• Published 27th Apr 2016
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Temporal Walker - AcelJean

Another pony saves Equestria from the shadows... He never gets recognized because he travels through time... Know how this little wonderbolt got involved in all of your fictions and how he either helped or help prevented these things from happening!

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(Chapter 4) Preparations

Preparations: Chapter 4


Most often question asked to me… Before every show, we are tasked to prepare and perfect our routine. Being a wonderbolt is hard work… But to be a wonderbolt, is to be the greatest! I felt that way even when I was still in the reserves. Whenever Angel asks me if I’m ready for a certain something, I always say ‘hold up!’… I say that to not make any false claims. Think about it this way… If you have a two friends, and you introduce your best friend to someone and pretend their also your best friends… It would be lying. And to top it up, disappointing. It’s kind of like that but… well… You get the idea!

I got back to the library and then took my well-deserved rest. I figured, since we saved Equestria from certain destruction, we deserved to relax for even a few hours… Turns out, that only lasted for a little while. Because the next morning, I woke up feeling drippy and to top it up, restless! Angel was dotting me about a small but actually huge matter. My fighting abilities.

Sure, my potion brewing and flying is good but my close combat capabilities are… not so good. To think, I was going to charge head on with king Sombra, when I was a pathetic fighter! The guy has a deranged horn and I have none! I may be able to beat an average unicorn using only potions. But I can only do so much! Until a suggestion from Angel hit me like a boiling water poured onto me early in the morning…

“Zecora?” I asked.

Angel nodded. “Yes. With her help, your magical capabilities will increase spontaneously! As well as your fighting techniques!” She explained.

It does sound great. But what if I don’t have certain ingredients to make a potion I need? I’ll be defenseless! And that was the time Twilight, made her suggestion.

“What about physical training? I can convince Apple Jack to train you in bucking and buffing you up! That way you can protect yourself and use your knowledge on potions to help you out!” She suggested.

Enhanced hoof pony-arts… Faster flying… Instant speed up… or permanent strength and endurance level up? These choices are like games. Both, if possible, could be a great asset when the time comes to fight! Even without unicorn magic, I could drink and break potions to create an artificial magic… But being able to defend myself at all times while using my already mastered tricks would definitely come in handy!

Because of my lack of courage to choose one of the awesome choices, I turned to the two… And asked them if they know which is best. “What do you two think? Can I do both?” I asked.


Jinx. Anyway… Even though that’s the case, I made my choice. It was actually rather difficult to choose, but let’s get on with our lives. “How about… Magical Pony-arts?” I asked.


Jinx again.

(3 Hours later, At the Canterlot Archives)

“‘Imbuing yourself with magical properties while being able to make your foes, paralyzed or petrified.’”, Twilight read. “This is Magical Pony-arts… but Walker, how did you know about this? Have you been entering here without anyone’s permission?” Twilight asked me.

“I’ve been… researching. I guess.” I told them.

I learned about this through one of the books I’ve read before. By accident of course. Problem is, nopony knows how to do this! And I certainly don’t know anypony who is able to teach anything like this.

“This seems impossible to do. No pony alive know these teachings! It’s now only a footnote in the pages of history…” Angel claimed.

“No pony might, but you got to be positive we’ll be able to do this!” I bellowed.

I could learn magic and physically enhance myself at the same time… But I don’t think that’s how you learn Magical Pony-arts. We need someone who knows how to do this. But apparently, there’s just nopony.

“First. I need you to explain to us how this works. You’re the one who did the research, Walker. What is this?” Twilight asked.

I made both of them sit down then I started explaining. “Magical Pony-arts is what you read… Imbuing yourself with magical properties. It’s like conjuration magic for unicorns. This however, is artificial magic. I only need to learn how to brew a potion… Which will make me artificially a unicorn! Alicorn to be exact. After which, mastering everything about unicorn magic is the only thing I need to worry about.” I explained.

They we’re both speechless because nopony. Ever. Tried to be magically imbued before. A certain earth-pony tried it once, it did not end well! However, Twilight was already thinking out of a plan.

“I can teach you magic if you succeed in finding out a way of brewing this potion. But where are you going to learn that?” She asked.

Luckily, we already have a master in potion brewing. Yep. Zecora…

(The next day)

We slept at the Angel’s house for the night and then took off quickly. As far as I remember, we didn’t even eat breakfast. I feel like I’m in the wonderbolt’s academy all over again. No rest at all. At lease, no relaxation. I had a feeling it was just gonna keep getting worse. And I was right.

Seeing as how our last train ride ended up traumatizing. We took a hot-air balloon yesterday and today. If they could only fly, we wouldn’t have to take this ride and spend precious bits!

“Can I go visit my friends before we leave?” Twilight asked.

Curious. But I at lease expected such a thing from Twilight. “Sure”.

After landing, Twilight took-off like RD… so quick we didn’t even notice she was gone! And with that, we also took-off for the library. We needed to get some stuff before actually going to Zecora’s.

