• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 287 Views, 4 Comments

Mystic Wonder. - Mystipony

A young colt goes to his sister to ask if he can try on her tiara, which begins a new chapter in his life.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Mystic Night paced about his room once more, it was time for him to confront his father about what he and his sister had
talked about yesterday. Luckily today was a weekend so he didn't have school today. He wondered what he should do about this.
Blade had told him to also show his father the transformation spell he had made. He took a while, but finally decided what
he was going to do. He folded up the dress he had bought with Blade the other day, put it in a bag gently as not to wrinkle
it any more than necessary. He then went to the hall leading to the throne where he knew his father would be. He took a deep
breath as he approached, glad that the area was clear of other ponies. His father smiled to him as he approached and spoke,

"Ah, Mystic, I'm happy you and Blade had a good time yesterday." He noticed that his son was carrying the bag with him and
also that his expression was not one of joy, something was bothering him.

"What's wrong, Mystic? You seem troubled, can I help you."

"I don't know, but I promised Blade something the other day." King Excellency nodded to his son and went over to him,
placing a hoof on him reassuringly and smiled to him.

"I'm sure it'll be fine, now, please let me know what's going on, son." Mystic felt a bit better at that, he was still
very unsure of what he was about to do and say.

"Okay, fa...dad. Blade and I had a talk the other day about some things. About something, different about me" The black
alicorn looked down to the floor as he said that, almost ashamed of what it was that was different about him.

"Different? Everypony is different, that's nothing to be ashamed of." Mystic sighed and then set his bag down and prepared to
show his father what was going on.

"Just promise you won't get mad, please?"

"I'll promise I won't get mad, Just tell me."

"Dad, I like something colts aren't supposed to like" He took out the dress from the bag, and showed it to his father.

"We went shopping yesterday and and I bought this, for me." He blushed deeply as his father look upon the dress and his son
unsure of what to say, what to do. He was dumbfounded for a moment.

"You? A dress?" Was just about all he could muster at that point, thoughts were racing through his head as he then watched
his son then put on the dress. Mystic's mood changed slightly when he was finally in the dress, a slight smile graced his
face and he sighed happily.

"There is also one other thing I'm supposed to show you, but if I do it, it won't wear off for 3 hours. Though, you might
know how to dispel magic." Mystic said as he went to the center of the room and began his incantation to transform into
his filly form. After doing so, the young mare standing before his father was rather stunning in the dress.

"This is a spell that changes the physical appearance of living beings, I originally though I could use this form to go out
and buy my own mare things without feeling so embarrassed and without ponies looking at me funny. But, I feel happier like
this. There's something wrong with me, isn't there dad?" Mystic started to cry as he hugged his father tight and buried is
face into his father's chest.

"I'm sorry, I just, I don't know..." Mystic was at a loss for words. So was Excellency, the two just hugged for a while.
The embrace made them both feel calmer at least. a while past and Excellency spoke to his son.

"Can I ask you some things about this, Mystic?" Mystic looked up at his father and nodded, as he wiped away some of the tears
that were still slowly falling from him.

"Do you, want to be a girl?" Mystic thought for a bit about this, and decided no and shook his head before expanding

"No, I don't think so at least, I just like feeling pretty and this makes me feel that way. I like being a boy, but I just
don't want ponies laughing at me or calling me names, or worse." His father nodded to him.

"I know, some ponies can be cruel. Even in our peaceful kingdom, not everypony would be accepting of you. If you were dressed
that way, even if you are the prince of the Island." All Excellency could do was offer a smile and a hug to his son.

"I'm not so sure I'm cut out to be the prince, I don't feel like I'd make a good ruler. Not just because of this and turning
some ponies off, but I feel I'd keep messing up and make the kingdom worse."

"I understand, I've felt that way too. But I think you've got a little ways off before that, I'm not going anywhere soon, and
your sister proceeds you." Mystic nodded to his father and smiled

"That's what Blade told me." He giggled, getting a little more comfortable with his father seeing him like this.

"To be honest with you, I don't really know what to do about this. I don't want to hurt you, but at the same time, I don't
want anypony else to hurt you either." It was then that Blade came into the throne room, smiling to her brother and father.

"I might have an idea, though Mysti might not like it too much."

"Mysti?" Asked Excellency looking down at his son, who nodded to him and blushed a little.

"I like the name Mysti" He said, and his father just smiled to him and hugged him closer.

"What is this idea of your's Blade?" Excellency asked, knowing if Mystic wasn't going to like it, he probably wouldn't

"There's a place with a vast amount of magic across the sea far from our kingdom. It might be possible to use that magic
to turn Mysti into that form permanently, if he wants that of course." Mysti didn't know what to think, he'd like this form
to be his default one, it made him feel pretty and while he didn't hate his stallion look, he was pretty sure he preferred
this one.

"I don't wanna leave home though, and what about school? and who'd watch over me? and..." Blade put a hoof up to Mysti's
mouth and shushed him.

"You'll go to school over there, and on the trip, we can hire a tutor for that. I'd offer to watch you, but I'm still in
school myself. I do know someone over there, though. I'm sure she'd be happy to be your guardian while you're there."
Excellency looked at his daughter with a quizzical expression.

"How do you know someone there? It's not even remotely in flight distance." Blade just grinned widely at that.

"We've been there before, remember dad? Mysti would have been too young to remember most likely."

"You met somepony on that vacation?" Blade blushed a little and nodded.

"We've kept in touch through magic notes, I may not be a unicorn, but mom taught me a few of tricks. She's a couple years
older than me, and I recently have been asking her about situations like Mysti. She told me there were other like him, but
they were few and far between. Still, it might be good for him to meet some of them, if possible. She said she'd be happy
look after him and let him stay with her while he is there." Excellency was unsure of what to do. If his son could be helped
and would be allowed to be the pony he wanted to be, what kind of father would he be to stop him.

"It's up to you, Mysti. I can't hold you back if this is what you truly want." He hugged his son once more before letting go
and awaiting a response from him.

"Our hearts will let us know..." Mysti whispered, before looking up to his father and sister.

"I'm not sure yet, give me a day or two to think about it, please? It's a really big decision." Blade and Excellency both
nodded to him and smiled.

"Yes, time is needed for this. When you're ready to make your decision let us know. For now, go play with your sister, I'm
sure you two can have some fun to get your minds off all this seriousness for a little while." Excellency told his children.
They both nodded and smiled running off down the hall to Blade's room.