• Published 11th Apr 2016
  • 287 Views, 4 Comments

Mystic Wonder. - Mystipony

A young colt goes to his sister to ask if he can try on her tiara, which begins a new chapter in his life.

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Chapter 2

The next day Mystic Night yawned awake, he looked towards the window and noticed it was rather late. He then looked to the clock on the wall.

"10:30? alright, why wasn't I woken up? its a school day isn't it?" He look to the calendar and confirmed it was not a weekend or holiday. He then went to his door, before thinking for a moment and checking in the mirror, sighing as he wasn't in the dress from last night nor was he still transformed from the spell. though he did need to wash up and fix his mane and brush his teeth.

"Let's not go out looking sloppy now" After his morning routine he was looking presentable, he went to find his father to ask why he wasn't woken up for school today. He walked down the hall and started hearing voices, too quiet to make out just yet, but he could tell it was his father talking to his sister at the very least. He was hesitant to move forward, but knew he would have to sooner or later. He just hoped it wasn't about his trying on of her tiara the other day. He slowly started walking over to them, the white unicorn with a royal blue mane smiled to him and motioned him over.

"Hello Father, Blade, it's pretty late in the morning, why wasn't I woken up for school?" Mystic Night asked as he approached, trying his best not to seem nervous about anything.

"Today is going to be special for you and Blade, I thought I'd let you rest" The white unicorn's smile made his son calm from his nervousness about the tiara, he didn't seem to know anything about that.

"Special?" Mystic asked his father, King Excellency.

"Yes, I want you and Blade to go do something very important for me, and for your Mother as well..." He still smiled but his eyes showed that he was slightly saddened as he remembered his wife.

"Mom? What do you mean?" Mystic was somewhat confused by what his father had said just then, but if it was something his mother wanted too, then he'd be happy to do anything asked of him.

"I promised your mother that you'd not be kept in the castle too much. So I want you two to go out and have some fun around the Island. I know your mother would want you to enjoy yourselves. Besides, it's important for you to get to know your kingdom first hand." Excellency said and smiled to his two children, before embracing them both in a gentle but firm hug.

"Sounds like fun, doesn't it, Mystic?" Blade asked her little brother, with a grin on her face, he could tell she was very much looking forward to this. Mystic Night nodded and smiled, he wondered what they would do around the island, they had most of the day left. Then he had a thought.

"Are you sure it's okay for us to be going around by ourselves?" The king nodded and patted his son's head.

"I'm sure, you two can handle yourselves, and besides, I trust the ponies of Inferno Valley. We are in a time of peace and plenty I doubt anyone would want to bring either of you two any harm. Besides, you're very skilled with magic if you need to I am sure you can teleport to safety."

"I suppose you're right, I do know a few spells that'd get us out of trouble, and teleport is pretty easy." Mystic was rather reassured by his father's words. He nodded to his father and smiled, it wasn't often they got to get out of the castle, let alone without an escort. He hugged his father and sister. His sister then placed a hoof on his back and motioned him to come with her.

"Come on Mystic, let's get ready to head out." She said happily to him, and they both walked down the hall. They went to their respective room's and prepared to head out. Neither took much, Mystic Night took a bag with a few scrolls in it and some money. He was hoping to get to use this for something special later on. The two then set out to beyond the castle walls.

They made sever small stops in various towns. The island kingdom wasn't all the big, but still it would have taken them far more than a day to traverse one side to the other of it. Blade took the initiative and led them to a large hill that overlooked one of the towns. It was her favorite spot to just lie and rest while looking at the clouds or the town below.

As Mystic and Blade lie in the grass on the hill overlooking the small town, Mysti sighed as he then spoke up, "Blade, can I ask you some things? I don't mean to be down when we were having fun, but...I just don't know who else to ask about this, I'm scared Dad'll get mad at me or something."

"What is it, I'm sure it can't be that bad. If you need to talk, I'm here."

"I feel like I'm not suited be a prince or anything, I just don't feel like I'm going to be up to ruling the kingdom. I just think I would mess something up, and I wouldn't know how to fix it."

"I think that's a fine attitude to have, I feel like that sometimes myself. Though, since I am older than you, I'll be the next in line to rule the kingdom, so you don't have a lot to worry just yet when it comes to that. Just enjoy yourself for now." Her brother nodded to her words as she finished and smiled lightly, reassured in that matter at the very least. However his expression got sour as he spoke again.

"There was something else though..."

"Something Bothering you Mystic?" Blade asked rather concerned for her brother, she could tell something was definitely up with him just from the sound of his voice.

"Remember when I asked you about trying on your tiara?"

"Yeah, didn't you like that?"

"I did, but that's the thing...I feel like there's something wrong with me for liking it, and for wanting to do even more after that. I got really excited when you said 'with a little more work' and was really hopeful when I said 'Maybe next time?' But, I'm a colt, I shouldn't like that stuff, should I?" Blade hugged her brother and shook her head.

