belongings. “Twilight, where are the items I brought with me here?” I was rather worried that I might have lost the potion. The ball, I don’t care… It was given to me by Time Turner so… It’s completely the opposite of having a sentimental value.

She pointed the orb beside the bed. “There’s your crystal ball. While the potion…” she stopped. She then took out a flask from her cloak and handed it to me. “I’ve already messed around with it. I hope you can forgive me…” she added. Twilight was regretful.

The potion she gave me was white. It was different from the one I brought in earlier. That saves me the trouble of getting her to complete it. I just hope this thing works.

Knowing that my task was complete, I said, “It’s alright… You saved me the trouble of getting this done. I needed this potion white anyway”, I thanked her.

She looked a bit confused. I imagine this conversation isn’t making sense to either of us… any of us.

Due to Twilight’s curiosity, she questioned me of my motives. “What do you mean? I even helped you? Can you explain what it is you are actually doing here, Walker? I know it’s because of the alteration of space-time. But, what does that potion have to do with it?” she asked faster than a bullet.

She’s more interrogative than Angel. Relax Twilight. You’re not even my special somepony…yet. “I need this potion to show me what the cause of this alteration is. When I do, Zecora is gonna help me get back to the past”, I explained.

Twilight was looking at me, glum. She obviously wants to say something. I bet she understood it though. “Can I come? I want to see Zecora too” She inquired.

I simply nodded. She smiled and thanked me, her face was filled with joy. “Thanks, Walker! I promise to help you as best as I can!” She told me.

I wish that promise is kept till it’s fulfilled. I don’t want any false promises, I hate those kind of things.

On that note, we left the library. Twilight packed a few books in her saddle pack and some extra quills, parchments, and inks too. Bookworm…

On the way, I kept my consciousness awake. I was stumbling for quite a few times because of fatigue.

“Are you ok? Or are you still a little hazy?” Twilight was concerned.

To tell the truth, I don’t deserve this. Not the things happening around me, that’s already obvious… I meant Twilight. As you know, I got a bit of crush on Twilight. I was hiding the excitement of being able to speak to her. I really don’t know why I like her… Colt’s instincts, you know… Twilight speaking to me? That’s one thing. But Twilight actually concerned about me?! THAT’S A WHOLE NEW LEVEL OF AWESOM-! (Clears throat) Err… moving on…

I answered rather tired. “Yeah I’m okay… Let’s keep moving”, I tried to stand on my own hoof. I don’t want to be a burden. Besides, I’m trying to get some points from Twilight, you know what I mean.

I leaned on a tree full of algae. Conveniently enough, I brewed some potions before we left the Golden Oak Library. I took a potion which could restore my strength. A little…

Just before I drink it, “Don’t!” Twilight stopped me. What now? Can’t she see I’m already in pain?

She then explained her reasons. “The side effects of drinking a temporary strength potion will greatly affect your condition after a few days! You won’t be able to move for a minimum of a week!”

I don’t read much books, but I have known about that. And obviously, I don’t care. I need to save Equestria first before I can rest! Before I will rest… So…

“It’s a restoration potion, Twilight”, I told her. I lied… I lied to her because she will never let me use a thing like this. Much like Angel…

“Fine… but be careful”, She insisted. She bought it. I think she believes me as much and as fast as Angel does.

I drank the potion after that note. Even though I know it’s not safe and was fine with it. I was still afraid of drenching all of it down my throat. I felt my body went numb. This early? The side effects must be pretty bad… Well, no sacrifice, no victory.

After that, Twilight pulled me up with her hoof, not horn. Maybe she was being fair. Whatever… A unicorn is different from a Pegasi. You should know the difference, especially with Earth ponies.

“Thanks”, I turned to her, grateful for her assistance.

And with that, we took off. Twilight being herself is pretty much a worry some pony to be with. You won’t understand anything she says when it comes to science. To be honest though, she’d be a big help if the time comes.

Trudging over to the hut, we saw a lot of wrecked trees on the way. There were debris all over the place and the leaves all burned to dust. Something terrible happened here. I fear it might be-Angel!

After that really terrible thinking of the circumstances, I rushed to the cottage. Twilight was shocked to see me run-off without any warning so she decided to go after me. Then again, who wouldn’t?

Chasing after me, Twilight questioned my rash decision. “Walker, where are you going?!” she yelled, breathing heavily.

I didn’t answer. I know she’ll keep running anyway. I had to act fast.

When we got there, Twilight had hit her eyes in one of the sap or rather, set-up… that Zecora made for intruders. Not again…

“Twilight, close your eyes!” I shouted.

She immediately closed her eyes as I instructed. I managed to prevent another pony from getting traumatized. I went to her direction and rubbed her eyes. The sap was really icky. To tell the truth, I don’t know how to get this off without water.

“What’s the matter, Walker? I won’t be able to take this off you do it by yourself! You’ll just hurt my eyes!” She complained.

Can it, Twilight! I don’t want another pony to get petrified by this sight! Anyway back to the topic. After getting that thing off her eyes, we went near the cottage.

“What the-?!” Twilight gasped in shock.

The cottage was a wreck. And the cauldron looked as if it blew up! The roof was gone and the walls crumbled. I was getting more paranoid by the second.

Dazed by the sight, I stuttered. Not on spouting my thoughts with my mouth but rather my mind stuttered. “What happened here?! Angel…” I spouted in worry.

I’m pretty sure if you saw what I’m seeing right now, you’d probably be worried about Angel and Zecora too.

“Raiders…” Twilight made an observation. This sucks! Just my luck that my friends got caught by raiders! Wait, raiders? Wouldn’t it be slavers? Since they were taken? Or were they? No time to think about it!

I was trying really hard to process what to do in this kind of situation. “What do we do now? They have Angel! I need to save her!” I shouted at Twilight in complete panic.

She looked at me intensely. As if she was telling me to calm down and pay close attention.

“We can’t lose ourselves to a bunch of blown debris! Keep calm and stay straight. Our friends need us!” She reassured me. She’s right about that. I need to think straight. If I don’t, I might end up losing Angel…My best filly friend…

I straightened up myself and turned to Twilight. “Do you know how we can find her?” I asked. Twilight might be a bookworm, but she knows the wasteland well. This version of her at lease. If she took that coat off, I wonder what will happen to her. Wait a minute, didn’t I just made the same thought a while ago?

“It’s easy… They’re in Fillydelphia. That’s normally where they’d take them…” she answered.

That faraway?! I don’t even know how to get there! Worst part is, I don’t even know the place at all!

While I was thinking of ways to get there, something was moving around the bushes.

“What was that?” I asked Twilight.

The thing was creeping nearer and nearer. Twilight’s horn started glowing.

“If you don’t stop, I-I’ll shoot!” she warned while assuming a battle stance. This mare is really creepy to be with. I wonder what she’ll shoot out of that horn of hers. Elements? A beam? Let’s not wait to know…

“W-Walker…” a voice groans from the behind the trees.

Wait, was that?! “Angel?!” I spouted. I know that voice anywhere I go. Especially if you know two ponies who have the same voice.

Angel then went popped out of the bushes and Twilight stayed her horn. I knew it was her.

Angel was gasping and breathing heavily. She had scratches and splinters in her body more badly than before I left her. She then then crumbled right in front of us. “Angel!” I shouted in shock.

If anyway, I’m glad to see her safe. “Where’s Zecora?” I asked.

Angel had a stunned look on her face. As if she wanted to hide everything she saw. “Dead…” She claimed.

“W-What?! What happened?!” I asked.

Angel wasn’t looking at me. She simply closed her eyes and turned away. I was guilty. What she saw was probably more traumatizing than the last one we did.

“Let’s not ask her too much. She must be in shock”, Twilight told me.

I nodded and carried her on my back. Angel passed out again. But, it didn’t looked like she had passed out and fallen asleep again. More like… the body was unconscious, but her eyes were wide open. Petrified… She was in shock.

“Let’s head back to the library. Let her rest first, then we can ask her what happened”, Twilight suggested.

“No!” Angel shouted from my back.

She reacted? And to think she was in shock? That was fast recovery… No, not really. “Why Angel? You’re hurt aren’t you?” I asked sarcastically.

“Yes, but, that’s not important right now! I won’t let Zecora’s sacrifice be for naught!” She answered.

She’s so mature isn’t she? No, not really… (I should stop using that last phrase huh?)

“Look, I know she did her best to protect you, but we don’t know how to time travel, Angel!” I clarified to her. I bet she knows that already, just reminding her.

Angel went down and stood up on her own. Talk about carrying your own weight! Wait, no… I’m also like that huh? “I know!” Angel yelled to me.

What a way to get somepony’s attention. “How did you-”, I paused.

“Zecora taught me. Look, let’s just head back to Canterlot now!” She claimed.

Wait what?! Canterlot? Why are we going there? How are we getting there? The only way in is through the train system. Sure I could fly there but what about these two?

“Where at?” Twilight asked. Come on Twilight, can’t you ask why first?

Angel turned to Twilight and showed her a map. Where did she get that?

“Right there!” Angel pointed out.

Hello? Can I join this conversation? These two really are selfish.

“Be ready! I’m gonna teleport us to the location right now!” Twilight warned us.

“Wait what!? Why are we-?” Before I could say anything, everything around me vanished. I think I’m gonna be sick.

I suddenly found myself at front of the Canterlot castle. Twilight had teleport us from Zecora’s hut to here in just a few seconds! If you knew how unpleasant teleportation is, you’d never want to do it. I feel like I want to vomit…

“Next time maybe you should hear my opinion? I’m not one to love teleporting you know!” I complained to Twilight.

“Sorry, but Angel said we need to get here quickly” she apologized.

I turned around and found myself at front of the palace labyrinth as well. The same place where Twilight and her friends entered to find the elements of harmony. You know that right? It was as scary as the day Discord broke free.

“Why here Angel?” I asked.

She looked serious. It’s like I don’t even know her anymore. Where’s the timid little filly I always knew?

“Time Turner left a pentacle drawing at the middle of the labyrinth which can help us to time travel”, she answered.

Him again? How did you even know that? “Okay so, how did you know that?” I asked her. She’s more mysterious than the other three.

“You’ll know soon enough.” An instant reply. Perhaps I’m being over paranoid. Either she’s playing tough or she’s acting tough!

We went inside the labyrinth and got separated, obviously. After a while we managed to get to the middle without any other incident. In the middle of the maze was an odd glowing pentacle which was painted at the ground. But, why is it glowing?

“Walker, do you have the potion?” Angel asked. Looking like she was in a hurry.

That’s it, this has gone far enough! “Not so fast!” Angel tried snatching the potion from my hoof. “I want to know what’s happening first!” I yelled. The way she’s acting is really screwy! I need to know why she’s like this.

“Ever since I left you with Zecora, you’ve been acting really weird! Care to explain why? And how did you know there was a pentacle here if Time Turner was the one who drew it?!” I shot-out multiple questions in one breath.

Angel was tearing up. Her tears were like a river, and she was hiding it from me. She turned away but I could still see her.

“Sorry Walker…” Angel said regretfully.



Twilight tackled me from the right side and took the flask. The pain was excruciating! She then threw it at the pentacle which made it run some kind of spell. Damn bitch was a traitor!

Ever seen Twilight time travel with Starlight? Well it was like the same scene. Only, it looked like a portal. Beyond the portal, you could see hundreds of ponies in the same room. Is that the world summit? Whatever! I need to get up!

I stood up and stared back at Angel and Twilight. “What’s with all of this Twilight? Angel?” I questioned.

A time portal above the portal then started to appear. It had the same sound as a grandfather clock. What’s happening?

The two stared at me and started retaliating. Crap… They were headed towards me and tried to hold me down.

“Hurry Angel! Throw him into the portal!” Twilight shouted while preventing me from escaping. Like hell I would escape!

Angel was crying while doing it. She grabbed my back hooves and dragged me towards the portal hoof first. I felt lightning suddenly surged from my back legs as I was entering the portal. It wasn’t the end of it, I was also sucked into the time portal above me. It felt like I was inside one the machines of the rainbow factory. Then, everything disappeared. I feel like crap, honestly… Maybe I should remember to not trust anypony from now on. Bastards…

To be continued…
End of Chapter 2

(Chapter 3) Ms. Misunderstood

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Ms. Misunderstood: Chapter 3


You could say it’s weird. A tree being a house (Literally a ‘tree house’). The moon and the sun, controlled by two separate princess ponies? If you ask me, it’s a scam. They don’t even tell you how these kind of things were made! Yet you’re amazed by the fact the things they can do… Playing you for a fool is more like it.

The feeling was weird. Do you know the feeling of waking up in a place you don’t even know? Worst is, you don’t know how you got there in the first place. Did somepony carry you all over here? Or were you swept away by a river to that specific place? You never know… Upon waking up, I found myself at a beach. You don’t usually see ponies at the beach. I wonder why though.

There were sand in my eyes. Naturally, it hurts. I managed to avoid being blinded by white sand. I got it off my eyes. Apparently, Angel and Twilight was there too. They were unconscious though. How’d we get to this place anyway? I know it’s time travel but, why did we end up in a different place? Aren’t we supposed to end up at the same place we came from? It’s time travel! Not space adventure!

Groaning from exhaustion and pain, I tried to get up. I had lots of cuts and bruise. I think we came from the sea and then got swept here. Maybe on a boat, got hit by a typhoon, then ended up here. The two was still unconscious. It didn’t look like they were gonna wake up anytime soon. I just remembered as well, I can’t trust them.

I hurriedly went to main land to avoid being caught by the two. I wonder, is it possible that Angel and Twilight was brainwashed to betray me? I doubt it though. Angel was regretful on what she did. She obviously wasn’t brainwashed nor do I think she betrayed me. Tears were running down on her face like a waterfall.

There was a forest just beyond the outskirts of the beach. It was filled with banana trees. Who the hell eats bananas? In my opinion, only monkeys. We’re ponies… we eat apple typed food. Anyways, I was hungry. So whether I liked it or not, I need to eat something. Nearest things are, you know it, bananas… I’m actually allergic to these things. Not the type that my body is, just me actually… I hate ‘em.

Fluttering up to the trees, I grabbed a bunch. Do you know the heart of this kind of tree? It’s actually where the next fruit will grow out of. I wonder why they call it a heart though.

I took one off the bunch I got and opened it up with my mouth. I took a bite and my tummy had blissfully stopped growling. Apparently, the fruit which the tree bared was also as blissful. It was rather delicious. First time I actually liked eating it. Maybe it was due to the hunger I was feeling… Whatever.

I left the bunch of fruit on a side of a tree and flew above the island to see where I was. It was a simple tropical Island. I guess you can even say we were stranded there. On that thought, I remembered Angel and Twilight. I should probably get back. I need to give them something eat too, wouldn’t be fair if I was the only one to eat now would it?

So I headed down to get the bunch I got earlier and brought it over to them. I didn’t bother to take another whole from the one of the trees. It would have been a big waste if I kept taking it without thinking. You see, a lot of ponies also gets stranded on islands like this one.

When I got to the shore, I dropped of the bananas near the two and went into hiding again. I’m pretty sure their alive. Don’t even think they’re already dead. “What am I supposed to do now?” I asked myself.

I really shouldn’t just wander off the island alone. But, I don’t even know if I could trust the two anymore… It’s hard to give your trust to somepony who’s already waivered it.

While looking for signs of anything around the island, I checked to see if the girls were alright.

“The hell?!” I told to myself.

They were already eating the fruits I’ve left for them. And after they did, they started looking for me. Being this high up, I feel like I’m playing Sims just seeing the two. I went closer but not too close that they’d detect my presence.

I hear the two talking and was listening to them from behind the bushes.

“-What are you saying we leave him? He might even be wandering the sea right now!” Angel claimed. She sure is worried huh… I almost forgot that you were the one that dragged me in the first place. All your fault really.

“I’m not saying we leave him. I’m saying is that we build a boat so that when we find him, we can sail for the world summit! I’m not one to leave a friend behind!” Twilight shouted to clarify her thoughts.

Wait, friend? I thought you were the one who tackled me? I think I’m losing my mind… What are they up to?

“You build the boat on your own, Sparkle! I’m gonna go find my best friend!” Angel told her and then took off to the forest.

I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. Whose side are you really on? With that claim of hers, I followed Angel. Secretly that is… Is twilight arguing with herself or is Angel arguing with herself? Their argument earlier was confusing really.

Angel tried getting more bananas from the trees. However, she can’t even reach it. And to top it up, she was rocking it. She tried bucking it and even reaching it. But she can’t seem to get it. Sympathizing with the poor mare, I flew up and picked another whole bunch. Why banana though? There’s some apple trees at the middle of the island, but it would take some time getting there.

I flew down to where Angel was standing. It was near the edge of a cliff, a perfect spot for anypony who’d want to see the sunset.

“Here”, I gave her the fruits I picked.

Angel looked up and stared at me. Her eyes was filled with joy, as if seeing your long lost sister or something.

“W-Walker?” She stuttered and cried. Her tears was like a waterfall yet again.

I tried to be rude… On purpose of course. “You want to say something I presume?” I asked sarcastically.

She wiped out her tears with her fore hoof. Well she looks guilty. And sorry... “I’m really sorry… Sorry I can’t tell you the truth”, she answered back.

Now what is she talking about? Is she hiding a secret from me? Whatever, like I care… “That’s fine... I guess you wouldn’t do that kind of thing without a valid reason”, I remarked.

“Still, I feel bad for doing such frivolity. Would you ever trust me again?” She asked.

Well, I’d be lying if I said no... Either I’m very trustful or she’s just irresistible! So… “Yeah, I’m pretty sure I still can…” I answered.

Angel then smiled slowly. Happy with my answer, she kept crying. Tears of joy… No matter how much feud we get into, we still understand each other and forgive. Funny how that works…

For a moment, Angel was giving me a weird look. Even as her tears ran down her eyes, the look on her face… shocked… so I asked, “What? Something on my face? Why are you looking so surprised?”

Angel didn’t answer. Instead, simply pointed at my flank. I was more shocked to see it than Angel… A cutie mark, suddenly appeared on my flank! And both sides too! But I was having a hard time figuring out what it was…

Angel then finally spoke, giving her opinion. “It looks like a clock… A broken clock that is”, she corrected.

I looked closely and it did resemble an analog clock. It had roman numerals for the numbers and was colored green, but broken… The clock cutie mark that I had was shattered! Like a glass, it was simply disappointing to look at.

Angel suddenly spoke as I looked at my new cutie mark. “It’s a destiny cutie mark… And pretty rare too!”

Wha-? “Destiny cutie mark??? What does that mean?” I asked her.

Angel took one fruit from the bunch that I gave her while saying her answer. “It’s kind of a cutie mark which appears only by fate. Take Twilight and her friends for example… Without the sonic rainboom, they would never get their special cutie marks and have other ones. Get it?” Angel explained.

Wait… I don’t even know that that rainboom was significant. And to be honest, I can’t keep up. “One more time please, in English this time”, I asked her.

Angel sighed in disappointment, fully expecting me to understand. “Do you know how Apple Jack got her cutie mark?” she asked.

Not really supposed to answer a question with a question but I’ll play along. “Yeah… She realized that her place was actually at Sweet Apple Acres and went home. When she had realized that, she got her 3 apple’d cutie mark…?” I answered. “Why?” I asked.

“That’s how you got your cutie mark. That’s what a destiny cutie mark is…” She answered. Well that was pretty abstract! I was looking for a more direct answer.

“Whatever”, I pouted and then looked away.

Looking at the sea, I frowned my face in a childish manner. Perhaps this… time traveling and this whole ordeal we’re facing is part of my destiny… The only pony who could answer this question for me, is me. A time traveler, huh? Now there’s something you don’t see in anypony’s flank to be their special talent.

“Anyway, I’m glad to see you’re okay, Walker… I was really worried”, she smiled at me.

I turned my head towards her and chatted for a while. A few hours later, the azure colored sky has turned into a touch of the sunset’s shimmer… It was already getting late. Normally I would just let it pass, but seeing our current situation, I need to think of a way to get us a shelter for the night. Or at least, get us off this island.

While we were enjoying the sunset, a voice called out from the forest. “Angel! Walker! Where are you?! I hope you’re not making some sort of miracle!”


“I guess we need to get back now, huh?” Angel contemplated.

She had her eyes as soft as cotton, her mane shimmering as the sun went down. Angel stood up as she made that remark.

“Yeah, I guess”, I answered. She pulled me up and said, “It’s not every day we get to see a sunset so beautiful… We better go get Twilight before we lose her”.

So with that, I stood up and followed Angel while feeling a bit tired. I really need a well-deserved rest.

We went left towards the center of the island where a giant volcano is located. There’s something you don’t see in Equestria. “Come on!” Angel whispered loudly.

“Why are we heading towards the center of the island?” I asked. Not to mention it’s also dangerous here…

“I can sense Twilight’s magic somewhere around here”, she answered. “To tell you a secret, unicorns are sort of addicted to magic. That’s why we can never stop using it even with just a simply levitation”, she added.

That explains Twilight’s addiction to knowledge. So it’s not a matter of laziness, but addiction.

I tried changing the subject. There was something I wanted to talk about. “So… mind telling me what the truth is now?” I dotted on her.

She gave me worried look, bad feeling about this one…

“Maybe when we get to the… you know”

“No”, I answered in a dead pun. She’s avoiding me again. What’s with that? At least try explaining why, Angel.

“Alright”, she took a deep breath and started explaining. “You know why you got your cutie mark? I mean ‘the real reason’?” Angel started answering seriously. My heart beat hastened when she said that. Still, I kept my mouth shut and waited for her to finish, Angel continued.

“Time Turner went to both of us and told us to do… ‘That’! And take you to the meeting…Nothing more…” she kept pausing while she explained.

If that’s really the truth… “Then why’d you attack me? And you were really serious before we even got to Canterlot!” I bellowed, pointing out her flaws. Their flaws…

“I-I… ma-may have… o-over reacted?” She stuttered.

Pft! Tsk! Yeah right! There’s more is what you really want to say. “Well?”


Angel looked away regrettably. Her eyes filled with sadness and … regret? I-I don’t get it… Now I feel a bit guilty for making her turn to melancholy mode.

I turned to Angel and held her hoof high. “Sorry too, for being such an asshole”, I reassured.

Angel shook her head. “It’s alright… You’re right, you can’t even trust us anymore”, she whispered.

Didn’t we have this conversation before?

“You’re just a little misunderstood, Ms. Misunderstood…” I told her and then hugged her tightly like my own sister (which I don’t really have).

Angel said nothing and simply replied by returning the favor. I could feel her tears running on the back of my mane and on my coat.

“Didn’t we have this conversation earlier?” Angel asked weakly.

Dotting on some of my memories, I tried to gather my thoughts. I really can’t remember. “Not really… at lease, not exactly…” I claimed.


“Isn’t it a little early to be so intimate? I mean… you’re just 17 years old, right?” A voice echoed from somewhere dark.


Both Angel and I had the same exact guest of whose voice it was. Apparently, there’s only two ponies in Equestria with that voice, Angel and Twilight. So I guess I can guess who it was without even putting a lot of effort in thinking.

Angel pushed me out of her grasp and I ended up stumbling across three meters tops. And that wasn’t even exaggerating it.

“Ow!” I shouted in pain.

“Oh! I’m soooo sorry, Walker!” Angel quickly trotted to where I laid paralyzed. Apparently dazed and was completely distracted by Twilight’s claim.

“Wow… talk about showing it with all honesty…” Twilight told herself.

Just a quick note and observation… This Twilight is really different from what everypony knew. It might be because of time distortion. So don’t blame the writer of the novel! It’s deliberate!

“Let’s move the story along, alright?” I told them. “Where we’re you Twilight?”

Twilight galloped right passed us before she even said a word. “I was trying to find something to hold the boat together… Luckily, the tree sap from the center of the island did the trick. And I was also trying to find you two…”

She paused then after. Waited for us to respond. “We really weren’t-” Angel was stopped by a wave of Twilight’s hoof.

“Yeah… That was a joke, don’t take it seriously”, she told her with turning to us. “So defensive…” She murmured.

The awkwardness is really… well…awkward. I guess it’s time to move the story along. “Let’s head to the boat you made Twi”, I told her.

So, on that note, we headed to the beach even if it was already late. In my shock, the boat twilight built was as large as an inn. It had everything you could think of and need for a small ship. It wasn’t even a boat anymore.

“Is it okay?” Twilight asked as.

And then Angel replied in a speechless voice. “Fine…”

“That’s an understatement”, I felt myself say.

I heard Twilight sigh in relief. OCD…

When Twilight told us that she had already finish building it, I was even more shocked. So we ended up leaving the island after a span of… 12 hours. You call that stranded?

(The next morning)

At the boat, we settled for the night and headed to what we now know as the world conference. It’s the gathering of every and all representative of each race in the world. Saddle Arabia, Fillypines, Equestria, etc. are gathering there to discuss certain things. Feud, supplies, shipments, everything!

“Hey, Twilight. How far are we from the world conference?” I asked.

Twilight was inside the cabin steering the ship with her magic. She answered me over the window. “A week’s travel and we’ll be there”, she answered.

That wasn’t really a distance but I’ll take it. More to the current point, I don’t even know if I’m tired anymore. Apparently, I’ve been awake for who knows how long! Then I was knocked out cold during the time travel. I wake up at a beach with nothing to eat and laying on a broken plank. I don’t feel like sleeping but if any of the two said how long I was out on that beach, I might faint…

Twilight used some sort of ‘come to life’ spell to run the boat automatically to the destination. But I’m a bit afraid what will happen if this thing backfires at us. We might get stranded again. This time, there might not be any wood to get us out of the island.

While I was deep in thought, I noticed that Angel was calling out for me.

“Walker! Food’s ready!” She shouted from below. I didn’t know that this boat had a brig…

Angel cooked dinner for us while Twilight was busy looking at our course and I was busy doing nothing. I smelled a cooked banana like a barbeque. I think I just got hungry.

“What am I supposed to do?”

Angel went up deck and brought me 2 sticks of bananaques. “Give these to Twilight and after that, go get yours down here, okay?” she told me.

I guess I have no choice but to eat these kind of things… I never did tell them to just get some apples from the middle of the island. So… I took the food to Twilight before I get mine. When I got there, Twilight was simply writing about something.

“Twilight, I got your dinner”, I told her then settled it down on the table. “What are you doing anyway?” I asked her.

“I’m trying to record every bit of knowledge I acquired about time travel and ‘your’ Cutie mark! This might help me understand how alternate universe works!” She answered.

(We got a mad pony here guys… Call 911) that was very predictable of her. So on that note, I left her meal there then decided to go get mine. I just realized at that moment that I actually never eaten anything except that one banana. I feel like crap too! This is just great!

“Can I get my food Angel? I think I’m gonna pass out…” I said in a very weak tone.

“Maybe you should rest for a while”, She suggested. As much as I want to say no, she’s actually right. I need to rest. “I’ll give your food to you later when you get some much needed rest”, She said.

I said nothing and hurried up to the cabin. I found some banana tree leaves spread onto the floor like futon. There I rested and made myself feel at home. I know it’s hard but we’re ponies! We’re used to sleeping lying face down. Drifting into oblivion, I felt the world fade…

*** *** ***

“Where am I?”

“Where else brainless?! In your dreams!” Somepony answered.

Huh? That was supposed to be a rhetorical question… who answered? The voice was familiar like a cold chill in my spine. In fact, it was too familiar… I turned to my back and saw a figure of a unicorn that looked like Nightmare Moon. Now, if I didn’t know anypony with the same color, I’d say it’s Nightmare Moon… But I do.

“Time Turner…” I murmured.

Even in my dreams I’m being stalked by this guy. How lucky of me… “What do you want now?” I asked sarcastically.

“To tell you to go with the flow. I know you want to correct the past. But it might just be inevitable”, he answered.

What’s that supposed to mean? He wants me to just seat n’ watch? You got me into this mess, you’re gonna regret it! MY revenge is inevitable!

“What kind of thinking is that? You shouldn’t say something like that to somepony! It might hurt their feelings!” He pointed out.

He’s a mind reader too? “How about I hurt you?!” I stroked back at him.

“You wouldn’t hurt your own mind now would you?”

What does he mean? I’m confused. I’m really gonna sack this colt, put him in a bottle and send him floating off the sea forever! Even in my sleep he puts too much strain on me!

“Just remember to do the right decision… If you, for somehow made things worse, you’ll be sent back to the present in an instant. And you might not be able to fix it, ever!” He warned me then vanished in the darkness.

That was weird. But I think I just might take that into consideration. I have to ask though, why was he in my dreams?

(6 days later)

Angel, Twilight, and myself, made a carefully thought out plan to get inside the world summit without ruining everything. Apparently, since this was the very first summit, we had a problem knowing the exact detail of the structure. So we won’t be able to just sneak in. Angel’s plan was apparently, bad. She told us to just tell them directly the problem and then talk about it. Too direct really. We need to make the time and space balanced without putting a dent in it. So then we go to Twilight’s. She planned to persuade Princess Celestia to take us with her into the summit which was direct but decent. The only problem was… what will be the reason we want to go in there with her?

I thought that was a great idea so we went with it. And I told them about that flaw, Angel said ‘we’ll cross the bridge once we get there’. I have a bad feeling about leaving that matter unattended.

(Night before the summit)

“You look pale. Did you sleep well for tomorrow?” Twilight asked.

Sweet Celestia! I’m alone with her again! I wish this moment never ends! No dude… stay focused!

“Walker?” Twilight was trying to get my attention.

Because of my fantasies, I lost focus on my surroundings. “Huh?!Wha-what?!” I stuttered in shock. I was trying desperately to stay in complete focus but got lost in Twilight land…

“I asked you if you had enough sleep for tomorrow. We never know what might go on our way you know”, She repeated.

I suddenly felt livelier than six days ago. “Yeah… sure”, I replied.

Twilight looked at me intensely. As if knowing what kind of secrets was I hiding. What’s that look for anyway? I’m pretty sure I didn’t blush nor did I show any signs like so.

“Angel said you liked me…” Twilight said in a deadpan voice.

HOLY CRAP! I’M SCREWED! What else did Angel say?! I sure wish NOTHING! And she calls herself my best friend! That’s strike two Angel! Strike two… How am I gonna get out of this mess now?!

My hooves were shaking but I tried to act cool. “Ye-Yeah… B-but I g-got… over it! Yeah…”

Twilight then turned her attention against me. “Oh… For a second there I thought you still liked me… Because you know… I could have returned the favor”, she pointed out.

Sweet mother of all ponies! Did I hear those words correctly?! Am I dreaming? Somepony please pinch me! I wish this is real!

“Well that all depends… Do you fancy me too?” I asked her. Holy shit! I can’t believe I was able to ask that without stuttering!

“Are you kidding?! Of course! You were my role model in Magic Kindergarten! I mean, a pegasus who was able to create potion to use as magic?! No pony but a zebra can do that!” She boasted out.

WOW! This is amazing! Twilight is actually a fan of me! I can’t believe it! “Really?! You really think I’m amazing?!”

“Yes! And I love you Temporal Walker! You’re the best pony in the world for every mare!”

Oh Celestia!!! I can die in peace now!

“Wake up, Walker! Don’t die!” A familiar voice cried out.

Huh? Where’d that come from? I think it was Angel’s voice but I’m not sure.

At that moment I realized it was all a dream. I suddenly found myself standing in front of the Golden Oak library. And in the very same state we left it too! I felt the world fade and saw a blurred vision of Angel’s face too close to my face.

All my memories came back as I was pulled out of my dream. We ran aground right near the summit and our boat (More like a ship…) sunk. My wings we’re tied together by a rope from the mast due to the ship falling apart. There was a landslide because we had hit a cliffside. Which caused us only our ship… Twilight tried to grab me before I sunk with the ship but she couldn’t reach me. And then, I woke up here, being rescued by Snow Angel.

“Are you OKAY?! Answer me, Walker!” Angel was hysterical.

I pushed up using my right hoof while Angel was holding me with both hooves from my left side. And then I answered, “Yeah… I - think I got enough air”, I replied, still feeling weak.

Angel sighed in relief. Twilight was lying near, facing the stars. It looks like she had a tough time.

“What happened? I went too far beneath to be able to reach. How’d you got to me?” I asked. If this was a simple matter I’d let it slide. But both of them look awfully exhausted. I just needed to know what happened!

Angel let me stand on my own hooves and lied down beside Twilight. Then she started explaining. “We couldn’t reach you… So both Twilight and I created a bubble shield that could prevent water from entering. Sadly, the spell was like an artificial air bag. We could only use it until it’s all out. It wasn’t enough to get to you so we both went down ourselves”.