In that moment, I felt something weird. I just remembered that Zecora died. At lease in that changed time. It feels kind of weird, visiting a dead zebra. I shouldn’t probably mention that to them if anything at all.

Arriving in time, we talked to Spike. I wanted to get some of the usual items Twilight always pack. Like parchment, quills, books, and even simple ink. This mare is certainly odd, but its times like that, when she wants to help out with the pursuit of equestrian knowledge. History in short… I also told him to get me some flask for potion brewing. Which reminds me, I just told Angel actually. “How will we time travel?” I asked.

Angel had a darkened expression. “What do you mean?” She asked.

I told her about the problem. A small. Miniscule. Problem. “We don’t have the potion we used before, right? So… how are we getting back in time with a missing procedure?” I pointed out.

She was thinking hard. Poking her hoof at her horn, she was trying to remember. Of course, it didn’t take too long. “Doesn’t Zecora have that potion?” She asked me.

I thought of that already… I mean, who wants to ask somepony for something she already died for? I’m not going to talk about her death though. That’s in a different universe… so it’s not important. “Yep. But I’m not too keen on asking her for it again”, I replied. Surely she remembers. At least.

Angel went up to me and pushed my head over. I know, if she does this, she thinks I’m thinking nonsense. “I already know the reason, Walker. You have to let go of the past! Especially since, it’s no big deal!” She pointed out.

Yep. I already thought of that, I’m not stupid. But when something traumatizing or eye-opening happens to somepony, you really learn your lesson! But I have to let go of that, just to save Equestria. On that note, I lifted my head and told Angel, “You’re right… Let’s just get this over with!”

On that moment, Spike went in and brought the flask and bottles I asked. I snuck them gently into my saddlebags, and closed it as gently. If only we could bring all this stuff in just a small purse, it would be terrific…

Angel grabbed our bags (since she’s the unicorn… No gentlecolts nor helping.) and hovered them beside her. All of those stuff we’re like 4 kilos each. Times 4 bags… that’s like 16 kilos! Barely something Angel could lift with her own hooves nor muzzle. Anyway… we then said our farewell to Spike before we took off.

“See you later, Spike!” Angel said.

He nodded and then replied, “Just make sure you get back safe! I’ll tell Twilight to follow right when she gets back!” He then waved us good bye and we went out the library. Spike had then shut the door and we continued to gallop all the way to Zecora’s hut.

(A couple of minutes later, at the front of the town hall.)

“I feel like I’m forgetting something, Walker”, Angel told me.

I stopped on my tracks. I was two meters away from Angel. I looked at her and saw trouble. Well… more like troubled.

Good news and bad news. Bad news is, when Angel tells me something is wrong, it usually means it’s true (coincidentally). Good news, we remembered it before getting to Zecora’s hut. Another bad news, we gotta go back. Bollocks. “You sure you’re not just imagining things? You’re the one carrying everything ya know!” I shouted to her.

Angel looked at me and then turned back. She started walking back to the library. “I think when I say something like that, I’m sure!” she shouted back to me.

Without any choice, I followed her. (Sighs) I wish she could just teleport there herself and comeback here quickly like Twilight! But I guess I shouldn’t compare Twilight’s good traits to Angel’s bad ones. That’s… racist, I guess?

The sun was too hot that day. I felt like I was in a desert! It made walking back feel like a nightmare! I usually get it if I go home feeling like crap after a show, during night time! It was the first time it happened to me in daytime. I wonder why it was so hot though. If I asked Princess Celestia I’d get a right answer. But if I asked Angel, it would only be her opinion. But she does take me seriously. Even if those kind of questions seems silly for others.

Angel turned her gaze to me. She lowered her brow and was observing me. I’m pretty sure she noticed that I was complaining a lot. On the inside. That must be the reason she said, “Maybe you should just go on ahead. And I’ll catch up? With Twilight”.

I shook my head in disagreement. If she wasn’t using her brains today, she wouldn’t remember the dangers of the Everfree forest. “Too dangerous…”

“Alright then.” She stated and then continued on walking.

I could see the train station from here, which means we’re close. It feels like a lifetime walking from the town hall and back here. I spotted the library, then quickly trotted to it. I knocked on the door fully expecting Spike to come out and say ‘Hi’, But alas… Life is quite unfair. The door opened, and we did saw a familiar face, but it wasn’t the friendliest.

Angel patted my back with her left foreleg and turned around. Coincidence that Angel would mistake this for ‘something forgotten’. “I’ll be over there, Walker”, Angel pointed at the bench across the dirt road.

“I had to give you something”, Time turner told me.

Whatever it was, it looked pretty important to give it to me so late… He opened his saddlebags and dragged out a watch. A black hoof-watch that looked pretty ordinary. “Is this a gift? Cause it sure is cheap, dude. Especially the things you did to make up for it!”

He giggled in frivolity of my claim. Apparently, it wasn’t a gift nor a peace offering. “You’ll find out what it’s for eventually”, he told me. “One more thing. Try not to bring Twilight with you when you face King Sombra. She’s not exactly destined to meet the guy yet.” He added and then vanished in the darkness.

