• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 287 Views, 4 Comments

Mystic Wonder. - Mystipony

A young colt goes to his sister to ask if he can try on her tiara, which begins a new chapter in his life.

  • ...

Chapter 4

Mysti and Blade went into Blade's room, and Mysti hugged his sister close and teared up a little, burying his face in
her chest.

"You're the best sister ever Blade! You're doing so much for me, I need to do something for you!" He was adamant about that
it seemed, he really wanted to help his sister out in some way for all of the help he was getting from her.

"Something for me, huh? I'll have to think about that, I'm sure there's something I can think of." Mysti nodded to his sister.

"Okay, just let me know when you think of something. I'll do my best to do everything I can." He smiled happily as he told her
this. Blade then sat Mysti down at her makeup table, and started to brush his mane. She then began to talk with her brother
about some things she was curious about, she hadn't gotten to do much talking with her brother for the past year. Now that
he was being a little more open it might be a good time to learn some things.

"So...is there anypony you like? You know, more than just friends with?" Mysti blushed deeply as his sister asked this,
which made Blade giggle. He shook his head, he hadn't thought of anyone like that before.

"No...not yet, haven't gotten out much, so I don't have too many friends. Especially not like that." Mysti thought a while
and decided to ask a question of his own.

"Do you think I'll meet some nice ponies there, and what if one of them becomes like that with me? I mean we'd live so far
apart..." Mysti was concerned about this it seemed.

"I don't think you need to worry about that just yet. Besides, if you meet somepony like that, maybe you could invite her to
the Island." Mysti fidgeted a little when Blade said that, he wasn't sure what to say, but something just came out of his
mouth almost involuntarily.

"...Him..." Mysti's face would be redder than a beet if his coat wasn't so dark as to obscure most of the color. His sister
blinked a bit when she heard him say that, almost as if to make sure she heard him right, she asked,


"Oh Gods, did I say that out loud?" Mysti's was super embarrassed at this point, wanted to cover his face with his wings,
though even if had had, the spell he was under would have rendered them invisible. Noticing this rather quickly in the
mirror, he put his hooves up to his face and hid it that way. Mysti didn't know what to do, Blade was blushing a little
herself now. She had no idea about that about her brother. She placed a hoof on his hooves that were covering his face and
pulled them down.

"It's okay, that's nothing to be embarrassed about." She smiled gently to her brother.

"Sorry, Blade. If only Mom was still around, I wouldn't have to put all this on you." Blade hugged her brother, before
shaking her head softly.

"I know Mysti, I miss her too. I know it's hard, and I guess I just do a good job of hiding it. But at night, sometimes, I
still just cry a little bit because I miss her. I'm sure she'd want to help you too, and I want to make her proud." Mysti
smiled to his sister and nodded.

"Me too, I just hope I'm not disappointing her. I sure don't want her thinking I'm a bad pony." Blade and Mysti hugs softly
before Mysti remembers the conversation from before.

"Oh right, I guess I just don't like mares like that. If I find a special somepony, it will most likely be a stallion. But
I think I'm at least a little ways from that. I don't really even have a crush on anypony." Mysti blushes as he admits that.

"I think you're special somepony, when you find them, will be the best pony for you, whoever they are." Blade reassured her
brother before returning to brushing his now fiery mane. The two continued to play around with each other's manes and tails.
Blade even gave her brother many of her old dresses that no longer fit her, that would still be of use to him. This made
Mysti very happy.

"Blade? Can I ask you something?" She nodded to her brother.

"The place across the sea, the other ponies there that might be like me? Do they have ponies around to support them?" Blade
was unsure to say to that, she just didn't know. She decided the truth was the best option.

"I don't know, Mysti. Some may, some may not. I do know the friend I said would watch you would be supportive of you, and
she would do what she can to help." Mysti nodded to her, and with that, he had his answer to the question of wether or not
to leave.

"I've made up my mind then, Blade."

"Already? What made you decide?"

"If there are ponies out there, like me. Or even if they are somewhat different, and don't have anypony to support them,
I wanna at least be their friend. I just want to let them know they aren't alone."

"You always were that kind of pony, ever since you were a baby. You must really like making others feel better." Mysti nodded
blushing lightly.

"It's nice to be nice. I just don't like it when others are hurting. Being totally honest though, I also kinda wanna make
some friends. I also don't wanna let them know I'm royalty, I just wanna be a normal pony to them." Mysti smiled, his sister
hugged him tightly

"Love you, Mysti. I don't blame you, but I don't want you to hide who you are, just be yourself and I'm sure ponies will like
you." Mysti nodded to his sister.

"I suppose I can't hide forever, can I?" Blade nodded back to that. Still, she'd be happy if Mysti could make some friends
that liked him for who he was, not because he was a prince or anything.

"It's getting late, we should head to bed, and tomorrow you can tell dad about your decision and start
getting ready to leave. I'm gonna miss you while your out there, I know dad will too."

"I'm gonna miss you and dad too. I'll write to you about all the stuff that happens there! Good night Blade, thanks for

"You're welcome Mysti, Good night, and sleep well." Mysti left for his room, got ready for bed and drifted off to a rather
peaceful sleep.

Author's Note:

I know, it's kinda been rather sappy up to this point. still, I think it works okay.

That's all for right now. More to come soon, hopefully.

Comments ( 4 )

I love this story.

7579205 me too this is a lovely story cant wait for more

It's 2023 and I want to know what happens.
Other than that I love this story

It's a 1/4 way through 2023 and I still want to know

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