That’s crazy! If they weren’t that good, they could have both went down with me! I’m really lucky to have friends that would risk their own tail to save mine. Which I would want to return the favor someday. Really…

“You need to get to the summit!” Twilight shouted to me.

“We can’t leave you here, Twilight! Neither are we gonna do this alone!” I told her.

Angel turned to me, her eyes was field with regret and bravery. “I’ll stay here to take care of Twilight! You need to get to the summit! If you don’t go there now, Equestria’s future would stay the same!”

Me?! I can’t do this alone! I can barely brew a potion without an explosion except for when I have somepony to assist me. “I can’t do that!” I told Angel.

“Yes you will! We have no other choice!” She barked at me.

Sheesh! No need to get so worked up! “Alright, I’ll do it!” I said to her.

With that, I tried to get up and get to the summit as fast as I could. As luck would have it, Princess Celestia has just arrived! I better get to her fast.

Apparently, she came here being escorted and brought by pegasi. I guess not everything could change after even a few century… On that moment, I approached the princess just before she gained entry.

“Princess Celestia! I need to have a word with you your majesty!”

The royal guards, as you would know, interfered.

“You cannot speak to her Highness without being spoken to!”

Then Princess Celestia order the two to stand down. She looks intimidating and yet, peaceful.

“No need to do that… Temporal Walker is it? I was hoping when your next visit was going to be”, She said.

Wait. Princess Celestia knows my name?! How is that even possible? I’ve never even met her in person before! “How do you know my name Princess?” I asked.

“Oh! This is your first time travel isn’t it? I wondered when that was going to be…” she muttered. “What is it that you needed? Is there trouble?”

I scratched my mane feeling really confused. “Uhm… something like that…”

Princess Celestia then clapped her hoof hoping to catch my attention. “Please tell me the details, Walker… Or otherwise, we cannot hope to fix this”, She said to me.

“Long story short, your majesty… Equestria has reached post-apocalyptic standards”, I told to her straight. “The zebras started a war with Equestria because of Princess Luna…” I added.

“What can we do?” She asked.

Fortunately, we already planned this one out. “I’ll try to know the problem first, and when I spot something fishy… I’ll deal with it. Just please try everything in your power to not make Princess Luna look completely evil!” I explained to her. Short and simple. And doesn’t mess with anything in the time flow. That’s what I’ve figured out. It’s the best plan I’ve came up with.

“Act respectable and follow me. Do not wonder until I tell you”, Princess Celestia explained.

She then took me inside and we got through the guards without a hitch. Apparently the place was 8 floors high. From floor 7 to 8, the summit takes place. It was an ideal location because of the lot of representative from every races everywhere in the entire world!

We then reached Princess Celestia’s seat. Unfortunately, her place was very near the center because we we’re the most dominant species. At least, that’s what I think… She then gave me permission to wonder and look for time turner or otherwise somepony that could be responsible for the time distortion.

“I sense no other ponies except us”, somepony said beside me.

I turned to my right and saw Snow Angel watching the summit! On my left Twilight was also looking at the summit. How did they-?

“Angel! Twilight!” I exclaimed. “How did you get here?!” I asked.

Twilight went to my right beside Angel then explained. “After being saved by a certain pony… I teleported both of us here. Don’t ask who or we’ll just start another misunderstanding!” Twilight told me.

I was simply speechless and glad to see them here. “You two… are a mystery to me”, I claimed.

Angel cleared her throat then turned her attention towards me. “Maybe there is no pony nor anyone to stop. What are we supposed to do then?” She asked.

I was thinking the same thing. Maybe what Time Turner told me had some meaning into it. I was to simply do nothing… We’d do nothing to stop it. Or maybe… WAIT! Did he meant nothing to STOP?! Maybe we’re here to participate! THAT’S IT!

“Twilight! Angel! I know why we’re here!” I tried catching their attention.

(10 Minutes later)

“So you’re saying that maybe… Time Turner sent us here, not to prevent anything, but to participate in defense for Equestria?” Angel ran again.

I then nodded in reply. “Pretty much”

“And you trust his words? I thought you hated him?” Twilight claimed.

“He says he’s simply playing with me. Then acted serious after a matter of a minute! What if he wasn’t a villain, but a prophet?”

Angel then made hoof gestures like she’s frantic. “Are you even hearing yourself? Just a week ago, you blamed him from everything. Now, you’re not just defending him, but actually telling us that he’s telling the truth?” She pointed out.

Truth of that is that no pony else hates him more than I do! But what if he was simply trying to be an idiot while also helping? I won’t know unless I found out from him but we’ll participate in this summit!

(An hour later)

The summit started and it was our turn to discuss our problems. Princess Celestia has fortunately agreed to let us participate. The topic about Luna’s return then went underway.

“OBJECTION YOUR HIGHNESS!” The zebra representative shouted.

The room was filled with anger. The rage between the zebra and the ponies was starting to reach its point.

“Please state your case, Chancellor”, Princess Celestia permitted.

He then inhaled then exhaled heavily. “We cannot permit the return of Nightmare Moon into our world! Not even in your own lands!” He stated. “You, yourself told us that you banished her because of her intent will to destroy you and dominate everything and anything!” He pointed out.

Wow. This guy really knows where to hit us hard. I think it’s time for me to strike. “May I say something?”

“Please do, Walker”, Princess Celestia stepped back.

I nodded back at her then turned to the chancellor. “Thank you, your highness”, I thanked the princess. “If I told you that I came from the future would you believe me, Chancellor?” I asked him.

The chancellor was utterly shocked and for a second, speechless. But after a moment, his voice came back with a hunger for payback. “WHAT KIND OF QUESTION IS THAT?! Are you making a MOCKERY OF THIS DISCUSSION?!” he barked at me with hellish anger.

Then I answered him at a deadpan voice to let him know I mean business. “No…”

The chancellor then cleared his throat. Knowing that my intentions was truly and only curiosity, he answered me. “No I won’t”.

“The unicorn with the lavender coat sitting right next to my dear highness is named Twilight Sparkle…” I told to him. “She was the one that stopped Nightmare Moon from bringing eternal night to Equestria. Some millennia, in the future…” I added.

“And you expect me to simply believe she was from the future?” He asked sarcastically.

“No sir. I simply expect you to believe that this mare and her friends can handle Equestria’s future which includes teaching dear Princess Luna about her mistakes”, I replied.

“If so… What did you expect to get from our country? If you need not help you nor help us… What did you expect to get?” The chancellor asked.

“A peace treaty. Ensuring that your country will have no conflict what so ever with the ponies of Equestria”, I claimed.

“Will that be all, Princess?” The chancellor asked Princess Celestia.

“Yes, Chancellor. That will be all for that topic. Thank you, Temporal Walker. You can take a break now…” The princess stated.

And with that, I ensured that our future was corrected. I knew because my broken cutie mark got fixed. The analog/roman green clock on my flank was whole. I think I understand what Snow Angel meant from a destiny cutie mark.

(After the summit)

Princess Celestia met us outside the establishment to say farewell. Good thing is that when we told that we were from the future, I thought something bad was going to happen. But I noticed that wasn’t the case because Princess Celestia already recognized me and my abilities on sight.

“It must be hard for you to be doing this every time. You do have my gratitude, my little ponies”, Princess Celestia told us.

I just noticed we’re gonna be stuck here forever if we don’t do something. Then I remembered that Princess Celestia knows how we time travel. Maybe she knows how to get us back?

I then quickly asked her. “Princess, if I can just ask a question. Do you perhaps know how to get us back? You know… To our own time?”

She then started thinking hard. “Do you have some sort of weird crystal orb with you?” She asked.

“Yeah…” I answered.

“Put it in the middle of a time mark, then you should be able to get back”, She explained.

Time… mark-? What is that? Twilight noticed that I was clueless and then started explaining.

“A time mark is the drawing you use to time travel. Though in this case it would seem you have a shortcut… Where is this crystal orb? I believe I gave you one when you woke up in the golden oak library…”

“Right here”, I claimed and then pulled out the crystal orb. “But where are we supposed to find this time mark?” I asked.

Twilight started burning the ground using a laser. “We can just draw it anywhere…”

After she drew that weird mark again, I placed the crystal orb in the center. The pentacle glowed and then the time portal appeared yet again.

“You might want to get ready…” Princess Celestia warned us.

“What-?” I muttered but was unable to finish because the portal sucked us like a vacuum. As the last time, being on the portal stung at me like a thousand bees. And then we had to get sucked by the time portal too. But amazingly enough, it didn’t hurt as nearly as it did the last time. Must be getting used to it.

“WAHHH!!!” I heard both of them scream but quickly faded as the world around me itself, faded. I’m uncertain as to where we’ll be landing now… But I think we should worry about something else.

*** *** ***

It felt warmth as I opened my eyes. I was inside the Golden oak library. And I smelled an amazingly tasty mushroom soup downstairs! But what happened?

I tried to check my surroundings to see if my friends was here with me. But the only pony I saw was Twilight. Boy… she sure looks cute while sleeping. Wait! FOCUS, WALKER! Where’s Snow Angel?

I went downstairs and saw Spike cooking with Snow Angel. I felt a big thorn was taken away from my chest. I was glad to see Angel for the first time…

“Angel! We’re okay! You’re okay!” I claimed and then fluttered towards her and gave her a big hug. “I’m glad you’re safe…”

“You’ve been asleep for 3 straight days now, Walker. You should learn to cope with things from now on”, Angel told to me.

Spike then dropped a nice and tasty salad in front of me. “Snow Angel told me everything that happened. So I made sure you three got well rested”, Spike said to me.

“Thanks Spike… I really appreciate it!” I replied.

His purple cheeks then went red. “Aww! Come on!!!” Boy… he sure knows how to
NOT be modest.

I then sat down the table and took the salad spike gave to me. Judging by the smell, Angel was the one that cooked this. I wonder how Spike helped.

“Do you like it?” Angel asked.

I was too busy chewing. I simply nodded and after gulping it down, I then said, “Yeah”.

Angel turned back to her work and continued talking. “Good. Because Spike was the one who got all those ingredients. It would be a shame if it wasn’t”, She claimed.

My earlier question has been answered, apparently. Now I know how Spike helped out. But… I did have some questions that needed answering though like the fact that, “When did Angel wake up?”

Spike was heading upstairs but was still continuing to talk. “She woke up a day earlier than you!” he shouted from a far.

“I’m kind of worried about Twilight though. She still hasn’t woken up yet”, Angel said in a vexed look.

I presumed Spike heard us talking then because he said, “No need to worry about that, you two! She’s already awake!” He shouted from upstairs.

Angel and I looked to one another, apparently having the same thought. We both rushed to trot towards the bedroom. We then both saw Twilight up and about. Apparently healed and ready to go at it again. Not that I want to…

“I need to write to the Princess Spike!” Twilight dictated.

Spike took out a quill and a parchment and said, “Ready!”

I nudge Angel and pointed that we’d head downstairs now. I wouldn’t want to distract Twilight while thinking.

“Is something troubling you?” Snow Angel asked.

I was a little bit startled being asked that question. “Why do you ask?” I inquired.

“Because your cutie mark’s gone? I guess?” She pointed out.

Now that I think about it. We are back to our time so it’s probably gone now. I sure do wish it’s always around.

“Not really…”

(That night…)

Spike sent Twilight’s letter to the Princess, which I bet she already knows… While Angel and I went out for a little walk in the moonlight. After about 9pm, she went back and I stayed outside. I actually think it was a bad idea because a certain pony visited me that night. Yep. You guessed it. Time Turner…

“I got give it to you dude. You did great!” He said while approaching me from the shadows.

Pft! tsk! Like it means a lot coming from him! “What are you up to now?”

He sat down, horn glowed, and then a moving picture from magic was floating right beside him. “You see that? Do you know who that is?” he asked me.

I had no clue at the time. I saw a grey unicorn… or … was it… a unicorn? His horn was pulsing with dark energy and looked like a devils horn. He was wearing a silver helm and a red coat that match with it like a king. The pony was enslaving these crystal like earth ponies! Unable to refuse anything he orders them to do. Seeing how I was so wrapped up in curiosity, I turned to him and said, “No. Who is he?”

I zoomed in the picture and showed me his face. “That right there cousin, is King Sombra. He was the last ruler of the Crystal Empire before it was banished or more correctly speaking... before IT vanished” He explained to me.

I was confused by the fact that he’s showing this to me but I don’t even know what for! “Your point being?” I asked.

“You’re going time traveling again, cousin!” he claimed.

I’m gonna sack this guy, give him to Celestia, and have him sent to the moon! I have no idea what he’s talking about, I’m irritated by his presence, and he just wants me to go back in time again! After… that!

“Don’t tell me you haven’t solved my secret yet?” He probed.

I turned my gaze away from him. “No. I did. I just don’t trust you”, I pointed out to him.

“Good! Me neither!” he claimed. Wha-? “Now. Before you get back in time to visit him. You’ll need to visit Discord first! Right?” He added.

Why do I even-? “Why do I need to go to him anyway? And why am I supposed to start from Discord’s time line?” I asked.

He then took out a notebook. Which was pretty similar to the one Angel had. He then started pointing out the details. “You’ll need to tell the princesses where they’ll find the tree of harmony and introduce yourself. After which, you’ll save the Crystal Empire a couple of years after turning Discord into stone”.

From his statement earlier I remembered something and told it to him. “Didn’t you say the empire vanished?”

“That’s right! But just go with the flow and everything should be fine. In finding the tree of harmony, you’re on your own though. Good luck!” He told me and then took off.

His intentions might be clear, but I still hate him. I got roped into a mess which clearly shouldn’t be in my hoof! I think I’ll go back to the library for now… I want something to eat too! I’m starving from all that time jumping.

To be continued…
End of Chapter 3

(Chapter 4) Preparations

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Preparations: Chapter 4


Most often question asked to me… Before every show, we are tasked to prepare and perfect our routine. Being a wonderbolt is hard work… But to be a wonderbolt, is to be the greatest! I felt that way even when I was still in the reserves. Whenever Angel asks me if I’m ready for a certain something, I always say ‘hold up!’… I say that to not make any false claims. Think about it this way… If you have a two friends, and you introduce your best friend to someone and pretend their also your best friends… It would be lying. And to top it up, disappointing. It’s kind of like that but… well… You get the idea!

I got back to the library and then took my well-deserved rest. I figured, since we saved Equestria from certain destruction, we deserved to relax for even a few hours… Turns out, that only lasted for a little while. Because the next morning, I woke up feeling drippy and to top it up, restless! Angel was dotting me about a small but actually huge matter. My fighting abilities.

Sure, my potion brewing and flying is good but my close combat capabilities are… not so good. To think, I was going to charge head on with king Sombra, when I was a pathetic fighter! The guy has a deranged horn and I have none! I may be able to beat an average unicorn using only potions. But I can only do so much! Until a suggestion from Angel hit me like a boiling water poured onto me early in the morning…

“Zecora?” I asked.

Angel nodded. “Yes. With her help, your magical capabilities will increase spontaneously! As well as your fighting techniques!” She explained.

It does sound great. But what if I don’t have certain ingredients to make a potion I need? I’ll be defenseless! And that was the time Twilight, made her suggestion.

“What about physical training? I can convince Apple Jack to train you in bucking and buffing you up! That way you can protect yourself and use your knowledge on potions to help you out!” She suggested.

Enhanced hoof pony-arts… Faster flying… Instant speed up… or permanent strength and endurance level up? These choices are like games. Both, if possible, could be a great asset when the time comes to fight! Even without unicorn magic, I could drink and break potions to create an artificial magic… But being able to defend myself at all times while using my already mastered tricks would definitely come in handy!

Because of my lack of courage to choose one of the awesome choices, I turned to the two… And asked them if they know which is best. “What do you two think? Can I do both?” I asked.


Jinx. Anyway… Even though that’s the case, I made my choice. It was actually rather difficult to choose, but let’s get on with our lives. “How about… Magical Pony-arts?” I asked.


Jinx again.

(3 Hours later, At the Canterlot Archives)

“‘Imbuing yourself with magical properties while being able to make your foes, paralyzed or petrified.’”, Twilight read. “This is Magical Pony-arts… but Walker, how did you know about this? Have you been entering here without anyone’s permission?” Twilight asked me.

“I’ve been… researching. I guess.” I told them.

I learned about this through one of the books I’ve read before. By accident of course. Problem is, nopony knows how to do this! And I certainly don’t know anypony who is able to teach anything like this.

“This seems impossible to do. No pony alive know these teachings! It’s now only a footnote in the pages of history…” Angel claimed.

“No pony might, but you got to be positive we’ll be able to do this!” I bellowed.

I could learn magic and physically enhance myself at the same time… But I don’t think that’s how you learn Magical Pony-arts. We need someone who knows how to do this. But apparently, there’s just nopony.

“First. I need you to explain to us how this works. You’re the one who did the research, Walker. What is this?” Twilight asked.

I made both of them sit down then I started explaining. “Magical Pony-arts is what you read… Imbuing yourself with magical properties. It’s like conjuration magic for unicorns. This however, is artificial magic. I only need to learn how to brew a potion… Which will make me artificially a unicorn! Alicorn to be exact. After which, mastering everything about unicorn magic is the only thing I need to worry about.” I explained.

They we’re both speechless because nopony. Ever. Tried to be magically imbued before. A certain earth-pony tried it once, it did not end well! However, Twilight was already thinking out of a plan.

“I can teach you magic if you succeed in finding out a way of brewing this potion. But where are you going to learn that?” She asked.

Luckily, we already have a master in potion brewing. Yep. Zecora…

(The next day)

We slept at the Angel’s house for the night and then took off quickly. As far as I remember, we didn’t even eat breakfast. I feel like I’m in the wonderbolt’s academy all over again. No rest at all. At lease, no relaxation. I had a feeling it was just gonna keep getting worse. And I was right.

Seeing as how our last train ride ended up traumatizing. We took a hot-air balloon yesterday and today. If they could only fly, we wouldn’t have to take this ride and spend precious bits!

“Can I go visit my friends before we leave?” Twilight asked.

Curious. But I at lease expected such a thing from Twilight. “Sure”.

After landing, Twilight took-off like RD… so quick we didn’t even notice she was gone! And with that, we also took-off for the library. We needed to get some stuff before actually going to Zecora’s.

In that moment, I felt something weird. I just remembered that Zecora died. At lease in that changed time. It feels kind of weird, visiting a dead zebra. I shouldn’t probably mention that to them if anything at all.

Arriving in time, we talked to Spike. I wanted to get some of the usual items Twilight always pack. Like parchment, quills, books, and even simple ink. This mare is certainly odd, but its times like that, when she wants to help out with the pursuit of equestrian knowledge. History in short… I also told him to get me some flask for potion brewing. Which reminds me, I just told Angel actually. “How will we time travel?” I asked.

Angel had a darkened expression. “What do you mean?” She asked.

I told her about the problem. A small. Miniscule. Problem. “We don’t have the potion we used before, right? So… how are we getting back in time with a missing procedure?” I pointed out.

She was thinking hard. Poking her hoof at her horn, she was trying to remember. Of course, it didn’t take too long. “Doesn’t Zecora have that potion?” She asked me.

I thought of that already… I mean, who wants to ask somepony for something she already died for? I’m not going to talk about her death though. That’s in a different universe… so it’s not important. “Yep. But I’m not too keen on asking her for it again”, I replied. Surely she remembers. At least.

Angel went up to me and pushed my head over. I know, if she does this, she thinks I’m thinking nonsense. “I already know the reason, Walker. You have to let go of the past! Especially since, it’s no big deal!” She pointed out.

Yep. I already thought of that, I’m not stupid. But when something traumatizing or eye-opening happens to somepony, you really learn your lesson! But I have to let go of that, just to save Equestria. On that note, I lifted my head and told Angel, “You’re right… Let’s just get this over with!”

On that moment, Spike went in and brought the flask and bottles I asked. I snuck them gently into my saddlebags, and closed it as gently. If only we could bring all this stuff in just a small purse, it would be terrific…

Angel grabbed our bags (since she’s the unicorn… No gentlecolts nor helping.) and hovered them beside her. All of those stuff we’re like 4 kilos each. Times 4 bags… that’s like 16 kilos! Barely something Angel could lift with her own hooves nor muzzle. Anyway… we then said our farewell to Spike before we took off.

“See you later, Spike!” Angel said.

He nodded and then replied, “Just make sure you get back safe! I’ll tell Twilight to follow right when she gets back!” He then waved us good bye and we went out the library. Spike had then shut the door and we continued to gallop all the way to Zecora’s hut.

(A couple of minutes later, at the front of the town hall.)

“I feel like I’m forgetting something, Walker”, Angel told me.

I stopped on my tracks. I was two meters away from Angel. I looked at her and saw trouble. Well… more like troubled.

Good news and bad news. Bad news is, when Angel tells me something is wrong, it usually means it’s true (coincidentally). Good news, we remembered it before getting to Zecora’s hut. Another bad news, we gotta go back. Bollocks. “You sure you’re not just imagining things? You’re the one carrying everything ya know!” I shouted to her.

Angel looked at me and then turned back. She started walking back to the library. “I think when I say something like that, I’m sure!” she shouted back to me.

Without any choice, I followed her. (Sighs) I wish she could just teleport there herself and comeback here quickly like Twilight! But I guess I shouldn’t compare Twilight’s good traits to Angel’s bad ones. That’s… racist, I guess?

The sun was too hot that day. I felt like I was in a desert! It made walking back feel like a nightmare! I usually get it if I go home feeling like crap after a show, during night time! It was the first time it happened to me in daytime. I wonder why it was so hot though. If I asked Princess Celestia I’d get a right answer. But if I asked Angel, it would only be her opinion. But she does take me seriously. Even if those kind of questions seems silly for others.

Angel turned her gaze to me. She lowered her brow and was observing me. I’m pretty sure she noticed that I was complaining a lot. On the inside. That must be the reason she said, “Maybe you should just go on ahead. And I’ll catch up? With Twilight”.

I shook my head in disagreement. If she wasn’t using her brains today, she wouldn’t remember the dangers of the Everfree forest. “Too dangerous…”

“Alright then.” She stated and then continued on walking.

I could see the train station from here, which means we’re close. It feels like a lifetime walking from the town hall and back here. I spotted the library, then quickly trotted to it. I knocked on the door fully expecting Spike to come out and say ‘Hi’, But alas… Life is quite unfair. The door opened, and we did saw a familiar face, but it wasn’t the friendliest.

Angel patted my back with her left foreleg and turned around. Coincidence that Angel would mistake this for ‘something forgotten’. “I’ll be over there, Walker”, Angel pointed at the bench across the dirt road.

“I had to give you something”, Time turner told me.

Whatever it was, it looked pretty important to give it to me so late… He opened his saddlebags and dragged out a watch. A black hoof-watch that looked pretty ordinary. “Is this a gift? Cause it sure is cheap, dude. Especially the things you did to make up for it!”

He giggled in frivolity of my claim. Apparently, it wasn’t a gift nor a peace offering. “You’ll find out what it’s for eventually”, he told me. “One more thing. Try not to bring Twilight with you when you face King Sombra. She’s not exactly destined to meet the guy yet.” He added and then vanished in the darkness.

That last claim or order more like… really imprinted on my mind. I don’t think I’m gonna be forgetting that anytime soon. Snow Angel then galloped towards me. Seeing as how we’re finished talking. Privately.

“What did he say?” She asked me.

I shook my head. “Nothing”.

(30 mins later, Outskirts of Ponyville)

Seeing as how we forgot nothing, we left for Zecora’s place. Again. It’s kind of redundant… And honestly, I feel like I just want to lay down. A lot of time was wasted walking back and forth!

“Want something to drink?” Angel asked.

I turned to her. “Why would you just ask me that? And aren’t you the one doing all the carrying?” I asked. If you noticed that, you’d probably be drinking 3 gallons to 4.

“Levitating. And no, I’m not. I just asked because you seem to be having a heat stroke! Noticed?” She said.

That explains a lot. “Oh… sure I’d like some”. No complains there. She definitely have a point!

Angel took out a bottled water using her muzzle from the saddlebag strapped around her. She gave it me while still levitating the other four saddlebags. “Here”, she said.

I took the bottle out of Angel’s generosity. “Thanks”, I greeted.

We kept walking until I spotted a pack of Timberwolves running around near the entrance of the Everfree forest. I told Angel, “We should look for a safer path”. But she didn’t listen. She told me, “It’ll take us longer before we get to Zecora’s!” out of impatience.

She kept trotting towards danger like she was expecting it. Darn it! She never listens! I flew towards her and pushed her out of the Timberwolves’s direction. Apparently, I tackled her a little too fast so that’s why, when I hit her, it was a little hard.

“Oww!” She shouted in pain.

She tumbled a complete 360 degrees after being blown away. If that had hurt, I could only imagine the pain. And of course, she got angry at me… “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” Angel cried out.

“If you hadn’t noticed, you we’re walking directly into a band of Timberwolves. If you had any brains left, you’ll probably notice!” I warned her.

She looked at the pack again, her gazed was different than before. The fire that was in her eyes was painted with fear. “Did that crap-ton of Timberwolves just became a village sized herd?” she asked, shivering.

I turned towards them, and, holy crap! She was right! Their numbers multiplied by at least times three! Now we really need to look for a safer path. “Shall we go with my idea then?” I asked.

“Yes. Lets.” She replied in a lifeless voice.

And with that note, we hurriedly went around to avoid detection and thus avoiding said predicament. Honestly though, I want to get there quickly to save time (literally!). But a certain something always appears to prevent it just like that! It’s such a bothersome…

After getting to about a hundred meter radius from the Timberwolves, we stepped foot in the forest at last. We’re practically being too cautious about every little detail today, aren’t we? But that’s not exactly the case. We just don’t wanna get clobbered or tied into a situation we can’t get out of. If you think our current situation where Twilight came with us… well… it’s… like that.

“I’m pretty sure, Twilight, is already ahead of us…” I grumbled.

I didn’t look back that time, but I’m very certain Angel, nodded in agreement. “Nothing to disagree on that…” She told me.

My hooves we’re feeling heavy and I think, has a magnet. They weren’t just heavy, I felt like it was being pulled down the earth. If that sun is actually superhot today, I’m certain there’s already a problem. I’m sure that even if I asked Princess Celestia, she’d say that this is the first time that it was this hot. I wonder what affected that though… On that silly thought, I turned to Angel and asked her.

“Hey. Who do you think is the reason it’s so hot today? I bet it’s not Celestia though”, I claimed.

Her gazed was above the clouds, she does takes my questions seriously. “King Sombra?” She pointed out.

I tried to picture it out, but it’s impossible, really. If he is the ruler of the crystal empire, he’ll be as cold as ice. Both literally and figuratively. Anypony but him really. “Nope. I don’t think that’s possible”.


From that claim, I analyzed the situation. First villain to visit or timeline, was Discord’s. So it does make a lot of sense. “Hey. You might be right!” I told her.

She simply smiled and nodded in joy.

The thought then just hit me. “CRAP! We have to hurry!” I cried out. And then, I trotted, rushing towards Zecora’s hut with all haste! And then, I stopped. I found myself, instantly teleported at Zecora’s front house. I felt out of breathe, which was an understatement! I felt it all over my little body…

I heard Angel trotting from a few meters away and was shouting my name. And then I felt her stop right beside me. All fours were skidding before going into a complete stop.

“Well, we’re here. Again.” She commented.

A felt like a nightmare flashed right into my mind from somewhere. “I’m just glad I’m not seeing decapitated heads anymore. Ugh! Nasty stuff!” I told to myself. And apparently, I’m still feeling a little nostalgic. Not in the good way though.

I felt the wind turned its breeze. Twilight was already right behind our backs.

“Guys! I’m here!” She announced from a far while trotting. That was a given.

As if all the luck and good vibes in Equestria came back with her arrival. The scorching sun was already setting, making for a cooler atmosphere… Gosh, I hope I can bare the training which is a few steps within time.

“Where’ve you been, Twilight?” Angel asked.

Twilight stopped dead on her tracks, then started to tell us about her day so far. “I had to help supervise the ponyville Pegasi in their… you know… cloudsdale orders.” She told us.

Oh crap! I completely forgot! Today was the day I was supposed to supervise how strong the wing power of every town’s Pegasi is! I’m doomed if Spitfire took my job as her own! I’m almost afraid to ask Twilight about it… Not to mention I’m already shy about talking to her. Sort of.

I gulped and then exhaled. I tried to buck up and ask Twilight. “Twi-light? Who in the wonderbolt specifically, supervised the tornado? Please don’t tell me it’s Spitfire…”I murmured.

“Uhm… It was her, Walker. Why?” She stated.

My heart. Literally. Stopped. Spit-fire??? “I’M IN DEEP TROUBLE!!!” I cried out and then immediately flew to the headquarters. I didn’t even hear the two stop me as I took off in lightning speed, leaving everything in my dust. But I was pretty sure they shouted at me, telling me to stop. Too late.

(15 minutes later)

Apparently, for all my flaws, I’m the fastest wonderbolt when I get frantic. But only during such circumstances. I guess that’s why I was picked out of all the reserves. And during flight exercise, I have a habit of forgetting what our instructor says. But with all the hardships, none was worth my time being called as such. Instead, I’d call Spitfire the only hardship in the academy. And that’s not even exaggerating it! That’s pretty much the reason I am sooooo frantic right now. Go ahead and call me paranoid though, I wouldn’t be the only one.

I arrived at the site trying to keep my cool. I saw 2 instructors giving a hard time to a bunch of newbies. Sadly, Rainbow Dash was still not in the mix. I turned around to find the wonderbolt barracks on my right. Seeing it, reminds me of Spitfire’s angry face. And speak of the devil, I saw her came out from within the barracks itself. She was talking to Soren, and then he took off. She turned her gaze and quickly spotted me. As I knew it, she had a bad look at me. So… I trotted along the headquarters, making my way through the runways, looking at both sides for danger, and then managed to make my way to the gates of hell.

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Crawler!” She said in raspy and roughly voice. Ugh! Not with the names again!

Apparently, it was also my fault I’ve been called that. I was so cautious in crossing the runway to the barracks, I even crawled getting there. Humiliating if not anything else.

“Uhm… I was busy? Can that be acceptable?” I asked.

“No.” she claimed in a cold voice. “And don’t think you can simply fly-away after making go to ponyville! Explain yourself, Crawler!” She added. She sure is lucky I’m not using her nickname…

“Long story short, saving Equestria. Only one able to. Can I go now?”

She shook her head in a manner which works both ways. Disagreeing and disappointed. “I’ll need more information that!” She shouted. Can’t she lower her voice just a skosh? This might take a while…

(30 minutes later)

After explaining the WHOLE story to Spitfire, I took a glass of water to rest my throat. “So, you believe me?” I asked.

“No.” She said in a dead panned voice. “But you’re on probation for a week. You can leave, but I expect you to comeback by no longer than 2 weeks.” She claimed.

“2 WEEKS?!” I yelled.

“Got a problem with that?!”

Oh boy… “No ma’am!” I replied. And then she left without saying another word. Probably off to the cafeteria or something.

Sweet Celestia! How am I supposed to get everything done within 2 weeks?! I don’t think we can simply go to back to the exact present when we left! Time continues to move. And if I jump to a different time plane, I might end-up destroying everything in existence! No… wait… does that sound to extreme? I think it does.

Not wasting another second, I immediately flew back to Zecora’s. The only reason I walked through the forest, is because I have somepony else with me. If not, I’d be there within seconds!

It was already sundown. Twilight was approaching within the minute. Even in my best speed, I don’t think I could get there before the moon rises. Well, if I had the slingshot of that train a few weeks ago, I could probably do so.

The Everfree Forest was within sight. I found a small flickering light from within the forest and then glided to that direction. Ironic really, Zecora is living in the middle of the forest because she wants to avoid ponies attraction, but is attracting everything else. Funny how it is.

I finally spotted the cottage and then landed right at its entrance. It looks like Twilight and Angel already went inside. Better break the bad news to them… “I’m back!” I announced my arrival from the door.

Zecora opened the door, I entered in a humble fashion. “Welcome, Temporal Walker! It seems you we’re already here earlier, your friends told me, they are such sweet talkers!” She told me. Okay, I’m not very good with poetry, but I’m pretty sure that didn’t rhyme very much. Not that I care.

“Zecora. Let’s cut to the chase. Do you know how to brew a potion to make me a temporary alicorn? I asked.