That last claim or order more like… really imprinted on my mind. I don’t think I’m gonna be forgetting that anytime soon. Snow Angel then galloped towards me. Seeing as how we’re finished talking. Privately.

“What did he say?” She asked me.

I shook my head. “Nothing”.

(30 mins later, Outskirts of Ponyville)

Seeing as how we forgot nothing, we left for Zecora’s place. Again. It’s kind of redundant… And honestly, I feel like I just want to lay down. A lot of time was wasted walking back and forth!

“Want something to drink?” Angel asked.

I turned to her. “Why would you just ask me that? And aren’t you the one doing all the carrying?” I asked. If you noticed that, you’d probably be drinking 3 gallons to 4.

“Levitating. And no, I’m not. I just asked because you seem to be having a heat stroke! Noticed?” She said.

That explains a lot. “Oh… sure I’d like some”. No complains there. She definitely have a point!

Angel took out a bottled water using her muzzle from the saddlebag strapped around her. She gave it me while still levitating the other four saddlebags. “Here”, she said.

I took the bottle out of Angel’s generosity. “Thanks”, I greeted.

We kept walking until I spotted a pack of Timberwolves running around near the entrance of the Everfree forest. I told Angel, “We should look for a safer path”. But she didn’t listen. She told me, “It’ll take us longer before we get to Zecora’s!” out of impatience.

She kept trotting towards danger like she was expecting it. Darn it! She never listens! I flew towards her and pushed her out of the Timberwolves’s direction. Apparently, I tackled her a little too fast so that’s why, when I hit her, it was a little hard.

“Oww!” She shouted in pain.

She tumbled a complete 360 degrees after being blown away. If that had hurt, I could only imagine the pain. And of course, she got angry at me… “WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” Angel cried out.

“If you hadn’t noticed, you we’re walking directly into a band of Timberwolves. If you had any brains left, you’ll probably notice!” I warned her.

She looked at the pack again, her gazed was different than before. The fire that was in her eyes was painted with fear. “Did that crap-ton of Timberwolves just became a village sized herd?” she asked, shivering.

I turned towards them, and, holy crap! She was right! Their numbers multiplied by at least times three! Now we really need to look for a safer path. “Shall we go with my idea then?” I asked.

“Yes. Lets.” She replied in a lifeless voice.

And with that note, we hurriedly went around to avoid detection and thus avoiding said predicament. Honestly though, I want to get there quickly to save time (literally!). But a certain something always appears to prevent it just like that! It’s such a bothersome…

After getting to about a hundred meter radius from the Timberwolves, we stepped foot in the forest at last. We’re practically being too cautious about every little detail today, aren’t we? But that’s not exactly the case. We just don’t wanna get clobbered or tied into a situation we can’t get out of. If you think our current situation where Twilight came with us… well… it’s… like that.

“I’m pretty sure, Twilight, is already ahead of us…” I grumbled.

I didn’t look back that time, but I’m very certain Angel, nodded in agreement. “Nothing to disagree on that…” She told me.

My hooves we’re feeling heavy and I think, has a magnet. They weren’t just heavy, I felt like it was being pulled down the earth. If that sun is actually superhot today, I’m certain there’s already a problem. I’m sure that even if I asked Princess Celestia, she’d say that this is the first time that it was this hot. I wonder what affected that though… On that silly thought, I turned to Angel and asked her.

“Hey. Who do you think is the reason it’s so hot today? I bet it’s not Celestia though”, I claimed.

Her gazed was above the clouds, she does takes my questions seriously. “King Sombra?” She pointed out.

I tried to picture it out, but it’s impossible, really. If he is the ruler of the crystal empire, he’ll be as cold as ice. Both literally and figuratively. Anypony but him really. “Nope. I don’t think that’s possible”.


From that claim, I analyzed the situation. First villain to visit or timeline, was Discord’s. So it does make a lot of sense. “Hey. You might be right!” I told her.

She simply smiled and nodded in joy.

The thought then just hit me. “CRAP! We have to hurry!” I cried out. And then, I trotted, rushing towards Zecora’s hut with all haste! And then, I stopped. I found myself, instantly teleported at Zecora’s front house. I felt out of breathe, which was an understatement! I felt it all over my little body…

I heard Angel trotting from a few meters away and was shouting my name. And then I felt her stop right beside me. All fours were skidding before going into a complete stop.

“Well, we’re here. Again.” She commented.

A felt like a nightmare flashed right into my mind from somewhere. “I’m just glad I’m not seeing decapitated heads anymore. Ugh! Nasty stuff!” I told to myself. And apparently, I’m still feeling a little nostalgic. Not in the good way though.

I felt the wind turned its breeze. Twilight was already right behind our backs.

“Guys! I’m here!” She announced from a far while trotting. That was a given.

As if all the luck and good vibes in Equestria came back with her arrival. The scorching sun was already setting, making for a cooler atmosphere… Gosh, I hope I can bare the training which is a few steps within time.