"It's okay with me, I think you're wonderful and special, and liking things like that doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you. You are who you are, even if it's a little different, okay?" Mystic hugged his sister back, but something was still bothering him as she said that.

"It's like there's two of me though, this me that you see right now, and another one. One on the inside of me, one that is more confident. The one on the inside might even look like a filly, and be proud to be more feminine. But, I just don't know, it's hard for me to understand what's going on." As he finished, Blade hugged him closer.

"Sometimes I wish mom were still here, she'd know what to do. I'm not sure I understand what's going on, but I know I can be here for you, at the very least." Mystic Night hugged her back and started to tear up before apologizing to her.

"I'm sorry sis, I just needed someone to talk to."

"It's okay, Mystic. I have something I want to tell you, it's something mom told me. She said 'We all have something we're here for, but that is for us to find out. When our hearts know what it is we want to do, they will let us know.' She said that to me when I was unsure of myself too. My heart still hasn't let me know, but I know I can trust her words."

"My heart huh? Thanks, Blade, that means a lot to me."

"Anytime, Mystic." He smiled to his sister and felt a weight lift from him. He was still unsure of what to do about this whole situation, but at least he was happy for right now.

"Oh how much time do we have left before we need to go back?" He asked as he remembered something he wanted to do while he was out with her.

"About 3 hours, why?" Mystic got really excited and almost started bouncing in place.

"I want to show you something, and maybe we could do a little shopping after that?" Blade giggled a bit, her brother was really excited about what ever it was he wanted to show her.

"Okay, let's see it then!" She said encouraging the colt on. He removed one of the scrolls he had taken with him out of his pack. He steadied his movements so as not to make the spell go awry and began the same incantation as he had last night in his room.

"Kio Thera Hocho Albeedi Bal Ther!" And with that, just as before, the pitch black coated rainbow maned alicorn with white wings and horn, turn into the gray coated fiery maned earth pony filly. Blade looked at him with wonderment, she had no idea he could already cast spells of that level, and with such ease. More than that though, she was in disbelief of the filly she saw before her.

"Is that really you Mystic?" The filly nodded. and pranced about a little.

"Is this that other you that you were talking about?" He wasn't sure of the answer to that, not yet.

"I don't know, maybe. I just thought I could do some dress shopping like this. It'll be fun, I mean...Please?" he looked up at her with his emerald eyes and pleaded hopefully that they could. Blade giggled again and nodded to him, which made him actually bounce this time. He was so happy.

"On one condition that is." Blade told him, making Mystic stop his bouncing, and ask

"Condition?" He was afraid this wasn't going to end well.

"After we get back, I want you to show dad your spell. And tell him about how you feel." Mystic's heart sank, he was so terrified of telling his father about any of this. He just wanted to keep it between him and his sister if at all possible.

"But what if he gets mad?"

"Mystic Night, dad loves you, he wont get mad, I promise." Somehow that made him feel a litter more at ease. He was still unsure of the whole thing, but he knew he'd have to reveal his secret sooner or later.

It wasn't long before they were at a rather fancy boutique, and Mystic looked around at all the pretty outfits on display. He was so excited just to be there and look around, the last time he was in a store like this, he was pretty embarrassed and barely managed to get that dress he had under his bed. The store owner greeted them.

"Hello Princess Blade, and who is this you have here?" The store owner asked gesturing towards Mystic who had almost forgotten that he was in his filly form now.

"Go on, introduce yourself." Blade said, pushing him forward a little. Thoughts raced through his head before he finally landed on a name.

"I'm Mysti, it's nice to meet you." He bowed to the store owner, who smiled and spoke again.

"Well, if you're a friend of the princess, feel free to look around, I can even make things special order if you need." The store owner then let the two look around as she went back to tending the rest of the store.

"I really like this one" Mysti said, trying on a gold and orange dress with heart embroideries.

"That looks great on you, Mysti" Blade said as she watched her transformed brother model the dress. She smiled as he seemed so happy just being in the dress. she could even see him in her imagination without the spell transforming him and being just as happy. Mysti paid for the dress and made the store owner very happy for having sold such a nice dress. it brought in quite a bit of money for them.

"Thank you so much, it's a lovely dress. I hope you have many more sales, and I might have to come here again for more clothes!" The store owner nodded and saw them off.

The two made their way back to the castle, the spell fading just before they were in sight. This made Mystic very relieved, he didn't want to have to explain that to the guards.

"Blade?" Mysti said, hesitantly.

"Yeah, Mysti? I mean Mystic? Sorry, forgot there for a second."

"That's okay, I like the name Mysti. But, I promise I'll tell day, but could I wait until tomorrow? I just want one night to prepare. please?"

"Okay, but I'm holding you to that promise, tomorrow." Mystic nodded and smiled, thanking his sister and hugging her.

The rest of the day went well and not much happened, they told their father about the towns they saw and the hill Blade had brought them to. They left out the part about the talk they had and the dress shopping they did. Mystic was happy, and even if it was only one night, he had some time to prepare for the reveal tomorrow.