“I apologize, But I do not. I do, however, know how to get the ingredients for the lot.” She claimed.

Well, that’s a start. “Do you know anypony who knows?” I inquired.

“Not of pony kin, But one which has the same color as my skin” She claimed.

Same color… A zebra! “So, a zebra knows… Where does that zebra live?” I questioned her about the whereabouts.

She thought very carefully, poking her muzzle even. Then she finally found her answer. “You are in luck! She is in the same land as you buck”, She replied.

“She’s in Equestria!” Twilight claimed. “But where exactly, Zecora?” She asked.

“Near the dragon migration site. But be warned, it is a dangerous place! A fitting reason why she wanted to keep out of sight!” She told us.

Now why would a zebra live in such a terrible place? Then again, seeing as how Zecora is living in this very territory is proof enough. I guess they have that much in common at least.

“Angel. Twilight. We don’t have much time, we need to go now!” I claimed.

Angel and Twilight we’re poking my flank as I was grabbing our stuff. “What?”

“Why are we in such a hurry?” Angel asked.

Because of… ugh! It would be better if I told them both what Spitfire said… “We have only 2 weeks before I run out of time to get back to the headquarters… or I’m going to get kicked out!”

Both of them we’re jaw dropped. I bet that was a shocking news to them than it was a terrifying claim to me. “Why would Spitfire do that?!” Angel questioned.

“Apparently, I skipped my duty as wonderbolt to supervise this month’s water transfer”, I explained.

Twilight frowned. Seems to disagree with Angel. But, they’re not the only ones… “That seems unfair”, Twilight claimed.

“Isn’t it?!” I added to her claim.

“Why would she give you some sort of time limit, are you on probation?” Twilight asked.

Hit it right in the center! Twilight got it all covered… “Yep. You’re definitely right in the nicker!” I told her.

Angel levitated our bags and then turned to us. “We can’t just sit here then, let’s go!” And then she galloped outside.

“Come back anytime, pony folk. You’re always welcome to my humble abode!” Zecora greeted us before leaving.

“Thanks, Zecora! Be sure to have those ingredient’s ready when we get back! Consider the exotic and rare ones too!” I reminded her.

“Don’t you worry about the brew! Worry about what lies ahead for you and your crew!” She warned.

Taking those warnings into heart is surely making my hooves shiver. I feel like we’re walking straight right into a big pile mess! But I guess it’s nothing these two and me can handle.

(12 hours later)

Running towards the swamp was probably the worst idea ever! I feel like we should have took a train or something. But there’s no such thing in the place we’re heading. It’s still a bit far. But we’re getting nearer by the minute.

“How long until we get there?” I asked the both of them.

Twilight answered my question. She was holding the map we had for travelling purposes. “About 3 hours trot towards that direction” She said and then pointed towards the mountains.

“Oh great! Another series of climbing… this is so… fun.” Angel sarcastically whined.

“Hey… I know it’s getting late, and we’re all super tired too. But we need to get there before we even rest” I cheered her up.

Angel was groaning and then looked at me, disappointed. “I’m not angry at you, Walker. I just wish Spitfire didn’t give you a time limit. Or at least 3 weeks to be considerate!” she murmured to me.

I can understand her point, more than anypony. But I also don’t want to get kicked out for the reason of not attending one simple errand. Spitfire didn’t say anything about kicking me out, but I think that’s understood.

“What do you think we might see at that swamp?” Twilight asked.

Angel face was frowning, epic frown. But she at least answered Twilight’s question. “Probably something stupid like a cragadile or a bunch of stuck up dragons…” She whined.

We reached the mountain that seemed like a day away without any problem. But I fear, Angel is reaching limits. “Can you keep up?” I asked her.

“Of course!” She answered while climbing. “It’s not that hard to pretend like you’re a goat… I rather like it, in fact!” She added.

Alright. That’s it. I don’t think she candle anymore… “Let’s stop for a while and have a quick break”, I told both of them.

Twilight looked around, thinking of my ridiculous idea. “In the middle of climbing a cliff? I don’t think that’s a good idea”, she warned.

“Okay. Let’s climb until the top, and then rest there.” I suggested.

So. We climbed to the top, Twilight was happy and so was Angel. We took out 3 loaf breads from the bag as a quick snack. Angel had all 3 and gave one each to me and Twilight. I didn’t realized it until now, but the sun has already risen. We haven’t even slept yet… I guess now I know why Angel was so grumpy when we climbed this big heap of rock.

“You want another one, Walker?” Angel offered.

I shook my head. “No. I’m good. You can eat it though” I replied.

“Can’t. I have to save it for important days”, she told me. Suit yourself, I guess…

After eating, we continued climbing down the mountain. Pass it was the swamp Zecora mentioned, sort of mentioned. “That place looks a lot dangerous than the Everfree forest”, I commented.

“That’s because it is! It’s called the Marsh of Despair. Nopony who’s ever came in ever went back alive!” Twilight claimed.

Oh crap. What have we gotten ourselves into now? “If no pony went back alive, did any comeback dead?” I asked.

Twilight shook her head in answering. And didn’t say another word.

“Remind me how did we get into this kind of mess again, Walker?” Angel asked.

Well that has pretty obvious answer, don’t you think? “Duh… Time Turner’s fault!” I claimed.

They both nodded in agreement and continued climbing down. The way down wasn’t at all, hard. The marsh was what I was worried about when we get down. Why would a zebra live in one of the most dangerous, not to mention life sucking, place in Equestria?! What is she? Some kind of evil enchantress?! I feel like my life is in danger. Then again, it already was a couple of weeks ago.

“Just an hours trot to that direction, guys”, Twilight assured. I wasn’t so happy to see a swamp so early after getting down a mountain.

“Whoa! The sun is weird…” Angel claimed. Twilight and I both looked to the horizon. To our surprise, Angel’s claim was far from off… The sun was emitting a different color than it usual does. It was emitting a blue color! And it wasn’t hot, it was cold.

“I feel like I know who’s behind that now…” Twilight muttered.

I’m getting the feeling our time has yet again been altered. What’s weird was, that the surroundings we’re the ones being altered. “Let’s try not to stop, guys”, I told to them. With that, we marched on. I do get a feeling we’re gonna be attacked anytime now.

Angel hurried to Twilight’s side and I heard her asked a question. Something I was also curios about. “Twilight, you said you know what or who’s the reason behind this weird weather… Can you tell me?”

Twilight stopped and turned to Angel. “Discord”, she claimed. “I’m still all too familiar with what happened a few months ago”, she added.

“Are you alright?” Angel probed.

Twilight then nodded in reassurance. “I’m fine. It’s my friends I’m worried about”.

I very well know how that feels like. “I’ll try to do my best to help them and Equestria… You should too, Twilight”, I reassured.

“Thanks, Temporal Walker. And by the way, we’re already here”, she told me. “The Marsh of Despair…”

That was a quick change of scene! Anyway, I got really nervous when we got to the borders of the marsh. It feels like we’re at the front of the gates of hell.

“Don’t you think it’s odd?” Angel claimed.

Twilight and I turned to her. “What’s odd”, I asked.

“Nothing seems to have gotten in our way yet. Nor was there any sign of danger…” She explained.

Now that I think about it, Zecora did say the way through here is dangerous. I’m feeling kind of relived nothing went to our way yet. “It does look kind of strange”.

Twilight and Angel we’re looking at me, backing up slowly and speaking very quietly. “I don’t think it’s that strange…” Twilight whispered. The terror was all over their eyes. I turned around to find that more than dozen hydras and chimeras, were roaming around.

“I think that’s the reason this place is called ‘The Marsh of Despair”, don’t you agree?” She claimed.

“Yep. Hundred percent…”

(A few minutes after entering the marsh)

I feel like I’m walking on a high wire. And, it just doesn’t feel right.

“Don’t you think we should move quicker?!” Angel grumbled.

I shook my head. “I don’t think you’ll want to get the attention of these monsters. Some of them, at least.” I told her.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “My last encounter with one hydra, left me traumatized of jumping off a wide space. I don’t want to repeat it with a dozen more”, She claimed.

While the two we’re talking and basically Angel letting off steam, I was trying to find anything at all that could look like a house, shelter or a hideout. And boy, was I in luck! I spotted a big, old, and creaky cottage right near the edge of a cliff. It was easily spotted, and didn’t look abandoned, so I bet that zebra lives here.

“Well, I bet this is the place”, I told them.

Angel and Twilight stopped, each of them covering both my sides. “I think she’s out somewhere. What do we do?” Twilight asked.

“You don’t need to do anything. I’m right here”, a voice said that sounded exactly like Zecora.

“Are you the zebra that Zecora told me knows how to brew the unicorn potion?” I asked.

The zebra came out from the darkness. I heard the bushes on my right move. It was a stallion. Well, at least, I think that’s what a male zebra is called.

“My name is Thrall. Feel free to enter the cottage, it is a refuge built for whomever accidentally wanders the marsh. Though in this case, I think you went in here on your own accord.” He said.

Thrall? Sounds familiar… “Anyway… yes. We came here looking for you”, I told him.

“What do you want with the unicorn/alicorn potion? I don’t think nopony has ever come to ask me this before… And I mean, nopony!” He claimed.

I turned to Angel and Twilight. They looked at me silly. Am I supposed to do this all by myself?! Alright, fine. I didn’t exactly expect them to help… “We sort of need it to save Equestria. For now and for certain things that are just about to occur”, I answered.

He examined my claim. His eyes on me was like a sniper. “Come inside…” He told me.

I turned to Twilight and Angel to signal them both to follow. I just wish this doesn’t somehow end in disaster.


“So. You tell me that you pony-folk are from Canterlot? And you need this potion to help you learn to fight?” He clarified.


“I can teach you how to brew it. But you cannot do it here”, he claimed.

Something tells me this has something to do with the place. “Why not?” Angel asked.

“It attracts the hydras”, he answered. Darn! I knew it!

After several minutes, Thrall had wrote us the recipe needed to brew it plus the ingredients. Those are two things we need most which are done. Now to get those ingredients…


“Feel free to comeback when you’re in need of rarities!” Thrall reminded us as we walked away.

Well that was… “Quick…” Twilight muttered. Same idea, same reaction.

“Don’t you think that was too quick?” Angel asked.

Out of nowhere, lightning struck my ears. “It was indeed”, a booming voice claimed.

“Who was that?!” Twilight franticly asked.

“Time Turner… Twit! You’re in grave danger don’t you see?!” he bellowed.

I looked to my surroundings and found myself staring into a night sky. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“That Thrall has you under a deep sleep. Wake up, Walker!” Time Turner shouted.

I turned to Angel and Twilight, they were both gone from my sight. Like they vanished into thin air! “They’re also trapped in their own sleep. Wake up and take them with you! You got your little recipe right?! GET GOING!” He shouted for the last time.

“Darn it!” I grumbled.

I dashed off, hoping to find a way out. All I saw was the mountain from earlier. It would take ages for a wingless pony to get to the top. But for a pegasi, that time is reduced by 1000%! So flew up, and in just a few seconds, I got there. I stood at the very edge and jumped. The wind was piercing through me. I closed my wings to feel the fear dig right through me. Luckily, it did. I woke up strapped down, face planted.

“You didn’t think you’d get loose after waking up, did you? You’ll have to think again.” Thrall said in a maniacal voice.

This Zebra is a psychopath! A serial killer! We need to get out of here.

(BOOM!) I heard something blow up from my left side. Apparently, where Thrall was. (Groaning…) I heard him groaning from pain underneath the shattered debris. A shadow approaches from the flames, Time Turner. He shot out a magic missile to save us from the psychotic Zebra. Now I know why they call this the Marsh of Despair!

“First time I was so glad to see you appear!” I told him.

“Really? You can forget about it soon enough. I won’t be around much to save your flank anytime soon!” He announced. So full of himself I’m afraid.

I looked around hoping to find Twilight and Angel. There was no other pony in sight but Time Turner and my captor. “Where are Twilight and Angel?” I asked.

“I couldn’t find them”, Time Turner claimed.

Damn it guys! Where are you?!

Meanwhile, Time Turner dug into the scattered debris and took out Thrall. His eyes we’re shimmering in anger. “Where are the mares, zebra?!” He questioned.

Groaning heavily from the hits he took earlier, Thrall couldn’t lift a hoof to resist being levitated by Time Turner. “I have no idea! Those mares were gone before you even barged in here!” He answered, shivering in fear.

After that claim, my rival molds a magic sword and directly pointed it at Thrall’s neck. “If you don’t answer correctly within 3 seconds, you’ll be dismembered!” He threatened.

He couldn’t speak because of the fear of being killed. So. He ends up being barbarically decapitated. Time Turner thrust the sword into Thrall’s neck and gone… The zebra’s body was lifeless before I even know it. The only words Thrall last uttered were the screams he so desperately shouted. I was staring at him in shock. Wondering why Time Turner would do such a thing.

“Let’s go find the girls!” Time Turner announced.

Before we knew it, night time came along. We weren’t able find the two of them. But I have a feeling they’re alright.

(That evening, near the dragon migration site)

“Why did you do that?” I asked.

We were beside the mountain’s crater where the dragon’s migration takes place. I took a few sticks and started a fire going. Luckily, we had cookies which was enough for our need. Time Turner gazed towards me.

“Nothing. I’m used it”, He answered. “You’ll learn you need it to protect your friends, Walker”, he added.

I am aware. From now on, I need to expect the unexpected when I’m trying to protect my friends. I wouldn’t want to lose them. “I guess so…”

He stood up and took his food with him. “I guess I need to leave you here”, He told me.

What? “What? You’re gonna leave?! At this time of night?!” I asked frantically.

“Yep. You have to do your things and I have to do mine”, he said. “And technically, I shouldn’t even be helping you. Try your best though”, He told me, as he was walking away too.

Before I knew it, Time Turner was gone and I was all alone. Darn… “He could have at least led me to a safer place!” I said to myself.

There was nothing else to pout for, so I laid down and got myself some rest. I fell asleep too deep though. My mind was foggy, but I made out a few fragments and lead me to meeting her highness.

I was in Canterlot. I didn’t know it, but we were trying to find the information about the Magical Pony-Arts. I wasn’t just dreaming about the past though, I could control myself.

“Why are we?” I asked. “Didn’t we just went here yesterday?”

I turned to the mares, but they weren’t there. That’s about the time she arrived. “You’re trying to find your friends?” A mare spoke in a booming but calm voice.

It was Princess Luna! As pure and dark as the night sky. “Yes. Your highness. I was”, I replied. “But I don’t even know where to start looking!”

She fluttered down and stayed her hooves on the ground, leveling with me. “Try finding them while you continue on your quest”, she suggested.

“You mean… Go back to Zecora’s?” I asked and the she nodded. Why haven’t I thought of that?

Princess Luna’s eyes suddenly became serious. “One thing though, Temporal Walker. Trust in your friends. No pony close to you will seek and I’ll fate of you, no matter what it looks like”, She warned and then vanished like an image fading in the water.

And suddenly, I woke up. It was past the sunrise. As suspected, the sun was getting weirder and weirder. Now, it was colored green. “What should I do again?” I asked myself.

Oh… right…

(Noon, at the outskirts of Ponyville)

I got there as fast as I could, but apparently my wings could only do so much, they collapsed right outside ponyville. So now I’m stuck walking. I wouldn’t worry too much about em cause their only worn-out and not sprained. But they to fill a bit stiffed.

That was the time I saw Rainbow Dash flying above me. I waved my hoof and called her. “Rainbow Dash! Down here!” I shouted. And then she glided down towards me.

“What’s up, Walker? Aren’t you supposed to be with Twilight?” She asked.

Err… hehe… “About that, RD… I lost sight of them. But, by any chance, have you seen them around ponyville?” I asked.

“Nope. But I did notice something suspicious at the Golden Oaks Library. If that help, be sure to thank me properly!” She told me.

“Great! I’ll check it out now”.

“See ya!” She said and then took off. I guess I’ll be heading to the library first. But I wonder… What did RD mean by suspicious?

(Half an hour later)

I got to the library as quick as possible. I better save my remaining 13 days too. “Twilight? Angel?” I called out.

Nopony answered me. But someone did approach. “Walker?” a voice said examining me.

It was Spike of course. No one else is here after all when we left. “Spike?”

“What are you doing back so quickly?” He asked.

That was a very good question. For the readers of this little story… you probably know that it’s obvious, right? But for our little baby dragon friend here, that would be claiming nonsense, right? “I need to get back to Zecora. Have you seen Twilight and Angel around?” I told him.

“I thought they were with you!” He answered. Go figure… I’m the pegasi. That means I’ll be the first one to arrive at anywhere compared to an earth pony or a unicorn.

“I wonder where they are…” I told to myself.

“I could go look for them if you want… You just need to ask! But I require a few gems to hasten up the search…” he said.

Greedy dragon. Apparently, I had a stash full of them from Thrall because they were part of the ingredients needed for the potion we were making. I suppose, Zecora has some of these too?

So with that thought, I dragged out the bag full of gems and showed them to Spike. “I’ll give you this pouch filled with gems if you find Angel and twilight within 20 minutes, deal?” I offered.

The look on his eyes was lustful as a thief and his mouth was watering like a waterfall. I think he’ll answer - “DEAL!” Figured. With that, I said nothing else, I went straight to Zecora’s cottage. My wings had rested enough so I guess I can fly there straight.

(5 minutes later)

I arrived at Zecora’s cottage with a winded mane. Of course I had to fix up first… formalities and all. I knocked on the door fully expecting Zecora to say “Come in”, but it was a voice of a stallion. I opened the door and saw Time Turner making himself at home.

“Dude, why are you here?” I asked.

He stood up, put his tea aside and turned to me. “I have the ingredients for that potion your making. And I also made a recipe for the potion needed to use for your time travel”, he explained.

Well… hallelujah! That was quick. But I’m more concerned of the pending question I had for him. “Where’s Zecora?”

“She went that nut-job Thrall to bury him. I already explained to her why he died, but she was so keen onto doing her tradition, she left me in charge here…” he explained.

That was… convenient… I guess I don’t have to ask Zecora for that time traveling potion anymore. “Was there anything else?” I asked.

“Yep. You need to leave as quickly as possible! You won’t have any more time to prepare, but I think those two potions will be useful enough”, he told me.

Wait. What? I can’t leave yet! “Twilight still needs to teach me about magic!”

“As I said. You have no more time to prepare. But they’ll catch up I bet. Trust me…” He said.

“You may have forgotten, but I’m not too keen on giving you my trust just yet…” I quoted.

He turned me around towards the outside and pushed me using his forelegs. “Just get going nitwit!” He shouted and then shuts the door behind me. Well that went well. I have to get to Canterlot, now!

(15 minutes later, above the garden labyrinth)

I took me quickly enough to get to Canterlot without the two weighing me down. Still… I prefer that they’re here with me rather than they’re not. It’s kind of hard being alone, even though a lot of places are quickly accessible by flying.

I landed on the center of the maze, and saw the pentagon right where we left it. I threw the bottle and the time portal opened up. Tick-tock, tick-tock, the noise it was making was completely irrelevant but it sure tells me that it works. If you’re wondering why I just threw the bottle there without twilight’s help. Time Turner already altered the recipe by adding a drop of a unicorn’s essence which he gave me a bottle filled with them before I left. It does have a funny smell though.

I went through the portal fully expecting pain, but I guess when you go through it the third time, it’s a charm… Oh well. Bye-bye static, hello discord!

To be continued…
End of Chapter 4

(Chapter 5) Lone Wanderer

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Lone Wanderer: Chapter 5

(Thunderstorms booming are heard from outside the window)

I hear steps approaching from outside my bedroom. “Daddy? Is that you?” I asked, frightened. My mind was conjuring up images of a monster which could possibly be closing at the very moment. I wasn’t able to stand it, and thus coward under my bedsheets.

“Walker… It’s just me”, my father answered.

A pegasi with grey coat and black mane entered my room. His cutie-mark reflected with the coming of the next thunder. A golden compass. That was his cutie-mark. It was my father. I was crying. My tears were overflowing from fear. “WAHHH!!!” I cried endlessly while being hugged by my father’s hooves.

He had a caring look at me. “Don’t worry, daddy is here… I won’t let anything get inside your room!” He claimed.

I hugged him tighter by the minute, and then I stopped crying. I looked up and rubbed my tears dry.

My father waited until I calmed down before speaking. “Now… What were you thinking about this time?” he asked.

The thought came back to me and then a shoved my face in his belly. “Zombie ponies!” I said, voice muffled.

He giggled at the thought. “How could something ‘stupid’ as a zombie pony, hurt you?” he told me. He went out of my bed and started kicking and punching his hooves all over the place. “Just buck them at right at the muzzle! They’ll run for the hills!” He claimed.

And then I laughed from the expression on his face. I already forgot the feeling of being afraid of zombies. Instead, I was just laughing about it. And I thought to myself ‘how come I got afraid of such stupid things!’ But my father wasn’t always going to be there for me… after all, I’m growing up sooner or later.

Alone again…

Never thought I would feel the same thing I felt when I first started flight camp. No pony of which I knew was there for me. Not even my own mother! But then again, it’s kind of like a boarding school. I can even remember the times where my father was always there for me.

“I feel like I’m being thrown to a different universe every freaking time I time travel!” I told to myself.

I found myself at the edge of a cliff at the ends of Equestria. I know that for a fact because I recognize it from my patrols. Never knew those kind of knowledge would help me at my current situation. Not to mention this is a different time… Now I know I have wings to prevent me from falling off the cliff without warning. But I think being spat out by the portal directly someplace so dangerous, well… let’s just say it caught me off guard.

I looked to my surroundings and thought of an idea to widen my search. “I better go fly back to ponyville”, I said to myself.

And with that, I took off from the ground and hurriedly dashed towards the pleasant little town. It took me about an hour before getting there. Even in my fastest, this place is farther than anything ever reached! To my surprise, I was shocked to see that the town wasn’t there. And that’s when I remembered that this time has a millennium’s difference from the current temporal plain. It was until granny smith arrived here that the town grew and prospered. I never did listen to my history lessons. I even forgot the Wonderbolt’s history! Which I probably read only to get past the written exam needed to become a Wonderbolt.

I scratched my head and took out my map that Time Turner gave me. “Where am I supposed to go now?” I asked, fully unaware that nopony else was near.

And then a voice answered. “How about trying to find the princesses…” it suggested.

I looked around my surroundings and was shocked to find a unicorn hovering inches behind me. He wore a pointed hat with small bells in the sides and a robe which has them too. Yep. You probably guessed it, Starswirl the Bearded.

You probably didn’t anticipate it but, seeing the great unicorn with my own eyes, I couldn’t resist! “(Holy Crap! IT’S STARSWIRL THE FUCKING BEARDED! I bet Twilight wouldn’t believe this!) (Clears throat) Err… what did you say?”

He looked at me closely, examining every aspect he could probably notice. “You are not of this time… are you?” he asked.

Just my luck! Somepony already knows who I am and what I am. Crap! What do I say?! Princess Celestia only remembered me but I didn’t actually mean to reveal her that I was from another time! What the heck do I say in this situation?!

Starswirl giggled, and then looked to me. “Don’t worry. I’m not at all too hyped up to know… You don’t need to answer”, said Starswirl.

Huh?! Wait didn’t he just-? Oh forget it! I should probably just be glad he said that, huh? “Phew!” I sighed in relief. “Let’s cut to the chase. Do you know where they are?” I asked.

He only shook his head in reply. “I apologize, but no. The two princesses are prophesied to be our saviors. But nopony has actually seen them.”

So I’m supposed to find the royal sisters? That could be fun, assuming discord is not in reign that is… Yet. “Do you have any suggestions on where I could find them?” I asked.

“No. But I imagine you can do that part quite easily, right?”

Uhm… tru-truth is, I’m probably tired. And flying all over Equestria will simply drain my energy… so, yeah. I can’t do it without a guide. “No.” And imagine all the trouble of asking! I shouldn’t even say that they’re princesses!

After making that claim, he disappeared out of sight. I saw no flash from a teleportation magic, nor did I felt a sudden change in the wind’s strength. What’s going on here? Am I going crazy or something? As far as I can tell the only pony I saw here was Starswirl… That’s not a good sign, Walker. “Something’s definitely wrong here”, I told to myself. And then, snow started to fall. The clouds were thicker than the usual ones I know back home. It feels as if the weather has its own will! To top it up, this thing wasn’t even here when I got here!

That was the moment that I heard somepony underneath me, down below, screaming and crying out to me. “Hey!” I heard them say. I couldn’t make out the other things they we’re saying but surely I’m supposed to fly down to check, right? So, I immediately glided down. To my surprise, I spotted two beautiful mares shouting and waving at me from a cottage below. They were both earth ponies, yet they looked so… I don’t know how to describe it!

I touched down, flapped my wings and folded them, then turned towards them… Leveling my hooves onto the ground where the two of them are.

“Hello there! My name is Chocolate Cookie, and my friend here is-” she said, introducing herself. “Purity Spring…” The other one added.

It would have been rude to not answer, so I simply replied back with my name. For some stupid reason, I didn’t even remember to fake my name. Should I have done that? Well you should ask professional spies for that! “Temporal Walker, lovely mares…” and then posed as though I am greeting a royalty.

One of them took out a rugged cloak and gave it to me. Although, I can’t remember anymore who it was. “What were you doing flying that close to the clouds in such a storm?” Chocolate Cookie asked.

I wore the rugged cloak for the time being. My wings were practically freezing! “Chocolate Cookie was it? May I simply refer to you as ‘Cookie’?” I asked, simply pointing out the hard to say names.

“Sure!” She answered.

Well that’s a relief! Not too used in addressing the whole name of a pony when taking to them. “I was looking for a creature, namely discord? Do you know him?” I asked.

They looked at me fixed and then held my both my hooves. “Let’s head inside the cabin…” Cookie suggested. And then we took shelter inside.


There was a fireplace in the middle of the cottage. Dozens of round rocks prevents the fire from spreading to any other wood inside. Quite ingenious if you ask me… “Nice cabin”, I commented. It was very homey, not to mention frequently lived. I bet they live here. The place was decorated with books and small flask of potions and a few apparatus for research. In my opinion, they live here for a special reason.

“Thank you very much! This cabin belonged to my cousin, Twinkle Toes. She’s not around at the moment so I live here”, Cookie replied.

That would explain the homey atmosphere I’m feeling. I figured, there were probably 2 to 3 ponies living here together. “You’re welcome…”

The other pony was holding 3 cups of tea in a plate balanced only by her right hoof. Such talent would make for greatness! “So Temporal Walker, Discord you said? Earlier… when we talked outside?” Purity Spring pointed out.

I took one cup from her tray gently as I could. “Yes. Heard of him?” I asked.

She shook her head and laid at the hay bed near the window. “I haven’t heard of the fellow before. But I think I heard a prophecy about it…” She claimed.

WHAT?! “Prophecy?! What is it?!” I asked, ecstatic.

“Not sure. But it does have something to do with Equestria falling into complete chaos.” Cookie explained. Bingo.

Well… that’s definitely Discord no doubt. But, wasn’t I supposed to be brought to a time where discord is already wreaking havoc causing misery to the ponies of Equestria? When exactly is this? I feel like I’ve been played for by that Time Turner again!

I tried changing the subject about a more pressing matter of the moment. My being alone caused me to bring it up. “I have another question really, simple question in fact. Have you seen two unicorns or rather any unicorn that has a lavender coat and the other one snow white?” I pictured out.

For some odd reason, they looked back to each other. Either confused or worried… I couldn’t grasp their expression. “We really haven’t seen any unicorn for quite some time now. You could say, their hold up in their village”, Purity Spring claimed.

Village? Hmm… sounds sketchy. I better check it out for some clues. Oh! I almost forgot! Darn idiot, the princesses! “I plan to check out this village for some clues on my quest but before I go, do you know any alicorns named Celestia and Luna or rather Princess Celestia and Luna?” I told them.

“They’re the first-ever unicorns to be blessed with, not only wings, but also incredibly powerful magic! No pony alive knows where they are”, Cookie claimed.

Dead end. I feel like the two are morons, but we’re in a time before their reign. So I guess I could take the claims to be true. And probably leaves me with nothing but the fact that they’re impossible to locate! Should start searching for the Elements of Harmony if anything else. And I feel like I should keep my trap shut to any strangers about this certain topic.

I sat down the tea cup and stood up. “Thanks anyway, for answering my questions”, I showed my gratitude. “And that leaves me to a dead end”, I murmured. Well, I really can’t help but mop about it!

“Don’t mention it!” she modestly claimed. “Usually, when we meet new ponies, they’re not so filled with questions. Are you by any chance, not from here?” She added.

I shook my head. “I’m not legible to say that right now. But I’ll tell the truth later.” I tried avoiding the question. “Oh! And one last request, if I may?” I told them.

“Oh? Sure… what is it?” Cookie asked.

I took out the map of Equestria that was in my saddle-pack. “Could you show me exactly where the unicorn’s village is? I just wanna know…” I pointed out.

(At a camp near the village)

I built a regular fire near an old vantage point that I saw earlier on the way to the village. I also built a wind breaker under the tower to keep me from getting cold. The walk to the village is quite hard, and frankly, I think my wings had reach their limit. Time to be like daring-do for the time being. What’s more, is that Purity Spring volunteered to take me there in worry. And while I was with her, we had a little chat. Her coat looked an awful lot like lyra, but her hair was azure. As her name points out, her cutie-mark was an underground spring, it looked as pure as her name sounded so. I didn’t want to point out what she looked like exactly, but I just couldn’t help it.

Purity Spring reached out her hoof and spoke to me. “Would you mind passing me another apple?” she asked. And then, I took out another apple from my saddle-pack. I could swear that I’m running out because I already ate 9 pieces. “Save it though, I only have a few left…” I reminded.

And then she lost her appetite. Good work, Walker! You just had to keep your mouth shut! Now she won’t even eat. “It’s okay though… you could eat that one if you’d like!” I reassured. Although I feel it’s too late for that now.

She started eating it anyway, but a little slower. I didn’t notice it, but the topic she talked about next was pretty random from our current state of affairs. “Unicorns aren’t so much cut off a few years ago from the other races. But they’ve focused more in studying ever since the prediction of that one prophecy”, She claimed while eating the apple I gave her.

I wasn’t paying attention so much at the time to her that I almost fell over when she made that simple claim. Of course it’s silly, because we’re only a few feet away from each other. “Really?” I probed.

Apparently, since Discord’s presence was sensed. The unicorns held up in their village for protection and studying. Trying to find out what they can about Discord’s arrival. If you ask me, they should have focused more on finding the princesses.

“Uhm… Purity Spring? About the Princesses, what else do you know of them?” I asked.

She seemed rather disappointed with the answer she gave me then. I could vouch for it because she said, “Nothing but the knowledge you already know.” I knew I would get the same dead end answer, but I think it’s more saddening now then it was before.

“You should get some rest though. We don’t exactly know what will happen tomorrow”, she told me and then tucked up near the fire. No sleeping bags though, she slept like a dog would. I would usually get a stiff neck sleeping like that, so I’ll just lie down, back on the ground. I forgot to notice the weather though. The storm stopped, and it seems it was clearer than transparent, the night sky. I bet Princess Luna would be enjoying the view tonight.

(Next Morning)

I forgot to keep track of time! I’ll estimate it as 1 week and 3 days left, tops… “Oh, I am so dead!”

Since it’s already morning, I went up to the top of the vantage point and looked for the village. Luckily, I spotted it north of our direction. About 3 miles of distance. “I can’t believe we wasted the night sleeping here if we’re so near it!” I told to myself. Time’s a wasting…

“You saw the village?” Purity Spring shouted from below.

I nodded and then flew down. “Looks like we wasted time for nothing…” I told her. She didn’t seem to mind it though. Did she do it on purpose? If so, what? We took our saddle-packs and headed towards the village. The whole place was enclosed within a huge wall, separating anypony on the inside from the outside. If that was deliberate, they’re doing a pretty good job. But to frank, it was the biggest wall I’ve ever seen.

“You haven’t been here before?” Purity Spring asked.

I didn’t notice that she suddenly spoke. It took about 7 seconds before I replied. “Hu-what? Oh… No. Have you?” I replied, stuttering horribly.

She nodded and then turned her gaze towards the village. “Several times. But I never went beyond the walls. Nopony other than unicorns are allowed to enter anymore.” She answered.