“Where’ve you been, Twilight?” Angel asked.

Twilight stopped dead on her tracks, then started to tell us about her day so far. “I had to help supervise the ponyville Pegasi in their… you know… cloudsdale orders.” She told us.

Oh crap! I completely forgot! Today was the day I was supposed to supervise how strong the wing power of every town’s Pegasi is! I’m doomed if Spitfire took my job as her own! I’m almost afraid to ask Twilight about it… Not to mention I’m already shy about talking to her. Sort of.

I gulped and then exhaled. I tried to buck up and ask Twilight. “Twi-light? Who in the wonderbolt specifically, supervised the tornado? Please don’t tell me it’s Spitfire…”I murmured.

“Uhm… It was her, Walker. Why?” She stated.

My heart. Literally. Stopped. Spit-fire??? “I’M IN DEEP TROUBLE!!!” I cried out and then immediately flew to the headquarters. I didn’t even hear the two stop me as I took off in lightning speed, leaving everything in my dust. But I was pretty sure they shouted at me, telling me to stop. Too late.

(15 minutes later)

Apparently, for all my flaws, I’m the fastest wonderbolt when I get frantic. But only during such circumstances. I guess that’s why I was picked out of all the reserves. And during flight exercise, I have a habit of forgetting what our instructor says. But with all the hardships, none was worth my time being called as such. Instead, I’d call Spitfire the only hardship in the academy. And that’s not even exaggerating it! That’s pretty much the reason I am sooooo frantic right now. Go ahead and call me paranoid though, I wouldn’t be the only one.

I arrived at the site trying to keep my cool. I saw 2 instructors giving a hard time to a bunch of newbies. Sadly, Rainbow Dash was still not in the mix. I turned around to find the wonderbolt barracks on my right. Seeing it, reminds me of Spitfire’s angry face. And speak of the devil, I saw her came out from within the barracks itself. She was talking to Soren, and then he took off. She turned her gaze and quickly spotted me. As I knew it, she had a bad look at me. So… I trotted along the headquarters, making my way through the runways, looking at both sides for danger, and then managed to make my way to the gates of hell.

“You’ve got a lot of explaining to do, Crawler!” She said in raspy and roughly voice. Ugh! Not with the names again!

Apparently, it was also my fault I’ve been called that. I was so cautious in crossing the runway to the barracks, I even crawled getting there. Humiliating if not anything else.

“Uhm… I was busy? Can that be acceptable?” I asked.

“No.” she claimed in a cold voice. “And don’t think you can simply fly-away after making go to ponyville! Explain yourself, Crawler!” She added. She sure is lucky I’m not using her nickname…

“Long story short, saving Equestria. Only one able to. Can I go now?”

She shook her head in a manner which works both ways. Disagreeing and disappointed. “I’ll need more information that!” She shouted. Can’t she lower her voice just a skosh? This might take a while…

(30 minutes later)

After explaining the WHOLE story to Spitfire, I took a glass of water to rest my throat. “So, you believe me?” I asked.

“No.” She said in a dead panned voice. “But you’re on probation for a week. You can leave, but I expect you to comeback by no longer than 2 weeks.” She claimed.

“2 WEEKS?!” I yelled.

“Got a problem with that?!”

Oh boy… “No ma’am!” I replied. And then she left without saying another word. Probably off to the cafeteria or something.

Sweet Celestia! How am I supposed to get everything done within 2 weeks?! I don’t think we can simply go to back to the exact present when we left! Time continues to move. And if I jump to a different time plane, I might end-up destroying everything in existence! No… wait… does that sound to extreme? I think it does.

Not wasting another second, I immediately flew back to Zecora’s. The only reason I walked through the forest, is because I have somepony else with me. If not, I’d be there within seconds!

It was already sundown. Twilight was approaching within the minute. Even in my best speed, I don’t think I could get there before the moon rises. Well, if I had the slingshot of that train a few weeks ago, I could probably do so.

The Everfree Forest was within sight. I found a small flickering light from within the forest and then glided to that direction. Ironic really, Zecora is living in the middle of the forest because she wants to avoid ponies attraction, but is attracting everything else. Funny how it is.

I finally spotted the cottage and then landed right at its entrance. It looks like Twilight and Angel already went inside. Better break the bad news to them… “I’m back!” I announced my arrival from the door.

Zecora opened the door, I entered in a humble fashion. “Welcome, Temporal Walker! It seems you we’re already here earlier, your friends told me, they are such sweet talkers!” She told me. Okay, I’m not very good with poetry, but I’m pretty sure that didn’t rhyme very much. Not that I care.

“Zecora. Let’s cut to the chase. Do you know how to brew a potion to make me a temporary alicorn? I asked.

“I apologize, But I do not. I do, however, know how to get the ingredients for the lot.” She claimed.

Well, that’s a start. “Do you know anypony who knows?” I inquired.

“Not of pony kin, But one which has the same color as my skin” She claimed.

Same color… A zebra! “So, a zebra knows… Where does that zebra live?” I questioned her about the whereabouts.

She thought very carefully, poking her muzzle even. Then she finally found her answer. “You are in luck! She is in the same land as you buck”, She replied.

“She’s in Equestria!” Twilight claimed. “But where exactly, Zecora?” She asked.

“Near the dragon migration site. But be warned, it is a dangerous place! A fitting reason why she wanted to keep out of sight!” She told us.

Now why would a zebra live in such a terrible place? Then again, seeing as how Zecora is living in this very territory is proof enough. I guess they have that much in common at least.

“Angel. Twilight. We don’t have much time, we need to go now!” I claimed.

Angel and Twilight we’re poking my flank as I was grabbing our stuff. “What?”

“Why are we in such a hurry?” Angel asked.

Because of… ugh! It would be better if I told them both what Spitfire said… “We have only 2 weeks before I run out of time to get back to the headquarters… or I’m going to get kicked out!”

Both of them we’re jaw dropped. I bet that was a shocking news to them than it was a terrifying claim to me. “Why would Spitfire do that?!” Angel questioned.

“Apparently, I skipped my duty as wonderbolt to supervise this month’s water transfer”, I explained.

Twilight frowned. Seems to disagree with Angel. But, they’re not the only ones… “That seems unfair”, Twilight claimed.

“Isn’t it?!” I added to her claim.

“Why would she give you some sort of time limit, are you on probation?” Twilight asked.

Hit it right in the center! Twilight got it all covered… “Yep. You’re definitely right in the nicker!” I told her.

Angel levitated our bags and then turned to us. “We can’t just sit here then, let’s go!” And then she galloped outside.

“Come back anytime, pony folk. You’re always welcome to my humble abode!” Zecora greeted us before leaving.

“Thanks, Zecora! Be sure to have those ingredient’s ready when we get back! Consider the exotic and rare ones too!” I reminded her.

“Don’t you worry about the brew! Worry about what lies ahead for you and your crew!” She warned.

Taking those warnings into heart is surely making my hooves shiver. I feel like we’re walking straight right into a big pile mess! But I guess it’s nothing these two and me can handle.

(12 hours later)

Running towards the swamp was probably the worst idea ever! I feel like we should have took a train or something. But there’s no such thing in the place we’re heading. It’s still a bit far. But we’re getting nearer by the minute.

“How long until we get there?” I asked the both of them.

Twilight answered my question. She was holding the map we had for travelling purposes. “About 3 hours trot towards that direction” She said and then pointed towards the mountains.

“Oh great! Another series of climbing… this is so… fun.” Angel sarcastically whined.

“Hey… I know it’s getting late, and we’re all super tired too. But we need to get there before we even rest” I cheered her up.

Angel was groaning and then looked at me, disappointed. “I’m not angry at you, Walker. I just wish Spitfire didn’t give you a time limit. Or at least 3 weeks to be considerate!” she murmured to me.

I can understand her point, more than anypony. But I also don’t want to get kicked out for the reason of not attending one simple errand. Spitfire didn’t say anything about kicking me out, but I think that’s understood.

“What do you think we might see at that swamp?” Twilight asked.

Angel face was frowning, epic frown. But she at least answered Twilight’s question. “Probably something stupid like a cragadile or a bunch of stuck up dragons…” She whined.

We reached the mountain that seemed like a day away without any problem. But I fear, Angel is reaching limits. “Can you keep up?” I asked her.

“Of course!” She answered while climbing. “It’s not that hard to pretend like you’re a goat… I rather like it, in fact!” She added.

Alright. That’s it. I don’t think she candle anymore… “Let’s stop for a while and have a quick break”, I told both of them.

Twilight looked around, thinking of my ridiculous idea. “In the middle of climbing a cliff? I don’t think that’s a good idea”, she warned.

“Okay. Let’s climb until the top, and then rest there.” I suggested.

So. We climbed to the top, Twilight was happy and so was Angel. We took out 3 loaf breads from the bag as a quick snack. Angel had all 3 and gave one each to me and Twilight. I didn’t realized it until now, but the sun has already risen. We haven’t even slept yet… I guess now I know why Angel was so grumpy when we climbed this big heap of rock.

“You want another one, Walker?” Angel offered.

I shook my head. “No. I’m good. You can eat it though” I replied.

“Can’t. I have to save it for important days”, she told me. Suit yourself, I guess…

After eating, we continued climbing down the mountain. Pass it was the swamp Zecora mentioned, sort of mentioned. “That place looks a lot dangerous than the Everfree forest”, I commented.

“That’s because it is! It’s called the Marsh of Despair. Nopony who’s ever came in ever went back alive!” Twilight claimed.

Oh crap. What have we gotten ourselves into now? “If no pony went back alive, did any comeback dead?” I asked.

Twilight shook her head in answering. And didn’t say another word.

“Remind me how did we get into this kind of mess again, Walker?” Angel asked.

Well that has pretty obvious answer, don’t you think? “Duh… Time Turner’s fault!” I claimed.