Anymore? What does that mean? Were they letting in other ponies before? I think the answer to that is a bit obvious. Speaking of, we saw several pegasi outside the walls. They were standing right in front of the entrance. Practically being bullied or otherwise, bullying the guard. We could hear them complain from a distance.

Purity Spring noticed and then asked herself, “I wonder what is going on there…”

I kept staring at the ponies arguing, practically trying to listen to what they’re saying. “Their probably asking permission to enter. From your claim, they weren’t allowed”, I said to her.

We got nearer and heard the conversation more clearly. A stallion was speaking for the Pegasi who wanted to enter. He was trying so desperately! “We need to see Starswirl immediately! If you want to keep your life, you’ll let us enter!” he said to the guard.

I went closer to see their faces. To tell the truth, the guard didn’t exactly look like a guard. He looked more like a priest to my observation. He had a cross pendant and a weird top hat that didn’t really fit the condition he is in right now. He had a yellow-white coat and short blonde mane like mine. Well… not as ‘short’ as mine. “Starswirl isn’t here, Sir Claymore. Even if he was, you can only get his permission to enter.” The guard pony replied.

The pegasus was already clenching his teeth in anger. And then he had enough, practically flew off like a rocket. The other pegasi followed him and never looked back. “That was a regular bouncer-customer scene right there…” I murmured. We headed to the guard and to my surprise, the mare accompanying me actually knew the pony.

Her expression became a little livelier. “Fireheart blaze, longtime-no-see!” Purity Spring shouted and waved at the unicorn.

The pony was looking at the leaving pegasi and then turned his gaze to us when he heard the mare call out. He examined our faces and as predicted, he knew her too. “Purity Spring? Is that you?!” Fireheart curiously examined. “I missed you so much!” he then ran towards our direction and hugged the mare. Reminds me so much of Snow Angel. I miss the girl… Twilight too.

“What are you doing here? I thought you went to research with Chocolate Cookie near the mountains? Did that get cancelled?” He asked.

She shook her head. “We’re still in working progress. I just stopped by to drop-off my acquaintance here… His name is Temporal Walker”, she told him.

He turned to me and held up his right hoof. “The name is Fireheart Blaze! Dark magic specialist!” he claimed and then I shook his hoof.

Dark magic? That sounds weird. The only ponies fitting the description of using such use of magic is, Discord, Nightmare Moon, and maybe King Sombra… Any than that, probably a magicalholic. “Dark magic?”

He looked at me discreetly. He then saw my wings and said, “Oh! You are a pegasus after all… It’s the use of forbidden magic in the place of normal unicorn magic”, he explained.

That was kind of offending. If only I could tell this guy about my knowledge on magical potions and spells, he’d be surprised! For now, I guess I’ll play along. So, I tried to play dumb. “Oh… That sounds kind of grim though. Are you really allowed to use such magic?” I asked.

He then explained further because of my question. “There are only quite a few chosen to be able to use this type of magic. But enough about that. What are you doing in our humble village?” Fireheart dotted.

What a way to be straight forward… okay, how should I say this? Should I tell the truth? I think no, because that’s what Time Turner told me to do. Or did he told me that? Frankly speaking, I can’t remember. Oh well, prophecy first, I guess. “I’m here to know more about that prophecy of yours… The one where Discord is prophesied?” I asked.

Fireheart blaze’s eyes widened and held me around the neck, practically covering our conversation. “How do you know that name?! Nopony but the dark magic specialist’s and Starswirl knows that!” He asked.

I gave him a grin and answered. “Let’s just say, I’m here for a reason”. “Now, would you let me in?” I inquired. That’s probably going to be a yes.

He poked his horn several times while thinking of what to do. “I shouldn’t, without anypony else’s consent. But because of what you just said, I think I can let it slide”, he told me. He then opened the gate using his levitation, which practically amazed me because it was so big!

Yes! Jackpot! I better be careful though. I don’t know what else might come up whilst I’m here. “Thanks, I guess…” I murmured.

We continued on inside. Purity Spring was also happy to be able enter the premises, especially because she’s never been here before.

Our guide let out a breath and spoke to us discreetly. “A little warning though you two…” Fireheart reminded.

“What is it?” Purity Spring asked.

He then whispered to the both us. “Try to be considerate of the ponies around here. They know every single pony here. So if they see a new one, they might do something weird. That depends on these ponies though, okay?” he explained.

Makes sense. I should probably avoid attraction or anything like so. I wouldn’t want to scare them without any apparent reason. “I’ll keep that in mind”, I told him.

Right after that claim, a lot of ponies were looking at us fixedly. Any suggestions how we can take the eyes of these ponies off us? No? I thought so… “Speaking of which… look around you, Purity Spring”, I told her about the lot looking straight towards us.

“You never let any other pony inside, ever, except us do you?” I asked Fireheart.

He simply nodded. “I don’t think anypony would have any good reason to enter this safe/study zone”, he explained.

We’re pretty lucky to enter then? Anyways. We headed directly to the elder’s house. Fireheart Blazed said something to me earlier about the elder but I didn’t listen. Or maybe I was just too ignorant? My first choice was to head towards the towering castle, a lot taller than the walls we saw earlier. But Fireheart said that would be wasting time. Nopony of such importance is there at the moment. So I went with his suggestion. After all, he knows this place better than we do. I just hope he doesn’t waste more of my time.

“We’re here. Elder Clover’s house”, he claimed.

Clover? Wait a minute… “It isn’t ‘The Clover the Clever’, is it?!” I asked Fireheart.

“Wait a minute, you know her? She’s not exactly widely known you know…” Fireheart asked me.

Ecstatic, I didn’t notice that I was practically making him know that I’m not from here, nor am I from someplace else. “Of course I know her! She is Starswirl’s apprentice!”

“Wait… How do YOU know that?! Whatever… doesn’t matter! We’ll visit her house anyways. I’ll ask there.” Fireheart said.

He knocked on the door. I was anticipating the mare to be as old as granny smith. But it looks like she’s not that far from Twilight. They even look identical! Well… mane style anyway. She had a white coat with streaks of cinnamon mane. Her cutie mark was… well… a clover. 3 leaves, not 4 though. She was wearing a more genuine cloak unlike the one she wore back in the days. I’m probably looking at a version of her which is far more talented and knowledgeable than the one we knew. If Twilight was here, she won’t resist her thoughts flooding out of her mouth! Anyways, back to reality!

“Good Morning, Elder Clover. There are a few ponies who wanted to see you”, Fireheart greeted.

“Good Morning to you as well, Fireheart Blaze”, she greeted. “Who are these ponies of which you speak?” She asked.

He then introduced us both to her. “This pegasus hails by the name of Temporal Walker. And this is my friend, Purity Spring”.

She waved her hoof at us and went towards me and shook my hooves. “I’m Clover the Clever, the Elder of this village. Please feel free to address me as Clover. The ponies around here are too used in seeing me as their superior so they also got used in calling me Elder! I really don’t like the calling very much”, she told me.

“Please call me Walker, Clover. I have to cut to the chase, I don’t have much time left. Do you know anything about the Elements of Harmony and where to find them?” I asked.

Her expression just changed dramatically from cheerful to serious. “Come inside please”, she insisted.

Due to the topic being very… Important, we continued our conversation inside. Sadly, Purity Spring was forced to stay outside by her own friend, village rules I guess.

(Inside Clover’s house)

“I have records that they can be found in cave. Embedded in a tree called, The Tree of Harmony…” Clover claimed.

The wha-? “Tree of Harmony?” I repeated.

“THE Tree of Harmony!” She clarified. Okay, I think I get it.

I took the book that had record of the information and held it in my hooves. I looked into the information myself and found out that she was telling the truth. “No use looking into those books, Walker. If you don’t believe me, you shouldn’t believe them either”, she told me.

“Why is that?” I asked.

“I wrote and recorded them myself…” She claimed.

Oh. That would make sense. “But I thought it had always been in Princess Celestia’s care?”

“Nothing is without origin, Walker. I also wrote a book about it if you’re interested?” Clover reminded.

“No thanks!” I declined. I think I get the idea, if anything else that is.

Fireheart Blaze then stepped forward to remind Clover the clever about a certain something. “Elder Clover. Are you not going to ask Temporal Walker of his knowledge about all this?” He asked.

“No need. I already know he’s not of this time”, she answered.

“Huh?!” Fireheart was confused.
“Huh?!” I gasped.

Although we spouted the same words with the same letters. Fireheart and I had different expressions. “What are you talking about, Elder?” He asked.

She took out one scroll from the shelf beside him and made him read it. “The one thing you need to know, Fireheart Blaze. Is that when my mentor created that spell, he anticipated ponies from other time to come and visit us for a purpose.” She told him.

Wait. She already knew that I was a time traveler? Or rather… traveled through time? That explains why Starswirl knew my identity. “So, you already know?” I asked.

“No other pony of this time knows so many things about some of our very secluded secrets. All the ponies that knew this information has a very tight muzzle, Walker…” She claimed.

I knew I should have been more careful about my words! I could have changed the future more than change it back to its original state! Good work, Walker! Keep this up, and you won’t even get born.

“I’m sorry, I should have watched what I said more”, I apologized.

“On the contrary, I think you might be able to help us”, she said.

I’m not sure if what I heard was good or bad. Because I feel more surge of the bad than the good right now. “Help? What do you need help with?” I asked.

“We recently received news of a dracconiquis terrorizing the farther villages in the edge of Equestria. We believe this is the creature mentioned in the prophecy. He hails by the name of…”

“Discord”, she said.
“Discord”, I said.

She grinned. “Seems like you already know its name. Can you help us with this?” She asked.

I hate to say no, but I absolutely have no time for such ludicrous request! Or maybe not so stupid, but I still have no time! What should I say? If the two were here, they might help me decide. I never noticed it until now, but those two seem to give me some sort of will to go on. Ugh! No time to think about that!

“I’m sorry. But I need to find the Elements of Harmony first! After that, I need the Princesses to deal with Discord himself! Just as it should be!” I regrettably told to her. I just noticed now really, I accidently told them what the future should be. I hope it doesn’t affect anything.

She went near me and held my shoulder. “We still don’t know where it is. But if you could help us with Discord, we might find a way to look for the Elements that much faster! All I ask is that you buy us sometime… Try to stop him from causing destruction, okay?”

I really can’t say ‘no’ to such an offer. But even if I solve that problem… “What about Princess Celestia and Luna?” I asked them.

The two looked at each other. Practically telling me, “We still don’t where or what they look like. But we’ll try our best to look for them too”, Fireheart answered.

It’s good to have a little help, especially without Angel and Twilight around. I hope they’re okay though. “Alright. I’ll stop Discord!” I told them.

(3 hours later)

After making preparations, I was ready to fly over to hoofington pronto! It was the last known village that was played for by Discord. Gee, this makes me feel like a knight! I feel like a warrior ready to battle a pony eating dragon. Literally!

“Are you sure you can do it alone?” Purity Spring asked.

I flew down towards her. “Don’t worry! I’m only going to check it out. I don’t need to beat the guy, Purity Spring. I think you’re worrying too much”, I told her.

“That’s actually how she is to everypony she knows which goes to life threatening situations”, Fireheart blaze told me.

I guess her name fits her personality. Caring and pure, like… uhm… Angel? Should I be saying that? I not exactly sure about that little claim. “Well, I guess I should be taking off”, I told her.

I fluttered up while she waved me goodbye. “Try not to sprain your wings! It’s not looking too good, Walker!” She reminded and then I took off.

The weather was a bit cloudy. And the sun wasn’t the hottest either. It felt as good as it could possibly above the ground. It felt good to be riding the fresh air again!

(An hour later)

I managed to get to where Discord was wreaking havoc. A growing village called hoofington. Though I suppose now it’s literally growing. Discord turned half of the houses upside down and made them grow like a plant. Let’s say… about 3 times bigger than Clover’s house.

I went nearer but not too near he’d notice my presence. I suppose it was too late for that. “Somepony’s already distorted! I haven’t even used my magic at the fellow”, Discord told to himself and the searched his surroundings.

Distorted? Does he mean me not being supposed to exist in this time?

He finally spotted me, hovering above him from about half a mile. “There he is! You there, little pegasus pony!” He called out to me. “Can you come down here?” He requested.

Wait. Am I really that stupid to just go down there and listen to whatever this moron has to say? Of course not! But apparently, I ended up doing so anyway… Craptard!

I fluttered down towards him and asked. “What do you want?”

He hovered his claws and paws right in front of me. “Let me examine you for just a few seconds. I promise I won’t do anything bad to you!” He claimed in a mocking voiced.

I don’t even know why I trusted this guy, but it sure as hell was not a good idea! “You’re from a different time! And from that time, you’re not even meant to exist!” He told me. “Are you here to stop me from doing something very bad?” He asked.

“Yes. That’s a tad bit obvious, isn’t it?” I clarified in an expressionless face.

What did he meant by ‘not meant to exist’? Could it be that my very own existence will never occur in this current future?! If that’s the case, I should probably be quick to dispose of this joker and King Sombra!

Discord was shaking his head. “What are you think inside that small head of yours?” He asked himself.

I looked at him fiercely, trying to be cautious. Can he read my thoughts? If that’s the case, I’m not the pony that’s supposed to be here! “I was simply wondering, what do you hope to achieve in changing the way the world works?” I answered.

He was surprised to get an answer. After all, he did asked that rhetorically. “Oh! I wasn’t talking to you… But to answer that question…” I then saw a flash of light and a sound of some small explosion, and then he teleported behind. “-I need give you some history lesson!” He added.

He then started explaining his intentions. You would not believe what he answered, but it was predictable… “Every recording in history, there was a villain or rather, an evil that a hero would battle to achieve glory, honor, and all those things. But if there’s no villain, there would be no hero!” He answered. Predictable. “And then I thought, ‘Discord, you’re talented in magic and evil! Why not assume the role of history’s new villain?’ and that’s where I answered, ‘I will!’”. He added.

I cleared my thoughts and tried to process the idea of that ridiculous reason! “You try to wreak havoc to an entire kingdom, with reason like that?! You’re more screwed-up than I thought you were!” I commented.

“You’ve only seen the first stage, my little pony!” He clicked his fingers and with a flash of light that came from my rear, my wings vanished while I was hovering in front of him without a trace. As a result, I crashed to the ground. It was only a few feet above the ground, but I sprained myself from the fall. I was shocked in the moment that I realized my wings had vanished!

I clenched teeth and hardened my hoof. “DISCORD! Give me back my wings!” I cried out.

He giggled in front of me while he was standing like he hasn’t moved an inch. “Oh of course I’ll give them back! But first, we’re gonna play a little game!” He claimed. Discord! “Try to get back to the unicorn’s village without using your wings. If you get there in time, your wings are as good as yours!” He explained. “Are you game? Because you have no choice… But if you fail, I’ll change your whole personality and reason to be!” He added. And then made a strong maniacal laugh.

“Damn those rules!” I told him, and then pulled out the special potion I had hidden in my saddlebag. “I’m gonna change them with this!” I showed to him.

He examined the potion from a far. “Oh! What have you got there? Are you going to defeat me with that? I’m afraid it won’t work.”

I scoffed at him. “That’s where you’re wrong. It’s not a splash potion of some kind of element that damages you instantly, it’s an altering potion!” I told him, the look on his face was priceless!

“Altering potion?” he repeated while I drank the potion.

I felt like time stopped within my own soul. The surged of power ran into my whole body. My entire being was changing from the outside, as well as the inside. Thunder rushed into my veins and struck my very heart. The pulse within was so great, that I could feel it without touching my own chest! From dust and with dust, a horn forged itself within my forehead within seconds and…


I accidently created an explosion from out of nowhere! I stood up, trying to control the overwhelming power of the berserk horn. Now, I’m a unicorn! The very same being Snow Angel is! The very same race that I had lived with all this time and tried to blend with. The very same reason magic can be synthesized!

The look on Discord’s face says it all, he was amazed, awestruck, and afraid… He knew that a newly born foal will bring overwhelming magic with them from the moment they existed. He knew that I was the same, because I just got these horns! “What’s the matter, Discord? Cat got your tongue?” I mocked.

He simply giggled at me. I was several meters away from him because of the explosion a few moments ago that I created. The horn I was giving was sparkling and cracking. It was literally surging with energy! Giving of too much of what it’s supposed to. I guess this is the reason it doesn’t last very long either. “I wasn’t expecting you to do something only I can do whenever I please. It really caught me by surprised.” He said.

Without warning, I felt a flash of light within me. My horn went berserk and teleported me without warning. The next thing I knew, I was swimming within an endless sea of infinite light.

(An hour later)

I was still dazed from the sudden surged of power. When I came to, I was already outside of the unicorn village. My wings came back too! But my horn’s time limit had reached its end. With that drastic change in power, no wonder the potion had reached its limit so quickly! If I don’t learn to lessen the magic pouring out inside me, I won’t be able to use the special potion to its true potential! With that thinking ended in a feeling of wallowing with power residues, I decided to head towards the village. As weird as it may sound, I have to say it. Discord acts so much like Time Turner.

I looked to my saddlebags, practically wanting more of that potion now. It felt like a drug to me, but it was incredible! Although, I had to control myself. “Next time, potion. Next time…”

I trotted towards the gate and saw the elder, Clover, standing right outside it. I continued running towards her. She was standing with 4 other unicorns all wearing a pendant that resembles the one Fireheart Blazed had. I reported in, but was already out of breath from running. “Clover! I found Discord!” I told her.

She nodded in joy. “Hopefully you bought us enough time find the Elements of Harmony.” She claimed. And then, she gave me a small smile. “We found The Tree of Harmony’s whereabouts inside a cave in the Everfree Forest!” She added in her statement.

That’s just good news! Something I was practically waiting for ever since I came here in the first place. But apparently, my celebration was interrupted with silence. Their faces tells me that there’s a problem. So I turned to Clover and asked. “So what’s the problem then?”

Elder Clover was simply muttering to herself. “There is a little problem. Only chosen ponies are allowed inside the cave… Which means none of us could get it for you”, she told me. Nuts… Just what I needed. Some kind of barrier to hold us off.

I practically clenched my hoof and stomped it in the ground. “How can we get there then?! Equestria’s in danger and Discord is only doing this for his own amusement!” I shouted at Clover.

Elder Clover kept a calm personality. “Please calm down, Walker. We suspect that the only ones who can enter the place, is either you or the alicorn princesses”, She claimed.

Me? I thought to myself the possibilities, then immediately got back to her. “Me?” I repeated. “Why would you think I could control the elements?” I asked her. And then I pointed out myself. It’s pretty obvious that the reason I’m here is to change history. But I’m not a pony which would fit such a role! If only Twilight were here, she could enter and use the elements herself! Of course counting the fact that she can only use it when her friends are with her, would mean that they have to tag along with us too. Not a vacation really…

While I was denying the possibility of me being an important character in this history, Clover had already answered my question. “Because you’re the only one which coincidently, knows a lot about these things!” She explained.

That would make more sense. But I really doubt it!

“Oh! I completely forgot!” Clover said to herself. “I received a message for you, Walker”, she told me. A message? Who could it be from?

(Inside the village, at the Elder’s house)


By now, you’ve probably located the elements of harmony. That’s good! As for my instructions. I have a list down this letter that pertains to you current crisis. Some do’s and don’ts. Remember to do this correctly or there will be consequences! Also… Don’t trust me when you see me during your time travel…

-Time Turner”

The first don’ts in Time Turners list was to never fight Discord. Too late for that… Although I suppose he meant was ‘try not to beat him’. But I guess ‘not fighting him’ has the same meaning too. The first do’s was to find Clover the Clever. Did he really just made this now? Because if he gave this letter to Clover the Clever herself, then he wouldn’t need to write that one that! “Second don’ts. Okay…” don’t bring Twilight sparkle anywhere near the tree of harmony. Nor tell her anything about this information. That one was completely useless though! Twilight’s not even with me. If she could, I’d be grateful!

I scratched most of the list after a couple of minutes. Everything in here was either done already or accidently done without any consent. But before I threw the letter because of useless reminders. I found a very eye catching reminder. I remember because I said it out aloud. “10th do’s… retrieve the elements only by yourself. 10th don’ts… don’t try and find the princesses, they’ll find a way to you”, I read. I guess this is like a… clue to what I’m supposed to do next. Thanks for that info, cousin…

“I need to get the elements myself…” I turned to Fireheart Blaze.

He was busy reading the reports and obviously organizing them. So he couldn’t take his eyes off his work until I made that comment. “Huh?! But I thought you said you can’t access them either?!” He clarified.

I picked up Time Turner’s letter and slid it to my saddlebags. “A certain something caught my attention. And I guess it motivated me…” I told to him. After that, I walked out of the establishment.

Surprised by what was waiting outside, I got caught off guard. Elder Clover was already there waiting for me to leave. “Leave the princesses to us. We’ll send scouts around to search for them, while you get the elements”, She simply said.

Apparently, she already read the letter given to me by Time Turner before I could have even read it myself. Not very trustworthy don’t you think?

Anyway… I simply nodded and went along with the plan. And then took off like light. I barely remember the feeling of losing my wings. I sensed something weird though. It was nothing like the air that I flew on before. The atmosphere felt the same as it did in Discord’s presence. But… If that’s the case, then-

Out of nowhere, I heard a maniacal laugh. If you knew what happened next, you’d be very confused on what you felt about me. Do you blame me for it or not? Because what happened was, I practically led Discord to the village. I knew I shouldn’t have play that game! Let alone go back here without finishing it first.

He turned to my direction and spoke. “That was absolutely funny! I can’t believe you actually went back!” and then he kept laughing. Discord!

And then, the weirdest thing happened. I know… Can anything else top up Discord?! He’s the master of chaos! Somepony weird whispered to my ears. “I’m sorry, Walker. You can’t confront him the way you are”, I mare whispered from the back of my ears.

Before I could even turn around and look, she already knocked me out cold by hitting me in the head with her bare-hoof! As if there wasn’t enough problem! I had to be taken away from my quest too.

(After Discord’s assault)

I woke up feeling woozy, at a rolled bed near a fire. It was obvious that whoever took me away, was somepony from the future. Time Turner? No. He did say not to trust him during my time travels. I guess that goes without saying.

Now, for the matter. There were 4 other beds spread out near the fire. Two of them were made of hay and some leaves. 2 others were like my bed. It’s safe to assume that the ponies who took me was-

“Oh… You’re awake, Walker!” A familiar voice greeted. A white coated unicorn hovered above my head as I lie facing the side at my bed. Snow Angel… I should have known. And if she’s here, Twilight is also present! But where in Equestria is she?!

I stood up, still feeling wobbly from sleep. I then turned to Angel and wrapped my hooves around her neck. I missed her so much that I couldn’t help but give her a simple hug. “Please let it slide for the moment, Angel”, I requested to her. Even though they knocked me out cold again, I’m really thankful they’re unharmed and was able to get here safely.

She gave a soft giggled from the back of my ears. “Take your time…” She whispered softly.

And so I did. It took me about a minute before I detached myself from her. I didn’t notice but my tears were showing, flowing out of me. It reminded me of my father. He was always there for me when I needed him. When I was a foal anyway… But I guess such things still leaves a feeling in your heart.

To be continued…
End of Chapter 5

(Chapter 6) Rewritten

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Rewritten: Chapter 6


The word has a lot of different meaning but there’s only one goal, to waiver your own welfare for the sake of others. But… What connection does that have to do with the chapter’s title? Nothing of course! I just feel like wallowing in the sense. Anyways, enough 4th wall breaks! It does have something to do with the chapter’s content. But I guess you already know it, don’t you? Yep. The ones who made these sacrifices were the princesses. It’s only natural that somepony would stood up to a tyrant. But it takes a great deal of courage. Neither one of the princesses had them… But they sacrificed their life in order to deal with the fear. Of course they lived in the end but still!

Okay, where am I? Writing the novel? I knew that. Wait… Oh! Now I remember. I was with Snow Angel. It was already dark at that time. I just woke up too! So this means I’m still feeling under the weather. And sleeping while the sun is going down is not a good feeling! Don’t ask me why, because that’s a belief. I turned to her and looked at her face more closely. I was trying to memorize it in mind so that I will never forget her face. “I’m okay now…” I claimed.

I could hardly control myself, I just kept asking her a question after another. “Where were you, Angel? I lost both you and Twilight in Thrall’s house. I thought you were…”

“Dead?” She anticipated that I will say.


She shook her head and pulled out an apple from her saddlebag. “Take that”, she said. “This might take a while to explain”, Angel claimed.

I sat down just above my sheets and started listening.

“After you went ahead, Twilight and I were left behind. We were unconscious just a few steps from the basement’s exit. I woke up, everything was wrecked. I found Thrall to be dead too. After that, I woke up Twilight and brought her directly to the nearest town I could find. Dodge Junction was the nearest place I came across. So we went and rest there for the night.

“Twilight was worried about how you were doing, and then I told her… ‘Walker’s fine. I bet he’s already at Zecora’s cottage!’ She was reassured, we got our rest, and had set-off first thing in the morning. When we got to ponyville after about 3 hours on the train, we were greeted by Spike. He told us that you already went ahead to Zecora’s. We took some necessities from the library and then took off to catch up with you. But when we got there, the cottage was empty. There was no potion, nothing cooking in the cauldron, and no Zecora. The only thing we that caught our attention was the potion used for time travel that was left in one of Zecora’s cabinets. Strangely enough, it was already complete. Nothing else was needed for the potion.

“After taking the potion with us, we headed straight for Canterlot. We went to the pentacle to go back in time and voila! We’re here with you!” Angel told me. “After landing in this time plane, we went looking for Princess Celestia and Luna”, she added.

That’s good news at least… But wait. “Did you have any luck finding the princesses?” I asked her.

She simply chortled and said to me, “You tell me. You’re the observer here, what do you think?”

I pointed out the obvious. “If there are 2 more beds which was not intentionally made for us, then… they’re here”, I observed. “You already found them…” I thought out loud.

She nodded in my answer. “Correct! And that’s why you’re so good at class”, she commented. “They’re already heading for the elements of harmony. Twilight went ahead with them”, she claimed. And that was the time Twilight went out of the bushes herself. We heard a soft rustling from the opposite side of the forest. Angel was a bit startled but she didn’t let herself get affected by it.

“Twilight? Aren’t you supposed to be with Princess Celestia and Luna?” Angel inquired. Apparently, things aren’t going according to plan. I feel ya, Angel. That happened to me not a few hours ago…

She had cuts and bruise all over her body that probably came from the natural surroundings. “Well… I took my eye off them for a second, and then they were gone!” She explained. Twilight was rubbing her wounds and trying to better them through the use of her own magic. It wasn’t that helpful but it was indeed better than before. “I tried to look for them but then I got lost, and… you know how the rest turned out”, she said disappointingly.

I took out a hooferchief from my saddlebags that was sitting at the opposite side of the campfire and gave it to Twilight. “Here”, I offered. “Don’t worry, we’ll probably find them. I know where the elements are…” I assured her.

She rubbed the hooferchief on every part of her face that had cuts from the branches. And then Twilight expressed her gratitude. “Thank you, Walker. I’m sorry, I couldn’t be of any help!” She regrettably cried out.

I shook my head and disagreed. “That’s not true Twi! You guys found the princess, that’s a very big help!” I said to her. “In fact, I was having a hard time thinking how I’m going to be able to find them”, I commented on the thought.

“Yes. But I lost them!” she kept bellyaching.

Angel poured water on the burning campfire and it turned off. “No use in crying over spilled milk, Twilight. Let’s just find them. Walker did say he knows where they’re headed…” Angel told her and then handed her saddlebags.

I swear, I feel like Angel’s been acting very squirrely lately. She just seems so cold blooded all the time! Kind of like when Time Turner killed… Thrall. Bad memories, really.

“I suppose so”, Twilight said and then took her bags from Angel. Twilight started a spell going to heal the splinters and cuts she got from the surrounding plant life. Her magic enveloped her whole body and then glowed for quite a while. We were heading for the tree of harmony while she was doing it.

(Moments later, deep in the forest)

“Exactly where did you see them last?” Angel asked in impatience. We were probably going around in circles for the last couple minutes. It seems my friend already lost traction of her sanity.

We were at a swamp like part of the forest. The trees were thick and full of algae. The only appealing thing about the place was the amount of clear water it had beneath our hooves. I could swear I know this place. How is that possible? Anyway… The place’s visibility was about as thick as a fog! We could hardly see anything nor smell anything good other than major stench coming from the water itself.

Twilight poked her muzzle a few times and closed her eyes, thinking hardly for the question laid on her. And then her horn started glowing, she was hovering it all over the place. I couldn’t help but ask, “Uhm… Twilight, what are you doing?”

She kept moving around the place. “I’m trying to track where I was earlier. That way, we might know where to start looking…” She answered even while she was busy.

If you’re going to ask ‘why don’t you know where to go, Walker?’ Then think it over! When I was headed for the tree of harmony, I had a map written by Elder Clover herself that shows the location of the elements! Alas, for some reason, I lost it after being knocked out by Angel. Again.

Suddenly, Twilight’s horn flashed erratically. “Here! They’ve gone through here!” She pointed out and they hastily went on ahead. Typical of them to leave me here. All alone. Again. Enough said… “Hey guys, wait up!” I shouted and ran towards the direction they went.

It was more eye wrenching ahead. I was tearing down because of the inability to see anything! If we hadn’t had Twilight’s spell this time, we might be more lost than her. I was able to catch up with the two after digging through the thick sea of fog. I noticed because I heard their voices and Twilight’s horn sparkling. I went to the direction of the sound after hearing it. Interestingly enough, after heading in that direction, I heard it change places and now it was now in the opposite direction. I know this… It’s that phenomena where you thought you heard it in a certain direction, but it was actually in the opposite- you know what I mean!

“Walker! Where are you? I hope you didn’t get lost!” Angel cried through the mist.

I shouted back in disappointment on what she said. “I am NOT lost! I’m right behind you, Angel!”

And then, as if leveling with our hardship, the fog lifted because of a strong wind that came from the direction we were now headed. The sky was clear, and so was our vision of a large crevice echoing below us. It wasn’t made by accident from the earth’s formation, but rather I think it was made by ponies! It had stairs leading downwards from the top. I was shocked to see Twilight suddenly collapsed though. And then I remembered one don’ts on Time Turner’s list. ‘Don’t let Twilight see the crevice leading to the elements of harmony! Everything has its own time to be revealed…’ Darn it, Time Turner! You couldn’t have wrote me that as the first item in this list? You’re such an idiot!

I rushed over to their position and inquired Angel about the details. “What happened to her?” I asked.

“She overused her magic earlier and now so… she’s exhausted”, Angel answered.

I exhaled in relief. I thought for sure something wrong had happened! “Go on ahead, Walker. You need to find the princesses. I’ll stay with Twilight”, She insisted. Well, couldn’t argue with that because it’s the whole reason we’re here!

I fluttered my wings to take off. “Be careful, Angel”, I reminded and then dashed towards the cave located inside the crevice.

When I got there, I found no barrier nor any protective spell of any kind at the entrance. It seems that either there was no barrier to begin with, the princesses took care of it, or I’m permitted by it to pass through. If anything else, I was glad to be able to enter. Deep inside, a tree unlike anything I’ve ever seen was glowing. It had a crystal-like bark, and it seemed that the elements were simply a fruit of this mysterious tree. Underneath it were two alicorns standing with great pride, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. And speaking of which, the tree of harmony bared the same mark that looked exactly like the princesses cutie marks! It was simply unbelievable…

While I was observing the surroundings, the two had noticed me standing right at the entrance, blocking it. Although, they didn’t see me as a friendly pony. Princess Luna vanished in a flash and reappeared right behind me and pointed the edge of an illusion sword right at my neck. Oh sweet mother of- This is exactly how Thrall died! I’m not repeating something so sickening! With me being the pony who dies! “Princess Luna, don’t! I’m a friend!” I quickly spat-out.

“Says the pony whom I noticed dealt and manipulates dark magic himself!” she growled.

Dark magic? Is it that potion I just used? The one that turns me to a unicorn? I doubt that it’s forbidden… “Please! I’m no enemy! I went back in time to help you find the elements of harmony!”

And then Princess Celestia spoke. “Just let him go, Luna. This little pegasi seems to ring with truth. No sense in trying to attack him or kill him if he’s not an enemy”, she halted. Thank Celestia I’m okay! Literally!

Luna dropped her magic and I thanked Celestia. “Thank you, Princess!”

“What is your name, little pony?” Luna asked.

I turned around to introduce myself. “Temporal Walker, your highness. I’m pleased to make your acquaintance!”