They both nodded in agreement and continued climbing down. The way down wasn’t at all, hard. The marsh was what I was worried about when we get down. Why would a zebra live in one of the most dangerous, not to mention life sucking, place in Equestria?! What is she? Some kind of evil enchantress?! I feel like my life is in danger. Then again, it already was a couple of weeks ago.

“Just an hours trot to that direction, guys”, Twilight assured. I wasn’t so happy to see a swamp so early after getting down a mountain.

“Whoa! The sun is weird…” Angel claimed. Twilight and I both looked to the horizon. To our surprise, Angel’s claim was far from off… The sun was emitting a different color than it usual does. It was emitting a blue color! And it wasn’t hot, it was cold.

“I feel like I know who’s behind that now…” Twilight muttered.

I’m getting the feeling our time has yet again been altered. What’s weird was, that the surroundings we’re the ones being altered. “Let’s try not to stop, guys”, I told to them. With that, we marched on. I do get a feeling we’re gonna be attacked anytime now.

Angel hurried to Twilight’s side and I heard her asked a question. Something I was also curios about. “Twilight, you said you know what or who’s the reason behind this weird weather… Can you tell me?”

Twilight stopped and turned to Angel. “Discord”, she claimed. “I’m still all too familiar with what happened a few months ago”, she added.

“Are you alright?” Angel probed.

Twilight then nodded in reassurance. “I’m fine. It’s my friends I’m worried about”.

I very well know how that feels like. “I’ll try to do my best to help them and Equestria… You should too, Twilight”, I reassured.

“Thanks, Temporal Walker. And by the way, we’re already here”, she told me. “The Marsh of Despair…”

That was a quick change of scene! Anyway, I got really nervous when we got to the borders of the marsh. It feels like we’re at the front of the gates of hell.

“Don’t you think it’s odd?” Angel claimed.

Twilight and I turned to her. “What’s odd”, I asked.

“Nothing seems to have gotten in our way yet. Nor was there any sign of danger…” She explained.

Now that I think about it, Zecora did say the way through here is dangerous. I’m feeling kind of relived nothing went to our way yet. “It does look kind of strange”.

Twilight and Angel we’re looking at me, backing up slowly and speaking very quietly. “I don’t think it’s that strange…” Twilight whispered. The terror was all over their eyes. I turned around to find that more than dozen hydras and chimeras, were roaming around.

“I think that’s the reason this place is called ‘The Marsh of Despair”, don’t you agree?” She claimed.

“Yep. Hundred percent…”

(A few minutes after entering the marsh)

I feel like I’m walking on a high wire. And, it just doesn’t feel right.

“Don’t you think we should move quicker?!” Angel grumbled.

I shook my head. “I don’t think you’ll want to get the attention of these monsters. Some of them, at least.” I told her.

Twilight nodded in agreement. “My last encounter with one hydra, left me traumatized of jumping off a wide space. I don’t want to repeat it with a dozen more”, She claimed.

While the two we’re talking and basically Angel letting off steam, I was trying to find anything at all that could look like a house, shelter or a hideout. And boy, was I in luck! I spotted a big, old, and creaky cottage right near the edge of a cliff. It was easily spotted, and didn’t look abandoned, so I bet that zebra lives here.

“Well, I bet this is the place”, I told them.

Angel and Twilight stopped, each of them covering both my sides. “I think she’s out somewhere. What do we do?” Twilight asked.

“You don’t need to do anything. I’m right here”, a voice said that sounded exactly like Zecora.

“Are you the zebra that Zecora told me knows how to brew the unicorn potion?” I asked.

The zebra came out from the darkness. I heard the bushes on my right move. It was a stallion. Well, at least, I think that’s what a male zebra is called.

“My name is Thrall. Feel free to enter the cottage, it is a refuge built for whomever accidentally wanders the marsh. Though in this case, I think you went in here on your own accord.” He said.

Thrall? Sounds familiar… “Anyway… yes. We came here looking for you”, I told him.

“What do you want with the unicorn/alicorn potion? I don’t think nopony has ever come to ask me this before… And I mean, nopony!” He claimed.

I turned to Angel and Twilight. They looked at me silly. Am I supposed to do this all by myself?! Alright, fine. I didn’t exactly expect them to help… “We sort of need it to save Equestria. For now and for certain things that are just about to occur”, I answered.

He examined my claim. His eyes on me was like a sniper. “Come inside…” He told me.

I turned to Twilight and Angel to signal them both to follow. I just wish this doesn’t somehow end in disaster.


“So. You tell me that you pony-folk are from Canterlot? And you need this potion to help you learn to fight?” He clarified.


“I can teach you how to brew it. But you cannot do it here”, he claimed.

Something tells me this has something to do with the place. “Why not?” Angel asked.

“It attracts the hydras”, he answered. Darn! I knew it!

After several minutes, Thrall had wrote us the recipe needed to brew it plus the ingredients. Those are two things we need most which are done. Now to get those ingredients…


“Feel free to comeback when you’re in need of rarities!” Thrall reminded us as we walked away.