Princess Celestia galloped to where we are and hovered the elements just beside her. “How did you know where to find us, Walker? The only ones that knows the location of this place is named Twilight Sparkle and Snow Angel. Other than that, nopony else…” She pointed out. Here’s something I know I can answer.

“It’s actually a long story… Elder Clover helped me look for this place while I was confronting Discord. Also, Twilight and Angel are both my friends…” I told them.

Princess Luna, shook her head and closed her eyes in disbelief. “Wait. You’re saying that you’re the time traveler?!”

Wait. How did she know that? The two might have told them… apparently they didn’t seem to believe that mentioning my name was important or they simply forgot. Either way, the princesses knows… great! “Yes?” I answered, unsure.

“And what pray tell, can the time traveler lend that will help us now?” Luna asked sarcastically.

I thought to myself, what can I do to help them now? I mean, they got the elements to defeat Discord and all… I’m just a third party here. We’re not meant to be here nor have any reason to be here at all! So what can I do? And that’s when it hit me. Discord can do whatever he wants to a pony… literally! So that means, they’re defenseless against him when they face him. It’s like a mouse knowing water is a cat’s weakness but can’t actually hurl enough of it to leave them alone… and then they get eaten. But what’s with the metaphors and examples? Let’s get to the point!

I immediately remembered something I read about in one of my books. A unicorn’s essence can protect a certain object from any magic or substance expect water. So it could work like a shield for them… But I only have a bottle full of it! Which means, I need to use it wisely. “Your highness… If I may? Could this help you?” I took out the bottle of the unicorn’s essence.

Alright. If you’re wondering where that came from, It’s extracted from a unicorns horn. A form of condensed and synthesized magic! This is not some sort of juice, product, etc. that you can get only from ‘the rainbow factory’! If you know what I mean… No. It’s not like that… Moving on!

Princess Luna was simply staring at the bottle. Probably wondering what it was or what it does. “I read in a book that a unicorn’s essence can act as some sort of anti-magic armor when you cover the substance with it.” I explained.

Apparently, Princess Celestia and I was having a converging idea. She already knows what I plan to do with it, and thus told me. “You plan to use this as some sort of shield when facing Discord?” She presumed.

I nodded and hovered the bottle towards them. “Yes. And if you would be kind enough to use it, I wouldn’t mind”, I offered.

Princess Luna took the bottle from my hooves and levitated it above her horn to take a closer look. After a few milliseconds, she turned towards me and said, “Thank you.” Which was not something I thought she would say. And with those words, I was redeemed of my usefulness. My existence here was not for naught! It was simple yet helpful.

She then started trotting towards the exit, where a certain unicorn was waiting for her. Snow Angel… While exiting the cave, I was greeted by the princess. “You did a fair share to Equestria’s well-being, Walker. No matter what other ponies might think of you, remember that you helped save it! That’s all that matters”, Princess Celestia bequeathed to me. Nothing could make me happier right now then to know that my efforts are appreciated.

As I walk towards the exit, I noticed Twilight was missing. Apparently, Time Turner wasn’t joking about doing these things! I trotted towards Angel and asked, “Where’s Twilight?”

She looked at the two princesses and waved as they galloped their way outside. “I took her back to our camp. That way, she’ll get some rest. I came back as quick as I could soon after”, Angel explained.

Well, I didn’t expect that to be her plan of action. But it was indeed a whole lot better than leaving her alone there or carrying her down here without any idea how to bring her back up… You get the idea.

“We will need to get back as soon as possible! Every second Discord is let loose, another pony is forced to suffer!” Princess Celestia told us.

All three of us nodded simultaneously in agreement. And that was the time… that happened.


Princess Luna was the quickest to act, after a sudden strike at us. She immediately shielded us from the attack. We heard a wild giggle from above the gorge. Apparently, I already knew this pony who attacked us. And if you can guess it, you may be right.

“Is that… Time Turner?” Angel analyzed. She looked awfully closed to the figure standing above us and it was… indeed… Time Turner. Well, I saw that coming at least.

Princess Luna had apparently sustained heavy damage. It looks like she’s gonna be useless in this fight. If there is going to be one… that’s a little obvious.

“You’re lucky to avoid that… this next one will end your life!” Time Turner shouted in rage. What’s his problem?!

He then conjured up several fireballs beside him and started hurling it towards us. This isn’t even a joke anymore! I need to get serious! “Darn it, Turner!”

I took out the potion I had in my saddlebag for emergency purposes and splashed it broken at the floor! Before we knew, he stopped his endless barrage.

He looked around, clueless to his surroundings. “What the-? Where are you, WALKER!” He shouted in despair.

Angel was shielding us with Princess Celestia supporting her. She turned towards me and asked, “What. Did. you. Do?” She asked surprised and confused. Wow! I know she’s amazing but… I never knew she would see that I was the one who was responsible for this while panicking!

I showed her another bottle which had the same size, color, smell, and effect as the one I threw to the ground. “That right there is an invisibility potion! It renders ponies unaffected by it, blind to our presence… In other words, he doesn’t see us!” I explained.

Angel lowered her shield and sat quietly with a stunned eye. “And here I was gonna yell ‘Don’t use that potion!’ when it was only that… You worried me…” She said, staring at me.

I stood up, and pulled Angel up right after. “Let’s go. We have bigger matters to deal with…” I told them and both nodded.

We carried the wounded Luna and took her back with us. Angel and Princess Celestia went ahead with Princess Luna, while I stayed at the back by several meters to avoid getting attacked again. The potion I used on us would give us invisible coats for about an hour… After that, we’re in danger again. We have enough time to escape that Time Turner and get back to Discord! We can’t linger here for far too long. Nor can we waste any more time for anything else!

(Back at camp)

Several meters from the campsite, Angel suddenly stopped. “Angel, we’re almost there. Are you tired?” I asked.

The terror in her eyes was relentless. “Twilight’s not there…” She claimed, out of breathe.

“WHAT?!” Twilight’s gone?! What the hay!? TIME TURNER!!!

Angel walked towards the camp, and confirmed that there was nopony there. Her eyes were filled with regret… as were mine. He is gonna pay for this! He’s gone too far this time! “I bet Time Turner knew Twilight was here and took her by force. She’s far too weak to be walking on her own after all!” Angel guessed. I agree.

“He has… But don’t worry she’s fine…” A familiar voice said.

Far from the bushes, that voice told us and went out to show himself. It was Time Turner, although he looked different now than he did earlier. “Where’s Twilight? I can sense you’re not the Time Turner who attacked us earlier… But you still need to answer that one question!” I said to him.

He gave me bottle of what seems to be potion of deadly poison. It was emptied up… “He tried to make Twilight drink that but I manage to change the recipe a little bit. However, you will have a hard time with this new problem…” He explained.

I put down the flask and asked. “Where is she? And what sort of problem is this? Why didn’t you just save her?!” I pointed out.

He then started explaining. It was a good thing I was listening because this was gonna be important! “A pony who already went back in time, cannot meet or see another one of himself in the same time plane… Another time traveling version of himself at least. It might cause a disturbance in the fabric of time! I only went back with an incomplete version of Starswirl’s time spell because I knew one of your friends is in trouble! You’ll just have to live with that problem…” he explained. Time Turner then stopped for a few seconds to breathe and then continued. “Keep going straight… You’ll find Twilight abandoned and sleeping. Just make sure you use an invisibility spell on yourselves before approaching her. I didn’t tell you that it’s safe! And, Walker…” He addressed me.


“See you back at home! Cousin!” He then started glowing and vanished.

The princesses were confused after everything, but I think it’s only natural. Apparently, Angel couldn’t hold her thoughts and asked me. “What just happened?” She said in a very confused way.

I then started explaining everything I knew about it. “That Time Turner was the one from the future. Our own time… And the one here… Well… Let’s just say we need to be careful of him. The original Time Turner won’t comeback to time ever! So you’ll need to remember that if we meet him here, he’s as good as dead to us!”

Scratching her head, she gave a slight comment. “I’m not sure I followed you there, Walker”, She complained.

I gave an obvious sigh and turned towards the direction Time Turner told us. “Just trust me, okay? Now let’s go get Twilight!” I said to Angel as I moved forward.

The other two didn’t say a word and simply followed. The same goes for Angel after I made that final statement. So we left the camp without even resting and searched for Twilight. We couldn’t leave Princess Luna behind either it’s because not only is she weakened and unable to defend herself, she also has half of the elements of harmony! 3 to be exact…

Princess Celestia was worrying about the group because we have two weakened ponies. Other than that, were dandy! “Are you alright, my sister?” Celestia asked her.

“I will be fine! But we need to hurry! Every second we waste, Discord puts another village in the hands of destruction!” She replied.

Truth be told, he doesn’t destroy things. He simply corrupts them and- Darn it! She’s right! No time to lose! I turned to the princesses and said, “We should split up then! We’ll find our friend, while you stop Discord!” And then I took the unicorn essence out of my saddlebags and threw it to Celestia. “Take that with you, Princess! And please… Be careful!” I added.

She and Luna then took off, while Angel remained with me. It was the best plan I could come up with. And though they didn’t permanently defeat him, I think it was destined for Twilight and her friends to confront them many moons ago from the present time.

“Are you sure that was a good idea, Walker? Twilight maybe ahead already”, Angel told me.

Good thing Angel told me that, because I would never had remember what Time Turner said! “Sure… Which reminds me”, I mumbled. I then took out the last of my invisibility potions for me and Angel. This time, it was a potion we needed to drink. “Here. Drink it, not break it. As you said, Twilight might be up ahead right?” I added. I can see the deadbeat pun she was making with her face. It was telling me to stop.


(A few minutes later)

As we approached, a shadow of a unicorn was looming over us. Angel and I didn’t say a word, we already knew it was Twilight. Now, taking in the fact that we’re invisible and were just attacked, we might need to be cautious about this one. Not that there’s anything more dangerous than earlier.

I felt Angel approach me gently. She then whispered in my ear. “We should really hurry up now, Walker”, she was nagging.

“Yeah, yeah, I know! But it’s better safe than sorry!”

So, I took a pebble being very careful not to make any noise behind the bushes and threw it all the way to the opposite direction.

Twilight heard and went towards the noise’s direction. “What was that? Angel? Walker? Are you there?” She was calling out.

“I guess now it’s obvious that the pony before us is the Twilight we know…” Angel whispered sarcastically.

“Alright, Alright!”

As I approached, I felt my coat being wrapped inside a magical aura. The next thing I knew I was petrified. “Who’s there?!” Twilight gasped. She was definitely quick on her hooves. Her reaction was quicker than before… I wonder what happened.

Trying hard not admit I was scared, I answered. “It’s just me, Twilight… Temporal Walker and Snow Angel”.

“Walker, you say?” She contemplated in a doubting voice. “If you are Walker, then why are you hiding yourself?” She followed up.

She was levitating me higher up. I couldn’t even open my wings! “I took an invisibility potion to hide from our hunter! Please let go, I feel uncomfortable!”

All traces of magic faded from my coat and I fell to the ground head first. I might be a pegasus, but in a height with a disabled wing might just be anypony’s fear.

“What happened while I was out?” Twilight asked.

“I carried you all the way back to the campsite to rest after you fainted. We got attacked by a different version of Time Turner but rest assured, Princess Luna saved us” Angel walked in and explained.

“You’re invisible too? What happened to me?! Why was I here?!” Twilight was a little frantic.

“Time Turner took you and made you drink a deadly vial of poison. Apparently, we were saved in a way that’s too much to explain right now. The only problem was the side effect…” I answered.

“What side effect?”

Well this is the one question I was afraid of. “We’re… not quite sure yet. But don’t worry, we’ll try solving this problem”, I assured her.

She gave me contemplating frown. At the very same time the invisibility potion’s effect wore off. “Okay… I’ll place my trust in you for this, Walker. I feel like I owe you”, She told me.


Angel started walking away. Angel turned to us said, “We should get moving, shouldn’t we? Princess Celestia and Princess Luna might need our help”.

We trotted out of the forest and went straight to where Celestia and Luna would be.

(Several minutes later)

Apparently there was a very inconvenient field preventing us from getting to where the princesses should be. And I bet you could guess what the cause of that was…

We kept walking until we hit our heads to an invisible wall, hurting ourselves in the process. “What the hell was?!” I babied my head while complaining.
“I think it’s some king of force field”, Twilight observed. She tried touching it with her hooves but nothing happened.

Angel gazed at me, her eyes had a touch of anger. “I bet this was time turner… If not, it was Discord”, she pointed out.

Well… I know they’re a little irritating but I don’t think we can be sure of that just yet, right?


We heard a sudden sound from someplace near.

“What was that?” Angel asked.

I observed the direction of the sound. “I think it came from inside the force field”, I answered.

“Are they fighting head to head?!” Twilight frantically asked.

“I don’t think so… If that was the case, we should have heard more than just one thud”, I assured.

And then a maniacal laugh broke from inside the portal. “You’re a smart one, Walker. It was I who made that sound, and I’m here to interfere in what you’re supposedly doing!” Said a familiar voice.

Time Turner?! “Are you the one who made this barrier?!”

“(Laugh’s out loud) obviously! It’s to prevent you from ever helping Princess Celestia and Princess Luna! And to make things worse for you… I’ll be heading to where they are right now to collect the Elements…” He answered. Time Turner than galloped away to steal the Elements.

Angel turned to me with a worried look on her face. “What do we do, Walker? This force field is preventing us from entering and-”

“I KNOW!” I shouted, interrupting her in the process. “Just let me think of a solution for- THAT’S IT!” I claimed loudly as the idea popped in my head.

I took out the last potion I had brewed before giving the most important ingredient to Princess Celestia.

“Is that what I think it?” Twilight observed.

“Yes… It’s the altering potion I used when I confronted Discord. I brewed one more before anything else just to be safe”, I answered.

Angel still had a worried look. “How is that going to help us?”

Twilight tapped Angel’s flank to get her attention. “Angel, don’t you see? A very unstable unicorn magic will only mean unimaginable power! If we can somehow channel that power to attack the barrier…”

“…Then it will break! That’s true!” Angel added to Twilight’s trail of thought.

I opened up the bottle and turned to them both. “Are you guys sure you’re ready? I don’t want to end up hurting you…” I asked.

“We trust you, Walker…” Angel said.
“Just leave the rest to us!”

Hurriedly, I drank the potion and began emitting a strange glow. The way my horns grew this time was a bit different if I remember correctly…Wait, that’s not true is it? It’s the same thing as before… Subtle light particles began compiling in my forehead creating and materializing a horn. As this was happening my wings we’re simply ‘evaporating’ like a puff of cloud! As my horn began to sync with the magic inside me, a sort of shrieking can be heard… A sharp sound. And it simply stopped once my horn was complete.

There was no pain from the magic surging within, twisting my entire being. Unlike last time, not a single explosion happened, nor did it hurt when my wings we’re taken from me… I did however, started to send out electrical sparks from my horn and it was pushing me towards the ground. The pain was unbearable, the only thing I could do was resist fainting. Because if I for some reason blackout, this potion I used would be useless for I can’t send off any magic while unconscious!

I heard the mares shouting towards me. “Walker, Hang on!” I heard one of them said. Not sure who though… You can’t blame me because I can’t hear anything you know!

Suddenly, the out of control surges began gravitating towards the barrier. It was slowly breaking it like it was just an egg. When the shell cracked though, Twilight was kind enough to coat me with a protective barrier. This allowed me to remain in my form now, without getting anyone hurt from the over the top surges.

“Whew!” Twilight sighed in relief. “That’s that then!” She said.

I sat for a minute due to all the work. Angel was not happy at the least.

“What are you guys doing?! We need to catch Time Turner now!” Angel barked at us.

Twilight stood up. “She’s right. If we want to help, the least we could do is hurry this up!” She added to what Angel said.

Give me a break! At least you guys can didn’t get drained… I’m practically a dried apple here!

I said nothing, even though I had a lot of complaints. I simply stood up and nodded to both of them at once. We then started chasing after our rogue Time Turner.

(A few minutes later)

We were getting closer to where the princesses are, when a certain pony stood up to stop us.

“We finally caught up to you, Time Turner!” Angel said.

Does she have some kind of grudge with this guy? I doubt it…

Before I could lift a hoof or say anything, he sent a force wave towards our direction. (Wang!) The surge of power echoed while the force wave evaporated. To our luck, Twilight was able to produce a shield in time to save our hides.

Time Turner began cracking his neck and legs while emitting a strong aura from his horn. “It seems with her around, this would be a little hard to finish!” He muttered to himself.

He levitated several water particles from the nearby trees and produced ice spears out of them. He started raining it down towards us each. We dodge every single one but was grazed nonetheless!

“Show me what you got, Twilight Sparkle!” He provoked.

She then formed several aural swords to match with his attacks. 4 of them acted as her shield, while 6 of them kept chasing after Time Turner. They didn’t last long though because he simply dispelled them in seconds! This fight is kind of worrying…

“Twilight, don’t give up!” Angel cheered on.

I turned towards Angel, while keeping my guard up. “Can’t we help her maybe?”

“If we were somehow trained in combat, I didn’t even know Twilight knew some much technique! None of that matters though because Time Turner looks unbelievable strong!” She told me.

Yep. This little devil mastered every spell in the entire universe! (Well… a bit of an exaggeration I think but… Nonetheless!)

“I don’t think even my magic surges can stop this guy!” I commented. Yep, we’re doomed.

Twilight’s eyes were filled with despair and at the same time, determination. She was eager to stop Time Turner. Her horn began emitting a strong aura. Magical surges were pouring out little by little. Her field of magic had increased, and so was her ability to levitate anything. The out pour which she’s causing now, allowed her to channel her remaining energy to one strike. She began pulling out every tree and stone in the surrounding area and rained in towards Time Turner. This time though Time Turner was unable to dispel her magic because it was simply levitation. As a result, he was caught like a mouse in a trap.

“I may not be able to best you, but I can certainly stop you!” Twilight said and then walked away.

He knew he wouldn’t be able to stop us with Twilight around. He then produced a spark and then vanished. The lasting I remember was he glared at all of us and that was about it. Teleported someplace else maybe…

We continued to press forward. But before we knew it, there was a rainbow archway forming it the sky. This probably signaled Discord’s defeat.

We galloped towards them with all haste but the fight was definitely over. Discord was turned to stone, right in front of us and we won… Could swear this isn’t the last time we’ll see him though! We’ll be seeing more of Discord in the future. (With the exception of him getting free from imprisonment himself, because that’s likely to have already happened. Remember… We started during the Hearts Warming?)

“So it’s over already?” Twilight said in disappointment.

I turned to her and asked. “You sound disappointed. Is there something wrong?”

She scratched her head and laughed nervously. “Well… I-I was hoping to seal Discord for good this time… you know? So we won’t have to deal with him in the future”, She explained.

That was a very good reason, but… “I don’t think you’re supposed to mess with the timeline, Twilight. Even if it is for good intentions”, I told her.

“Whatever do you mean?” Princess Luna approached and asked.

“Nothing!” Twilight answered.
“Nothing!” I answered.

“You fillies seem awfully shy about a certain something…” Princess Celestia said from a far.

I laughed nervously. “It was nothing your highness… Just a minor detail!”

Angel took out a notepad and wrote something in it pretty fast and shoved it back directly to where took it. She then approached us in a seemingly royal fashion. Showing off or serious? You decide reader…

“I think we have several things to worry about than what they just said”, Angel said to the princesses.

“My apologies, Snow Angel. I didn’t mean to pry… What was it that you said needed our attention?” Celestia asked.

Angel moved a little bit to the right and showed the princesses the damages Discord caused. “The ponies of Equestria have little capability of surviving another attack from forces of darkness…” Angel explained. “Would you please help these misguided ponies rebuild their land? And tend to it once it is?” She then asked.

She was trying to convince them to stay in order for Equestria to finally receive a proper care. I was very surprised on what Angel just said that day.

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna approached Snow Angel slowly. They then turned to the setting sun which was now being controlled by the princesses. “We would be honored to rule these lands!” They answered to Snow Angel.

So… for several minutes, we just stood there watching the first sunset and moonrise from the alicorn sisters. A very momentous occasion in Equestrian history.

(A few hours later)

We went back to the unicorn village after that and headed directly to Elder Clover’s house. Every pony whom we passed by bowed down to the alicorn princesses. The respect they gave was unlike anything they’ve ever done. This was the first time they lowered their heads in a long time. Not even princess platinum’s presence is acknowledge here.

We knocked on the door of the Elder’s house, fully expecting her to be surprised but- “Welcome, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna”, Elder Clover said. She was prepared for their arrival apparently…

They talked for a bit, without our presence but after that, they were deemed ruler of the lands. I’ve headed inside to be able to talk to the elder as well.

“May I come in, Elder Clover?” I pardoned.

“You may, Walker.”

I sat down near the fire place because it was too cold outside.

“I would simply like to report my progress in the quest you’ve given me earlier…” I told her.

She sighed in disappointment. “Didn’t I say to address me as Clover, Walker? It won’t kill you to try, you know…” She pointed out. I completely forgot. “You don’t need to report anything to me, Walker. But I do think you’re here for another reason, I take it?” She added.

I took out one of my time traveling potions. “We need to brew some more of these… But I don’t have enough ingredients”, I showed her.

She giggled at the sight of the flask. “I don’t think that’s what I meant, Walker”, She pointed out. “What I meant was your magic! You still can’t control it, can you?”

I nodded in answer. “It still drains my magic until I’m as dry as a rock. I feel like I need to find a way to better control it somehow…” I pointed out.

She took several books from her shelves trying to search for something that could help me. Right about then, a blueprint fell out of the pages.

“This is it! I found an answer to your problem, Temporal Walker!” She shouted in excitement.

“Really?” I asked in disbelief.

“Yes! Come here!” She said and dragged me to the middle of the room where the blueprints were. “I plan in creating an academy somewhere… secretive. It would teach other ponies to master the magic flowing through within them. How pegasi could better control their wings… learning of advance and modern spell casting… that sort of stuff! If you would somehow like to, we could provide free access to all the facilities and training you might actually need once its complete!” She explained.

Well… it sounds tempting, but time consuming at the same time. I don’t think I could waste time in this academy.

“All you need to do is time travel here, whenever you like!” She said and smiled at me.

“Thank you for the offer, Clover. I’ll try to take it in consideration… But for now, I’d like to rest a bit!” I thanked her and stood up and started trotting towards the door.

After that conversation I had with Elder Clover, it got me thinking of the boons such a place would grant me. I’d hate to take down that offer after she bothered showing her plans to me to… So I decided to take her on her offer! I’d just like to go back to our own time first before I start writing homework…

To be continued…
End of Chapter 6

(Chapter 7) Problems

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Problems: Chapter 7


Problems arises after every minute of every day. These problems either comes from what that pony has done or hasn’t done in that particular day. It’s not my place to judge, let alone say they did any wrong… Even when doing something good, problems still persist! And that’s what I’m experiencing right now… Problems…


After talking with Elder Clover, I approached my friends to inform them of my decision. Although they didn’t seem to take it as something that can benefit anything to us. Me most of all…

“You plan on what now?” Angel repeated in confusion.

“I plan on learning about magic in the institute that Elder Clover is building in the future…” I re-explained. Scratched my forehead and closed my eyes. This is so… ugh!

Twilight wasn’t an exception in thinking this is cannot be a good idea. She looked confused about the thought. When she found her words and approached me, she gave her opinion. Sort of… “Aren’t you supposed to be doing something else? Like maybe get us back home first?” She pointed out sarcastically.

At this point… we basically repeated everything from the second paragraph to the one above this. Let’s skip to the point we start going home… I guess… (Why didn’t I start this chapter there?)

(At the moment we were just about to go home)

We went to the back of the court, a sort of ‘alley’ near the place where the unicorns practice their targeting spells. It was just a few blocks from Clover’s house yet it was still large. As it was supposed to be. We went there to make there to make a time portal back home. This was the only place where Elder Clover allowed us to do it. If we built it somewhere else, somepony might tamper with it and well, you know the rest…

I galloped as if I was tired like heck. “Let’s start making this pentacle…” I complained.

Angel was hovering around her notepad that she always carried. The one I gave her if I assume correctly. “I’m pretty sure we could proceed without it, Walker. Remember, we did it once?” She reminded.

Oh yeah… right. Wait… did we do that? Anyway… “How about you start then? As you can tell, I’m not very good with magic. So even if I did know the spell for the pentacle, I wouldn’t be able to do it!” I kept on complaining.

Angel frowned and groaned at my response as if she didn’t even want to talk. Yet she had a retort. “You could at least ask nicely!”

Angel had then started. Her horn glowed as bright as the sun yet there was no aura. The spell was definitely different from your average spell. I could say that much.

Essence of Angel’s magic was starting to form an aurora that went directly to the ground. It was like her very soul was leaking out of her horn. It was etching the pattern of a pentacle, which is the same one we use to time travel.

After a few more seconds, the spell finished and the pentacle was ready. Angel horn started losing its light. Not in an instant, but slowly over the course of several seconds.

After that little stage show, Angel glared at me. “Can you please ready the time travel potion, Walker?” Angel turned to me and said. Sure enough, it wasn’t sarcastic. I guess that’s a good thing.

I rummaged through my stuff, dug deep into my bags. Apparently I was having a bit of a problem. I had 8 potions all for different purposes ready to go. So I had a hard time looking for the time travel potion. I only had one more and hadn’t labeled it before I even brewed several more!

It took me a while but I found the potion I was looking for. Good for me? “I want to die right now due to my stupidity!” I said in humiliation as I gave Angel the potion.

She looked at it for a few moments and gave me a response. “At least you found it, right?” She said.

I couldn’t boast for what little was left of my pride. Due to the fact of me being a potion expert, you could at least expect me to leave a label! “Forgive me for being blunt, but you’re missing the point!” I pointed out. My ego bursted out for a little bit when I referred to myself. “I’m at least as organized as Twilight when it comes to these things! To think this is what I’m good at but still lacking certain skills!” I added.

Twilight whistled in awkwardness, and then addressed us. “Walker, Angel… Let’s finish up, shall we? We need only spare a few more moments until we’re done”, Twilight reminded.

I turned to Twilight’s and replied. “Be there in a sec.” And then I turned to Angel. “Sorry, but I just feel a bit discourage by such trivial thing as a label to be forgotten…” I told her.

“Don’t be so hard on yourself. If you happen to forget, it’s not a problem! You didn’t do it on purpose!” She cheered.

“Sure…” I said and then proceeded towards the side. “You can throw the bottle now, Angel”, I said in a somber voice.

She threw the potion in the pentacle and then it did all the rest. There was something different though… When the time portal started forming, or rather finished, it lit up red and no other color. I didn’t know if it was something different or something bad, but it was off!

The two on the other hoof, didn’t seem to care. Not that I’m complaining but it just wasn’t right. Either way, we proceeded.

Twilight approached the time portal and headed in. “I’ll be the first to go through, you two follow me when I enter, okay?” Twilight insisted and then continued on.

Angel went in after Twilight seconds later. Before I could follow though, I was interrupted. Elder Clover strolled in to bid us farewell.

She was hovering a piece of parchment. “I guess I should be glad that I made it in time…” Clover said. “I forgot to give you this”, she hovered in front of me.

I took the parchment the Elder was levitating. It was some sort of map which had a mark of several areas in Equestria. One was stand out, because it had an X marked in it. All the ones left were circles.

“Thank you, Clover. But what is it?” I inquired.

She grabbed it and laid it on the ground. “It’s a map of the academy I plan on building several moons from now. All the circled ones however are the sight of earth ponies and pegasi villages”, she answered and then folded the parchment and returned it to me. “And uh… Purity Spring and Fireheart blaze left me message. They told me to tell you ‘see you soon, we’ll meet again quicker than you think. Even quicker for you’.” She added. I imagine she meant me time traveling there…

The time portal was still open, I went to stand near it and waved back at her to say good bye. “See you soon as well, Elder!” I bid farewell, and continued to follow my friends who went in before me.

After entering the portal, I was met by a sudden cold breeze… My coat was filled with the feeling of frostbite. I tried to endure it and continued to press on.

(Several minutes after entering the portal)

It was cold when I went through the portal, but it was scorching after I came out.

The ground was dry, lava filled the dents on the ground. There was fire everywhere, and every cloud in the sky is changed to smoke… I saw no water, no grass, no trees, and no nothing. The air was definitely dense than the usual. This was definitely not our time.

I looked around hoping to find Twilight and Angel, but there was no pony around. I knew this because I was calling out to them with all might. “How am I expected to search for them in a place like this? This just became another problem…” I told myself.

From the looks of it, it felt like we’re inside an active volcano. But apparently, the sky stretches as far as the normal one does, so I don’t think this is even remotely close to the underground, or something like that.

I began wondering if there was any living creature within that timeline. “Is anypony there?” I bellowed and then right after, something passed from behind me. “What was that?!” I turned quickly but found no sign of life.

Just then something cooed from behind me. It felt like I was glued in the ground and I was shaking like there was an earthquake. I turned around only to find a phoenix. It was trying to get my attention.

“Hello there… who are you?” I asked but didn’t seem to be able to answer my question. Probably because it can’t speak…

So I tried asking a different question, one of which the creature could probably answer. “Have you seen anypony else around here?” This time, it nodded. “Oh thank Celestia!” I exclaimed.

“Do you know where I can find them?” I asked.

The phoenix pointed its wings eastwards of my current direction. I found a spire towering from a far, which looked very intimidating if you asked me. “Is that the place they went?” I turned to it and asked.

It was a little confused how to answer the question in a way I could understand. But then it simply nodded. Darn! I wish Fluttershy was here.

“Thanks!” I was grateful for its help. It then flew towards me and sat on my back. “Did you want to come along?” I asked again.

It simply cooed in response. “Heh. I’ll take that as a yes then”, I said to myself and started galloping towards the towering spire in a travelling fashion.

(Several hours passed)

The trek was not a quick one but I got there alright. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. It was like a dark fortress… It towered way up in the sky until I couldn’t see it any longer. It probably higher than the center mountain in Equestria. Just to my luck, there we’re two guards at the front entrance. And to my surprise… They were… alicorns? Just what the heck is going on here?!

I went into hiding amongst the rubble. It was high enough to hide several ponies so I wouldn’t have any problem. I couldn’t help but feel like there was something off about the place. We apparently made our trip back to our time the wrong way. Which set us back here… or to this place.

The two guard quickly saluted, there was a caravan coming from a far in a quick speed but not fast enough to break the sound barrier. I was either horrified or awestruck from what I saw. A moving skeleton of a unicorn… two of them, pulling the wagon. My mind first brought up Angel and Twilight, which got me thinking they got killed. But my companion at the moment told me that they headed this way, which happened before I got here so I don’t think it’s them. False alarm.

I was more surprised of the fact that they could travel that fast even though they don’t have wings!

The guard spoke to the pony inside the caravan. “Welcome back, your highness”, he greeted.

Apparently it was a royalty of some kind. “Are our new friends treated nicely?” the pony asked. It sounded like a mare.

The guard nodded. “Yes, your highness. We didn’t even bother locking them up”, he answered and then gave a grin.

“Great. Just make sure to do the same for our eavesdropping friend here…” She stated.

“Eavesdropping wha-? Oh… shit! It’s me she’s talking about! I better run!” I panicked. Before I could act though, the other guard was already on my back. He caught my feathery companion and bashed me on the head, knocking me unconscious.

(Sometime later)

I woke up, feeling dazed. My head was spinning like a top. My vision was blurry but I kept calm. Maybe it was due to the thought of having to help my friends. Miracles do happen sometimes when you have determination.

I turned to my right, in which case found nopony. I turned to my left and saw a familiar one… Same coat as the one I always see, black with a purple mane. He was reading a book which title was ’75 everyday spells’. I could make it out because it was popular in most of the major cities in Equestria for several years.

I was sure that I was inside the spire, but the room I was in made me believe otherwise. The dark fortress, from the outside, was made up of obsidian and black bricks. The inside, however, looked as if it was made of tiles and quartz. It was more advance architecture than the modern ones in manehattan. Advance in the way of building design, at least.

Leveling with my condition, the pony beside me stopped reading. He then directed his attention to me. “You awake, dude?” he asked.

Somehow, that statement made me think of his inconsiderate behavior. I stood up and simply sat on the bed. “That’s an understatement you jerk! You could have at least help me!” I answered in anger.

He brought my bag up to the desk which was just beside me. “If I were to help you, where do you think that would leave me? You’re in way over your head you know. I’m not being inconsiderate but the fact that you’re here states that you failed to follow instructions… Am I right?” He inquired.