Well that was… “Quick…” Twilight muttered. Same idea, same reaction.

“Don’t you think that was too quick?” Angel asked.

Out of nowhere, lightning struck my ears. “It was indeed”, a booming voice claimed.

“Who was that?!” Twilight franticly asked.

“Time Turner… Twit! You’re in grave danger don’t you see?!” he bellowed.

I looked to my surroundings and found myself staring into a night sky. “What’s going on?” I asked.

“That Thrall has you under a deep sleep. Wake up, Walker!” Time Turner shouted.

I turned to Angel and Twilight, they were both gone from my sight. Like they vanished into thin air! “They’re also trapped in their own sleep. Wake up and take them with you! You got your little recipe right?! GET GOING!” He shouted for the last time.

“Darn it!” I grumbled.

I dashed off, hoping to find a way out. All I saw was the mountain from earlier. It would take ages for a wingless pony to get to the top. But for a pegasi, that time is reduced by 1000%! So flew up, and in just a few seconds, I got there. I stood at the very edge and jumped. The wind was piercing through me. I closed my wings to feel the fear dig right through me. Luckily, it did. I woke up strapped down, face planted.

“You didn’t think you’d get loose after waking up, did you? You’ll have to think again.” Thrall said in a maniacal voice.

This Zebra is a psychopath! A serial killer! We need to get out of here.

(BOOM!) I heard something blow up from my left side. Apparently, where Thrall was. (Groaning…) I heard him groaning from pain underneath the shattered debris. A shadow approaches from the flames, Time Turner. He shot out a magic missile to save us from the psychotic Zebra. Now I know why they call this the Marsh of Despair!

“First time I was so glad to see you appear!” I told him.

“Really? You can forget about it soon enough. I won’t be around much to save your flank anytime soon!” He announced. So full of himself I’m afraid.

I looked around hoping to find Twilight and Angel. There was no other pony in sight but Time Turner and my captor. “Where are Twilight and Angel?” I asked.

“I couldn’t find them”, Time Turner claimed.

Damn it guys! Where are you?!

Meanwhile, Time Turner dug into the scattered debris and took out Thrall. His eyes we’re shimmering in anger. “Where are the mares, zebra?!” He questioned.

Groaning heavily from the hits he took earlier, Thrall couldn’t lift a hoof to resist being levitated by Time Turner. “I have no idea! Those mares were gone before you even barged in here!” He answered, shivering in fear.

After that claim, my rival molds a magic sword and directly pointed it at Thrall’s neck. “If you don’t answer correctly within 3 seconds, you’ll be dismembered!” He threatened.

He couldn’t speak because of the fear of being killed. So. He ends up being barbarically decapitated. Time Turner thrust the sword into Thrall’s neck and gone… The zebra’s body was lifeless before I even know it. The only words Thrall last uttered were the screams he so desperately shouted. I was staring at him in shock. Wondering why Time Turner would do such a thing.

“Let’s go find the girls!” Time Turner announced.

Before we knew it, night time came along. We weren’t able find the two of them. But I have a feeling they’re alright.

(That evening, near the dragon migration site)

“Why did you do that?” I asked.

We were beside the mountain’s crater where the dragon’s migration takes place. I took a few sticks and started a fire going. Luckily, we had cookies which was enough for our need. Time Turner gazed towards me.

“Nothing. I’m used it”, He answered. “You’ll learn you need it to protect your friends, Walker”, he added.

I am aware. From now on, I need to expect the unexpected when I’m trying to protect my friends. I wouldn’t want to lose them. “I guess so…”

He stood up and took his food with him. “I guess I need to leave you here”, He told me.

What? “What? You’re gonna leave?! At this time of night?!” I asked frantically.

“Yep. You have to do your things and I have to do mine”, he said. “And technically, I shouldn’t even be helping you. Try your best though”, He told me, as he was walking away too.

Before I knew it, Time Turner was gone and I was all alone. Darn… “He could have at least led me to a safer place!” I said to myself.

There was nothing else to pout for, so I laid down and got myself some rest. I fell asleep too deep though. My mind was foggy, but I made out a few fragments and lead me to meeting her highness.

I was in Canterlot. I didn’t know it, but we were trying to find the information about the Magical Pony-Arts. I wasn’t just dreaming about the past though, I could control myself.

“Why are we?” I asked. “Didn’t we just went here yesterday?”

I turned to the mares, but they weren’t there. That’s about the time she arrived. “You’re trying to find your friends?” A mare spoke in a booming but calm voice.

It was Princess Luna! As pure and dark as the night sky. “Yes. Your highness. I was”, I replied. “But I don’t even know where to start looking!”

She fluttered down and stayed her hooves on the ground, leveling with me. “Try finding them while you continue on your quest”, she suggested.

“You mean… Go back to Zecora’s?” I asked and the she nodded. Why haven’t I thought of that?

Princess Luna’s eyes suddenly became serious. “One thing though, Temporal Walker. Trust in your friends. No pony close to you will seek and I’ll fate of you, no matter what it looks like”, She warned and then vanished like an image fading in the water.

And suddenly, I woke up. It was past the sunrise. As suspected, the sun was getting weirder and weirder. Now, it was colored green. “What should I do again?” I asked myself.

Oh… right…

(Noon, at the outskirts of Ponyville)

I got there as fast as I could, but apparently my wings could only do so much, they collapsed right outside ponyville. So now I’m stuck walking. I wouldn’t worry too much about em cause their only worn-out and not sprained. But they to fill a bit stiffed.

That was the time I saw Rainbow Dash flying above me. I waved my hoof and called her. “Rainbow Dash! Down here!” I shouted. And then she glided down towards me.

“What’s up, Walker? Aren’t you supposed to be with Twilight?” She asked.

Err… hehe… “About that, RD… I lost sight of them. But, by any chance, have you seen them around ponyville?” I asked.

“Nope. But I did notice something suspicious at the Golden Oaks Library. If that help, be sure to thank me properly!” She told me.

“Great! I’ll check it out now”.

“See ya!” She said and then took off. I guess I’ll be heading to the library first. But I wonder… What did RD mean by suspicious?

(Half an hour later)

I got to the library as quick as possible. I better save my remaining 13 days too. “Twilight? Angel?” I called out.

Nopony answered me. But someone did approach. “Walker?” a voice said examining me.

It was Spike of course. No one else is here after all when we left. “Spike?”

“What are you doing back so quickly?” He asked.

That was a very good question. For the readers of this little story… you probably know that it’s obvious, right? But for our little baby dragon friend here, that would be claiming nonsense, right? “I need to get back to Zecora. Have you seen Twilight and Angel around?” I told him.

“I thought they were with you!” He answered. Go figure… I’m the pegasi. That means I’ll be the first one to arrive at anywhere compared to an earth pony or a unicorn.

“I wonder where they are…” I told to myself.

“I could go look for them if you want… You just need to ask! But I require a few gems to hasten up the search…” he said.

Greedy dragon. Apparently, I had a stash full of them from Thrall because they were part of the ingredients needed for the potion we were making. I suppose, Zecora has some of these too?

So with that thought, I dragged out the bag full of gems and showed them to Spike. “I’ll give you this pouch filled with gems if you find Angel and twilight within 20 minutes, deal?” I offered.

The look on his eyes was lustful as a thief and his mouth was watering like a waterfall. I think he’ll answer - “DEAL!” Figured. With that, I said nothing else, I went straight to Zecora’s cottage. My wings had rested enough so I guess I can fly there straight.

(5 minutes later)

I arrived at Zecora’s cottage with a winded mane. Of course I had to fix up first… formalities and all. I knocked on the door fully expecting Zecora to say “Come in”, but it was a voice of a stallion. I opened the door and saw Time Turner making himself at home.

“Dude, why are you here?” I asked.

He stood up, put his tea aside and turned to me. “I have the ingredients for that potion your making. And I also made a recipe for the potion needed to use for your time travel”, he explained.

Well… hallelujah! That was quick. But I’m more concerned of the pending question I had for him. “Where’s Zecora?”

“She went that nut-job Thrall to bury him. I already explained to her why he died, but she was so keen onto doing her tradition, she left me in charge here…” he explained.

That was… convenient… I guess I don’t have to ask Zecora for that time traveling potion anymore. “Was there anything else?” I asked.

“Yep. You need to leave as quickly as possible! You won’t have any more time to prepare, but I think those two potions will be useful enough”, he told me.

Wait. What? I can’t leave yet! “Twilight still needs to teach me about magic!”

“As I said. You have no more time to prepare. But they’ll catch up I bet. Trust me…” He said.

“You may have forgotten, but I’m not too keen on giving you my trust just yet…” I quoted.

He turned me around towards the outside and pushed me using his forelegs. “Just get going nitwit!” He shouted and then shuts the door behind me. Well that went well. I have to get to Canterlot, now!

(15 minutes later, above the garden labyrinth)

I took me quickly enough to get to Canterlot without the two weighing me down. Still… I prefer that they’re here with me rather than they’re not. It’s kind of hard being alone, even though a lot of places are quickly accessible by flying.

I landed on the center of the maze, and saw the pentagon right where we left it. I threw the bottle and the time portal opened up. Tick-tock, tick-tock, the noise it was making was completely irrelevant but it sure tells me that it works. If you’re wondering why I just threw the bottle there without twilight’s help. Time Turner already altered the recipe by adding a drop of a unicorn’s essence which he gave me a bottle filled with them before I left. It does have a funny smell though.

I went through the portal fully expecting pain, but I guess when you go through it the third time, it’s a charm… Oh well. Bye-bye static, hello discord!

To be continued…
End of Chapter 4

Author's Note:

Apparently, writing an 8000 word chapter for every week, isn't supposed to be a nightly basis. One quick note : This story won't get cancelled.... ever... you can count on that....