“Yep”, I answered in a deadpan.

He took out my some papers with a map and notes. “You’re supposed to draw the pentacle. And then simply put the crystal orb that I gave you in it”, He explained.

He started being serious. “This is the destroyed time… It’s where every pony in existence now came from. This is the place where time originates… Don’t make me explain because I won’t be able to answer. It’s a mystery to me too”, he kept explaining.

Destroyed time? “So what are you doing here?” I asked him. He’s just full of mystery as ever I see.

He turned his face away from me. “It’s a bit complicated… Let’s just say I was one of them and let’s leave it at that for now… You’ll have better understanding of what’s really happening here later, cousin”, He answered.

“Time Turner… You’re very selfish right from the start! What’s your reason for being ‘one of them’ if you are even?!” I barked at him.

His face turned gloomy. “Trying to save a friend… I fear it’s hopeless for her though. But it’s not for your friends, Walker!” He told me. “When you can walk after several minutes, meet your friends and get out of here! Their at the 2nd floor’s private chambers”, he said and then walked out.

Without a word, he didn’t even wait for me to finish. “Time Turner wait- Moron!”

(After several minutes)

I was able to rest up and was ready to get going. I kind of wonder how I can get out of here though.

I took my bags, and the items Time Turner left at the desk out earlier. I strapped them beside my wings with a belt I found inside one of the cabinets. I did that because the guard TORE my strap earlier. “Where am I supposed to go now?” I told myself.

I was surprised, my feathered friend was just outside the room perched on a stand right next to the door. Either he got away, or simply stayed there. To an end of which both leads to it staying with me.

“Hey, you’re okay!” I said. “I should really give you a name… how about Philomena?” I suggested. It then cooed loudly, even started pecking my forehead. “If it makes you that violent, Philomena it is!” I stated.

Philomena then glided and perched on my back. We continued on…

The place was so much different from the outside. It was even more beautiful than the castle back in Canterlot. It had gems stones set on every stone in the wall, more chandeliers and white ceilings. The hall’s floor was solid gold too!

We suddenly found ourselves on an intersection in the halls. Philomena, again, pointed eastwards of my direction. Does this bird live here?

I turned towards that direction and found an odd looking contraption. It was like a pulley, but there was no one pulling it. Most of its parts were concealed behind the metals. And the amount of weight it can carry looked like it was able to lift a ton! More than, even.

I stepped into the contraption. There were several odd looking crystal which looked more like glass, which was glowing. There were numbers too. I think these are buttons.

“Let’s see here… what the heck is this?!” I asked.

Philomena cooed, she pointed at the crystal with the number two etched on it. “Number 2?” I asked Philomena just to be certain. She kept pointing at it anyway. “Oh! 2nd floor! This must be some kind of elevation device that can take you higher just by a click of these labels! This is awesome stuff…” I said to myself.

I touched the label and it clicked. The door suddenly closed and then I started moving up. To this fashion, I was practically clueless. Not a single thing in this place makes so much sense!

The elevating contraption was howling in a way like how a blacksmith makes a sword. Sounds of train horns can be heard from below the contraption as well. Weird. After that, the door that suddenly closed when I clicked the button earlier opened, but now I was in a different floor.

We found ourselves in front of a pegasi landing pad, or port for the pegasi. “It’s like a port only… an ‘air’ port”, I stated.

Philomena slapped my face with her wings. “Sorry for the bad pun… Let’s just get going”, I said to her and then kept walking.

When I arrived at the private chambers, there were several doors in the hall, each labeled above it differently. I tried opening every door but all were locked. Until one of them opened up on its own by coincidence.

Creaking sounds were coming from the door, two rooms away from me. Two mares were conversing from behind.

“-We need to find - to be able to get back to our – Maybe if we go downstairs there’s an exit!” One of them said.

“How do we do that? There are no stairs - ere! Let’s just look in the – rooms first!” The other one suggested.

The voices sounded similar. “Looks like we just found the girls, Philomena!” I claimed.

I trotted towards them, and I didn’t like what happened next. “Hey guys! You’re -”

“Guard!” Twilight said.

“Guard!” Angel said.

They startlingly shouted. Their horns lit up and then they continuously shot out magic bolts on us. “Crap!” I shouted and started running back to look for cover. Philomena kept dancing in the air. All the while dodging the attacks. “Hey! It’s Temporal Walker! Are you trying to kill your own friend?!” I shouted loudly. The barrage then stopped. They were basically drained.

“W-w-aalker?!” Angel said, trying to catch her breath.

“This is an unexpected surprise, how’d you managed to find us?” Twilight asked.

Philomena then landed on my back and sat. “I had help from my friend here…” I answered. Philomena then cooed, feeling proud of herself.

“A phoenix?”

“A phoenix?”

“Yep. Her name is Philomena… She’ll be coming with us from now”, I told them while I was petting the bird.

“Philome…na? Am I hearing this correctly?” Twilight paused.

She seemed pretty anxious about the bird. “Yes. Something wrong?” I asked.

“N O T H I N G”, she said in a very slow, yet loud tone.

Angel suddenly giggled. Surely she knows the reason why Twilight’s like this. “Don’t look at me!” Angel said.

(Sigh) My friends are the worst liars ever!

Getting back to the matter at hoof, we had to get out of there, and fast! “Hurry draw the pentacle Twilight! I do not want to be stuck here for longer than I have to!” I told her.

She then started burning through the golden floor and etched a pentacle. I heard footsteps of guard closing in on us from every direction. I placed the crystal orb in the middle of the pentacle before any guard spotted us. “There! Work!” I said hastily.

“There they are! Don’t let them escape!” Several guard spotted us and called on more to come.

Finally, the time portal opened up. “Get in guys!” I told them in hurry. Philomena quickly dived through. Angel and Twilight went in and followed. After that, it was my turn.

I started trotting as quickly as possible towards the portal. “I’ll be taking this crystal ball!” I claimed and then grabbed it. Just before the portal closed, I managed to get through.

(Back in our own time)

It wasn’t like any time travel before. Now I was awake. And it didn’t took too long either. But apparently, problems still persist.

Angel turned to me, she was had a shocked look in her face. “Uh… Walker… We have a problem”, She said.

I approached and saw Twilight… Down… She was dizzy and wobbly even as she was sitting. She wasn’t dead, but she felt like dead. “Twilight?”

At first, I figured it was just a side effect of the time traveling. But then, I thought that, if I didn’t even feel anything, it would be very surprising at the least if she even got sick!

“Philomena? What are you doing here? Walker? Angel? Where am I?” Twilight kept asking one question at a time.

“Twilight, I-” I interrupted Angel.

It felt off so I decided to handle it. “Don’t. Let me…” I told her.

Twilight looked like she had a migraine but other than that she looked fine. Unless… “Twilight, do you remember what happened after we took you outside to chillax with me and Angel?” I asked casually.

“Wha-?!Walker!” Angel was frantic.

“Shush you! I’ll handle this!” I quieted her down.

Twilight was trying to think hard. “No… what happened? I can’t remember anything”, Twilight responded.

“As I thought”, I murmured. “Twilight, you hit yourself with a rock. You were transfiguring it for me as a present but ended up too much for you. The spell backfired and a pebble hit you right in the forehead. Then you were knocked unconscious…” I said. She seemed to have taken what I said seriously.

It seems she had lost all the memory she had of the past. Just like that… I better do something in the meantime to calm her down a bit. Or at least help her in some way. “We’ll take you home, Twilight. Just be sure not to topple over”, I said to her then helped her up.

“Okay…” She tiredly answer.

Both Angel and I assisted her in getting home, carrying her in my back while Angel helped with the weight with her magic. We didn’t have to go through town because we were near the edge of ponyville, and it would simply cause panic. When we got there, we took Twilight back to her bed. Spike was curious as heck as to what happened to Twilight. I understand that at the least… We sat in the kitchen, started explaining in it full detail as much as we could.

(Several minutes later)

“So that’s what happened. She can’t remember anything though…” Spike told himself.

“We’re still a bit curious why Twilight ended up forgetting everything we did!” I claimed. Furious and angry.

“I think I could shed some light in this situation!” A familiar voice said from outside the front door.

Well would you look at that. “Mister Mystery has arrived”.

Angel stood up and opened the front door, the look on her eyes says it all. She still doesn’t trust him. “Time Turner, mind explaining us now what’s happening to Equestria? This looks like it’s a whole lot bigger than a simple ‘Timeline fixing’ job”, I inquired.

He had a look in his eyes. He was ready to tell the whole story, but was practically having a hard time deciding how to tell it to us. “Alright. I’ll tell you everything other than my involvement, deal?” He said to me.

He already knew what I was after the most. I suppose I can’t let the opportunity slip by though. “You know how to bargain, cousin. Deal”, I agreed.

He took out his diary. The cover of the book itself was odd, and the mechanics how it works are differed. I couldn’t really understand it. “I have to start from the very beginning first. Feel free to use the bathroom now, this is gonna be a long story!” He said and then began.

“The course of the world was different from what it is now. If we let everything do its thing, you could be certain we’ll end up at the bottom of the abyss!

“Mercenaries from all over time we’re gathered to the destroyed timeline, to work with a certain pony. That pony, needless to say, was said to control everything from behind the scenes. Discord’s appearance, King Sombra’s dark magic… all of this wouldn’t happen without them. They did this to eradicate other timelines. With the ultimate goal to fix the destroyed time. Which in turn will simply reset every other timeline to the way it was… although, no life would exist…

“It wasn’t that simple of course. Mercenaries tend to refuse, creating panic which results to retaliation. So the pony behind it all ‘influenced them’ to be much more open to suggestion. I think I don’t need to explain when I say… mind control. The organizations name which is pulling the strings is ‘Orpheus’.

“When they come into play, you’ll be certain a never ending series of events will never cease to exist! Their goal is to destroy time in more ways than one… Wreaking havoc, and then going back in time to do it all over again. It upsets the balance of the space-time continuum.

“Don’t even think of trying to stop them. Doing so would be unwise… Their monsters from the outside through their very souls. I couldn’t even believe so many Alicorn existed!

“I joined up for my own reasons. I was played at by the… that certain pony. So I quitted… The pony you fought was me from the past, Walker. That kind of skill only comes from a pony with a purpose. That purpose will remain hidden though. As far as you noticed the pony in charge of the Orpheus is so skilled that she’s practically unbeatable! If you ever face her in combat though, don’t kill her. You’ll have a reason why if you face her.”

Hmm… this all sounds sketchy. I think we’re missing a few clues for this. I don’t think we can jump to conclusion with other things. “Why would they try to restore the destroyed time?” I asked.

“I don’t know but I think I may have a theory… That timeline is and in all facts, the future of Equestria. Our home world. She’s destroying the probabilities of it happening by destroying other timelines.

“For you see, these timelines are simply alternate universe’s. If you destroy the probabilities of this happening in a particular timeline, it won’t happen to other timelines”, he explained.

As of now, my theories are self-contradictory. I still wanted to share it. “But what if the probability of it happening is the fact that she’s destroying other time lines?” I suggested.

Time Turner scratched his horn. “As of the moment. I’m not sure what’s what anymore. I’ll just go with the flow from here on out! You’ll understand that it’s better that way than understanding these things”, he said. “Now about Twilight…” He added.

(A few hours later)

Time Turner came up with a way to solve the problem with Twilight’s memories. He told us that whenever she gets to travel to different timelines, her memory of the past, goes back to normal. The side effect in itself is questionable… It feels like the author is playing with me. The problem is, how are we going to convince her to come with us every time we go time traveling? It’s a real problem if you ask me!

We were upstairs at Twilight’s bed. Trying to fix her ‘memory’ problem.

I turned to Time Turner, he was holding something very peculiar. “What’s that for?” I asked.

“This is something called a stigma”, he answered.

A wha-? “A stigma? What the heck is that for?” I questioned.

Time Turner held the stigma in his hoof and set it on Twilight’s body. It the melted and went inside her coat. “This helps you call your friend when the need arises. She’ll be dreaming within this time for the moment until you get her to cross timelines. And when she crosses, she’ll return to normal… memories and all”, he explained.

I was confused, but that didn’t sound good, especial for dear old Twilight. “So it control’s her?” I inquired.

“Aren’t you listening? She comes to your aid when the need arises! She won’t remember anything afterwards. You’ll be interacting with a different Twilight in this timeline. Don’t worry about her noticing anything strange when she comes back here though, I got Spike to cover for you. And certain spell to slow down time here so you can get back earlier”, He explained. He only made it more… indirect.

Okay… my head’s spinning like a top, but I think I get it. “So, how would we call her? And can we not call her?” I asked.

“You just need to open up your time portal and she’ll be there. It’s a simple censor. And yes you’re allowed not to. Just tell her to stay here, and she’ll go back where she came from”, He answered.

He makes it sound like Twilight’s a machine. If I remember correctly, it’s his fault this all happened, right?

“Is something wrong, Walker?” Angel turned to me and asked.

I shook my head. “Nothing. I just feel sorry for Twilight”, I said. “I mean, if you had this kind of problem. Would you undergo this sort of thing just to help me?” I added.

Angel hits my head with her notebook like a soft tap. “Of course I would! Why would you think I’ll abandon you? I’d risk my life for you, because we’re friends!” She answered.

“That statement was a bit overboard, don’t you think?” Time Turner said.

“Not really…”

After several more minutes, we took off from the library and went straight for Canterlot. We gathered necessities for my new quest (sort of…) at the market and hurried to catch the last train for the day. Along the way we saw Fluttershy returning from a trip.

(At the station)

Angel went to the booth to get our tickets for the train while Time Turner and I waited at the platform. Our current objective is ‘training in magic’. Only place for that is the academy Clover is making.

“Don’t you think it’s a little silly?” Time Turner asked.

“What is?” I inquired.

“Well… You’ll be learning all about magic. Even though you never actually controlled this power, their willing to teach you”, he said. “Just a reminder that this place is for professionals only. Am I right to assume?”

“Yep. It’s for the best of the best. A school of the elite”, I commented.

Our conversion was cut short, Angel already returned from buying at the time. Not that it’s going to be that long though.

Angel turned her gaze at both of us. Confused and dismayed. “What? Did I do something?”

“Yes”, He said.

“Yes” I said.

(At the train)

After boarding the train, we went straight to the car where the rooms were located. It was already pass the afternoon when we boarded the train. This means it would take us overnight just to get to Canterlot.

Angel went to her own car while Time Turner and I went to our separate one. We laid down our bags on the seats beside the windows.

As I was fixing up my potion bag, I thought I’d ask him something I was curious about. “Hey, dude, do you know what the academy’s called?”

He was lying on his back on one the opposite seat. He turned his gaze to me and answered, “Starswirl’s Academy, I think it was called. It’s a secret to everypony… Only a few dozen ponies were hoofpicked to be students. Its existence never even appeared in books.” How come you know it then?!

His answer got me thinking. “Why? They seem so cut-offed from Equestria…” I commented.

“Just ask Clover when you get there, she’ll answer all your questions”, He suggested. Well, that’s also a plan. I guess it wouldn’t hurt me for a tour.

After finishing up my work, I went out of our car and started galloping around. I was getting tired of sitting around waiting to get there. There were a couple of meals prepared in the mid-car so I went there. To my surprise, Angel was there. I’m saying this because she never leaves her car whenever we’re on a trip. And I was also betting on the reason we handled the last train we rode carelessly.

I approached and took a plate. I grabbed some hay-fries and some cucumber sandwiches and then went to where Angel was to grab some water.

She looked as if she was looking for somepony. And then she noticed I was out and about and turned to me. “Careful. If the train suddenly stopped, that food will stuff your face on its own”, Angel warned me.

I gave a small smile. “I’ll be sure to catch it then!” I replied. Have to admit, that thought is not dumb at all.

After Angel finished gathering her meal, she levitated something that resembled some coins rapped in a garment which was tied at the tips. “Here’s a present for you, Walker. Be sure not to eat all of it in one go…” She said, gave me her present, and then ran back to her car like a humiliated dog.

I opened the present. Inside were 4 pieces of chocolate cookies, which looked rather delicious if I say so myself! But I was left in a comma of confusion. So I went back to Time Turner if he had any idea what it was for. I doubt Angel would simply give me cookies just because she wants to! We don’t even have time for that right now.

Time Turner turned to the car door. “Cookies, huh? I bet it’s because its hearts and hooves day…” He replied.

“Hearts and hooves? What does that holiday have to do with me?” I asked.

He seemed pretty pissed about the way I answered. “Sweet Celestia! You’re so clueless! She likes you!” He shouted.

When he uttered those words, my cheeks were wrapped in the prettiest shade of red. “Angel… Likes… Me?” I said in a slow yet monosyllabic phrase.

Time Turner shook his head in humiliation. “I bet you didn’t even notice this…How long has she been a gruff?” He asked. He had that ‘I SHIP IT!’ face while asking too.

I thought back to my past, wondering the first days we were together and remembered the day she changed all of a sudden. “I think it was about 3 years since we first met. That was 5 years ago, she just started hating me like she was my own mother or something! Always angry too” I explained.

His expression was blank. “Wow. She endured that long? Maybe doesn’t need any help after all… But you sure need it!” He shouted at my face pointing his hooves right up my nose.

I raised my hoof trying to stop him from getting too angry. “Whoa! Dude! Calm down! I just didn’t know that she’s… you know…”

He turned his gaze towards the window. “Bah! Take care of your own problem, cousin! She’s your mare…”

Embarrassed, I was being denial. “M-M-my wh-wha-what?!?!” I kept stuttering.

(Later that night)

The moon was towering over us, high above the sky… Yet I couldn’t sleep and it was already pass 3 am. I wish Princess Luna could simply lull me to sleep! I had a lot in my mind, one of them topping up the others. My problem with Angel.

I couldn’t help but think about her, yet I didn’t know what to feel towards her. Maybe I could simply pretend to be ignorant as usual? No! I couldn’t do that to my best friend! But that’s just it, she’s my friend! I can’t let her feel that way towards me, not anymore anyway.

Unable to sleep, I went out to the mid-car to get a drink. I was caught-off guard when I saw Angel wandering the train. Moonlight hitting her coat like the wind, revealing her face. I hid behind one of the curtains, and closed the window’s blind that was beside me.

Feeling out of place, I started to think questionably. “What am I even doing out here?!” I whispered angrily to myself.

After several minutes, she went back to her car. I went out of hiding and proceeded to get some water. Apparently, my timing was bad. She wasn’t finish…

She approached near me, yet I was unable to feel her presence. “Walker?” She said, as all the hair in my coat and mane stand.

I turned and then laughed nervously. “A-Angel! What are you doing out here?!” I asked as if I knew nothing.

“I couldn’t sleep. I’m frankly more excited than you to see the academy!” She answered, looking out the window.

All my nervousness went away, and I was more confused than ever. “Really? I thought it was because of…”

Interrupting me, she began to follow. “Because of what?” She asked.

“Nothing!” I denied.

After another hour of talking like complete idiots, we went back to our cars and went to rest.

(The next morning)

Outside our transport lied our home town, which we haven’t seen in quite some time. Especially since I didn’t even went back to the headquarters after leaving. The sun was up for about 2 hours now, which makes it 8 am. We proceeded to check on Angel’s house first. And mine if we had time.

Ponies were busy as usual. Still early, yet all of them preparing their shops for customers who might pass by.

On the way, we saw a familiar face, Moon Dancer. Usually not up and about during the day. I guess, during this time of the morning was an exception. “Hi Moon Dancer! It’s been a long time!” I greeted in a friendly manner.

Sadly, she didn’t look too interested to chat. She was reading a book, and wasn’t turning her gaze anywhere else. “Hey”, she replied in a condescending tone.

She kept walking in the opposite direction, and was gone from our sights before I could speak another word. “Okay… Bye!” Angel shouted to her.

“Uh-huh”, she blatantly said.

Time Turner turned his gaze from me to her. “What’s her problem?” He asked.

I was trying to be considerate while telling him the truth at the same time. “She’s uh… been angry with a friend, ever since she left from town. Never talked to anypony since”, I explained.

Although, I think he already knew. “Let me guess, Twilight?” He commented.

Angel and I turned our eyes towards each other. “That’s… correct…”

Considerate enough, he held himself back. “Don’t worry, I won’t pry”, he said and kept on walking.

(At Angel’s house)

Outside, you can see a mailbox full of letters from friends. Beside it said ‘Misty Blizzard and Snow Angel’ both the home owners of the establishment. The door’s knob and knocker was old fashioned.

We knocked on the door, fully expecting a voice say ‘come in!’ didn’t happen. The door opened and… Her mother was… furious. Let’s just leave it at that. Angel has been gone for quite some time now. I would imagine her mother worrying like heck!

Like a steam, she started. “WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!” Misty Blizzard kept barking.

“Uh… Mom? We have 2 guess… I’ll explain it to you, don’t worry?” Angel was pointing out, embarrassed by her mother’s reaction.

Noticing our new companion, Mrs. Blizzard tried to be polite. “Oh! You’re a friend of these two? Come in please!” She was speaking to Time Turner.

“Cousin, Ma’am. And I’ve only been acquainted with Snow Angel for about a day or two”, he said.

“Where were you foals?! I’ve been worried sick! And Walker! Your mother is also looking for you!” Mrs. Blizzard pointed out. Crap…

As if he knew what he was doing, Time Turner tried to reason with her. “They were invited to my school to study there for a couple of months. Maybe about 3? We stopped by hoping to get some supplies before we hit the road. And to get permission from you”, Time Turner explained. Shit! That was so close!

“Hmm… Sounds reasonable enough. However, this young lady couldn’t help but not tell me about any of this!” She pointed her hoof towards Angel.

She laughed nervously. “I was only trying to be considerate of my friends… ” She reasoned.

“I think we need to have a long talk, Snow Angel”, her mother said.

So, giving them privacy, Time Turner and I decided to go out. We went out to eat and check on some other things. We managed to find a nice little restaurant which served the best sweets in the city. It had the name ‘Sweet Tea’ in its sign. My cousin seemed to enjoy the idea of eating in such a fine establishment. So we went inside and ordered about 2 or 3 meals each. After eating, we left a tip and left the building more than satisfied.

(Later the afternoon)

After eating, we went to visit my house, where my mother was waiting. She wasn’t ‘as’ paranoid as Mrs. Blizzard... at the least.

I knocked on the door, greeting me was a mare with a white coat and gray mane. My mother, Dusk Trotter. When I first met Angel, my mother was the first pony that went through my mind. At least that’s what I remember now.

With a cheerful smile, she greeted. “I’m so glad you’re back, son! We wanted to look for you, but we heard everything from Spitfire. We didn’t bother!” My mother said. I’m assuming she meant Angel’s mom and her, otherwise she just meant the royal ‘we’.

I laughed nervously, thinking of the kind of things Spitfire said to my mother. “Thanks, I guess…” I replied. And a thought hits my mind in a flash. “Wait a minute, she believed everything I said to her?!” I asked my mother.

She looked as if she was confused. “What do you mean? She said you had to patrol the borders for several days because of the recent reports of changeling activities”, she explained.

Spitfire, lied to my mother?! Why would she do that? I turned to the only pony who could know the answer. He just winked at me and left it at that.

So, I played along. “Yeah! I didn’t want to worry you, so I thought she’d lie to you”, I reasoned.

She had given me a graceful smile. “No need for that!” She said. She then took out a gift box from behind the coach. “Take this. It’s from a ‘friend’ of yours”, she pointed out.

“Who?” I asked.

She simply giggled. “You already know the answer to that, son!” she teased me.

We then left to pick up Snow Angel from her house. To think my mother wouldn’t be much of a problem. She didn’t worry too much, which is a huge help to our current situation. I still have a time limit to fulfill to Spitfire or else I’m out.

(At Angel’s house)

As we were heading in, we found ourselves being confronted by Misty Blizzard.

“Walker!” She shouted at me. I felt like my neck was on a noose.


“I leave you in charge of Angel until you return!” Misty Blizzard told me.

I felt a torn leave my chest. I turned to Angel. “What all this about?” I asked her.

“She’s a bit worried I might do something that might worry her. So she wanted some pony to oversee my action”, she explained.

“That’s it? Well then, don’t worry Mrs. Blizzard! As long as I’m around, I’ll watch, serve, and protect her! Pinkie promise!” I said in words true and sincere.

She nodded, and simply waved us off. Angel was all set to go, so walked out the building. We headed straight for the palace labyrinth.

(On the way)

“That was a tiring day, don’t you think, Walker?” Time Turner pointed out.

I shook my head. “I was really looking forward to more galloping around town. I don’t usually stay cooped up in just a few establishment whenever I’m here”, I replied.

“To each his own it seems”, He commented.

Angel looked a little… off, for some reason. I approached her as we walked and asked her about it. “What’s wrong?”

She had a dismissive look on her face. “It’s nothing!” And then turned gloomy all of a sudden. “Did you find my mother… irritating or something?” She asked us.

With synchronization, Time Turner and I both shook our heads. Knowing our silly timing, we smiled at each other. “We think your mother is lovely and caring. I’m sure Time Turner would agree, right?”

He simply nodded in response. “You shouldn’t be ashamed of her, acting that way or not. If you love her, it doesn’t really matter”, Time Turner said.

Angel started hitting her own horn with her hoof. “I such an idiot!” She said in humiliation. Pride is everything to friends. I imagine I know how she feel right now. I heard even a friend of Twilight’s had the same problem not too long ago.

“I’ll get over it”, she said as she straightened her face. “Let’s get going!”

After a few more minutes of walking, we’ve arrive at the pentacle. Seeing it again made me think of the first time we time traveled, which wasn’t that long ago to be blunt.

I took out the potion we needed to use. “I wish this time, we don’t wonder off someplace we don’t know!”

I swung my hoof and flung the potion. When it had hit the ground, it broke to pieces like a crumbling hollow-block. Creating a noise of several glass breaking. “Reminds me so much the first time you did it, Angel”, I commented.

The rift begins to open, a magnificent castle loomed in the portal’s image. It had a banner of a white unicorn stallion whose beard was longer than his mane. I took the first step in, and the other’s followed.

(Several minutes later)

We found ourselves right back where we came from. There was still the pentacle in the middle of the labyrinth. Although, it did felt a little off…

I turned towards Time Turner to ask where we were. It didn’t felt like Canterlot, but it was the same place. “Where are we?” I asked.

He turned his gaze up the mountain. “Canterlot. Technically speaking, the past of Canterlot… This was the place mentioned to be the entrance to the academy”, he explained.

As if leveling with the current situation, a friend came to greet us. Approaching from one of the paths.

“It’s been a long time, Temporal Walker…”

To be continued…

End of Chapter 7

(Chapter 8) Academe

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Academe: Chapter 8


A great innovation of ponykind. Ever since we shared our knowledge from generation to generation, we started to advance in more ways than one. I think its equine nature to have shared these knowledge with our foals and families. Ponies were somehow blessed with the ability to evolve differently from other creatures in Equestrian history. But enough about that…

I always was the nerdy type in class. Always going to class, getting good grades, knowing what I needed to do… I’m very active, never lazy nor tardy. But I’m no Twilight… I just try to keep up with my studies. And I was more serious when I got to flight camp. This however, is… slightly different.

We turned our gaze and saw a pony with an azure mane, like Angel’s horn glow. And a lime coat with a cutie mark of an underground spring. I thought for a moment and then remembered who she was. If it took a little longer, she would think of me as a ‘bad friend’. If I remember correctly, her name is Purity Spring. I couldn’t keep track of all the ponies I meet because I could only remember so much.

I waved to greet and said hello, then approached with my friends at both sides. “Nice to see you again, Purity Spring!” I told her.

She was wearing a rather odd clothing. She was wearing something formal with a bowtie and a vest that resembled starswirl the bearded.

“Do you know how long it’s been since we last met?” She asked.

Angel was thinking out loud at the same time. “If I remember correctly…” She said. “Yes… It’s been… 5 years, right?” She answered.

Purity Spring nodded and smiled. “The school’s been finished for about 3 years now. Elder Clover is our headmistress, everypony here now calls her, Mistress Clover!” She explained.

I laughed at the thought. “I bet it didn’t even appeal to her one bit!” I chortled. “By the way, Purity”, I added. “Are you a student here too?” I asked.

She had a confused expression, it was understandable because I haven’t really explained why yet. “Yes… Why do you ask?” She responded.

Then I explained my concern. “It’s because you’re an earth pony, how come you’re here?” I pointed out.

When she answered that question, all my other next questions were answered as well. “This school isn’t just for magic, it’s where you learn all kind of skills!” She answered, and then showed us the magnificent castle which would be Canterlot just beyond the labyrinth. “Speaking of which, Mistress Clover wanted to see you”, She added.

I was petrified when she said. “She’s expecting us, today?!” I pointed out.

She simply nodded. Angel was no exception, she had the same reaction as I. “That’s impossible. How do you know we were Time Traveling in this specific date?” She asked.

Purity Spring giggled for a moment and then answered. “We didn’t”, she said. We were more confused. “What Mistress Clover did was… to assign one student to be on the lookout, here in the labyrinth, of everyday until you guys arrived!” She explained.

I feel like a VIP right now. My friends included. Enough about that though… “Why don’t we head to Clover now? I don’t know about you, but we came here from a timeline which sun was already setting. That means, we need a rest”, I told Purity Spring.

She smiled and turned, then proceeded to bring us out of the maze. The sun was still high up that day in that timeline, it would have been nice if it were the same time!

(At the castle)

I never stepped hoof inside Canterlot Castle before, I only received my orders from the barracks so I never get to go inside. Plus the Grand Galloping Gala is so grandiose for my taste, I never go there even to mingle. This time however, this Castle is simply the main building where classes were given to students of Starswirl’s Academy. Not really a big deal at the time.

The outside of the building was magnificent! The students had step up banners on both sides of the drawbridge. And nothing could compare to the look of the castle within just a few trots from the gate. The early days of this castle was just indescribable, yet so different from the one in the present.

As we entered, the lavish décor of the inside etched itself into my mind. Mind blowing and magnificent! Yet still lacking the quality that is the dark fortress from the destroyed time. We kept walking until we reached the main stairs which is where the throne room would be located after a thousand more years. This time however, it was simply the auditorium of the academy. Purity Spring said it’s where most of their major academy event take place.

Passing in front of the auditorium, we went left. Yet another splendid hall decorated with the highest quality of chandeliers. This was where the teachers slept, and probably where we’ll find Clover’s room as well. Headmistress to be exact (But really, you get the picture).

3rd door on the left, Purity Spring knocked. There I heard a sweet sound of music surrounding the inside of the room, its fragrant notes leaking through the spaces of the doors. “Mistress Clover?” Purity Spring called out.

She replied from the inside, dominating the music. “Come in!” She insisted. And then we entered.

Clover was sitting quietly, doing important paperwork in her desk. She had a mug of coffee sitting on her table to her right. And she had plaque with the title ‘Headmistress’ etched on it just at the end of her desk occupying the front.

I went closer, making my presence known. “Howdy, Clover!” I greeted. Yep… I sounded like a country pony.

She gave me a big smile and then suddenly stood up, trotting towards me and gave me a… hug. Angel was glaring, I could tell you that much. “Walker! You should have arrived sooner!” She pointed out. I couldn’t give a retort given the time which we spent was just a mere day in our own timeline. But here, it could have probably been years.

Time Turner suddenly spoke, he had some sort of concern which I could tell just by looking at him. “This seems to be a bad time, is there something wrong?” He asked.

Clover was looking confused, she never did meet him in person, nor did she ever see him. “Are you a friend of Temporal Walker?” She asked.

He raised his hoof and scratched his head. “You could say that… Cousin, is the best possible term really”, he answered.

Clover thought to herself, she said out loud. “That’s the reason… I haven’t seen you before either.”

“About what Time Turner mentioned… Was there something wrong?” I asked.

She nodded and then began explaining. “We haven’t been doing well since the number of students went up. We had desperate needs for more faculty members, and the students just can’t shut up about their everyday complaints!” She grumbled.

I could understand the need for more academe personnel, but what was that about the complaints? I couldn’t just stand there, I guess I had a reason to help. “What was that about the students?”

Her horn glowed, she levitated a book from under her desk. The book itself was much bigger than normal. I opened the book and was just… pitied from what I saw. There were several request from students, said they needed help about school stuff. Most of them had long been forgotten, probably expired in the line of mercenary work. Others just kept repeating, like there was some sort of infestation that was never dealt with.

I looked at Clover. “This is a… I don’t even know what to think”, I told her.

She leaned on her desk, head on the plaque. “It is hard… This being named ‘Starswirl’s Academy’, you’d thought that it would be great. But sadly, not even my mentor was interested in sharing his knowledge”, She kept complaining. “That’s why I wanted to make a deal with you, Walker”, She said.

And then there was I, confused. “What do you mean?” I inquired.

She stood up, trying to be professional, despite being troubled. “I want you to share some of your expertise in our school. In return for us sharing what we know to you…” She bargained.

I hovered on my watch, I had a hard time deciding, and I didn’t know what to say. “I have to be blunt here, but what kind of expertise are you referring to?”

“You know how to brew potions, right? Most of the students who studies here has a major need for the subject. Your insights and help might come in handy…” She explained.

I nodded in agreement. I wouldn’t deny my superior understanding on alchemy. But I don’t think I’m a very good teacher… “I’ll try, but I think I need to get acquainted with the other ponies first… Preferably, the students”, I told her.

She gave a smile. “Well then, you’ve made your first step. Purity Spring here is one of my personal protégé here in the school”, she told me.

Big shot, eh? I never thought an earth pony would ever get this far in such a society. “So then, what do you major on?” I asked.

“I try to learn as much as I can so that I can help out at the academy too! But mostly, I excel at alchemy… which mean I’m your apprentice”, she pointed out.

Nice to know somepony is below me and ready learn. Definitely doesn’t make me feel like this is a responsibility. “I look forward to it!” I laughed nervously.

Putting these matters aside for the moment, we needed to discuss our resting place. So I wasted no time in asking.

“By the way, Clover. Where are we staying while we’re here?” I asked.

She handed me a map of the castle. There were 3 floors, excluding the balconies. The second floor was where the faculty stayed. It all had a label of name in who’s room is who. And of course, we had ours.

2 of the rooms were empty, assuming they were for me and my friends. Clover took it and laid it on the table. “You’ll be staying on these empty quarters on the second floor. I thought about having you all in one room, but some of us also require a bit of privacy”, She explained, both my friends nodded. Seems fair enough…

Angel picked up our bags and Time Turner was the first to turn-tail and go out. They knew the conversation was over at that point. Although it seemed like it wasn’t for Purity Spring.

“Before you go, would mind hearing my concern first?” She said. I nodded simply enough to let her continue explaining. “As you know, most of the students have sent out request for aid to Mistress Clover but was never really answered… Do you think you could check some of it out? I’m sure some of the students wouldn’t just ask for help without any kind of reward”, she reminded.

“I’ll keep that in mind…” I claimed and then went out to join my friends. Both of the two waved us off and Angel shuts the door behind us. Would you think she was an assistant? I sure would…

We proceeded down the hall where the room we’ll be staying in is located. From the stairwell, its roughly 3 rooms apart. It was easy to remember where we’ll be staying because it was also the last room you see in the corridor… And just a reminder, this is only the room Time Turner and myself will stay, not including Angel. Her room was the one opposite of ours. And since Twilight won’t come for now, she’ll be enjoying her stay.

Angel gave us our bags and opened the door to her room, we went inside ours as well. The scent of daisies filled the room, all too pleasant for my taste. I looked the around as I set aside my bags, I realized the scent was coming from a couple of daisies potted beside the doors and the ceiling. I also spotted a bed room with two beds made from genuine cotton and sheep skins. I couldn’t even help myself and immediately jumped right into one of them.

One of the beds was near the bathroom, the other one was near a window. Time Turner knew which one I’d like best so I bet he took the opportunity to robe me of it. I was on the bed next to the bathroom when he said, “That’s going to be your bed from now on then.” Just the mere thought made me upset and foalish.

“That’s not fair!” I barked, yet he never listened.

After getting our stuff settled, my nerdy cousin proceeded to read a book and stayed at our room (bedroom). I told him that I’ll be looking around the academy and to stay put if he wanted to find me. If I was moving around the place and he was looking for me… Let’s just say it’s gonna be tiring.

(About an hour later)

Tired I maybe, but I surely wouldn’t pass up the opportunity to look around while I still can. So I went to the auditorium, which didn’t look very different from the castle throne room it was going to be. Banner of three filled the hall from each side, a large stone stage can be seen from a few meters, and several dozen benches filled the room, all facing towards the stage. In my luck, I get to see it being used today.

There were a couple of students practicing. Three in all, one of each races. The unicorn had a silver mane and blue coat which resembled Trixie. The pegasi black-maned and red coated which made me feel ominous towards him. And the earth pony… It was Purity Spring. Lucky that…

She noticed my presence as I approached, which was very convenient. I didn’t want to look awkward in front of them after all. “Hey, it’s Walker!” She claimed, practically announcing my presence to her fellow students. “Everypony, this is Temporal Walker… He’s a fellow student. And our new Alchemy teacher”, she told them.

They turned their attention to me, and gave a delightful smile. “So you’re the new guy, huh?” The pegasi said. “My name is Red Moon, always glad to see a new student! And prof… I guess…” He added.

And then the other one also gave an introduction. “My name is Prancer Lulamoon, the best at illusion spells. Playing tricks in ponies minds… And sometimes quite the performer, if somepony would pay for a show that is”, He stated.

That’s a fairly good reason why he looks like Trixie, he’s probably a very distant ancestor! “Then I take it you’re rehearsing, Prancer?” I pointed out.

He nodded. “Yep. You came here at the most perfect time, we’re actually having our anniversary”, He told me.

“Anniversary?” I repeated.

Purity Spring answered my rather vague question. “-Of our academy…” She added. “We’re celebrating it because it’s our tradition. Our performance features the founding of Equestria… It’s our first time doing it, so I hope we don’t ruin it!” She explained.

So, is this where the yearly Hearts Warming Eve play originated? It sounds about right… “How much time do you have left until the play?” I asked.

“To be precise, it’s ‘how much time do we have until the festival starts!’ because that’s a week from now…” Red Moon belly-ached.

The expressions on their faces, they were exhausted and restless from overthinking. They apparently, needed all the help they could get. So I offered them my aid.

Leveling with their state of mind, I asked. “Is there something I could help you with?”

They shook their heads. That was unexpected. “Some other students would probably use more help than us… We’re just memorizing our lines and practicing the play!” Prancer said.

I turned to Purity Spring. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”

She nodded. “We’ve got this covered, Walker. Please assist the other students on the campus if you’re so eager to help out”, She insisted. Don’t say I didn’t ask…

I thanked them for the time they spared and left without anything more to say. I trotted towards the door, opened and went out, and then closed it behind me. I tried thinking of a place in campus I could check. It wasn’t as hard as I first thought, since I was very curious of the garden. So I went there.

(A few minutes later)

Upon arriving, I noticed that there was some sort of mishap that happened not too long ago. The place was littered of dried leaves and broken branches. A storm or something ominous. Probably just happened today…

I was approached by a serious looking pony wearing a pair of glasses. Yellow coat and black mane, a cutie mark of a bow. He started talking in a formal manner. “Sorry about the mess, this was an aftermath of another one of my spells… Don’t worry about it, I’ll clean it later today”, he said.

It’s kind of rude not to tell your own name first, right? “Your name?”

“Sharp Shooter”, he answered.

I looked around his body traits. Oddly enough, he wasn’t even a unicorn, nor a pegasus at the least. How’d he made this mess? And what spell?

He started to look suspicious. “What spell are you talking about? You’re a freak-gin earth pony!” I pointed out.

“I use an amplifier. Don’t ask what that is… Its basic function is to help me use magic”, He reasoned. He showed me his amplifier, it looked like a bracelet.

I didn’t know there were other ways to use magic. I feel like I didn’t do enough research… Great!

“Was there something I could help you with?” I asked.

He took out a book. Concentrated yet listening to what I was saying. “I’m almost done with this one spell, I just forgot how it goes down! I left 2 books in the library this morning, could you fetch it for me?” He requested.

What the heck am I?! A dog?! Well… I suppose if it helps… But I got to know what that spell he was using was for! I need to help in the festival, not help another pony’s project!

I looked at him fiercely. “I want to ask something first, what’s the spell for?”

He showed me his book, it showed an illustration of the mountain inside a giant dome. He then started explaining. “The pegasi has an immovable schedule of a storm for this week, but we still have our outdoor activities for this year’s festival. Mistress Clover asked me to do something about the problem, and this was the best thing I could do”, he explained. Sounds reasonable enough…

I could relate to the problem, being a pegasus myself. I suppose it can’t be helped… “I’ll get those books for you…” I told him.

He had a grateful expression. “Thank you… uhm…” he stopped, remembering he didn’t knew my name.

“Temporal Walker”, I informed him.

He gave me a nod. At least he’s not a weirdo, I had enough of those!

I tried to remember the labels on the map Clover gave me because I left it at my room. If I’m correct, it should be at the first floor. If it’s not, then it’s in another building because these are where the class rooms are at. After thinking of the library’s location, I continued galloping inside.

On the way, I came across Angel who was also looking around. I approached her to ask about her thoughts about the place.

“Snow Angel!” I called out from a far and kept approaching.

She turned her gaze at me. “Hey, Walker... What are you doing?” She asked.

I suddenly remembered I had to run errands like a servant. “Running… errands…” I said, held back.

She looks at me confused. “That’s not like you. Even if it was, I doubt you’ll do errands for your cousin. What’s the matter?”

I tried explaining the situation as best as I can. “Apparently, the academy is planning to celebrate their anniversary. They’re a little short-hoofed at the moment, so I offered to help out”, I told her.

“Okay, I’ll let you get to it. If you have some time, would you meet me and Fireheart Blaze at the bar this afternoon? We’re having dinner” She said.

Wait a minute… Fireheart is also here? Not surprised to see a student of magic in such a place, but I thought he was a specialist already? And dinner at the afternoon? Nevertheless, I politely declined. “Sorry, Angel. Maybe when I’m not so hectic… Besides, I’m practically worn-out for the day”, I said.

Angel remembered it’s technically midnight in our time in our current state. “I forgot… Sorry. I’ll try again tomorrow, bye!” She said and then continued with her affairs. And I also have mine…

(At the library)

When I got there, I was confronted by a seemingly endless collection of books. You could say that the place was as extensive as 10 golden-oak libraries put together. A rather large yet not so daunting room to boot. The only scent I could pick up was the smell of old papers from books which was aged by time. And a rather good smelling cup of tea from the librarian’s desk.

At the far end of the room, I saw a unicorn sorting the volumes of some rather old books. A fine looking mare, who was probably the librarian. She was wearing a white robe, an azure coated mare with silver streak hair along with her purple mane. As I check closer, I saw her cutie mark… several books piled upped in the center. I approached and asked. “Are you the librarian?”

She nodded. “You could say that... Technically, I organize, check, and guard them for most time during the day”, she said.

If she’s not the librarian, than who is she? “So… are you an assistant or something?” I second guess.

“Well, at least you know my job here… I’m currently studying the history of Equestria, so I volunteered to help out here in the library”, she explained. That would make sense…

Since the pony I’m looking for isn’t here at the moment, I bet there’s no harm asking this mare. “Would you mind helping me out?” I asked.

“Are you looking for a book?” she deducted.

I made a frown face. “A pony forgot two books here earlier, any chance you know where I can find them?” I asked.

She poked her hoof on her forehead and bowed, thinking. “You might find them on one of the tables in the quiet section. I usually see him hanging-out over there”, She pointed out.

“He practice his spells in a section of the library that’s serene and peaceful?” I asked, pointing out the silliness of thought.

“No. He mostly forgets to go back to his room and falls asleep there”, she corrected.

I could see how he forgot those books. Anyhow, I thanked the mare and proceeded down the right, towards the section of the library she mentioned.

I found 4 ponies on that section, several sat down at their separate tables, reading. One of them was sleeping at one of the benches in the corner. There were several tables which was empty, while some were occupied by the studying ponies. One stood out, no pony sitting at its chairs, yet there were 2 books placed on top of it.

I approached the table and opened one of the books. I read the title ’37 most advance spells for weather manipulation’ which was a dead giveaway. The other one had no title, it looked more like a diary from its contents than a book. I picked them up and slid them on my wings so I could still trot freely. Finishing up, I went out the library and galloped all the way back to Sharp Shooter.

(Several minutes later)

When I got back, the pony had manage to clean up the mess he made earlier. He turned his gaze at me and noticed that I was carrying the books he asked. He stopped to cleaning to come and get them.

He then approached. “You found it?” He asked.

“If the other books wasn’t a dead giveaway, I don’t know what to look for” I complained, and then gave him both of the books.

He then examined the contents, looked very carefully and didn’t notice anything wrong with it. “These are the books”, he said while levitating them. “I’m almost finished, would you like to observe?” He asked.

I shook my head. “No thanks. Just be sure to do it right…” I reminded and then went on my way.

He waved me off as I kept searching for more ponies to help.

(30 minutes later)

Searching non-stop, it seemed as if no pony else was asking for assistance of any kind! So I simply went back to my room to take a nice long nap.

When I got there, it was almost sundown. I noticed my cousin left the ovens on in the kitchen and was cooking something. From the smell, I could sense mushroom soup although I do hope it’s not deadly. I checked the kitchen, peeking from a far… But when I saw it, there was no pony there. Until I sensed the presence of running water. He was probably taking a shower…

The soup itself was not yet finished. However, I couldn’t just leave it burning like a wild fire, so I lowered the heat and went straight to bed. As I let myself sink on its cloudy mattress, I could feel myself slowly but surely drifting away to sleep.

(The Next Morning)

The scent of breakfast covered the bed room quicker than a virus. I also remembered my cousin cooking soup yesterday. I wonder what happened to my share. I pushed myself out of bed and quickly went to the bathroom without running. After washing my face with cold stream, I went to the kitchen to look for Time Turner.

There I saw, cooking beated-eggs and carrots. “You’re up? Good… Because I wasn’t sure who to give this breakfast to if you didn’t eat again”, He teased.

“I assume you gave away my share of the soup yesterday?” I complained.

“I’m not going to waste food now, am I?” he said and placed some breakfast on the table while cooking the rest. “Anyways, eat up! Clover wants to see you”, he told me.

I sat down and ate my breakfast. “Why does she wants to see me?” I inquired.

He stopped moving about a minute. “I don’t know… Maybe she likes you”, he told me. I gave him a glare. “Just joking! It’s about that deal she made with you yesterday, she needs to talk about it…” He told.

I quickly gobbled up the rest of my breakfast and groomed myself. After that, I went out the room and quickly ran to the other side of the corridor. I even forgot to clean my plates and tell Time Turner that I was going out early.

(At Clover’s Office)

To my surprise when I got there, Clover was up and about like it was her job to stay up all night. I approached her and said my greetings. “Good Morning, Clover”, I said.

“Hello there…”

“My cousin said you wanted to see me?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes but when I heard that you already called it a day, I didn’t bother”, She explained.

“Sorry about that… We had a pretty long day…” I reasoned.

She waved her hoof in an apologetic manner. “No! No! It’s quite alright! But if it’s okay now, I would like to discuss the matter we talked about yesterday”, she said.

“It’s fine by me, I did get to meet some of your students”, I pointed out.

She was quite intrigued by my claim. “Oh? How many students did you come across?” She inquired.

Let’s see… we had Purity Spring with two other ponies, one earth pony who could cast spells, a librarian, and 4 more ponies at one of the libraries sections. So that’s about… “9 ponies, 4 of which I haven’t spoken too, and 1 whom I already knew… Oh! There was one more who I knew was here at the academy but never got to meet”, I deducted.

“That’s quite a number of students, considering you were tired yesterday… Did you look around?” She inquired.

“Sort of”

“Enough of that… We need to tackle the matter at hoof. So what do you say about my offer?” She asked. Preferably taking this matter to a close, probably more than me.

“Would this benefit me in more ways than one? One obvious thing being able to use magic to fight?” I inquired.

“If that’s what you want, you could use even your most basic of knowledge to your advantage”, she answered.

I nodded in agreement. “Then I will help your school excel in alchemy and as a bonus, I could even teach your pegasi in advance flight…” I told her.

She gave me a huge smile of gratitude. “Thank you! And I guess that concludes that…” She said.

“I guess so”

“Anyway, you should help out for the festival. Most of the students are getting ready for it since it’s our anniversary”, She insisted.

This is the part where you’d regret something you can’t do. “I would love to! But I can’t because nopony else needs help”, I explained.

“Did everypony say that they don’t need help? I’m pretty sure Purity Spring and her friends need it badly”, she pointed out.

I would admit, they do need help. But typically too selfless to even consider asking for it. “I could try asking them again, since nopony else needs it”, I said.

She gave me a grin. “That’s the spirit! I look forward to your help, Professor!” She teased.

I laughed nervously. “I don’t think I’ll get used to that! Maybe ‘Sir’ but not that!” I pointed out.

Taking the matter into a close, I bid Clover a good day. I then started searching for Purity Spring and her friends. Leaving Clover’s office, the sun hits my mane from the glass windows of the hall. I could see several students walking about the stairs and corridors, getting ready to start their day. To my luck I spotted one who I was looking for, Red Moon.

Just about to arrive at the second floor corridor, approached the climbing stallion. “Red Moon!” I called out.

He turned his gaze at me. “Hey Prof!” He said. Stop it please…

“I told Clover not to let the students call me that!” I belly-ached. “Anyway… Mistress said you needed help. More than anypony. Don’t deny it.” I kept pausing.

“Well… It’s actually about Purity Spring. She doesn’t seem to be able memorize all her lines, yet she claims to have already done it. I know she’s having a tough time at that, while Prancer is…” He stopped, midsentence.

“Go on”, I insisted.

“He doesn’t know what kind of props to use for the play, since it’s our first time doing it… I don’t want to mess up”, He told me.

“I could help out Prancer, although… I think we can’t do anything but encourage Purity Spring”, I offered.

The pegasus gave a saddening look on his face. “I was hoping you wouldn’t say that. Thanks for the help though, Prof!” He said. Still don’t like the sound of that.

Red Moon kept on walking while I tried finding Prancer and Purity. But perhaps I should have paid more attention to MY friends…

On the way to the auditorium, I was confronted by Snow Angel. She looked happy, yet angry at the same time. And when I say angry, I meant it in the most horrific way possible!

“Temporal Walker! How dare you start your day without say ‘Good Morning’ to your best friend!” She barked from the top of the stairs.

I tried to be formal and not-so-obviously-blowing-it towards her. “Hey, Angel! How are you doing?” I asked nervously whilst approaching her slowly.

“My best friend is wandering around campus and helping students… Life couldn’t be better…” She said, sarcastically.

From the looks of it, she’s trying to get my attention. “And since you’re my best friend, I’m sensing that something is troubling you”, I mentioned to her.

She managed to be straight after that. “I obviously need some help of my own”, she told me. “Could you spare some time?” she asked.

Seeing as how she managed to be calm than I think she’d be, I’d hate to say no. “I always have time for my friends”, I assured her.

She sighed in relief. “I was hoping you’d say that! Because I’m having a bit of a stallion problem… Fireheart Blaze”, she said.

“Fireheart Blaze? What’s he done wrong?” I asked her.

She had a grueling expression from her face. “Ever since I agreed to him to tag me along for dinner, he asking to do it again and again!” She explained.

Wait. What? “Ever since dinner? But we’ve only arrived yesterday, right?” I pointed out how ridiculous it sounded.

“And If I hadn’t lose him yesterday, I would still be running around hiding!” She complained.

She looked totally pissed, and somehow frightened. “So what, does he like you or something?” I said to her. She blushed quicker than a heating pot.

She looked away slightly. “I don’t even want to talk about that idea…” She said in embarrassment.

I lifted my hoof and patted her forehead. “I’ll take care of it…” I assured her.

After that, I continued to walk up the auditorium. They managed to set up for the festival as early as possible in there. The chairs were polished and renewed, in addition to the extra banners added just for the events. I was looking around the area to find the two. There I found not Prancer Lulamoon, but Sharp Shooter… The pony I helped yesterday.

I approached carefully, enough to not startle him. “Hey, Sharp Shooter”, I greeted.

He looked and gaze at me, and then gave a grin. He seemed to be in a pretty good mood after I helped him yesterday. “Ah! Temporal Walker! The pony who saved me the trouble of getting an alone time with Mistress Clover”, he said aloud.

“How’d that spell turn out?” I asked him out of curiosity.

“Superb! Thanks again for helping out!” He told me, grateful like crazy. “Anyway, what can I help you with?” He asked. Somepony’s paying attention.

I told him what I needed. “Do you know where a student named ‘Prancer Lulamoon’ is at the moment?” I inquired.

He tried remembering. “He usually sleeps until his classes starts… I know that because he’s always late!” he answered. Clueless and lazy, I don’t think knowing is the part I should be helping him here.

Well, I can’t get to him. Except of course if I knew where his room was. On that thought, I asked my acquaintance. “Do you happen to know where his room is?” I politely asked.

“Lower levels, first room on the right hall”, he instructed.

“Got that! Thanks!” I wrote it on my map and waved the pony good bye while I trotted away.

And now that I know where he is, I decided to go there to quicken my job.

(A few minutes later)

The lower levels represented the feeling of the dungeons, but apparently different in this place. It was rather homey and fresh, some place a pony would definitely like to stay. The halls were painted brown, like wood from the best apple trees. The lamps which were used to lighten the hall was shimmering like the high noon sun.

I noticed the door on the right was spotless, and highly… showy. Sign of which gave way that this is indeed Prancer’s room. I knocked on the door, soft and slow enough to simply announce my presence. One touch, the door immediately opened.

I peeked from the outside and saw quite a numerous amount of… junk. “Prancer?” I called out.

He walked out from his room, still quite wobbly. “Hey, Professor Walker…” He greeted slowly. He looked as if he was drunk.

Pointing out the obvious, I asked, “Prancer, were you still sleeping?”

He gave a nod. His eyes were shut as a door at night, but he’s up and about. “What brings you to my room?” He tumbled. “I don’t think classes has started yet…” He pointed out.

I shook my head. “No, no, Prancer, it’s not about class. It’s about the play”, I said to him. Oddly enough, he all ears that time.

“Was there something wrong? We told you that we didn’t need help, we can handle it!” He reasoned.

I gave him a pout. “Yes. You. Do.” I stressed out every single word for him to understand. “Since I’m not needed anywhere else, I came to see what you ponies needed! And Red Moon told me that you needed help with the props!” I barked at him.

I stepped back a hoof, he was about to fall down because he just woke up. “I told him that I’ll handle it! I wanted to show everypony that I can help on the main event, no one butting in!” He said.

Sounds like he has something to prove. “Okay. Then how about this, I tell you what sort of props you need to use for the settings, you handle organizing and decorating them. Does that sound reasonable to you?” I asked, raising my hoof.

“Hmm… Okay! But I don’t have a lot of free time on my hoof”, He told me.

I took out a piece of paper and a quill. I dipped it in ink and readied myself. “Let’s record your schedule for the whole week, and make sure it’s precise!” I told him.

He started telling me his schedule from sleeping in for the morning, ‘til going to bed late at night. We even made his schedule more flexible so that he doesn’t waste time for the week to concentrate on the matter. You’d think this is overboard, but if it’s only one pony working on the props, you would think differently yourself. Planning the stage and timing the scenes are hard work. Even the costumes might depend on him!

So, working on the matter, we spent the remaining time he was going to sleep for planning.

(Sometime later)

After that brainstorming session with Prancer, I went ahead to the bar to eat to my heart’s content! Along the way, I’ve noticed that I was already staring right into the next pony I needed to help, Purity Spring.

I approached her as I too walk towards the bar entrance. “Good morning, Purity Spring!” I greeted.

“Good morning, Walker”, she greeted back. “Are you going to the bar for lunch?” She asked an obvious question. I answered back.

“Yep. I got hungry after the grueling session I had with Prancer”

She stopped and turned towards me. “Prancer was up and about? That’s new! Anyways, would you care to join me, Professor?” She teased.

I simply didn’t answer and looked away. “Fine…”

After that short conversation, we went inside. It was outstanding! The bar was well decorated and suited for royalty. The addition of the big glass chandelier wasn’t an exception! And the floorings and furniture were simply marvelous! The calling ‘bar’ was just a catchy word to replace ‘tavern or mess hall’.

We went up to the counter to give our orders. The pony in the counter reminded me a lot from the conductor of the trains at our own time. Let’s leave the details at that for now…

I let Purity Spring give her order first, because I was simply trying to be a gentlecolt. “One hay salad, and 3 flavored loaf breads! I’ll have the chocolate ones”, she said to the stallion.

“And you?”

“A hay burger, hay fries and espresso”, I ordered.

After writing our orders, he went to the back to prepare the orders. “Coming right up!”

After that, we went to find a suitable table to enjoy our food when it’s ready to serve. We found quite a perfect spot just up the stairs on the second floor, which can be seen from the entrance. When we got there, we chatted a bit to kill time before receiving our food.

“How was your morning?” Purity Spring asked.

I leaned my head on the table, and started to complain about how my morning went. “It was tiring… The only that came out of it was for ponies other than myself!”

She gave a soft giggle. “Well, you’ll experience more of that in the future”, she commented. Great!

I couldn’t share my enthusiasm, what with all the hunger and tiresome morning. “Just to let you know, my morning isn’t quite finished until I help YOU with your problem”, I told her.

Her smile turned to frown. “So somepony told you that I’ve been having trouble, huh?” She said. “I’ll admit, I’m having a hard time remembering my lines for the play. To tell the truth, I’m not all that into it. That’s the reason I can’t get to remember any of my lines”, she confessed.

No motivation, huh? I can relate to that… but usually not to the point you can’t do it right anymore. “You just need a little nudge, Purity. Some motivation”, I told her.

“How can I do that if I’m motivated at something else?” She asked.

To tell the truth, I’m no psychologist. But I do know how to get this mare motivated somehow. “Try thinking out of the box… Pretend that you’ll fail your most precious subject which you can live with if it happens. Try telling yourself that this stage play can help you pass that subject… It’s all in the power of mind really”, I pictured out to her.

“How can I pretend when I know it’s not true?” She reasoned. For Celestia’s sake, this mare is hard to get through!

I think I need to be a little harsh now, no telling how she’ll react though. “How about this then… Since I’m your alchemy professor, I won’t let you in my class if you don’t take this stage play seriously. You’ll need to memorize those lines, or you’ll learn nothing from me, deal?”

She acted hysterically. “Are you serious?! I can’t have that!” She complained. Well at least we’re getting somewhere...

“Then I won’t ask… I’ll do it if I have to, since I know you’re a very capable pony”, I told her.

She was getting a little irritated. “Oh! Okay! But If I don’t get it, you’re only allowed for a whole month and not forever, got it?” She bargained.

I suppose for a real studious student, this is enough. “Deal”, I agreed to her demands.

And with that, I’ve managed to help Purity Spring with no sweat! That is if she takes it seriously. After our discussion, our food was served and we started eating. After our lunch, I went back to our room and slept for the afternoon. Come evening, Time Turner and I went to the bar to eat. Again.

(A week later)

Days passed by while helping prance and planning out my classes. Due to the festival though, the following morning when I’ve started my week, there were no classes. No pony to teach and no pony teaching. I did my share of helping for the festival, giving my opinions to other students, helping out when needed. I wish days like that lasted forever, but quite tiring even so.

A week later, the festival began. This morning was quite noisy! I felt like I camped outside Dj-Pon3 raves. The scent of mixed flowers flooded the whole campus grounds. It was like a wedding/spring festival!

I went up from my bed headed to the bathroom like my usual mornings and took quite a while on the shower. I tried to pick a good outfit for festival, although my cousin’s outfit was quite simple. I simply took my scarf and wrapped it on my neck. I also took the watch Time Turner gave me, which was quite the accessory.

After preparing ourselves, we went out of our room drifting away in the festival’s attractions. I lost him 2 seconds after going out. The hall ways were divided by different selections of flora. Dandelions, daffodils, roses, and lavender… Quite the atmosphere.

The usual rooms where the library and the bar was were closed for the day. The only places we were free to roam was the garden and auditorium. And of course the halls too. Since it was such a fine morning, I decided to find Angel and take her with me while strolling around. Although I checked her room earlier, she wasn’t there.

I took a peek at the auditorium hoping I could find her there, but she wasn’t. The only thing I saw there was the curtains lowered. You can hear the rough work being put into it.

I went to the garden next where I found a bunch of stands. Lemonades, souvenirs, games, eatery, and all that junk. Attractions filled up what was once the sea of flora.

I looked around and saw Angel on one of the eateries, apparently hungry. The stand itself was simplistic enough and well made. The food selection was decent and the kitchen viewed from the outside was perfectly clean.

I approached the stand and sat where Angel was sitting. “Hey, Angel… Been a while since we talked for a bit, huh?”

She kept eating, after chewing and gulping, she cleaned her muzzle to talk to me. “I’ll admit, Twilight’s been keeping me company while you’re not around. But seeing that she’s not here with us, it kind of makes me lonely being alone”, she said.

Yeah… quite the companion that one. But since we need to learn for now, there’s no need for that. Although being alone is quite tiring, I could relate to that kind of thought.

“I’ll just have to hangout more with you so you don’t feel all alone every time”, I said.

She gave a grin and nodded. “You can start by having breakfast with me”, she insisted.

“What are you having?”

“Pancakes”, she answered.

I waved from a far, calling the waiter. “I’ll have 2 pancakes please!” I shouted.

The student in the cashier simply nodded and went to the back. While they were cooking, I excused myself to go find a comfort room. “Sorry, I need to go to the bathroom!” I told her.

She stopped eating for the moment. “Oh, okay. I’ll wait for you here”, she said.

I went to the back of the garden where I saw an outhouse, talk about luck! Although, when I tried to open it, it was locked, somepony was still using it.

A few seconds later and the door opened, a very familiar stallion came out. “Temporal Walker?” He said.

“Fireheart Blaze?” I returned his reaction.

For some reason, he doesn’t look very happy. “What are you doing here? The toilet’s vacant, hurry up and use it!” He said and then slowly walked away.

I’m not usually for socializing, but this guy has some serious issues right now. “Wait, Fireheart. Is something the matter? Why do I think you’re mad at me?” I pointed out.

He stopped dead in his tracks and gave a fake giggled. “Nothing, just enjoying the company of the pony who stole the heart of the mare I like… Nothing serious”, he sarcastically said.

Who is he talking about? “What are you talking about? Is it Purity Spring? She’s my friend but I don’t love her!” I pointed out.

He faced hoof from embarrassment. “Are you that clueless? Purity Spring is my friend, she’s like my sister! I’m talking about Snow Angel!” He barked at me.

Okay, now this has gone downtown. “She’s my friend! Not my girlfriend! And one more thing, stay away from her!” I warned him.

“Dude, you’ve got to know she’s got the hots for you, right? Otherwise, you’re a rock. And I’m trying to cut her feelings for you!” He said.

“Why would you do that? It’s not like I abandon her, she’s still my friend!”

“Just a friend. She’s just your ‘friend’ in your eyes… A mare like that deserves better than being friend zoned”, he grated.

I was clenching my hoof at the time, angry. “Why don’t you just stay out of our life, Fireheart? You have to know Angel doesn’t like you!”

He gave a giggle again. “She simply doesn’t want her feelings for you to get tarnished by somepony else, but deep down she want to be loved. Preferably you, but I don’t think the feelings are mutual”, he said.

Is she that- “Why don’t you just enjoy the festival, Fireheart?” I asked, sarcastically.

He walked away without another word. I went to the privy, angered and confused. Sure that the pony was an acquaintance, but he was never a friend to begin with.

(Several minutes later)

After a few minutes of alone time, I went back to the eatery to join Snow Angel to eat breakfast. However, surprised to see that she wasn’t there anymore. What the heck?

I went to the cashier to ask, they said that she left after I excused myself. Although a little worried, I tried to eat my breakfast as gently as possible. After stuffing myself, I left the plate at the wash-bin and proceeded to search for Angel. No matter how hard I looked, I couldn’t find her. It’s as if it was like this morning, she was hard to find and looked like she was missing.

Suddenly, I jumped to a conclusion that this was Fireheart Blaze’s doing. Did he took Angel with her to celebrate the festival together, making me feel jealous? Or did what he say is true? That Angel was just- I can’t think straight anymore. My best friend is gone and got dragged away by another stallion. Or maybe she just doesn’t want to see me? I don’t know, I’m at a loss. Maybe she deserves somepony better… If that’s the case to me then… why am I jealous?

To be continued…
End of Chapter 8

(Chapter 9) Turn Of Events

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Turn of Events: Chapter 9


Whenever somepony falls in love or feels something towards their fellow ponies, they usually have different approaches to confess or to tell the pony how they feel. Either by hiding their feelings or telling it directly, they still feel those emotions. Although it is sometimes quite hard to explain or comprehend, we follow it because we know it’s what we want. Who knows if our creator just had something planned for us? But enough about that rambling, back to the story.

Seeing as how my best friend left me, I couldn’t keep my mind from over thinking. It’s as if I lost a friend or a sister… Or maybe, a lover? I never had any feelings for her or maybe I was simply unsure of how I felt towards her. The fact remains, she’s trying to avoid me today… I should set my mind to that fact and stop pretending to think that she’s coming with me.

A little shocked but bearable, I tried to look for her. After a few minutes of looking, I gave up and sat beside the nearest wall, bowing my head. I felt like I was lifting the mountain Canterlot was on top of. Suddenly, there was a mare in front of me… Purity Spring.

I didn’t notice but apparently she was calling out to me already before I even saw her. She was preparing for the festival and memorizing her lines for before the show starts. She noticed that I had a worried look and stopped for a moment to ask if I was alright. As you know, I wasn’t.

“What happened, Walker?” She asked, showing her concern. She was like a fish net catching a grain of sand in a raging river. It was rather impossible to help me right now as you noticed. I was wallowing in sadness.

I was mopping quietly on the corner, head down. I lifted my head and turned my gaze at her and then answered. “Nothing”, I said to her. I couldn’t answer more seriously because I felt like I was dead.

She looked at me with disbelief. “If it’s nothing, then why are you crying there all alone, feeling sorry for yourself?” She pointed out.

Trying to be considerate, I told everything. It took me a while to get my bearings but I think I explained all of it clearly enough. It was hard to think but I managed to do so just so I won’t come out as rude. Being down doesn’t necessarily mean you need to drag everypony down with you…

(Several minutes later)

She brought me at the auditorium’s backstage to talk things over. She wanted to assure me of my worries and frankly, I wanted somepony to talk to. While Prancer, Red Moon, and all the other cast prepared the stage, we talked inside the cast’s changing room where it wouldn’t be much of a bother to the others and no pony would disturb us.

She told me to sit on one of the inflated cushions while she sat beside the mirror. “Are you comfortable enough?” She inquired.

I nodded, and then tried to give her a smile. “This is good”.

“It’s kind of hard to fake a smile. You’re a very considerate individual, Walker”, She commented. She opened the box beside her and took out a bottle of water. She then reached out and gave it to me. “Thanks”, I said in gratitude.

She took another bottle for herself and took sip. After drinking, she sat it down and started to address me. “You know, Walker… Angel and I aren’t so different”, She muttered.

She managed to catch my attention and I was all ears. “What do you mean?” I asked her.

“It’s really obvious you know. She likes you, more than a friend even! I’m kind of like that myself”, she pointed out. “It’s a little hard to confess because you guys always make it hard for us”, She added.

I knew where she was going with it, I wasn’t that oblivious. “You have a ‘thing’ for Fireheart?” I asked.

Her head was down, she tried to look up and then nodded slightly. Like a puppy would. “I don’t want to get in too deep here, but I’ve felt that way since we were foals…” She said, a bit laid back.

It’s exactly like the case with Angel! But how come Fireheart’s never noticed Purity Spring’s affections even though he knew Angel’s? Not to mention he just met her about a week ago.

“Does he know?” I asked trying to make sure.

She shook her head. “If he did, we’d be either far apart from each other or as close as the night is to the day”, she answered.

Is he playing ignorant or maybe he doesn’t really know? Either way, it won’t change the fact of what we’ve been ignoring. These two mares have been feeling this way towards us for a very long time. But what would his reaction be if he also found out?

(Several minutes later)

After a few moments, the play had started. It wasn’t any different from your typical Canterlot play, but it was sure lacking on some props (I know I’m responsible for it too, but what else can I do? This is before my time for crying out loud!). The atmosphere was pleasant than our usual play and the quality of performance being given by the cast was quite high! I wanted to watch it more than anything else, but with current events being as they are, I couldn’t help but it ignore them. I’ll definitely regret missing out on this.

I went through the back and tried to find Fireheart and Angel in the audience. And after a few minutes of eye scanning, I managed to find them. Well… more like ‘him’. Fireheart was alone (It looks like Angel wasn’t with him).

I trotted to the side of the lane where he was sitting and made my way through the seated crowd. After a few seconds, I got through and to my luck, I found an empty seat just beside him. So I sat right beside him, he didn’t notice me so I tried getting his attention. “Fireheart!” I said, and then turned his gaze at me.

As I was talking to him, I felt a dense aura of displeasure swirling around him. “What?” He said, annoyed.

“We need to talk, now!” I told him. Luckily he didn’t say anything else and simply followed. Now, I know I should be glad about that, but whenever things go this smoothly, it usually ends up with additional work… True to every situation like this.

Anyway, we went someplace with fewer ponies so that we can discuss the matter without any distractions. I found us a good, unused hallway just adjacent to the bar (And by unused, I meant abandoned. I don’t think any students use this place to meet or whatever). We started to mull things over.

“Okay… first and foremost, where is Angel?” I said straight to the point. I just had to ask.

He got pissed after I said that… I mean, who wouldn’t? If I remember correctly, we just fought about an hour ago! “What?! You took me all the way down here just to ask that?!” He barked.

“Just answer the damn question!” I asserted.

Fireheart was glaring at me. But he knew I wasn’t going to let him go easily so he was smart enough to answer. “Fine! She went out for a stroll in the labyrinth to get away from both of us… Happy? She’s probably trying to get herself lost…” He sarcastically answered.

I gave him a disappointed look. “Take me seriously for a second please? Okay... Did you know that Purity Spring has feelings for you?” I asked without even thinking about it. I think I shouldn’t have done that… To this day, I still regret it (In a way that makes me cringe in some way…).

He gave me a weird look for a few seconds. And then a minute later, he decided to give his response. “How long?” He asked calmly. It was as if they understood one another… Now that’s friendship!

I answered him the same way he asked me. Straight-forward. “She said since you were foals”. “Did you know?” I then asked him, he shook his head in reply.

“I felt occasional hints. But I never thought she really felt that way… My mind is like a mess right now!” He said and then collapsed on the floor. In fact, I could relate to him right now.

I moved towards him and checked to see if he was okay. “You alright?”


I gave him an understanding look. “Now you know how you made me feel! Angel is like a sister to me, and I imagine Purity Spring is the same for you”, I pointed out.

He shook his head after I gave that statement, now I’m a little confused… “Truth is, I’ve felt the same way for her the moment I laid eyes on her. I was an idiot back then so I missed a couple of opportunities, and when we grew up, I figured I probably have no chance on her at all so I just moved on. I wish I didn’t”, He moped.

I didn’t want to be inconsiderate or rude at the time but I had to say it. “Forgive me for what I’m about to say but, if that’s the case then why would you ruin my life and Angel’s? I’m pretty sure she’s confused right now dude!”

He started contemplating and quite frankly, he dragged me into it. “Sometimes you just can’t learn to appreciate things in life until you notice… I’m kind of selfish like that.”

“Sorry Fireheart but, I didn’t understand a word you just said”, I replied, being honest. Sometimes, I can be a little self-absorbed.

He started to hover around his saddlebags, I was a little shocked to see him take out the white ribbon I gave Angel this Hearts Warming Eve. He then said as he gave it to me, “Go find her. I’m sorry to butt-in on your relationship”.

As I took it, there was a question in my head that just can’t seem to hold itself back. “Why is this in your saddlebag?” I asked.

He levitated a note in front of me right after. “She left it there and left a note for me to keep it safe. I still don’t know how she knew I was there”, He commented.

I can think of a few reasons… Anyway… “I pushed her too far into the matter and she ended up wallowing over it instead of forgetting she ever liked you. Just trying to warn you, before talking to her”, Fireheart told me.

“I’ll be sure to find her and enjoy the rest of the festival!” I claimed.

“One other thing before you head to her”, He said just when I was about to leave. “She’s just wallowing over her feelings. Truth is… I don’t think your relationship with her is wrong in anyway”. Says the guy who told me I was being selfish.

I turned towards him one more time. “How so?” I asked.

“She’s satisfied just being by your side. And I think after a while, she might confess her feelings for you in her own way… So don’t take everything I said to her too serious”, he explained.

He’s a good friend when he’s supposed to be… But I’m quite certain I won’t forget about this fiasco for years to come. “Thanks for the advice”, I told him.

He nodded and then I left. I just wish he won’t do anything rash right after I left him there.


When I got to the garden, I went straight for the palace labyrinth. By some silly coincidence, I managed to find Angel after getting lost several times myself. As I approached her, she was staring off in the distance. She must be contemplating… I noticed a troubled look on her face as I spoke to her.

“Angel?” I called out.

“Gah!” She was startled, stepping back a bit and had turned her attention towards me. “Wa- Walker? Wh- What are you doing here?” She asked.

I tried to be gentle in using my words. Yet I also had to be straight with her. “I was looking for you! Why did you leave without telling me?!” I was overacting. Even though I knew what all the fuss is about, I couldn’t help myself.

“I- I- I was… just…” She couldn’t find her words and kept stuttering for quite a while. After a few minutes, I put my hoof on her lowered head and patted it.

“You can tell me”, While I said those lines, I found myself crying silently. I wasn’t sobbing like a baby, but I can’t deny that I was crying.

“W- Walker? Why are you-?” I stopped her mid-sentence.

I rubbed my hoof in my eyes and cleaned up my face. “No… It’s probably just the dust hurting my eyes”, I claimed. “So what’s wrong?”

“I’m just wandering the grounds… I’ve never really had a chance to-” I cut her off short.

“Angel”, I said afterwards I grabbed her whole and hugged her close. “I was so worried about you!” I started to tear up again.

“W-Walker?” Angel was calling out to me. I kept on talking.

“I tried looking for you everywhere! When you vanished all of a sudden I didn’t know what to do!” I was telling, worried.

She hugged me back and said. “I’m sorry to make you worry. I didn’t know what I was thinking… I admit, I’m selfish sometimes but I always care about you”.

“T-That’s supposed to be my line!” I pointed out, stuttering. I was sobbing like a baby now. And then she ended up tearing up while laughing as well.

“I suppose, this means you’re okay now?” I asked.

She nodded. “Again, Walker. I’m sorry for worrying you so much. I wish I could tell you why I left so suddenly, but judging by your reaction you already know…”

“Of course I do! But let’s forget about that for now!” I said as I gave her bow back.

“It’s… my… bow”, she said stopping on every word. She could barely stop herself from sobbing when she saw it. She managed to do so, though and wiped her eyes as she took it back by hoof. “Thank you”, she said.

“Let’s go to auditorium…” I suggested.

(On the way to the auditorium)

I didn’t want to ruin the remainder of the day by wallowing in what happened. No… I had to take her around so she could enjoy the festival as well as myself. So, to start things off, I took her and headed towards the auditorium as I told her. I have a feeling it was halfway through, but not over! So we still had time to get there before their play finishes!

As we galloped our way toward the seats, I could hear several of the cast’s voice whilst they performed on stage. Relieved, we began to slow down and started to walk. And then the strangest thing happened which anypony who read this whole novel can believe, we saw Fireheart waiting for us in front of the hall. Even though I know we were about to ran out of seats (Or we already had for reasons), I didn’t feel the need to make haste. It’s as if he waited for us like a waiter in a restaurant waiting to show us towards our seats (I know! That’s a lot of wait in one sentence!).

He gave a scoff like giggle and was grinning. “You’re late for the show. Not to mention almost out of seats!” He mentioned. Yeah, don’t remind us…

“Need I remind you that it was your fault why we arrived late?” I pointed out.

He scratched his mane in shame while pointing us out to our seats. Thankfully, there were two chairs next to each other without anypony present. It only means that Angel and I need not split-up just to watch the play.

The show was perfect! Purity Spring and the other students did an amazing job with everything from casting to lines! Knowing full well that they worked hard for this, it seems only logical that they would put on a great production. We sat their along with Fireheart to watch the remainder of the show. I know we just watched this about a week ago, but I still enjoyed seeing it again.

After the show, the 3 of us went backstage to congratulate the performers for a job well done. We spent the remainder of the day celebrating and walking around the festival. The day ended as soon as it came, which would be like any other day. It was tiring and ‘very emotional’… Not gonna lie…

After a brief time with Angel, I took her to her room and bid her a good night. I also went back, trotting towards my room. The campus ground was still littered with the festival decorations, but I think we’ll be able to clean this up by tomorrow.

As I galloped towards my room, I saw Time Turner waiting for me in front of the door. “How’s your day?” He asked. “I know somepony ruined it but I also found out that you managed to deal with it and compromised”, He added.

I backed away a bit from the door and Time Turner in the process. “How do you know that?” I asked him, curious.

He shook his head sideways and closed his eyes and began to sigh. “I know everything, Walker! It’s not like you don’t always have problems. You have nothing BUT problems!” he explained.

I’m not gonna lie, I seem to see myself with an awful lot of trouble lately. “Your point though?” I asked. “My day was fine… If you still want to know. I had a great time with Angel and the other students. Happy now?” I told him.


(The next day)

I woke feeling like my head was stuck in a vice. Clover asked me to help clean up the mess from yesterday. It’s a Sunday so I really felt like crap when I woke up. It doesn’t help when you have an irritating roommate. The only thing good about this guy is his cooking! And probably because he acts like a maid in our room. I had to leave early so that we can finish cleaning up by the end of the day. I know it was only a request, but every request I’m given feels like a promise that I need to keep.

As I finished eating breakfast, Time Turner chatted with me. “Do you really want to help out? You teach first thing tomorrow! You need to prepare your presentations or else you’ll like a laughing stock!” he reminded me.

“Don’t compare me to you!” I snapped at him. “When somepony needs my help, I give my all and I never break a promise! I’m not gonna change my mind even if I’m gonna be teaching early tomorrow”, I pointed out.

He took my plates and headed in the kitchen. “Suit yourself… Not my problem”, He said in a very concerned tone.

Putting that in the ignore list, I went out and galloped to Snow Angel’s room. The sun was bright and it felt like summer that day. It was probably the hottest day of the week. I just woke up too.

On my way towards her place, I noticed that some of the students weren’t so different from me. I bumped into Purity Spring while I was walking. She was barely awake and rather grumpy, Fireheart was trotting beside her.

“Not gonna lie, today is the worst day of the year”, He said.

I didn’t reply on because I probably felt worse than them and would just come off as rude. I just kept on trotting towards Angel’s and didn’t stop for a second. When I got there, I immediately knocked on her door. When she finally opened her door, cold air rushed out of her place quicker than I could get in. I stepped in quick so it wouldn’t go to waste and I immediately shut the door closed.

I turned towards Snow Angel. “What’s with the cold room?” I asked.

“You noticed how hot it is today? Celestia might be having some trouble or something…” She commented. “I casted a spell to make the air around my room cooler. I noticed that when the whole room was open, my spell wasn’t working. So I had to find some way to enclose the whole room”, She explained.

Ahh… But why would she do a spell as petty as that? “That’s a very convenient yet petty spell”, I told her.

“If you think it is, try stepping outside for more than an hour”, she dared.

I shook my head in response. “I think I changed my mind all of sudden”, I said laughing in nervously.

“We can come here whenever an hour passed to cool up. But don’t tell anypony else! My room will be filled with students if you do that!” She said.

We went out a couple of times and came back to Angel’s room whenever we thought it was too hot. The next thing we knew it was night time. I was still in Snow Angel’s room preparing for my first class the next day. She was helping me with my presentations.

“It’s still cold isn’t it?” I commented.

“Of course it’s supposed to be!” She said. “How’s your presentation?” She asked.

I was writing up some flash cards but so far, I’ve only made 5. “I haven’t been in front of class to teach the class yet. So I’m a bit nervous”, I told her.

“Isn’t it supposed to be no different than teaching the Wonderbolts?” She said.

I nodded. “Yes, but I really haven’t thought anypony anything! I’ve only experienced giving orders once or twice but that’s just it. I have no other experience whatsoever”, I complained.

“Well, belly-aching about it won’t help you with anything! Give me some flash cards and I’ll help you think of what to say to your new class”, she suggested.

I handed her some flash cards to write into and we ended finishing it overnight. I had to force myself to go back to my room in order to get some sleep. I know I could have slept in Angel’s place, but even I have some decency.

(First Day)

The next day, Time Turner was mysteriously missing from our room. I had to make my own breakfast with a combination of leftovers from our fridge. We had a depleting supply of batter so I could only make 1 pancake. After I made that, I took so cucumber sandwiches that was sitting in the middle of the fridge. I was about to eat when he came back.

The door opened and Time Turner entered. “You seem to be awake. You might be late for your first class”, he commented.

I blew out a breath of hot air from my nose and replied back. “Whose fault do you think that is?” I pointed out.

He kept on walking towards the living room and sat on one of the couches. “I’ll clean up the plates, just hurry up and go!” He claimed. At least he’s helping now…

I gobbled up the remainder of my food and drank some water from the faucet. After that, I left my plates near the sink and hurriedly dragged myself towards the door. As I walked out I heard Time Turner say something, “Be careful”.

Minutes later, I suddenly bumped into Snow Angel who was carrying some of the flash cards we made the night before, which I left at her place. “Walker!” She called out while moving towards me. “It’s your first day teaching, do you feel nervous?” She asked.

I snapped a bit when she asked me that. “What kind of question is that? Aren’t you supposed to be supporting me?” I pointed out.

She lowered her head at the sentence. “Sorry…”

I tried to ignore what just happened and hurriedly took my flash cards. “Are you coming with me?” I asked her.

“I have classes today as well, sorry… I’ll meet you at magic class this afternoon though. Tell me all about how everything went!” She answered.

I was rather disappointed. Usually I’d get some moral support from her, but I think I’ll just have to settle with myself.

(At class)

I was in front of the room, standing in anticipation. I knocked on it and opened up. I felt like I was hit by a sudden outburst of light. About 15 students were sitting on the room. I wasn’t surprised by the numbers… But I was surprised to find out the Clover was there.

“Uhm… Mistress Clover? What are you doing here?” I asked from the door.

She was sitting in the front seats but she wasn’t occupying the teacher’s desk. “I’m here to watch your first day, Walker. And to make sure you get some… Moral support, as some would put”, she pointed out.

I walked towards the front, everypony looking at me with every step. I reached the front desk and addressed Clover nonchalantly. “Did some of my friends ask you to do this, Clover?” I asked.

She swayed her head. “No. But I do know what it’s like for a first timer”, She explained.

Okay… Back to the class. “I’m sorry for the rude entrance, everypony”, I addressed everyone in the room. I took a chalk with my mouth and wrote my name on the blackboard. “My name is Temporal Walker. I’ll be your alchemy teacher for quite a bit. So don’t be afraid to get to know me”, I started with the introductions.

“Can you please all stand one by one, state your name, and tell me something about yourselves”, I asked the class. The first one was a black unicorn.

I felt a really bad vibe from him. “My name is Sombra… I came from a village near the barrens. My parents weren’t any good with magic, so I wandered all over Equestria looking to improve my knowledge”, He said and sat down after.

I never noticed that I was talking out loud. “Sombra? I think I heard that name before…” I muttered.

“What’s that teach?” Sombra asked.

I immediately came to my senses. “Oh! Nothing! Next please!”

After about half an hour, everypony finished with their introductions. Clover stood up and said something to the students. “Listen everypony, Temporal Walker is not going to be a regular at this academy. He does not have any experience in teaching and is also a student here. So I wish that you all be considerate when he speaks and addresses any of you. Am I making myself clear?”

“Yes, Mistress”, they all answered in different times.

She sat back down and waved her hoof toward me. “Please continue, Walker”, she insisted.

She didn’t seem to care if anypony disrespected me, considering she just claimed that I was a student here like everypony else. Although she did tell them to be considerate so I guess that counts as a sign of respect.

“Can somepony tell me their thoughts about alchemy?” I asked the class.

One of them stood up. “Alchemy is another term for ‘potion making’. It is used to incorporate earth ponies with unicorns on different fields and certain situations. In other terms, it is magic in a pocketed form to be used by non-magical creatures or to support magical users”, She said.

“That’s a good explanation. Acceptable if I might add”, I commented. “Now, who has any experience with alchemy?” I asked. Nopony raised a hoof. “This is going to take a while”, I mumbled.

The students looked at each other and wondered what I just said.

(Several minutes later)

After a bit more explanation and some picturing, I finally did some actual presentation. I tried to brew the potion I used to alter my being. It worked out well and I was about to show it to the class.

Clover spoke up due to concern. “Walker, wouldn’t it be bad for you to drink that now? Here even!”

“Don’t worry, Mistress! I can at least prevent my magic from leaking!” I assured her.

Taking deep breaths, I chugged the potion down like it was alcohol. I felt my body surging with magic yet again. This time, it was a lot more painful to transform. But due to my getting used to it, I should be able to use it until we finish magic class.

After a brief moment of resting after changing, I stood up and turned to the class. One of my students was a bit concerned. “Are you alright, Sir?” He asked.

“Perfectly stable... If I hadn’t done that before and the pain was worse, I would have passed out! But I’m okay now”, I answered.

The class sighed in relief. Meanwhile, Sombra’s jaw was dropped ever since I turned. After a few moments, he finally recovered to ask me about it.

“What kind of potion was that, teach?” He asked.

I raised the empty flask the potion was in mere moments ago. “A certain potion that I use to help me with my duties”, I explained circuitously.

He simply nodded in answer. After that, I did some explaining to the class about it and gave them an assignment to brew a healing potion for tomorrow, to which I gave the recipe. When I finished, I headed directly to my next class.

(At magic class)

I saw Snow Angel at the front entrance waiting for me. “You sure are early. How’d it go?” She asked in anticipation.

“Satisfactory, I’d say”, I answered. “I didn’t expect Clover to be there too. And I had some embarrassing stares towards me when I drank the potion”, I added.

She handed me a book after I told her what happened. “That’s for magic class”, she explained. “And don’t feel bad about it! I feel like your first day went smoothly!” She added.

“I’m just glad I don’t have stage fright!’ I commented.

Most of the students in the academy have a certain skill which made it possible for them to be a student in the first place. If it weren’t for that, they wouldn’t obviously… As far as standard goes, I think they would prefer a better teacher than me. I just wish I live up to their expectations.

The rest of the students went in the classroom while Angel and I were still standing outside the door. This reminds me of the time we were in front of the Canterlot Theater.

“Shall we get inside?” She asked.

I swayed my hoof towards the door. “You first”, I insisted.

When I saw the teacher upfront, I wasn’t surprised to see who it was. It was Clover, academy mistress. Being the protégé of Starswirl himself, I think it’s only fitting that Clover should teach magic to the academy’s students. We immediately took our seats. We picked the seat on the second row and sat there. It was the perfect seat anypony can find in a classroom. It’s not too far from the front, as well as not too near it. It also enables a student to listen intently to the lecture without getting hoofpicked by the Professor upfront.

We also spotted Purity Spring in one of the seats. I know she’s an earth pony, but knowledge of magic could really come in handy! There were about 40 students in the room if you count me and Angel along with them. It was the most jam-packed class and most attended one as well.

“Why are there a couple of earth ponies here? I understand one of them is a special case and Purity Spring is an Academy protégé. But why are the rest studying this subject?” She asked.

As you might have noticed, I already answered this question earlier in the other paragraph. So I knew what to answer her. “It’s not really something they need, Angel. Although, some insights about the subjects could really help you in some way. Even if you’re not a unicorn”, I answered. “Take me for example… I use my potions as magic even until now! But I could really benefit in learning a little bit about this stuff”, I explained.

She had her head leaned on the desk while I was explaining. “I guess that’s an acceptable answer”, She said smiling as she lifted her head.

After that question, class has started. So we really couldn’t talk as much as we wanted to.

“Let’s start shall we?” Clover told the class. “Who can tell me the type of magic for each pony races?” She asked.

I was surprised to see Angel raise a hoof. She was called immediately, quicker than she had raised it. “Ponies usually hold a good amount of magic within their body and it differs for each of the races. Unicorns uses magic through their horns. It’s amplified in a way that it can appear in a physical form and is the most obvious for of magic”, She said.

“Remarkable… Please continue”, Clover insisted.

“Pegasi have a natural ability of a unicorn to concentrate the magical energies of their body to their wings. This enables them to fly, fly faster, and even incredibly fast. Earth ponies have a subtle form of magic that depends on the type of talent they have. They usually manipulate the magic in their body to strengthen their physical abilities”, she continued to explain.

Clove clapped her hooves 3 times after that answer. “A bit of a summarize answer. But considering how I haven’t taught you anything yet, that was a pretty impressive summarization”, she commented. “Tell me, how do you know the answer, Snow Angel?” She inquired.

She was a bit laidback. “I’d rather not, Mistress Clover”, she answered.

“I see. In that case let us move on”, she said letting it go.

Of course, I didn’t let Angel of as easily as Clover did. “Since you won’t tell Clover. Would you mind if you told me why?” I asked after she just sat down again.

“I learned from Celestia School as well, remember?” She reminded.

Oh… I forgot. “That kind of sounds a little advance. Even for you…” I said.

“It’s actually one of the basics she taught us”, She explained.

Clover continued with her lecture until the class ended. Halfway through the class, my body went back to normal. But I had all eyes on me again though. Talk about humiliating!

(Later that evening)

After classes ended, Angel and I headed to the bar for dinner and to meet up with Time Turner, which had some kind of news apparently. On the way, we caught up with Purity Spring.

“Purity Spring! How was your day?” I asked.

She turned towards my direction. “Oh hey, Walker. It was a bit of a ride. Especially the assignments you gave us. It’s really giving me a headache”, she answered.

I might have forgotten about it, but I remember Purity Spring was supposed to be one of my students. But I didn’t notice her earlier. “You were at my class? I didn’t see you there, Purity”, I said.

She seemed to be angry after I said that. “Really?! I don’t like to participate in anything the class tries to do. But why would you ignore me? I even introduced myself after Sombra earlier, remember?” She reminded.

I thought back a bit and I did remember I didn’t pay attention to anypony else after Sombra’s introduction. “Sorry, Purity. But I was so preoccupied earlier, I might have missed a couple of introductions. Speaking of which, what do you know about the pony that came before you?” I asked.

“You mean Sombra?” She inquired, I nodded. “He said every bit of information about himself earlier, why?” She asked.

I was poking my head with my hoof. “I’m getting a bad vibe around him”, I answered.

She turned her gaze towards Angel, trying to ask her what I meant by that. Of course, she didn’t know. We proceeded to head inside the bar where Time Turner was waiting for us. Angel went to the counter to give our order while I went directly to my cousin.

“What the hell took you so long? I practically saw you in front of the bar!” He complained.

“Well excuse me, Cousin! Not everyone is a loner like you!” I pointed out. It was rather harsh but that’s how we usually talk, as you might have noticed by now. “Anyway, what kind of news were you talking about anyways?” I asked.

He suddenly closed his eyes and began to breathe deeply. “I’m warning you not to get discouraged by this, okay?” He advised. “Present day Canterlot has apparently been attacked”, He said.

If I was eating, I would have died by chocking or heart attack. “WHAT?! Couldn’t you have told us this news as soon as you heard of it?! Where did you even get this from? Who’s your source?!” I attacked him with a flurry of questions.

“As I said, try not to be discourage! If I know your friend Twilight, she can handle whatever it is that disrupts the peace in Equestria. She did it more than twice already, right?” He told me.

I couldn’t stop overacting… I mean, who wouldn’t? It’s not just my parents living there, there’s also Snow Angel’s! “Even so, Time Turner! This is something you tell us as soon hear of it!” I barked at him.

All my shouting had attracted a couple more eyes towards me. If the stares from the ponies earlier wasn’t enough, here comes the bonus. I’m getting pretty tired of it! It’s pretty humiliating…

Angel heard me shouting from the ground floor and asked me about it. “What’s with all the fuss, Walker? We can hear you all the way from the counter”, she asked with a comment in addition.

I turned my gaze back at Time Turner, the one who gave me the news. “Should I tell her or should you?” I asked him.

“I assume nopony likes the way I say these things. Your reaction is a valid proof, so it might as well be you”, he insisted.

Wow… This egghead had to say all those things, when he could have just said ‘I should’ or ‘You should’! Or maybe that’s your fault, author.

“Okay then… Angel” I turned towards her. “Canterlot was attacked. Present day Canterlot at least… But Time Turner’s thoughts about it was Twilight and her friends can handle it”, I explained.

“Did you ask him about the attack itself?” She inquired. Nope… I have not. I turned towards Time Turner.

“Changelings”, He answered vaguely.

Angel and I turned towards each other. “Uhm, Cousin? You might want to explain your answer”, I told him.

He gave a brief sigh and said. “Might as well tell you the whole report”. He then gave me a piece of paper. It didn’t look like a parchment, in fact, it looked a lot better than a blueprint! Of course I couldn’t describe.

-Timeline 000, Day 78-

A wedding is being held here today. During the whole week, patrols have increased and 3 days before the wedding, the captain of the guards casted a barrier around the city.

-Timeline 000, Day 79-

Wedding day. The whole city has been attacked. Attackers have been confirmed as Changelings (These creatures changes their appearance into somepony who is well loved and feed off that love). To my understanding, they appear to be hostile but not deadly at the least. They never kill.

-Timeline 000, Day 80-

Re-scheduled wedding. Failed to attend, going back to the destroyed time.

End of report”

“Where’d you get this?” I asked him.

He was staring at me and turned his eyes somewhere else. “Don’t ask me, Walker. Let’s just say it’s how I get my info”, He answered.

“Sometimes, I don’t even know if we could trust you anymore, Time Turner”, Angel commented.

“He might be weird, Angel. And his past self is trying to kill us, but I think we can trust him”, I told her.

She seemed to doubt me but I know she always trust what I say to her. “So… the ‘they never kill’ part got me thinking, why wouldn’t they kill?” She asked.

It seemed like Time Turner was inclined to answer. “Changelings feed off of love from other creatures. If they kill their benefactor, it won’t benefit them. Think of it as some sort of ‘parasitic relationship’, it might answer your question more clearly”.

“Seems like a stretch… Either way, I think there’s no need to be alarmed”, I told her.

Right after our discussion, our food arrived and we started eating. Purity Spring sat with us and went back to her room after we finished. We went to Clover for my daily report. Well, I did at least.

(At Clover’s Office)

I knocked on the door, expecting the headmistress to say ‘yes?’ and reply. “Come in!” A stallion’s voice answered instead.

I opened the door and saw Fireheart fixing the office. Clover wasn’t there so I asked him if he knows where she went. “Fireheart? Where’s the headmistress?”

He was a bit grumpy. “She’s not feeling well, so I had to force her to go back to her room”, he explained. “I never thought her worked piled up though!” He complained.

I examined the room and it looks like clover left an ass ton of stuff for him to do. “You’re forced to do her work, I assume?” I examined.

He shook his head. “I’m just fixing her office. But there’s so many books, I don’t think I’ll finish before everypony’s asleep”, he answered. I feel bad for this guy. Clover doesn’t know how luck she is.

“How about you? How was your day? I heard it was your first day in class”, He said.

“Yeah… I was nervous but it wasn’t bad”, I answered modestly.

He gave me a smile back as a reaction to my answer. “Well, I hope you do great!”

I had to go back to my room and finish my report tomorrow along with my next report. It sucks that I have to do 2 reports for a day in addition to my other work. My magic class isn’t helping with my schedule either. I have to practice with my horn whenever I have time so I can practice the spells Clover is teaching. I also have some private session with the headmistress to better my use of magic the day after tomorrow.

(Later that midnight)

Time Turner wasn’t in our room. I was already tired so I don’t have enough motivation to look for him. The following day was uneventful, but apparently it was enough to be considered significant.

“I’m at the point of my life where I feel like I have no control over it!” I spoke to myself. “I’m already a wonderbolt but I feel like I’m wasting my time here to achieve my dreams! What am I supposed to do?!” I shouted and buried my face at the sofa.

I then heard a voice coming from my head which resembled Starswirl’s voice. “Keep in mind, none of us wanted to put you through this. But this is your destiny! Please help us!” the voice said. After that, the voice never spoke to me again.

Time Turner came in the room after that but I was too tired to even greet him, so I forced myself to go to bed and go straight to sleep.
To be continued…
End of Chapter 9